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LETTER ON UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE. not labour from property; w that It terry
were to he • dIuttacuoe here, It ought to
To the Editor of the Globe. give the prefervsee lo labour. All me. an•
St.,-llatuug hero a coattails' reader of equal by menus: ■obo4y deme• Diet they
the Globe, almost since Ira comosmeceuunt, all ought ►u be equal in the rye of the Late;
1 have often had occ aloe to admire lie but how •re they to be thus rim .1, it the
able and slimiest" ap tear Is�,�er loch you taw segues* by eiNlamring sue.' 1.. Batey li
have .advoc the dt•blle Merit of lta-rittit, aid refusisg the ew},yusent t'
apon.ible lir#tn
eraest: MOO that t-ruugli • of ersl It Is the duty of every man to de
very ratite( period Lf the puttcel bi.wry lend bre costar, agatael an unsay, • duty
of Case. Yuta had elude the tspres.ioa unposed by 1M law of nMure, as *ell as by
up.M rte that In pelitwal,netterafiotplain a 'bat of civil 'moiety; mad waiter the recog-
root codeie wee ineestted en lis,; taunt et mann of this duty, there could extol no to-
your heart; but what was my surprise to Idepewtent nation and nu civil soctelr.-
find to ile Globs, dated July 19th, to au Yet, bow are 3100 to maintaID that th s is
article Shand ...The Proposed French Co.. the duty of every man, if you deny to men
stitutioftedletiesootto of Elections' lawn .he.- the enjoyment of a share in waking the
true," a JIllingnees on' ywr port to •lab laws! Upon what piinciple are you to
the vital pnnciplm on whorls poetical imaimamsnwtrensI fur rurality here, white yen deny
no bKilt- Gatvr-asal. SurraAeI, 1.1 the its exe•tcnce as the nail of abating 10 the
cuticle 01 toy reading I dropped on the cul- tsakwg of the laws 1 The pour nom- has •
lowing extract, from the pen of a popular body u.•d a rout as w,•!I as the etch mall;
wigs •uihur, wbwb 1 11011 lake lbs plea- Iib the latter. v Erre pnee e, wife veld
sure to traa.crlbe, tet the benefit of your children; a bullet qr a sword is ■a deadly to
tatelligbat r4iadeek, who may nut have seen hien am lo the tfeh nun; !here are !matte to
it; hoeing thy you wee give 00 gout ruse- .tele and tears ti• flew ibr tum ao welt as fur
tures daemon(' In doing so you will very the sIrlere or the lord, or the Ioanuwnger,
ouch oblige « ! yet, mattitib-tan ,t ng this i gnality, he is to
b„Iiattosas. Arica TanTu. nek ail, sod if he escape he is sell denied
d ,, -- en equallity of rights ! li, in such a rt.te
"Tits* ergs Waco all the inhabitant' of of things the arta.» or labourer white cal -
this i.tnnd l&i.l chum to all thongs to t4 with- had out to fight in defence of his coenlry,
out the wupdn .weer and pr .party being were to an.wer,-o Why should 1 we oto
kriuwa.hato ell elle m
elle people life ! l have nu pearersn but y labour;
all tlw lewd an4d gluey all tae tree,, and everytbtug no enemy will %eke that trent me; you, the
temewea1,•a hr bar given shy burruer and rich, p.,ssere all the laud and all its pro -
the pare .to the rabbits, and the Mahe. idtaoity you inako what lewd you please with-
aud the betrtes to 'be b.rds; sod each tom out my partecipatron ur nativist; you punish
ked Inod(lunge(ng• to [les world In a gree • I ane at your pleasure; you say that my want
ter or 1 s degree in pruportiou to hie .kill, . of e`eepmrty excludes me from the right of
bis art
th,.atre his moor. Thu to what I basing a share to the uiaktu; of the laws;
Is eall,d living 'soder this LAW ur NATI-a*, I you say that the prupeey that 1 have in inn
--that N t.. bac, the law 0l •ui-pre.crve- t labour is ,,thing worth; its %hal ground
trim end ratterejeyesent, witbuut auy re- , then, do yeti call upon ate to leek my life?
• [taut unposed by • regard ler the gond W I It in such a case, such (locations were put,
ver neighuuure. the •newer is very ditneult to be imagined.
•• In pieces of tune --nu matter from 1 In cases of civil commotion, the matter
what cause -raven made among theuieelves comes cull more home to we On *What
• eumpret, or an agrotowa , J round ie the tech , t
TIE REAL BANE Ole IRELAND. Tia Vacs ser Juwasms.-Tee vsseneq s UM enghMsrhwtl, sad to peers what
Mr. 'leery Clapp, the curreapurdtag .41 desks w the Breath, IP, toe death ef Its. •tlm*tioe ►st bees pd to agriculture ►y
tut of the Lynn 1'hemimrr, Writes (roan liver 11 Jatke Josue, has riot yet way 611rr1 op.-. you el rwJ wow,. vie rata) eater that.
Accordion to Casettes etiquette fovtwled of kir- Wallas W Gtelaw, of the Pats'-,
pool we the subject of Irelso.f• distress rind Ikttl.b practice, lh.• .\;be" r r -vi General bee flt.•ek, hu [bashed tout 11„ acre. o: Fall
chrus,e su(enng, hartsr.y Just returned from 17):
) o/ttun 01 the offtc t n Eagl.nd the *beat, Iibt.h vutlde4P1! bu.bei. of apten
that part 01 obs Uealhet .LM0osM•Thr i' At1es (� to y .Mist.•! of Aid /�s�� • km, equal to e6 bwrhelr Poe
rause, he shiver," gut to Is ff nod to tllc 1 Igo coral', nor hos be ewes . meet is the i ria me ed" wyN may M ow* obi
meth •bu.ed legislative 0ei&n ilitl sir la ��•�� n-
g � N' �1�IMtaet. yin praewstrera, l►gs.fuse, man, t deM. J.oa1.M •wwawyrdeYRw Jdoeebls
though that Aston map have and prohalrly , rauea es* der.sgesiral w Ilii &:pshred.- ler'., 4a4 at lb. u,s.--assfp4 64044"Isla cane NdilIermat Ors. ,4,4s. lisappIR, dfserOim.,t t ,
as Auoraey General, bee es unqu•etloea- .
me eLann, founded on precedent, to the va-
cant A somber of hr(sly respectable rani -
i e last
but a Priebe Minister,emhe rails bare d through Galt during the
in the Ise[ nun who should be remove) g pYet g
from her political of lee to be placed' on the week cheeky betted for t►e Hume sad Wil -
ib -Bch. This people of Canada see coo- hsgtoa Districts. Use large party, lath
sewer of the hooerly and ability of Mi. +even waggons ia.leu with furniture passed
l*ALuwu.I and would do any thing in their talo B.mnhmm, wbere they hoe* pureheeed
Power to chow their gratitude and admire- land. Some, curious importations ware
Icon o/ hen, but they would regret much to wide by parties u1 thew people, which
-err lieu retire flute tee political field until greatly refreshed the ever .l time who re -
he heo carried out those great matters of theology"` the airy, ung. .1 obs larks sad
improvement acd benefit for the country, Gillett that gutter in the sus and give life
w licit their •lmurt .nartmuus mice has de- to the landscapes of the old world. One
te`atee to hue. We du tout behove that fatuity had several cages uf lark., goldfinch -
Mr. BAtnwlr de.i,u,, the seat at present. es. bulltoche., linnets, canaries, and even
nor do we think he has any 'dee of uccupy - sparrows, several of which were purchased
tri; it. The next ufi er in rotation would by our townsmen, and may be beard sing.
be the Sol.citor-General (Mr. Berm.) sed ing [sour ares" u elerniree of yet 00 that
there is Do doubt tot he would discharge banks of their native Clyde. The sight of
the high functions of Judge with integrity, the little atranger.Arougbt tears into tits
j•idginent and wisllesui. But air. Stoma a ryes u( borne u( our people, who are not
100 new to Canada, and too young 11 lbs touch to the habit of givipg way to the
Bar to expect aro far to outstrip au lir softer emotion., but could not resat. siren[
brethren uf the long robe. The persue, tribute to the thought* of "auld lang
then who .eems destined to receive the va- 'lane," *huh the sweet warbler, recslted to
cant judgeship, i. Mr. SULLIVAs, the pre. their memory.-GoU Reverter.
sent Secretary of Canada. The learning
and ab lily of Mr. SULU,A are admitted
uii eusally, and her appointment would be
received with satisfaction by the country:
Journu1 and Express.
Ms a tendeney1� �'gravate and perpetuate
the evil, b1idt g the se hell, the eater.
prise anti tateltgonce of the toiletry acro'•
the Channel. Ile finds a pontos of the
cariosity the predominance of the Catholic
religtonssrd sunbeltea le repeal cry auto-
131 lu a pru+thuud annum W gain puwer.-
l'be.satety w probably immesh, but we
doubt whether at le correct to say '.bat the
numerical precdoninance of the Cetlwli reli-
gion, per se, hes at the root of the evil.
A more accurate mode of presenting the
ease would be to gay that the twaserlcal pre
dominance of that rel,geuu, waling en an-
taguni.•n to the legal predounnence of an•
other bee none effect -verities a very cob-
s,derable effect -in caurmg the u itortunate
Matignon of the Leland. If Cathubcte ere
legally as well as numerically pred sl.
or Protea'antism were numerically ell
as legally so, we question mach ether
there would be any great difficulty t ble
to this cause. It 1s* the unnatural condition
of autagemein that bring+ religion tete le
case at all as a cause of any putet.cy. The
only effective remedy, that we can suppose.
would be a resort to the voluntary ayetem.
.Ittexperience has shown that. peace and
satirticlion cannot be preserved where the
Government has one system of religion and
the people another; but, u the religious
rentitneut is etroneer than any Government,
it follows that when the leo are to conflict
the former must give way, or descontest
and deatime% must endure for ever.
Mr. Clapp gives !ts opinion of the really
most active and efficient cause, as follows
Not a little 01 the blame must be charged
upon the monopoly of the soil -though, u
we here seen in France -even a well dintrf-
It is amusing to mark the pertinacity
with which the writers in the Montreal
-Courier stick to military affairs. The edi-
tor is now determined that the ofcers of
militia shall now all have umforms-
1'Np:u T.aD*.-We learn by the Mon- rash, sword, belt, &c. -"the whole ex -
papers, that the Hun. Mestere. Latino- Dense of which need not exceed .C10." -
10. "-
talna 0 JSul/lens,eyi)rags left that city, for Ten pounce ! wa think we heir the said
the purpeseyit it auth ed, of .settling with Militia gentlemen exclaim from Sandwich
t to lido the ,� run o call the artisan
the United States author yes at Washing- iu Gaspe -ten pounds, in these hard tonnes !
land asd es products in such a marmot that from his shop, or the labourer front the field buted soil will not withstand the blight d ton, a,me,otlbib detail.' connected with the -comp BAriber Jonathan - come Mr,
each man should have • shrru to hie Awa to j,iln the sheriff '• posse, or uu4tta, if he an on:,res+eve. and unmeaning religion. 1s Free 'Trade measure, which will likely para Mooney -coon Col. ' Gubee murder ur �---
exclurrva Aee, and lima mace man •huuld -u refuse to the labourer and artisan the right Ireland the people have no chance whatever into a law in teat country: and which, if at once ! Really obese must bo flourishing T H E C R I B I S -
p:Atected In the exclusive enjoyment tot its of elating in the making of the laws 1- at the soil, at any Price- They are corn- reciprocated, at UDce by tour. Governmeot, tint* > t- 1 , (ae,rire Office, when tea
hy are
s hero to
it is
d, be
,11111 ,e0 plentiful.
ran ordbate br toy theu•ur (1e united . Jus* andwer tit eertamt; arid, .ppG i\iphnhl the they
iaw ,andrisk
to teir proleeteproperty ? ' here etlittletneent re to enettnationa of terprise or •0. benefits to this s couiiitry.tct,We cany safely mai y of not - eeomptyitt with `this ten rainAnil then the ed sir and ! Thy miserable,- misgoverned,
aidegradation arrd
cation of thhr tweed power, the whale el \Vl.at ! laws, in the making of, or assent- P
The highest market pace of ager- as that our fanners are 'waiting with a puowis regelatietq is toe the loos of the
the pt;utto agreed to be bound by regale- ing to, which they have been allowed to y' sufferingis full and Fanning ever. The eoskiet
cultural labor it ten pence (Icer them twos- g3eid deal of anxiety, the aeUoo n( the.fid-" eo*tmiseioe! We eaauot imagiee a more ,
tto0., called LAWS. Thus- mese civil have no share? Property, of which they r centr r day, while thousands are work- ministration os this subject, wishing, as capital plan for un•ofceria; a service, At 'sat hard . the awful combat that decides the
society, -thus arose property, -tins arose are said to porseas sone? What'. eurnpel to fur (rat five W eil:ht. pence. they do, to participate in the profile end present the militia has only this peculiarity destiny of thy urborn generatwms ! Thou bast
.'You world better understand how - titer •advantages which they -aro newel- certain that there are lots of mor -dismal officers but suffered long, and struggled painfully and pale -
the awda mise and (hue. One man bis- men to come futih and nak their lives furcam• possessed of More good things than the protection of property, and then, 10 the 11„„e (if hying 1a may be called) upon such would rerun from ['moths passing of a like no men; two ooths atter the Courier re- citify -but all to no good pultoee. The fetters
earnnhg If you tumid go with we into their liberal measure, an th'a aide. They Jenice gelation had gone 1010 operation, there °( thy bondage were twisted roved thy viub,
another, because he *00 more industriuu-, same breath, tel them that they aro not
more skilful, or mute frugal; sin Diet lebouro allowed to shoe in the making of the laws, wretched butt- Verily, even pugs might to be ori the market with the produce of the w Quid be neither dicers not men, -Tran. and they have Leconte stress and inmate m
of tons sort w another, was the 1auodatrvu , toeeanre, a&J only because, they have no compete -do complete of ouch quarters. Vra+Mt s•'a.uo, vol Jrrlike icing cumpeUeJ properties to thy struggling. Tby wrap have
uf alt property. property ! Not because they have rum- •Lhen [hive of the women getting in hay- to wilt fur another. We have been spoken Nothingfurther has been heard of Col..
•' [o what manner ctrl societies pros ruined any came -nut became they are .tri they are now -fur lour pence a day, aid to on several occasions lately, in reference been rsmeroe., the malady has bee• aggrava-
in pruvidme bur t'te ui+kwg tot lows and idle ` or profligate -not because they are lit children."kingafter • fashiu toed to Ihi. matter, and we believe the country (-lube° since our lab[. Policeman, No. 10, ted, un now thy disease is Oar, far burned the
for the cal urea ug •-.r loan,, -win van �yti,way° vicious in any war -but solei because they 0.1g thinks be sat hem. in Great St. James skill or cure of human effort. The gangrene -
9 enough forAbepnee, though,)at .tau or would most heartily •rapport the A Iminrr- Street, on Wednesday morning tart, but
to wh:ei they tusk {uae.ures to protect we have no property; and opt,; at the satire three pence. Yet it is strictly true that a [ration eo reciprocating the liberality des- cannot positively swear. Ha says -e took theworm of destruction -was w thy ova bosom,
weak against this strung, -how they have rime, eumpetl them to Come forth and nada larger price could Lot be pard, amt rho by t -e L"rotted Slates iy unnu•diaiclj' a minute deecrlptiou of hem at the tote, but and good men have all skin; warned thee and
gone to wore to ■ecurc wc..l:h agahurt the their live, for the prolegtrosof;propery. pro-
prietor of the soil -just at this time-tuake "pelting our pens and abandoning the de-
ployed.il.cks el puverty,-l-eau are aubjeete that thinks be-littne.pipe with it afterwards.- beseeched thee w beware of the designing vita
goy money. Indeed It Is considered an act ties.
Miies's bode also saw a person ho describes lany which, soder the name of religion, esdea-
et would require " rutwmer to doted; but of charity, in some instance to ire em- Thin step, if taken, would be an impar- ass "ver moa wan' later the game
these 'gutter aro written 011 the heart tot STATE PAUPERS SEEKING A BONE. g rant tone, and no doubt (all of reeponsibih- 1 Py day, .oared to animate rad strengthen that torrodieg
ploymonr at three rates.and wag told by the Irish apple *•totem, at wort. Thou art the doped victim d lactim
roan, namely, that ad mea are, by nature, From the Toronto Eaaminer. Som.: landholders make extensive road+ ly; Dut in the present mate of pubic I the poet office, that i► wa •' (lubes." Ile
els-ilial cirri society can never have The following extract from the .Montreal abe,ut [Arlt estates for the express purpose •pian n, there can be little doubt that the and religions irtollerenee ! Aad where sow u
rqu.g givetart he raw hue kiss two lot. of children
artseu from any motive ether team that 01 Ifryialrr Ill ,creates the Keying that of keeping their poor neigbioue- from stag- legislature would it. full approval, tlO uVpusee the -auk atom, but guar* l think he
tb� religion? Alas ! alas ! unhappy country
Des bOueGt of tie *luta,-[hal, whenever .• Wheresoever the carcase is, Mar sill the van•.n. Oa, haw rutted the whriie system 'sewn as it would ba celled upon bur its [boo art doomed ! The gloom of desolation
gave'cmn any coppers. 'Three was a report
civ,l merely *cher the gr,iater pint of etre eagles he gathered together." The carries ,o ! A weaahy pro;rieepr asked me, h0 -Ire- scot. -Victoria Chronicle, by telegraph last might thatGubee was ad- .lovers o'er thee, and the warm blood of thy
puuptu owe rid' thea [Vey *ere under the of the stale, however rotten or disgusting, land, haw our American farmers co Id oto - — ire. -rang t:xteeo thousand Irirhmen in deluded sous and daughters seems samosa 10
law of nature, ►he civil compact u, u, cur- always attracts the vultures of Babylon, port themsclvee, ander[ pay such wages. Mr. Joos MARTIN, editor of the, Irish GntYlnwwe; but or eogeu7y it, turned out writ the indelible record* d appeasable ad
mimeo, dirsulved, Dud all the ,1ghtr tot I while the history of our times declared that 1 te(d bran a Now litrgland taborets wawa P.leinit a s.atnber of the -Medical Profen- was only Sara Gdmp's dull boy fighting
stature return,; that, in civil society, the the ci y is fast becoming the " cage of more (arm -work 10 a Jay than three Irish ta- non, he came out to Canada ab en sx years with the eldest Idler Murphy.-Trdtwsrript.
green shy ga iiil
rights au l titer go hand to baud, aid that ere y unclean and hateful bird" (ruin among borers, and do it better. --"Why !" arks ago, and reeidea te arty twelve mouths in There is certainly not, in the *bole history Of
mica the harmer are taken away the latter all denominations who recognize the theory the proprietor. Because he has incentives this town and neiglibuurhooil. Wo were humanity, one page or one pasmp which will
caaa0 to Mar.."' - of time. Ertablishmente of Religion.- to work. He has a social positron ; be has on terms of close intenacy with him; gni btu a comparison wi;h the anomalous and se-
Nuw, than, in order to act well our part, Romani- is and Protestants, -Wesleyan' •-or hopes 1., have -and if meandrlul, may knew Aim to Inc an amiable, uesstamtag, in.; . --J. . righteous policy which, for ages, has been par-
as eU:zum:, ur wewuera of the cu[nmupttY. and Froe-Churchmen,-are here alt ole the have land of his min to till telllgent, and gentlemanly person.' He' sued towards Ireland. We will not attempt to
We uugit clearly to uuderetaud what tour wing towards the rotten retnnant of the ••Bur,•' excleuns my astonished g•Irrish, perlHical new; and hxGo�s were then just .. •t-
roglnts are; for un tout coJ,ywent tot thew clergy Reserve Fnnd 1 Bulpe Free- [,you dent may that t,e man 0hn works by The revcr-e o1 *tin the a pear•1'. be now, describe tars Government, orntheronu•gorera-
Y, P. .iaaww" anent: far certainly it would M a ludo to
depeadr our dty, rights going before till_ Church Ministers smell thecarea,e afar off, the day, un the sod, mixes in good eocie►v, Indeed there was nothing at that time either Q
tout, as value f"CIT" guru uutuce payiriadfi.and it appears are out after it on their hJi. ,n your country t Indeal he does, i( be In hu nature, character/dlepomrtion, or sen. 11 U `R ON 17.1 G N A L • honour military coerelm witA the rams of gov-
t know well, that lost the 000110(3 til ills i sldttal reapuns Diltty, nntwltbste»disg the wants to And there is another fact, the temente, that foreshadowed em the slight- ernrrrent. We do not .peak of the prese+l
is taught by those whu oaten un Air toil; hint of the Syood, that "ender present cir• opener of the farm is sot ashamed to work est degree the repealer or the agitator. A appaling crisis. We refer to the policy of the
fur they lett, us Amt uur fiat cyto is to relevy .esrastaswcea" it is not advi.able to spread'' with us. "What, work with bis own hands' kind and feeling heart may have converted FRIDAT. AUGUST 18."1848. _ est Modred rears, or even far beyond that period.
the laws, arid a it out awl Jegra 'ago *tang. Will the people submit to this and with his hired men ?" Certainly.- Juba Martin emco we knew hi:n into nn And we are persuaded that the wealth which has
Horsley, Ramp of Iduceeder" 10111 u+ ilia' yharnek+a en laity, and retain the name of "And ae their equal 1" Certainly. "Ile. enthusiast, or an unaanal love of country A FEW OF THE RCMARKABLES.
the people lied notirliSto 0 Werk tiro taws i. F reeve f win they submit to the cor me, sir, von astonish me -I say, wafter." may have made him a visionary patriot, but been expended in compelling the people of Ire -
but to obey them. 1•betrtNh is, however, I rowing influence of Government through Well, Sir 7" "Bring we • glut et al., the vain, empty, mercenary, heartless demo- The Parliameet will not islet before the land to bye to the bayonet, would have pieced
That the eltiaeu's first duty is to Maintain money, while they. repudiate its influ •ncestrong !" gogi^, we cannot for one moment believe month of November, and SAWS wo01d got wish the entire population of that country ia eompar-
hfs rights as it a the purciucrr iter duty through law 1 Is State bribbryJ lona rain-
Tina is but a more enlarged and specific he aver could be -London (Can.) Tinter. to see thein guilty el two tial& in one year, we ative affluence, sod iostead of the butcheries
to receive the thing for wIwcb by has con nous than State patronage? Is the bond presentation of the same view which wo-- hope they wm
illmake up (erelong prorogation and burning, which constitute Abe proissst
tracteJ. age under r ch -ten of gold more endurable so often expressed, that the evil of Iretaad So very "hard up" are the Tory news- by a sheet eessioe. We bre no faith in per- features of Irish history, the consul at this
Our rights in society aro namerous; the than under one uf iron ? Are Free Chnrch- i. social, nut political. It u a faulty ar- papers, at the present time, for some sub-
mutat assemblies ; we don't lie long discus- moment might have been one d the sort proe-
right of erj•ymg lye rid property-fN men why here bought their freedom at rangement of the system under witch the jeer nn which to expatiate -some sham stone, and we think [bat, with dee preparation, perous and happy ote the face of the glebe. Ad
right of axe. 'mg our physrgl and menus such • price m Scotland, prepared to allow people live. Then what is the remedy grievance to write about -that the recent
ole law -making of, the 1'roviace should • not what has been the meaning of all this bets.'[
powers to an an.oee0I owner; but the themselves to be sold again in Canada 1 - To answer this q•hestiun we moat endeavour
great right ot all, and without wb)ch ty�n' We do not believe it. [here may be mer- to find out the principle of the arrangement melte of Ibmbentueee by the Government,has been seized upon and twisted, and turn- emir, much objectionm
time. Our principal objection to gaveroent 7 Why, in defiance et ail to
es, in tact, no light, is the nght tot laking a cowries who would sell their liberties at —the motive poser 1n the rystem which, ed into every possible shape and pusltton, the late meeting of the Assembly is, • fear that shifting and abrtThog, and writhing and Iwistisg,
part in the making of the laws by whish any time to nave or gain a shilttng; but wet gives to Its faulty brae. 'Phi., probably, le with the very 'addable intention of prevent- the Tory Press mill get out of material. The to get from under the guilt mildewroll away the
believe there es more real principle erelong I not uniform aid simple, but complex, havinghag the No
tos from getting into areulatiol character of the Governor general and of all his reapooeibility, the naked fact is sth
taring us in e
the pauple of the Free -Church, gengratly, venom elements ; but there ran be no hag• and thereby embarnasirng the Government.Cabinet will be completely tleubed over with the face, that the monster rause d Irish calamities,
than will calmly tolerate each iniquity.- and in *alerting that an r++^nrual and very (root fellows' How we pity them ! Tbey ,cum of Tay billingsgate, long before Nevem- was the vain and iniquitous sunset of terse
There is an all -potent remedy for this amity., part of it Is the law of pnrnogemture, may keep gale[, however, the Debentures
hankering after the carcase of State ernoln- whose natural tendency is to the coeeeltr•- will be readily taken throughout the No.her arrives. But owing to they great powers of pelting a people to pay for a chareb whisk they
num of luge estates in the hands of • few Pince. By ahrr!iay's "Canada Gsette;' invention and economy, they may, after all, be detested, and that all the misery gad taastsM
great proprietors. -Neto- York Spectator. we find that Debentures, to the amount of able to linger it 001 have been perpetrated in the *amts 01Gad !—
-- £26,000 have already been fated, and by The trent[ s-ews the blasphemy and impiety of
P°LULATIoti er C.rlan*. — We under- this time a great portion of that mows N in, such attempts, and proves eletrly tet Gd
eland that the recall of the cenens, joint circulation. We are gone elute that live or The Hamilton Spectator has waxed mighty refuses p6aitively to ee,rtsws. se prosper
competed, of Upper Canada, will give that rix thousand pounds worth of these Debra- wroth against the Hon. Malcolm Cameron for eoeh forcible riolatieM of the rights d eoa-
section of the province a population of from titres would be eagerly arauped at in this not potting • Bridge over the Thames at Chat -
science. It would M profanity to snppotsr or is
689,000 to 700,000 souls; while, by the con- Dial rict alone. And why ehuuld this not ham ! Really it is too bad that the honourable sesert that the present fearful coelitis. of Ireland
mise of Itl12-3, it was only 401,061. giving be the rasa ! Aro the' people (Dole -sol
Member for Kent will not build a bridge, (we
has rewiredroyideoliall from lee obstinacyof
an e,creasr, In five years, of nearly 100,000. able to distinguish • goo offer from a ball think ha should ole forced to build it with his D y
The last emotes for Lower Canada was Notes are issued, bearinginterest at the the Popish population, in refed•g to be eon-
taken in 1844, when the population was rate of six per cent., redeemable one year own hands! ) for the accommodation of his own ,vetted to the national religion ! It has resahsd
699,808 souls, the lncree Dpon which, after date -backed by the ciedit of the constituents! What a miserable Member, that necessarily from the attempt d Protestantism to
during the tart (out ovate, is calculated, by Province. We should like to bo informed will not bestow the people the price of •sew produce conversion by means which are alike
reference to erecedmg terms at which cen- in what part of the globe a banking ioetitu- bridge ! And *ha: makes it still worse, the
hostile to the principles d homes saiwe, mad
suites have been taken, to be about 70,0001 ton exists in which a morn safe or a more Spectator says, Mr. Cameron "'tied the to the principles of the Divine tievernmeat-en
goring th s section of the peoane8 a present 1 profitable deposit could be wade 1 We would hedge. This is shameful ! It shews how the t to compel bit- ! EatremDr
population of about 770,000. The popula- like very much to see a few hundred pounds hence[ simplicity d Mr. Cameron has Men v►1 ytdaus. of tea
trop of Upper Canada would, [bus, appear worth of these nine Debentures in circuit- nlave of 9atore4 God beep iu eves pnlsi-
to Increase at the rate of about 40,000 per tion, in ibe good town of Cornwall. We Imposed on by Tory blastesg, and duplicity, moot : every moral calamity msec be wooded
annum, and rawer Canada at that of about don't think this inhabitants would rile awe and barefaced lying. The late Tory Mammy
1 by a moral transgression ; gad the weasel sit
17,500 per annum. Supposing the►eta- frons them. -Freeholder. came forward u last elates, bullying sod
thew try and impending desolation of Ire1Md will
rates of increase to be marntnn.•d, the bnodemg abort theprergereu tsgdilien d the fam nether so,raf•I essaasssot "tela treatof
year 1851 will see Upper Canada with t Tito C,nore —The fall wheat in this country, ander thea jedicious mad talented Con -
population 01 859,000, and Lower Canada neighbourhood is now all housed, and will se ,atom ; sad u Ary had we. time prem• this doctn.e
with only 840,000. 18111 will give le prow' quite •n average yield. The spring
may voted two lhnrssoal pounds for the erection it it really painful N limns to the s. 6isMy
former • popttl%tos of 1,013,000 aunts.- wheat wag generellr rather thin, in copse- of a bridge at Chatham, the Hon. Member for and immensely d some men whoa tads( s[
Tine expeno eece of the met, sad the pre- queue(' of the (bytes. of the former part of g the eoedirioa d Imbed"Wer seta help it 1"
sent condition of Groot hrItaln a"J inland, obs ae•srm, whilst here and there et proem Kant was charatehle e•osgh to there their
" Will the s.geveneble Irish rabble loom [halt
will, we think, justify the belief that the la- ed an average yield, but the last ten days remind their own prosperity, and supposed that condition by elide red pilesd
elmsa♦ ^-
w of nest peopnUVwa
on by mtgnuoo, have cut short lhC hopes of the farmer by the lid two thonrnd were carefully rn.11rread " Whitt esa to 11"151..1" d► i.r tin_
will be greater daring the Dart twelve yes the very general prevalence of rust, and oc for the erection d said id briAgo, and w. *Id he „Cu they not Mos
psr►lo Iikl abet paeple 1••
ohab it has Mm
hitherto boon, mad that the o- caetonally smut. Wim repeatedly hoar of forthcoming on demand. Bet le! epr�l the
are proporuoss of such tearoom will be crops that will not pay for harvesting,despicable defeat d the blatstrte►s it wee Moro- :�� Would it be right is use geyuvsse,t N ls&
largety m favour of Upper Cased.. The an expressed 1010rtio• now and aga.n of
venial that the Conservative til of ektly eve whits they luso lilfisg each eihw,
probability, then, that, by the year 1941, burring the crop on the ground 1s a preps- prospe r Cased* l_, troyirg etch et -eras property t^ (Taves.
Nie Weetrrn seett of the province will ration for next year. liar will not -e by v►•• rerefvlly rostral in n asnv erRert- r"'
y g a g pry tAy party gad a thrummed other lmper4nest gssslinlle
emotion one mJho ends A•I/ ot Inh,bt- •a means an avers n trig, thou h we be What t that sorra a of rt gid sur *Ales see coin irrelevant to to prier u rs.ns.
tests, or owe IMed snare than that of the hear It is more favourable than in some melee a Spse#+tor • stud war► obs few d lave yen esa e+t eat at sett pea* w die
-l$es .van a.etinu. ww thew celeste. other localities.
the caw !
" et - U. Pa terve amid lir- flatland the Secretary of the A n `� whiner d Irrlard a owwrv.eaiew tsoll nsaewi•s
titres (r the benefit r , ] g — . -__; n epee am �geaa --
bis friftaih who took to opine Mo randier mineral Society, sty• :-" Every downy- •ett To eco mar wh«leeks
Pin -
proportionate r,pysemntstiee flat eget nee:- lion of whnat is guttering from rust, except- IT Jame, Moir rms., E.grin, r1�� Flew d t►s insh psople, ie aA M dabvlets Ihaf
toss of tb• province, settled by the Uw sareg the Black Sea wheat, of which I have we anticipated, written himself (ase pearlier comm stet oto do settees i e *0s.thnt tweedy
Art. and khed ppm, 'snoop element., and ten aeras perfectly free from it. Font derisio. eves of his owe party. Tia beetpw- oat do worthies tett ib0. bs.1
to S,adopt,
,., to Its streak, the& O( ausbero ttsores were sown Si the Sod a May, and i Dios of the Tory Pros*. has got Msgaated with sod eitm.MMdm5,'��1� � It_vMmble
slsmit, in"."1".me Pull. ty, amisell.gencrt, tut 11thyesterday.Six acne were sawn he Ibe�r
sM m,Nyl,ryo,_yllas. jSmvgid. /be 11th May, and will be ready for term for low nIatdn which M bis gong at the (Ie,- doom *Mao potyM wNt�
wheAt aeytks •t lbo ►eginsing of ager week.- crone tieerral, gd ksce Mpa a rrrponapnte rwdsrrwsd, b 7N r t�g��tng bleak
TM Tawse ri lindane wet Nil' ••vs. er Dote ptoeew promaam to yMld ahondanlly." aelmirwhst ibtrply. Fwaop's viper hebad to ik eaulsgw a( rwrpilieN.� .cart
deed ad silly years ape.As a specimen of what can be produced till he destroyed his own mope. this itsewrabk win et *gip i tl i M
Wb h•► repessid agate and alma• by
assay et t► reapset•bk iababiumto r Gels -
risks to nos one iadeeuee la pr em:tag a nropeet.
abl. Medical baa for the to ; gad though w.
yeapricey twie4 by letter
and d, •, levo say
shelve[ how
mbar a% Dr. R 1•
6estt1. tilt goer. We tI1KeN
a Doctor till •eat Spring , sad, tt0
take tbia public method u( •ammeeleg ihe ogle -
tee of obs best portwu of oar pt1n(sil•am
that to a profe••ioual medical sea wh0sg se
commence his profeessionel career is obs right
way, tad r.atabltsh Mined( 1a a reepssubh
pr,etice,-Godeticb, •t this meanest, promote •
very superior prospect of htea•s, deposited es
the fulluwi•g cmdittuoi. He meet be • sea et
steady, sober habits, full utaster of b prefieien,
and poesesswg as bale reeks" as possible. -
With these ytowld6ratiorti 11 he fm a sag of dm
present age, we coald timers big ween. Let-
ters, post-paid and addressed to ibe Editor rite
•' Ha foal," will be atteaded
IC7 The Iriagstea Argus says ten is • taunt
'that Colonel Prince bas shot himself, ea aeeetrt,
ws suppose, of soother mow that Ad)atsat
Gesenl GM.; was a member of the Meowy
O'Connor league for managing Caeads. We
think, however, the Kiagstoa rano( to fides. -
We hope the 'Mating propensities of Cetus!
Prince are not likely to take that dinvettes-
ff3' We would remind ow modem that the
first sale of Shares, in the tiers. Diet set 1latM-
log Society, milres place tomorrow emaiag.
Saturday the 19th init., in tbe British Hotel. -
Aad we espect that the very novelty of selling
mommy in these Inoneyien times, will cos isnd
annuoo. But n higher inducement is, the
great good which sheets Societies have effected
in -places where they have had • fair ttiaL
we ale governed. This right is founded em
that law of nature spoken of move; tt
■poogs ant of the very pruieiple of slat
society -tor what cumpact, what agree-
ment, what cdsdnion ascent CaO p,rrtbly
be unug.oed by wluc;t leen would give up, 'nears, and that 1., the entire trilhholdug
all the rigida uf future, all the free enjoy of all voluntary support, while one nrerce-
tneut of -their bodies and their monde, la risry.Yfai,hireling remains in the synod.
nrJer t0 Nnbj:0t lbelweOIYCM to rules ter "Twit Sv*rov. (Amour llftei *vn Fur)
10,14, In the making of winch they should or £1746: -We hear there ie no lack of
have nothing to say, and which 'mould be applicants to Government for Sharing in
esforced upon them ncithnnl their consent l this pittance from• the Clergy Reserves.-
'l'he grc it richt, therefore, of every man, We drub,, however, whether any denomi-
thc right of rights, le the right ot having a neuro., as such, have applied, except the
Marc 1a melting the laws, to which the gaud Irish Catholics and the British Methodists
of Ih.r%-hnle makes it Ins duty to submit- I -the latter appearing willing to be fed and
\Vith regard to the weans til enabling tatted at the State cnb along with the for-
do cry man le euj ,y his share, they have mor ! "Tis money makes the mare go."
been different, in different coualybes, and in
Not unlikely the Irvingi"s also *111 be
the rauuu cuuntnes at different times.- found among the scramblers for this 11ea-
(irnerslly it has b. en, ani in groat cumluu sure. The bulk of the applications are
nttlr' it matt be by chuusung • low to from individual ministers or congregattnna,
speak and act in behalf of the Horny; and, belonging chietlyppe are afraid, to the Fre,
as there well hardly riser o° perfect unites Kirk. That intleenual body passed a de
reify among Aron a..embled Iur any purpose tree lately, forbidding teem private appllca-
wbatever, where tact sod argument are to [lona, as well as declining to take their
decide the quietude, the decision &lett b share se a church; and yet now it wears
several of their m miters presume to set
like kir. McDowell, of Mouth (:ower, who
got £b0 from thio fund jurat before Ibe
General Election, as a bribe to support the
Tory Administration. Too sad ! But the
daro( reckoning and expos0re draws nigh,
for Parliament will s* meettII• afew Kw,bited months,
ed then theme dolog
the light of y."- fres1 liagieter.
Carseat[ RditnaltrlibieedteTint Segpie is
held in great erases' bride 011116.01and Its
flight over a hoarse to rappelled 1* **fictive
the arrival of 'nine stranger. The rook '&
considered Iof$hcltnns, end s certain prof -
nnstlm of 1101110 tremble from the mag&tratrN-
-Captain i'iddiatg'tMoan
Tasarsta I,aw.-$y life a*eleat laws
of Hoogary a mall ooarrcted of bigamy
was c,•edometed to live with both wives le
the mem tiecitabb eta. fa *save.
titmice etfiertieTy is re.T
If Tee "neurits Ceneermstive Peaty"
are Ism" *ugo tnokl*g ,+e1 for * �
gym /o Omit Sire be.WdW
w null•• Gouerel Tom Thumb" wit 1-
the tnrjor.ly, rho cumpart b.aug that the de-
ereton of tkb s aprily .hail be that uJ tbe
whale. Muia,rs aro excluded from this
cause the law eo1Jor+ them as
Is all, tecsuso it .makes the parent
answerable fur civil dam.ges committed by
them sad beeauae of Ora lejal 1004p1city
10 51.10 auy compact. Women ore exclu
fad because b•rbandd *re aesweraulo In
taw fur their wives as to their civil dama-
ges, and be awe toe very &attire ot [bete
sex makes Lir exe,cise el this right incom-
patible with the harmony and happouess et
moiety. Ilea shamed with tvnMhste tree,
ore•xciudtJ b•rause floe, have listed
their right by vloletuag the laws to *Arch
Meir &went has given. Insane rosette are
sseloded, beetle* too are seed rs the ors
of the law, noel because the law demands no
duty •t loon hands, beeaii.e lb* law rabbet
erect 1115*. and therefore troy ought_ to
is s be Wood in making It.
Set Beth 1 tyre ewe -epitome where se the
greuod wherre n le matnteri that any miss
,,,„114..a. be deprived of 111s into, which be
deriveildtreetly from the Iso 01 pernd
o hie* spoils, se t said Afore, met of a
saws teem* with tend oeeaety Seel(1 • Ave
I toil that prope,'Iy ought to cooler this
right t Property •prang Irum labour, nod