HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-21, Page 4BY-LAWS
Low appointing Enumerators in U. ,acerin Tweak/pi in
Its District of throes.
Weesotea, By the Ac' 10th sad lith Victoria, Chapter 14,
the obecrent Mu.icipal Councils to that part 01 this Preempt
formerly called Upper Canada, ars required to ooututate and
■pputet Enumerators is their several Townships to the District
fur the papers of t.k.ng the Cosmos : Be it eoactod by the
Wardell and Municipal Council 01 the lamina of lluruo, by
urtue of the powers vested in them by the Acta 4th and 5th
Victoria, Chap. 10 -9th Victoru, Cbap. 40, cod 10th and lltb
Victoria, Chap. 14; and ,t is hereby enacted by the authority of
the .attic—that the Assessors to each Township to tete District
be, and are hereby declared to bo Enumerators to terms of the
above recited .%rt.
2nd. And be it further enacted --That the remuneration to
the different Aeseuurs fur the extra trouble, abaft he une-fifth
additional iso their per centage
Geicris 11t1i February. 1848.
By Law providing for the allowance of Six Skillings and
These Pence per diem, to each Councillor *chile silting.
Waste.ts, The By-law, No. 5, passed by the Muoicipal
Council of the District of Hera, at their sittings in October
Session. 1846, that each Councillor be paid out of the District
funds the sum uf nix shillings aid three pence, per diem, for
each Joy while sitting In Cooled, is about to expire : Be it en-
acted by the Warden and Municipal Council of the District of
Huron, by virtue of the powers vested in them by the Acts 4tu
and 5th Victoria, Chap. 10 -9th Victoria, Chap. 40, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the aawe—that the By•l.aw,
N.. 6. passed at the sittings of the said Municipal Council in
October, 1846, be, and ti hereby declared to be in full force fur
the yea* I648.
Gederich, 11th February, 1848.
-Ler for raising and appropriating Me suns of X1000, for
strictly Local purposes. in each Township in the District of
%Vasasa, itis expedient Ibat a sum of money should be raised
to be expended upon strictly local purposes in each Township in
the District of Huron. by a Tax of I of a peony per acre oil•
the lands liable to be taxed in the District, and one quarter of a
peony per pound on all other rateable property in the said Dis-
trict : Be it enacted by the Warden ano Municipal Council of
tbe District of•Horon, by virtue of the powers vested in then
by the Act 4th and 5th Victoria, ( hapter 10, and 9th Victoria.
Chapter 40r and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the
aau,e—That the sum of One Thouband Pounds be rased oo all
lauds m the District liable to be taxed, and all otker rateable
property 12 the said District, at the rate of one-quarter of a
peony per acre, and one-fourth of a penny per pound, for strictly
local improvements, and that each Township be entitled to the
suet raised in such Township by virtue of Ibis By -Law.
Ord. And be it further enacted—That no expenditure of any
money, raised by virtue of this By -Law, be made before a state-
ment of the Councillor or Cbuociflora for his or their Townships,
be laid before this Council; and approved of such etgtement—to
mention on what roads in the Township improve&ents are in-
tended to be made—the nature of the same,, and the probable
amount of the same.
3rd. And be it further enacted—That all monies appor-
tiurjed, as above recited, shalt be expended by the Councillor or
Councillors of the several Townships respectively. That such
Councillor or Cuuucillor., shall at the first regular beaiiun next,
after any such expeud.turc, Ise, •before the Council a correct
statement of the sauce.
4th. And be it further enacted—That should the expenditure
for Local Improvements in any Township in any year, exceed
the amount such Township is entitled to receive, the Nod
surplus expenditure, shall be paid out of the sum set apart for
local improtcments within that Township fur the eosuiog year;
or it shall be in the power of the District Cooper!, -if they con-
sider it expedient to lay an additional Tax on such Township
or locality, to meet such expendaure, which shall be paid out
of the sum set apart for local improvements within that Toes -
ship for tbe ensuing year.
5th. And be it further'enacted—That the following descrip-
tion of reeds be considered exceptions to local roads, namely :
All Peat Roads ; all roads in any Township being a thorough -
tare for the inhabitants, or a large portion of the inhabitants of
an adjoining Township; all Frame Bridges, the estimated ex-
pense of which shall exceed twenty-five pounds ; provided
always, that this Council shall have power at any time to define
w h.,t they consider to be a Local Road. Provided, that wher• ver
the mbabitant freeholders of any locality petition fur the *ltera-
1190 of a local road, and the same be granted by this Council,
the expense of making such road, also the sum awarded to any
party or partite arta compensation for the land used in conse-
queoee of such alteration, shall be, defrayed out of the seen sp.
Iwrtioted for local im•pruvewents ill such 'I'ua nship or locality;
anything to any By --law passed by this Couniol, relating to the
alteration of ready, to the contrary notwithstanding.
6th. And be it further enacted -That this By -Law be, and re-
main 111 force uotlt =coded or repealed.
ifedericl, 11th February, 1848.
.By Law to Repeal By -Lar V.. 4, pard at Me February
Session of Council. 1845. authorizing the Warden to sign
a Ceaseyeaee is furor of Jain McDonald, Ery.
s, The Municipal Council of the District u( Huron,
at their sitting in February, 1846. passed a By -Lw authorising
the Warden to sign a Coeveyasce.t a part of a road in the
Tomnabtp of Colborne to Jobe McDonald, Esq.—Ann %Vesas-
es, suth a Coo veyance if it had been executed, would have bees
eootrary to law, Be it enacted by the Word's and Municipal
Council of the District of Huron, by virtue of tbe powers toe-
lerred upoo them by the Acts 4lbad-5th Victoria, Cbap. 10,
sed 21.8 Vectors*, Cap- 40, and K is hereby enacted by the as-
tbority of the eame—that the said By.Low, No. 4, bet, and
the same is berchy declared to be repealed.
Dederick, 11th February. 1114*.
-Lar o ati.g the sem .f £20 to repair that pert of
the Inlay. Read is Stanley, hawse* As Lake read sad
Lot 10, se the sense- off,
Wlnnsaa. 11 is beeemery end expedient that that porting of
bjlayeeld reeds tbeTuwsebip of Suolsv. between the Lake
rood I Lot 10. se the nate be repaired : Be it rnartrd hr the
1Vas.ea sad Mea.eNpd Ceased of the Dtsteiet of Heron. by vir-
ta tl:tbe pewees veste* them by the Acts 4th and nth Vic•
t.i.is, (Nap. 1.4 mod 118 \heath, Chap. 40, ani Hie hereby
cited 81 the sstheetty of the .site --het the sum of ttSo b.,
sod is bMeby appropriated fewerde the espalrbag of part of the
Bay held pad tn,l3taaby, between the Lsbs rood sad Lot Nur
10, us the same, 1. e. fur making Culverts cad Turnpaking the
2sd. /sod beat furl bee'toasted--That the said auto of £20 shall
be *speeded by ti.e th.trict Surveyor, suisted by the Council-
lor fur the rain Township el Stanley, as early as ilea nasos will
permit -
Galeria, 11th Fe ary, 1843.
Hy -Law to raise certain .ansa by Taxes for purposes theFd&
Wialisay it is accessary and expedient to provide funds for
the following purposes, by Taxing the inhabitants of the Dm -
MCI of Huron, Be tt enactetaldly the Warden and Municipal
Council of the District of Huron, by virtue of the powers vested
in them by the Acts 4th and 5th Victoria, Chapters 10—and 91b
Victoria, Chaptert 20 and 40, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same—that for the current year it is necessary
to raise, for the purposes herein aftermeetioned, the aim of
Four Thousand Pounds Currency, as follows :
let. That the sum of One Thousand Pounds Currency, be
tweed r n the tarots and other rateable property in this District,
fur the purposes of education, and that by a tax of one-fourth of
. penny per acre and oue fourth of a penny per pound.
dud. That the sum of Three Thousand Pounds be raised on
the lands and other rateable property in this District, fur Dratrict
and Township OtIiceri Salaries—contingent expenses connec-
ted with the Gaol and Administration of Justice—Geoerel Pub-
lic Improvements—District Debt and other cootingencies ; and
that by a rate of three-fourths of use peony per acre, and thea*
fourths of a penny per pound.
Dederick, 1218 February, I1348.
By- law proridisg Salaries to the rarious Township and Dis-
trict Office, s, wider the control of the Council.
Wstrasas, The Municipal Council of the District of Huron,
at their sittings in February, 1847, passed a By -Law, No. 13, '
providing Salamis for the various District Officers under the
control of the Council ; Asn W..aaas, 11 is necessary that the
same should be provided for, for the current year, Be it enacted
by the Warden mud Municipal Counedo( the District of Huron,
by virtue of the powers vested to them by the Acts 4th and 5th
Vietorta, Chapter 10, and 9th Victoria, Chapters 20 and 40,
and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—That the
said By -Law, No. 13, be, and is hereby declared to be in full
force and effect fur the current year, watt) the following excep-
tions, viz:
1st. That in addition to the fees or per tentage allowed to
Assessors by the said By -Laws, they shall receive one-fifth ad-
ditional to their percentage in the erect of their being -required
to take the General Census.
2nd. That by the said By -Law, No. 13, the -Salary of the
District Superintendent uf Common Schools, was fixed at £130
Currency, per annum, but the saute i now declared to be for
the current year .C100 Carrericy. -
Godericl, 11th Feb. 1348. Warden•
By -Law erecting new pipl Sections in carious Townships in
the District of Huron.
Wewasas. It is neceeeary and .expedient that additional
School Sections should be funned in the different Townehipe in
the District of Huron, Bo it enacted by the Warden and Muni-
opal Council of the District of Huron, by virtue of the powers
ve.ted ill theta by the Acts 4th and 5th Victoria, Chapter 10,
lith Victoria, Chapters 20 and 40, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same—that the following be, and is hereby
declared to be, a new School Section in Stanley, to be called
School Section No. 5 : Beginning at the rear of Lots 17 and
18 on the 11th Concession; thence south along the rear of said
Concession until the saute strikes the Town line of Hay; thence
East, along the said Town hoe, to the rear of the 7th Conces-
sion; thence North, till the said hoe strikes the division be-
tween Lots 17 and 18; thence West to the place of beginning.
2nd. And be it further enacted by the authority of the same
—'That the following be, and is hereby declares to be, a new
School Section in the Township of Stanley,. to becalled School
Section No. 4, viz : Commencing at the ode line betweeo Lots
4 and .5, on the -Lake shore; thence East alu..g the said line to
the rear of Lot 20, on the 12th Concession; thence South, along
the rear of the said Concession, till the same strikcs the Town
line of clay; thence West, along the same hoe till it strike. the
Lakeshore, and•North to the place of beginning.
3d. Aod be it further enacted by the authority of the same
--That the following be, and is hereby aeclared to be, a new
School Section in the Township of Stanley, to be called School
section No. G : Bounded on the past by the -western boundary
of Sections No. 1 and No. 2, and oa the Norte by the Mayfield
River ; un the %Vest by the eastern boundaries of SectioneNo.'s
3 and 6, and oa the South by the Town line of Hay.
418. And Ise it enacted by the authority aforesaid—That the
following be, and is hereby declared to be, a now School Sec=
lion, to be called. School Section No. 1, Township of Wan -
shard : Encoding from Lot 13, on the 2nd Concession; East
to Lot 20, on the 3rd Concession; %Vest to the 6th Lot on tbo
let Concession; North by the Town line; South to the 4th
Stb. And be it enacted by the authority of the same—That
the following be, and is hereby declared to be, a aew School
Section, to be called School Section No. 2, Township of Wa-
1 anoeb : Commenctog at Lot 21, on the 2nd Concession, to
Lot 25 at the Maitland River ; also by the Swamp to the 5th
Concession, oa Lot 18, between the 5th and 6th Concession
Iron, to Lot 25 on the 5th C encesston at the Maitland Rorer.
Ch. And be it further eoactod by the authority of the same
—That the following be, and is hereby declared to be, a now
School Section, to be called School Section No. —, in the
Township of South Easthope : Including the 4th, btb, 6th, 7th
aid 8th Concessions of South Easthope, from Lots 29 in each
Concession, (toctusive) to the boundary hoe between South
Easthope and the Gore of Duwote.
7th. And be it further enacted by the authority of the same—
That the following be. and it is hereby declared to be, a new
School Section, No. 3 : Commencing at rho boundary lino be-
tween Wawaoosh and Cotborie; thence along the Raver Mait-
land to the 5th Coocesoto.; theses West to the hoe of road be-
tweeo Lots 5 seal 6; theses North to the boundary line betweeo
Wawsoosh and Culborss, taking ie the lot Cooces.uon of Wa-
wasosb from Lot 1* to the Meowed River.
8th. And be it further miscue by the atbenty of the same
—That the following be, sod s bereby declared to be, a new
&taoel Section, to be eailed School Section Nn. 2 : Cormeg-
usg with the 4th, 5th and 6th Concessions, West of the knee
Thant.., to the division bee Howe., Fullerton sad Ntbbert, sad
the 7th, 8th and 9th Cosaeeesioos, from the Hebert Gee to this
2418 Lots i.clusvee.
9th. And be It fortis enacted by the authority of the same
H—That the following be, and is hereby declared to be, a new
School Section, to be called School Section No. 3, is Fuller -
too; to Comprise the 4th, 0th, 618 and 7th Concessions, to
Lot 16, )got .f the River, and to Lot 10 on the 8th Cuncessaoo;
■Iso from Let 11 to Lot 17, tackier*, oa 15th Coneoostos. East
of the Rivet ; also fns she Rive es the West .ode, le Lots
23, seclusive, Ip the 7th 8th and *t8 Cooceea►sa. ad the lance
on each side of the Thames teed, from the Rives to Lot 35;
Luta 18 and 19 to the 10th Co.eew,on, -i.d fres L.4. 14 to
911, i.closive. In the 1118 Cosec wino West of Maitland road ;
from 6 to 18, aid I6 sad 11, Rest of Mitchell road.
10th. Aad be it feet*, •sled b the asthoftty aforesaid..
the e fillets int be and M hereby deemed to be, a new
$.boot Section, to 84 railed Bt,bo.1 Hectic. No. b i. Puna-
fee : to comprise 6th, 6th and 7th Cooces nes, from Lot 1 to
Ls 15, aelaite, and to Lot 4, inclusive, on the $tb Concessloe.
I 1 th. Aad be it etalsted by the authority aforesaid—That the
following le, and is hereby declared to be, a sew School Sec-
tlos, to be Called School !lactose No. 5, is Fullarloo; to com-
prise tote l •Job, 13t1s, and 14th Concessions, from Lot 16 sad the
Lots southeast of the Thames road, to the lamaseries between
Blanchard and Htbb.,t ; and also three Lots northward of the
Thamei road, from Lots 34 and 26 on the eastern angle, and
Lout 48 and It21 oo the Hibbert lin..
1210. And be it further enacted by the aethority of the +ams
—That the following be, and is hereby declared to be, a new
School Section, to be called School SecUun No. 4, is Ellice :
Commencing at Let 21, and eriendidg West to Lot 30, in the lib
Couccarius, ioclusive, and exleadtug loath to the 9th Concession
tactual re.
13th. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid—
That the following be, and is hereby declared to be, a new
School Section. to be called the Vision School Section of Ellice
and Logan: Commencing at Lot 31 to 35, both inclusive in the
1st to the 10th Concesaiuri, ioeles:re, to Logan ; Lots 1 to 5
inclusive, in the 1st to 10th Cooeessiod, inclusive ; is the 'rows -
ship of Fullerton, Lots 1 to 15, ticluaive, in the 1st to the 41b
Concession, inclusive.
14th. And be a further enacted by the authority of the same
—That the following be a new School Section, to be called a
Union School Section of Ellice and North Easttiope : In Ellice,
Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, from the 3rd to the 9th Concession, in-
clusive ; ill North Eaathope from 45 to 48, Inclusive, trete 3rd
to 9th Concession, inclusive.
Goderick, 11th February, 1848.
By -Law to confirm ole alteration of a School Section in Ae
Township o,,f Stanley.
Wmuss, 1t is necessary and expedient to alter a Scheel
Section in the Township of Stanley. Be it enacted by the War-
den and Municipal Council of the District of Huron, by -virtue
of the powers vested in them by the Acts 4th and 5th Victoria,
Chapter 10 -9th Victoria, Chapters 20 and 40, and it is hereby
enacted by the autbonty of the same—that in consequence of
the formation of two new School Sections in the Township of
Stanley, it becomes necessary to defies the boundaries of School
Section Nu. 3, in said Towbshtp,vizi-Commencing at the inter-
section of the Bayfield giver with the Lake shore; thence along
the said Ricer till the same meets the eootinuatlun of the road
allowance between the 8th and 9th Concessions; thence South,
along the said road allowance, to the ►mudary between 17 and
18; thence West, along the said boundary. till the same strike
the rear of the I lth Concession ; thence North, along the said
rear, till it strikes the side road between Lots 20 and 2.1; thence
%Vest, along the said side road, 1.11 the naw strike the Lake ;
thence along the Lake tr}the place of beginning; which Section
shall be, and is hereby declared to be, Schou! Section Nu. 3 in
Dederick, Iltb February, 1848.
By -Law to raise by a Tax newly -Fire Pound' Currency, for
A. erection and furnishing a School Bowe in School Section
No. 3, in Blass rd.
Waimea', In compliance with the petition of Thomas Skin-
ner and cohere, inhabitants of School Section No. 3. in Bien -
shard, praying to be taxed to the extent of twenty -fire pouuds
for the erection/ad furnishing a School House, Be it enacted
by the %Verden and Municipal Council of the District of Huron,
by virtue of the powers vested in teem by the Acts 4th and 5th .
Victoria, Chapter 10 -9th Victoria Chapters •20 and 40, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—that a Tax
be raised, levied, assessed, and collected on the inhabitants of
the said School Section, to the extent of twenty-five pouted.
to be applied in tbe erection and furnishing of a new School
House In the said Section.
godericl, 11th February, 1848.•
By -Law to raise bye Tax the seas of Fifty Pounds, for the
purpose of building. n School Howe in .School Section .V.. 1,
re t/e tillage of .Mitchell, which includes part of the Tora-
skips of Logan and k'ullarton.
Wntsaass, In compliance with the petition of the Trustees
.. of the said School Section, praying that the inhabitants of the
,.Townships of Logan and Fullerton within the said School Sec-
tion, may be taxed to the extent of fifty pounds for the purpose
of erecting a new School House in the said School Section, Be
it enacted by the Warden and Municipal Council of the District
of Huron, by virtue of the powers tested in them by the Acts
4th and 5th Victoria, Chapter 10 -9th Victoria, Chapters 20
and 40, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—
that the sum of fifty pounds currency be raised, levied and col-
lected, on the inhabitants of the said School Section, by a Tax
to be applied in the erection of a new School House to the said
School Section.
Dederick, 11th February, 1848.
By -Law granting the rum of Eight Poolda to John Leiden -
Mager, as compensation for kidding es Bridge.
Wngasas, in compliance with the petition of lobo Louten-
lager, praying fur compeosatioo for having built a Bridge,
13e it enacted by the %Varden and Municipal Council of the Dis-
trict of Huron, by virtue of the powers rested in teem by the
Acta 4th and 5th Victoria, Chapter 10 -9th Victoria, Chapter
40, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the aame.-.that
the sum of Eight Pounds be pad to the said John Loutec-
.lager, as compeneauon for having erected a Budge at Black
Sod. Arid be it further enacted by the astbority of the same
—That the above grant .ball in no way be con.idered :nim.,a pre-
Gederid, 1ltb February, 1848.
By -Law appropriating the sons of Twenty Pounds to ctadtke
ialabitaats of Ile Fourth Ceseessias of 4k Township .f
McKillop to build s Bridge.
%Viruses, la compliance with the petittos of the to abwtaita
of the 4th Conceeston of the Township of McKillop, for a grant
of money to aseset them in building a Bridge over the South
Branch of the Mortised at the 4th Concession re the Township
of McKillop Be it enacted by virtue of the power. vested in
them by the Acts 4th ed fhb Vittoria, Chapter 10—and Wh
Victoria, Chapter 40, a.d it is hereby enacted by the aethertty
of the lame—that the nom of twenty pounds cerr.aey, 8e
`ranted and paid to the inhabitants of the 4th (;onceasioo of the
Township of McKMIlop, for the purpose of building a Bridge over
the Month Branch of the River Maitlatd4 provided always, that
the ishabatants is that locality bind theresehss to complete
Mich bridge at their ow. expes.e, whatever shall ore the nesse
Away cost, over sad above the eaid twe.ty p000da, sad that to
tjM.attef.sii.s of the District S.r.eyer,
Dadericl, iltb February, 1848.
t i i 4 e
By -Liao appropriating tea seas of Teu Pounds, a, neje mu
ialabitoat, Ina. erection of is Bridge over tl( stream yet
intersects Us Matt/and Coiceseite abwl re oafs frail the
Baron Road, Turr•Irbil, of Dederick.
Witness's, to compliance with the petition. of the inhabitants
of the Maitland Concession and its vicinity, praying for a gratlt
of a sum of money to assist to butldug a Bridge, Be it imam,"
by the Warden and Municipal Council u( the Buenas of Mures,
by virtue of the powers vested in them by the Acts 44► sad bob
Victoria, Chapter 10 --and 9th Victona, Chapter 40, and it ie
hereby enacted by the authority of the same—that the sum of
Ten Pounds be granted to the settlers to assist them is the erec-
tion of a Badge over the said streams, under the cesdiuw that
the same shall be completed to the eatistaeuoo of the Dutrkt
Dederick, llth February, 18.18.
By Law opproyriating the suns of Forty Pounds for cls re-
pairing of part of ole London Road, ail 4iut part known e,
O'Brien's ..lural.
%Vannes, In consideration of the bad state of the road, and
the culverts therein, at that part u( the London Road, known
as O'BSrien's 'harsh, Me it enacted by the Warder and Municipal
,;Cuuoc l of the District of Iluron, by virtue of the powers vested
in them by the 4th and 5th Victoria, Chapter 10—and 9th Vic-
toria, Chapter 40, and it ii hereby enacted by the authority 01
the same—that the sum of forty pounds be allowed and paid for
grading, tdropikmg and buildiog two culverts on the said por-
tion of the London Road ; provided always, that the said work
is completed to the satisfaction of the District Surveyor, oa or
-before the 1st day of September next.
Dederick, 11th February, 1843.
By Laic appropriating the ram of Ti. Pounds to re-
pair lie Road from the Eighth Concession is Colliers( to the
N•uwanosh line.
WAILER s, In compliance with the petition for a grant to re-
pair the road from the 8th Conceraion in Colborne to the Wa-
•wanosh Inc.IBe it enacted by the Warden and Municipal Conn.
col of the District of Huron, by virtue of the powers vested in
them by the Acta 4th and bib Victoria, Chapter 10—and 9th
Victurta, Chapter 40, it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same—that the Burn of ten pounds currency, be allowed and
paid for the repairing of the line of road front the 811* Cooces-
e tos in Colborne to tee Wawanosh line ; provided, the repairs
are subjected to the approval of the District Surveyor.
Dederick, 11th February, 1848.
By -Law appropriating the sum of Ttt'cnty-Fite Poaad, for Qe
•repair of the Zorra Rood.
WHEREAS, It is necessary that the Zorra Road be reperd, Be
it enacted by the Warden and Municipal Council of the Dataset
of Huron, by virtue of the puwers conferred 03 them by Acts
4th ad 5th Victoria, Chapter i0—and 9th Victoria, Chapter 40,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—that the
sum of twenty-five pounds currency be allowed and paid fur the
repairing of the Znrra Road ; provided, that the acid repairs aro
done to the satisfaction of the District Surveyor.
Dederick, 11th February, 1848. Wsrsfig.
The within By -Laws were retired by me this 16th February,
S.,hntor of Council
of Harms District.
Of ole Select Committee on Roads and Bridge.
Your Committee having carefully examined the several docu-
ments submitted to them, beg leave to make the following re-
port :-
60. Your Committee recommend that the prayer of folia
Lautenalagcr be granted, but that the same should be is dao
way conaideretl as a precedent.
91. Tour Committee recommend the repairs on the Huron
Road, as reported by the District Surveyor, to be tamed into
effect ; at the same time restricting the amount to be eapesded
thereon to the estimate submitted, or at farthest, not to emceed
ten per cent. over the same.
The approuh trot
o the Badge at St. Mary's and Hill, baying
already a grant for £ 15, unexpended, we would recoiatnerd that
an additional sum of £30 be granted for the same.
The embankment at a Ridge at l.ot 4, amountinrto an *2-
penditure of £20, and other repair., of £40, we would recoes-
The estimates for the !Kitchell Road, extending through tie
Township of Fullerton, we would recommend the earning of
the same into effect, with the exception of Section N.. 2, en
witch we would suggest the Dormer Surveyor should brat ex-
amine and report on the direct read line ; and Section No. 5,we
wuuld recommend roily £100 being expended instead of£to0-
As to the turnpsktng of the whole of said road, your Com-
mittee cannot recommend the adoption thereof.
The Lake Road thror.gh Stanley and Hay, your Committee
would recommend that the same be cutout only two rods wady
sod the reported crosaways to be made ; esti that the expendi-
tures on the whole shall not exceed L34e. Mr. 1.024. M.sny
offers a sum of Road Taxes to forward this Road.
The remaining items in the estimate of the District Survely-
oi s Report, we would recommend to be adopted, excceepptt the
rood to the Harbour, and for the road between ►.t and 2,1 Cow.
ce.mon of Godench, we would recommend a greet of tlOoeety.
61 and 64. These being local roads, the same should be re-
paired out of the funds let will be raised under the Be -Law
raising a Special Tax for Internal lmro,emais i• Urs esvee.l
62. %'aur Committee find that the gins road between Lots
22 and 23, in the lel, end, Jed and 4th Co.ep. ._s e( Byttp,
has been legally established, on condition *8.t Jobe lis seat
keep the District harmless from any elates then might be made
for lead taken tor said new read threat% the list three G...
cessions. We 'mild therefore reeommend tett John Rost**
eater into Bond to the Counct! for the mirror* above .crated
and in the event of the gps•tfomeiliasce of John Kammer toas-
ter into such Bond wnthte tee meetly" from dose, H.t said clock
road be stopped tit, aced the money pad to Merb el BbarrillIP
the same, to he repaid to the Treasurer
63. The petition preying that tie survey of the side 11111111111N
tweet, Lets 25 and 46, in Ellice, be c.esorbdi we weld IP
commend that the D strict Surveyor be seaweed .a the eef/y
jeci to Committee of the Whole.
*7 and 86. Areedy reported ois by the Dnetriet
68. Your Craniums* would recommend a gild t1*7
wards the erection of a Rndge over the Yeoi► )Nt*.eia d 1N
River Maitland to McKillop, na epotiitl.. Mat tris trgjflsp 1Qt
that locality hied themselves to rerpl.t. soli Bridge at their
ewe expellee, whatever the amt may Ire*4 gni and i8sis
the said Mi. .
(cowmen's as ooa near.]