HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-18, Page 11 1 1 1 1 1101.Iufi J 7E4 '11 ra ase. hos atk►,s bare,'( dna is sr,s :'arfat ads... .,y oven 1 TEN 11i1LL1NG14 1 s £DV.4RCS, VOLUME I. 1,500,000 ACRES Oh LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for disposal. about 1,600,000 ACRES OF' LAND Msperaed throughout most of the Towltsh ps is Upper Canada -nearly 500,- ,00 Acres are situated to the heron 7'rea, well known as one of the moat fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion is Are yeast, and new contains up- ward. of 90,000 inhabitants. The LANDS are offered by way of LEASE, for • Tea Dears, or ,tor Gale, C .! SH DO .,fr N -toe plan el* ess ftftb Cid, sad the Nalene* is /■steil- wenss hating dune awwy ssitk. The Renu payable tat February each llearr are about the Interest rt et Sia Per Cent.0 pus tbepr►ce of the Land. Upon must of the Lot., when LE.1NED,NO MONEY I8 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, one, Iwo, or three years Rent, mutt be paid in advance, --but these payments will free the Settler from farther calls ustut 2ud, 3rd or 4th year of bis term of Lease. The right to PURCHASE the FREI,- IJOI.D during the term, u secured to the Lessee at a fixed sum named in Lease, and an alluwance is glade according to antici pated payment. Lista of Innes, and any further informa• tion eaa bo obtained, (by application, if by Miter post-paid) at the C 'aOrncss, Termite and Gsdericit ; of IL BI■DaALL, Eegn Asphodel, Colburn, District ; Dr. ALWRe, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq., Stratford, Huron District. G ,rich, March 17,1848- 7 • BRITISH HOTEL, GODERICH. La7'aLT t'CCDrraD aT Ma. :sage aa7TaEEUa T, THE 8ob.cribers having Leased tbo above SUPERIOR H UT L, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friends and the public in general, that they hare opened for the rseeptws and accommodation of Uorrder, and Travellers, when they will loo happy to receive those who may honour them with their patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the 'fable with an ample portion of the best productions of the mason, and to keep their Bar supplied 1' ted with Wine's vivid Liquor.] of the tie best de- ecription, se as to merit the approval of their customers. J. Y. GOODI NG, JOHN LANCASTER. Goderleh, Jan, 2t, 1848. 1tf N. B. -Excellent Stabling will be afford- ed, and an active and attentive Groom will be always in attendance. STRACHAN & LIZARS, BARRISTERS and Attorniee at Law, Solicitors is Chancery, and Bsnkrupt- ey, Notary Public and Conveyancers, Gode- nch and -Stratford, Huron District, C. W. JoeN Stetanari, Godericb. DAxrie Hors Litotes, Stratford. Gsderich, April 20, 1848. 6m1 NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the sent Session of the Provincial Legislature, for leave to bring ins BM to cntuutute and form the (*Bowleg Townships and Gore, and Week of Land, viz :-North Eaathope, fleet!, Easthnpc, Downie and Gore, -Ellice, Blanchard, Fullerton, Logan and Flubbed, - Wellesley, Mornio ton and Mtry bororgh, and Welters half of Wilmot, and the Block of Land bebied Logan, -into a new Dis- trict. ALEX. MITCHELL, dec'y of Committee. Statford, [Huron], 1st of April, 1848. 5 10m6 FARM FOR SALE. THR Subscriber offers for sate Lot Ne. one re the seveatb Ccncesaion of the Towasnip of Colborne, West Division. There re on the premises a small Log Bare, with IS acroe under ggod cultivation, and well fenced. The Land is of excellent (mitt, and within 8 toffee of the Tows of h, emitsin.eg 100 acres. TERM of Bala will he evade know• by applying to William Robertson, Esq.,Ca.. ataoemosa'• Claes, Goderic , or to the subscriber. God.eh h, Mand lat.D8MM 8th' OSE!"CMAVCO C;tR. ma. OLIVER, having left the whole of sounts with the Clerk of the l etDi up CoCoed, GoiierieA vises all Partes! indebted to Met to see that gee Seems before the Both of next rnn•rth,- Any mt,s,atfeei required, will be gives at the eller only, where s pornow wttl be el. we he attaslhausm Roderick lees 18,•1148. "JOHN I. E. L I y1 T O N, rustles • OsM/tllra sser Queen's "pick ADD ii1 CO-VCTAN_CER, 0a*,. w11' _. r- ,ie,,,,.. ...__. 7'llfi eRE.4TEMT Pos'1RI.11: GOol) To T11.6 (:1tEATE, T POSSIBLE NL'\111t:it. (;ODERICN, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1848. FOREIGN PERIODICALS. Mi-PUBLiCATION OP THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH Ri:ViEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WES7111YSTER REVIEW, arid BLACKWOOD'S EO1f 'ti'MAGAZINE. TIIE above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, immediately on their ar- rival by the British Steamer,, in a beauti- ful clear type, on fine wbite paper, and s faithful copies of the originals -Blackwood 1Nagazine beteg an exact lac suede of th Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame , ( these splendi Periodicals renders it needless to say rout in their praise. As literary organs, the stand far in advance of any wurk, of a st miler stamp nowpubliebed, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance not ofte found in w•orke of a party character. The r They embrace the views of the (bre great parties in England -Whig, Tore and Radice' -Blackwood ar.d the London quarterly t Tory • the Edia&ug1 Re- view, Whig ; and the 'Westminster, Radical. The Foreign quarterly is purely literary, being devoted prineipatly to criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are fess their one-third of those of the forr-igrreepzee, and while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American oter the English reader. TERMS. PAYMENT To BE MADE 't AD/•ANCR. THE ACM AAD THE HAM IT OIGAaaa. " The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there - Says God'. most holy word ; The water, hath fish, and the land hath desb, Aud the air hath many,a bird, re Aad the soil is teeming o'er the earth, • And the earth batt, numberless land., e Yet millions of hands want acres, While millions ul acres waa( hoods. h Sunlight ane( breeze, and gladsome sowers, Are o'er the earth spread wide, And the good God gave these gifts to men, To men who on earth abide ; • Yet thousands are wilding in poisonous gloom, And shackled with iron band!, e While millions of hands want acres, And minions of acres want hands. For any onto( the (our Reviews, $3,00 per an. For any two do du 5.00 For any three do do 7,00 " For d1 roar of the Reviews.... 8,00 •e For Black wood's Jlagaaine.... 3,00 ee For Blackwood and the 4 Review( 10,00 " CLU?BBiNG. Font copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscription fur three -- 11m fourth copy being gratis. Ole Remittances and communications must be made in all eases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amounto t be remitted cd (akin his receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid ; or the money may be enclosed in s- hatter, post-paid, directed to the Publishers. 'N. B. -The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the late Poet Office Law to about one-third the former .stet, making a very important saving 10 the expense to mail subsenbere. iii all the principal roc! _cite ' l s m and towns r pa I throughout the United Statex t:d which. there -Ma direct Railroad or (Water cum_ metrication from the City of New York, these pettilperjadiuM Will be delivered free of LEONARD -SCOTT -1!t Co., P■bfikers, 118, Felt.is=.t., N. ('` Subscribers in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest American Post Offices. ' Godotich, ta, t8, 1848. t D ' FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property situated in the townshup of Gnderich, nn Lot 19, 4th concession, within SI miles of the town of Godertch ; there is a gond Saw Mill unit an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It to a nearer (ailing strearn well adapted for any Machinery, ■uch aa Carding and Felting Machinery, Distillery, and Grist Milf, N. B. -Will be sold cheap fur cash, or. part of the money may be for a few years. ° Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Godeerch, Feb, 18, 1848. 3 TO PRINTERS. TVPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAKE HOUSE:. THE Subscribers have opened la New Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys', Bees. Rules, Steel. Column Rake, Composing Stacks. Cass, and every article necessary for a Pirating Office. Tim Type. which .recast in dew moulds, from enursfy new sett el Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be unsur- passed by any, be sold at prices to suit the timer. All the type furniebed by us is " hand cast." Printing Presses furnished, sled and also, Steam Eng'wes of 18. most approved pat- lKns. Compo.ution Rollers cant for printers. (17" Eudora of Newepapsra who will boy three times aa much type as their bills amount to, may give the a-bove six•months' insertion 'n tb.fr papers, led send their papers ce.Mtets, it to the feebacri►ers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND N. '78 Aa* Straw/Vow York, December 7th 1847, 1•145 TOBACCO. A N. ostensive stock which will b. sold Aa ebesp for cash. T. GILMOUR k CO, Oe4.rleh, Feb. 11, 1188. TW, TI48. V T F all lonlitinter d a°u t serum/ price., by / ' . GILMOUR lk CO. Flab. 11, Eads 1. faEW1S 14 A, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING. limn 101- OODLAICH. Never a rood baths pont nun herr, To plant with a grain of corn - And never a plot where his child may cull Fresh flowers is ter dewy morn ; The roil hu allow, the woods grow rank, Yet idle the poor man mends - Ah, millions el hands want acres, And millions.( acres want bared:. 'Ti,• wet that " ye shall not muzzle the ox Tbat tresdeth out the cora :" Yet, behold yr shackle the poor rap's limbs, That have all earth's burdens borne. The Iliad is the gift of a bounteous God, Asd to labour his word commands, Yet mitliuna of hands want acres, - And melees, of acres want hallo, Who bath ordained that few should 4oar1 Their millions of useless gold? And rob the earth ofitslirits and flowers, Whilev rofitless soil they hold. Who hart( ordained that a par,G'menl scroll Shall fence round miles of land., When millions of hands want acres, And millions of acre wast hands 'Tis a glaring Lia on the fan. robbery of men's righters- - r . - '7:a a Lie that the wore of the LAeed duress, its a curse that burrs and blights - And 'twat burn and blight, till the Proves rise, Aad swear, while they burst their band', That the hands shall he"cetorth have acres, And the acres henceforth have hands. 7'1 ef t1. Time speedo away -away -away ; Another Lour -another day-. Another month -another year— Drop from us hketbe leaflet sear ; Drop like the'life blood from our hearts ; The rota -bloom from the cheek departs, The tresses from Inc;temples fall, The eye grows dim and strange to all. Tome speeds away -away -away; Lke torrents it re stormy day ; Ile undermines the stately tower, Uproots the tree, and snaps the flower ; And sweep. Isom our distracted breast The friends that loved, the friends that bleated; Aod leaves ee weeping on the .bore, To which they can return no more. Time emends sway -away -away No eagle throoght the skies of day, No wind along the hill. can flee, So swiftly or so .month as he. Like fiery steed -from elate to stage Ha bears us on -from youth to age, Then plunges is the tearful sea Of fathomless Eternity. WOMAN'S RIGHTS CONVENTION. We mentioned • few day, ago that a eon- vention of women had been held at Seseea Falls, on the 19th and 20th nit., to protect woman's rights. The Seneca Comity Cou- rier contains the " Deelaratioa of seeti menti' put forth by that boil It is eon- selerably in the vein of the Declaration of Independence, and savors strongly nf reTo- TWELVE: AND SIC liElNL AT TOR AND Ur 111■ AAA. NUMBER `d0. with impunity, provided they be done in tee presence of her htabaud. In the con- venant of marriage she to compelled to preemie obedience to her husbanr, he be cu to all intents and purposes her mas- ter siring Iron power to deprive her of her liberty and to administer cbsa- tisemegt. Atter depriving her of all her rights as a married woman, if single and the owner i+f property, he has taxed her to support a governeent which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to tt. 11e has denied her the facilities for ob- eli/Img a thorough education --all colleges being closed against bor. He bits endeavored, in every way that he ed, to destroy ber confidence in her own prere, to lessen her eclt-respect, Ind to Ante her Willing to lead a dependent and abject 1,fe. • The members of the convention "antici- pate no small amount of misconception: misrepresentation and rdicule" as they "enter upon the great work" before them. - They intend, however t., employ agents, circulate tract., petteon the state and oatmeal legislatures, and e0..e.nvot to meet the pulpit and the press." It seems that this is not a free conntry after all. But no one will deny that it is a "great country." - Beffelu Commercial .dd rerl ieer. 1 a T■MM TMB MONTREAL TRANC■ITT. PHRENOLOGY. -No. IV. It was said in my last that Dr. Gall would admit of nothtng -hut facts in establishing the principles of Phresolegy. His manner c of proceeding was this:- Whenever he a beard of any Indivtdual distinguished by any n peculiar or remarkable trait in his character, be visited him, and had a cast of hie heed takes, The Doctor was a welcome visitor ° at the courts of kings, and he cheerfully entered the bumble dwelling of the peasant. ; c Ile visited workhouses, madhouses, prisons, a .eminence and asylums' of every descrip- tion, until he had collected a great number of skulls and casts of heads of different ! C characters, also of different individuals of t the same character. r After bringing I g ng teem together and corn_ , 'ng them, he found thrt all those taken B m 1be heeds of individuals possessing the of -d -character, althewgh the skulls t or caste might differ in every other parucu-!s lar, yet there was always one prominent do- i a 'elopement common to them all. A gentleman desired the D extracts from late*nstish poper8. frons are ,coming ie rather slowly, they • trust to be enabled to eoniinne their efforts 1BC0 L A N D. tiff harvest. Last week the Caledonia Rail- • way Company sent for thirty men from their hat to undertake work not immediate - reef ly requisite., at the former condruens, whech jeer, demand waa readily complied with. We ellen „hderstand aero that the Commismoners of the Woods and Foresee have agreed to per - et of chase broken metal to the value of £37, to and Inc paid immediately. The committee will 01101 base still on hand several thousand equate be yards of broken stone., which they intend au- to take mesauree shortly for tl pewing of - tend They have determined, in order in divest the. themselves of all rceponeibeity concerning tieY men oboes moral character and gealrtira- undy tions they cannot be expected to guarantee -t0 from such a .nixed multitude, to send to eles proprietors willing to employ a few sten fur- more than the required number. in order ere, I that they may choose from among them.- ex- i We are likewise utfurmed that one of the men who n obtaineds his e i h lire free Sir g i James Gibson Craig v iihout working for ob- 'ft, war, on appearing at the committee ten. I rooms, instantly dt.uliseed, while other. U0 i who had left his rrrrice, preferring Is, in rem town to le. 3d. in the country apart from dna, ' their families, went back to his employment Dili ; o0 being (did by the committee that they ubt meet abide by the work provided fur then.. 18. Scotsman. • - find _I OaniaATIOR.-Oa Wcdaeeday, 38th ult., tM i the Prcabytery of the United Prerbyterlan yet Church, Newcastle, met for the ordination palace a of Mr. Alexder Welker as colleague to the 4,4 11ev. Dr. C. Browning. Rev. Pruteeror to i ad Michael of Dunfermline preached, Mr. be_' Browning presided in the ordination, Rev. peace l Iowa Douglas addressed the minister, and 0_ i i E. Dale of Bcdungton, the cungrega- ves tion.. -/6. a Gas £xetoetnq IN GL.+snow-.-On the est: evening of Saturday tut, an alarming cri- er- , plosion of gay took place in Glasgow', by e which the tires of two persons have been ity placed in danger. 1t appears that Mr. TME A.Rr'ITT-TAx.-Our rttontempo the Cuarunt thus alludes to this sub and the recent proceedings in conn with It:-" Without at ail vindicating authors of ibis riot, the prejudicial etli- such scenes to the cause 01 good order, even to the tuteresls of this Church, ca be dented, At any tune, they would prejudicial; but at present, when the thorny of Government has to con against the prugreas of Chartism, and o eche/Mee under the name of reform,! t are doubly so. They familiarise the m of the people to disorder and violence scenes that may occur to other count during the wild excitement of civil der Dance, but which were scarcely known b except from the contagion of French ample. This new trouble i., however, of home growth, and arise. from dao assess- ment for the support of the clergy, not p'cted to at the tone it was imported, wl there being then no Dleeenters, it fell their own congregations, but which, 1' the subsequent ancreatee of other rehgu fall. ou their followers, who con.cque complain of this inequality; and we do If they will ever be persuaded to par tax cooteutedly, and the difficulty is to nut any other lees objectionable fund This has been a staadtag problem ta government of the city, which remains 10 Inc satisfactorily solved. But iha. of the country now requires that a drei exertion should Inc made, and an appeal Government, whose concern it haw now ome, level slog as it does the cause of rid of g ad ores►• awe in borne'', we ea of hielp" btng, that (bas clergy tbrnlrcl holed comb forward, dad, ley snaking acrifice, teclhtete an amicable settleni f this vexatious dispute, which will oth wise remain as a canker in the beast of t6 ummunity-a standing source of animus ud disorder."-Scotamun. Stta'*LI,O 1R Tea Fates.KimeeSr. A asw;J - Several mceuogs of the Fr hureb congregation bavo of late been h o discuss the uau 9 tea and duties of the everend pastors Dr. Hetheringtua and ad Ainslie. At one of these meeting', Sir rcwster complainedoudly of Dr. Hath ngton not doing tea duty to the congrcg roti. and, in particular, in net visiting t Ick. A member of the chinch then ro rid said, before the elders began- to co lain of their ministers, they. ought to Ire urm their e r tut m s tbo setts an 1 1' d c erre y r d rho elle; fur clic district where he r.o,id ever viwung at a11. ' Dir, belled of Spal g, being the party referred to by the fa peaker,.aaked Doth d he wended to bring ersoial charge against him for out pe rwtng his duty in the elderaht1r, when nice from behind cried out, "If ye're abbit ye noedna clew." Another met g of the congregation was held on Thu y week to consider the propriety of o sing Dr. lletherrngturi a attempt to lea em, and with the view of preventing hi ern accepting the cell to Free St. Paul' dinburgh. Mr. Briggs- moved that 11 ngregatiun send cornmiastoucrs to th resbytere to oppose Dr. Hetherington anslation, and if they should see cause, t Metal,' the Synod or Assembly. Ai eldrune of Kincape then moved that th ngregation do not oppose Dr. [tethering ria translatioo. After a strong canvas d a Continuattun of voting for sever urs. about 170 .votes were recorded fo r; Briggs' motion, and forty for Mr. Me um'e-thus giving Mr. Briggs the major . One part of the congregation 'seem t the friends of Dr. Hetherington, and 1be other of Mr. Ainal e. We were surprised to hoar From a hearer of Dr. Hetherington that on Sunday last the pawl of four of the leading delete of the Free Church were un- occupied, and we have since been inturined that they had gone in their own hired car- riages, with their families, to :Strathkin- neee free Church, as their friend Mr. Ains- was from home. We fear (eery m,:c! re will be a emit ere Ions among our tie Kirk going folks; and we have heard t an elder stated at a prayer meeting that ddd not can although " the congregation re in shivers to -morrow." A femme di- ded against Itself cannot stand. There I be some "little dtteultlea, we are aid, arise obi of the 'tate vote. It sp- ri that the forty who Wish to get clear 1r. Hetherington, the h a minority in miters, are the best pdpng and the most central Members of th^ Free Church, though the ministers of' that Church do care for money at alt on their own 80- n 1, yet, knowing that the silver and gold are tho Lurd'e, they like well enough to re- ceive the eseh of the congregation as trus- tees for the real owner. We hear that four of the eiders are to be brought before the se.rlon for desecrating the Sabbath by working cattle and 'errant' on that day.— Fifes4ere Journal. PRRssyTnar or A;n-_f;avAa C'Asa.— The °rdu ter! n,eeung of Ayr Presbytery wee held in Ayr on Wednesday. The court having heard the exercises prescribed to the Rev. Mr. Corson, presentee to the parish of Green, in terms of the deliverance of the lest General Areemb!y, resolved unanimously to aureate the trials as highly satinf.rtory. The ordination was fixed to take plate on Thursday the 40th currente- Mr. Walker suggested that •very member of the Prelthytery should make a point of being present at the ordination of Mr. Cor - ass, to uphold and eousienance hint, end that .t whatever etpes.e, hazard, or troll- bla.—Nrotsrw.•a. Ten i7aternnran. •-Tffe relief enmant- tes are atr11 providing work for ■seely 450f of the °tretnpioyed; and although 4eetnbu- Chris ' Charles Gibson, who occupies a floor m s 4.23 Argyll Street, felt a strong smell of co gat in the staircase connected with tate eld hour", see desired his servant girl to take a candleand ■ search arch for , locality u I tent it v of n - r 1 cape. The girl did so, and guided by the D «melt, proceeded up stairs accompan'ed by er I het master; but on reaching the top, the a ! accumulated gas exploded with a (rightful 40 report. Mr. Gibson and the girl were ser thrown- down .tare with great vidlenee and frightfully scorched; the hair and whet- :• kers of the former being completely burned off, and his fete almost denuded to d d o f the skin ed The poor girl is still more sererrly J i injured, and neither f1 out of linger. The .t two door. on the lending -place, ami the a vitt pardti'd staircase, aro blistered and r • blackened as if they had endured a coofla- a gran io; and an adjoining' window, with no twelve panes; is completely Matte ed and t_ destroyed. Tho escape of gas, and manse- s.rgoently the accident, arose frow some min- e having stolen the metal nut or plug p. which was noel to secure the stair aspipe. re Glasgow Herald. g m ah A*.AULT AND ltoennitT AT iiLAre)w.— te At an early hour on Thursday mourning, as b a printer named Smith was approaching '. Bridgeton by the Old Delmarnock Road, o he wan soddenly set upon by three or four r. men, who sprung from the aide 01 the Not- e path, and knocked him dews. LVh'Ie pros- - trated, the ruffianr.n8ed his pockets of their $, eontente, and abstacted also a silver watch al and. chain, but tuttun.tcly he had no money r ,about hon. The robbers Ibeo decamped, 1- after a few kicky on the unfortunate itulr- 1• vi• nal. Ile soon rceowed, and within half o an hour after he had been assaultel, went and lodged information of the occurrence at (ho Calton Police -office, The leeeit.- sant on duty promptly di+patched officer" in various directions to intercept the gang. The arrangements of the police were PO judiciously exerted, tier, within se hour and a hail atter the robbery war cornrnrtted, three of the gang were apprehereled un the south bank of the river, as they were ap- t preaching! Hntchesontown !ridge. 0., the person of ono of the tree was f ien.l part 01 the guard -chain, but the watch itself heel disappeared. 7'hcy are all known as old offenders.-Scolamun. Wri.rtL. Flap. R Iv "i rif0`-bast year the sleep of efeenrs. Fraser and Smith, merchants, Thorne, was partly burned.- Atthotime there were •strung surpicuons that the fire hail ongnialed by some of the parties concerned, and • precognition woe taken, but there was nut found at the tune sufficient evidence to w,rrant a cmninel • prosecution, and the matter was therefore allowed to rest. On Tuesday week, in non sequence of information conveyed to the arithor,tres, John Bain, Superintendent of Police for this c. entry, went smith by the steamer, and returned on featnrdry, having to custody one of the members of the firm refereed to,• Smith, who bas been to Glas- gow for sumo, cuneiule. able tins, avid who us now committed to the jail here, on the charge of fire raising. It is said that emelt has made a dull confession of hes Retie -Jolts o' Greet Jowrsol. Iflastration :-A f Doctor to come to his ]oust, and examiner the head of'bts servant man, who had live•d m the family eixteereyeare; and an individ- ; rn AI rf a m.tiIo generous and teen!, th,ailtg •:r disposition he had never seen. Ile as so very benevolent, .aid the gentleman, that fu he can hardly retain anything he posse see, If he knows any person requires it more re than he does himself- The Doctor visited hum and reek a cast of hie bead.' A lady da desired the doctor to see her young brother, Charles, whom .he de -'embed as having the th same generous disposition. The Doctor fr went and took a cast of his head. Ile of- E terward.a obtained the skulls and casts from the heads of persons who possessed the p sante traits of character: -and, afterward., tr by comparing them together, he found that although they differed in almost every M other respect, yet there was one develops- co ment peculiar to them afi; and that was, on to the upper portion of the frontal bone, on rn the ford part of the head. he In this manner he went on, discovering_ 81 organ after organ, until he este/duetted Ir twenty-seven of the thirty-four that now considered fundamental. Dr. Sport. I hetY neim discoved the remainder, and by defile mg the proper ora and abuse of the dif• erent fatuities, he halt considerably improved the system as left by Dr. Gall. it has been objected it/ Dr. Gall, that.hie works arc nothing but a series of die -meted facts. Nothing can be more false. Po be sure, he was n» systcm•maker; but he had such confidence 10 Nature, That be was ter• tarn the requisite facto only required to be brought out, and they would form them- selves into a system. He was not disap- pointed; for •Ithungh sac i organ was du- cribed, without any reference to this others, ile tate Fr the he we yet when compared together, it wee found ei that they naturally formed themselves into Mit groups, each individually of which bore a of i amily resemblance, and found a fellow fling In those who were contiguous to it the brain. Illestrafioa:-AII the animal prepensitfgqss re located at the base 01 the brain; -1f141 oral and religious sentiments in the igher region of the head. Iutton . " f Tqe signers," numbering more than one in hundred, "hold these truths to be .elf-evi- dest," that "all men and women are creat- ed cgnal," that " governments derive their a just power" from the consent of the gov- erned," Inc,, and they are decidedly of women' has continued about long enough. Among the enormities charged upon the , to naurpeig "lords of creation" are the fol- lowing:- The buttery of mankind is a history of t repeated Injuries and osnrpatinns on ;h.- tl part of man toward woman, having in direct m object the establishment of an absolute ty- ranny over her. To prove this let facts be .abmItted to a candid world. He has never permitted her to exercise her alt oseDable right to the elective frnnehian.i h He has eompselleer to submit to laws ma la the formation of which she has had so voice. Having deprived her of thie first right of a ciimen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her, *uthout representation in the halls of legislation, be has oppressed her on all sides. 11.. has made her, if married, is the eye of abs law, civilly dead. He hu taken from her all right in pro- perty, even to the *ages shWired. res. l.1. has evade her, morally, sit irrespess hie befog, as she tea coattail many crimes opinion that "the patient sufferance of the e actual trooping or classification of o organs, each of which holding a position per feet harmony with its relations and penance, as one of the most beautiful 'dances in favour 01 the Theme origin of he science. The *menet, as discovered by Dr. Gill, ay he cornpared to a garden of beauluue were. IIs was as the skillful Botantat, observing their developement-derrcnbing their different gnallu.., the beat mean. of celtreatio., and the various uses to which they migbl be applied. la ewlradtsuecttonv all other systems y be Iskoned to girdend of ertffkarl ower', very beautifully arranged no doubt, and uieulated $o please the eye for a little while: but as to their nature, how to cultivate, or their utility, neither the ori g'nabn tbemeeleres nor any other person could tell asyt8i•g about --for they were ARxmlica&L. GAL iN DAMSEL. July 28, 1848. Wh..ever you was k smell wake, thank how meet Math i. wasted. Pea of I nu iuS al.d not sou Too THIN.- "la not (bat • thin Hiner' said an E:saliwheten to , "i do not thank i ever saw in ail a man rn very thin" " t)Gh es se NW, with a elereklieg whoop, ",lo ype e.1l urn then r why 1 kleowa tra$ i. Ireland that's as thin Mao as two 1e IeeemerricSEN .lamer. -"We mast he uneneruou., " observed Hancock vie the 00048100 of signing lee Declaration of in. deponelenee, " there Moet be no peeling def- ferent ways." "Ye•s," observed Fr.nkl,e, "we must all hang together, or molt attseredly we shall all hang separately." s