HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-28, Page 2IRELAND. D.brie June IO.—Phe organisation of lbw club is epteaJug for and ueu,solre/ess- Iy but meetly. In the metrup. las it is per- fect : arid, union or no union there reawalne a confederacy, the danger of which (mays the Tury Prow) eaneot be the etronglRle- pre.eed ..pee Our Were, already hr tousaa- gulr.o at Ow eseeeer . f a solitary victory of law oast rariroleives red seditrw. It le sibd that the CualnJurates masa te avoid street marrhlnq for the enamel; ane that earl prctelt will be •if.rded for °ermine into foolish eollieions with the police. Their airesgth, they my, 19 to be hoarded fur so - el her retv.4'tnu' r. The El -erring Freeman contains a letter tram lent French giving in bis adhesive to the Irish 1"E'e. PaOTayanT Retreat. ASSOcIATln'r.—The Protestant Repealer have deferred their third sitting uoul rhea day week. Lord Cloncurry, they say, is to take the chair: and it is asserted that Mr. Butt, Queen'. Cis .t, is to attend and avow himself . a Repealer. Nearly 40') emigrants sailed in two days from Litherrck during the past week. The ship armies conjecture that ebo emigrants who left the Shannon since the season com- mented, carried nn an avenge. £15 each, exeluetve of roods and farming implements. Thi" would give a drain from the district of £00,000 is swede within the Net three month.. Ainong the emigrants from the south were 200 crown witnesses from the enmities- of Cork. Clore, stet Limerick, whose fights lave been paid by the got• *remelt' . In Ireland the oreaniz-tion of ebbs ))s proceeding to an amazing degree. In Duti- lin close it 1s stated that there are forty clubs each consisting of :400 members, mak- in: ale aggregate of 11.000 men who are aceodorned to assemble st least once a week, for the avowed purpose of being trained and discip4ned. The county of Dublin is about to be organized in tbo same way, and some of time Old Irish party are taking an active part In this tntivereent. In the provinces, under tete influence of Confederates from Dubh, the club movement is rapidly pro- gresling. and a great monster meeting, in favour aft repeal, i" about to he held in Derry, at a high the leaders oral! the variohs section. of repeal re are invited le attend. 'The ,':olyai anJ other confederateueo'ale t hive, wihin the lest 4e41 days; tietiiiiera liar more daring tone. The veteran barrister. Mr. Rob't Hahne., has resigned his henchship in canergience elf that learned body having refused the ad- mission of Dr. Gray and Mr. Joseph T. Dully oo account of their repeal opinions. Tia Srartes Feiu Calmer Reseavaa. —Public opinion is every day assuming a more distinct and definite shape on this mob - • t. The Episcopal and New Connexiotr' Methodists, the Fr. e Church ao,l United Secession Presbyterians, the Congrega- tionalists 'and Il.pttats, have all a gmled their inlenrion to decline participating .n any share of the Clergy "Reveres funds ; and must of them have ado, ted Addresses to the (lead of the Goeerntucot explanatory of their views. and offering suggestions as, to the future disposal of there funds. Some have euggested that the surplus tette on hand he given to the Bible Society. Oth- er. That the entire revenue from the re- serves be devoted to the purposes of gen- eral education. This wan formerly the fa- vorite measure in Upper Canada, and there to nut much doubt but that it would .1.11 meet the concurrence of the above named denominations, as well as of all the minor sects in tho Province. On the other bared we take it for granted that the Clergy in connexion with the Churches of England a d Scotland, a' leaet, and probably the C.ith..lic Ciergy also, will hold un like vita death to the port:tea which have Imes al- lotted tines, and eppoae their beieg iliened to common school purposes. .Thee, ri}iop taken by the tVe.leyan'(,.on.feretice. .601 yet; tranepire•l. We prettfote, a er, m that a great ajority of 'tlt0 -Mt ba 9,ip. would be in favor of devoting these fetish. to educati,inal purposes. if we aro not greatly mistaken in the signs of the time., the.vthtole question of religiuu+ grants will ere king become than great question of the daf—a test queetton, if you please—upon which the people in their individual Capacity will have to pass jugment. It will be a fierce if mol doubtful struggle whenever it duse eons.. We need scarcely est .bat etfr predilections are in favor of the voluntary principle.—Tictua Sen. ANOTHER MURDER AT MONTREAL.—A corporal of the 19th regiment stationed at Montreal was shot by a private of the same regiment on Wednesday morning. The • name of the deceased was Fitzgerald; of the murderer, Jones. Tho former had threatened to report Jones for insolent be havior. The shot wee fired when Fitzge- rald's back was to the a in. Death was ie.tAntaneous. The Coroner's jury found a verdict of willful murder. The de- ceapera, who was a kind-hearted. man and .much respected, had pnrchawed lie die - (barge amt was to leave lits regiment on the lull"Wtng day. Jones appears to have ' hem a iutorrously bad character and a habitual drunkard. EAle fA!ITS .--The io'al set.ther of *mi- grants arrived to New Brunswick this year, to 30th Jose, amount* of 3,1811. W these, MI leaded at outpour., the rernsu.der at St. John. Toe stales were 1,092, female* ),b76. This de••h• on the voyage smuot- ed to 47, chutflv ct.tllren. The deaths on Patrdge 1 -*sad have been 0. The Princes- nloyal, !tori Cork, arrived at- St. John on the Sri iri.tent, sob 119 passengers all well and clean. Fwar utter veseele, with as aggregate of 36.7, panseng' re, are ooeon the ruyasu mal,—(embus C .'zeUe. Lew 'atcrmcrew code of precis - dere, making a clean sweep of atl tt,e e1d forma ams teci.n,csl*,ti.•s of practice, was ed•'ptsd at the !ret ee.,on of the llIsw York Legesletere, and came into operetta. 0oa iA. instant, e New York flee says,the " much to the regret of 300 pett.fng gersin this sty, alto have heretofore 1, van by dm.covefirlC mu.mpelt words, 1,9 with,tpt Teti, ant suet tike petty trreg'rtarftiee in legal forme, or, as their prefeeuton to a tno- r..usly teamed, C'iantl.er Pract,ee. Under the alta verde torr Tenant ears their met '/y1t•y' new to mnn:sing shout the City •ad mesee to lin comforted, great e ieber •,f lh re a itl migrate' westward, mad the remainder will here to go to work — Tb*rs le en other enure*. They cannot :jeep order the reformed practice." Awns'. or racTI er I•ressene Aacs.—We deeply regret to be obliged to record yet auutber lactance of the !sal ceesequewce resulting from the u« of letua.catang ,risks. On munday memoir tan', duties the temporary sheence of Mr. Crawford, el tine 'ten nship Irani his 'egoism.. 4 hie chMdrw having fogada pg of to ih, bogee,pertoab of the armee ee tq in etre gna$lities ss to Mull le 114 death a1 both of them un thiatullewaes try. An 1MyOs4 was yesterday hold un lb* bodies, riff ratchet w accordaove with the rircumatanee tett'. aril. The u.elaneholy fact should prove a warning tp patents elm aH la the habil of keepte the poisonous article .ii their houses. Cunuusat leuuW be super- tluuue. -- tiiaacve Advocate. met with aten sympathy ter rya trtebeeibty.— Hoosier, we avast )rat ap•t•ipall lit the cos- d«t et the 17awrwseau is title ease, by rewrit- ten the pederit.l amtiarrat et Geldodth, that " Ems Yen fishanslaset odds." W. ma .moil! 414fr ibiritialos ohm the, Taff hese .d aN Te4 -d flet-Weldese ham biased Mr. Isere. tiillashfweritm.4sme 1. this mtase, as wee** haadie bakes air MP al ah gualib.d to httM Me diet from !thigh Mr. Mime* sone wealthgad f .kiuo. A few ant - was diswuosd, would make such a pro- liars worth of wealth has bees cu•sahred hill treated exhibit's* of bio sws silliness, eaerpt he vitae ter • Lamm life. A man 1.114.1 his wealth had rowed awns eosrrol a pdtao, folly. We aeJ with it his aa.diog f. twkty, w better be ar aw ewilr aV tsiy meek see bee Mr. Ferree oat of the world than out of tjte fasbiva," and elgw•d say rsMes, w•hp th. earemamt shield ups the faith el ilea saying the .ars Pampa out here dismissed loo .sd the tra-ta on• of aM woo life in deemed wosttd rewards clay. Niemen' area err u peen raj rola' tad (wawa, awhile wly s.. is is pound' jt knowledge awl tura. ; t►e ....t.,. ate pvrraoat d *Cleated by the cwt law ; the alellyary ems let actuated Weer low ef Noers.— f1M'M. fM . theses,, ttyg45. a. akdge, *ad thei+at!y Gad swallow - fJ by On • Iiir<. 1-t wait ask tate u- oomparaW. iosigatAueym,,p5,. OW** 1. U.. INQuttar.—An lrque,t was held last Fri- day, un the hotly of Wm. McGee, boat -buil - ler. The decease,/ had reseed for a come durable time near to Dr. Rees s wharf, and had full etnployo'ent air h r humin," which he thorot.ghly underrtnnd. Unfortunately, however, Ms habit. of drinking Frequently caused delirium tremens, and to obviate thistle was cumpeileJ to take large doresridm of laudanum. On Fay urnung, tiro gh mune ne untoward cueu,u..tar ce, he took a much larger quantity than usual, and death waw the ferule Verdict accordingly. 11e has left a wife and young family in the ut- most poverty, though has power* a a work - I , et idle q wiener mesa. talked by biro sad hie defenders about riches ; red thousands of suicides result flour this '• Woes Psectiae,"just riemudm east ear gird- error is puyular apevies- That eteel,tosity d father, who mtiat•ined, lustily, that the tomo- hamar wicke]oess, called au army, eater. a demise GI 6166 ieaeiag Mill wase Minims se- tossiry. bad the beteg engines of butchery are « *rites m British Procne.. ter that Use farmers .purrs.: on, ami eacoaragel by their rick coin - wed t. Wis.ew their grain with the wird of madders to skiver and slaughter men, women irevideuar, when it phased Providence a blow aad children udiaerimit.ately. But the men a it is at the barodeer, and when not, they either authority are clay men—they are men of proper - waited with patience, or carried It ftp to the sup ty ; and hears the laws of property mast be pre - M a hill *hers there wan alw.y. sam kind of served inviolate, theft/km, .hold etre of thew wiled: Dear, Jean, delectable, seek -and -bell poor ignorant engines of destruction (who is pro- pnjwdice- Tey tong. bag, reign 1 godaator pellet] on by his honest hoesunble eomstaader, ed, w.l1 meauog, leading -shrug tgneeteee, is to murder the iaaoeot tsatbeee and their usena- rapidly besteaieg to • dose, and • very few 1 micas little babies,) pt forth his bead and help man might, without any difficulty, have en- ! year' hence Brttrei prectus will lust result from himself to • potties of the, property of the niur- abled hem to attain, rut ugly independence, the rateltideowe b( the practicer. ; dcred—the Aoaoar,Us repeaters of the pllaat but comparative a®uesce, bad it nut been for 1' the accursed thing."—P.it. tut. It te at least evident that the Holluirtlua of i regiment would be stained by theft, sod 15,:,- Praseription, raised by the Tory press, Ism oily !fore, the covetous deli■geent mut be shot like a • very small, indirect release* to the diamirwl [dog in vindication of military glory ! : A lune of Mr. Ferres. His " case " merely orcupiegley of 14 year* of age was la}sly strangled ■t the place of ,Sime.-Morgm*'s Goat. It is a i Niagara; the law considered diet he was perfec iy thing to ride oda Bat the reality is, a .ewly-taw I competent to take charge of his own lite, but if seated mentos u( applying the Padlock. Tho the tame little boy bad violated the laws ofegui- Tories vibes is power always cheek popular 1 ty is • different direction, namely, ,f be had been political nwvenwals by the •ppl cathoe of that: proptieter of a property and cantracte4 debt to esivereei epretbe tilted the " Gagging B.11," the amount of that property, the law would at ✓