HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-11, Page 1SIS"rw•e ani lar a Haas ens el jog .t. awe a•w.ii 1111.1. mss w gen. r ea—,.d) +•s.J ail I es—Mba•leitemises • kr meal settees 111.11bas• en •!'• -al bee ut-let) use.,! art .., 1. 1••ale ,p. . •\ •.e...., u.. mall for • it. _ ;•'t a nmee.r lekte.t :seem.. eh wet mom u .see bier se Ise .•../.air • arir•a A+ileAa:sa..•. •at',, e.M. ay. u 1 ti.nsqa ilk( l: r �.RllrleiiM►abwdras .,'Tl s+,) MP* ,t . ,-.JrenTr+,s •r tiil�+r"M+'►.' 1111 he s/sfsJlWrM 4� sad .�1� r��i■ �� r M+w " r , ,, ,.,, ,.,pbt ,...lens, ,e• r tee.. .,„...t. - e.rg flys ll te11NW AB Wlr - Sis, Sew t e4 sera ,wseswber,td.rsl.r. 1]iasn ', s ole ,: iL enl1"0"-• :rrlq ...- Oh E I�rm hese ids W i.i . i4 ma w' •i 1. d.. mi. . ,e -ear. alert.rs*,eeo «i sr. ..�. .v -H+• -s I10 e +y., e.S.,r dye.(.'. .r.er' .4 , fa, eSt,eat.t.I le - re ear vele :...a . t,reselleer . ►.y y, wee at age's' I , le midis 1... _� f'• Ana.• t'e •. • ,/ w fly 1E�tleN -e. ,40 • WI' .leor,., .0 peatrw res . .,,.c Ass., sir Adis i to . • I,i�gS Se ein▪ em lairo+s i i us els al adi y „J • 41:1 •' A ,J . • old W its est'..M • Ulf. L -1$Q teal%,. ear, a•7saO $.... ,. , ,4t•.. ■•a, ,Har' .flat„ ansae .4.4"rear.,.,, C;AnERICt;, �'� (C' W.) FIRIDAY, AUGUST11 184b. # Tj r,r �,ld',',1'TiMa r►t•a •+v,w.l.:ed� *.Ate rt•,a: it+!w. Melt verier 111.11 11 ne sere r f NF:LVk: AND 01X rt.tot I. AT TOR IND Of Tna TRAIL. „ •s,1. 00. i400. ASR8$ f i►ND est TO! •ALM 110/'' a1 -i. 11 b'eAttADA Wter,,,V. rCANADA COMPANY hoi les :poaalr O W Li00,000 AGR&14W UANlIk�dispereed toroughout meet of the Tiwnagips in Upper Cittada—e.trly 600,- 000 Acme ars attested to the Huron Tract, well known as see orf the mast fwWWW part" of the Petits* -•rt h•s trebled to pestle. lion la ere yenta,. sad now contains up- wards of 90,000 iibabilants. The LANDS ere offered by nay of LIAISE, fbe Ten Year% lir J« �wG`./ 8 it. . DON' 1K. -aka plea 1t1 4ttielli'� Cask, ,ttoti Me Waage to (ndal- ■eats being Asys away Wk. . The Rear. payable 1st February nab year, are about the Internet, at Ste Per Cest..ptt* she primal the Lao& Upon meet of the Ise(, wham LS4SiEA NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN—wblat upon the others, according to locality, one, two, er three pore Rat, meet be paid in adesoee, —bd 4beri has will frac the Settler from turbine W until Sled, 3rd or 41b year of his term of The right 1. PURCHASE the raw - HOLD tering the term, is secured, to fpm Le/a« at a lied sum named In Lease, and no.JlowaDee es made aeeording to outlet - pled payment. Line of Lana% and soy further informs- ' ties can be obtained, (by applieatioe, incby letter popeld) at the C.e*eaas'a armee Toronto and Gederics ; of R. Btana4LL, F.q-, .f.p&.delt Colborne Dlalriet ; Dr. AuM'e, Guelph, or J. r,. W. Dear, Stratford, Huro! Distnel. Ood.rich, March 17,11345. '7 BRITISH ROM,. • evpssjou. 108Lr lteelitih li 10. 41 LNobsttribeas bowleg Leash die e4[e DUBWRWMft MOTEL. bag leave shin pN1t.01'l� -he iotitr1 frt to their eode Md the peer* is ge 0W., that they have ogolied• for the r.oeptirs and accommodatisa• sf pTrunks% when they willRegnls l0 w anise theme ;oho may harrow e palstNSA-100 * a01 Wna fo "Nle portiere el the best produeliaia .uf the .sm.., sad M keep thin Bar mapplie with WIMO and baser* of the best da- ortptioo, so as 1. menu the approval of thole customers. J. K. GOODING. JOHN LANCASTER G.i•ncb. Jss, !as 4448, IU N. ISL— $teh11.. alit he effort - tedi mai am atLea he a& p0 M {ref. wile' POI GN PERIODICAL& E•bti laCrAON OF TO 4 Chastise Ewmlaer. - CONDITION QF IIILL4..1ID• LONDON QIJA TFALY lilMKI1 Tcoacuowte most - ode Laei•J nen EDINBURGH REVIEW, .a, W�e ey,rpstbise with the suffering. of 1FOOkE1Gtj�ff QQUARTERLY RE 1 armaid, and we lament her evfls; we took �1lTMiNBTBlt REVIBW,mei With a -painful MOOR spots her preemie a1.ACSIWOOD'e WING �g,ag triers; bet at 18ie Serene0, were it oven RA . ,. anthill the pontes arot Moron, it world TOR "hs rt Pgtierlosle ares eepieted►s be idle a w to epaulets o0 remedies-- Ale" York. imipedtittely se their lir. Whether • reel .t the Uaiuo would r* rival by the Ilittieb Blamer% is a baoti. move the grievances of which !related cow - fol clear type, on floe white paper, and are elides, it is not for us to say; it is clear, faithful eopks of tb..$gfeale.-•Nreelr.eallh bo*ever, that the enactment of the Ultimo Magsties beteg se eMrfiiwmtleof the did net peewit thee. When the Usien Rdra►u.gb eisusm •' was Snit mooted in the British Partiundsr, She unientpoi base of these splendid Pitt presented the measure in a speech of Periodicals readers et needless to any mons remarkable compass and power. Impustug in their praise. As literary organs, they Y s rhetorician, quick as a debater, and stand ter to advance of any works of a .i• po ..teeing a fluency wonderfully correct, Nailer stamp now pubtiabed, while the pgb- Pat was seldom grandly eloquent, but in (heal complexIcet of each is marked by a this epeeth he became so. 1n picturing the dignity, camber, and foebarasee aot often future which was to open epos lreleed taw Snood ieworks oda part,ebarselr. der the suushiae of aa iespstal paritaineot. They embrace the viewer el the throe he roe* to a kind of miasmal grandeur.— great parties t■ England --•Whig, Tory, Sectarian strifes were to be allayed; polili- and 8adleal—Bloekweed and the London cal dirisiuna would be assuaged; tacit"! Quarterly are Tory ;the Ellin/mg/ 4 Rt- would flow Into the country; industry would .few, Whig ; and the Wsdwiasser, Radical. be encouraged; commerce would advance; The Ferngu Quarterly ie purely literary, tranquillity and comfort would abrw■d.— Ming ripened pn.cupsIly to criticisms e• Large prelnlaes were given, and bright pro- tenyi Con treason .Werke. ' pbecies uttered; Mit where are tbe trust, of The hint« a.lh. Re-priate are Wes than the promt4or. sad where are the thing. (ore- ose-thud of Nees of the foreign copies, and told in the prophecies 1 Atter half a cen- while thea areQalls.well got up, they turn, there is nut one spot in Ireland which ifford a al •adiantage" to the American which answer3 to the antttpttios0 of Pitt. over the Eaglbb reader. The Union was no measure of the people; TERMS. it was s contrivance of intriguing manta- rArrsrT To ■R Winn IN uvaNCe, tem, effected by acting un the base mottoes of men, who grasped at the brio. and gave Per say sassy the fir Iteviars, f3 00 per sit. up their country. lied the Unmoa boor For say two d• 4. 6.00 hottest, had it been the fair choice of the For ail u r the do 7,00. " whole people, and on terms approved by Forellfouoacie..,. 3,00 " For Blaekwoed's Ilasasiaee.... x,00 •' their wise.( counerllurt, had it Leen cordial Ter Blackwood awl the4Reviews, 10,00 " and reciprocal, it is mot for us to conelude, C BBING. Crum what we now see, what Dight have r>Fomr copies of y or all of the above been. Had imperial legtslattos given ewan- erer1s will be sent address on pay• citation at once to the Catholics, and given most 01 the reguleretbscriptioi fur three— a generously and graciously, ha 1 It relieved the f turlh copy being gratis. the country tetra the Church eotabh-hwent, Q.! Remittances and communications and lett the care of each form of religion to must be made In all cases without expense those who proferred it, had it intr6ttuced a to the publishers. The former may always bounteous system pf national education, he dose threegh a Pea neetsr, by handing had it treated the sacred feelings of the tor- toni lbs *moult to be mowed talose( bas ger division of Irtebmen with kindness and receipt, and forwarding to by wog, post- respect, had it dew* juotue to popular id ; or the mope maybe enclosed in a eeattacat in the disttibuuou of political letter, post-paid, di ectd to the publishers. utfiec., ha4 it eepltr*led lb. admin44Iloa N. I.—The postage on these Periodicals of law from then" of faction, 'by •how - b reduced by the late Post Office law, to int the misguided Ilia balance of jus - about se-1trtrd the former rates, making a flee nevewwerved's, on the side of veer V/fittiti man eo nbers. have been a reality. But taw ul these • roug� all the pUntied Seise std towns Wiene took piece, and as it was, ail was not throe the Untied Stases to.wbieb gie,,e a omen, but a cheat. The delay to great inenithen tea iatid the h or Water cornCatholic emancipation doomed the peuple ■ from eke Cityof New York. l „ the wanner these p oto thirty years of struggle, and thea. pertodlcala will be delivered free ul I in which it came at last tended rattier to irritate than to pacify. The long struggle educated them to the consciousness of their strength, taught them bow SO Doe it, and .mb0Weoed mein for coiunued resistance. The gailtug vexation of tithes and c.,urcb- rates was lung •uatatoed, and that huge anuwale, -that monstrous blunder of fully and injustice, still remains, --a Protestant FOR SALE, (:hurch supported by a Catholre people.— the Cornet) the richest et the world, aid the people the poorest. The Lbws has assuredly not produced J. b'T>Iak BARRI8TERR amitiliwrotee at Law, hlolieetem in Ciaweaty, mod B.eknpt- eg, Wary Potshard Cew•syaweerL Olide. Tib sad •tratfeed, Nome Dietrich C. W. love 8 ce•sr, Damao Hows'ILiaeei 1•rl• - Gderieb, Apnl S10, lite. 6m1 NOTICE,. sereficial causer. It is ,bort-sighted and TOM, to ellertbe them fo temporary Influen- ce., or to the agency of aldiyiduals. A. well eight the fever which bergs through the body Of • patten., be seethed to the qu,ekeela,of Um pole*, which la the con coma•*1• hat net the cause, of the disease. No roar, 00 claw of mop, ou cowbfoation of taleots, a. force of gcr,Ius, ao subtlety of wheeler, can widely agnate or long con- trol militias of people wbo aro governed web lied Leel that they are. Nu such power can disturb a senna permanently, whom iimatnasass of et are contest; aid they wall be content, when they kepw by expe- riv■es that an las prosperity they have weir due share, and is its adversity no more.— The potency, therefore, which leaders bate Deer meltitudes, they gain not all from c?rareeter, sot all from mental superiority; they (5111 tt from the ensue, eleuie■ts which the snulteudea ibeweslves euotaio. Thpugh the Irish leaders, therefore. were as bad as their opponents paint rhes, the question es to the real condition of the errantry weld remain the tame; (het is a settled fact, untouched entirely either by the .ulegbim or •the abuse of (bas mai or the other. These agitations cannot be sub- dued by force, for though they may dieap• pear fora period, it ni only to cume up again with maturer strength. They arise from radical tsetses, and they will cease on- ty web t decal Otsego.. Whether by an rspenal or domestic legislature, Ireland must be (over■ed by ha ou$wot, nut by, coercion,—by the power of opintoo, and not by the edge of the 'word. She must no longer be a military province. She can- not coitlue ta'be as elle has been and as the ie. "The time has come for her to insist os *'hitter place in the empire, ---nn the world,-r'rn d out 1014.1 sat vain. That she ought 1b have it is the decision of that sen- timent*( justice, which acts strongly, and more strongly with every successive change, in thardonscieoce of all Christen- dom. In do opening part of this article, we suggested a lesson of warning to be learn- ed from the present state of Europe. 1n this dosing part of it, we would suggest e beans of eicouragemeot. 'TSD youngest and the oldest of os have beard little Iron the political writers of Europe bat prophe- cies on the instability 01 our government, or oaigoe certainty of its failure. We were Wtheflb wise or a0 rash as to take no alarm from these propbectee. That we were right to feet at peace, most of them will Dow *dont. There forebedlsgs were writ - -:,t 0. -� to this beet i1eb of the M.bina& Legislature, ler isiarlieWee le a MI to cobstttet• and Iwo the fillowi g Tesrs*►ipa and Gore, maned! ed (Laud, tis t.—North Hastbpe, With Ifimehepoi Downs and G.fe.—Ellice, ilNmnha*d,reM/rteN L. 014 Hibor‘— W 00e* *ed Meryhesough, NM �•rs hake( Whin(, mal the Block of hind trebled -to a aewBos *tee al v.. sttf( WWe( FARM FOR SALE. amt. tet *PA postage. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., Pm/tilers, til, Folt.a-et., N. Q7 Subscriber.io Canada may receive (Melt ((umbers at the nearest American Post (Wee. Oodencb, las. Se, 11148. NUMBER 21 principles, The soul of Maundy has bee! ■t work en m, d hat u pwbh no Irmies canthecusqansert, Fro•st ower 1h....01tc4 society has its existence and has ts glory; give the soul freedom, and there is life; straits it, wrong it, sod you prepare de- aructlos. It has a might which can sweep away the strongest ramparts, elech can silence the loudest cartoon, which can blunt the sharpest .pears. The point of the bayonet, it was uoce thought, could quiet aU popular remoo.tance; but the bayoset hits ceased to be invincible. Sentiment. hive become stronger than weapon..— Society begins more sod more to feel as humanity. . revelauo'n has come to multi- tudes that they are men, and ft is this faith which works to them with most woodrou. egieacv. 1t is in the strength of this that they burst their chains asunder, and duh their fetters .t their keepers. Beneath the outward events of the world,—the battles of parte., the rehearings of faction., the plotting. of intrignen, the elevation of people! and the fall of kings, the doingrbf the active and the theories of the specula- tive,—the Providence of God is operating in the depths of humanity, invigorating its capsctue., guiding its destiny, and proper - tag tt to vindicate everywhere that Divine likemes le whin► tt was originally treated: H G. BY the subscriber, that valuable property situated in the township of Godertch, en Lot 19, 4th concession, within Si miles I • social order. If it has, where aro we to d tb fawn of (atdeneh ; then r a good I look for tt 1 Shall we seek it ie o *s a it- Bew Mia *nit It d e0 acres of Wed, 90 • Uos Hall, or in that of tbo confederates ?— mall cleared. It a a *esu Paths( stream I Shall we hear its voice to the modulated troll adapted for pity Matkisery, such •• I complaint of John O'Connell, or in the fierce g and Fulling lfachtgery, Distillery, defiabee of !Smith O'Brien,—ea the Gored imagination of Meagher, or the couceo• fisted passion of Mitchell 1 Shall we cure, for tae pleasant sounds, to the nivel o5 which the pike is shaped? There is the •' Song of the Belt," and the " Forging of the Anchor,"—shall we dedicate a tree to the social order ot Ireland in the " Song of the Pike"? Shall we take as evidence of its existents the cone regret iJets-nf moody Messes( that a word ons bring together, sea that a 01.1400 can excite! 01 shall we prefer to me it is foruficattons, where death lies in wait for thousands, should these thousai.ds show signs of fight? The truth te, the whole condition ut Ireland is the - jointed, and whether Repsil cuutd remedy it or not, see do not arta., 4tit, Se Ire have observed, the Union hes,*I4eaat, not avert- ed this monstrous, this appalling wretched- sess. The wealthy and the pour are in nu Min relations to each ether. Their Teta- gone are those of cameos os lbs one vide, and sullen die..il•at on the other,—a tits. ..meat that mesa. growieg W the streets; dnsease is te the hovel nod the calla ; the 4ypg,go where the weary are at rest, and tis surviving stay behind, not keowisg bow W live. Lai.. have become gerrisemr, palaces are tarred foto hermits; the last le bare ettrs04 it i• fillet with Dottier.... Mime she (.aria into Ireland, when.* he mya..•fesea Preset, 8oglaad, Germany M■esia„MM, or America► Ifion nay revue of 4jiOIaed os.. betwee4 C.rpe Horn and Gabrakar,,frotp the Gaoges to the Tiber,— the wonder i. alike to each, the testimony as uniform, the blpTession of 11 a unvery- leg is phrase, as the soirees Orion which it i derived are divuwe set eadepeadent,— si.;sf' t ria Weser amok bods is Itsle•d a .agularity of q�lMlafve trt*ek * WI'Ml'S iwriwbd. sss ss uan(teeluy Nf D (0517, able4 maria ..ot only hu experience, but e It T. (MirM•f11L O. _ ►w Mawg• Well sad (oloorl Napier, a� hj F11601. &$*3 •moi, fR' while ds.crthig( the state of $crepe at the eVm.let.sast of tib Petrineutee air, — Of Zlsleal'1t lis .abermeary to spook; her *Map toad !her .(eery. Mewls aid nn- 10.011eb*d ire the well bs»wet and tee lit- tle rtsgerrdd t.e4l for ply r*s.14. The Maher who wrote Wpm, ie rat p ut oommartiu'(, tis* knee.% ia reload. Whet T would he eqy of Ireton!, if i> ;Ohs aitio unt.AboMr b,e ,lis �.R�M Igehrea, wd ...argot r. 5 • This article was written and put into the printer'. hands, before the news of the condemnation of hlitchelt, by the court be- fore which he was arraigned, bad reached this country. Our limits exclude any re- marks which that event might suggest. By what means can land monopoly be ar- reeted—by what mean. cite ,t nano'... be pretested! One means will be, the teseb- ing of its selflshneas and wickedest. from the press and pulpit, and other sources of Defection. Another means will be kgis- tation for limiting lead -ownership. Neither Governments, nor our State Governments, should sell their land. They should give at all to actual settlers. Again : every man's borne should be made unalienable, save by his owe concerti. Moreover, there should be laws either to hinder the accumulation of unduly large landed estates, or to break them up at the death of those whbaccumu- late them. The latter, if effectual, as i think it would be, a prefl'cr.Lle—tor the resume that it would not be. liable, Lits the former, to the objection of anterferieg with one's freedom, ether m the direct acquisi- tion of landed property, or in taking of ems - lilies, or other steps io bovines., which might result in the acquisition of such pro- perty. w e have in the northern part of oer Stale • very striking instant• of the pernicious effects of land-inonopoly. There is an al- most unbroken wilderness, containiag some three thousand square miles. Had the State, instead of selling it to land specula - tort, given it to actual settlers, it would be • country °retelling fiields and happy homes —it would contain no small spore of our population, and cootribute no small Aare of our means ter taxation, sad for sustain - mg the common burdens of the State. The abolition of land-m000puly an Amer- ica would be the olwlillun of slavery is America. For various reasons would this follow. For none, however, so much aa for breaking up of plantations of tracts of LAND MONOPOLY. several hundred, and in many instances of thousands of acres—foto farms of fifty ur a Tae See ! God'be praised for the SBA— hundred acre.. Such •ubdivirone would and fur the universal acknowledgement leave but little room, little occasion, fur as - that all have • right to it ! And the LAND ! I ployment of slaves. God be praised tor.tbat also !—and merciful- Why, then, should not the friend. of the ly hasten the day when all shall acknow- I clave be the open active enemies, of Imol- ai' that they have a right to the Linn, monopoly 1 Why should they not he Iabos- as well as the SBA : ing io (their social pohucal, aid selesias4- Tbe monopoly of the SBA ! That would I cal relation., fur its overthrow 1 be a great curse ! God be praised that it u not monopolised !—that it is free ! The P•terboro, U. S. October, 1847. monopoly of the lend ! Of that curse, im- measurably greater than Would be the mu- nupuly of the sea, the world, alas ! has had long and sad experience That civil guvaruuients of the world do not provide against the monopoly of the soil, is one of tonumerable pmola that they are administered for the advantaie of the Ockej kris g And oppiessve. 'l he Bible, government is to effort protection- lu tw peer and ignorant—to bold the shield of the community over the heads of its weak and b•lples+ mealDvrs—teacbes also that the distribution of nal amongst his children —all his children--ta the will of God. it was only a very limited buying and selling foe. Moral arithmetic is sometimes very of land which be penuitted to rho Jews.— different from Cocker's. Thus, by Imparting Hu law to them was,' The 1sud .ball not be I our griefs we halve them; by r.smuoicatrog our joys we double them. W be. a married couple are one, their success es pretty sero to be won too; when they ere two, the chances are two to one that their affair. will be .11 at sixes and sevens. The mosey scraping miter, who is always thinking of number one, and looking out for safe invest- ments, forgets that the holy mosey we ean never lose es that which we give away; aid that the worst of all wants is the want of what we have. In the cyphering of the heart division is sometimes soultiphcatio.,. and subtraction is addition. GILBERT SMITH.;, toe tt►`p"te-t'ei'isa0c46I•rfntlttr' huts, ind the thrones, which were to stand se- curely on their simple and sound founda- tion, while our clumsy and unwieldy con- federacy was to go to pieces, went In fug• meets to the earth, before the ink was dry upon the printer's paper; yet prubably our iosttuuuna may be bum, when dyeasties that mocked us shall be forgotten. Our government, it was said, was but an experi- ment; a proves sow not an experiment, but experience,—an•expenence from which men of ancient states are were enough to Wean. W. have our moos, had mobs otter of the worst kind; bet they quick- ly dissolve, and leave ou more impress's/it up the solidity of our social struc- ture than a 'mew -shower does upon the granite of Monadnock. tVe have evils among us, we contests, that cry to heaven; we hare abuser, of which we may well be ashamed; we bate sins that call for deep repentance; yet, not indulging ' any idle trot, but active with lndlvo*ua. effort, we may hope that Providence will in tine cause much that we lament—that the good and true everywhere lament—to be seen end keow■ is our coeutry no inose for ever. vt, e may haus unworthy men in rho adunln• titration of our afore, aunt unworthy mo- tives may often dnetate our measures. In this we are not singular among nations, but we are thus far singular mucous nations, that the substantial rights of lbs people cannot be e..otially injured even by the bed porpoises of schemes( politicises, nor the t►auework of the government overturn- ed. We preserve unity with a diversity of lodepeodent states, a0d with a widening and complicated suffrage. With the great- est latitude of Individual action and hod, vhfuel opinion, the admin( ion of affairs is eondieetsd, epos the whole, with order and trasqudlity. We have, as have other oo0otnee, crimes agates( lite and property; jut, except is some wail regions, lee and properly are as safe here a■ anywhere upon earth. One fatal mistake the rulers to Europe committed from which we were fres. They supposed they kept power from, the ;Mop,* because they kept the /reechoes from the. But people leave sewer all tie seem, whether they possess the fra obsee or an; sad the people will iia iq toe.- 1'bs question is, In what way will they use lt.beet ! By irregular demuostratioos and by external pressure, or by orderly arrange- ment and organic representation 1 Eack Hai bite sets *romp hie Tote, and u all Me people ham vete, there n sot eves She p..ssbshty M 1. swtevsal pomeurs. it IN 87 Mose.asreal p•.seore, by this uregu- lar agenda of the ua(is&cbised mast, 1451 revolutions are erected; sad no nation thus urcusatanced u ..erre from revolution otherwise than by force. Bet force. has greatly fast lie power, teed will soon mese to 4.5 prwteewes. 11 see are net et fee the frssebte, thew it se the tasty gsve/bsts0ts to gsalllp / hen . The tee y l8 Our aeeetry w 10 educate *sen, that (key may er u ellhrentl the votes they hold of right; the dun/ of other cat•tr s is to educate os*, that they may too prepared to ale the vote. whtfb, if rat ewe* by re- feree, they will tabes by r.eelothre. I���1llW`0�ri Af't�� -Lot No. AMA e� ft�klreaidm calm Township d C.Meere. West Divines. Trerlr'1'da Om.__IMMI ie■ el Left , Ad will MOW .�Tle • nl'INItiektfiffeet 1 epi wld «itlrin A *Swig Ne TOWS of 00 Terve will be made k.ow■ by p I7in( t0 Wl rho., Esq., Ca.- flili (;0ip��_'a�, ,i;iflMitllbwr N tb. sgwifiBti 'Ala• ts•w- dli�• • 41tM•iMrtwrtlai► an Greta Nilt- N. 11 --Wilt be sold cheap for cash, or part of the mosey any lie far a few years. Apply w has proprietor.WM. ALLWGHKM. Godwin%, Feb. 18, 1 s48. 3 IAL it yttl iRl its 601bib1r Vika CM" SWIM `e Ii04 kddaa 1 the Mk Hit d'* Side.* •-s .;.wit. l ... ..t;-,. .miler! M er T,aT waii'Tiarite=it CtillpAr/l TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. t 6 hs4eribere bars spewed . New Tales Newedep re the City d New Ned% where (bey asw ready to simply orders le My *steel, for say font of Job Fiesj Ty I■lre paper, ,Chafes, Galley% Bram Like, H4e1. Column Rules, Cumpoaang 8tilke, Clues, and every article necessary for a hiatieg Ogee - Tbe Type. which *nvettlb new moolde, nom Mtw�y mar sou of Natilus , with deep emusere, wed wormwood le be nueev- pessesiij,oge hpas d'tpnems to mlM:a4s &nom ,114 the tipsknald ,%RIr1l11Md 1tg •had. pti• vigprwa, ��,.,.,�.�1■S WWII MA p.it/�0►" wT" d( Nr gwpeee 't.�r will hep aiet neimee sat meeloapps le their bilis tlseYt Winn/ (i ea the ,-4..s fix-w...tlee }lrfertwll ql . t.if pep•ty, and esid their • 's. b CR tis y riR1Ri►s. fl w ft1►Tv r ixA e il: wee Mf ,holt ire• .dsitttarne ler -es est • av -•b Upwards of tiro thousand persons hue taken the pledge of total abstinence free. intoxicating liquors, at Iaapraane, eines Sunday last. The greatest member of them appear to be of the •geeeratioa." This is asother Matinee rapid pro- «reas which the temperaoew-ismsse Is ma- king in this eee10n of the iMvtsoe owlet 8y.—FBM• . MoaaL Aa.ius*rc.-4.11 s Mealy may do us more injury than tam.ny (need. caw repair. 1t 4. politic, therefore, to overlook a score of offences before pie make • single sold forever.' (Ler. axe. 23). And when their avarice would deprive the poor unfor- tunate linelies of a hume forever. lie re- strained it, and made each deprivation but temporary. The Spirit of the Bible goes much further than the tetter of this re- straint ; and had all the Jews imbibed it, none of them would have been deprived ot their borne. even for a brief period. The Bible makes the setting el 'every man under kis vine and fig use' (Mitan t,. 4) a promi- nent feature to ts picture of.upreme earth- ly happiness. Hue truly it dues so I leave to the longings of every heart, among the landless poor, for a home of its own. low wadi. . ip:; ;ere rltertt epagra , . *AO, TRAIL ;.. , ,, • s i. 11411.M/MM' rir, . O• w1R alk111111evos era ar what A RETORT PaorseslosAL.—A physki- Delightful world this, when there shsljh an, paesi■g by a •tone mason, bawled ost be one spot, however small, of this beauti- ful green earth, which.every. man may call e1 work, 1 see. You 6,atelt our rave his own ! D lige tlul,world this, when eve- •1041, as hr u'*4e menrory d, sed tow ry man shall have his owe rine ADO fig -lice, you out, 1 enppo.e, to sec �wbo wast• e. shall have his own dwelling, be at the hum- monument !" "Why, Yes, replied the blast and the rudest of cabins ! Delightful .04 man, resting for a moment on his mal - world this, when the much vaunted idea let, " unless somebody is sack, and you duo-- world that it is but an idea !) that 'every tuner him, and then 1 keep sight .. !" maw's house is Ms castle' shall be realised ; vibes avarice obeli no longer be permitted w tear abs poverty-stricken family from the beloved health -Nose, aruuud which they rejoiced to prosperous days, and ar,ouod which they now love w mangle their tear.. and to juin with each other to constructing new hopes in the place of these which smme- fortune has blighted. Were there ou las,-monopoly, and were the soil properly dc•tributed, the rich and poor would rapidly .pprwel. that happiest of all condition., which hes midway between them. There would then be abundance of bread. Stich wretched poverty as poor Ireland suffers --such a frightful hemmer as she is now passing througI—wouW then b unknown. Then tutee, marriage, happier, and more uttermost thea Mw—wuuW gather the whole human firmly into couteuded homes. Then ,ice, which preys so speci- ally upon the homeless, sad opus the ten - sots of unhappy horses, would fall for hack of subjects. Theo leer itself would stares to death for Isek of 'food for powder'—furi lack of rephined. fres whim, to obtain reeruuts. Not one in use busJred of lbs common soldiers who have to plunder and murder the poor outraged and unoffending Mexican, who was drawn away, or could hase bee. draws away, from the attractions of horns. Tee mart with a hoar *til sot concert to be a ts.wmea eol4sr. Ile well not exchange the sold comforts of boss. 1e► the sass; charms et was. Austraarap.—Tu make your nrrante• tell hes fur you, and afterward. be angry because they tell them for themselves. To tell your own secrets, sod believe oth. er people will keep them. '1'. fancy a thing cheap becaoae a low price is asked for it. To say a Das is charitable because lie subscribes to • hospital. To arrive at the age of fifty, and be sure passed at any vico, fully or absurdity your fellow creatures may be guilty of. To vote for a candidate at on elective because he shakes hand. with your wife and child, and admires the baby. ( wool/ hove ever. Baan own a portion of has mother earth. the m.ebaal0. of he bay. arla garden, sad no thew to cultivate it. •b,•ul4 at least owe a flower patch or a grew -spot ; and even the• seaman, rho' he be not able to tenor( it twidb in half -meter Tram shout.: aim own a speck en ant*, The serft.tleee *bleb of preset entre wirsb he toy throb •1 when up.* 14. W- an 1:ttse10w ore *f ems•. impart. Thiry low% ealiames•e to M the deem of Me m- e* hswe0r/ipepe.eilaM.eiapnela•dSabi W. ; . sari!.. 4 - ,1.. sw iji ' MO •b ie,'l v.. v>gff .. • 4, ' -;, : 0‘1011 an ash erect1 (.s+ .1: ' "eta, .di r { •''see 4$ al f"., e M A . ♦•, ., Oir A Quaker, who was examined before • CosrtLaot wring any other language than ' thee, ' thou,' and ' friend; was asked. by the presiding Judge :— ' Pray, Mr.—, do you know what we sit hero for 1' 'Yee, verily, do 1,' said the [baker, ' three of you for two dollars each • day, sed the fat one toe the r0Slyt 'for Dee tb*s- sand ridlare a year: , _ Wbil•,Aaphael was engigrd i* pantos( hie celebrated frescos., he was visited by two cardinals, who began to critteru his work, and (onnd fault without understand - nig 1t.. "The Apostle P.n) has too ret a face," staid ease. '• Ile bin.he. eves, In Heaves to fee %ital heeds the church lips fallen into," said the indignant pttwtee. Men are hie baffles ; 45 mere brae. they contain, the forte*, yes stn beer them.-1.eM. are eek. violets ; the 101.5 modeat and retiring they appear, the Meter you love them Blessed is the yeast( lady whose parent. Are poor, as she will net be torreceted by %t torte -►rule re. r reit i, Y; 9 I4 M'