Huron Signal, 1848-08-18, Page 3lade* f Am we t. helieee tMt appahag
whom aid aurorae* dusentem which
inn. les smart* is trbelLag hu -
s jMwl.otias, ►aa left so respoeab,lity
baled 1. r Hui the non arouse' at autyfhte•
intim* boss irr:ictaI be a aegis, iidivrdwal. 1e
wwY i
have boss wasil eras*y of true..' l
his..sduct would -have hoed rvgordsd or woo -
street cud eloperstety whetted. Awl will die
gent len Its ~noisy, and the respnnsibiltfty be will, I. mist otter ewy legacies, require a long -bat terns nit ls.di•g ...mosse
of ear es ItAh
blotted out b) being divided Xiang • amulet re -cue to gel rd of it. But Universal duffing', I• heeu puraamg s :3 discoveries truth. the a
redivided., or mattered over • kw e.rau.s. r ! w, la Whet weed', the Irrwpoteocs of pstl,c le.,eg rUU.wl.M,r e( has ideogram. the .1(4.1.
sad timid Lino., hu bees M;sud*..g w entails.
Thai u • tariouusa Austria,. •wd , 11 V peps- I "Pdehee• altar oral( s count) of talking and •gi- i ra .nor. lt:ver Menu aaswutl.0 *s IuruwMd
lady behr•cd ; and trams the Mel of it result i tattoo, concentrated itself, and drove the secure- I y
e great 041SC tree that 'imam misty and spia ed thing from the British Colu•ies, even iu dee- on atone reality ; that is. oe mune principle
*nee of Tory .5111 ; and w• have every reason to semisoft te osiers ; Mat, to "IIS tun+nee, thL
believe that befuro another half egoist), the
sumo mighty power will achieve a uulilat et-
wmph t■ America.
Te draw • comparison between the condition
of Botatn and the United States at present, and
LU give the piefereece to the former, .ppesre to
us a very esti* .pecimee of romance But sup -
poem; that we *hut our eyes to the misery and
'ery;eff U.hwred 8*dng*, sad Aeterh,as Bla-
Wr bare 1 eopeluee of Me Iseult Rondonia.
host that Wtuojs4 Slavery es an .as4te-
waireawnse of gip►4 s. + y,a
tweak r wiespatrr.a ...
k rid ler rllowieg dwindles* b wR..,,
their egos) pel.iregest* ha AtstMea,1111werySo
legacy hequiath off leySelfish ',' audit
They were benne is other Ilrglnae,
ap with redoubled vireo* ; sed setWitb*t•ud
Wee all that bas es written ted visas demi the
spleridrd sttaia,ussu of these s•s*ooi kit.pwsa,
kir ,seal totsliigence avid ci•dissities wf (Msec'
and R..ute..«.pend tA.ilieenti1lielliaselehr
end Mad,.'. el 11&1 Paas* Or. nubs Mer *ea
the ee,um°a wMrtl.arruw rhea e.rnp.l d with
n► Vpp0mtrv. -sip* of tie ekeu4 wlegrepla
the history of hrtsanlly.
All the nruimente re nations arise satanfty
(rota protracted eyotelru of despotism. The
m.jwity of maakinJ sever will combine ;runt
the faithful aJntialnratioa of j...*ice. Ti. w-
.unectiouary spirit of Ireland la poet tha revile
dye principle of hsstao satin. goaded and tram-
pled tato eetiv1ty by s prolonged system of
iolulice and oppression. It a only siding In-
sult to injury, to taunt the f eblences or iii -suety
of the fthelliuus moren*eet, or to eud.evour to
shuttle away the respouaMtlity upon th. feet 14a1
the disease has now become incurable; or to
ask inquisitorially, " What can the gov(remeet
do fur Ireland?" This is just like p•ohiag•
man into • river, from which yes *retro power
of extriC.Iieg him, and then inviting Ids rver_wu u
drowning struggles by' .ayt0$ "Cos yes sot the history of w.ahsad, is, at tau mornent, `reverence or worship out Creator, 'surreally or th. past week, Live
keep .till, it is imp.uible tor me to assist you 1" *etching over the dart ug insurrection.' move- U illmielly, to prupurtivn to 1111 knowledge -grcot exciteule
rnenk GI du largest noes of physical wretc!led-, lies stint/eveand per(e•Uee*. our etiui sent aspect o
nen tied dlscouteut that ever appeared in the Ii poauon unites es in cosgwgaUo0s fur this y .m.,
work'. AUleek. uwiag we forget all ahs, and good. I, p, and we worship Dad in 'bombes.. to*(µ CdsGderatee
natsrelly admit that the littlish populetioa aru here, 14;40. aur lure of disu steps lorw.rd.
Their des
reality w enveloped is • ansae ul ahem -wink, so
thick and intricate u to ob'cure, sad in a great
aleer1411 prevent the healthy Selina 1 oa.the living
piluespic. 1 &lull illus1014W uiy Meanies.lty our
M two very &unple awl )aromas case*: let e►sst-
ple, there i, *n bursae rause* a octal dispose roe
.-•de•ire for seemly; and them a also aTeehna
of ympathy fa: a,. s.ttefinge soil distresses ul
Jeauwliou of millions of War lellu*-r:QUutf)rlwn. ethers. The two dtsposiuo„I draw our tu etl.rr
Supposing we blot from our memory the hro• ills a boud of brotherhood, for the cvwb0ued eaer-
drrde anal *boumuds of our fellow -ours and ion of our beeeveleee,, Mur vainly sit lure ul
women who are lingering out their miserable ea- Idrtese4w• throws such • cloud 4 tuurrrutery
ietence in B&r
littlish poorhous and workhouses.- I led *ysiery .round this bot4erhood, that we
Supposing we overlook the fact that • the most tattooist low sight of its, virtuosi select.-
kwari,laMb undin! a
e*nd coustlbulary furca that.I Again, there is s wntllne0t of devotion inresu-
000r.uated. tor a similar purpose is 1 noon i0 the Morrie winds waic4 comps!• as
BY '11111'S MOR?V't! 1S'N IN Ail.
!Meal 'Jd;asap., Auotist 1st.
Ir a, Aegvr.t 14. 44 P. Itf.
* Yowl r tail Lr :n ie* Ju'j25.
uulhre.. u. W Priya), 311b
3.1y. T4s cow'.
,.•d ,.
trvrly free twins tee -eon, •ktowt-} iee Mr
very different reasons. TheuLt.
which we received from Kug'a Comity toed
aeariy ter whole of Cuin+u{bt we tat otos-
bless 'costar prese01 tranquility aux( the
arent absence of excitement. A•ing
the pculye to the North and Midland land Cvul:
Ilea of Le.a.ter the case IS different. Tot
people are an emigrate, race -lie descend -
oats of the 44I tleb, comparatively well oil.
and a gr. at maprrlty R.nuao ('°thu!tes.-
'rheir to r.,cter .4 orgen.1otiou *coder
them* less prone to the *lid *xi:dementa 111
the ('eittc South, but they are thoroughly
snti•«g'i.!t In feeltog, mud will be sure to
nee of thin ace s chance of euectali. Ac-
cordingly, tl.uuem
h nut moo .t*•c(J,
we .but:11J pot be surpassed on boating ul
muvemuent5 In Louth, \V':ttrueath, and
ntt L)
e.bhn and Woo.
The Eu,'opean Ti
The curse of Irish grievances and the pr-•ven-
tioa of Inch reorders mad retw:lioas shwuld have
takes pled as bemired years ago ; avid the Pira
end C.rifare.glu, and all who have ..icceeded
them to Irish iniagoverfme0t down to the pre•
not expiring Whig 51u,iatg, are rrop° lar
the ars of eurieliwouror.a mid fur (muse-
gneit bloodshed. And we only .treat that the
fats of behead will be the Met record of U,e
awful eoaaequeocr* tont, on tt.e tu.uciples of
God's moral guvernmeat, must sooner or later
result from that revolting political nr.,u1it0:ity
called Toryism. 't
Having written and 'poke!) a, much on the
Electrified Qualification, ai perhnpi any outer
the most proimeni0* and happy people mow her laud cos°inure the reality with a usultitude tut laur;ifes
is(r,-W Quid any mon tel as that Iiia superior 1 shows, crreinuoies mud formalities, till the bright- outbta.k
prosperity resulted from the limited nature of the awes of our purpose iodinated by the Lau Mars
eletuve franchise? W. would not believe bion 14 the sppeedagen. Every helium iu.t.tutwe err lug lbs
if he did. Ile mightiest as Well tell he that It • thus suii0siijlJ ural eclipsed by 'imus -warn . kove
reiehed fres the extravagant State Church, or and, as 1 told betutc, you. bode boy., have come epic
Iroru the National Debt. We would tell him .into the world ata very reuiathwhle 1Miu.t-
that the Churrt,'aud the Deer, and the Property The shore gsiem has attanoed *u keiggt. The i
yawl f••••rasa, weal ehree great evils, end yet. rat eras minds of the ave are exposioe and dtswn-
defiapce of all these evils. the Anglo-l3aaen cirri it with a lea/Ives 6delty, kuow!rdgey'•tsd
braiu, Neve produced prosperity and happiness: truth, and -bouevoleIce; are prugcewrug wadi'
But alas alas! the condition of the British sinotel4 speed. alld a blights& era La
pepdatios ha awful beyond t eseription ; and rodawu opus our earthly pdgti,urge. • 1
their I . *04 Dos ssi.est loom thou Irat0ea yuu to the wen, the guardr1na, the almost
Loa.urn rays, that during
rpool has been in • state
*tin consequence of the
t political '*fairs in trebled,
tour body of ltepealero *04
wbo reside then.
i,; ns have eau.ed the local au-
to set about preparing for any
*Would such be attempted. Dur-
wetk the Mayor sad Magistrat`r
been actively engaged in swearing in
ia1 constables, and the body now nous.
r. 10,000. The authorities are Melees -
ng toe `po1icS forte which u' to number
3.300. 'I'be men in addition to *Mir usual
duties, have been drilled to the use of the
a euttarle and ffrelook, on the principle of the
bm11 r ni Irish con.tabe4wry. - The solitary force
mane, has been greatly 11* anted. Smith O.
d the Brien sod eel'ernl other touters, now
your coo- galiaing the club. throughout the country,
youreelv.a are to be taken into custw(yYtosigbt, and
sly chime in if the attempt to arrest thee"- !*Mould sot
onside vibes, lead to as outbreak -they will bo brought to
Se .ii you Mil Dublin tomorrow. "
b1°d tae point at Accorinta from the South this morning
iu Me an unproita- are really most alarming. The Confederate
as wel! 'netsr here lesderi appear vo be so inaaue B. to contem
uu have great families plate in ineurrccuun, and indeed already
ad it i. 700, eery w do they have gone little strvut of actual maul -
arc' *01(0(awm•
.M A T I S M
4N a Rl,P',,rrjrt_4 flr
IZt+I + L1 I
r 1 \111: .wily S. FE and
1,111.t:RE\l) 1 t far
frfJ/ f .Y.tif'f,Y.wdhas
never failed in curing this
ful wmplaint, Worst
p.oprtly applied aJ-'rhi.
\ INE: snots above all others ut the hired,
end Ib. eon(el the Article l, is ut 11
J,"j' ""1th. hares ',UCe „f vain Palle Ito., ran-
q pereoas, (10 sue (wows who,) to prove i•e
buyers tested oa Libe-
ral Terme.
Far Sale by C. Cease, 1101•Ageatfor (*dudsWest.
Q.1 Yate Gon°ane unless .'gens 1». Bt)YU
4Ls4.-Doss a '. COUGII DROPS, a
Cr • Remedy kw Cuestas. Colds, Ac.dtr.-
Pamirs -Is. 341 per haute.
Mush. llisbigae, Jrly 4*lellf.
ar li
• s3 1
In order to nuke out a goof case assent Uui• Ireturera of the future. Muco, much
man ilia this country, we cannot help feeling es
,e character of future depends a r
renal Seam'', it would be necessary to bring thatpe
if w• were implicate) its every disco»cos of the forward ao evil that ever happened under any duct. Remember you I've sot for
1. on
gentian: and trout this feeling we have given, - alune,.but Got ostesjt - if you mer
in soother column, an able article oat the subject, 'ol}ler suffrage. And u all the national rerolu- D Y•
1 tissue, of which we know anything, reaalted from with dos pernicious 811011, the Mahi
from a Corrapu•drst of the R(uba,
is •e we .popular oppo.idnn to the despotisms of minori- ' and 24e slavish 0014011* of m4 e • matt
d whodI /uetf(It* and Lluode0ed, we tht0k .t is "funnies y, , . Y
regard the Editor u( devoted
journal u a se clot 'lib ' to advisee society o00 •sup
icor* mod mol arc devwed a, the cause of 0401. ata; and u they Rare all been attended I
_ which or Strd ,t toes you w
and religion liberty, ao does 1101 !needy.
hie generation l you might
poe.eee the will, but the power, of a rn•sree elyy geaonenle Uu.verml Suffrage foam com`iutQ existeuee.
regret a kw of the .entinieets which he has pub- we tb*ak won mea wilt be drapolted .0 admit i ac .nutf r *'n g =.
'oohed in reference to this comnluaicetion ' his that the elective franchise, to noy form, hod Mac
correepondeer. We have always admitted net neither lot mem part *0 4he molter. Ont eatwen•, i which yon 0111wi110.1
l e A
:ruts lte.• erer hu attained
Meissen, a wide
•*)*face viaeand
rad ootparaee.
.0 Mese have
advocate of poli•ieal reform w'e `cannot brit • btehenee. .f the Tate retasuoa I0 Fnaee, as
t lift ,oil a
those who rax property shou'd poseeea property rat rr,en
But we ask again for the Ibowmadtb 111M ;. i 1180 vMu. of Uliwrrl Suffrage is sway *Midi
the tiling of property to be the eterual subject of don not dlscndit it; he conelsdee hy'lia7hag!-
legislation 1- Could the whole Interests of *hues "We obJi' t 44(337 *0 .LJ01,e,4 Suffrage, be.
laked h a few sets Wt rake c.U9e, 0 aro it has once been .!apte,l, there he
rib e1 1101 be sego y
no remedy, however great the evils which 'ruse gather, 1 w
embodied is the Cnostitrtion, to -the* t•ikr•ort t
Statute which limits the taxing wen of the i f It 0157 be, examining Reeol.l,oa and MiG- I
District Council? The GLoln seems •to aet'tetg deepeflnn." Tbie u e* much aa to My I alley be e
sive value of the (act, that the Universal Sof- 1 that UUsivertel Suffrage is 'kind of reserve force - fir• C
fragi*u recognize the judia*ousoess el the law 1yt0g idle till the other absurd mid. (toll,!* your.e
stitch uuder twenty-one yean d 1 suffrages haws pralsce1' Ino terrible disease in rrb.rr
age 1 and would, apparently, •rgae thus-" i f* the body politic; -and *ben it steps. orwatd, es in • nth
you make exclusions et all, why not oke the the crises of Negro -emancipation, the itrforru
want of freehold propetto u the ground of etelu- * 11.11 0( 1432, and the ehti-corn"_Iaw, leaser, end i
effects • eon without bloodshed. This le re
true pietrte. And tbe.gest step of dna gr
power, i• Britain, will be into permanent acti
ly, and this the repeal agrtatien, and tate bay
•ea►gnpteia of irefa0d will he •t ori .sd. •
Cnertiat'reenster meetings and tech heat
ti wilt-e*tse ;..sod the workhouses and
--di will 4e'4eserted ; and in all
i generation wei(iarile who will dem
maid emphatically, it Who gave oat
iM• right to borrow eight bond
money, in our same, for the par
ins oar fellow-creai.res 1"
este tnivetsalAuffrage from
is suffering much from the
t ert;efthat n is Likely
of the laid. We ode
which every man shoo
aloe 1 " it is a twitter, of eo e000rqu race
whether the period of manhogd is Gard at fifteen
Or twenty, twenty-one or twenty-Aegs (t la •a
fief rn Iletare, t,11. Web are sot let• with
wisdom ; their wisdom is the result of ixperi=
epee. The difference betwecaa? quyffi ation:f(t,
age and a qudilkatl°0 iii property, :is knnljfy.
this, *l first is a natural qualification whtc'f*„
nature alone bas the right to withhold. The
second resu;ts from a certain exercise of the
inferior intellectual tae.l,ies,which if sot exactly
congenial to all minds of ev• n a superior east;
and ,s, in many couturier. of the 'world, alto-
, (ether uoattatn•ble to the majority of the inhab-
The ,'atmos of woman from the elective
franchise, we mast •dmil, is an •noma;y,-par-
ticalarly when stewed in connection web the
fact, that • woman le our S010411gn. 1*1 a I. I th. fuel p,iueiple of
excluded, however, ander the pretence that the
mete object u(pof
i000?r1 a Of the two seers .re identical. end we should. be tried a
relieve her from the duties, from • feeling of 021! is tried. the
gesetosity. list, abstractly considered, therero ie by ate enemies
sot bolt so mooch of the utopian et the ex treys- will still be
gent in allowing woman to vote for a lawmaker, ' eloect of ho
u is pl•eiag her over the heats of all the law- remit of
makers ; arid, we think, there is nothlelg utopian
ter extravagant is either can. Ikcaone, we ase silo
persuaded that wherever her opportunities and
edxatioa ate meet to these of the other sex, her
w4enor disposition to act righteously, will more of
than compensate for her se, posed defcieacy of '
iitriteea Nd r. lki.,k every worms coning,
•t least, be uipsb a of isefructing her children *
the tical prinetpks of eivN li*krtj,'isif muted
feel a mueh duty in doing so, as site di*.•
teaching them the priucipt1ce of het °en ter
TN dMbs thinks that property is the safest
electoral (t*l*1 count) tilt cogtJ be .i.•pied
mod we thlek gut although the leonine. pow. r,
of mankind had been employed to neater the
franchise relieving*, they could not beet, suc-
ceeded better.. We think height of suture, or
weight of body, se length oy nine, 0r, in tact,
any thing et ill ezrrpf bat.6eef ?Mine or
unblushing hlnekgoatdtmn, Wedid have 'been ler
shun). aid les.'thee the'property
gedlfica( s. it n a pre atrium 041-e$d to igoo.
msec ; it presents wealth as the hent mid a-
eipel .hjrcl of hnmsn an -Adrian ; it has nn ss•
section with menial captbllity ; and ie not "eh
a prod of • rats'. capacity for m 111410g, ,,e
•wn selfish affairs, se, in the great majority
cosoe, he is burr to the PMMA, -it is not the
fruit of hu owe iodutry.
Tette ie amt a single leppwtoi that ant be
tweed 1g•,NI ilniMrad Sufras..e the room at
immense* or worthlessness'; nor ■ ddffeA9 eller
netted with the nothing of an 4Jlpe.rional gneli.
fl olyea, which Apes not opers'e wills equal force
ajaAd'tae ray quo'.fired oe. '>p leer*i1
ae uge Y sees ►7 Justice. sad
swag (,ee hv mon sews. - oke
'son gsloso lea of property is misted to neither
11p see utterly Imelda u isder.Mod tura enn-
eecties which the Globe swdeaveurs to aseablua
ad the
speech -
the poor
rcc t: ° n.
for the 1.e or interest ut
old eeap..a.ihIe, There is Tho deepeot anxiety and apprehension me„•s• too numeral. to mention.
aid palpable ceseiaeuuu be- prevail. The danger is eminent, but the TERMS. -Unser one pound, ('ash. One
vktue-truth and ertor-unlit Lord Lieutenant is well prepared, and de- tpO'v f r .ort d note.. settee
moths mos Credit, ea ap-
f 14,: A .,e
W C t- • 5.
> • H
W w
W G ac`W F-i1 a ix
' `=i$ a.
W J a our• d
• r
n r. *Olt
( a .l'3
Viz- ;a 1
• a `O, .is V. 11
ri' • d o ^**
z=t'ir ?=.
.o : ,3 V
C 7 .. »i.) •n ---
t.r - s' ei r' a '
WAt.00Ntf AM) 1...1.I16101h
PIR as Lr uPPOS*T1 Tett SS et at rrat aw
tet 14.11.
f ('11E Svbaenbcra bogs leave to inform
1 hta friend., and ten pnbltc at large, that
he ie now prepared to racett0 urge*' fur
1.1.31V/111 1.11: 1.1GI1T WAGGONS,
which shall tor me iewertwral of oNk beet
l.iar,•em!e, acid bt espeueared workmen.
Cie' Ilet n,wr stet Itr ago made Id ender i
Plough CoetlnL* N .u304,
A I.}:X A N DELI moLirlAt.
G'.dnrieh, rebs p, 4.41. 311
NA' DV1.D ruepeclfu!I1 inumste that they
`` heirs 3001 received, tweet fro a the
New fork sod 'Montreal Markets, • vert
large as.ortweet ot s't'raw, Leghorn, Dun-
.tnIde, 'Tuscan, end imrtatmn *sulk BON-
NETS, and a great variety of aloes* ever)
J.•eertl ten of FANCY 1 1)01)11, nets if to
lIN faehtnn and t•eto ot the seines.
Alen, an extensive stuck of
and all kinds, of Stasis Goode. L*kewee,
for o quaettl:wif"tio"
Y ,parucu-
1-rfy a very ser of TEAS,ole.3d,1 sccorth.L W
quality ; and Tobacco at all priees.
As the *hole exten-Ire .tock has been
selected by the proprietors to parer', Prey
can confidently recommend tit ro tut thaw
friend. and rnstomers, and a. the purchases
hive been rtlected exclusively on Bash prl4-
ciplee, the! have resolved to sell op the
mor;[ reasonable terme and at the Wwest
possible pr, fit. Sou user.
CP"' Marketable produce of every de•crip-
efeo easel. escbauge .t the highest .lag -
.:el price. 'lc' l. cnMOCR & Cu.
f(aaietiS tt IStbtrtM.y,.teta.. 16
',WERE will be meld by Public Auction at
1 the home ot Mr. THOMAS CARTER.
u Tnckersnith. on Friday, the 15th September.
two Puke of Working Oxen. one 'ohs of torr
year, old Steers, two Yoke of three mire 0)41
do., one Joke of two year, old ,lo.,kix 51'Ich
Cows, two. 2 year. old ileilrre in ca one year
oldie., three Cakes, luurtecn-S.,e,p, four rage,
or. MARL in foto!.
A superior Thres4i•g Machine, t wo hone pewee.
and r variety of oih-r S,nt-k and Yarmiog lmple-
But, we I have -already observed.
got jumbled': to -
ill, therefore, las my *01(110 eery.,
*ermined promptly to crueh, if he cannot Tr BtL1: - TO •('ONIAll* CE At TELL
I aevent as insurrection. pushed on by ti.e O'CLOCIE, A. M.,
J. K. trti rEill. O,
jleekt•d men wbo are now endeavouring to = -- Atlsaie*eer,
o pique outeo4e louse. so that yes ! pyedemee eenvo'ston. Troops are course-
uabled to separate them lrom dee reek- sally arriving from England, eel departing
a.1 them Crum 700, and thus eatitleltbr the South, %Imre the dan`cr u most
Ives to greater honuer., as the mural preasinR.
llers and bcuelac:urs ul your race, than any •
At one 0' lock a regiment of Ca-
T s
'Aura 4. ma ltd .
er geuerauun which lois gone betcre you. , ► THE Hates District Buik8ao Sesiety tela
is r received a .ud'den:order fur lCi,kenn THE
pose nf. Too ur more half 1414.RES
1F1'Y POUNDS each, at the Brinell Hotel.
Ail Ll r k c t S • wit an early hour lbw troutnillg, the 'pops 1'
111 t, Airiest g:
Routs -Bina our report of Wednesday
last, a few lustiness has been done fur con-
' Gumption at our quutatiun0, trhtch, show,
I ecarculy any change frorr. last week. For
ahtpment there have been no transactions
In consequence of the scarcity of image.
probabifiy 4 u: ou." bles been taken freely at 14* o ids
and, sad de - lid per barrel. s
r grandfathers ! \n nttat'.-.A parcel .14500 budhele (3000
red milhona oft Red and 1500 Wfute. Upper t;ana,M,) war
prose of b.1e`t,... Cold beet week at 5s 8d per ;vU We. alt
We do not Olden- I rat+ted; and to gar, #000 bu*helr, Upper
Cathode wore pliced at be 94.
a belief that Cicada j In Pea., Beef, Lard, Rutter, Oatmeal, no
want of it, nor from trapsactioue vrerth reporting.
seen re become -Ste ht., I Penn. -In fetf demand ot grntali0ne.
ewe it as a principle i• Assite.-.-Cp to Friday, 1' ,ts were in
ld regard u owed ; ea I good demand *t o*., pre%:Mil quotations, The Lord l.teutenant haw tamed a further thele* .tee►ref DRY (idtll) 1 and II
Ir -
civil society, and the uhi: but they are nun• rather dull at 24e 9J to i 000lamatioo lacing the t'a soil ('aunty ' \VARI aio.'ng.I the former will be found
h.1 I 1.1s per curt. Fear* On the other hand, P V Y an Aricietn,ent of
IVST rereieed, and will be cold cheap for
• coati or umark'etable produce, a large al -
sort meet of
of variwti wiseie and qualities.
_Aur 0 --
•ion-Segall:ay the LULU nstitut. at l;u clock, l'.
of the Vial -Lancers with two fi.ld pierces,
left town for Donohoe: hits' County 'of
Meath, where disturbacces are apprehend-
The eoace at the out stations, of'the die-
turbed'eouutlea who would beonrttparatit•s-
ly deteaceleaa, in case of an out brsstt,'bave
been ordered to con.cntrate at tho Chief
Stamps weer refused on Thursday ftir tho
By order.
T1103(AS QW" D.
ET Parties deshroes. of moldering at tae oak,
Will, is each glare is pat imp, [wake theft Tender
in venial. as followw.-soerely shouse Ms s.m-
tier of their dere sod rho aalo0ut 41 Prtmiesee
Mg will give-tbaa • '
•• Itfo. of 13b►e4(.q. 111. ,
"Irate et ?realest-Os/325 }tt neo t.
Any further .Esfl.rnatioa may b•etweived os
Friss and the .V,sfioa,, which .pplicalion to the Etacrcan.
li,.IetN:ls. Aouuso 3d,.It esti 2741
cm*ld m•t be transmitted thruukh the poet -t
omee. 1f de.patohed ut)0rtt;.e through GO1)EL'ICII, C. -W.
the Province, the l'ut*ce were to e01ze thea* 11A -.hand, 1132$
at every point.
- r''II15 Aabeerib*rstwo ykst is receipt of.
From the Europese Tiara. from Cog leoJ, conesdevsble addition0 to
A Targe quantity of different deseriptions
of LEA'1'IIi R, which will be sold to the
trade os the roost remeooahle terns, either
by or retail. Intending purchas-
ers are requeetcd to call and examine for
tttemeelvte at the Boot sod Shoe store of
Qjr Pees and .Fowling. for sato.
• Gudenrir, Map.26. 1848. 17tf
N. B.-•Patonl SCALE, weighiog from
>t lb. to 500, for sats.. -
ams* progress. raw. oars' atter receding to QSa 6.1, art new in fate* 00-
tbouwd times sod fait a often Hues* et 18s 411 n •lllr rid per cwt.
re -
(whom will always be produced I Fas.Innr..•-'rhere ore no Vessels on the
, and never by im meads: and it ! berth fur lerndou or Liverpool. For Glas-
gared at, and struggled for, •.. the i.gow, engagements have been made at the
pr, to all who believe in the improve- advanced rate of 3e GI a 3s 9,1 per barrel.
Oar rare. - w w AUTHORITY.
Sheriff 's Sole of f,anbs.
Wee Oiler a little hoe, sod the recolketina ilumoN B
Y Innen .of a
that period is still deer to me. It ie yet fresh
n my memory : end in my journey through the
v•le of life. I have met well many difficulties
aid • kw miwortunes, horn which !have tom-
, in mired up some useful experience. And au I loive
1400. •Iw•ya grower pleasure ia talking to little
Loy', I will, cheerfully, wiste &number photo
essay, for year benefit, and 1 eel! wish that you
may read them in the stone friendly errant in
which they are rilten. The enmrs end mi, -
&decliners of iny OW11 life have ell arisen from
waist ot experience, sad trent an ignorance
which the a my childhood could not
remove. And if I eu he the mesa. or pre-
erniting even ote yawing man from felling into
the tante mistake,. I will consider W • fell own -
weld's, but also lor ell the sufferiag which has
resekeei feast 01,14 effete.
,you, my little boy*, have come into a very
feleaduible weeld, sad yea have emend it a,
of fin Jolliest and Inert ei•iliterr rftint St
la h preamble that even th• very lowest
Wiwi with which we aro seonatistaii, Wive
merle mow progress I but 1 can inhereet yell that
the eieverwil law se peoreaa. l'or will food re
Melling Mal history, Mat meakisd Is.. 'NM*
been intrig failed io waves," slid ,n mend
rieirOhdiOns, the law of tornglates het wile afford
the Countiee of Cork •oxi Witerford, under I Silk and Satin l'erasole, -
tile provirtune of Ilte Crone Repression Act., &Onerous- 4nd Moshe de Lame Drosses,
Large gridrit thee uf atone are said to have 4, 44:4 t.),:beire eed lithe, Vrintie aLctid
been reinoied loon Ircl.rnd. 1 l'Itour stock of tilIELF and heavy
. Iligland, the exteruive p ke maker, has IIAROWARE., will be Sound very geoe•
e'kungoiehed los fires and removedyihe *eerie • r di!, assorted, and are offored au eaentitione
ef his labours elsewhere. i or otherwise, at Liw raters. .. ,
ships of a ar and niany smaller reeve's. hie' Barrel. Bare-layA, PliPtSkts()e:-..Cetfis Porter,
Sir Charlet Nap,er, %Oh a 11 et of five :
Ter wnt of i'oor arrived at Cork, and from all the intorma- I And Dal ro.. Sneers Iht
Fatima. uututt.3 uut illayerry'• Dimon lion b re., -bed up to t tee. Siewf
osei.t we are *171ov, it id plain Sett Iteland .
Dentist Cours,.and to me dJecti.:
the Land,' and Tenements of Gavin liarml-
•se zed gird token so Ettircotion, Park leot 1 Ai thititip, it io true, that the clubs have
number Onr.• on the North et le of M I ,00117" I dissolved. Tits Resiotriere have hewn coo-
,treet, and 1,4t ntsibber forty, on t!.e tided to the nteit truetworthy, to bo placed
side of Welliegton street NI the town ol
.%thert, whicit I. Leda I shall ofTer Ito. vale on
Satordoy, the 2511i day ot Newel/lime emit,
at the hour ot 11 o'clterk Dorm, at die Court
liouse in the town ef tiotierwh. abets peoneteing daym, bye* so it Me South
Sesturr's Orrice,
Cadence, 151k Amuse, 1 t44.1 3o.90
beyond the ne:ieh of discovery. Tile WIWI'
winch some had dew: 44444 Ned not to surren-
der, or to bo destroyed, or concealed till
appear. 10 end capitol of len-mince to the
Sheriff's Sale of Look. gowernuient wimii teapot be except
by the 1.11;411!tiO of blood.
Iftiftf/IN DINTRICT, ill' virtue of' a ft 4. 'mid alit
re cur writ of riff:i 011ormont Este! are le yi1114
Facies, wetted out of Der Nafetity's Drerno
Larnck os !owed* elm crossly nf Tureer arr.
TM Land' nod TAttintente of Richard
?Ilene IN the •Ortivnth Conewneton, I). in
the Township (if Colbutne, coot 'vow 100
aeret; which PLends !shell offiw for sale at
beg te,easemos dot spi
c.4 IlerAN that.
on Saturday, the 25th, day of November eowele ier• ii, oleo --ra -4. ha, ig -teemed, on -
met, at the hour of is o'elock noon. I vented bee •114eUtte we omen ed so oat am! pe -
J. McDONALD, Viso IL l). thee ilPtsvil'ol•II lit O." Pt
IL am* to- Parivessem dbere beep, -
met she mid wawa.
Oedema, Joh DM. IOW
oreerresa• re'
elt o IP LAM -c
TA ab1111.011rIerriffftilli MEN T.
Improved Smite° ova isimenea Faso -
lois for 4818, have been received by the
subecriber, who wiH promptly att,,nd to. the
orders of all who may favour Iiim with their
patronage. •
A ND pay yonr &hue am len ruleeriber has
IS. resettled *het an Notes sad !took seecottote
due to ilia mod redeeming &insetted. with prier-
eygey, 00 like leth of Jiey next. lie aead.,1 •i,•,
.1ttoritev fir cerh “1,00. It t• 0•011111.17
With genre reluctanee alit he has adopted *hie
tevolti•ion, as be boo ao desire to incise arlilitireiel
earner. On thvill‘ *11404'041 °wilts him -tint rt
Stele to ummoty. „„-
Dodetielt. 15th Jeer, 4444. 115-14
• bead/kaiser Belong to, foretothil?
Homy Newsboy auga t. t Apr
Gmletle/h Mar, 0414
I wiz Nadir Earouinathm of the Theron
iihrelto am MON DAV the 5Iet instaot, at 11
0,4defiCri, Ink 2501, ISIS.
IPd PARittl.r4, cheap for cash or ounkrit-
iside **deco, et lie Store of
TSAAC MAY; tribrms hie friend. and the
1. patine,' flier he has taken the
T.AVERN; lately 10. the oecu pat' on tot M r.
Derwin,' at I Mt 'Knot mul of St ratford, where
nothhig MARV@ welting on his part to pro-
mote the „comfort and conventence of his
4. 41: Sitters himself that id* *election of
Wine and Irighors is kftril ro any in the
eciontryomet hes 'Stabling department is of
the moo Immolate desert mitre,.
l'ARE REDUCED * fit, ItED Welt, .1' REM
noire:4 Crittra to Reale of Nee riff*. via.
The USD f HERS teas ei
1.0.4114 UNE Or ST4,.E. C04CIIES.
by which (Ana the Strainers on Lake On Teruo)
et least tent dap, horn Chatham. Veneerers
cui Imre Ilerailtou by -steamboat fel Toronto,
Rectineer. 0.wegs Rogow). or any of the ie.
loon all pore ado- bililrea Will fled this root*
1.1....11 Weer. The Cligithlrn end Loudon mad
ti„„odenees, g3,0u, Demi, 'resin. Warn 11144.
Feed i an peoporriont
•th. Meissen, Belles. Jute:tern Hone.
I. G. Ilsbcoirk. 1.1.411/101111, M. Babeaek. Si•
PA111111111 AND ill 1. MN SS.