HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-04, Page 3 '-- -r+ - am all born nisei aid sb.nW e.s,sd ly have • rotes is the laws by whistle they are geveried.' Tommie u& with metighius (medusa, toed w re- teptao povalo equality toe the G,uudatioa of) yee peliucal power bbn the object 6rot le ire- I pomace, bet almost the last to W sc!oeved by' the reformers of the present mg.. The noble s whteh oar tlleatrious Governor Led Elgin has' Ionia with reepeet to them principles of inclosed ostler, as eusited.ed in our prewut oys- ters U Respea.i1 a tit/vermin's' lied+ w to rose chide that we am bengefertb ie he gererrled se- cusateg to the British Cnoatiwtiva, and not by. • legalised despotism cued as prevailed Juries IM reigns of flood !lead and S1etc.lf. The commie., whether Ilse ptea..ures of the few shall remota uad',twbcd at the espeucee of the many. may be mew considered o1 limey settled is tale comity', and twitted to 'eche manner a to give sadaeuoe to the people. True it is that in Yonne of the mew Districts of the Province Toryism, lad consequently operation, foie pervade, bet iu abode is of abort deratien,.for a the country opens ue mei Liss people become iutelligeut- thsy will diasercr that a Tory is • kind ut one. dso,dpt-s relic of the dark •gee, and like an Egyptian Mummy trundles about .a this earth rotas a sample e( shot kind of beings inhabited the globe iu by•guoe Jays. LB. C. L. QT It is with mach pl that we direct attention to a notice in our Advertiaiug colrmas, nrsasaociav the first sale of Shams in the /lures District Duildiag Society. We entertain the very btv►est hopes of the progress and future (restores of Goderich ; and judging from the ef- fects of Building Societies io all places where they have yet had a fair trial, pe Lnii the pre -eat aaneameement as •n imminent in►taln.eat ee eor growieg pro$$ nty. The sale takes place ee Sarerdsy the 19th instant, and notwithsteed- ng the limited ko..wledge that necessarily pre - trails to Oar vic,utty, ou the becrbIa ari.wg frim Bach institutions, we 'runt that the rides ut may money is sufficiently kaewe esnosg.l re, to euare a reasonable bouts at the comsrtaee- sanl BY THIS MORNING'lIAIL. 19, e(IAtidIrdet Are. To eitrieate the pub • Iteltrearsiry tress this ipsberraseleg cueJt floe ; the sew Parltsereet found it nere•pa r3 10 aiJkortae • 1,,rib.•r •.1A0 of Debentures bo Lite sinews( of 11:5,000. T Issw hlt commenced ie the she. o of •111 aid $ U Rotes, payable one year from dole with to- tere.•t. We cermet, with 01,010 of tstnr eeetempora- ries, rejoice that eh.•sr Debentures have been issued. The fCces.0) for creating such a de.-rrrptiou of paper is rather cause of re- gret. That uNrs:re.ity-la lbojt++diftcativa ul the act. The late Jliniatry b•quatbed to their eticce•.Ors an empty exchequer. Out- standing claiate a aie. the G,verumuul had to be wiled. Public it orks were euspemd- ,•d for waut of uteans to carry !hurt en. The late Government hail fad ed to obtain a luau adequate to complete theist : and special funds had been used for geueral purpueaa.- Preveua excision: imports and the horse. susof eur tamed merchants, last barra lythe trade i de and curtail the revenue of the present . These tecumu- fated difficulties rendered nece.sary s resort to some utetns of antieapu•ing the revenue ar ot raising a I"at. The question Mar, bow a tt.ia to be dune 1 The Ilene Gov- ernment would not, be likely readily to as- sume responsibility for further Canadian loans. Tu obtain a loan, now, Oto the cred- it of a Colooy of whuoe resources but,, little ear known by Enyhhrh capitahsta, height be equ•liy Jitlicuit. Such are the circumstan- ces under whish debentures of a low denom- metier' era tsr,.rd. These cucutnetancee prove the neceestty of obtaining a loan in some shape ; aril 11 remain* woo those who! "bjuct to the issue of debenteres, to show ; what course fn. -e favourable could have been token. -The lavanuter. Judge M•Iloeb, of thio District, we oder- stand, had obt..ioed Icave of absence, and took bed departure trues this place, for Eu- rope, 00 Wed•e-day last- It is rumoured, that lame. ilubbell, Esq.. to 10 till his bitu- men uut.l hes return. In company with Mr. Malloch has also departed Dr. \Vileon, in experienced Medical prectitauoet e1 thus Tiw1.-The IioalwratL'wrrier --_ --. -. MOW ItHST.MAT 'SM 9A14 B ecVRE Ur. w r, __ TI c I1,'b IT AN Rl1&JMATJC ►isi JeZTICT23.3 i ! i 111E wily SAFE: aid 1 KUIILE: REMEDY fur AUktiM.iII.M;anal lies failed m anise MU dreadful Cwyplatu•, when piuperly applied. 9J I'bi• MEDIt7DoL etasde ohne. all orheri of the hied, mad ahs prowl ot t1. Article rs ru using it. It seeds wt Use ass,atesce of 0115 pad• Irons Ma - dry persons, (us sae knows who.) to prove its vitiates. 1. OJ$. B.-Wbdessle boym treated eel Libe- ral Tense. For Bak by C. Ca•.e, sole Agent fur Canada Worn. ' Lr Nor Cbyaeies unless levied Dr. BOYD DICYIMION. PRICEORR DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. AL3(,-Dtcits.ui'e COUGH DROPS, a Certain Remedy for Coughs, Colds, dtc.dte.- Patca-Is. 3d. par Mitis. Dess,it, litchi's*. July 4th, 1846. 26 -If /FRIDAY Moa11tuo, An=ust 4. NEWS B1' STE — AMER EUIt01'A. The steamer Europa, left i.iverpool on the 15th • instant, at tt P. M., vis - Halifax, where she arrived on the 25114 at fl P. M., end left at 8. She aaived et Bo.toi 4i A. M., though she was sletai..d off !fatten 9 hours Gy f.'g. Correspuudence ot the New Yak Earns Livekr.0ot., July15, 1840. IMPORTANT 11c011 IRELASU.--Fhe Crn'e 1. now fast approaching, aid each party is pre- paring itself for the coti8uct,-the Govern- ment by a rigorous censorship of the Press, the arrest of the confederate mission:ales; the employment .ofspier, and theaugmen- tation-of its resources ,. and the people by prudigio,s activity In the enrolment of clubs, the eetabtisbment ut the Utattur, lbe distribution of arms; the must complete fra- teratsauum of classes, anal boundless residue Lou and enthusiasm. On Saturday n ght Mr. Duffy of the Nix 1100, was appreheuded on a charge of Trea• ■oo sad Fel"ivy, and committed to Newgate, whither he was followed by Mr. Martin uI the Fclun, wh., h3.1 previously surrendered. On Mcn ay the i r,,p:icsore a the " Tribune." Metiers. O'Dstgherty L 1Vt11taine and :1Ir• Hoban. the publeaher, wire committed on the like charge. The whole of them will be tried at the commts- atoe on the 8th prod• Mr Doherty was arrested in Caeh, 1, on Monday and Mr. Meagher in Waterford, on. Tuesday, ire charge. of 'edition, and will be tried at the present assizes at Tipperary and Limerick. e Mr• Meaglrer's apprehension caused the utmost excitement at 11 atslitord. The chapel ►ells were ring ; thou. ds of con- federates assembied,.aud it required all the authority and tntlueoce,of the gifted *ha chivalrous captive, -aided by the Cathuhc clergymen, to prevent the people from fill - ug upon the military and police. . As it oats, they stoned the adthorlti . and cut oft' ono belly of the troepe from the other. They erected a formidable barricade witch impeded the progress of the cecurl, and for Miles hunted and harassed the pru- ceuion, but happily no tires were lost. During :he week, Messrs. Dotrey, Me- Gte aad Itonywood, were also arrested fur sedition; but the bills were thrown tort by the Wicklow Grand Jury. On Thursday, the excitement, not only in Dublin but throughout Ireland, was in- tenee, and the note of preparation was everywhere sounded. The Sag of revolution is extended to England. The United Itepealers and Chartists are rapidly organizing and arming. The Nation notwithstanding Its proclama- tion, has appeared this roorsisg. On Monday the convicted Chartists an Leedom, were sentenced each to two years imprisonment, with security for future good cosiest. The Queues Miwietor* have abandoned their intentlone of permitting hct to visit Ireland in the emetic of the stet. FRANCE:. Another plot has boat discovered in l'ar is. A corrc.powdent of the London (ilubc says that the then of Ateliers Nationaux, and the workmen of the Ateliers Notiopaux, aad the other tnrheleet workmen had resol- ved to mare another attempt on the 14th- thela originally fixed upon fur the "Five Sous test." it is now known that this was merely • pretext for getting together an immense body, most of whole were to carry arms eet-resad under their blouses, whilst ethers were on Om first stw.al e4 nu hay -e proceeded to the Depute of anal ammunition, which were to have made in the quarter three or four dayyefore the intended mewl ing. GOVERNMENT DEBENTURES. The kite Ooeetement was 'Wheeled to HAM Debentnreri to meet the approp, nations for Psblac Works. The ammount of the appropriations to be provd ed for by this mese wan 1172,181 11•. "4., the other por Lige baying hems erevtded for oat of the ha knee et the raillios and a hall Ivan, and from ether stances. Instead of raising the revel. ed *twit the dasectal plane ref the lit. i.. g4 anent entail, (anode '1'e rake the 111101000 ware, Wry eet.red into es(q. 11044•• Y tag ae of IC i no. rtKi, bey sod the aArsptlMwne Ise& by- l'arbamsra. The •a.aetie were le this condition w lien they Birth. At Stratford on 22 alt., the wife of 1b A. F. Mickle. merchant; a a son: ON CO\IMIISSIUN SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A T east aid charges for cash ; or Fall Wisest (1 at cash price only. THE: SUBSCRIBER Ie else Jost In receipt 13( • general essortrnest of DRY G001194. eouaisting in part oI Pull de Cbeiwtlr Organdies,. Moline, Cashmere de Laing., Orleans Lueues, Cobeerg and other 1) ea/es• homy Baregr Searle, Blonde., t ells, Scarf. ..d llandkerehietr,-Cashmere and other Shawls in great variety. Superier ('O1 1'ON YARN, &e., Ac. Ladies' walking Boots acid Shoes is great variety. -.IL;YO- A general assortment of 0110 C E R I E S. SIIELF and other HARDWARE, Sickles. Scythes, Scythe Soatbe, Crockery, Prince, t)tl toad Torpeutine ; F.iclr, Rosin, Tar and Oaken. ?fails io 100 lbs. Kegs or in aey other quantity. C. CRABB. Goderick, Arrest 4tb. 1$48. 27tf N OTICE. THE Sebseribwe . beg N intimate that they hays tbii'dap Mesad their Rook.. add that no farther credit will be riven until all their ac- csionts Wifrj. Those harms ncceunls tau- senled hit Jusuary ane reoieeeed to •ill and pay them immediately to save costa. Geude at very reduced rate* for Co* lir Produce. C. R. DICKSON .k CO. Stratford, August 1st, 184e. 970 SALE°HY AUCTION. THERE will be sold by Nadir Auetion at the hou.e oI Mr. THOMAS CARTER. u Teckersmith, on Friday, the 15th September, two Yoke of Working Ores. one Yoee of lour years old Steen, two Yoke of three years old de., one Yoke re two years old do., Sia Milch Cows, two J years old heifer. its calf, gee year old do., three Caller, fourteen Sheep, (our Pixy etre M.tRE in foal. -A1.SO- Aaaperior Thrashing Machine. two horse power, and n variety of other Stork and Farming Impk- mea:s, too nwllVruu. to mention. TERMS -Under nue pont, rash. One pound mrd upward., ween teeth. Gredit, on ap- emvrd endorsed notes. ger SALE. TO COMMENCE AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M.,r 7. K. 11,00DING. Ame ienner. Gedstiak, Asgstel 4, 1811. 117.4 N OTICE. frit E urdtabitaots of the town of Goderich will Iapply to Farhat—merits: an Act to tempe- rate the end town. Goderich, July 29th, 1848. 271f i 11I;RON 1ISTRICT I3U1I.DING &1OUIE'1'Y. FEVEI? AND AGUE KILA000OH!- THie MEDICINE is entirely VEGETA BLE, and pussc..es the quality Mewing the Disease, and leaving 'be Patient iu a healthy and vignroas stare at the same tone. It stand) above 111 others state hood, inasmuch as it erad- icates the cease of the Disease, and precludes the possibility of its returoing again to dee system, al it Blears the sy.tetn of.11 tailless substance. Sir Yoe este by C. CICA11B sole Agent for Canada West, to whom all orders must be ad- dressed arcompunied with the Cash. ' Puce ---Ona Douai rim Borns. New York, March 19, 1840. THF, Heron Dieuirt Betiding Society will diopnso of T.n or more half SHARER of FIFTY POUNDS melt, at the British Hotel, es Saturday the 19111 instant, all o'clock, P. M. By order. THOMAS KYi)O, Serwastary. (1o4erich, Almost 3d. 1848. 1ltd IIIi<NTIM Z.>t :MT• $20 REWARD .STOI.EN from the lioderich Post Office 1yesterday a letter addressed to "James Comet, Req.. General Agewt, Montreal," containing a Cheek oe the Seek of Upper Caoade of which the following is a copy : Goderich, 9111th July, 11148. T. /Ls Agree sf 10s nook of 1tpprr t'aOnAs Pay to James ('oars, Req., nr order, the n un W flirty-oee Potwar, Five Shillings Curreary. (Swami) JOHN Ci.1KK. And wntt.p ',ergo, the face of the obedk were twee words- " Good, John Mrl)onald. Acesa. Por John McDonald, Junr." Meana halls been taken to preterit the amoust being paid at se of the Banks, bet the shrive It,'. and will lin paid to any per sun who will give each information as will tnN 01111b 0onrtetion of the thief. ,a Til0S IS KTnt), l'uteseetse. Gedjrich, 28th Jely, 1048. 88 LOOK HERE!! LEATHER FOR SALE. TMsos.eviber begs leave to intiteate to the Public that he has and will keep eotrteetly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, Wlid of the very best quality, fur sale, holesale or retail, at the lowest roman= rating prices. Intending purchasers will find it, to their advantage to cell and examine before purchasing at any other place. Alt orders, strictly attended to. WILLIAM G. SMITH. Gederieb, July 25th, 1048. 91111. BLr►N3IIARU (lI ANCH) Adt1CULTUgAL . t9OCIBTY. ritoliams rOR 1918 4,1-111E SECOND ANNUAL EXf118ITI0W of CATTLE. FARM PRODUCE, DO- MESTIC MANUFACTURES, dtc .111 Ise Mid at B'1'. MARY'S. es Weds.sd.y else 4.1 .1 September, 1e4te, wises the leWwteg PRE• M►UMel will be awarded s- HORSEB. STRAY COW. QTR AYE') from the premises of the sub - L reriher, about the 10th of April tut, i DARK BROW ISI COW, with soma white un her belly and port of her bag ;, set horns, a small bend on her back just" behind bei shoulders. and had a bell on. About the 15th of May she was milked bfore of the settlers a little mouth of Van Egmood's Mills, and broke from the enclosure on the following morning, since then bhe has sot been heard oft. Any information respecting said Cow will be thankfully reediest, in addressing to the owner. Information may also he left at this office. • JOHN STODDART. Tuckerensith, London Sued, - Lot No 24, 3a1B4.1848. 96 EXAMINATION. THE Public Examination or the iiuron AL District - Grammar School will take place on MONDAY:ttbe 81st infant, at 11 o'clock, a. M. Gudericb, July 1311, 1843. 26 'NOTICE. LI. person. indebted to the estate of . the late W ILLIAM DITTON, are re- goisted to settle their accounts immediate- ly or they will be placed in the Court for eellection without further nntice. '1IIOMAS Di'l'TON, • J0110N LANCASTER. Goderich, July -40, 1848. - 45w6 eY Fur niches' Mare wed leaf. 2.d brit, .......•..•s• Fur t0. best 4 year•old Calt.. • 2,,J beat, Fur the beat 3 year old Piny Jud best, . Foe the hest 2 year old Colt or Filly,.. 0 15 0 2nd beet, 0 10 Fer the beer 1 year old Colt et FWy, •15 0 2nd best, 0 lis 0 CATTLE. For the best Bull, 3 year old,......., 1 00 0 2nd be.t, 0 15 0 For the best 2 year old do 0 15 0 2d best, 0 )0 0 Fur the best yearling da ........•.. 0 10 0 Val best 0 S 0 For the best Milch Cow, with Calf by her sick, 100 0 2d best 0 1 0 Fur the best Milch Cow having had a Calf in 1849, .......... . 0 15 0 2d beet, ... ......... 0 10 0 For the best 2 year old Heifer.. ...... 0 10 0 2d best, .... 0 7 6. For the best yearling Heifer 0 10 1 For nth Ott Fat Os, 0 10 0 For the best Fat Cow,. .......0 l0 0 For the best Yoke of Working Oxes,1 00 0 24 beat, .•. ... 15 0 3d br.u, 11) 0 For the beet Yoke of 3 yen old Steers, 15 0 2d best, ............ 10 6 3l est 50 Fur the bbe=t Yoke of 9yrar ole Steen,10 0 2d beat,........ 50 SHEEP AND 11004. For the hest Ram 2 years old and upw'ds, 0 13 0 9d best .. 0 lis 0 Fur the best !year old, ....... 0 10 0 2,1 best ,.►.............. 8 WOFur the beet Top Lamb,. 0 10 0 2d beet, .... ,....... 0 5 For the best pair of Ewes and lsrbs,0 15 0 2d beet, 0 5 For the bent single Ewe with Lamb by her side, 0 10 0 2d best 0 5 0 For the best pen[3] of Wetbers et Ewes, 0 10 0 2d best,..... ... ........... 0 5 0 For the best Boar • 00 15 91best,........... 100 For the best Sow, having had Pyr u 0 1848, 0 15 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the best 2 Bushels Fall Wheat8 19 0 2d best, ........... ....... .,., 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels Spring Wheal, 0 10 0 11 best, 0 5 0 Feeds. best 2 Bushelbof Barley, 0 10 0 2d hest, 0 5 0 Fur the best 2 Bushels of Oats,. .. 0 7 6 34 beet, . - .. ... 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels of Peas 0 10 u 2.1 belt..... 0 S 0 teed. 1 00 0 O 150 0150 O 10 0 0 1i 0 0 10 0 NEW STORE. 8 'I' R .A F- F- 4.) R D. BY WM. H. HINE. FIVIE Subeteriber begs leave to intimate 1 that he has opened a STORE at the east end of Stratford, with& general ss.ort- inept of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ke. And he hopes fur a share of the patron- age of his netghboors amt the public. He *ells cheap fur Cash or Produce. WM. H. HINE. Stratford, 1Mreh 114, 111141. B Ota NOTICE". trite Subscriber having relinquished the 11 business el Baking in facoar of Mr. Henry Newman, begs to return thanks ler the support he has heretofore received, and can confidently recommend hie successor as worthy/ of public support. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 96th May, 1848. 171f TO LET, rillIAT Store at present occupier! by Roo, Robertoon, Esq., wttb or withont the dwelling (louse, and wilt be flied top to suit a tenant. From the commanding sweatier' and the rapid increase of population of I;"derich and vicinity, aey person desirous of sornmencang business cumld not be more convepieptly located. Applyto WILLIAM VALLACE -Goderi t, Jat 1 j48. 19 s SPRAT RD IIOTEL. TBAAC MAY, intones hie friends and the 1 public, that be has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in -the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the Eat arid of Stratford, where nothing shill be wanting on kw pari to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of hi. g uest•. 1. M. Sett.,e himself that his .election of Wiese toed Liquors is reseal to say in the country, and Ms Stabling department is of the cannot complete directipt ea. Stretford, 28th April, 1110. 1311 NOTICE. e f NE next Bitting• of the DIVISION COURT wifl be held at the gaol, Guo odds, ea Rata:day the 5'h day of Asyut •W. A. F. MORGAN Clerk 1,1 Division Coar t. -r - —. -- --4- WAG4i0N$ AND SLEiGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, 01.181 orroarre TUs 11.10s•IT*IIA0 101 5(0. 111E Subscribers begs kale to inform bre friends and the public at large, that he it 11,w prepared to receite order. fur LUIIBk:1f OR LIGHT WAGGONS, which shall be wensfactured of the beet materials, and by experienced workmen. (]/' Ilarruws and Drags wade to order ; Pluugh Castugs Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goder,ch, Feb. 0, 1848. DAiRY PRODUCE. For the best 16 lbs. of Roll Butter B 7 6 2d best .... • i U For the best Keg of utter 65 1ba,.., 0 5 0 2d best •..yy'' 0 7 6 3d best, ...:kit.. 0 3 0 For the best Cheese, rear 19 to 2011e. 0 10 0 2,1 best . ........... .... .. 0 7 i 3d best 0 5 0 Fee the best Maple Sneer -20 lbs. is Cake, .................... 0 10 0 ----4it.r. ,a .............. • 7 6 3d best, ............... ... ... 0 S 9 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES - For the ANUFACTURES.Forthe best 10 yards Fulled Cloth 0 10 0 2d best .. 0 50 For the best 10 yards Flannel and Woo!, 10 0 94 hest, ...y,• 5 0 RULES OF THE EXHIBITION. 1st. The Material. of the Domestic Mao. - lectured Cloth end Flannel to be produced from the Farm of the Competitor. 2nd. All suescnbers heniei* paid their sob - ,wiener., and only such, to be mottled to urge pete for any Premium. 3rd. Bulls must have a Ring or Screw is theigworse, with • rope or chain attached Menem, isvent accidents. 41h. All Stock exhibited shall have bees the boas ,)ids property of the Exhibitor • month be- fore the Show, and all other articles shows most have been produced on the Farm 1 the Exhibitor. Any person violating, or attempting ta-violate ebeee Rule., shall be rendered incapable of sass- peting os say future eeiasion. 'WILLIAM BARRON,. St. Miry, Ali 1..,1848. PAY ATTENTION!! EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMMOUlt k CO. WOULD repectfu!Iv intimate that they hare just received, direct fro a the New York mod Montreal Markets, a very Targe auortmenl of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- stable, Tuscan, ■nd imita'lon Silk BON- NETS, and. great variety of almost every demolition of FANCY GOODS, rutted to the fashion and taste of the season. Also, in extensive stock of IIABERUASiIERY, Ci,OTIIS, and all ktods of Staple Goods. Likewise, large quaetnla of GROCE RI 't 11. parttcu- l.rly a very imparter supply of TEAS, from is. 3J, per wood upwards. according to quality ; anal Tobacco at all prices. As the *hole eat.wsive stock bas been selected by Ilia propneters in person, they cam cont;Jeutly recommend thew to their (iodide and customers, and as the purchases here twee effected a+clusitely on cash pee - copies, they pace reaolee.l to 1011 on the moat reasonable terms and at the lowest possible pro.fita ria cute. 07" Marketable produce of every deserip- 1100 %shoe in exchange at the htgbest mar- ket price. TI1OS. GILMOUR !k, CO. Goderich, 18th May, 1848.._ 16 ANDpay your debts, as the subscriber has resolved that all Notes sod Book accouter due to him and remaining unsettled, will, posi- tively, on the 15th of July treat, be handed weer to en Attorney for collection. It is certainly with some reluctance that he has adopted this resolsiion, as he liar no dewire to incur adduseaal expense to thorn who are stilt owing hue ---bat it is a saying, that wecvsiry is a merciless musty. and in the present instance, hie reluctance seem yield to necessity. ROBERT MODERWELL. Goderich, 15th June, 1848. 10 -If TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. SPRING 4. SUMMLR Fd3HIOM8, j r 1848. AFULL variety of the newest and most improved Srait•s AND Surwtu Fan toes for 1848, bate been received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to taw orders of all who may farms• him with their petruoage. A. NA78EEITH. Goderich 12tb April, 1848. ly ::•ta.,fi ..I': 91'1' II WA iIt T , - ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER to Law, Solicitor in CMneery, Cuaysy- ancer, las., Office West Street. Gale►ich, March 1st, 1848. 5y GILBERT PORTE. IADZES AND GENTLEMEN'S fash- tenable Boot and Shoo Maker, Market Nre, Gndench. arch, 1st, 1640. 0014 MR. AND MRS. N A I R N'S SCHdOL. TUE ENGLiSH CI.ARIES will meet 1 again open Moodier, ti. 10th of Iul , lastest. t)nthe same day Mr. leaea• wIK ore LATiN aid FRENCH CLASS - 19 for ►.•inners. Goditick, Jely 7, 1848. _— CUT NAILS. I(,OR Sala by the Subscribers, Skull. end all' other eeeeripuo$a of CGT NAILS. M. 11. SEYMOUR k CO. Go4srieb, July (18th, 1841. •S --2w HENRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respecUul!y stalwart the patronage et the tehabita0ta of Godstich and Its vicinity, and trusts, by strict attetsuut., w merit a Aare of their heroine. N. B.-it.rd Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers 00 hind. Cakes ode to order. Godertch. Jan. 28, 1848. let BOOT AND SHOE STORE. - a hilt• squa$E. JCST'reeefved, ani will b. cheap for cash or marketadls produce, 'large as- sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of ,snits• sizes and qualities. -ALSO- .% largo gnanttty of different de.eriptioite n(-LLAVER , wbleb will be sold to the trade on oar most reasonable terms, either by wholesale or retail. Intending porcbas• ers are re4uested to call and examine for themselves at the Boot and Shoe Store of THOMAS WATKINS. L Pegs and Findiwgs for sale. G.nterttch. May 26, 1849. 17tf N. B. -latent SCALE, weighing from 1 lb. to 500, fur sale. FARMERS' INN, • STRATFORD, IT THOMAS DOUGLASS. 'T/1E Sebertber (from Gel') has lately 1 rested the above well estabhohed iNN sod HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. TO ('.1I'I'FALISTS (101)1) and eaf. luvesteseete. Y aluabto 18111.1. SITES and FARMS lur sale ua Lake Huron. )A good Mill Privilege n the Lake slime Islas sue miles et Goderieb, hevug 36 •Cres of e•eellant Lead, Lig Alai can be Mutt so tete rock, anal w,1W0• foot of tau feet Jeep water lis the Lake; the dill deist can be made ill lis 18 Let high at a iuitI ug expense and un a never lading streets/Aiwa- dance ot Saw -loge in the vtetwity. .this, a epleudid Mill privilege half a mule up ore the i'ighietre mile River which it uarigablo to the Lake, having 45 acres§ 1' hret rate land, plenty of Pose mud other Saw -lugs u. the vietntty. AN11 ALSO --Four of the beat Jescrip- lion of FARMS un and near the Lake Shore, 0. ith uui,ruteu,emu, The above we:1 r. lecteeh and very valuable property will be sold low fur cash, or hall the purchase money may remain for three or lour years on mortgage. Apply (II by leder pmt paid) to Law- rence l.*, raven, E►q., Lundin, Robot Parke, Esq., GuilericJOl, ..rHN to theHAWKINS. prupretur Port Albert. Gods' icb, Feb. 3, 1848. 111 VALUABLE FARM ILO'I'S row 5.111 IN TIIE IIURON TItACT, NAMELY : [SOUR Lots un the First Cunceesiun of ` Guderteh, fronting !.eke Huron, con- taining 82, '2, 671, and 584 ■Cres rerpes - livelp.. Two of these lets hare considei- able improvemente, and one of them aron•- modio s Two Story bog House. with Gar- den rid Orehanl. Likewise, IIIX LO'T'S on the Second Conceesion, containing eu scree each, two of thein partially improved. There Lote aro situated on the Hayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the 8oirshung Town of Goderich ; the laud sr of 11,. best quality, *lid well watered, and the front Luta command a beauteal view of the Lake. .d, For particulars apply (if by letter pool paid), to JOHN CLARK, Gudetich. March 17, 1848. 7t( - UIt- S'ALET VALUABLk .F*RMM LN COLB'JIL APAST or purliol of. BLOCK G. In the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Heron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 95 rites cleared and in good order ; fencer *repair. There is a good Frame House (Cottage style], upon the preumisee, 35 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 60 by 35, and 'l'wo Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with a Log Farm Huuse in tolerable repair. - There are three runeing streams of water through the Lot ; two of which are io the clearing, mad a first rate Weil jo the cellar of the frame house. Woudipon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but 2; miles from Goderieh, the District low 0. eij"' This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. For tarter apply to Mesas. STRACHAN tic LIZARS. Solicitor's, West -street. Goderich, March 42, 1848. 711 NOTICE. ALL those Indebted to the Estate of the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will please Settle the same without delay, and without extra ex es; and also all those having any Claims lost the above Estate, are icqoircd urnoett•ate:y to present the same Lir :5Jjuoti,ient to. John Ilton, Mitchell. Mitchell, Marek. SADDLE, .HARNESS, TRUNK, CARrET-RAG, AND VALISE 'MA N-II114/1C7+ORY. H. HORTON, EGS to intimate to the public that he hu commenced the above line of Business is the John Sherman ; and he begp to uy that he shop on the Feast aid. e( the Market.Sgeare,- well endeavour to see the Public and Tray- lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Co., -sad ellers well accommodated, tied their con- hopes by .toot atuetioo to merit a liberal share forts attended to. 11e has good Stabling, of the peak patronage. and an aitesuve !loader. His Bar is well QTAll Articles in the Trade will he sold at. supplied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOUGLASS. `Dtratford,Marelli a,1SO:__-_. -_.-amt •MONET AND TIME SAVED!! i FAME REDUCED 4. SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Tkrwege Cursed. . Serra of New York, via. C3.Mase, ►odea. Wusda*ock, Bayor,i, Has of rt. Wessre.o Ferny w Brjulu. ttta WILL &sows STEAMBOAT BROTIIERSt. CAPT. W. EBERTS, W .o *ILL run the Seao of 184e as follows :- Laura r'Adkau every Moodie, Wednes- day and Friday 5loruiug,, at is o'clock, ler tf'radw.r sed Detrea, theme to Aadcrrabrrg at 3 o'clock. Leave. AreAsresisrg ever', Tuesday, Thurs- day sad 8aiseisy Moraines 5t half -past 7 o'clk. teeebi.e at Dvrre,'.lid Windsor for Meehan'. The NRO THERM runs is seenecuon with • DAILY LINE; OI' STAGS COACHES. Established betweea Chatham sad Qaeest.., by which (end the Strainers on Lake Ontario) pmar.ger. well M ew.Med M reach Kiegstea in 5t least titre* Jaye• from Chatham. 1'wengem w leave Homilies by .wanbest Ger Tomato, Ileehe.!er, Oswego, Coignes , et any of the ie- termed.aie ports e. Lake Oetano. Gesttemes from .Il para of .he Butes will sled this mate very agreeable during the oerwmer and winter, as it panes throagh the meet gnanehieg parts of Caesda Wert. lite Chatham and Lambs seed Em aow completed, sod is a very goad not STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED. CED, vs* Mahe= er Detroit sad Wisdom, end Wee reeve. Celia Rues. $1.75: Deck Penner .1.00; Childeee, ►.1t -pure: Hinge, Soggy .54 One Oae ,time. 0.7.00: DoeYs Twee. Warm* OW Drive/ 9.4.04: 01 • C. 91,00: all other Freight in prsportwn. *else,.-(.MuMA, Ebert., Waddell A. Co.: T. 78. Taylor. Wia.leor, 1. dr. H. Deo• eepsst, C. 11401. Mimi. Iva* & Black.-- T W. (GARRISON hep Ie.ee to takers hie Lesi.vltle. [eight & Weaver. tTecumseh eJ • friends and the Irev.lisg eermne ily in. li..ee►, 11 N. 814,0 Wodevtllr,-tI.ie er.n0 & I general, that he Loa (rased Carl last ope.tid thin L k. 01..., 8. netwi.g. F4lry.s, 0. J. I well know, Iloiel 1w Sstartesd, c.IM4 10,1 9wtth Ilrlmw.re, 0.11..Jrneu,e Iles..., SIIAKSI'k ARE Lv4N,whieh he hes reforwisbrb JM7 Leodr•n,. Y. Ket.r. Rest• sednrpau.4, in 0 i not aurp.e..•d in the hid' Q 1111.64.1111.64.Yaarho4, Y- 8absoek: M. Iloron Disnirt. J. W. G. hopes that by cw- • i4, ar.nt 111enlion to his business to merit 1 oar* /000' 011 THIS 00AT. d the traveling r oramoaily. • -ice., 11.11'P. !t.-doed t4laNing aid • • carefulHessler will dwsv.lee i..utrndutrer. Hiretford. eerie 311h. 11191. !!rt ALBION IIOUSE, JAMES' Street, nue door west of the t;omm,rc,.I Wank, Uan.rk"w. by Jnii.iarr. 131s. 1 r.SMONDL. tie LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HIDES, WHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, mid all .kiala of Marketable Produce will be ta- kes is exchange. QT A liberal discount will be spade for Cash. •.' FOR SALE, an excellent Spam of How. sato, mid a firm nus Two Hoasa BusoT. Jane 1416, 1048 H. H. DJWATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR 111 CH•o1CK3T,0A10a*UPTCT, 010 OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARE. (I01ERICII. Feb., 1848. 111 H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET • 11KES this fipportuoity of returning. hi* sincere thank* to his friends and the public fur the liberal support and distin- guished patronage he has received Bunco the openutg of hie Establishment to Gedaruch, and begs to assure them that he will dill continuo to sdpply thein with the beet and cheapest articles in his line as usual.. Ile would direct their attention to his varied and cxtcntcnsive iulpnr1atiune nhirh.he is now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, CROCKERY and IIAiIDWARE. the low prices of which he is certain will speak fur thew,elvcie and fur quality and (ai.4ar variety canuut be \surpa.to Western taoiierfch; Jan. 28; tiSJT int (7'.Bolter, Wheat, (bits, BarNT, Corn, ice., s id every de.eription of E1armer's Produce token rn caehange. Canh will be p.(d fir nod Cstase Recd, Hideo and lilts. S AK RA RK INIS; STR.1TFIORD.. E. C. 11'A TSON., ►•MI♦sale AND GLAZIRR, ♦Iii HA!tbFR, 4e• ilea. GOD E R I C Ii. 5 '! 1 0 tt ie at 8l 0 G 113 •-4 1 ad w