HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-04, Page 2rt
llMtallslree ktc Cultist) Ppcto.
1RE1..A NA.
There appear to beat present a loll be
Irish affairs. Pei ha pa it is a lull that pre-
cook a ensnare' The ripe rr ameoratore CO
elms t. preacf the t*ku.c 'if Repeal wt
the eawc vetrcteent •iuq.te64s, tat lh.:re
dos. t appear to be teat unity sod 4etrr-
uu that hes bllbettu caroted. The
Kelt Mat yest, is new sepplied with a ate-
lslltus likeness of the dteu.gueabed Lattice
dual it sus reared to commemorate. It is
drivelled in eery ion grautte, Sud faitbfully
repruoeatr lir. Doman'. eracetre and ea-
preaStve phigivisouiy. Ioecriptiose have
been cwt .0111111a aide ul the pe4uetal as tul-
Found of dasmgs Reeks to 177tt....
Died 1 5 " "Eiroted to the amateurs, ►fa
beloved peeler by btr friend, mil ink,
of whets, obeli cont raised ►y l eerie
Phy.'.eel Force ltepealere eppear to bane it of duty to leave the Es ebli.hed Church,
all pretty much their own way. Mr. Juhn iolieeed bun, sad touud with brie • suctu-
U'Comoclt has inUutateJ his desire to return ary on this •put." 11e was 44 years
m4etstsr all Ur parts► of ltu►hwelf, hes h
1613, turpsilcd by the d,ct•tes of CunecteDce,
he ebeereilly rs1{ngwsh04 the emoluments art
the k:atebh.btueot, and chrome in the coal -
amnion of the Free Church of Scotland, a
!sublet mIot.try of 47 year.." " Ile was
the friend veal lather of lits people—his
taro Leouvoleuco, unwearied perseverance,
by Mitchel and carte) acquireuieotr, were devoted to
A Donekeal correspondent of the Airtime their temporal and eternal inteaeets."—
Iplyliyate hie. Ile cutout recuctle a team.
to physical in co with his views of duty.
The !rids Felon, eo emelt opuken ret, has
at Magni made ea appearance to Dublin.—
It is edited by Mr. Martin and actin Reil -
lee. It hat the boldness of expre.sion,
without the force stet gentile, w bleb cbar.c-
tenaed the Coiled Irishman, wbeu edited
int:meo , that some of hie neighbouring
farmers have rows then unfelt -reeds in
lettere, to (men, when grown up, the words
— • Remember elttcltell." An Kanto cur•
respondent meter that a Repeel••r In Treat
Town haa called hie Son J •lin Mitchell.
A "netting i•f the 1. i. c1 Rcpeelera of
D.tnnybrout and the ne.ghboring l'atiehes
took place on the Fir-4ireef,, on S,tnday,
June 25. The fll,wireg re,olut.uu wee
prop.•.+ed try Mr. C. O. miry : .
Thartinpresred with 1 strea( cosvic-
tioa OAR the diviiinns and dissensions f t•
y our' foretgs rulers have stoup'
tat to the interests of the country,
itb plpaaro and hope the propos-
er( all Repeaters, grid I,be formation
ontemplated bath League ; end ibis
pledgee itself to giro Its best and
live support to Abe establish:vent of
we hail
ted un'
m▪ oat
the L.gagi►e."
In kTi speech It. called on the Irish peo-
ple toliseutne an attitude which would retake
En Ill d dread them. " You must," he
said, *get arms : many of you can get ri-
des, but those who cannot,, let them get
pikes{- At this part uf-b s orstioe au omega
and white 114, fattened to a Pike, were
di.play(J. The resolutions were as ful-
luws :—
!That wa.a:tptitte Of tbe fnndareentel
riles of the Mali Leave, as drawn up by
Sir Colt -trite O•Lttghten, ad we hail at this
evehoel creed 'tee tt.t sbnteat of the
League as lbw immediate forerunner of our
Isle endeocr, sad we adopt unreservedly -
the cuodjttons of the to g-wisbed-for re-
union Of Repeaters.
*'That this meeting strongly rccomrherds
the formation of Ceres in he ecveral neigh-
beWsg hxalitiee, to aid the Irish League in
aft -practical mans fur working out Ireland's
itore destiny."
speakers exhort the people to
peevish: then:pelves withtire-arms tor dabs ;
of these, Mr. Meagher w the most ener-
b wards were g rlatetloe ' Why don't you get •new hat f
I..h Id try to get • wk
The remains of kir: Steel reached Dublin PD J chit
,teed by selfish and u•prsi hod -Dwane over And fifty times have we been promised m entree- 3 three ion old St«rs, J. Brs«n. S
before ye get •a aide -caddis ! "—We trent these I y
Itis stated that many the most inflnen•
tial of the Irish tatbuho Clergy hold back, e
and refuse to j,ein hands with the advocates population; and the honour of tee distineue maim of sant yea: 011(4 a whits hat; and it
of phyrieal force. ' g commis in its being co•ferred by the unanimous dude:s more tauou, and sneers, and abusive
The Potato Ind Wheat crops promise a0 J h and volentary act of eke people. No bribery,. la:,goage than all the other hats is Goderich.
abundant harvest, which is -certainly good nor corruption, nor intimidation was exesdl.ed in Filly times a week we are met with the mortify- '
news. - •elevatiag them—no t re*fiag ma w I inshe said, " sore, ye dos Best yesrlto n 15
Bert Cult, lima tris«tt, 15
Dumfries .Standard.
FATAL Acewi sT.—On Wednesday af-
ternoon a lad of the name of Robert
l.etheul, about toerteeu years of age, while
in Otergo ut term empty waggeed which
wore proceeding slung the line of the helm -
burgh and }law Ick Railway at Ferniehurat,
to attempting to leap up between the two
first, slipped his foot teem the break beiug
a little greasy, whou he fell un the lien in
front of the waggons, the wheels of which
went over his burly. The uutur;utwte, lad,
however, managed to rise alter the oFeur-
reoce, and ran ter a diatauce of fitly y - ,
when bas tell and instani+ly expired. its
father wan wurkiug a lehurt distance from
the scene of the 'reorient, and was among
the drat who proceeded to tae assestance ul
hie sun. .
Whtlo Mr. Thomas 11uJge, innkeeper at
Aberloyle, and Mr. M'Callwn, toilkeeper a
Port of Muet••etli, were riding in a droaky
on Thursday, last week, and driving at a
rapid pace down a steep brae toward. the
-mirth br{dke of Cardross, the vehicle upset
at a sharp turn, and they were ptte..ed out
upon the road with great violence. Both
fell upon their heads. Mr. Budges was
killed un the *put, his skull hating been
fractured. Mr. M'Catlur was also very
severely injured about the head and face
and still lies dangerously ill; but lite medi-
cal a teodant has good hopes of hu ultimate
• place of some emolument. Had
forme of law sot bees surwwk.1
some, Om all -Immuring centripetal off
London would probably have mei lbs
lwfislrrgb Gi•rette an •ppeodage se the
London Coaette, slid w Si( q yi ie slee-
gelher.—Corree prey oer rs(a
A4 a meeti.g Noel.
Commerce, bed
were agreed to spetitMt IR
`fwveur of the xa
fyiitg the savtgss w., • M
honing against the bill brought f
liming to the light dues, slid al.. •guest
the btu to emend Urs lawe rcl.tta,4.
relief and sup rt in certain cases of mei
cher ssaatel , their widows, and es.
"Nibs* saran w•u •res Cu o• -- .
Tee Conlin!, lies —
lterlAgntat or TRU Goatee*-. 1yM two
weeks ago anonymous lettere were received
by the contracture mei foreman on the So
section of the Harlem railroad cxteeston,
about a mile anda half above Croton Palle,
suggesting that it would be advisable, as
the means of avoiding serious cun.egdences,
to discharge all the Corkontanr In their
employ. As an eipcdient mealtime—the
company being detemmecd to push tbeir road
through to Dover this fall, and nut wishing
to be iojared by an outbreak—the con-
tractors called all of th'e clan tuge(ber read
the letter, paid them ore and disctllitrged
them. A few, however, remained, and oth-
ers returned, when intimations were again
received, that trouble might be excpi ted
from tbe Orangetncc if the Corklhfane
remained in employ. An engineer off(( the
company immediately secured the servicer
of a Catholic priest of tier city, who Matted does, we are very meek inclined to think he
the wurkmen un the line of the rose, andun coffee hes been aduterawd—if set, God if be te
Sabbath last he preached to a crowded and. not abslineat by assure or practice, his pluck is
tepee assembled m a Targe shanty boarding-eauwulinuy and hu .pe-eci is charsaeslsltie. er
house. Tbere has been nu disturbance t"trcptd.o. of urn ! he reminds ea strongly of
a rat rtirm*iiiug 10 ase o hark through ► taxi
mince the visit of the priest, whose name l?u
we forget, and it IA sincere} to be desired
keulr. Iltrwever t e gentleman may aspire to
g r
7 be mixed up by wales wnh she praise or censure
that he may remain un the lino.—Men/Ng of the press, (we believe to gain notoriety be
(X. Y.) Poet. made the attack) lie should not forget that the
•_ voice of one man—pnrsieularty if the, nae is
known to be on adept wt abuse er seerility—
r airrounts to nothing, yes! less than .oeatity,
when raised against • body like the press. We
did at owe time, give the bold -hero some credit
for castigating P•pine•u ; bat we regret to ob-
serve his lack of perception in the distribution of
his censure. In hie insane therms at the Press
of Canada, he attacks • number of the coorluc-
ten of the press pel ondly, among whom the
Eater of the therm Flgwal gets a share. Now
FRIDAY. JULY Ib. 164 we venture to Bute without feu of contradiction
(and we draw our concludes (tum • comparison
of the speeches rid letters of the •• Al wrpuot
Buakrer's" fsieod, with the editorial sod poeti-
BLAcarviD.—An accident of a very die
tresstng nature occurred here about eleven
o'clock un Wednesday mike, wblcb has
thrown a gluout over the village a0J neigh
bourhood. A member of labourer. oil the
Scottish Central Railway were employed
tilling waggons from a sand bank about a
quarter of a mile to the weat of the station
sad mom rstteeal metbede d teetotal milli aI ea
wilt estwasad ati..ds. yid petrea r, es sees ea
they car be properly t•tredee d. Altogether,
the raest,rg earesdectod with rich rummest'
and apprurd to am wualaeuus. A
seine ef Yr ed Rod the pre-
,, wan lariat' by •ebe Rev.
Oej,i _y.
! i ur-op *se bro.e,re. ► de ♦eery
i. recording the death of Judge Jones, set be -
eau.. he may have b«• • use of rank and
* 151111, bei became trsr for memos is which
he Mu harmed the import 51 duties of hie office
t the late Huron Assizes w
• we wen, rd to form
a eery iawsrsWe mamma beak of his diae,tmia.-
tite and wrputiahty ; and thew Inc rho orna-
pasts of a Jedp.
OT From the setscrew notices that have bees
takes of the notorious Colossi Gugy's GeaUa-
wrunly attack on the Canadian Press, we select
the following from the Ottawa Adromts, (Ni
1 the staunchest Ceswrvasi.e journals in the
Province), merely to thew rat the Colonel lets
knocked a the wrong door to obtaia admittance
even from his own poly :
" We.nderaand tat the moot potholed most
leaned Mr. Game -mune ou the side of the
I lmiutiff io the ■ ame .sae--coikctd al his en-
ergies, and isade a general wash at that portion
of the Provincial pans which conuo.uted oo the
vrrdir:, given spinal the l'iaaseript. We would
like to know whether the gortionl juries, be -
loupe to the Teioperauce fiociety or out. If he
There is mi«ry enough is every corner of the
world, and 4*. bigheet situations ate often net
the moat enviable. The Ilasoanb bert
Bafdwia.aad ►u colleagues bare oht add the
highest position within the gift of the of
when a portio. of the bank came down up l Canada—obey are treed to a distiue red
on four of the mea—Iwo of whom were l even cempatitively few iIlnietere eft
Joon wit, sad are recovering; but the olber I with- They are entrusted with the allege of ■
two, notwithstanding the efforts of thea great country and an industrious and inteltige.t
fellow labourers, arriated ey numbers -from I
the ville e, were not got out for pearly hall
an hour, bywhich time the vital spark bad
fled. '!'heir names are v n Sharp and
John Scobbte, both young men, and much
respected. 'Tile latter was almost the sole
support of a widowed mother an ten c i
deet.—.lite rug rnu . -
The bodies of Mr. and Sin, ethne, the
victims of the late melancholy accident, of
which an accougt wee published In the
.Adosrtrser of last week, have bees both
c.I writings of Thomas M'Queeo, the Editor of
the Defoe Signet) that the leiter powwows more
sound common sense, knowledge 1 the world,
and general intelligence, than tee Gugy's put
The Editor of the Huron Sigma: wean a
white Ile, or (as Sterne would have aid,)the tee
pease with. We kers n■rk eyeteeth, with plan«■ts e( hsalwadry, mad the uapru,ed
P.C.r..sophisticated, uue.amatieg poverty—tt u method■ 1 wog thew tioplereou, great advea-
au morose' ura(wtame—s Lied ul mwkwsd put- tagem, sot ealy a every tamer bet to ever, mem
mer.iml whetitsaee, which • mey our •e msakied *bs lives L ebe comer, 1 Is am es.
seer meep bee 1 aquauderug. It seeks to ewragewest giver it (cumin( amines of hems
h, -r hie eupjlied propeng le the prodigal. M mssoiactses sm ad►as,ape 1. "'1
dehatltw'0144depe. tmheke abr.-eta r 3(4....04. Oo.er*Ivmt
WItre we we a peon aysgrt se povcrtf,Iees- asssally (hi Ast„'ufftlrO IsI
weed tby a .nn i to y by 'Iga■t of ,wgloy= iHurw 1A$Uct, a Mose, to stem
meet, g} ppm eaMlllps or rJ dip■ ss twee Ibl 'riela atlb/ b. lin* thus.
wouldeeftiogly give him sixpence out 1 ter from the Suetrly or Doi. If the e
tut ahihmg, and a we had no .billing, we iutro,uced ane patroataed by the Agrlsslterml
would at least give him a sigh of eynrpatny.— Society, have a tendeoey to produce foot} with
Bet wbsutbe everty arises from i■tempenuee 1st labour, Of al ler nolo..«, has not *eery
or from extravagance ; when mea plugs tato tradesman an interest to cheap food 1 sod hail
debt and difficulties metely to keep pace with ant every moo ms interest in the quaauty •l
dist ugly thing called (..Lion ; when their mime capital that is brought into circulation is the
sty is occasioned by • sort of mesh disparities District 1 We wbjoie • list of she Primes dee to appear above their means ; when they would Inbuted at the last year's exhibition of the Loa.
mtwer oilt.r the gum of lie h.i1 S. or the horror dee Reed lhawk Ymmietp..sd we ask may mo -
of the prisma, thus bear the reproach of the seeable ins. if be snipes. tat the benefits
coxcomb, or the ridicule of the goaoip.—then analog from this eal,btters were confiad b tee
we may pity the weakliest. d their ireellects, few iudividuals who received tbe primes It is
but we could aearsely sympathise mut there illiberal and diabase', to epee« tat the pidgin,
sufferings. And as their cosdsct engenders and los diem accustom, are *rousted by peewee
perpetuates...petite of positive dieho■esty, we ee faysentiar; kit eeppw'mg eery were, les
would rather give a .hitting to reduce them a every nest bulprm • member, awl Mora ►S welt
their proper level and to . better state of .hiok- ; a taklY is.. is preemies. this iesrwpelea
tag, then give heir ecce to relieve their ueces- LONDON
sines, mr pay their debts. 1a the int instance, LO
we would be checking the ,evil, i0 the wood, - AQQICVLTURAL SOCIETY.
est would Daly be encouraging and lroloogi■g ! IBT OP PRIZES AWARDED by eke
Ameog the maltitode 1 tynaoies that me. 206
SOCIETY. at rte E bib.Wn,
wasting and crushing the energies of mankind,
it is probable that a greater amount of real trues -
Li 11..• 'In-
habit• and opprrnioa results floor the tyranny of Biot Brood Marc erFoa1, Ju. M•rrey, 1 0
habit and fa.hiou, than from ,all other despotism, 2d heat yearling Deifer, do. 10 n
from that 1 the Remise Bear downwards ; and 1J brit 3 year old Store, /u. 6 3
Item 2 Filer, do. 1 0 0
the mat who is a slave w his awn appetites, r true Io iS 0
would be • great gaiter could he p.subly , 3.1 beet Ram, do. 10 0
lber% de.
3 SI
t 9 f'at Ewes. Ila 7 6
exchange his slavery for that of the Negro.— i Ilse 2 For \Vr
The chains of his thraldom encircle- both real heat Pru,
and body. The power of fashion, is food end i 34 best Barley, do. S 0
drink, and clotbisg, s at this'nomeat producing 2J best theme, de. 7
more positive paten more real suffering, and 3d brit Flaonrl, iso 3 6
y' ld lett (4v, Juhn Westeot, 5 0
degrndatid0 and death, than the puhtical midge• Ilrst yoke of (ixra, William Simpson, 12 6
rerement of the. world : void yet strasge "the ' 2d bear 2 rears old Heiler, Wm. Smith, 3* 0
living lay it not to beast." We have no greet ' 24 best Pees, dod.. S 0
objection •-people of wealth faring eumptuoaaiy' 23de beet TSpring Neat, Wm. Sweet • 10 0
std w,atkiaq is gay apparel, farther than the evil ,1 haa i 1 .•^t, ohrn u.ite¢SII, 10 0
nflueosx of their examyle. But whew we i0. I ]lest yoke Ill,.
,cum el i $renes G. N'u.emd, 7 1 6
men striding mid strutting .bout in the Leery of .2d best Cloth, du 7 6
gentlemen: when we Me their tables crowned }kat Fat Steer, Ju«pb Ratteabury, IO 0
2d best do. do. 7 6
well luxuries and dainties, and their wires 3,1 treat Fu Ewes, Caster Willis, 6 3
flaunting in Silks add satins: wbeu we see Beat Oat,, dm. 7 6
them struggling to maintain a positeoa on the 124 beet Marc & Foal, Tames Lamb, 17 6
ti t of fesn.nable society, •od ettempting to I Be" 2 yen old Ilnhr, de. is 0
p op Besl Ram, da 1 o 0
w t croiselegged o■ the
ransack, of eugaeue; 14d blit Ram Lmb, do. 7 6
while st the rete lime we are aware that there Best 2 Ewe Lambs. do. 10 0
is scarce) a storekeeper or a taverokeepet, a Beit 3 yeah old Siesta, do. 10 0
Y ee 2d be l 2 ,ran old Colr, R. 3lowlds, 10 0
tailor or • shoemaker in the neighbonceoJ, the 3 Yarling 13.11,, do. 15 0
is not suffering from their bad payment ; when 2 Fat Cows, do. 7 6
we are .ware that the honest earnings of an 12d best Speer Wheat, Ju. hAltwell, 19 6
ordinary lifetime, would scarcely liquidate the l (.we l.aarb., do. 7 6
Best l'6er«, Julie Anderson, 10 0
debts of their extraragenee,—we Gel exactly the i Best Spnsg Wheat, 4•. IS 0
lime reverence for their slam -work that the old 13J beat Cloth, do. S 0
Scotehwomaa did f« :he would-be lady, when ,! 24 best !Muskets. do. S 00
H 'ter do.
Op rite evening of the 7th of lune, and next 1 1e,e 1 eke consciences of their mtruggiing tessafry.— hmise c( quarter and half dollars to purchase a reflections will he a sufficient apology for the ! 9d Dot yearling limit, Thea RowdeltS, 1 0
morningwere conveyed to Coneilliation ri best Fe Welhers, do. b
Ball. 'cry few person. attended the cern- 1te sycophantic cant was employed by saemlu I •' decent black list." The promise go with the rehire aL
tieett rDurchmra. Their am weed, but the white bat sticks to us like a born 3d best ('erme, do. i
mon), Of removal. ,;lergy of:'. raaR eMf , 9d best Bull, James WDiiebrd,
The Clubs lir exhorted to study the phy• pentose, was a ck willing triumph aft rust! ( Is short neither man, worms, nor child seems ]Huta.—The contnbouore that were so fn- I $est yearling Boll. times Copeland,
g by f Ireland—the dihephys neer Intent Rot with all the homer
..r... ,t. "trio hat.",ui.., a., i. lie r . C,..u_
each of tee titer 1'1'owoa—thn mo- from these circumstances, the at.oano--'
.teal enters u - -
fromn 1 our exceptne the unfortunate wearer. And even we were •11 promised by Tories, *bow ala and 3J best Ewe Lambs, ,do.
P ) generalP Canadian Ministry is out altogether free item I are at times, so grievously provoked with pen- credit are like our own ; and we bays ■o kith the* t Os, Juhndnalry,
des of cunvcyanee between theca- b fount, and contras to expectation
and rareity of tae rtvcrs—ilio points at it appear, that neither ui them hyd been car- I mrcery and care. -_...f plc''* officious in:r;ference, that we jase been on ,n 'Ley promve,—we knew they were skein. 34 best C•It, doe
el ch t )' ate passable by fords ur batdae red out to sea by the i npctuoeity of the. •1•11e late f1iuietty who were sot' pat late the very point of pitching it from us •and running ming ria. But haring said w moth.bnut the beet 5.111Yhnt, \Yuham J1ay,
i cimrrcdt. On Saturday forenoon two men r win Idl bare-besdeJ. IIut we are •*are tint however :'
I'be (7ovcrnmcnt is u6ont strengthening. I m the service of Mr. M'N•b, builder at Old Power by the free choiee of the peopl , hat, we are boo xl is honour to orkoowled Beat !teas,: des
3d beUse, do.
d Kilkenny and I Toll, while engaged in dragging the river not represent the people, and conseeeen4y were un:ashioreble the bat may be, the hair is a hue- while wriuog the foregoing article, the receipt s Bwr, da
Clonmel, elects eo mends
o ,
Waterford. It is the key of the latter.—opposite to Cragie House, by means of a not responsible to the people, !pent all the melee dred-fold more so. It is the most "tepid, awk- e( ' • decent black hat " from a Radical ger- best Yoke Oxen, Georg Webber,
Genn ere to be mounted and new barracks
to bo erreeted, capable of accommodating
1,100 men. When the new bare kg are
constructed, it is generally supposed the
head-quaarters will be transferred from
Calor to Closure!.
Ln ntroor., JOLT 1.—"Our letters receive
ed this morning state, that the organeemeioo
of the Clubs is proceeding with great alac-
rity. Mr. Meagher has set out for Curk
and Waterford, and Mr. Smith O'Brien is
buoy in Limerick and Clare. Deputations
from the Dublin C;ubs are on their way to
'Cion, Attibuy, Keil-, Navan and Drogne,.a.
Wicklow and K•Idare are also to be visited
without delay, and even the '•black -North
et preparing err the cootest•„—Correspen-
deuce .V. Y. Herald.
boat, were successful In discorenng the
body et Mn. Gutthrie, which bas bene. em -
bayed in • deep pool near the middle of the
river. The body, on being taken out of the
water, was conveyed to the dead -house of
the Town's hospital, where it woe deposi-
ted in a coffin. The body of Mr. Guthrie
was discuvered on 'Tuesday about mid-day,
a few yards below the New Bridge, close
try the South delay. The tide being near-
ly full at the time. The corpse was, in the
first instance, carried to the Police Office,
where it Wag, examined, and the pockets of
tris ctuttiing..were searched. There were
found to be two or these lacerations on the
head and face, of considerable mangnitude,
ret all probabittty received in the dabing tu-
mult of the headlong torrent. In his
pockets were found three sixpenny pieces
and • few copper., together with a tobacco
pouch containing seine tobacco. The body
SCOTLAND. was subsequently removed to the dead -
house of the 'T'own's Hospital, whence t
Reerlio.err lerneaurals.—A very serious, was yesterday, along with that of his aged
riot took place in Ederburgh on this 3rd i and tinfortunam partner, borne to their last
rustaot,in consequence of remittance Meng I resting place in Prestwick buryiog-ground,
made to the Annuity-tax—an impost legally followed by a largo train of mourner..—
required to be paid by the inhabitance to the Ayr .9dvertiser,
citycterp'y rat cunoexton with the Establish-1gALR i1
or 1/URT-HlOaDaD ATTI.g kc. AT
ed Church. The ordmn•ry course with re- 1)oalratltor Si select stria of cows, bulls,
coeur% hitherto has been to •melt batik and heifers, from the bcrde of the late Earl
uepusns. Two defaulting uphobter hav- Spencer, mod those of other celebrated
ing apparently taken meant to avoid this breeder!, was disposed of by auction at
course, their furniture was ariveresed for (eluuoewald ('lace, on 'Tuesday. There was
Bale a kw week* ago, but the crowd collect• a good number of graziers and stock -farmers
ed together was ao numerous and twisty, from a Jiaauce, many being pressor from
that ed ge were
could5. take place. The Lancashire, Devonshire, and the Lothians.,
proceedings were de novo announced le take as well as from G+Iluway and our own
place un the 3rJ, anda loge crowd seam -
comity. The competition was brisk, and
bled at ll r. Darling toted premises, in pretty large sums were realised. One lot,
Fredrick -street, whom amnmaa were tier to a Buckling calf, brought 11 guineas; fur
no sold. Besides the emendated
of the shop, another calf the high figure of £19 was re -
a noisy sue! titied* a memNed outside, ami the ceired—two twin bull calves brought £30
tumult user such that no sale could be earn-
-a cow reallred £41—and in many other
sod a. The auctioneerion jostled un hu instances propolionately good prices went
out, and had he face
e cu, but got off in obtained. The Ines were all sold off.—
• cab. The spectator" proceeded nest las Several lets of South Down aheep with
Mr. 8woro'a mile.. Saintly before lire I Iambs lso a
were &oputed of •t fair terms.—
*Amounted lour the sheriff, sbeiid-.uhabtute, I LJrslfrics l.ulr,rd.
. bsr.B clerk, procur•,or•decal, roper to teed -1
oats of city and county police, attended by a • \VArctl Dove.—The Sheriff of :\berJeen
large police force, made their ■p, carance. I lately gave an award of CO damages and ex-
The sheriff bed the tiet act ready to read Intens against a farmer for shooting •
bee did sot appear las reed it lbroughuut. I ne•ghbonr-J• watch dog. The Shenffatatei,
After much "'hi' der. EworJ • ''''"6 1 tb•t it was illegal for any one to shoot a
were cheated of ,h• Ijruater, and an atm 1 witch -dug, even although it had cemented
opened in We rte ••t. .\ 1011 Opmny o1 ..Leen a trasspss',
then arrived, seed tb: area bang kepi tree,
the filo weer on. The autt,orreer and The eineeure Aloe of ll,setts Writer for
purchases welt, .11 from Glt.guw, anal. $holland ha. bees •belintted. it was emit -
atter the sale esu 0511,1 seemed emiseany 0t ei( le 1610, for the 'true pnrpe.s of re
drague•ns mimed
lar the purpose of resorting w.niteg the eslebn,ed Iheg•I. Stewart,
themoode el are, he the Motion of the Professor.( Moral Philosophy is lb* U.i-
i4liebsrrgh as) Glasgow railway. threes vr:aity of ed,.bergh..wd was to eont e
uprose we' caureJ by tee eePeeeueee of ebe tet hi-irraiity for -forty year., whteb
nevelt] tett ewe of the carter'. h .rear Meg expire*. 01 cowrie, to 11445. The inrom1w
more thee oriauaei y restive, • cloth vas wa. £500 per anent*, on rememeg whteh
pet over his a mil the rasslovde w.•1 Mr. !*.wart r.ntemed hei ahem Mr. Low -
thee ewaMd topr•.ceeet, seder the guardrail- res, whin has for lona lime berm theMopete-
.►ip .f the m.litaele and minket tae 7e11r printer and mural measure of the Sofa
and hirelings of the aute.tude. bttrrh Gazette. rereiee• the app.utatet
y, hut dm
),fuwuer crrhie column" (*voted at Mutest ofntre, we believe, the charges remaining ~unto mak 1* •till
•hall.—T►a ne g
they got, borrowed all th-v could get, and did ward. rncicilr.oMe hair that was ever muck upon tleman.
not exactly run away with the money chest, but
left it empty. Th. honour of the present Min-
istry is like tat of a. honeit beir who succee&
a profligate. It is dignity without the means of
eupportisg it. Mech, much is expected
the pre«ot Government, and the coury a
right to expect much because mach is seeded,
and upon the faith of obtaining it Robert Bald.
win. and his party were put into office. But our
expectations most in many instances be swished
with the coesiderauon that " the spirit is will-
ing bat the lea is weak." We most reflect
that however willing these men navy be to ad -
ranee the improvement Mete country, they Isek
the means of doing so. The conduct of rhe late
Administrauco just reminds us of the boy who
was caught i• •he set of tearing op and destroy- offer them to the public. Many of our reader
ing the nils ft :lie bottom of a coal -pit from aro aware that we are seldom worth the price of
which he had been discharged—wbeu asked Ifo a good hat, .ad many of them believe sincerely
the head of a !Inman being. When we were
eery young it took a notion that, like the brain
which it covers, it would just grow any way it
pleased; and in order to thew its enure Male -
pendent.. and originality, it grew Itke no other
hair in this world; and for thirty years it has
been a kind of an eye -sore to every than, and
more especially td every woman of goad taste,
who has happened to see it. And as we Inc
very loath to offend the ladies we -choose the
least of two evils --sod nis■t, therefore, wear
the white hat. v •-
This universe) persee.t-res 1 ser White Hu
has soggetted some serious redecrioee to our ruled
—and thinking that they might be 1 some prac-
tical beoeht,we will,(or want of 'something better,
meaning of his conduct, Ire very coolly replied,
"• Why 1 never expect to be here again sad 1
just intend to be remembered for my mischief!"
The late ministry were convinced that they
would never be back again, and they seem to
have resolved that they would do all the mis-
chief in their power ; and heace their sacceason
have to contend with debt and dilfieelties whisk
shave been bequeathed to them, and their embar-
rassments as in the instance of the Government the determination to try our credit in the par -
Debentures will be laughed at and redieuled, by chase of " a decent black bat." Bot by the
the very men whom recklesrness or imbecility time we had gone half way actor the Nouse
that we will never be mach richer than we lave
bee.: en this point we think they are nearly
orthodox. But notwithetandieg all our extreme
radicalism, we Anter ourself that, in Godnich,
where we are but comparatively little known, it
is quite possible that somebody might be coons -
ow enough to credit to • hu ; and we have
fregeently been so provoked by people's seeffing
and taostieg; that we have sallied forth with
produced these embarrasemeote.
The mead Enrmioaeon of tae Heron Dis-
Huron Grammar School molt place on Monday.
but either from want of rime or from other some
cause, some of thee' branches which are the
nilly u.efil parts of edecatioo, were not ea
hibited. As ear 0014005 1 the w,captibilities%Ve woulJ rather be Docked sloeteen erne* over
and powers el the human mind. add the proper) the head, white hat and all, in Lake Home, than
,method of mimes and celtivsting these cap•bi' meet a twee to whom we ewe annoy which we
litre*, ere as moth trimmed to popolar opimere as esteem pay. Oer wasiuve itemisation would
are Der 'otiose of the metal ditties and relatioes be meedsg the *weer of the het at seem tura
of menkiod, as moral and intellectual creatures ; and toner, sad we would eves bare Whale sed
we *al sot %itrapr to criticise Ire the present hook, and listen, Mut he should terse ea as ena-
oeessuoa. A■d however far we nary differ from warm. in short we would be liviag in positive
ether peeple ,.gerdtag the eab,ta1e bad method misery, we weed become terrified for oar own
of any pertiee lar ,stem of popeler ,satntetioa shadow, ea if the rasa threatened to sus ale we
fee ehiidrw I wet resit export= ear eppmhetmse oft sesta either res into the lake m oat of aha
rhe earn sad ....lase shame' Ma 1 Mr. 11.1m -we soassry. We ham sever tossed "sr been lamd,
pupils es Moody. They seemedeoseeMe. deet said we hope to 6ni.h our pierney in the notes
in • work 1 'drupe, bed Ahh. And lie we have hut • dell prospect of me: received, or from the fear that they will set
they were eared
deemed • seal which abed howler ea a gad greetirs rich, hod as deepitadell our Socialism, receive rather more them their ssb.eriptioss Is
wens, add ear he Meows eai(ormly taken u an sad Leveingian, and Communism, w• bare the shape of prise►. We regret -lo think the
eserhee,em ee resent s "We their pafeteaey a the peva: become reeenciled to the doctrine of lion- soy man, mod especially any farmer, deasld be
Oa extromely marrow io his eale.l.tieem r is
our faith failed—the mestere " When will we
pay for it?" forced itself upon us, and a dark
cloud came over our determination, aid we
ruminated as follows :—We have no certainty
when. or if ever, we shall be able to pay it. So
long mit remains unpaid, we will have neither
peace 1101 iadepende•ce is witness the street.
Beet filly,
;_- -- 21 best Barley, do.
T3 We beg liberty to correct a mix -statement 3d best yearling Heifer, de.
that has been forced upon the Press by some Best t Sow Joseph Qeeek,
wore! -monger, about the keel of a tutor" Gode-
rich Steamboat having been laid down at Port 2d best 3 years old Steen, do. 7 6
Sarnia. We have the authority of Mn. Porter, 3d bre I►Lleh Cow, Thomas Hedgier, 15 0
3d beet Marsv.d Foal, Richard Bennett, 19 6
iv whose name the rumour has been circulated, •, hear Boar, do. 7 6
for luting that no such circumstance has yet 2d beat Sow, do. 10 0
taken place ; and that unless the people of 13d best 2 years old Heifer, John Bissett, 7 6
Goderich are prepared to come forward with 3d beet 2 years nld Steer, do. 5 0
2d best Ram, Welham Ryan, IS 0
something resembling a thousand por11da in best Ewes, do. 10 0
capital, the Goderich steamboat like the Gode- 3d best yoke of Oren, Thomas Collings, 7 6
rich railroad will be merely a thing to talk about. 3d beet Fat Cow, David McCoswell, 5 0
lei beet Felly, George Hodgins, 10 0
.Best Milch Cow, William Elder, 1 5 0
ICP WO,DIR►tL.—.A eery extensive erperi. 3d best Bull, do. 1 0 0
19 6
10 0
7 6
5 0
7 6
10 0
7 6
7 6
5 0
10 0
6 3
7 6
5 0
7 0 0
10 0
10 0
1 10 0
5 ,0
s 0
5 0
15 0
7 6
7 6
7 6
3 9.
1.5 0
10 0
15 0
7 6
7 6
10 0
7 6
I 0 0
memtaliang, ecientitic Agriculturist, in Huron,
whose practical husbandry consists in sowing a
peony worth of whole turnip seed in another
Beit Fall Wheat, Ifaglii Balkwell,
Best Cloth, James Barbs,
Best Flannel, do.
9d hest Flannel, do.
man's garden, has discovered that by planting , Best Timothy Seed, Robert Hodging,
the said seed early enough, you trey twee blind hest Boer' Robert BSII, Eq.,
a o mutton and white lobe turnips earl res' hest Belly, Rmbert Paterson,
lqg I g P V 2d beet Butter, da
July! Has the Agricultural Society no gold 3e best Corn, do.
medals 1 Best Blasket., do.
Best Fe Cow, William Elder, Ir•,
2d best Wether•, do.
2d best Coen, do.
3d best Batter, do.
Best Bull, Patrick Flanagan,
2d best PitWheat, John Hicks,
Boat, Con do.
Crams Craeotsrree ..—When the schooner
Mary Ann of Goderieh, Capt Crabb, was
about fifteen miles from the St. Clair rapids. sod
eight miles from lead, on the leth tut , bound
for this port, there alighted oo the vane at the
mut bead, a swarm of Bees, which after some
trouble was got into a basket and stately leaded
on deck. But when arrived there, their bee -
ships did not appear satisfied, and took them-
selves to the mast heed sgaio. After dark they
were spirt brought down and got into s half
barrel, and on arriving in port were brought
ashore, sod are now working away like Britons.
In accordance with the roles of the institu-
tion, we believe the I *absenptions, to the
Agricultural Society, should be forwarded to the
Treasurer, cm or before the 15th inst. And e1-
the.gh as intimation to that effect is likely a
be limed by ebe Secretary, yet it mey net be im-
proper, ner eaneeeirearr, t• Medea it et present,
so that meobero may be ee far perfumed. We
ere sorry to hear the many farmers are emerge
abort becoming or remaining members of this
ieaiitation, either (ram the rut shat they heft
beinab.. wee* Nrefe •soh r •tor .Dwrrnar.a wee
.gas} r. ,beir en& We .Is. Mitek pteswd
with the preerset ora gene, emiwtwr el teener•
table ladies who seemed t• bks meth interest in
the pr•r• eshegm—their presence b.d. us to hope
tbu the Mout monks lab* ,tsrortan.e eJ edu-
dreg orb property, Ise thrk it r better to wear
'the old white be• thee to get a Meek ore, with-
out the slightest probability 1 rue/paying for it.
Ames' the meternda of sere m & owlet de
ere there is one which eves wise &4ome4 fro -
gm is sneatioe, .e is Me evil of • poor .nee
aeries is begr.siag in bo f.1s is the proper gear- meal.. is ,k►s few anodes which a link hared•
ter, and eves 44 to believe the the improved ivy ad ieem...dremr wood easier, him le 4111•
way, " O, what's the ane of me minis' the Are
imitate' weep, or paying money introit? 1'll
never gel a prim from them "' Thia Vd of
.teeexel es«•os el itlibeeahty, if widely 4.(.sed,
would soon pas ton cad to •all emterprir and all
iuprovement. Are not the improved breeds .f
aminal.—the improved ends—the improved im-
Ma Twa Helene IIOCOL.
It mast lo• gratifying to every friend of Mw
and order is Canada, on reflecting upon the pol-
tical straggles that aro sow agitating the Ewe -
peen world. To third that here, we an at
pesos, sad are sow teemed with good gum -
meet, obtained, set by the swell, bet by*.
fres "Mee of the people an espreueei at the int
elsettee& The mad -dog ery of relearn* 1. •
longer heard and instead of Asthma' 1 dewed-
racy sulking through the land (as was predicted
ea the soccer of Responsible Gever.reat), we
..w have • loyal ant contented people, govern-
ed by jest and able rulers, all striving fes Moir
cove'', eve
y'. welfare, .mr ywtd y
.rials Id her deteaee. The
which as erow.d di,eases. spear
well far the lrtelligiees. et plonk add bas
presumed • atelias Toryism, sad maw
rine vr►i!k will tea t* nmem4rred la Camille
The old Psmfly Compact which bed ter row
Weeded eve the fairest ponies 1 this you,
ew.try ; fetten.g the sullies of the psi lei
sbeitlsg set tree light of religiees and pained
teeth, sad merman( the poor ie every rote le
their power, hate been deoowaeed sod pet dews.
sed the acmes of Mei esteleeiee imam dilly test
smsnd }bot is whayverpar et doe tfirwei.eedist
undertake in establish . like eampamt. they will
nems • I.k, fate: eadseite.er .e }erg« peeoswge
the pk. 1 mouse les its sepp«t, sed .r.k.s1
aro rapidly ressgsmi.g the peiseipl the* they