HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-11, Page 3prifisok, ' •1 emu: FILat eti1 Ae net 11. t ►ratT ''r l throughout �pls ail analog g lir soli *try, sod tato (:eserw+nt u maim( ewttetic Ilted hires to eoppreis, the er- peoteJ uulbten3i ethich PPM' appears inevit- able. Seseir erroe{a !or felony have been swede, end premise' bate been Wuhan open by the popelete, ftliveral of the til prisoners bare been rekased. Purwa.- France rumaie. traeg4I.-e Parts re mill wader martial law. The tie. a/Stied tri Pane hare been disarmed, and there are len fear of a reeurtlwee' of flew kesid Ig ,,[ •i.a:a rVilltliO: BAKTJCUI.Ae9. ?R*L 0• -Laub organisation -lb daily le creaalog and beeuuttng more aystcmatized. gal there is greet Jaeger uf• a premature outbreak. The folluwiog places hoer( hem proclaimed soder the Csererua Act s•Coti.ty asd City of Dublin, County and Cit? of Cal, County and. City of Waterford, ad town ut Ureglteda. At Carrick °n -Muir sev.eal Cl.bbists were arrested, among whom was the Rev. Dr. lifjrne, eikeu they rose in maa.os with arms, cessions( of rind• and piked, repgued to the authorities, and demanded the release of I, the prisoners, whn were delivered to then. They then rang the chapel bell:, when 1,000 men congregated Morn t ne neighboring hills armed to the de,*b, wbo remaiacd in Car- rick an the' night;'Teel an attempt should be made to arrsal Father Byrne. The d -live- ry of the �somcre sad withdrawal of the troops weer s.iiidered as s vletiyry. The clsbs being charged with having been formed for the purpose of pillage and mur- der, the Dublin clubs h81J a meeting on Monday, when booth O'linen declared ibat • the purposes and the end of the organization were to oyertbroi4 the 13ritisk putter M ire- Tw•ety-tired Catholic priests, in the deseer, of Tuam, have protested against Oars, and;$ few 'priests other place' hate also disowned them. • Devitt Reilly continues to write and epe:k treason. • Abseet uffccr., belonging to regiments in Ireland, have been ordered os duty. The purchase and manufacture of arms tic proceeding briefs!), a-u.,ng the people. The rehab have prepared a asap -of the county of Dublin, tub-Jiiided into district, in each of which, points are iodieated where the clubs are respectively to muster, and where barlicadcs are to be thrown up. Latest arrivals from Dublin state that it wee now arranged that if upon the forma tion of the jury to try Duffy and his fellows, at shall appear probable that a conviction will be had, theolirba are to rise namrdiate- ly, and prevent the trial by an anticipatory, and as they say successful outbreak. TAI 1 1144117 it L • II" AGRII:Ui•TJ bai ma Air ' t g Fainter.' lob, ��Yg { leer, rr•1db1, Durafbr tet 'a 'ovsotb ft • oto: 44 the $ t. • j wndct Partial 1.knpital, ErlitlM54e4 al IITRA' EORII, on Fiid i r 4 V41101 ladle ASA. P ay CWsy. ET We acknowledge • {saw hem Dr., Rao. eel • of llootrnl, this morning. * )i • re J.- 'Al Cod. Foe WS Stallion for Agrisltlttlal ,. I +ILeptestlw, awardiel 1 lth ApMI► is JRr- C. Cbru*Nter, 7 10 0 he best Brood Man god Pool. • • • ,1 10 0 Red beat 1 0 u 3rd beet 0 10 0 ..-bee/ ;Wee reeve old Prue. •a• • 0 15 0 *vibes; ••••ensu .r•cetapeo. 0 10 0 Irdbeell•r•••.••;•v••Aor•M• 0 5 0 i'outtea twepMrai i d6••••ev•• 0 12 6 BYLAWS. , .. sea b i.a.. ......•eetown'se • 7 6 r'i r aid *sgtr..•••... •ratp.4an11'• 0 6 0 I. N•seisel ptsi.g the Meat prise oat year, ror boot one year old Cult 0 10 0 eaa take it to the mime o.arsoter the wooed or Sad heel • •• - 0 7 6 soy (Mow rarer; but may show earl be eautled to fM• hart two IOW .4 g • • • 0 1S 0 s °truncate boat 11.e Society. or such other bort •.• •...,•.•... 0 10 U boaertery reward seamy he decided on, except de aaTinllillat }y' /retelb4tpr hum here of dem } of trite .cd de - termite., to N dW eged Mt~ !- ee- Priu is discretion of Cersowiltee. FA W. WHEAT -Tube shone i• Stat -1 ford on uo dist Frilay of Septeusber, jlst 13eptemMl) at 12 o'clock, noun:- rue Bret, t9. Second. At N. Thrrd, P1 5 Fourth, 1.1 W ; and 90 bush• Is be broa1hl by Mack I<tbabit r, and raid to ruy Member d the Society at r1 more than the then Galt pries. SEEDS -To be shown at General billet- ing in February, 1140. Hearn lirtoes-•.Eur. two sett of Horse ethoan s -one en the bons the other nut -to M •warded nigher eher •f Lb. betue•-Fuca, mils. S coed, 7m. 6d. an Ha.• --Best tett of Doublc-Flrst,J; l . `Second, lbs. l • ON C'OM0MISSION. 'SALT!, SALT 11 8A1h'!!! AT mob; aborted there,. for oba at fell Wheat at ash price Maly. -. THE SUBSCRIBER 1. site Opt i• receipt of • geesral assortment of DRY GOODS. eneisung in pert of Poll de Chitin%Mawlt.w. Cashmere de (Alum' Deblois Lmtre.. Cohmvq and other Dresses, (seer large *ado. Blonde % rile, Stub and lhsJkerohirfa,-Carhrner. 0d ape Shawn in great variety. Sdpeaer COTTON TARN, rte., der. Ladies' milking Boots and Short u grrat eerie/. -AL80-- A general raceme's* of 0R0GERiEH. SHELF and ober HAROWAR , wkleo. Hie Scythe Soften. Crockery, Poets. Oil sed riatprnnne ; Patch, Row. Tar sed (?akem 7411. to 100 lbs. Kegs •r u arty °tar n•a,•ta:, L CKABR U.deticb, Amiss' 4th. 1848. S74 aas . to 3 ral=a8 0 _ 'e x;o<o M118 rel R .3 cc 7 t• r - .W 6" • wv1 HPa=E oa • rI ; m.on tit •�='�Gj S � r f3: W 1 W la. i• For blot two year6 Aid1•tW. (Wt• 10 0 Ind hest 9 7, for 1. rat Span of Farts Blares•, Gelding. or Motet 1 0 e I.d beet •• • 1b 0 BEYOND CLAM: • '"41' For best throe year old Boll. ■tell °pwarde, (,.o By Law for double premium.) 8 0 0 tui beet 1 10 0 3rd boat ▪ 0. • • '1 0 0 For beet two year old Bull 1 10 0 mal beet For beat Moe yea- old Bull 2sd boot For best Milch Cow and Calf tad best 31.41 best Fur best M11eb Cow 30d bast • ltd in rt Bulls, Stallions, Boars, and Rants, which may show ■,.d esrry first prises fur two years. 2. 7'bat a Subsenber he early entitled to one Pers. for Better ltd Cheese. or fur Grillo of the agree kind. 3. That Stallioee, poi. mod Boars, oust bare served within the Seciry's Dutnct. the w.••a previous so the Show. (eaerptlag .s sues pretnded'f r;by extra Pregame...] or exhibitors 01 nosh to give an obhgatoe aha' they will verve is their Merron. 4. That Bolla mull ha.* a ring or screw in their nose, w.14 a rope or chain attached, to pre= vent accidents. 1 0 0 6. That the prise fur Heifer. be not awarded O 10 0 to any $sisal that hu previously had • Calf. 6. That the q i.nuty til (:ra,n and Seeds ex - O 7 6 hawed, [Pease and Indian Co,. included,) be 1 0 0 .ot tem than Four Bu-brb, sad raised by an et - O 15 0 ' bibiter, limn a field of a1 lent two acres, (unless O 10 0 the gosnutyof land and grata weeds be otherwise O 15 0 r ci6ed). and the Cheese and Bruer, or other O 10 0 Farm Produce, exhibited, to be' produce from ex - 7 6 hibitor's farm, land or .tock: and thin all Ewe. *hews [except Fat Sheep) shall ha.e suckled ■ Fur bell two fear old Heifer •... • 0 I7 ` Iamb to the I,rst of August previous to the day 3 M w. 3rd beat •• 0 8 0'} P That all entilperilnro for Prises moat give For beet year soldHeitur•.••,• 0 116 the0!Selcretarynotice ofthe deser.p'ionofStork 2nd beet" _ _ _ r • 9 rddace they intend to show, before, or as For best Spring Calf 0 7 0 lir i.v bat our, prertoue to the day Many Au. 2nd heel 0 5 0 seat u: Ge: oral Show.«k and Produce raMDited, Fur beat oke Working Ozer), fire 8. That all t yenta old au upwaru •••• 0 15 u meat be on the gn..nA precisely a TWELVE tad beat s p _ • 10 0 o'clock of the day a Show: the Judges wall at Met limo eater so Ibeie Janes 3rd hest y 0 7 6 9. No article or autmel mit be shows for two Yell be acrid byPebltg to d Mr.. TOMAS t...A*Ty,R in Txl.r.miib• on Friday. tri. 152 Bepttm•er. ter° Yeas of W.1141 0*... ... Tote of four VON old Steers, two Yoke of three years Mit de., one Yoke .f two years old ds , SIX Milch COW., two 2 yeo14 Heifers ie If, one year •Y three Cali mora Sheep, feat Pig.. ear MARE is foe �ao- A wperi.w Thmideieg+Ohsklnq{aro beret power. arida sanely of other 0i 44 nodVansiog lmple- 1°e4. ton nd°teroes to neeratoe. RMB -Under etre poead. Cas•'. Ole. and .pwerda levee Oe•ti. CM*, T en- d safe. 'I'daMCi AT TEN .tmrtinwwd. 27td • For best yoke fort• yee.r old 8*.e• ,., 0 12 6 pr,aes owmaw ,.•,. Fur beat yoke three year old do• • 0 le. 0 10. Competitors for Twines se•i Potatoes to dud best 0 '7 6 giye souse to the Itteeretery, en es before the last Fur beet yoke two year old do•• 0 .7 6 Saturday le September, ss tb.s they wry ..e ta- tted beat 0 S 0 apeeted before the Show, sed Ino 3d. at ratty to 9d kat, For best Fat Oi 0 Ib 0 P 2 """ ' 3rd beat 0 10 0 •ir• es red Fee ;he best 2 Bushels Spring Wheat, 11. That for the toe a .f har.e 94 `;est, For beat Fat CotT : three year old Members who may intrad proved •t k Fat the beat 2 Braille's' of liarley, and best ••ekt:••••••:••••• 0,10 0 9d best. ... 2•'d Dca •..e 0 7 e t J ,lg., weak of the first Pnvr, •ed if For the lust 2 BusLeb of 0.p.,. ....,. AN$HAKU (lilt ANCH) AGMICVILTURAle SOCIETY. IRLWU Mal FOR I8t16. N�WE OIit'UNY ANNUAL 1'X1iUWTMOS 1 d CATTLE, FAAty/ PMUUUC11, LU 16M:liTIC MANUFACTURES. dm oat be belt) a* ST. NAKY'•. t.0 Weier...day Ilia 6th .b e( tiepteuer, 1M44, wdie e fuU.wig• MR - 511U MS will be swanked : - H0ft5LB. E •. d. Fur the beat Man sed Foal, 0 0 0 2°d bort. For the beet41year old Colt, ••••••••• 0 15 U tad bee, • 10 0 For the towel 3 year •lJ Fitly,......-U 15 0 ltd beet, • 10 0 For the best 2 year ad Colt or Filly,0 15 0 2nd best, 0 10 0 For the beet 1 year old Cob errFills, 0 15 0 lad best, 0 10 0 CATTLE. For aha best Bull, 3 year obi,. 1 OF 0 2nd best, ...................... 0 IS 0 For the brat 2 year old til. ••-• 0 IS 0 yd hest. -•• 0 10 0 For the beet year201 de0 10 0 201 best 0 5 0 For the best Mikis Cow, with Call by l 00 0 her side, 2J best ..... ............... U 10 0 For the best Mitch Cow hevieg 21.d a Calf in 2848, . .. 0 13 0 24 hest. 0 10 0 For the heat 2 year old Heifer.. 0 10 0 Id beet, For the best yeartieg Hem 2d ham, . For the best Fel oa, For the beet Fat Cow ..... ••.. ••.••:•• 0 10 0 For the best Yoke .f Wattles Owe,- 1 00 0 2l be.1................0 15 0 3J best. ..i. 0 10 0 For the beet Yuke,ef 3 years odd Steer, 0 15 0 2d bests ... ... 0 10 6 3d best . U 5 0 F., the beet Yoke of 2year old Steers,•. 0 10 0 24 best, 0 5 0' SHEEP AND HOGS. For :he beet Ram 2 years old and •pw'de, 0 15 0 2d best 0 10 0 For the best 1 year old . .. 0 10 0 2d beet, 0 5 0 For the beat Tup Lamb, U 10 0 2d best, 0 5 0 For the best pair of Ewes and Lambs,. - 00 155 00 2d best, . For the beet single Ewe with Lamb by 0 10 0 iter .ids ............. 2d best, ... 0 5 0 For the best pea[3] of Wetben or Ewes, 00 10 00 . lid bat.. ....... FN the beat Bear,........... 0 15 0 2d beat., .0100 Fee the best Sow. •baviso had Pep is O 15 0 1.040 •• AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For tee best 2 Bushels Fall Wheat.... 0 10 0 ......:.. 0 7 6 0 100 0 7 6 0 10 0 k id by web competitor tweeds of such $ru- o. tor• •meat t oce ire Stock; Jany animist entered for compruuer be deemed r . lir .e u ) TI11 .CLA88. the *weer of she rem. prove to the tri r:ac!ws 3d lest......... d the Jodie. that such .peeimen For beet Ram ewe tan yetis and usdn Ove ..........e: N 1 end best 0 1 For beet year old Ram •- - 0 1 2nd beet 0 For best pair Ewes '(ares -By -[now), 0 1 ind best 0 1 For beet single Ewe 2nd beet For beet pair of Fat Sheep , tad beat ,•••• 0 5'0 FOURTH CLAS -S. of Steck has TLr the best 2 Bushels of Peas.......,. b 0 bete importe.t, or pure breed oat of Stock ins- 24' toot, 10 0 50 10 0 50 76 50 10 0 50 0 0 posted from Great Ikttso or Ireland. he shall re DAIRY PRODUCEll n. 0 0 crave double the amoenrd premium oihis erwe Fa the beet 16 lbs. 0f RoBoer, 0 7 6 awarded, but o.ly for owe year. 7 0' 12. Ail Stock to be propeay of exhibitor dime 1i, 3 0 month, before the Ohow. Judge. will have For the best Keg of butter 65 •. s• •"' Y 7 6 0 0 di.eretion.ry pewee is wubhotdiag Prises; and 24 beet . , 0 . b 0 7 6 110o person las be of hie ear* property.- ld best, .... • • Far rhe best Cheese, from 12 to 20 lbsti )0 0 8 0 0 Lace Rules 10, 115 , , and d 12, F. Rens.] 2,1 beat, ........... 0 7 0" PLOUGHING MATCH3d be•t,.••• a M 0 5 0 To be on 14th October. I'begh to be property Yee the boaple 8sgsr-20 Ike. in of person entering, to be of any kind. The ' Cate, O ground to be ploughed by the person entering, or oa t"•' O by seen( his (sadly, or servo' cote mouth pre- viously employed and hired. Pram: I.t, :C?: 2d. LI too: 3J. i1: 4th, 15s.; 5th, 10* : 6th, r O 5s. -t6. TIME, ell hour.. Begins at Teo O A M. F A FAIR will be held for the BALE of FARM STOCK of every descriptioset Me day of Show in October. O " O Hi 0 Stratford, A.gwt 11, 111141.- 0- 13 0 641.- 0.130 "0 76 For best Boar 0 15 god beat • • e 0 10 For beat Breeding Sow, boring bred Pigs during 1848, • • 0 15 2nd beet 0 10 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For best'Fult Wheat, [see be'ew] For beet Spring Wheat •• 1 0 ind hest Ind treat For beet Barley god beat. For best Ryc•••:•• bc.t Oat3 ind beet Fer hest Pews (one acre) 2nd beat 1' r best Clover Seed (one bushel) grown in 1848, 9nd beat • ......• • Fur best Timothy Seed (one bush.) 2nd beet ... Fur boot Swed'b Turnip Seed, 5 lbs. -2nd beet For beet Swedish Turoips[o.e acre] 2nd best 3rd beat For br.t White Tontine, or eller hods, except Swedish [en. acre, ) Ind best 3rd bent beet Potatoes (half sere)•.•• 2nd beet S.rd best • • DAIRY PRODUCE. JOHN J. E LIIITON, pee,,.. ., 7 b ... e b 0 10 Gabriel. A.gert 4, 1646 Fur Fee beet firkin salt Butter, 56 4ba. make' and cured 2wd beet did beat beet newly made Better, 25 Ilse. Jud beat hest Cheese, 95 lbs Sari boot 3.4 beat For beet Maple Sugar. (cake) pro- fited on exhibitor's prem - tees, fS His • 2nd beet • 3rd beet ► Pee best Virile Honey. le the.oedr. do. de. not les. than 10 Ihe. lad beet 3rd beet For For O 7 O 5 O 7 O 5 DOMESTICS. Mt' 1feet 10 verde of Homemade Fulled Cloth, from wool grown ty.nldliterand epee is ht° handy (ail inside sib el L.148). 0 15 0 1 0 O 15 O 7 O 5 O 7 O 5 O 15 O 10 4 7 0 O 0 6 0 e 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 O 10 0 O 7 6' O 5 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 13 6 lis 0 10 0 7 6 16 0 10 0 7 0 RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED!!!. THE GENUINE I_NDI.AN„RRF,UMATIC ♦- THE only SAFE and SURE REMEDY for R H EUMATJSd1:.d bas never faded is curing this dreadful Complain,, when properly applied. !Cl Phis MEDICINE elands above all others of the kind, and ibe proof of the Ante', le re ming it. It needs not the $sista$ of vain miffs loom sun- dry prrww, (no one knows who,) to prove its vinnri.. QJ'N. B. -Wholesale buyers treated on Libe- ral Terms. Fin Sale by C. Cnaea, sole Agent for Canada Weer. 17F None Gensioe unless signed Dr. BOYD DICKINSON. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALSO,-Dica,sso.'e COUGH DROPS, a Certain Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Ice.le.- Paea-ls. 3.1. per bale. Detroit, Michigan, July 4th.1818. 10.71 LOOK HERIt!! Lt;.9TiiER FOR SALE. THE subecrthar begs leave to intonate to the Publ,c that he tai and will keep constantly on hand, LEATIIEK OF ALL KINDS, and of the very beat 1l11ality, for sale, wholesale or retail, at tb% lowest remise - 12 0 10 0 7I 12 6 10 0 7 6 2.4 sees .0..0•••••••••••••‘••• • 0 10 0 led lost...els. » I .• Tor hist 10 yards ems -made Planet', all or , /e.ttl0t (rife '''y do , .. (. v eel. Ind heel • ..'14 All 3.4 boot •••. 0 Per Woe *yards of Mail •'veer! 6. [twilled retie 4 ' led 4 sal .( ,*,e a- e For beet D°wMe Horse Flee••,eie ,e got.. made or purchased lc i •.t• 11011000? er est .-kers.( *es • rime, •••• i. Akill led beat .• • • ... • 4 M. • /sty beet rimming MMI. say .raper . n •- aged krndde'••-• •••010.0 ••n •tllyd b.M • I• ••• 0 1:4 Per best Ploegl wry impre•adbind 0 10 0 Id beet, .. 0 S 0 DOMESTIC MAIfUFACTUREI. or the beat 10 yards Fulled Cloth,0 10 0 Id best, .. ..... ... ... 5 0 or the best 10 yards Flsnael sod Woo!. 10 0 Yd best, 5 0 RULES OF THE EXHIBITION. Ht. The Materials of the Domestic Menu- • Metered Cloth and Flanel to be predated from STRATFORD HIO'I'I L. she Farm of the Competitor. WAGGON$ AND $LSJG118. NO. 1 NAST STREET, • .Want °reefer' rem rano• ascetic TRE Bubecnbers begs Rave to tefnni 1 ars friends and til psblis at large, that he Is now prepared to receive orders fur LUMBER OK LiGHT WAGGONS, which shall be manafect.red of ►he beet miterefs,and by experience( wwkm.5. 8J Harrows a, d Lraga uuda lis under i Plough Castings Wo°ded. ALI;XANDEK SIELVIN. (iederkb. Feb. 0, 1640. 411 IMO EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. WOULD seapectfully intimate that they have jt1.t received, direct fro a the New York and Montreal Markets, a very large assotlment of Straw, Leghorn, Don - .table, Tuscan, and imtarioe Silk BON- NETS, and a great vanetj of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, soiled to the farbion a0d taste of the season. Also, an extenetvo stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple G•io4.. l.ikewi•e, large quantities 01 GROCERIES, paeiics- luly a eery superior supply of TEAS, from Is. 3d, per pound upwards, according to olualfty ; and Tobacco at all prices. As the whole extensive stock has been selected by the proprietor. is person, tl.ey ran confidently recommend them to their friends and customers, and as the purchase. have been effected exclusively on esah pnn- copies, they have re.etvel tis' sell °e the most reasonable term,, and at the lowest possible profits n.a c.an. (j' Marketable produce of every descrip- tion taken in excbaoge at the highest attar• net price. ' THOS. GiLMOUR k CO. Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16 BOOT.,AND SHOE STORE, ai 9RKET• 8 t JR1w� JUST received, and will be sold cheap lir cash or marketable produce, a largo as- sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of various sizee and qualities. -ALSO- A large quantity of different deseription. of LEATHER, phich will be sold to the trade on the wort reneonable tenni*, either by ,wholesale or retail. Intending purchas- ers are requested to call and examine for themselves at the Biot and Shoe More of THOMAS WATKINS, Q.' Pegs and Findings for sale. (iiodrrich, May 26, 1848. 171( N. B. -Patent SCALE, weighing from jib. to 500, 'for sale. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. stRl aro f .e rlsw rd3HIONi4,Jbr 1848. A,L vary of •321e „rawest and most Improved Sratso AND. Siiii' vrathe toys for 1818,• have been rem -teed . subscriber, who will promptly ttteild to the orders of all who may faveur'hiet wile their patronage. a,e required immediately tb prevent the A. NAY'BMITM.' - amt• :111, Adjustment to Joao Hiroo, Mitchell. Mltcbetl, Martie 94, 1845. 8 To r.U•lt" GOOD and oaf, Inv..tment. Valuable MILL 11R'1' eW FARMS for sate es Lake 11aree• A good Mill Privilege on the Lake shore wrthmn ars Maks Ga.drrich, haring 30 etre. of elfin' nil, the 511,7 Can be !wilt on the reel, w,thte 56 fist of tarn feel deep wrier in the Lake; Ib• MA /3n' east be rode If to le lett ►� K a eq6 nil. daperi.• and on a mover laded(atrueababwn darts* of Saw -legs a the vicinity. Also, • •plendal 51111 privilege • mile up on the Ergh'e•n note River ieh 10 navigable to the Lake, bade( 43 afire,. of Brat rate lanai, plenty of Pwe .14 oilier Saw logs in the vteinity. AND ALSO -Pour of the. 21 �t ¢•scup lion of FARMS on and riser thi :.eke Share, with improvements. The above well Wetted and vv.! naleaba property will beheld le* for c$:0. or halt the purchase s�ouey may roseate ler tb,.o or tem year. Pa munseste. Apply (o by let or puss paid) to Law rence Lauri -items. Esq., Loodoe, Robert Psrkc, Eaq., Uodrnch, ..r to th• proprietor JOHN HAWKINS. Peet Wit. Godes Ish, Feb. 3. 1848. t f 1 VALUABLE FARM LOTS roe Mat.1 IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • [a /711)1 L••t• u the Pir.t Coeceaawe . f l' Gudench, fronting Lake Huron, con- tainieg 12. 72. 071, sad 58a 14.re. tenpn' tt.ely. Two of there Lott. hate consider- able improvcinrnte, and tine of them a row 'Purlieus Two Story Log House, with Gat mkt and 1)rebarA. 1.4k.wee, SIX LOTS on the Seeped Concesswa, minimising 80 acre. each, *w. of thein partially improved. There lots aro situated on the Bat field Road, trout am to eight mile* south of the Oounabing Town of Oodenrh ; the land ie of the beat quality, and well ,watered and the front Lola comwaod • beau'ilal view tar *he Lake. For particulars apply (if by letter post paid), to JOIIN C'.ARK, G0Jerich. Starch 17, 1843. ',if F O R SALE, VALUABLE FARM FM COLBORNE. APART or portion of Bi.00K•O. in the toweebip of l olbora*, Western 1 iei . *ion, Hasma District, coots" TWO' HUNDRED ACRES OF LA, Y), -,with 25 acres elegred and in gond or ei' ee in.repair. There is • good Frame House [Cottage style), upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet : also, a Frame Bryn 50 by 35, and Two Fr•nic Iheds, each 80 feet long, with • Log Farm House In tolerable repair. -- There are three running streams of water through the Lot ; two of which are In the clearing, and a first rata Well ice the cellar of the frame home. Wood upon the land, Chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but 2i miles from Guderich, the District town. 07' This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. Fur terms apply to. Messrs. STRACUAN k 1.iZARS. Solicitor., Weit-street. Godericb, March 22, 1848. • 721 NOTICE. ALI. those Indehted to the lietatn of the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will plebes Settle the same without delay, and without extra expenses; and also or 1110111 haring any Claims against the above Estate, Godcrich 1216 April, 1848. ly gad. Alt .uber•ribcrs having paid their sub- scription, and only such, to be entitled to com- pete for soy Premium. 3rd. Bulls mutt hate a Rise. or Screw in *heir nom, with a rope or chain attached therein, to prevent aecidentn. 4th. Ail Steck exhibited .11.11 have been the bons fide property of the Exhibitor a month be- fore the Show, and all other articles shown most have been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor. - Any person violating, or ',tempting to violate these Rules, .hall be rendered incapable of com- peungoa any lutbre occasion. WILLIAM BARRON, See'y. Si. Mary, 8th Juoe, 1848. 90w8 rating prices. V' intending poreh.eo►s w111 find it to their advantage. to cell and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly attended In. WILLIAM G. SMi'1'll. Oolerieb, ynly 251h, 1848. 2014 NOTICE. A 1.L pa�ygass indebted In ihn relate of d. late W ILLiAM DITTON, are re - tweeted to rattle their acrnnnta immediate- ly o t they will be placed in the Court for ateilegfapN t fortes" notice. ' 11'OMAS DITTON. o le a. Yd JUHON LANLASQgR. • TO LRT, Ttttetorp. %jletet or -chivied by R►... IZ rtsoa, .q., frith or wrthnet the dwelling House, .td wilt, bet Med np to emit • tonaet. From the commanding sr/natio*, and the rapid inereate of poprtlsltoe Of rl'odertch a •ICIIIity, any person dsoirMs sX eolamencing linear.* conld not ke mere M ..r......:.' • 15'0 catatonically located. Apel to and heel • • ewe* . ,.•.•• 0 M o W1LL1A11 WALWCE. Q'/' For any Agricultural Implement, Godsr[ch, his T, Ill&. 19 isty !h, 164a. 15%11 • 4"~ - PA Y ATTENTKOJ!171J' AND p•y lour debt., as the.ebeeriber hes resolved -that all Notes and Book accounts doe to him mod remairaog asaettled, will, posi- tively, on the 151h .f July sett, be headed over to an Attorney for collection. It is certainly with some reluctance that he has adopted thie resolution, am be has no desire to incur additional ammeter to these who ante .till owing him -bat it .le • saying, that wowing ie a merciless roaster, sod in the pre.eet iavtanee, bis reloctaoce meet ya.id to o4a.ssiry. • ROBERT MODERWELL O.dertch, 15th June, 1849. 20 -If ST'RA.Y COW. ITRAYED from the premises of the sub- )/ .caber, about the 10th of April Inst, a DARE BROWN COW, with some white ON bee belly and part of her bag ; set horns, • *tall Mud on her back just behind her ehnuldere, and had a bell on. About tie 16th of May .he was milked by one of the settler• a little south of Van Egnlo*d'e Mille, and broke from the enclosure on the ►showing morning, since thew else has not been heard oft. Any isformatioa respecting said COM will be thankfully received, In address'ag to the tiwlgr. nma foratinmay also he left est thio .tfice.I JOHN STODDAIIT• Tucksramith,Lond•i. Road, Ley Y?+'11.]"y *0. 96 , rH'.1Ct't E• ISAAC MAY, inform. his friends and the public, that ho has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on hu part to pro- mote the comfort and coeveaieoce of his geeata. I nPG8 to intimate to the petilie that lir Ws I. M. bitten himself that his selection of i El commenced the .bey. line'o( Roeisree is *bS Wins and Liquors Is equal to any In the country, and his Stabling departnnot to of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 13tf MONEY AND TiME SAVED!! FAREREDIJCED 1- SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Thewgk Canada to Slobs ref New York. via. (*ease, Lss4..a, Woodstock, Buetferl, Hsiniltee, Waaer!r o term tar B.jrb. TIM WILL 411uw. rrMB Bobeeriber b•vio(relinqubbed the business of Raking Jar fattier of Mr. Henry Newmaq begs to return+thank° Inc the .ogp.vt be has heretofore rei•ived, and esti nnn04.ntly reuorne•.Itd hu' euCC•ssor as worthy of public support. JOHN i.ANCAS1$L /!th U . 361 ✓ 1. sx1 �1 4410N. rrHR PAW* B.- - - -Mat of abet Rotes 1 bs.IMet 111,0001100, her.t wilt take place es MO11IDAY *b• 21st satstm, et 11 o'clock, a. r•. Godevkb, July 111b, 1.61. ss SADDLE, IMARNESS, tRUNIf. CA41'Ri'-$D• AMD' V'A1<.IBE MANUFACTORY. 11. HOR'TON', STEAMBOAT BNOTUERS! CAPT. W. EBERTS, 1ATILL ma the Satan of 1844 as follow. i• .1. Ckslksa• every Moeder, Wednes. day and Friday Muruings, at 8 o'clock, fur IVind,n►.nd De4oil, thence to Aerkartaborg at 3 o'clock. 1. Awkertsbwrg every Tuewlay, Thurs- day and 0.tord.7 Murnine. at half•pa.t 7 o'clk. toechine at Derrou .nd IVtnds.r for t Vussk wa. The BROTHI:RB rune no eooeeettem with s DAILY LINE. Of STAGE COACHES. Established between Chatham and Qweaeme, by which (and the Steamers en !.eke Oas.r.o) p..menger■ will be enabled to trach K,ng.lnn in .t least three days from Chesham. Passengers ems leave Hamilton by steamboat for Toronto, Rochester, (Jewego, Kmpek, et any of the in- :ermedute ports on I.ke Ontario. Gentlemen from all pram of the States will 6.d this rest, very agreeable during the ►uenmee and *2.111.mi it mimes through the moot thwnshi,ng puts ol Cana Writ. Tho Cbatban ..d London road is sow contented, a.d i. • very gond road. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, •u. Outdo.. la ThInit sed Windsor, mail vice vers. Cahia Pang• $1,75: Deck Passage $1,00. Children, half-price : Horne, Boggy sad owe Oeetlem.e $3,01); Denial. Testa, Warm son Driver $4,05: O1 .r Cow • t,(IO ; all .$her Freight t. preprte/iw. R fer.uns.-UM•he,5. E.b.rts, Waddell S C..i T. It T.ylot. Wmime. 4 & II Dew- tepeet. C. limo, Detr.i,. lie. A less►.- Lasunitle, [night A Wearer. Terw'narh Houde, 11 N. Smith tt'ar2A ll., itndrrsnn d Rabe. Mawr, H Fleming. F,rfrid, G J (milk. Delaware, Pollen Janet.** Hne•e, Jearph Rollie.. London, M. Steger. 13.1.1- (5. Rahe.ek. Haanliona, M I4.beock, M. Davin NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. C6'Ihia► April. 1848. Shop on the TAM wide m the Idarket-8geartr lately occupied by J. Rutledge dr Ce., --Mid lopes by strict attention to merit • liberal Amos of the public patroeege. Mr All Art a the Trade Wilkie tall at the 1.0tV EST881BLE PRICES. . HIDES, WHEAT. TIMOTHY 3j1D, - and all kinds of Marketable Predates will be ts- ken to excbnge. Ei" A - I•b...1 diseases will be ' , made for Cash. FOR MALE. as sxaelle*t Spas of HM) - ors, and a first rate Two Hou* Bvoer. , June 14th, 1848. H. i%. 1). WATS-ON, BARRISTER 'AND ATTOIIL`IEYAT/. W. &waTOR to aancitgr, ynsa5erct; tat; OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARR.. GrODIli14M.• F.b.,11141L SHAKSPE ARA:;1rM.N', STRATFORD. W. GARRISON begs rave so 'stores )1l, .1 • friends and the traerltag eeetmsattli general, that'll. has leased and jttst opened ohm well known Hotel in Stretford, celled the SIIAKSPFARE IN0,whkh hs hag refdn*drrd and repaired, in • mammy eat •orps•eed is til Home D*.rriet. 3. W. O. hnp►m that by ele- srant •11111100 10 kis bean•,, to norm a alma of the meeker/ community. P. 8. -need Stabling and • careful Hostler' wiU always bo in attendance. Stratford, Jose 304h, 1818. 22nd' ALBION IIOUSE, i 1YIES' Street. one door west of the d Commercial Bank, Hamilton, by lan.ary, 1148. I. E14MONDE. .r.. WATSON, P AIM"TM11s ARD:OLAZ11L " p4101►e HA.yOER, 9e- +e.• 3. dS T" E W A R T, i 1'TORNET ANU /1 RRISTRIVIO', a LI., Solicitor In efianetery, Celt+sl.- ylcer, Oftee %V4*I G,Jerkh, Marc% 101, • NEW' BToiiit. S 'c R' A T F' lit D. BV WM.Ilk i$U1 � �INE FMb.eribw b.�t• Aa tee Inlittr.t. 1- that he bar epen.t * swim at the oast end M R rath•rd, with s gRenerwl •.•.N teen* of DRY O0X)D9, GRIM:MAIER. ke And lee booms for saber* ef the patrol. age n1 his tastllibrrwrw ata the pebble. He mils cheap lir nob ow Preston. W M. II. H410i t. Streit ford, ieIStP ' - ' eit 1 re .fir `see r° otesfielemi