HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-04, Page 1• omeseo err bee Jlltbeedreo otoosen'+n.iv d • tj;awwt' bast 4,.,j 't1 IAN ass ..nir•lye , 4$ silo • Atesiwteelits _.,a1ili,rya7•*rrr.ett.M M«psoeri e, _ "11:,yhit f.: 4M hemdew 'eni`semrl `araeMew atea meted e••++sesiesera+mew*. oe o.dr+y►JA •:.art r4t• f„;11$0.4$ ,$ rd' 11 legtat -Ne el t Idlaeswe MM Cil acrd silo f Wirers leo *•tsar• J•irha',+see w •y:.. ' ylantsag :rw 4+144 futorbael•sebt to ^' it s,,.mope s "oda ire eemeaa ! W ala ,e +I aafasbuasys is • s A ♦our ••• q +al al;total .1 usradiaeirisilee. _ ,r A.f, -•o b 10 , SS roma l__eaAn,t nuesit a ,I soflua r , - e .:.; --• 1. us. , •+tlatl,. Mot -r ¢ w. J.tell+sie .. 0 aro w ,..,iii , T 1 •1t -I r1 -'^3S`"" w}`a st'.6.011 uY ,4e. .t, l .4,veiset beef h •e et sl Kmetoaf =rMi u O. •s ;See to..n w Is tor tJ .4 stub -;.►e et' •grow. , ' ti tai, eentel'ee? ..r le,r•1+ 4".... -n F v' Wrt,b:, Ise onr''eediewl .. 1e. ` , 11eySAit . 1 - 00514- • A tltay .J1r•0+ tD +i 4.04 p i k i,< -e.1 t% ;r- atvii ra.aJ o'-, seed . • ir• ,l.te•1 ,,,eau • 'i!W it G# ql •• .rr 811tLIa1NCill IN ADvANik.e■' , .. AA It • NSR La .4.,;•••44f1 ' • to l mf' it X.r}, •.+a. agave aral.s . •w .. a,_ -u., Aria b.,1. ,stir. OF LAND Ire r , i'tO'X NV A D A WEST Frits, «ANDD♦' comirAtri hive for disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF I.ANDdeper.ed threegheot most of the Townships in U per Canada—nearly 800,- oee Auer are totted the thorax Tract* well ttsows ono of the moot fertile parts o$Metrinioee•-it has trebled ea popula- tion in five years, and now contains op - wants of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere tittered by wit of LEASE, for Tee Tears, er for }Tete, C A S 11 I) O IT N—chs plot of osrdiftk Cask, sad the balance is Isulal- mrets being dose array rick. Tb. Rents payable 1st February meth year, are about the Intones at Six M Cent.upoe the price of the Land. Upon meet of the Lots, wiles LEASED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN—whist upon the other, according to locality, sae, two, or Hires leant Rent, must be paid in advance. -oboe them payouts will free tb,e Settler from further calls until 4ndge3tij or 4th year of his term of (wase. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to the Lessee at a died sum named in Lease, and se allowance i0 made according to aatiei- peted payment. Lists of Iands, and any further iaforota• teen can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post-paid) at the Coremire•O'rwrs, 7brlolo and Goderiek ; of R. Bsaneasr, Colburn. District ; lir. Moore, Ge/pio or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., Strafford, Huron District. Goderichr M'Teb 17, 1848. 7 BRITISH HOTEL, GODEBICH. L•TILT bCCOPIID lir N Mt. IAC KAITII' &T, m•` .' raew .: r not'isegari► tem. to io ,. T L• . ,11010111 )5Ii ' te,(0• ) FRIDAY, AUGUST INEI.VE A\11 rel.\ rENtI, AT TWl END O. TUR TRAl. NUMBER 27..' • v Ras •> . Ifleln the Cbn.tfu Emit" . FOREIGN PRRIVUIGA. -a' lfSlNfirer CONDITION Ole IRELAND. ..au» '"WE -PUBLICATION Ot THE + LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW; EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, and BLACKWOOIYS EDIN'G MAGAZINE. 1111F. above Periodicabn a rtjAoted in New York, immediately oe their sr - rival by the British Steamers, in a belittl- e!! slur type, en foe wbhtpapsr, sad are faithful copies originals—Blackwood': t lac-wailsof the [COR7i grin new ova ten.] o tbiuk *bat in rerolutiuss, as in all hui.ao more0I00 e, there are certain ethical conditions, u well u prudentie( ones, which true men and wise will always re- spect. War has its morals a well u n peace. Moreover, as war is of all centre- evem the most •Ilbctteg, as It ie that which mast involve. innocent peening wbo have had no part in bringing it about. who yet may Bahr the worst of its conseq.ren- Magazine as sat ccs, it should be the last, as it should be the keda bwr h ediuoci most solemn, of human resolves. And U g l azar is sot to lie eustaieed by civdaed mew. The widespread lime • f these splendid I Periodicals render it needless to say much in their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a ri- 4reil Car bl lied dile the poli suras, if there is no gtiarauty that humanity Neo in Its last strife shall be re.p.ctad, to origins** it is to assume a terrible responsi- bility. If citizen is to butcher cinema, if ar • p new Phi is , w e the revolters are to exterminate the loyal &smiPeal complexion,cando,et each ss narked by n f and the toyet to show no mercy to the re- ieved i, candour, and furbaraacte rot oiler votter., if use has no power to compel the T?note by works cofe the ty shouter. 1 other even to eaditsry moderation, alae, great partwsbr ins England—Whig, ews\Vhig,of e To►•. alas for him who oats au the strife ! Rego - and Radical—Blackwood and the Landon Woos ma bean accident; but if it be a it war worse. Aro property, pnriledge, sartert are Tu the Edi e- be ether calms y ' at beet it sive** N a very ase are. rrHE Subscriber hav*ag Leased tbo above L SUPERIOR HOTEL. beg leave res- pectfully to i.tiseds to their ?needs sad the public is geeertl, that they have opened for the reception sad accommodation of Boarder lead Travellers, where *bey will be happy to recsre those who may hamar them with thele patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the 'best prodoetfses of the season, and to keep their Bar supplied with \Vines and Liquor of the best de- tcr,pfiun, so as to merit the approval of their customers. J. K. GOODING, JOHN LANCASTER. Godericb, Jen, 90,11148. 1tf N. B.—Excellent Stabling will be afford- ed, and an active sad &amain Grow will bo always in attendasse. .Ilio ywomeo feared; and seither breathed treellL ll the assuraoca erre With ui hi ger had dtuppeared- Oa the utter the Channel, resiataote was openly lerely preached rad it was nut that side and alone preached, but prepared fur. Un t5at aolerM,atght,—a night one mig►t wppuae in which the meet reckless would be seri- ous, when, if men stood in E.gland is solid hound, the rest of Europe was heav- ing with a moral earthquake,—on that the assembled Cutrmons of the empire met the complaints of 'a- masses with peals of contemptuous r. This war assuredly as far from nigh Brati (aria iaugl therave decency which they owed to the oecaeloo, It wits from the dignity 01 'neaten. and the wisdom of statesmen.— When IK+then Nineveh was threatened, ber rulers decreed pounce in sackcloth and ashes; when Christian London war threat- ened, her legislators laughed. Such laugh- ter sonnds more like the rebound - of cowardice freed from danger, titan the levity df tranquil courage: tbe laughter, Dot of self-ppwwreesion, but of trepidation. If thoughtless, it was folly, sed if intentional, eb,Ra R t•kebtwb it should a very and power to beaten attention and respect, Illation; eco, Whig ; and the IVr.tssturely Radial. , 1 b feel that • fns thmke Iittl* of while. watt and 'sheer are for mockery sad Tho. Foreign Qwrlcrf is purely literary, I kis own Dle groes bun so title ' Inv y i tb lowest of the human family The O1 ' a scorn 1 such conduct implies neither mag - to oar re- g nice bac I s. criticisers oo street; for he owe? ' Y nor good.aense• foresgn Coouoeotal Work.. kavc been loured is this predicament. We It Ie. for inhere to ask themselves whether Th prices of the Re -primp are leas time have teen cufprits at theism. stand up to re- the millions have had justice dome to their one-thh ird of those of the foreign copies, had the n e of death acid ever aniwrag shards. )retard bee bad for eeatertei a afford all that advantage to the American the basest we have while they are equally well got up, they terve o see a c Deuced those who church of moeatre's motility lied enormous STRACHAN a t LIZARS, BAtRtSTERS ani. Alterub at Low, Solicitors in Chancery, and Baebrwpt- cy, Notary 1'y re std Conveyancers, Gode- rich end Stratford, Huron District, C. W. ION* STaaCna*, Getericb. Demo. Horn Lizette, Stratford. Goderiab, Apn190, 1048. 601 listened to the sentoCe perfectly calm sod wealth forced on ber, against ber creed and over the English reader. ber consent, with reverses that would have TERMS. renewer TO ■a MADE IN ADVANCE. Foe any moot the fear Reviews, $3,00 per an. For airy two do do 5.40 For see three de do 7,00 " Feral for 411 the Reviews:... 8,00 " Far illockwood'a I•mines.... 3,00 " For Blackwood and Ow 4 Reviews, 10,00 " - CL[; WILNG. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be pent to one address on pay- ment of the regular sob.enption for three— the fourth copy being gratis. 7Reminisces and eomm.nieatiose moat be made is all eases without expense to tbe publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by beading Ina the amoust to be remitted taking his receipt. toil forwarding it by mail, poet paid ; or tee money may be enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the ptibtiebere. N. B.—Tbe poatsgeon these Periodical' is reduced by the late Post Office Law to aboet eeerthird the farmer irks, leakieg te very faaperts.t saving in the expense to mail subset 'bees. ( "in all the principal cities and tows throughout. the United States to which I 1 d %V t NOTICE. APPLiCATiON will be made to the eetrt Session of the Provincial Legislature, for leave to bong in • Bill to constitute and form the following Toweskips ase Gore, and Block of Lam', Tia t—North Easthopy South Easthnpe, Dowel* sad Gore,—Ellice Bianahard, Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert,— Wellesley, Morninglon and Maryborougb, and Western hallo( Wilmot, and the Meek of Land behind Lo!'aa,--into a few Dis- trict. ALEX. MITCHELL. Secy of Committee. SUtford, [Huron], lar• of April, 1840. 10ta8 FAR117I POR SALE. the most unmoved. Whew toe lives of others are concerned, the man whn cares nothing for his own often the longest hesi- tates. With the most deterei.ed coterie - tins of the right, it is the thing most sor- rowful beneath the stars to have brothers of the same soil ranking a red sea with the life -streams of each other's boort., in which, with curses anal detestation, both sink in deepen. together iastrueted all her people, and done much So feet As* poor. England lavishes funds with imperial pr ality over the whole, u welts, witbio her own borders; but is peen - runs tell miser meanness to tin' support of pepulu tatroeteos. The cost of Prince Albert's stabes would educate a province. 'Fbg of the Q,ueen•s surserya'would edoea kingdom. How are ucosgrui- Then, in cases that involve vat eons.- ties like they and this to but ole of a le- quences both to muses and to individuals, the prudential doe., in the highest sense, become ethical; so that what is extremely dangerous is extremely wrong. What are the mean. rad resources of war, at present, is the war -party of irelaad against Eng - latae 1 Tbie is sot an Unwise gumbos, for Ha who war beat and wisest has said,— " What kiog, going to snake war against another kiog, sitteth not down that and consuttetb whether be be able with ten thousand to meet him tbat eometh agalest hem with treaty thousand 7' They who ! stens t.ry. bra Caro Owes 9Jigetiooa eitte.Id by 'free debbeset.fy raee(rtiesist aneallste conede at"Ibers must, if true, thoroughly pocder this qua". le a Weeder, beyond which sobmtuion tion, and to the great court of cooacteoce COMM nd esto b • virtue. to Mile duty fise se they must not only ponder, but decide. A goodboundary physical struggle with England, as a mere reached. If authority demands obedience, hysical struggle would to a thoughtful authority should be so used that the obo- gion,to be endu ed in the nineteenth cen- tury, wbes the human mind has awakened to Its rights and to its power, when human energise assume a ought with which they sew steed before. 'The meet ragged Cbeaei,►ie a man, ae well u the best -clad lord; sad LaMothe flothes away, God acid ntare gave t: any immeasurable distance betwees atter all. Of the term th/Cbartut me berth's better man, ani) tbeChartist u beginning to f.sl tkns.- 1f tMs Clurrtiat awes au tali laws which we shell sot oame, may start a poll At the present hour ae beheld on ibepepu rcian from every hedge; but It requires a lar see in Ireland no r..rumaudmg wind, no generation to supply a state.mao. '1'herr u s tiros when r„eeew•l"n ins, be grace; in that time peas, and lee very offer he comes ms 1t. 11 Is the , to,. late. "Too late' is • Orator., in its ordmary use, of har- rowing significance. When love become& deepteed, vows are then too lite. When friendship known often to be violated tm- plures reconciliation from betrayed friend- ship. distrust has entered, and the prayer r. too late. When disease has fixed its Seat is central vitality, end the neglected physi- clan Is lolled to remove, 1,e looks only on ,f the British Missions, and the the eye, he touches only the pulse, and he rays, a is too late. That "too late" hie difftcult7 of raisins the few thousatw are r ulr:d for their tlfocI aI work despair to those who hear it; but the fact t9 q is certain then, and they cannot remove tt thuugut of the -great (harp which coi with many tear?,,—no, if their tears should dune with the sixty ',Who're which this make a deluge. "'Too late” is the burden try annually extends in strong drink, gad 1 of the tragedies of• individual and of private made this calculation :— life, and lust now it is the burden of doeo- I The money thus expended ev year laced Thrones. " It is too lute • ; and so would provide 100 huspitsls at . ' ,UOU 17,000 chapel. at d dues many a royal one exclaim, tkst uponith. 110,000 schools a! 600 ere in its exile, •' Co.", let are sit upon the ground," says one of Shakspearea 9,000 3licbamcr' Institutions and c►uacters to another, " and' tell strange j Lectu:e Halls at 4000 stories of the deaths of kings " The =5,000 :llrsebuuses at 'W phrase to Petit our present age, should bee.- 110°,‘",, Dalby, rat 2,00u "Come let us sit upon the .rotted, and` 2,0'brariee.i 5W mind rel large capacity to counsel, no uuad of varied resources for cotnm,nd. There is no great otiid on the other ,,ie either, but the niberside Controls all the 'machinery of. guvernimat and has all the prestige of power. [to au CUIICWDW, IN utas liar.] SIXTT Mi*tuaae ltow To t lT,.— \Vbde listening to Iles sed acroun /twee at the meeting of the C...gregarkwm viola, at New York, of the low erste .f to (ono. 'Mese r hick there 11 a direct Zsi roa or a er com- p , municauoQ from the City of New i'ork, man just now present a censor case within daenee may be willing as well as rational.-- these periodicals will be delivered free eft this court, sad outside of it the conaegoen-1'FMs ►a sot only true humanity; at Ie good ' LEONARD SCOTT U. Cm, Prbfibers, 111, Follow -M1., N. (l' Subscribers is Caneda may receive their numbers at the nearest American Post Ogees. Godencb, Jan. 18, 1848. 1 postage. THE Subscriber earn for dale Lot No. one m ibe seventt Co.eesafoo of the Towaship of Colborne, Weft Dinelen. There le on the premien a email Log 8srw, with 11 scree under goed eeltivatioe, and welt Mod. The La.d ie of sentient meilitysela wither 8 miles of the Yews of tNMneh, eoataiwng 100 tares. TERMS of Sale will be made known by ppppjysg o William Robertson, Eno, Cato sesta o ai pssy's Office, Godericb, or to tl ! DAM) SMITH. AuIwIMM'110M41»iW,.:. - elf film` . h i, ER, hiring tet the whole bib *Met' led aeeoeet* with the C of wi let f)IviwtaCo.rt, Oed*vieb, old all paethse to him to the that thews Mier. t gy{h..f mit eves vea the e.ti dee w t► X111: F be FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property eiteatpd in the township of Goderich, on Lot 19, 4th concession, within Si miles of the town of Guderich ; there is a good Saw Mill milt and 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. it is a never filtleg stream well adapted for any Machinery, such as Canute a0d Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist Mill. N. B.—Will be sold cheap for cash, or part of the money may lie for a few yeas. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHMIE. Galen i, Feb. 18, 11148. 8 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUN.DRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE 8ehseribere have opened a New Type Fousdry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for an kind of Job Fancy Type, lett, Paper, Gases, Galley., Brass Rales, Steel. Column Rules, Composing Stfebe, Casey and every article wece„ary fere Piloting OBfee. The Type, which w cast in new mooli., from an s.Lrely Dem sett of Matrues, with deop counters, and warranted to b9 unsurpassed by any, will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type fureighed by us is " hand emit ." Printing P furnished, and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- ters'. Composition Rollers cast for printers. tie Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times as much tip. as their bible Itmennt to, may give the a leve d: menthe' hoortlee Ib t pepere. red mend their eoeasi.Ng it to the istrb .medic j. • COCKCROFT I.OVBR.1161 ) Wo 78. Ass Street Nese York. o.m►et 7W 1847. seta 410116 r'MILTON, i [,} 'fir A C E O N, s wage 'Tafel, e *tit.D fi g l c y nes would be most solemn. lioglead is at peace. England is, oo the whole, prudeot as to her coloares acid ber foreign relations. England has fleets ani armies compactly organized and thoroughly deaciplined. Eng- land impels all the organic machinery of the law and power. Within lrelasd the P 1• . Thus expediency teaches tbe aamo lesson 1e11 strange stones of the flirkt of kings;' YOU I'ublie !'aka, tot S,iNU England's sovereign may feel vecure emu's* ! . Glve 400,000 poor families £,0 each, soy the crash of dyoavtie.; but those Woo w ouhl , presser a s.w lkbbe 10 e.iry men wumas keep Der safe must Dot despise tea w'arniag i .oil c(.ild .Groh tisitaia. that booms around them. If her throne Or 11 would supplll every bantam being . would be secure, it must be fontelerl eel _of--,!r, u.tltelfl ke w.tb a lkble. righteousness; and if her sceptre would beF Or, it (odd every year ,upport honoured, it meet be a sceptre of peace.+ 800,00tt Jlir«ium,nee Iwhich would be a- ller throne must not have beneath it the bout 1 to eery 3000 adult . heathen) at £e00 9,000 Superennuale.! taborets at 100 100,000 Sea-oltuaacr«, at 100 Build 2,000 chapel. at 7,000 de . Hcru„Is at 61.111 to ethers as morality. The victory over the Cltartesu, notwithstanding the boast - lagoon the middle classes and the nobles, Sae.; doleful victory. If it .bowed the strength. of government, it equally displayed has a numerous party, and the most con- i its dapger. Mayses made the commence - summate statesmanship whisk would op menhir demonstration which may be only pose blab nationality. the moat veteran' the beginning of an end. The Chartists soldiership which would 6 ht against Irish were die cress, but was Chartistannthi- 01'1 fear of any, but the love of a11; and het sceptre must be a wand that waves not amidst complaints, but amidst blessings.- England may seem strong, Ireland may seem weak, but there is no strength except to justice; and if lretand in this has the ad- Give l0 50,1100 widows. each be a week. vantage of England, she is stronger, though Issue 60;000 bibles every day at 1. 61 each Ireland were small a the Duchy of Maden, and 100,000 tracts eery day at -11, per 100 and present to 192,113 pour families £10 cacb un Christmas -day. So that the money .peal in Great Britain alone, fur strong drink, would, aa far ar toe outward ministry is„conceried evangelise the world—besides providing itrgufy for temporl distress. Cbnstians !can you, after. reading the punishment. England within late years I above, look forward to the day of judgment may have had kinder Intentions towards Ire- without alarm. The experience of nal►tour. land than toe,, ■gland of former ages; but liar already proved, that they bare better notwttbstarrMg ber kind intentions, tbe l seal h without even the moderate use. of jlrelaod which she so long ill treated has the dunks upon which this fearful sola of become ber perplexity and her penalty.— money is spent. The tesUmoay of our uow entree ss that Threeloonies of the crimeThe Instead, which, by neglect, by partial J or adverse legislation, rhe has impoverished I in our lands result from these liquors ; end or kept me poverty, deluges her clues, i the history of our church presents a lateen - swamps her labour -market, paralyzes her table list of backsliders they have occuioD- industrhal energies, reduces the wages of I e4 Does it not, therefore become the •0- her people, and cutitinue, to putt them down , lemon duty of every proles/ring chnatuan rapidly to (nob lounger, Irish nakedness, ! to abandon and diac.,untenance theiruse and Inch despair. Wrong Is indissolubly British Cbnstians present annually slaty bound to retnbutioo. This we bave before 1 mt1►to0 pounde et the ebrloe of Bacchos, rad expresso'', pet it can bardly be too often re- only half a million for evangelizing the asserted Nations, u well as trdividuals, world.—Glos. ChrisNews.. may want that large foresight which sees afar into the future, and which perceives, in A FRaersrT FOR Trs Lanae.—” Thy ts all' circumstances, that It Is net merely the grandmother,' said my uncle Toby, ad m dree- wisdof calculation, to deal justly, to do sing homielf to young Arabella, just re - right. They may be blinded by the present turned from London, and who war playing pasasent ioo or the pregain, but the law the Battle of Marengo, on the piano—"thy t p pt works on, though they do not, or cannot, grandmoti.er, childtimed" said he, " .ed to play independence, would be of inothgroductioo. fated 1 Were the grievances ex anguished or will not sea mi, until the crash of its on a imtcb better imbuement than thine.' The composite nature of the British empire, out of the depths uI which Chartism cries power awakens them to doom. Late re- "Indeed," raid Arabella, " how could 11 which mlgh1 appear to be a weakness, to f. with its loud and stroag appeal of agony 11 peotanre is better than perpetual sin, but have been better? You know it as the more reality a prieetple of. strength. And this, It mai for the time retreat to its cellar -and- sin plants seeds of evil which produce their fashionable m.Irument, and is used by every by a revolutionary thinker, should be eon- garret concealment; moody and wordless envenomed crop despite of the moat pert- body that is anythu,g.' " Your grandmother was something, yet she Dever saw a piano -forte." "But what was the name of the instru- ment 1 lied it string•, or was it played by key. T' " You must give me time to recollect the name ; It was indeed a stringed instrument, but it was played by the band.' "By the band alone 1--Iluw vulgar ! but i protest 1 should like to see one ; and papa .ball buy Inc une when 1 return to Londos. Do you think we can obtain one r' Ni."you will not probably find owe in London, but doubtless you wilt find theta in some art the country towns." " flow many strings had it 1 Mnst ewe play with both hands) and could oto play a the double bars?" "1 know nut whether it would play double bus, as you call ,t ; It war played by both Moms, and had two strings." "Two strings only ! .urely you are jest. ing ! how could good murec to prudue.0 by such en instrument, when the piano bar tyro or three hundred Y' "111* the strings are very long—own about fourteen feet. and the other might and England were large u the empire of China. After all, we are moralists, not politi- cians, and we cannot forget our vocation.— We may be accosed of repetition, but we .ball not risk the charge of untaithfubness. England has been deeply guilty towards Ire- land, sed Ireland has now become her I. LEWIS, Life'. f. H LR Y, AMiI er'" ' Alio v M,,*$ r 16 • .brae • QOIR7_TANCiRV. Aran.-trt .., ... ..r, mm s.+ .esil rand •, - 1-"- e' ` " (11A01RJCU. f+eeea:e 'we ,.-Th enc b s --5g • '.T'svwglee.Y III- . :: crone de, enia0e,e ,, .re." nae t seirepoorim n ,J, sl --- mimed ie relate* to the mater*[ of the at woo art brooding ea Le wrongs, bot, Bntisb army. There * mo army in the passive though it aeeale it is but preparing world is which the soldier 11 se, separated for other efforts of greater vigor and of from tbe citizen as in the British. There calmer decision. Io the tactics of society is so army in the world, which, from its corn- as well as in the tactics of war, it may be a pounded character, the government an bet- fatal error to mistake retiremeeepfor defeat, ter wield. A man from the north ofseotlaed or the possession of the field for victory.— may nand in the ranks beside a mom from For the present, Chartism may be du - the south of Englead ; both Duey be opposed coin -aged in England, ssorrertiee may be to an Irish inanrgcat.—be cordially willing put dawn in Ireland; but Enghsb Chartism to shoot him, and, if cause demanded, to and Inch lesurrectton come out from sources shoot each other. The army is so mined, whack no outward force can reach. The from localities, religion*, prejodecea, that it agency that can reach the foubtaios from has no unity of spiritual sentiment or of which they spring, that can purify or social purpose; it fears not to rush against era tge the direction of the streams, must the deadliest resistance, but it would sot dare 10 disobey the most fai0Ny whispered command. England can nee this gigantic instrument; it Is for those who would lead Ireland into war to think what Ireland can bring agitut it. She bar • tremendous attiTery, both on the land and en the sea. Not ie ber sirength is form alone; alio has on her side ID. fear. of the timid and the hopes of the 'spirals, the dutanction that tent remorse. That jueuce alone le safety, and that uorighteousaese is sure destruc- tion, is written on every page of life, on every page of 'history. it is a lesson which all that run may read, and yet It is a lesson which is as yoiversally neglected as it is universally admitted. Physically, socially, morally, the present state of Ireland is most gloomy and most. disastrous. Hunger and hatred go band In band; hunger yearning fur the potato, while hatred prepares a pike. The cloed of agi- tation gathers, and poems every bo.esyto grow darker. The bursting of the cloud threatens to be neat; but as yet there ap- e inward, radical, and morel. The pike- pears among Ibe people no man who could men of Ireland, It is true, aught be bewo "ride upon the whirlwind, and direct the to pieces, bet wires bodies lay stiff upep storm." The people are not only divided the ground, and gibbets tainted the air, into manifold and inveterate portico, but wises satire blood darkened the .ttpam and parties are again divided among them- .ullted the field, nothing would result from selves. Yonng men harangue the people triumph but fresh calamities and increase of against the !room., and the troop. preserve enmity. Even as to physical eeeunly the thelf lives from the passionm of the people• strongest government is liable to err.— What mind bar yet shown Itself so calor .n decisive in action, that it could reconcile all the contradictions of popular Ireland, and bring them tinned and compacted against lengthened at pleasure to even tatty or the dtscipl,ned azul regutated force o1 l -ng• land 1 Fervor there is abundance, --en- "\Vast a prodigious real of roots it m*tet tbusiasm, pension, ready utterance, and ear -take up ; but no WA ter, 1 will bave tome ,n erg speech,—the cost impulsive eloquence. I the old ball, and papso;leve an ad.Ue. We doubt. indeed, whether in Ireland, in built 1. 1 , for he .sy* I .tall ncv.r hwant the grandest day of her oratorical renown, anything, and so doe. mamma. Wen the there ever shot forth a crop of liner word. 'liege .truck with tittle ..eller., like the • than comes out now from the soil of ber pias., or wen they so, ported like • barpei- bave their *bare is it as well as the people. young end impassioned genius. But chord! How great that is, recent events, the though a great reran *Aid that word. are "Like .either of these inetrtameute, as 1 things;' ID. agents who have created great- recollect, but ,t produced a amt k,od .1 est thing., were men a fewest woods.— humming music, and war pee.lrul , agrees- Wahogtun could not Mee made en ora- tion to save hie life, and J. tf••,noon, eh. wrote the Ileelar•ltow of Independence, had but smell power et thInktng on n,s test. We do not underrate lbs force of gait d and impassioned speech; we hold that rel• wanes. is a sublime laeoll7, that it can rot the brain ova lire and the l. -art inflame; but to geode • nation, when that Dation bag reached ,l• eamas u1 exritemeni, Owl bowel internees will be feeble. It was More. who ted the Mau e1 Israel eel Inion Kfttpt and to the borders m ID. promised bac, yet mint for 1' r . Memo wee poor o1 speech: Aaron, who "Vire, I do no* remember lbw name; and was eseeoest, was but the mouth of Mose, •e WHO en ...re fog • tirynnrnu WINS.. anal Amus we. always *sly saeo.dery.— .(?1J .H..a.r.ree. Rulers mal thank themselves pays *woo thought. so comprehensive In ,e8ecuon .o allures the ambitious and the riches that their battlements of beyeneta, but their bribe the sordid. thought may be delusive. Desperation 11, however, there be ethical and pruden- may achieve what nu discipline could at• tial coli.Ideratioas to be taken into view on tempt. Enthusiasm may be more than a the side of resistance, there are those of in- match for .kill; passion m.y .hatter Catcn- 6oiteiy more solemn obligation on the side teflon; and against the uprous.d fury of ex - of authority. On the moral side of tbe itiled million., garrisunr, artiltery, the most queue*, it M be nine to ingntre whether .olid conning of soldiery, mtgot pro.. se IN madames sed misery of the people are Reba r en ledaan's teat epos toe Koine not traeesNe to the neglect and misusage r ther midst of a hurricaue. The rack of of the,people. Its for rulers to ark them collision a great oe bolo sites; but rulers D elves whether the million' have had poetics done seen to their bodies. Have men bad Isere to toil, lied when they have had that mese! -lenders of Europe, vagrant mien m.lanehety beetle, have they Mad by it the ton, and kings out of piano en* seemly tell. ewe, to live 1 I. what way huv. the 1t inblwe le eese2,ese thee to pruvobo; natty or holelgesees of the few ht**rfeeed .04 eft that old saw, " Preveaume in w ith the idestsy ad eomferte of the mesyl And when the sexy at Ise% make their wl6tn.gs felt, is complaint to be silenced earn the sees`' r • preeept to worthy of ebeereseea by deetore of the body politic as by el the belly corporal. What by force 1 If inhe esd tee Wood of thou- w ellen grove at neo tier or heesee un seeds Ger, opo whose head most that "malt of secoptasee et aautkare sad to Mood lie .barged The condeet of mw- keens Ewe /.tot •t wMeh t'ueeseae►s sho,tld Nos le the British Heooe o1 Commons, es s.UMeprle eereieMMee WAIN a Mims N the 'wing e1 the day.if therCbartwt meet- i 4144440lee4e eagae+l ed of legastauvs pig, minium rte tNtb a painful surprise.— , faeslpb who& at es Basely gismo to polite Bodies of gavot neer gathered wilbis new , ear as te tsieseaere to peewee. TM of tin setropoBey. I cleat of abet bat ofpnit*atea le asaUse le g . mocommon and pastime. ,].teat po., that lowered on its margin i en tori aunt teller et efmrsetero: the elates Malt tined foro►r+ding• The taotropelts roes, tee Ugliest and the .sea u.• ttrrlf 904904, . d inn ego war Malt wen MMMod. rad char commie, ' .,-.1.e.••,b.-and .bias b' ----.. plc to the bueband and rotation of 11w per - for ott•r.•' er- orun•r." " "1)u, is to pleasing noe's hssbend or re. • lattons, that la all dickey Il.uot-tun, reit know but 1 MD determined to have sae e.1 any r te. WA/ 11 .-.-oily karat, and was it ta.gh by Fionrh or Italian Mainers!" "It was es.Ny learnt, net Yreorewe. and Malian* .csree•y dare 1 to show thou beads es err country in tho.e tune•..' "Can you not po..,bly recollect IM WWI 1 How shall we know what to ea-