HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-28, Page 4REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OA 110A08 AND BRIDGES. (Coscce'er.. ) 70. Tour Committee would recommend a grad of £10 to anion the settlers in the @recites of a Bridge ua the Maitland Coen -anion of Goderich. 1111. Ties being an application for alte►ieg a road, cauet be Wad iso w itbout a requtsuioo from twelve freeholders, acid re- port from the evenly Surveyor. 64. Your Committee would recommend a grant of £193, ea condition security be (teen that the intended Bridge over the River Maitland, on the road leading to Benjamut ruler'. Mills, be col etely erected w,lhout any further claim for 'grab orec- tics. Such Bridge to be built is accordance with the plan, apecibcationa, and under the direction of 11•e District Surveyor; provided, the Board el Works approve of the same. 91. The petition of H. K. Juock. Answer -we canwt re- commend its adoption. 92 and 95. 1-opr Committee cannot recommend that Mr. J.nck'a Bund be given up, because i( the work is properly don, the Bond is null and void ; and if not well done, the Council should hold the same. 93. A. regards the gravelling of the road from Goderich to Papel s Inn, your Committee cannot recommend its adoption this year, fur the want of meats to carry out all unprovewents necessary. 96. Already recommeoded-No. 94. 97 and 98. Reported on -No. 94. IM. The. Report and Account of the District Surveyor, and R. Feishlelgh'a contract, should be referred to the Finance Committee, or to the Auditors. 100 and 101. Being Accounts, should be referred to the Com- mittee ooFinance, or to the Auditors. 106 and 107. Being contracts entered into, your Committee cannot recommend any thing particular. 146. ''uur Committee recummeod that the plank of the old Bridge at the Little Aux Sable, be kept for use in Osborne. 147. Your Committee would recommend that the time for completing the fifty-four Scrapers, by Henry llorton6 be ex - leaded to the 10th day of June next. 149. The Hill at Ldwards, appears to your Committee, is is a state not requiring any grant. 167. Your Committee recommend that the road prayed for by Louisa Dunlop, be opened from Mr. McDonald's Saw Mill to the Maitland Flats, for public benefit. 189. Your Committee would recommend a grant of 140. to grade, turnpike and build two culverts on the London Road, near O'Brien's Marsh. 190. The Pathmasters have the power to see all roads in theierespective divisions to be open, consequeotly no order of • Combed is necessary in this cue. 191. Your Committee cannot recommend any grant at pre- empt, for the road between Downie and the Gore of Downie, be- came it is not knows which (foe of road will be selected for the Poet Road from Stratford to St. Marys. 194. Your Committee recommend a grant of £15, in addition to oke £10 already granted, for the making of the toad through tlh. Tamarac Swamp, on the line between the Gore of Downie sod South Eaathope. DEFERRED DOCUMENTS OF OCTOBER SESSION. 81, 70 and 71. Being of a local road your Committee cannot ',commend any grant. 44. Compen.stson for land taken for a -new road, from Mr. Wm. Hick., should be referred to a special Committee. 91 amid IN. Already reported on -No. 94, present Session. 98 and 96. Reported on ib No. 84, present Session. 8S. Your Committee would recommend a grant of £10, to re- pair the road between the eastern and western divisions of Col - bores. from tbe front of 8th Concession to the Wawaoosb Goa. 92. O. the road through -Colborne to Ashfield, called the Lade Road, your Committee cannot recommend any experdi- ■ the •be.nce of any Report from the District Surveyor. 144, 1, 2, 3 and 4, relating to • Bridge. Your Committee can- not neommend any grant of money for the erect len of a Bridge over the River Maitland, near the Mills of John McDonald, Esq., because the Municipal Council Acts require that u work shall be ondertaken of each expense, without tbe District Surveyor shall have first made an estimate and report on the same. And further -that all works estimated at £300, and upwards, mast be first submitted to the Board of Works for their approval. DOCUMENTS AT PRESENT SESSION. 419. Your Committee recommend a grunt of £15, to waist the settlers in Hibbert rind Tuckeremith in the erectroo of a Budge across Silver Creek, at its junction with the River Bay- field ; provided, the By -Law for Interest Improvements does not paw in Council during the present Stento.. 216, 221, 217, 218, 216, 224, 227, 419. Same as No. 219. 228. Your Committee recommend a grant of £25 to repair the Zorn Road. 228. Same as No. 219, except instead of £20 prayed for, only £10 heranted. 200. Your Committee recommend that the Surveyor, with the Councillors for Goderich, be empowered to reduce the as- cent on the 5th and 6th Concession of Goderich, at the excava- tion lately made, by contract at the expense of the District. All of which o respectfully submitted, C. L. VAN EGMO\D, Chairman. REPORT Of the Committee of the Whole on the Report of oke Select Com- mence on Roads and Bridges. 8th February, 1848. Mr. Thompson in the Chair. 60. Report confirmed. 94. 1st Section of Report confirmed. 2nd Section -£O0 instead of £110 -Report confirmed. 3rd Section -1. Moved by Mr. Sperling, seconded by Mr. Mc)etyre--That £110 be granted for the improvement of the Mitchell road in Follarton.--Carried news. lis. 4th Section -2. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seconded byMr. Moray -That the Report of the Select, Committee on eads and Bridges, on the road through Stanley and IDs be con- firmed ; Mr. Murray agreeing to give £80 of Wild > d Road Tat towards the Improvement of the same. 3. Moved on amendment by Mr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Hodgins -That the sum of £150 be granted for the road leading 1hroo h Stanley and Hay; Mr. Murrey agreeing to give 00 of Wild Lapel mo..y. On the votes being taken, the ameodunant was carried by a • 111ei )ooeritty of 7. -Confirmed. 8.etion 6. Repairs on London Roar', £31- Bridge on South Branch of the Lake, £78 81 Ind. -Con- firmed. Repairs of London road for Culverts, £51 -Confirmed. road, is Bridge on Smolt Branch of Bayfield. BayStanley, •tri embsnkments, £94 ,Os-Cosfinned• is Godpr+cb. £12 IOe. Clearways n the in and Otho Maitland B -5 -Confirmed. Mir Mead in the Hill leading to Maitland mh . -,, `New toad up the ravine from Harbour, 4. Moored by Mr. Piper, seconded by Mr. Mclntyr-That the .'nn of £240 be granted for the road up the ravine from the Harborer, and lho road be made narrower than the Purveyor's 6. Moved in intendment by Mr. Van Egnieed, seconded by Kt. Chalk --'!bat tbe e.umats., plano and spectbcatnese of the Dfistrlel wonder, relating to the road down the nettle le the Harbour, he sebmitted to the Board of Work.. On the votes being taken the aoveadaveot was carried by a *acyl r of f. Repairs tis la and fed Conce stoat, Gederich, £160--C.s- 3riNd- •, to -morrow. .'^' ' JOHN THOMPSON. 944 Primer,. 1648. lir. Manlius, is bite Choir. 62. Report confirmed. 68. Surveyor to survey sad report op to the aide Ito be - terms sole line No. 26 and 16. the Fenno.. 07. Report coati -NW . 68-0. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Gnaw -That am the aof £13, currency, a:greeted for tits Oreclte* of the Bridge over the Maitland, bets... Lois 16 and 16, is Ma- Kdl.p.-(lentil• 70. Report oNfirmed. 80. Repro sea8r a4-7. Moved by hit, Holmes, seconded by Mr. Gibbose -- That Use Bridge at B. Miller's be built at the expense of the District, accordin to the plan of the District Surveyor; provi- ded that Mr. B. Miller, John Stewart, and others, g,nriaotw by Buad, the amount of tit* ; sesb hood to he to the satisfac- tion of the W aide.. Any additio.al nam raised on subtlenptiou list to be applied to said Bridge. This motion to be submitted to the Board of Works. 86. Report coo6rined. 91. Report cuo6riaed. 93 sod 95. Report confirmed. 95-7. 3luved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Daly -That the sum of £100 be granted to drain, turnpike, and otherwis. improve the Huron road, from the Town of Oodencb to where the 7111 Coaceuton touches said road, being • distance of about 4j guiles. See entry in Report opposite Nu. 93. 96. Report confirmed. 97 and 98. Report confirmed. 99. Referred to the Audttora • 100 and 101. Referred to the Auditors. 106 and 107. Report coo6rmed. 146. Report confirmed. 147. Report confirmed. 149. Report confirmed. 167. Report confirmed. 18a. Report confirmed. 190. Report confirmed. 191. Local. 31, 70 and 71. Report confirmed. 44. Referred to • Select Com uittee, to be reported on this session. 91 and 94. Report confirmed. 95 and 96. Reported on already -(Miller's Bridge.) 83. Report confirmed. 92. Report confirrued. 191-8. Moved by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. Daly -That the sum of £50 be granted for repairing the road be- tween Stratford and St. Mar.'s, on the fine of road which may be established as Post route, between the said villages, by the Post Office autborities.--Carried. 144-9. Moved by Mr. Sperling, seconded, by Mr. Daly - That the petition referring to the improvement of the bridge . oyer Trout Creek in the village of St. Mary's, Blan.hard, be read in Council. -Carried. 220, 221, 217, 218, 2.22, 224, 219, 827 and 419. Report con- firmed. 223. Report cohfirmed. 228. Local petition. 230. Report confirmed. 10. Moved by Mr. Giron, seconded by Mr. McPherson - That the District Surveyor be requested to examine and report to this Council, at its next sittings, as to the probable expense. of building a Bridge over the Maitland at Mr. McDonald's Mills. 11. Moved in amendment by Mrr Rankin, seconded by Mr. Hodgins -That all the documents reported upon by the Select ( ommrttee on Roads and Bridges, being local, shall remain an adopted by a Committee of the Whole. On the votes being taken the amendment was carried by • majority of 7. [Signed) JOHN THOMPSON, Chairman. REPORT - Of the Select Commilke sa Finance. Coatarrtss- Messrs. RITCHIE, VAN EGMQND, HOLMES, DOBKIN, DALY. Your Committee having clre(uily examined the different Pa- pers submitted to them for consideration, beg leave to report: - 41. Account of Jobs Donohey for £5, cetified by Daniel McPherson ; we beg leave to suggest, should be passed and basted over to the Auditors. 41. Account of Alexander Bell for £4 18 3j, certified by Wm. Piper; same deliverance. 43. Account of Hervey Brace for 10s. 10d., certified by Wm. Piper; same deliverance. 44. The certificate of James Simpson for £10 in favour of Win. Simpson, we would refer to the consideration of the Council. 46. Thu account of Wm. and Robert M'Dowel! for £10,' certified by W. F. McCulloch, the sane as No . 41. 44. The petition of Alexander Willson, we eanoot entertain, as an award of damages bas been already made to him by the Coutieil. - 47. Account of Arthur Bennett for £4, certified by John Hawkins, the same u No. 41. 48. 49. Account of Win. Graham for £4 15, certified by John Hawkins, the same as No. 41. 60. Accouot of Job. Rielly for £6 10, certified by Andrew Helmer, the same as No. 41. 61. Account of Allan Hubei for £3 10, certified by Andrew Helmer, the same as No. 41. 52. The petition of Matthew Black, praying for an advance of money on his contract, also for an extention of time to finish the same ; your Committee cannot recommend that any money be paid on an unfinished contract, but at the sante time would recommend that he he allowed until the 14th of June next to finish the same ; and that the account of the work on the Habour Hm1l, sod also at Mr. Lawson's, in Colborne, as reported finished by the District Surveyor, be banded over to the Audi- tors, and if correct, that Matthew Black be paid for the saw ; Providing that Matthew Black enter into sufficient Bonds with aunties approved by this Council, in which case es recom- mend that the original bond be given up to:him. 53. The letter of the Clerk of the Peace relating to two water Pumps and a Cooking Stove in the Goal, now not need- ed, we recommend should be carefully set apart, lest they might be wanting at any lutrirs period. 64. The order of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions directing the Clerk of the Peace, to furnish a copy of the Preeeetment of the Grand Jury to the Warden and Council, accompanied by a repre.entation of the Sheriff, relating to the insecurity of the Goal ; we would recommend that the outside door be painted on both Odes before the July Court of Quarter Sessions. As the Cbeveaux de Friends is under contract, your committee con- sider that the remoatrume of the Sb.riff is uncalled for; as to lhecoping of the outside wall, your oommittse would recom- mend that no aotios be take themes until after the contract for surmounting walls with Chevaux de Fries. be completed. 55. The account of Robert (richt. for £9 10, certified by Jobe Spatting, we reeema+eed to be handed to the Auditors and passed. 66. The account of Robert Dickie for £6, certified by John Sparliag, the unto an No. 66. 67. The p.uuoe of Join IngenoU, propel; that a sum of messy be greeted to refund him L 1 e 15, which be states tbst he bas expended on a bridge in 81. Marys, Blanchard, we ca.- tlet 'alerts,.. 68. letter of Archibald Dirkvoe to the Wade, relating to le annotate of real, should be referred to a Speen!Comsnuitee. - 10. Amount of 8uperintesdeet of Education amounting to LI 10 for.tatiosary; we r.coarssed to be audited sad paid. 133. Aecoest of Harry Row.etl for £ 18, data Dtsoatb.r 18t11, 11147, to be audited mod paid, 11 softest. 114. devisee of Hoary illowsoll 12th Julie, 1847 £4 6 8, lbs sa.a an N.. 133. 136. Acuson .1 tb6 Warden for PoMagi., IS.., the same as Na. 113. 136. Acoeffinbli *1n apse10LP,, iin I 3 0' 1 i11M/tir7.r • i do. 11,11. i 0 • -1 Os same dsli.M (M $11. SPINA ? , ' )3Y. The letter e( This. Mercer Junes, Seq., ComolgbtMr' .1 lbi Casella Company, relative to the deeds to lie gusted per %hoot sites. W • r.eomms.d that the saw be oamtsd with. 13s. The account of Jacob W union for L 1, certified by Jima Holmes, the sante as No. 138. 139. Yuar Committee baring ander consideration the sub- ject of Tuaiioe fur the current year, beg Team is suggest that it appears necessary to rase for the papoose bomber mo- tional the sum of £6,000, to be apportioned u follows, vis For Schools £ 1,000 at oat -fourth of a penay per acro m all lands within this District liable to bo taxed, and tete-fourth peany per pound oa an other rateable property. For Local lmproveaaata within each lotth.hlp, agreeable to a By -Law pasted for that purpose, the sum of £1,090 at ou- fourth penny per acre on all lands liable to be taxed, and m• - fourth penny per pound on rateable property. For District and Township (N6c.re' Salaries, Cutthroat Espeas.e connected with the Goal, sad Admtnianauon of Justice, Geral Politic Improvements, Distract Debt, and other Contingencies, the sum of £3,000 at three -fourth of a penny r acre on all lands liable to be taxed, and three-fourths .1 $ penny per pound on other rateable property ;-that all existing By -Laws rel•ung to taxation on dugs within the District be repealed. - Omuta.' Sauarsa. Township Officers' Salaries the same as last year, with the exception of the Assessor's Salary, whoa if requital to take the general Census, be allowed ogle -fifth additiuual gon their per centage. District Clerk per annum £15 00 0 Tumours, do. 900 00 0 District Superintendent of Common Shook 100 W 0 District Surveyor IW 00 0 Auditors each per annum 4u °I 0 Solicitor to the Council per annum 40 0u 0 Constable or Messenger per diem J. • 00 10 0 140. Account of Charles Dolsen for £2, certified by Treasu- rer, to be Audited and pout 141. Account of Henry Rowsell for £2 4 I1, certified by Treasurer, the same u No. 150. 142. Pennon of Andrew Green and others' of the Towubip of Colborne, relating to the late Township Wardesa of cord Township. Your Committee recommend that the Clerk of this Couocil do write to the late Wardens of Colborne, directing them to send their accounts to the Auditory and the balance, 11 any, in their hands be paid over to theme successors in office. Should they not comply with the entre, your Committee woutd recomuiend that the 8olicltor of the Cuuucd be matrect- ed to take action un the sante. ' 143. The petition of Margaret Fisher having been under con- sideration, your Committee would out recommend that any compensauun be allowed to her by this Council, inasmuch as we have never entered into any bargain ur contract with the said Margaret Fisher. 153. The petition of Joseph Whitley, relating to ho contract, the same as 622; as recommended an Matthew Black's cure. 168. Account of J. G. Kirk for Stuvey of an alteration of road £2 10. We recommend that it be referred to the Audi- tors. 169. Petition of D. McDonald stating that a mistake of 101 ft. of square umber, and 34 feet of covering at the bridge, opposite Lot 33, first coocessioa of Goderich ; we cannot entertain as the District Surveyor poasttively states that his servey tip cor- rect -also kis account for £3 a cahoot be admitted, msasmueh as au account for part of the same work, under &indecent name, was refused by the Council at last October Sessmoa; and the Dwtrict Surveyor states that tee extra work, for which .be claims compensation, arose from a mistake made by him in put- ting up the bridge about 18 inches burgher than the apeuticauun. 175. The mouon of Mr. Ritchie fur • Grant of £75 to pur- chase a set of standard weights and measures for the use of the District; we, the Committee, cannot recommend its adoption. 176. The District Superintendent's account .. Audited our years 1844-'45-'46, there appears to have bus received fur School purposes £1494) 18 7e "Aid exyended during same time 1470 19 101 B ere in hands of Superintendent A19 16 9jf. A stai.utsat el amount of money remaining is bands or the Township clerks u Audited January, 1842. We recom- mend that the above account be filed aad the Agricultural Bank Balls, in the bands' of the Township Clerk, Gudertcb, be handed over to this Chink of the District Council. 178. Sc,kedules o< amount of Taxes due the Huron Dia- triston the let )ssaary, 1848. School Tax £263 00 83 Road Tax 508 10 6 Dihuict.Tas 4047.16 81 £4819 7 lei We recommend that this Schedule be filed. 179. Statement of Finances of the District of Huron. - Amount of Taxes in arrear for Dta't. purposes, £4047 16 ej Balance in Treasurer's bands u per Wt quer- ter's abstract 323 7 2 £4871 3 10j Amount of Debts, Liabilities and Interest. 2809 00 10 Balance in favour of District L2062 3 Oj Amount of Rood Tax in &rear 508 10 6 Amount mud Superintendent is year 1847 777 6 6 School Tax arrest 263 00 83 £3610 19 8* We recommend that this statement be filed: 180. Schedule of Debts and Liabilities Huron District 1st January, 1848. We recommend to be filed. 181. Classified List of Treasurer's Abstract, 131 January, 1848. We recommend to be filed. 182. The Treasurer's Abstract from 1st October to 31st December, 1847, we recommend to be filed. 183. Auditor's Report, we recommend to be filed. 184. Statement of amount of montes paid for Roads and ' Bridges, in Huron District, we recommend to be filed. 185. The petition of Andrew McKee, we cannot entertain. 186. Letter from F. Dallas; Bianco. District, dated *1 th Janu- ary, 1848. We recommend that the suggestive therein con- tained be carried into effect by this Council. 195. By -Law to regulate the rasing of Taxes for local pur- poses in each Township, having been under consideration, your Committee have already recommended a By -Law which o adopted and confirmed. 203. Account of John Taylor for £417a 6d, certified by John Holm.., to be audited and paid. 237. laventory of moveable property of Ibis district -to be filed. 141. Account of George Fraser, Auditor, for postage and coats, £2 14s 9d -we recommend to be paid. 341. Audited Account of District Superintendent of Educa- tion, up to Jauary, 1848 -we recommend to be printed with the minutes. 243. Report of Auditors on Schools, Township Clarks' book., &c. Your Committee would recommend that the Auditors be di- rected to write to the several Township Clerks who bare Beg - totted to get their books aodrted,regeirmg mcb Tows Clerks to do so forthwith; and mut the e( soo.compliance on the part Of suet Town Clerks, within out month from date, thea that the Auditors inform the Magtstratee reeding ow sub Town Clerks respeeuveiy. 444. Legal opmton having already been o►taia.d on the sub- ject of the Btanshard elections for Councillor, your Commites Nowt recommend anything further on this head. Allot which is respectfully submitted, JOHN HOLMES, Chairmen. REPORT Of M. Cesamattss of t3. Whole on tie Salad C.ewrroapi s ilkipore .s Fiance,. Mr. Hay in the C►•ir. Report o..ArUUed. Report cogitated. February, 1841. 43. R.pre unarmed. 44: Remitted to the Auditors, on the emilAret w ooded by Mr. Doakis. _ . 45. Report et►.firued. - . 06A9SIMIDA 411. Report renamed. 47. Report co.4raaed. 1" $1420, -it. • sad 49. Report coa5raaed. b0. Report cuo6rtaod. 91. *hurt confirmed. 62--2. Mored by Mr. IIo1m.., ueesd.d by Mr. McPberson -TMA sheeld Matthew Brack comply with the racommeya- tlon of the Ftuaw Common.., the Wards' be autkeriami lis g rater a Dsbsstere is its favour, so suao u the work la comples :cd; provided, the saute be before the 1st of July. -Carried. 63-3. Moved by kir. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Chalk - That the, District Surveyor be authorised to dis?ou of tbo Cooking Stove and two pumps now in the Gaol. --tarried. 64. Report confirmed. 33. Report cou8rrued. 56. Report confirmed. 87. Report confirmed. 6t. Ordered to Its over till next meeting of Council. 59. Report confirmed. 13t Report confirmed. 134. Report contented. 133. Report confirmed. 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142 and 143. Report os them confirmed. 163. The same as 52. 168. Report confirmed. 169-1. Mewed by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. Ran- kin -That the District Surveyor and John McDonald, be di- rected to .sure the Bodge referred to in Nu. 169, and that the Warden be authorised to give a Debenture after the ac- count shall be audited, for any amount that may be found due to Duncan McDusald.-Corned. 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 and 182. Report on them confirmed. 163-6. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by his. Balkwill- That 11 10e 11d, being a mistake in the account of George McLeod, and s3 9s 1j1, being the expenses of butldio a cul- vert, omitted in a furrier account, in favour til Duncan McDon- ald, -►e audited and pard. -Carried. 186-6. Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hicks -That the suggestion in Mr. Dallas' letter be followed up. - Carried. 195, 203, 237, 241, 242, 213 and 244. Report on them con- firmed. [Signed] ROBERT HAY, Chairman.' REPORT Of t3. Sdict Committee en Ceom•ron Schools. Cotosirrts- Messrs. BPARLLYO, HAYS. Mc1 (TYRE, Merit l:R.ON, P1 Mr. Sperling is the Char. 17. Your Committee recommend that the School Section prayed for is than peuuon maybe defined a follows, via : Begraieng at the rear of Lou 17 and 1.1, on the i lth Conces- sion ; thence $ueth along the rear of said Concession until the same strikes the Town knee of Hay; thence Fast, •tong the said Town lone, to the rear of the 7th Concession ; thence North till the same hie strike" the dive too between Lets 17 and 18 : lbeoce West to the pace of beginn.ng ; to bo denominated School Secuos No. 5, Stanley. 16. Yesr Commute recommend that the School Section prayed for le this petition be defined as follows. viz : Commencing at the side line between Lots 4 and 5, on the Lake shore; theses East along the said line to the rear of Lot 90, es the lark Conceeaton; thence South atong the rear of the said Coneisstoe till the same strikes the Town line of Hay ; then. West. along the same line, till it strikes the Lake shore; North to the place of beginning; to be call, d No. 4, -. w la coseegnce of the before mentioned alteration, itbscuoss ..ce.ary to define the boundaries of School Section No. 3. l egtaautg at the setersecuon of the Bayfield River with the Lake ; titmice aloog the said River tin the same meets the con- notation of the road allowance betweeu the 8th and 9th Con- eesaoee ; 'hence South, along the said road allowance to the boundary between Lot 17 and 19; th.•nce Wee, slung; the said boundary, t.tl the same ',into! the rear of the 11th Cuncesiion ; thence North, along the said TORT till it strike the side road be- tween Lot 20 sad 21; thence West, along the said side road till the same strike the Lake ; thence North along the Lake to the Rhee of beginning. Then will stilt be a space left to the East of Sections No.'s 3 and 3, sufficiently large to form a School Section, bounded on the Fist ►y the western boundary of Sections -, and on the North by the Bayfield River; on the West by the eastern boun- daresof Sections 3 and 5, and on the South by'Ihe Town line of Hay, which your Committee recommend to be formed into a'Scbuul Section, to be denominated School Section No. (3. 19. Your Committee are ofopmion that there will he no dif- culty in.oblaiomg the Deed referred to in this petition, oe appli- cation being made to the Commissioner of the Canada Com- pany. 2o. Your Committee, on carefully considering the (official communication from the District Superintendent of Common ,Schools, to the Warden in Council, would recommend th.t the sum of fifty pounds be granted for the purchase ofa uniform set of Book. for Com:non School purposes in this District, to be retailed at cost prices by the several Teachers to the children ; provided, such Books can be had at the prices slated to us in Committee by the District Supenotegdeat of Common Schools; Teachers to be accountable to the Superintendent for the price of said Books. 21. Your Committee recommend that the prayer of this peti- tion for the formation of a School Section in Btanshard, may be greeted, and that Mose. Sinclair be appointed by the Council to call the 1st School Meering. 22. Your Committee recommend that the prayer of this peti- tion, from Blasshard School Section, No. 3, for taxation, for the erection sed fnrrltahing o(• School House, be granted. 23. Yon, Committee recommend that the prayer of the peti- tion for Taxation, from the inhabitants of School Section Ns. 6, Blanchard, may be granted. 24. YOU( Committee recommend that the prayer of this peti- tion for Taxation, in Logan, be granted, and that Mr. John Hicks would be requested not to neglect procuring from the. Commissioner of the Canada Company a Deed for the &hoe' Site previous to the expenditure. 25. Your Committee fully concur with the memorial of the Gore District Council, and would recommend this matter to the most mature deliberation of the Council in Committee; and that a miller memorial may be forwarded by the Municipal Council of the Huro. Dtstriet to the Honorable the Legislative Assem- bly of Canada, in Parliamestassembled. 96. Yaw Committee, after carefully considering thio Circular from the Chief 8openotendlat,wo.ld bog to remark, that though there is much useful information contained therein generally; year C.mmittee would more particularly call your atteetion to tdectio.e 3rd and 5th. The 1st refers to the alterations, sob- dnisier sad rem odifving of School Sections. Your Commitlse would recommend that when it becomes necessary to proceed the, that sect' all.ratisan shall not take effect doriog the cur - mot year. The lad refers to • subject, which in the opiates of yew C.mm.tt.e, deserver your most mature conside it le the avd..t desire of your Committee to nes, if po.ei►f Reis - /ill Ttas abolished, and Borne plan devised that would remove as diieslty at present existing with the Trustees in the4io- eharge of their duty, and the unhappy collisions they Argo broeght tete wick the people, especially with poor parents MR9 at[ liege iambs& 17. Year Committee recommend that the District Sit leads.t t( Commn. Schools be requested to ingnire salve tete this wetter in gddutph, as to the jellie. of James Hodgi pennon sod report to the nest Council at its October sittings, to tis propriety of sub -flooding or remodifying Suets. No. 1, Soldelp►, as peuuo..d for. fe sad 130. Your Committee recommend that the prayer o/ thio peau.., hum T.ck.ramith, for the entireties of a School Section, be set wtertau.M, that the Sorties restrain as it Irl iS. •e. tri. 11 an lis. Yew Committee rwemoond that the B.INe M *sod Nth Hs merle et oke Conwell. (COMCI.UDAD MEI? WECL) ,., •aa a4 .i a