HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-18, Page 46 ri 1 ler IL Md p IPS It D 1 M or S reel Ota, k9• alto • i AGRICULTURE` AT A MEETING of the Committee of the eTRATTORD AeitICULTU- RAL INXIIIrY.►.M at the Farmers' las, the followt.g PREMIUMS were *winded, t. b. Shows fere at the Society's seventh Annual rah Ilua, M BTRAT)OIFD, on Friday, O.teh.r 11tth, 1648. FIRST CLAM. £ For hest Sullies for Agricultural ptrposos, [Pies rawarded 11th Arlt, to 111. C. Chrt.tsser,) 7 For hest Brood Mare and Foal. • • • 1 Sad best 1 8i• hest 0 Ter Yost teres years std Filly0 led beet • • • 3rJ beat 0 For best two years old de0 gat beet 0 Sed beet 0 For beat ere year old Celt 0 god host 0 Fur best tee years old Gelding• • • 0 2nd beet 0 For best two years old enters Colt, 0 god beet 0 For bat Span of Farm Horses, Geldings or Mares 1 9. d hest 0 SECOND CLASS. For beet three year old Bull, and u pwards, (see By -Law for double premium.) 2 0 0 is, 2nd best r•••• 1 10 0 3rd boat 1 0 0 For beet two year old Bull 1 10 0 Ind hest 1 0 0 For best uoe year old Bull 0 10 0 had beat 0 7 6 For be.t Milch Cow and Calf• •• • •• 1 0 0 2nd best • 16 0 3rd best 0 10 0 For best Milch Cow •••s 0 13 0 gad beet 0 10 0 Sol best 0 7 6 Fee beet two year old Heifer • 10 0 Lid best• 7 • 3rd beet . 0 8 0 Fee bust year old I1'& !i Lad best 0 0 0 ?o, 10.1 pnsg Calf* 0 7 6 Iled beet 0 5 0 For best yoke Werktag Onus, Eve years old and upwards • • • • 0 15 0 Ind best 0 10 0 3rd best 0 7 6 For hest yoke four year old Stets, 0 12 6 Yur best yoke three year old do•• 0 10 0 Sod bas 0 7 8 For best yoke two year old do•• 0 7 6 grid best 0• 5 0 For best Fat Ox 0 16 0 • 311 beet 0 10 0 For best Fat Cow three year old sad upwards 0 10 0 !.&,.best ... • 0 7 6 THIRD CLASS. For beet Rais over two years and • lb 0 • wader !ve • end beet 0 '10 0 'For best year old Ram • 0 17 8 2nd best For beat pair Ewell (sea By -Law), • 16 0 Ind beet 0 10 0 `elrw best single Ewe 0 7 6 Zed best 0 6 0 For best pair of Fat Sheep 0 7 6 end beat 0 5 0 FOURTH CLASS. For best Boar 0 15 0 2nd beat 0 10 0 For best Breeding Sow, having bred 0 15 0 Pigs during 1848, god best • •. A 10 ()- AGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. o For best Fall Wheat, [see below] For beat Spring Wheat 1 0 0 3nd best 0 15 0 2nd best 0 15 0 For best Barley 7 6 0 2nd beet 0 5 0 For beet Rye 0 10 0 For beat tuts 0 7 6 2nd best 0 6 0 For best Pease (one acre) 0 7 6 0 7 6 9nd best For beet Clover Seed (one bushel) grown In 1848, ... 1 0 Sled Met •• 81. 15 For beet Timothy Sed (nae bulb.) 0 7 2d best 0. 5 For beet Swed'h Turnip Seed, 6 lbs00 7 7 0 2nd best For best Swedish Turoips[ons sore] 0 10 0 and best • 0 0 3rd best roe best White Turnips, or other kinds, except Swedish foes scmm, ] 0 10 0 and beet 0 7 6 3rd best 0 5 0 For best Putatotli [half acre]• • • • 0 10 0 and best 0 0 0 3rd beet • DAIRY PRODUCE. For best firkin Salt Butter, 56 the. 0 15 0 packed - and cure) s. d. 10 0 10 0 O 0 10 0 16 0 10 0 60 12 6 7 6 6 0 10 0 7 6 15 0 10 0 15 0 76 O 0 16 0 made earl porchaaed, by a Member sr Ment bare el Ars Society, of an impreeed de- seriptiu., to be decided by the lodges -- Prim ,a discretion of Cewsaitt.e. FALL WHEAT—To Ire Showa to Strat- ford oa on !ret Friday of September, (1st etopessbw) al Ig *chick, nae:—Pru. first, £2. Second, LI t0. Third, LI b. Fourib, LI 00; and 20 busbrls be bruin` bi by sub Exhibitor, and sold to say Nssit,Me of the Society at 7i more them the thee Galt price. SEEDS—To be shows at General Meet- isctn February, 1049. Ho.an Saone—Far two sett of Ilorr Shoos—one on the bores the other seee--le be awarded to maker of the 10e. Si cued, 7e. 6J. hr—Erne£ 1. 11aana.s—Beet sett of U.� Second, lbs. Leh LAWS. 1. No asionef letaiog the first puss see yew, sae take tete the moos ch.aeter the second r say *thee year: but try show and be entitled to • Gerttfieats trout the Society, or such other beeenny reward we rosy be decided on, except Bolla, Stallions, Boars, amid Rams, which may skew sod carry 6rsi prizes for two years. 2. That • Sub.:rrber be Duly retitled to one Prise for Batter awl Cheese, or for Grain of the setae ►tad. 3. That Stalbum, Bulls, and Bars. it er brveserved wino* the Society's District. the see.os previa+. to the Show. [excepting in cases provided for by extra Preraisms,) nr exhibitors of e ach to give an obligation that they will swerve in their gesso°. 4. That Bulb must have • rug or screw la their sow, with a rope or chats s,taebed, to pre- vent nee.dears. 5. That the prise fee Heifers be set awarded us any salami that fir prrviondy lad a Calf. tiv That the quantity of Grain ad Seeds ex hib,ted, (Pease sad Iodise Cue iecluded,) be set less the. Foot Bu -bels, and raised by as ex- hibitor, fmm • field of at least two acres, [unless the y.anntyof lead and grain seeds be otherwt.e . p.tibed): and the Cheese and Butter, or other Form Produce, exhibited, to be praises from ex- btbiter's find, lend or stock: and that ell Ewe. ft► ( Ai'I'I'ALIS'15. (200D and safe Inve./meal.. Valtteolo MILL 181.1'k$ and FARMS Ne sela es Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege us pill Lake shore wubtu six mules of li Kb, bewail 36 etre. of excellent the Mill cam M we, un tee rock within 60 feet of ten (feet deep suet the Lab; the Mill dam irlOtILD, YINDALL ♦ 4rI.4t)O(y "v eon be ss to 18 feet high at a trilling `LS happy r aaoKr• �" tier *10 es�•w- 4ai ayy ea a sower failing stream,abwa- tad a,r..•raseaa with Mesas• Chamber.. d M Saw -logs ie the vteiott jdj.Mrgb, fur lbs re.paMieatlaa. la semi- rltso, a splendid Ittttl prntle a half a jie`thly L.eeSM, of Csawasu NNC1LI.£JV. Ti- deer.. d t . lttscaLLaPT fa t. w 1 eMls op on t10 K.. La a mile River wore. iha iocresair deeaad fur a ['.J. malru.tiw,aad w mange►le to the Lake, having 45 soros 0.trrtuatu ir.dtug, sod to bring all the aids d of (iter rate land, plenty of Pine awl other hteratute w *1011 ou the euhjeatloa of the 1e01 - Saw -log. in the vicinity. op. the people—to improv correct view. 00 AND ALH(1—Pour of the beat de.erip- jmponaat moral and soeui gaesuou—.oPD uoS of FARMS oa and Sear the Lake every species of strife and w•sgery—cheer the Shure, with improreo.sle. laggeg and despondtfg, by MMe iodation d tales The above wall selected sod very valuable dr.wa bora she imagiaauons of popular writers weeps - property will be .old low for cash, or halt —rouge the fancy by d.senption.ry tnI1f DttDaag the purchase money may remain for three forign `cones—gi•e a oat 10 .i. do to 10 or four ears on Mortgage. t1On. by ballad `aid. irncsl yoe y— ylurouean unobtrusive mend and guide, • lively Apply (i( by toric► pout paid) to Law- b,eade eompwiu0, . far ss that object ca■ be rence Iswrasos, Fsq., Loodun, Robert auaiurd through the in5uumeatdity 0l books. Parke, E.q., Goderich, or to the pp����Ietur 'rbr uai.ersally •ck•.wWged rn0rts of the JOHN HAWIR}11TS. Ctw.oraut. or E.GL,sw LrraaaTOKL. by the Putt Albert, Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. to sane author, coaarcted with its rapid sale, and ed !rube press, give the pablahets full confidence i• the NIE\W WORE. . CHAMBERS' MISCIL[.ANY. s swarm airs awsTatSrwt.Y a •a..., Rowse r Edited by ReCowass, amber of Cysts - podia er Esgliah Llteresere : With Ilrpet Illtwr•tiw Isemoi. . Pres 95 outs or No. the unbounded eom)rteadatioa bestow Y VALUABLE FARM LO'T'S real •.i.. .rid eattr• •acre'` et the porno rot s•LR work. IN THE HURON TRACT,NAMELY : The publication has already commenced, and will be continued .has .hardly. Each number . God Lots un the Fust Concession of will form n complete wok, sad every third wm Gode'rreh, fronting Lake Huron, con- her will be furnished oa w'itb a till. pane sad table terms 62, '72, a and bmf acres tea be cwill be, thus foaming • tide p ally rilatr.- g;' + ted volume of over 500 pages of useful and lively. Two improvements, these Lots bare consider- entertsjoiog reading, adapted 10 .very 01`85 sf able ar.TwStor and one of them acorn- mile,, T*1e wide to *10 comp( red t, TwutT modfoue Two Story Ing House, with Gar- acresforming elegant LOTS Concession, containing each, two of -them partially improved. These Lobsters situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the flourishing Town of Goderich ; the land its of the best quality, and well watered, and shown [except Fat Sheep] shall have *tackled • the front Lots command a beautiful view of lamb to the first of August previous to the day the Lake. „f,D�, For particulars apply (if by letter post ;. Tbatall competitors for Prix" Stint give paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderirh. the Secretary notice of the description of Stock March 17, 184•, 7t1 or Produce they intend lin Dhow, before, or or the day but me, _previous to the day slimy Aa- apl or General Show. 8. That all Stock sad PrroduceTWELVE TWELVE be e• the grprecisely at o'clock oldie day of Show: the Jodges will •t that hoar eater oo libel, d.ties. 9. No article or animal can b.. shows fist vo ,F, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. PART at portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Dive pnse5 the sates year. ■ion, Huron District, containing TWO 10. Competitors for Terelps sad Potato" to HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with Live Douce to the Secretary, on or before Ibe Isst ,acres cleared and in and order ; (recce Saturday io September, se that they may B epected before the Show, and Is. 3d. of ea,r is- try'to, in repair. There is a good Frame, llouse be paid by such competitor for each of such arts- [Cottage style;, upon the premises; 35 by eke carried. 33 feet : also, 1 Frame Barn 50 by 35, and. 11. That for the eneoangemeat of those Two Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with Member. who may introduce improved Stock: a Loft Farm House in tolerable repair.— if soy animal entered for eompetitior be deemed Three are three running streams of water by the Judges worthy of the first. Prise, o.d if through the Lot ; two of which are in the the owner of the same prove to the tern clearing, has ,leen imported, or pore breed out of Sack tin- of too frame house. Wood upon the sand, prod from °seat Britain or Ireland, he shall re- chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated eeive double the amount of premium otherwise but >tb nules *runt Godencb, the District w aarded, but Daly for one year. tow,,sn�., 12. All Stock to be property dexhibitor three 11.y This desirable property will be sold maths before the Show. J•dgfs will have at a reasonable price. For terms apply to 00 person can power is wiof bus dingown Prizes; and Messrs. STRACIIAN k LIZARS, ao person ca• be Judge of his own property.— Solititon, West•e [Sea Rel" 10, 11, sad 12, F. Rules.] Goderich, March 22, 1848. PLOUGHING MATCH of person towing. to be of any k d The 0 0 6 0 6 sad best 0 It 6 3rd best 0 10 0 For best newly made Butter, 25 lbs0 0 10 0 0 0 god best 0 15 0 Fee hest Cheese, 26 lb.. 0 10 0 2nd best 0 0 0 Srd best 'Tor beet Maple Sugar, teethe) pro- duced oa exhibitor's 0 )9 0 prem- iere, tb IM 0 )2 0 Sed bast 0 0 0 Srd hest -�j! bast Virgin Honey. Is the comb, do. do. mot lea then 10 lbs. 0 12 0 sm. Sal Mal 0 7 0 3rd best DOMESTICS. For beet 10 yards e.( Hoene -mads Tolled Cloth, from wool grown by exbiletor, and • n in his (smile [all wool, web of 1848], 0 10 0 fed beet p 0 Srd beet yet beet 10 yards of Home-made Memel, ell wool, do.(set foll'd do Sod beet 3rd beet or beet • yar'de of Blanketing, all ,i wool de (twilled sot felled. do. 0 10 0 `.#. Seel best 0 7 6 t M best -�.r wet sew Doable heves Wag- ' =mor or pp.tl1�ehsesd bya or msrnbere of the e- gled bort ,Jtw r•s Mftt, .q Imre- egg b d • • t • 7 6 Std beef • .iseea tads . 1 !�0.601L 0 16 0 W• S ▪ b .•.e ...• 0 10 • error gay A ,*s.N•NI lmplsmeet, • 10 0 • 7 6 O 60 • 13 • O 1• o O 1. 0 To be on 14th October. Plough to be property .NOTICE . io . ground to be ploughed by the person entering, or • by one of his family, or servant one month pre- 'io•elyemployedand hired. Prizes: let, £2; '2d, £1. .10s.: 3d, LI: 4th, 15s.; 5th, 10s;; 6.th, 5e.—£6. 'TIME, six hours. Begins at Tea A M. A FAiR wilt be held for the SALF, d.FARM t31'OCH of every description on the day of Elbow io October. JOHN J. E. LINTON, Scc'y. Stratford, Asyut 11, 184'3- 213 LOOK HERE!, L1ATBER FOR SALE. THE stibi:criber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he has and will keep constantly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of the very best quality, for sale, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. Q'j`Intending psircbasers will God jt to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly attended to. WILLIAM G. SMITH. Godarjcb, July 26th, 1848. _26tf NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the Tate WILLIAM DiTTON, are re- quested to settle their accounts immediate- ly or they will Ire placed in the Court for collection without further notice. 'THOMAS DiTTON, JOHON LANCASTER. Goderich, July 20, 1848. 25.6 TO LET, THAT Stem at present occopied by Row Robertson, Esq., with or without the dwelling Horns, and will be lied up to suit a temot. From the commanding situation and the rapid increase of population of Unclench and vicinity, any person desirous. of oottg•seecing hominess could not be now eo.vMMalylocated. y to WILLiAMIWALLACE Gejgrfeh, June 9, 1648. 19 • ON COMMISSION. SALT! BALT!t SALT!!! AT seat ad chargee fie cash ; or Fall Wheat ai read price only. THE SUBSCRIBER is ala jam la reeeipt of a general stere nest of DST GOODS, consisting is part of Pied M Cle•iae, Orpade.o, Muslin, Cashmere de Lathes, Odessa Loewe, ('*boort wed other Demon, tines Bangs 6ee•f., )sleds Voile. e erie .ad M•ot$ t 1phawl.is groat sarrneea,.we�,ohs., TARN, w., ase. Ladies' wdWag deers wad S how Worms variety. —Ab80— green' ateortaret d GROCERIES. SII6'LF sad ether HARDWARE. Slake, Soy , ! eyt►* Ssai►e, Crockery,, Prieto, 0,1 • irpalaiWO t Pitch. Rosie, Tse --4"—. Ria 106 Sr Rep ria say other pa.trty. C. CRA Hollerith, Aper 4th, 1816. _ __ — 0II.s00T PORTE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S flmab- inable Best and Shoe Mabsr. Marbt SeM seefti 1.1, Galeria d/6. 601 NOTICES OF TIIE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. We are gl.d to see an Americas issue of this pcbhcanon, and especially a so seat sed mens a loan. It is an admirable eomp.Iatti distinguished by the good taste which b en ..own In all the pobliestioos of the Mesare. Cherokees. it daises the useful and the eoter- teiniug. We hope its circulation here will tbe large enough to supplant, to a good 'item. namby-pamby and immoral wu,ks which bare so long been too widely circulated. From the Sown* Chreootype. This Is deeervsdty a great f.veriee with the reeding public. rutting the taste of all claire*, sad Instructive t0 all. IQ This work can be sent by wail to any part e1 the country. A direct remittance tothe forppublishers of SiiDollars w2t pay work. This liberal discount for advance pay will nearly cover the cost of postage on the work. Those wishing for one or more sample members can remit Iteaccordingly. on the most Booksellers and Agentssupplied liberal terms. GOULD, KENDALL & LINCOLN, Publidters, Brood. THE MONTREAL TRAN80)'" COMYERCIAL ALP.' tBER i Toseday, Thursday 16 rews►e•j , et lbs !ww Price of sa/ titf1(.LINOS per .souse, MT .T�'1Wr Sriably to edeeace. —The Trussertpt u printed ore a sheet swirly aa large as any used to the Pronoces and should circumstances permit, it will be still further enlarged so the course of the ensuing summer. During the approaching Session of Par- t arrest the 'Praa.cript will contain Reports of the Procoedmgs, sufficiently compreben- et.e to furm.b Record of all that occurs ja both Legislative Bodies. As • Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A portion olds spare space will be devoted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an is - 'resting and Literary character, and every btng offensive to morals will be cacefully avoided. We have commenced, and intended to Coftinue, a series 01 Biographical Sketches from Chamber's Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the present season, notice will be takes of the Lectures delivered at the .everal Literary Iwututlons of this city, which we commenced last winter, and which gave general sattnfacuu0. PROSPECTUS of THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, EDITOR. THE Editors of the VICTORIA MAGAZINE will devote all their talents to produce a useful wtertaintag, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement.to both old and young. Sketch" and Tales, is verse and prose, Maki Essay; Stetiones of the Colony, Scraps of Uaefel Information, Reviews of new Works, and well selected articles from ALL those Indebted to the Estate of the most popular authors of the daY, will form the the late Mr. WICKS of Stratford, will pages of the '.Magazine. please Settle the same without delay, and The Editors feel confident that the independent without extra expenees; and also all those sad rising country to whose service they are having any Claims against the above Estate, are required immediately to present the same for Adjustment to Joao limas, Mitchell. Mitchell, March 34, 1848. 8 11111.1, proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lead Its support to encourage their arduous and hosoareble undertaking. The low price at which the Periodical is placed, is in order that every person within the Colony who can read, Lad if anxious for moral and mental improvement SADDLE, HARNESS, may become • subscriber and patron of the work. TRUNK, CARPET -BAG, AND VALISE The Vic -roma Mao%LIaa will contain twenty - MANUFACTORY. H. HORTON, BEGS to intimate to the public that 'he has commenced the above line of Business to the Shop on the East side of the Market-Square,— lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Co.,—and hopes btu/jet attention to merit • liberal share tit the pnbUc-patronage. Fi AH Arnelee in the Trade will be told at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HIDES, WHEAT, TIMOTHY SEE° and all kinds of Marketable Produce will be ta- kes is exchange. g.?A liberal discount will be made for Cash. •,• FOR SALE, an excellent Span of Hos- sae, and a first rate Two Hoax. BOGGY. J.00 14th, 11348. H. H. I). WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOL,Criee IN CIIA'CRRT, •Au•aUrrer, tic. OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Feb`,1648. 3) - SHAKSPEARE INN, STRATFORD. JW. GARRISON begs leave to herons his • friends and the traveling enmmuity is general, that kr has leased and .at wowed that well knows Hotel is Stratierd, salted tie SHAKSPEARE iNN,which he has refur•itIed sled repaired, is a manner not ...reamed is the Huron District. J. W. G. hopee that by see• sant attention to his b•.ine.s to merit a pian of the traveling rnmmesity. P. S.—Good !Stabling said a emdul BhtOie will always be is attesdanee. Stratford, Jose 304., 1848. ALBiON HOUSE, JAMES' Street, one door west of ale Commercial Bank, Hum line, by Ja.usry, 1048, 1. ESMONDE. J. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER int Law, Solicitor in Cb•seery, Convey- ancer, lac., 011e. West. Watt Street Goderich, March 111, 1046. 61 NEW 1TORE. HTR ATI' ORD. BY WM. H. HMis. Mil F.leave in htiw i% 1 that'd• has *,evil a f3TORF, at the nest owl of StrsUwd, wi ggeeneral ..sort- inewt DRY 04)0 GRIN:ERMA, tae. 6314 befor • ethers of the patree- age of his rteigll and the publicthe sails c►oap for Co.k o. Peewee. WM. U. HINE. f;tr•llbrd, blilel 04, 1841. 9 Om TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. (17 The _price of Subscription of the MONT•R•L Ta•recatrr, (when sent by mail) a TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable to advance. Tu facilitate re- mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL- LINGS for Teo Mouth., and FIVE SHIL- LINGS fur Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall fiend three different copies of the Transcript enclosed in blue or green covers ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every 'case, be discon- tinued. As the paper is given to subscri- bers at the lowest possible price, all money letters must be post paid ; and those which are not, the a fwt of postage will be de- ducted from the money sent. frier pages in each number printed on new type, and 'ipon good paper ;,and will form at the end sftl.e year a neat Volumne, of 288 pages, to- Left,- with Tide Page and Index. It v .11 he issued Monthly, commencing on the First u: September, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Front -street, Belleville—the Pub- lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders far the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must be addressed, (post-paid.) The terms of sub- scription—ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM— iarwrialde ro es paid in adrsace. Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5 NOTICE. THE Stibacriber is about discontinuing business as Blacksmith in the town 01 Goderich, and hereby betides all those in- debted to him, that they will be waited upon for settlement immediately ; and the obstinate ones who disregard this intima- tion will be handed over to that efficient officer the Clerk of the Court, who will perbape effect a settlement on mere costly and lees favourable terms. HENRY ELLIOT. Goderich, April 8th, 1848. 11 tf BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, 8c. TO LET, AT STRATFORD. pT1IIL Scb.erfber being elisions to retire A- frim tw.inese, wtnhes Tn t.1T the well known BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, Sheds, wed DWELLING HOUSE, situated in the teat end of the thriving town of Stratford ; with the good aid of the be-sinere. The sbpve premise* have been for many years occupied, led the We of burnoose is equal to the beet stand in the Dtstnct. The Iea.e may be for as many years ea may be. agreed on. The Tools, Iron, kc. will also be di. - posed of. Rest moderate. JOIIN SHERMAN. Stratford, 17th Ari., 184a. 1 ad Chows Latin Ds►•RTwmRT, .Meeireal, 10rk .March, 1846. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of It Exeellcney ton Admiss.trator of ty Ge vreemest is Connell, to all persons who have receivd localism, of land in Western Cooed*, since the let January, 1832. and also to parties located previous to that date, whose Inntinns were net In- cluded In the list of unpa5eted lands, liable M fnrhartare, published 4th of April, 1830, that node/. the claimants or their legal statues' establish their dams and nut their Patent. within /w years from this date, the land will be resented ley Gorsment to be dispersed of by Sale P FY TILE BLOOD. MOrrAT'e V ABLE LIFE 'PILLS AND PHECKNIX .BITTERS. THS high sad mord celebrity which these pre-omtaast'Mediaseg ►ase ae- quired fur their invariable efficacy in all the diaereses which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unoeee.sary, but uowurthy of them. They are knows by their fruit. ; their good works testify for them, and they thrive net by the faith of the credulous, IN ALL CASES of Mthme, Acute and Chromic Rheumatism, A1'scuoes of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Fevers sad Liver Complaints. In the South and West where thew dis- eases prevail, they will be found invalua- ble. Planters, farmers, and others, who once use these Medicines, will never be without them. Bilious Choir, and Serous Loonies., Biles, C'orUoeoess, Colds and Coughs, Cholic, Consumption. Used with great success in this disease. Corrupt Humors, Dropsies, Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing dtsease,should delay wing these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever and Ague. For this scourge tt( the wes'ern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disea.e—a euro by these medicines is permanent. Try tbeni, be satisfied, sod be CURED. Foulness of Complexion, General I.bi- lity, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel. Headaches, of every kind, inward Fever, Infsmmatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaints, Leprosy, Looseness,iMercurial Diseases. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Magury infinitely sooner than the most pow'erTul preparation of Sarsapa- rilla. Night Sweatt, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of all kjods, Organic Af- fectiuns, Palpttation of the Heart, Painter's Cholic. I'II.ES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 ([ `The Transcript is seat to Sehnert- years standing by the use of these Life bens in the country twice or three tunes a ,Medicines alone. week, al their option. The whole of the PAINS in the head, side, back, limbs, readtog matter of Thursday and Saturday'e joints and organs. papers being put into one sheet—thus sae- I RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with mg the Subscribers one-third postage, the dile terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rcah of Blood to toe Mead, Scurry, Saltnceum, Swellings. . Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its wont forms, Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all kinds, ars effectually ex'elted by these Medicines. Parente will do well tr. administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be car - price of subscription to the both is the came. Subscribers, in writing fur the Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the triweekly or semi-weekly paper sent to tl.cm. (7 Newspapers with whom we eschenge will please copy this Notice. which we will be happy to reciprocate in the same way. Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5 _ — - tato. 'CHATHAM. TIIE LiFE PILLS- AND PHOENIX DISTRICT'OF KENT. BITTERI PURIFY TML- BLOOD, and thus remove all disease from the system. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F O R A sir.gle that will place the LiFE PILLS SALE—A RARE CHANCE FOR and Pl (FNIX BI'ITFRS beyond the CAPITALISTS. reach of competition to the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are sow put up in white wrappers and labels, to- gether with • pamphlet, called •'M./tti good Samaritan," containing the directions, 9111IF, subscriber having commenced bust - 1 Dees in Godench—and with the view of carrying on his operations with more faelli ty and success, Is in want of cash—offers kc., on which in a drawing of Broadway the following valuable property for sale from Nall street to our Offlce, by which situated in the flourishing townof Chatham strangers netting rho city cin eery 'Willy tho Dietnct scat for Kent, for cash ogly,-find u•. The wrappers and Satuaritaae viz :— That advantageously situate:l property in Chatham North. containing FOUR wa- ter Lots—according to the town plot sur- vey—with a good and substantial two story Dwelling House thereon, Kitchen, an ex- cellent garden, summer house, Lc., kc., suitable for a large family or a public Hotel, a Baro 40 feet by 24, and a large inclosed Building well adapted for distilling or for storage, being erected on a substan- tial wharf, mooring vessels of over S00 tons burthert. On the premises jealso an invaluable Spring, the exceltencjei 'of iia waters are not surpassed in the District. —ALS0— Two Building Lots iA Chatham North Block G , well situated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. • —ALSO-- A ALSO—A large two story Frame House fronting the Barracks, 40 feet by 26, nearly fiaiand, with half an acre Lot belonging. —A 1.130- SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent Land situated on the banks of the River Thames, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling House there- on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. 'All, or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for cash down, or one-fourth down, and the remainder In three yearly instalments. Title unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. k O. Doleeo, Chatham, or to the pro- prietor at Godencb. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. THE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately rented the above well established iNN and HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will endeavour to seethe Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their cora- forte attended to. He has good Stabling, and an attentive Hostler. Hie Bar or well supplied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOUGLABS. Stretford, March 1, 1848. ` 7118 HENRY NRWMAN, BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicita the patreosge of the inhabitants of Goderich and its vuer.ity, and trust., by steict attentioL, t0 merit a share of their favours. N. B.—Hard -iacoit and all *rife et Cracker* on bend. Cakes made to order, Goderiek, Jae. 1111, 1.40. 1(1 MR. AND MRS NA1RN'S SCHOOL. THE ENGLISH Ci.ASSES will meet agar. epee Monday, llm lelb of Joly, outset. On the aroeday Mr. Nisi wit; opera LATLN and FRENCH CLASS- ES A. bsgiemirs. Gedericb, Jely 7, 1048. are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy thoee with yellow wrappers ; but if you do, be satisfied that they come direct from us, or dont touch them. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFF'AT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For sale by BENT. PARSON % Sole gent. Goderieb. Jas. 28, 1848. 1 • U UTSTANDING DEBTS. STRATFORD. - THE Subscriber will be obliged to ester those in arrear to him, with tie Clerk of the Court, if not immediately settled. A."F. MICKLE. Stratford, !larch 27, 1848. 911 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THBootheas heretofore earned es soder the F. earned Firm of MILES A WOODLIFF, baribites thin day dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to the above Firm, are hereby requested to call and settle their aecousu iniessdistsfy with T. B. WOODLIFF, and these parties berms skits apiaat the Firm will plops .and their *ccerou is fir ad aatmrat. THOMAS MILES T. B. WOODLD1. Goderich, Jsr 13th, 1848. 3.vtl0 DIV. COURT BLANKS, I)RINTED on a superior quality of paper, 1- for sale at (Le Huron Signal Olbce, cheap for Cash. Goderich Jas , 28, 1848. 1 the 4uton �iignal, Is Plan= a.0 TWIPLWIIIM tern ramat BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, Meet •rD reo?Il moa. OvRC1 .••atT•agvaIR, eo.sarq. •.• Book sed Job Ptausg, sucat.d with astaea ted dispatch. Tutus to T.• Mesa imtrat..--11.11 SHiL- L1NG38 per wooer if pid seei.sly to edemas. re ?weirs sae eta Pasco with the winnow of the year. N. paper dieeseriiived veld anima an peed we, sept•• tis patbb.lter sleeks it his whs.- up Os d. M Any iadivideal in the eratry b.eoaisj vs- 11011msi'bM for tis abeeribera, shell eielpiw 1 «vroth ropy gratis. [T AN Isom ehlrserd is M* Editor meet be pat peel, « in they will sot be rhea sof tke wet TIMM ell aasrierrs.. era Bear sod owlet, Mt leesetfss..... CO II 0 Te. awbewee.t hternA55.. ...... 0 t i sodsd5r, Our bewruas. ... • f 4 .*hopes* tarots**. • 0 1• O,ss tee bus....yOrut i..ertw, 1eiretioe,pv 0 0 4 rash pebtteA Mimi Setae t tt thew etU Stu: ohs gene.