HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-28, Page 3BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. Yam*, Moantse, July 91. ARRIVAL OF THE HIBERNIA. Accounts received by the !!naval.. folly •howl that the getting up u( the late fn.nr- recdoa ie Paris, was the work u( the Or- li/mists and Boeapartistf, aast•l.d by the Misipseor u( Resets, and • probably aveasl other distinguished enemies of the new Republic. ?los to motive!, as a• antict- pagd.--[death• Latsaattne Gomm esu ens I cutnstence has transpired wh.c no little surprise. 11. D. about to quit France. The pr he iatonde to travel in the East is to be accompanied by Madam tine. His departure must be hand, and tt a said that some • has already been dispatched for The steamer Hibernia arrir York, on Saturday morning at e Sailed on the 8th f:om Lieerp.w MAaskTI.—Cure 30 a 331 6J 3d a (3. 9J. Flour 27. 6d a 28 Wheat 6r 6J • 8 a .'per bu.b..l. Mu oey markets in Loaadus las Consuls 86i a 86j. Tho revolution in Frames awe ptotem'tsiog aspect, the late totem' lag been complete:7 queue I and restored. Gen. Caaaignic ieiehe respon.tble Dictator of France. to be zealously occupied in con the government. The funds a improving and for the first time overthrow of monarchy, Elie bupe that France will secure fir h: r.t 1 bur bloodshed• tied sacnficc., ao just and moderate Executive. Lareart.ne and Ledru Rollin are ly watched. It is generally belt suasidiere was at the bead u[ t surree!ton, •- •- • There are,rejporh. feet tine ie 8t Petersburgh in which 00 I;veoatirere (otic: The cholera is snaking tearful progress; Six new hospitals hare been opened is Moscow. Chateaubriand died on the 4th of July. M. Carnot r,.atgoed. Over 100,000 'Dithers in Paris. Ab armisUc of three months concluded between Germany and Denmark. Great excitement in Berlin. Arch Duke John appointed Ltout. General of the Ger- man Empire. Charles Albeit,. inactive. The Austttans have re -possessed them- selves of nearly all the thirty-six Venetian provinces. Rome is in a (disturbed stale. • Carl/eta rising in Spain. 8e 1 conttctiuus in [relied for drilling. Warrants issued againat the publisher of the "Flora:" Bill fouod against Devlin Reilly for drilling, Riot at Edinburgh. Resistance being made to annuity tax. Fire in M..rrel district, Rueful. Loss et 488,000 pounds. 3,000 bowies burnt. AST.—A eir• h has created Lamarties etext i/, t , and that e e de LAWS/ - very Dear at floe luggage Meisel Iles. ed at New o'clock.—. . Meal 13r a• p►ovieg. and s more eplieo bav- tranqeility dllnvet n. Ile aocme snhjatug re rapidly atnce the is raised , after all effective, constant-. eyed that Le late to - There is an abundance of potatoes in the London markets, at trues 3.0. Id.' to for 20 lbs. From sixty 1, seventy carts, lades principally with potatoes, arrived fur the Liverpool market, at one of the ferries on the Cheshire aide of the river before 8 o'clock this morning. On the 23rd, June tau year, old potatoes were 9r. 8). the measure (60 Ws). They are now 5a•.tW. only ! A Less or Beorio.—Dr. Dick esti/Mates the number of tboee who have pe,i.hed directly or indirectly by the war, at 11.000, . Ebbe the em b, has taken the erreel estimarned te( Dr. !Dick, and estimating rho average quantity of blood in a common steed person, states that the blood to the 'eine of these fourteen thousand m,1LOD, would fill • cfreumlercnee, and ten feet deep, in which all the .artse of Ore world might !nate—Vittorio Ckroai. de. Dtotlj, On Friday the 21st instant, after a pmtreeted Meese, ariwtej item mineral rl-hhty, Mr. Cotes Ram, a mute of Send. W, and our at the earliest settkrs and fust Men:hints of Goderich. Stamen Dv.i-u.—Mr Richard Wdnharre auctioneer, died auJccenfy in i)undas of e mfany, years fere Je.t of Hamilton.aur $20 REWARD. S14,s N from the(lalerieb Poet Office yesterday a letter adlreraod to "Donee Court, General Agent, Montreal," eoetafst., . • Cheek oa the Bunk of Upper Canada of which the following in a copy ; Godetic8, 21th July,1$48. Te the Attest or d. ,Bask of Upper t,•redo eta y to Jame Court, Esq•, or order, the 'Thirty°ee Pomade, Fire BhUlnrg", Clrrreney, (Siifeed) And written arrow. the CLARK. wen word.__ tM tbb cheek • - u (tread, John 111AgeoL Pero saki, lose." lave bees to prevent the s g the aloes R paid ♦t boy of the Banks. but Reward will be paid to any per aaa who will pee aeeh usformatios 11 will i6esN1 the 0•11vtoti°ra of the thiel THOMAS KYDD, Ij Hollerith. Nth Pesl•aolte16 i /WV, 114$, CCT NAILS. Fig* new By lbw Plebe NAILSmid ell ether descriptionsof it. B. BETIbOUR h Op. Geesneb, Jul, talk HIM. hassle R.U'EUMATISM •r! ri . THE GENUINE INDIAN RHEUMATIC ICIZtlw air 3 ilC welt' SAFE ad Jo BUIE REMEDY for itHAUf4Tfy1. •wets• never' Wed MM coring this dreaded Camplaia,, when 9, applied. IIYTets MEDiCINE sand. •bore all «8... of the kited, wed tee proof d lb. Article Is w aatise is. ft seeds not the IOW sluice of este pees loom sus. dry persoua, leo nue know" who,) to prove to rirere 1 N. 11.—Whclewlebuyer" treated o.Libe- ral Teresa. For Bab by C. CRASS, SQL* Asyut fur Casads Nr•to CATTLE. II' hose Gemlike suites flirted.... igaed Dr. BOYD For the best Bull, 3 year old 1 00 0 DIC'KINooit4.7 III 2nd beet, 0 15 0 Par the beet 2 year oki do 0 15 0 2d best, 0 10 U Fur the best yeetlio4 do. •• 0 10 0 241 beat,.... ... For the best Milch Cow, with Cell by 0 30 her aide, 1 00 0 2.1 test 10 0 For the best Mitch Cow beviog bad a Calf u 1848, ........ . 0 15 0 - 2vl.be,i. D 10 0 BL4NSHARb (BRANCH) AGRICULTURAL SOC1 ,1!. i1 PtglllUtt/if 1r0R 180. A, of CAATFARM PAODbLOOSO ANNUAL KA CIE HUMOR - $DITIC NA1iUPACTUREB, as- .J1 be held at WT. MARY'!/, ea Wednemley the 4.b of eeptember. 1848, roti f►r fettuwieg PRE. MlV3/S soil be a,uv.,4ud HORSES. Far the beat Mase sad Food, tad. 'tied bort. 100 U For the best 4 year ofd •Colt • ..0 15 0 tad bee, r •••••0 IS U Fat the brat 3 '0 Ill 0 best, old i'iNy, ' 0 15 0 god be. For the Lett 9 year aid Colt or 4111y„., 0 10 0 2t.d best, .. .. 0 1.i 0 Foe the beet 1 year ... C.. • • . • 0 1.5 0 1) 1 aid god twat Colt er Ft{ly,.., 0 15 ' O 10 0 PRiCE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALBG,--Drcuasus's COUOII DROPS, • ('matte Remedy to, Cu_" i.h' 'Aa - F.rc,.—Otte Dollar pier a.t.4. As. Detroit, Michigan, July 4.8. 1846. 16•,1 LOOK HER Ell. res' LE.2rHER FOR 8.9L Til}; subscriber begs leave to tort • get the best 2 year ukf Heifer....... , 0 It) U to the Public that be bis and will boa, ••••••• 0 7 6 constantly on band, 18, best 'airbag Heiler, 0 (0 U 24 beat, • .. ...... •. 0 7 6 Far the best Fat (±x...... is•. 0 10 0 and 6f the .err beet gustily, For .be hes, Far ('.ow 9 y, for sale, For the beat Yoke of %Yotting Olen,.. 10 00 0 wholesale or retail, at the lowest rernuoe- 2.1 beer, .... •. 10 0 ratio¢ prtces. 0 15 0 C} Intendin err ' •"` ...0 10 0 their adv g W Mse►s will iod It re Foo the bre' Yoke of 3 yrer. Steels, advantage to calla old 0 I0 0 and exam 2ei the before beat. viii•.• 0 )0 6 purchasing at any other pine.,. MI orders, 3d best )7 •vended t,,, ilw the bort Yoke el trees old Steen,p 10 0 \ 'II.1.(AM G. BMITN 2d twat,S O Goderich, July 2btb, 1848. EMI- LEATHER gt( - LEATHER OF ALL KINDS S TkA y. C CTR.tYED from the premises of the tub - t.3 ',her, about the 10th of April last, a DARK BROW N COW, with surae whit* un her belly and part of her bag ; set horns. • aut•lt. betel oo her back just peeled her ahouljers, and had a bell on. About the 191b atJtaj.abe.oras tuilked bypne of the settlers a little south of Yea Egrnool', Melte and broke (rum the enctuanre on the following m•'rning, since thea she hes nut been heard off. Any information respecting said Cow wiU be thankfully received, in addressing to the owner. information may also be left at this „(lice. JOHN 1.7TODDART. Tuckeramith, London Road, Lot No. 24, J,tly 44, 18.18. 5 26 EXA311NATI0N. THE Public Examination of the ffuron District Grammar school will take place on 3IONDAY the Slst instant, at 11 o'clock, A. ,,, Godtnch, July 1516, 1841, 26 N OTLC1r: . A peruse indebted to the estate, of the rate W(LI•IA31 Di'FTON, are re- quested to settle their accounts immediate- ly or they will be placid in the Court for collection el ghoul furtiter entice. '1 HH)MAS DITTON, JOHON LANCASTER. . •' 6rieieb, July *0, 1844. 23.6 t3HAKSPEARE IN. N', 8 DR.4 T PeR D. T W. GARRISON begs leave to inform bis •l • friends and the traveling eoglmusity is genes!, that be hes leased sod piet'peeed fist wall brow. Hotsi is Stratford, called the 311A1KSPE:ARE INN, which he has refurnished and remised, in a manner not surpassed in the Hares !)tenet. J. W. G. hopes that by con. leant atwattw to kis business to merit a "bare eel 18. travel,.g cosams.ity. P• 8.—Good Stabling ..i • e.refel Hostler will always be in attrnda'ee. 8u.tfu,4, Jolie 30th, 1848. 22tf NEW STORE. S'1'RA'1'1" 0 k D BY WM. If. HINE. TITS Subscriber begs leave to intimate that he hes opened. a STORE at the east end of Stratford, witha general as.ort- 'rent of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, b,c. And he hopes for a share of the patron- age of his neighbour and the public. H. sells cheap for Cash or Produce. HINE. Stratford, March 44 1843.' H. 9 tem 6, ' NOTIOE. eillIE Subscriber having relinquished the IL Moistness of Baking in favour of Mr. Henry Newman, begs to return thanks fur the support he has heretofore received, and can coefidentdv recommend his eueceesor es worthy of public 'import. JOHN LANCASTER. Godanch, *616 May, 1818. 17tf TO LET, Tl(AT Store at present occupied by Roes Robertson, Esq., with nes w,thont the dwelling Helene, and will be Bred up to sort • tenant. From the commanding out talion and the rapid Isereai,e of pepnlatenn of Goderich and vtctntly, any per.oa desirous of commencing 6,.,rtetn em,N not be more. casventently located. Apply to Goderich, Jose 0 1348. WALLACE. STRATFOItD HOTEL 'ISAAC MAY. ieforms his !.fends mud the A. pn8hr. that be bas taken eke BRICK TAVERN, iately to the otrup.,Ion of Mr. Brown, et *be Beet end of Stratford, where nothing shall be minting on his pan to pro - role the eeafert seal cosven,toce of his guest.. 1. M. Batters Memel( that his selectee* of Wee* sod Lamers is equal to any in tbe y, and his Stabling department is of the meet complete description. Stiatfmrd, stili April, 1848. illi! MR. AND Mks NAIRN'S SCHOOL..,,[, ..n.„ ERNOLISIl CLASSES will tweet Irate epos kl.nday, I8* ) J"tr, tastawt. On the 041104114/ MC R M. lift ores fl. ATIN earl FRENCH CUMIN. Revta t 33j 7, 1*48. SHEEP AND HOGS. For :be best Ram 2 years old and upw'ds, 0 15 0 24 best ..-. 0 10 0 For the best 1 year old, ........... 0 10 0 2d beer, 0 5 0 For the best Tap Lamb,. • . 0 10 0 Se best, For the beet pair at Ewes sod Lambs,0 15 0 2d best,..•..•. For the best ensile 0 S U g Ewe wink Lamb by herd . 0 10 0 'LI best 0 5 0 Tor the best peoj3J of Wedten or Ewes, 0 100 0 2d best, n... ..... For the beet Boar, Albest, ........... ... 0 10 0 0 DO 0 For the best Bow, baring bad Pigs is 1848, 0 15 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the best 2 Bushels Fall Wheat0 10 0 2d fit, 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels Spring Wheat, 0 10 0 2J best, ........ ...... 0 5 0 For the beat 2 Be•bels of Batley...... 0 10'0 For the beat 2 Bushel; of Oats,... ,... 0 7 6 3d beet, 0 5 0 For the beat 2 Bushels .(P,0 10 0 21 beatr ." 0 5 0 DAIRY PRODUCE. For the best 16 lbs. of Roll Butter 0 7 6 2d best0 5 0 For the best Keg of Butter 65 lbs.. . 0 5 0 24 best ............. 3d best, 0 7 6 t F.the beat Cheese, from 12 to 20 !be. 0 10 0 • .. lid best,. p.p. 5 0 For the beat Maple 8ar--20 lbs. is Gk0 2J teae,........ ... ..., 00 11 60 3d best, . r..,, .. 0 5 0 • DOMESTIC Man ' ors I'tpEe For the best 10 yards Felled 01.18,... 10 0 24 best11 , 5 0 For the brat. 10a1,-0 10 0 2d best; >F'lwittisii W " 6 50 IeRULES OF THE EXHIBITION. Th° Material• of the Dornestie Manu- factured Cloth and Flannel to be prodeeed from the Farm e.f the Competitor. 20d. All •eh.eribers having paid their sub- serapoon, aid out, ouch, to be entitled to com- pete for any Premium. 3rd. Bulks most have a Ring or Screw in their nose, with a rope or chain attached thereto, 10 prevent accidents. 4th. All Stock exhibited shell have been the Use file property of the Exhibitor a month be- fore the Show, and all other articles shown must have been prodaced o0 the Farm of the Eabthiy.r. Anyprr.on violating, or attempting to violate these Rules, shall be rendered incapable of com- pelingon any Mime occasion. WiLLIAM BARRON, Sec'y. St. Mary, Bib Jane, 1848. *hot PAY '4I,TT.tNT.T01V!! ACD pay your debts, as the subscriber bee resolved that ail Note* and Book accounts dee to him and remaining gnsettled, will, posi- tively, on the 15th of Joty nett, be handed o'er with some r -Io t9 tcedthatron. It is he has adoptedthisresolenoa, as he ba. nu &mere to incur ,e8Jttienal expense to Mom vete, ere still owing- hrin—but it is a'eying, Chet steossyay is a, merciless master, so din rbe Firearmwetaace, his relouta•ee must 1 Decently. ROBERT MODERWELL. U.4 -y e►, 15th Jose, 1848. 20 -if TAILORING FSTABLiSHMENT. SPELYG 4' SUMMER 1'ASHIONS,fer 1849. A1ruLI, variety of the newest and roost improved 8 --- •strata for 1848,have a arse Sewsraa Fasa I DADLY subscriber,099 been received by tee Litabhvhrd who will promptly attend to the 1 by "role, (a orders of all who *ay larger him with their 1 patronage. peestogers at leas. three A. NAYSMMITII cam Leave 11 Goderich 12th April, 1848. 1 y Rashers., (H `— — rennereate • WAGGONS AND SLk:f(iUS. 7IQ 7 taws STREET. rsa•aLT OPPOmT. Tek Yanaa,TLataly Cell 41.H. T11E Bubserdests beg. leave to !afore, his friends and the public at large, that he is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER OR LIG/IT WAGGONS, which shall be maanlactured of the beat utaiCreals, and by experienced workmen, 07 Harrows and Drage made to order ; Plough Castings! Weeded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, Feb. 9, 1848. 9tf -- EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. w THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. OULD respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct fro n the Nev York and %funereal Markets, a ter. large aaortmeut of Straw, Leghorn. Don - •able, Tuscan, and Imitar,en 8.18 BON- NETS, and a great variety of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, rutted to the fashion and tante of the season. . Ale., an extensive stock of • HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods, Likewise, large quantoiea of GROCERIES, particu- I..rly a very supersr supply of TEAS, (rum 1s. 3d, per pound upwards, accordioe to quality ; and 'Tobacco at aH prices. As the whole extensive .tuck has been eelect,•d by the proprietors 10 person, they east confidently recommend them to their friends and customers, and as the purcbarea have been effected exclusively oo c.eh prtn- ciplee, they have rewired to sell on the moat reasonable terror and at the fewest pus.thte pec fit. ria CASH. tioQ Ma a ezcb able ng, at a• the fugof he tt mar- ket price. THOS. CILMOUB dt CO. Godpricb, I$,t6 May, 1848. 18 HENRY NEIVMAN, BREAD, CAKE soli PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patronage of the inhabitants of Godurtch and its vicinity, and trusts. by strict atteatiut, to merit a share of their fivours. N. B.—Hard Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers on hand. Caka spade to order. Goderidt„ Jai. 28. 164tI• 1 tf • BOOT AND SHOE STORE, MARKET 8QU4EE. ,'UST received, and wiU be sold cheap for cash or marketable Froiece, a large aa- eortme.t of BOOTS AND SHOES of carious sizes and qualities. —ALSO -- A large quantity of different descriptions of LEATHER, which wilt be sold to the trade on the most ,.reasonable term', either by ers are requestedrtoil callf anddetprn oebfor• themselves at the Boot and Shoe Stereo( THOMAS WATKINS. 07- Pegs and Findings for sale. . Guderich, May 26, 11148. 17tf N. B.—Patent SCALE, weighing from tk lb. to 500, for sole. • 'FARMERS' INN, f• STRATFORD, • BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. THE Sobseriber (from Galt) has lain► y rented the above well established INN and HOTEL in the West sped of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr, John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he w.0 endeavour to see the Public and Tear- ellers well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. ile has trued Stabling, and an attentive Hostler. Ilia Bar is well supplied with Wines and Liquor. 7110M AS DOUGLASS. Stratford' Horeb 1, 1848. 7tu3 MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! ! FAREREDUC40 4 SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Throagit Canada to Sint., raj Nees leek, ria, Chatham, Lams., If'esdsroclt, Eaailird, Raari4oa, Walleye Fury to Brfole• • Tun aline. etas.! STEAMBOAT RROTIIERS! CAPT. W. EBERTS, WiLL not the Season of 1848 as fotfews :_ Leaves Chatham-eeet7 Mond..-, Wednes- day and friday Morning', at N o'clock, for Windsor and Detroit, tneuce to Aashsrtsh.rg at 3 o'clock. Leaves A,w4ertsiar- every Tuesday, Thurs- day sad Saturday N.nn,nes at hal(-peer 7 o'clk. to.ching at Detroit and 1V,,t4 orfo,,C4erea,,, The BROTIt.RB runs lit connection each a LINE OP STAGE COACHES. beeweed Chatham and Qaeeast.o, mi the Strainers o. Late °totem) will be .0.al.4 to reach Kingston to day. from Chatham Passsagere enuiinn by steamboat 6.t Toronto, sago, Kingston, or any of .8. bl - poets no lake Ontario. Gtnt(emen of the Butes Witt find this ria ALBION HOUSE, Irrensllpart We eerie( the summer and winter, JAMES' Street, one door • west of 'try' spots Commercial Dank, Hamiltop, by it peso's rhro ta•nuy, ( 848. I. E8MOND& J. BTEWART,-.,:..--i ATTORNEY AND BARRi73T1sR at Idtw, Solicitor in Chancery, Cusvey- aneerlte., Office West $treat. Ouderkh, Zivh ehi; 1 6 r dlf.sERT PORTE, 1 ADiE,S AND GENTLEMEN'S rash Sven., maul* Root and Shoe Maker, Market Sven., (Eoderseb. Werth, Tit, 18.18. TOBACCO. Ail a stock *kick will be sold chap for o•.it. t• T. oiL410UR 3s co. i2.1844. /" /t TRAiL V all qualities SetI4 slselnee friei by % . 11, IMS, ea►r 111W. res N Canada W e.. soon*hiag pars et ere The Chatham sod Leedom road is sop somfrieted, mad lea very pied red. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, via. 48m1.t.r. •tree egad {lads, 4,,e trim ayes. CbNis Paseage $1,75: Deek Peewee B1,00: res. half.Miee: Haw, Boggy sad eros Gentleman 113,00 : Double Team, Wa4,,. tela/ I (U, , ... *tau: Os or Cow $1,40; ell ether • •••kat in /rsportioo. Co; lbea s, iirl —{;iatham, aborts, W,4v0 4 T. N. Taylor. Wieds.,r, 1.: do H. Ilea. enpert, C. Heat. Detroit, Ira at Meet...- f•ea•isH11e, knight ! Wta•er. Tre.mosh Hesse, H. N. Reda WSrd,vithe Atedervaro 4t Nebo. Mom, s. Fein,.;. Fe** G. 1. !smith. M kJw Jar*, Walks. weaitr 1*....., toed. G. Babeo.k. i1.r•i4Iu.., 18. 8s e.•itD 4M. Dome. kO CREW'!" ON`'tell ibiT. Clowias1 April, 1iM. took:, SI -if E. C. WA T8O10;.ir PA14TBR6 AND ULAs4_ PAPER RAIDER, c`e- 4,s• 6 DOD E RICI1. 1' PURIFY I'HE BLOOD. yOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PiLLS AND PIiE(ENIX BITTERS. TO CAPITALISTS. ODD awl ale ioveetmeate. 1 alu.ble .w J(I(, 1. Sl1 ES and I'.8 t 18 for sale os Lake Huron. ebrity :obi" A geed Mill Prtvtlege oe t6e Lake shore rues bare . wttt,.n us s,iloe u1 G.•lrrurb, havtog 16 r (Bracy in •r . ares ail excellent land, abs 111.1! ran bo flail! un [rte ruck, sed wIIhls. 5tt feet 01 ten fees a, rare. tees deep wader art 11te Labs; the 11.11 data new air bat !can be tirade .6 t.. 18 het high at • trithng uheir fret.; -spen.e ata( on a never lading atreellt,.t,un- etn, end they dance of Saw -lug. In the .tcInity]. reduloue. Alvo, a apleed.J 31.1 pr,v,tege half a , Acute end' mile ep nn the P:,gleeen utile River which nes ,t the I' navigable to the Like, ha.tag 43 acre. Yevere sited of first rue land, plenty , f Ptn4 and other !ta viii, THE loth and envied col these pre-esuosut Make gutted fur their ievartable r the diseases which they pre bee rendered the usual preen .0$ only .nnec.seary, but them. They are knows by their greet works testify for th thrive sot by the Nob of the c iN ALi. CASES of Asthma ettroeic Rheumatism, Affect. Bladder and KWnees, Buratto L.,.r 'tram sons. In the South sod %-e•t where these dis- cs... prevail, tory a,11 he found inral'ta- ble. Planters, larosre, and others, who mice use three Medicine,, will never be without them. Bilious Choke, and Serous I•uo"eneee, Biles, Coettse,res•, Colds and Coughs, Chot:c, C' n+u)n,tt.,n. Used with great sueeees in then d, -raise. Corrup Dniester., Deepspewa, pera dtetreeeingdisease .6,o..14 delay med,e,nee numcJ,al.ly. Eruptions uI the Skin. Erysi tulency, Fever and Ague. For this the we*cern Country therm medicines will be fouod a safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other medicines Ieare• the system subject to a return et the disease—a cure by these medicines its permanent. .Pry. them, be •ati•tuvl, and be CCRED. Foulness of Complexion, General Drb- lity, Guut, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches, of every kind, inward Fever, lnflanunetore kheumatism, impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Liver Cumpla,sts, Leprosy, lsnosene•s, Mercurial Diseases. Never faits to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the moat powerful preparation of Sarsapa- rilla. Night Sweat", Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of ail kinds, Organic Af factions, Palpitetwn of the heart, Painter's C6ohc, PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 yeses standing by the use of these Lite Medicines alone. PAiNS-in the head, side, back, ld's, joints sold nevem. • RHEUMATISM. -'Mose afflicted with this terrible disease, will be sure u1 relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the head, Scurvy, Saltrheus, Bwethngs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its worst forms, Uleers, of every description. WORMS, of all kinds, are effectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well en administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be cer- tain. ga In the swum,. AND ALSI►•rFour of the best descrip- tion of FARMS un and near the Lake Shore, with tmprurcu.ents. Tbo above we I e••Iact...11 and very ratppble property will be suld low for cooly 0-' half the purchase money may rental• Igr three or (our years on mortgage. s Apply (if by let er pis -t paid) to Law - 1 fluruurs, j reeve Lawrasnn, }) . London, Ruben iso writ, r , I Parke, E:q., Gudu,tci, , to abs proprietor using Iht'st JOHN DAWKINS. Port Albert, Gude, telt. Feb. 3, 1848. tf1 porn+, Fla- VALUABLE FARtfr1 LOZ..' scourge of ton satin IN THE IIURJN TRACT, NAMELY I4'OUR Leto re% the Fiiat-toncesafne .4 Goderich, !.ranting Lake Huron, con. raininlf 89, 72, 671, and 581 seers rerpee- ticely. Two of these Late have sura able improvements, and nee of them a OM- rnodivus Two Story Log Hoose, well Gar- den and Ortha,o. [,+ke.ct-r, ATX !•l7PY on the Second Concession, cunta(njne 80 acres each, two of theta partially linproterl. Those Lots are situated on the Davlleld Road, from vis to eight miles sahib of t!,0 tlnunebtng 'Town of Goderich ; the land .a of the beet quality, and well watered end the front Lets command a beautual view of the Lake. Jeer particulars apply (if by letter poet paid), to JOHN CLARK, Gudeneh. _March 17, 1843. 71f ' THE LiFE PiLLS AND PH(ENiX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and thus remove all dt.eame from the system. A single trial wrll,place the LIFE PILLS and P11(ENIX BITTFRS beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient, The geduioe of these medicines are now put up in white wrappers and labels, to. ¢ether with a pamphlet, called "elaRtet's Guod Samaritan," containing the directions, gee., on which is a drawing of Broadway tion Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very easily find US. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure them With white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do nut buy those with yellow wrappers • 'but if you do, be sata.fied that they come direct' /MINI us, or dont touch them. ` Prepared and -sold by DR. 1VILLiAM 13. MOFFAT, 135 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. -For sale by BENJ.'PARSONS, Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. bole Ag . (CHATHAM, DIST/2 [CT OF KENT. • VALUABLE REAL, ESTATE' F OR SALE --A RARE CHANCE FOR -• CAPITALISTS. TIIE subscriber having commenced bua- aees in Goderich—and with the view of carrying on his operations with more facili ty and succ as, is in want of cash—offers the following valuable property for •a:e *hutted In the flourishing Iowa of Chatham the District seat fur Kent, fur cash only, rax That advsntagenusly situated property in Chatham North n containing ter Lotr._accordipng to the town plot e vet—with a good aril substantial two a Dwelling house thereon, Katetten, ea r eellent garden, summer house, 8cc., be imitable for a targe family or a public Hotel, a Run 40 feet by 24, and a Targe tnclneed Building well adapted Mr.:willing or for storage, being erected on • subteen. tial wharf, mooring veseefs of over S00 tons burthen. On the prnmi.es is ate„ an invaluable spring, the excellencies of its waters are tet surpassed in the District. FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. A PART or portio. of BLOT K G. in the t 1 township M Colborne, Wooten' Dist- ston, Huron protect, containing TWO IIUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, entu tis acres cleared and in good nrder ; fences in repair. There is a gond Frame Howie (Cottage style), upon the premises, 33 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 60 oy 35, and Two Frame Sheds, eaeh 8o feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.— . There are three rut -ring streams of water through, the Lot ; two of which are is the clearing, aid a first rate Well in the cellar of the frame' house. wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but Se miles from Gudench, the District town. Qui` This desirable- property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Messrs. 13TRACHAN !it L1ZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Goderich, ttIareb tlT, 1848. 7tf NOTICE. • ALL those Indebted to the Estate of the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will please Settle the same without delay, and wtthopt extra expenses;. and also all those having any Claims agafo.t the above Estate, are required igImet)iate!y to present the same fur. Adjustment to Joriv !beast Mitchell.•* Muchetl, March r!4, 1848„ 8 U -1.48T jj G DEBTS. ST-RATF'ORD. Rebscri6er will be obliged to eater those in arrear to him, mr11 Ike Clerk of Ake Cesri, if put irtimediately settled. A. Stretford, March 27,1848.' MI( Kf 9tf SADbLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, CARTE? DAG, AND - VALISE MANUFACTORY'. H. HORTON, SEGS to intimate to the public that he has commenced rhe shore line of Boanem in the Shop on the Ear, side of the darker-Squire,— lately occupied by J. Rutledge a. Co.,—and hopes by strict attention to merit a liberal sham of the pablie patronage. Au Article's lathe the POSSIBLE PKICESwill .' mad at 111DES, (WHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, andel! buds of Marketable Predecefa. ken in exchange. 11:3' it liberal discount sritl bo- wie imide 1.r Cash. ur• •,• FOR SALE, an euxltent Span ofHon- tory sea. end • first rate Twu Homo Bomar. x. June 141b. 184ti. H. H. —AL8O-• — TWO Building Lots in Chatham North Block G , *111 situated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. —A L S 0-- A large two piney Frame Hoose fronting the Barracks, 40 feet by 116, nearly finished, with half eta acre Lot belong ng. —A 1. S U— SF.VENTY•FIVF: Aerie of excel'ent Lend sweated on the hanks of the Itircr Thornes, only three mutes below lbs town of Chathans, with a'dwelling Hou.e there. air, about 40 sere* cleared, and ID a high State of coloration. Ml, or part, et the above property will be *old el ra.nnabie ft/metro cub dome. or ene-f tomo down, any VII rer.•totlar is three yearly tnsmafmcnta. TIlIn uoquesttun- atae. For Gruber particulars engo,re of M. k O. Dolmen, Chatham, or to the pru- p/et0v at Goderr. h - (:DIARLES DO(•SEN. Ddars.8, Ott. 76, 164a. .. xarlcE. TR Mttin8s of the DIV(SION ++ will be held at the gaol, God iNerday Ow 6th d.v n! Aogus( A. F. MORGAN, • Clerk 1.t Dfefsie,, roof • 040 I). WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, .uLICrToa I.f CHAaCknr, aa!,aRUrTCV, &[C. OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARE, GODERIC14. Feb.,1848. 3 , r lje 1 uran Signal, et Petx•ree AID reatesarn "VAR, 'Ninny DIT ca-aapta DOLSEN, MAalt6T eQUaaft, SOINLIUcta. , TIIOxAR KACgUEEN, Tuan*. E1"AT kindlier ft.'nk end Job Printing, is the Eegifab sated lereech I*ayoaees, etetst-4 with neetoese and dn.pstch. Trines or toms Wass S..•6..—TEN 81111.. i.1N(15 per annum if 1.41d, strictly IS •Jsvnre, of Twsces 450 8.x Costs with the tapintiva 84(1,. ar. t oyepeeler dieeontineteP •s Y) /mere site i^id up. miles* tee take do w,. petit ether tbisks it his edam.- irrdtvid.sl i. Ike •puo•.bhe lar sit rub.ctiber• cry 6) recf-t, , 4 rventh . •dud) recMee a aper /r.us. j ft7 All Issten add restgl to the !.:tor must he pest peel, or they well f be to out .f dui peat 0MC*. Tram air autlirtrrso. Sia linos sad ortd.,. firer inertias to 2 6 Keels s.beemseet , uremia 0 0 :i Tea tones and ender. En, r*.Ay,,., . • • 0 3 4 Ear ent.rgKat i.sertaoe,... 0 0 10 Over tee Mare, first iw.ertin•, per liare 0 4 L.84..ottrgoeat inoert,no• per lone. 0 0 1 A htwn.l dellgouat .e them who ideer,ire ►+ he yeas