HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-21, Page 2it
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10 be
a▪ d
Italy, and repaired to 1'x:1.. when ►.tippl-
ed 4.r leave to enter the Free eh army.-
tosteaJ of be.ng siectesftil he was at unce
e umtoumd 10 tease the K ni;d• tai, and be
Mice mute returned 4t b 0I leiIan& here
n et long alter he publl.he4 ' The Swiss Ar-
tiileryineaes Manuel; a work Plinth gs.ncd
Lite such issuer teat he was tout after-
ward' nue le a Swiss Vltava, and appetite('
1:•pteen act an Artillery curtpf.auy at Neu...
1.1 (legato sena of 18118, in teepee tine with
many lereseh oaken of lb. ropers, he
•Itcuapled an it aur rection in bis tame
sealant 1.••uts Philippe, en tee border of
France, al tetrasb.ug. The undertaking
wlserabiy tailed, mad he being mase prisoner
was se*icut d ei deport teen, and ,n eight
d.y. altete-sera %a• put en board the
Yeecets Kigate .Ind,- aneir, elech conveyed
hies to New leek. TM •t. knees of his
mother, however soon brought 1 back to
$sitsa-lane ; but tee French Gutyrurnent
facet tag upon hes Imnsedtate eepelatea from
the le/Melte tettitury, fu meekly led to
L.,s•lur. Meru he established a Napo/eon.
re J ,un.41, called le Capriole, ptbltehed un-
der his cusp ccs at fans, and lived surroun-
ded by a hied of a c.tutt sande up of a score
or two act the old officers of tee sue trc.-
Anolber Invasion 01 France was planned ;
and 10 August, lett), be landed welt about
sixty adlaere:fee at a little port un the net th-
ern Meet of France, a short *finance trim,
Bologue. Ito male proclania'ioi agatust
(be Oriente denten y, and named Thiels :he
head of a Limyt tonal Government. A smell
On lesteriiy it. fight bags. &rismely, Arae the lir el the nee, for • beg peeled-- ides,bse
will se debt. e viewed extremely b-
and continued the whets ea', with bored Aud ws wile shortly write • few articles • rectos', as it cexta.ely ia, hat ant ear thous.ndth
carnage. 'Flit Asae enbly betrayed so alerts. .. Arnim* sod War." In which we will rapt,* ! part to so Isdicrlo•s or absurd se the prevailing
m this !rightful cundliwr. 1 hey tried lac opinions so liberal that eves the Loy/ece Me- prxrice of nwasertag • tarsi'/ *,•dear •ad 1.-
'lopthe 6ghting' pebi,e.o,, of the tuo+rd State', wouitl'repsdaets testey by the menthe of his acres or the weight
On Saturday the rte flag was heisted
*bee tee evhtreg rage I „lie meteoroid them. But we emote boos aor tare also re - ail histastsjti. For however Mlle c0505c110n
hey. On Solidity orwu:ng lbs President el pwdatrs our view', oo toy or s11 0l these sob- weight of destt see Wood. ter • ater* 01 prraou,
Ibe Assembly snnouaced that the laser- leen. We semen. them bemuse we believe I mu have with power .f mad, t:.e idea has ai
gents Wei, put down • diem to be cortett-because we believe them to List dos adraaNee ever the e.mwo. poetise ;
On Monday, the insurgent* In part Me' lye, je bacruee with rhe steres' principle. of oar knowledge .1 sued is derived (row iia' mem-
rendered.1'be others 0•.1 or were s:wt.- truth mid justice; and because we feel confident :rata+tun• through the riving body, but we never
Caseignec stern ed trite :ntrenchwtnt•
ace knled teuusende. that they will. sooner or later, become the popu• et* it manifested through the measured acres. -
The bighting coptuued all day Sunday. ler, practical seottuxota of reauk rd, oa these ' Nature has, however, dews another visible line
Rome funk et ((age ie Pere is chaise, but particular subject& Aod the man Otto Orem ' of distinction among mankind which, perhaps,
they were diem out. to oar advuc•cy of these view• as beiegpew l might be of more service to us to Octets( rhe
On Monaay the it surrectioo was quelled, sure, or tau for in Menne of popular a ter., times of the elective IranCeae; oantety, tie tine
fouttetn Generals aero either kilted or
wound. d. Slimy esti. *ben of the assembly u:ay be eery sagacious
tooa toil eery praJsbt; but between !limey soil idiocy.We admit that it
ren kd:e4, .situ the Archbtshup of Yar- we ran slilbe glee runt Credit for alas mond- 11801 very well de6sed, bit stili COMMAS coil*
W.-iftrarA Cefoaisl. sees of his pltiL,wphy,00r for his Ina ;hint mi ty of i sent, at.d the law of the country agree that tune
owl. The ersieg of witches was Dere te'fy ere iediv1J..ls wh., in eesseqouse of d&Deiest
popular, and so was Negro slavery : and if every inteUece, cannot be held responsible tor then
man had said to henna " t) it i_. too soon (0 di- own conduct ; they are not tared for the support
rest public openers to the wickedness of these of the Tawe, and they arc Ont eapected le chef
very. popular absurdities," then it would always them, hence upon the principles el justice they
have been leo soon ; sad the witch -burning and I are nut entitled to a " voice in making them." -
slavery would have berg just as popular to-dsy, We hare admitted that the line of dimenhum ills
as in the days of their greatest prosperity. But 1 perhaps, not so definite as we could 'oppose,
although we believe in the diviuily of terse greet I will it 15 considered sufficiently plain to Miele ss
lrsibs which will ultimately titum;,h over. the ' in criminal legislation : and we cannot conceive
meet barharites of our nature ; and although we I any argument that can be tdda.ed opium its
consider it • duty to bnog them before tate pub- ; adoption as tk.limit of the elective franchise.-
lie 'earn, and again, notwithstanding the re- 1 and however difficult it might be to decide
niarene.a of their practical adepuoo: still we will. I where Wity tefmieatee and idiocy begins, or
o;" an t s become a wiltagly aid cheerfully. give our beat support to I however lew'N 1M -intellectual scale we may
every measure of eros,.. hos ever far it may<fall j P'ue the limes the practice would be very pn-
may emanate. legitimate
era share o; Government patronage. The pa- I supremacy u(
loos a founded on who we consider to be Should the
mire, ceeerement attempt to f Y mind; while the other is an oda-
y improve the present system of representation, i rage upon everyttisg'tltat is saleable and dignt-
✓ ather a *nese and onlunthable idea, for in-
sbeee, it is pressmeJ that there are otherpeers ►bould they offer to Innen the number el capital 1 lymg to au? nature- It is true that 000 snap
punishments, should they endeavour to establish I may have more inteiligeoce and common Kar
of much older senilis in the Irovin x, *rich
have advocated and defetaded the pogo prefer.. the various religiousJenantiamens upna a more ; at fourteen years of age, than moiler:at twenty ;
r- erre table lnotiog, in regard to state patronage, 1 but the boy of fourteen will arrive at mealy it
tedo by the present AJYimastryiva, for a much
or ',meld they try to tender war leas prevalent, ; he lives, and if he duuh'bis interests in the at-
bnger time than either the (31st or the Globe- t
e nd which, so 8 were, bare " borne the burden and less wicket ; then, however small oe slow.; tarn of this world were smell, if he does Inc his
flu movement may be, if it is Daly onward, we : superior mind will give him superior advantages;
nue heist of the day," struggling an the cause of and as the law ares secretary to decide
reforest. We do nor like this mercenary new or will cordially matte w it. But should they move Yapes
r ,•r--, . in an opposite direction. then, however trifling some age •t which an individual shall be coo-
_ a -=.),
FRIDAY. JULY •1. 10 111.
fort to Ne %tante! was taken without reel•- We are norm to pereefce a snail stunt of jea-
latec, and flu Pet ce roue found huuecll lousy remits some 01 our totemporalice, lest the
.urrwinded by a crowd of per plc and sol• Pit d fee Globe" should bee ah
there, wino talutcd Mm with erns act eke
P:espea•ree. The Company directed thea
u,arch spun the reads 1 or Boulugne, but
were eosin met by a baste:ton of the Nati-
oial Guards. 11ttr a 1 tl.r ekemige, to
wh-ch N. puleon was tightly wu..nded,
meet olthe petty were n.ade pnsuucn.-
Tis; I'rinee htrnatItwas atilong the captur-
ed and was t:uu,ettatcty taken to Paris,
w hen, alien being deteodud by. Deaver ane
Maris, he wee sentenced by the Chamber or
i'cers to imprisonment tor lite. Atter a
I. w Years cuofinement he escaped in the
guise ail a workman, and has rent e, for the
ossa part, remained in London. Immediate-
ly of tr toe proctruatr �n et the Repubuc,
em hastened loran., and offered les ieroiced
es tee Pruvetowl Guverr.mcut, but at the
earne.t .ui.e.taecn of tee latter, be return-
ed attain to the British capitol, and as for
art le emote D, bas continued there up to- the
pep,. lot Base. Ile a said to bane a military
figure and a decidedly prep.•seessrng appcar-
i mate. "It bac portraet aro correct, his fea-
tures '•rare*hat resemble hs se of the Empe-
✓ or, but n ecli mote strikingly those of the
Easiness Josephine. MPs tastes ale temple,
his nab,ts frugal, his manners plan. ILs
talents are eery ordinary, and entirety une-
qual to he eteuiti'.us ends imputed to lien..
t alihule made las horse consul, Charles XII.
-threatened to ,end lin bout to prce,t:c over
tee s• nate at St. ckhulue but no possible,
combination of C:rCunistencCe tin cumml3-
rion Lout* Napo.cuo 10 undertake the parts
of a 1''teeich Ea Tile GI do
espeetet ortaoa h- din_
(I. swim o w lest the
conductors of ibex papensbooW obtain an ex- short of one wishes, or from whatever source 8 Ierablste.ths property taaliDIsrloo. it+ Wislr
be a reeogntt oo d )tiap►c. Sod the
matters. We hate the idea of igen
scream to please a Ministry, or from a hope of me, be their with
iris's merino, we will ,-
being rewarileJ.by_ a eltoistry. 1 nonage t'iem with lite mate fervor •oil fearlegne
We believe the neither the Pilot nor the nm with which we would visit the despottsm of
Globe has ever been eoualuetel on any
iucb the but(oBassein Bear. 1Y* write cot fur a Minis -
mercantile principle. We think the editors of 1117, but for mankind, according to 041 tartest
these papers, like all other honest Gusary Isom, 1 toovuuoos and the best of our sdeeabilities ;and we
be feel proud in believe., that all advocates of ve-
wrote lbea' own opaane, ata e0VCs1rU l
pnaciples of Reform from a convietioa that these ld h`�"rm are actuated by the same honourable feel.- s
toss. 55 a clatrrr no la0aara from Government, land or of a frame house, or t thousand such ran•+. N take gala eoos.deratiun the necessity
pnnciple..were net. We believe theywodia I and the •• Ways an, M_ans," et alormna the
►ave' wrineo �ixlwnse views, soil advocated floe father than a request that they will not allow deeds, cauuot possibly maks them more retrace- y �
the public funds to be given to ih,se w tual• and we do say empoatially that -the use Merkel ktytra e' with* geed substantial- Market•
same principles, although they had been sea- I enemies to the public, and decided enemies till, 01 these deeds. or the property which they re- home Mat it is p.bjeet which eonceres the
voiced that no Reform Ministry could ever had
*bole pisteet we ex ct that the ciseaosinbe
Government. A fail statement of our views present, as the test of qualification, Is an :asap IK
and omiejury to men who do possess interact, it w ill not -be confined to the ,in'aabiu*ts of Jibe
and has a direct tendency to produce 401.11J sell- town.' 'e • . +
ishates in the public. mind. \\ a truer taut evert farmer, wee has produce
. Lord Brougham once talked a great deal abotkt ' 10 di•poee el, win ser te. eatanude 111 (Ahearn,
leered competent to the management of his
own affairs, it is a matter of 00 eont,loeete
whether it is fourteen or twenty-one, presiding
it eatende impartially to all. We do not say
theta!! sane men ere iutellectutally gotslifieJ at
twenty-one or any other age, for the proper dis-
charge of electoral duties ; but we Jo say eel- (7 We sadtatsed ilea • Meeting well be
harically tial the Deed of a hundred acres of ' held la the ,British fleul, on p itenlay lite `deli
e.eat17 thea 411 tie other Menerchs who have
suceerd.d him, Charles the Martyr sot except-
ed. bone will coutend that ate people ate not
qss utied, In pont of education sad inforuettoo,
to posses. su.,ensal sediage. Hem it never oc-
curred to these parties teat no aitch ol•jeCuon ts
tali. ewagsNn sera 6fliug the Ate of errors? -
1 woeWl ask them whether 01 not tbey counter
it to be a mol• teepomeible duty, repaint a
highetpaadald of intedllgesce sad • pater
.1.,e of information, 10 be one of thrive who
dvchde upon • question uarolung the L1e or death
of a fellow creature, or ors d thousands to my
whether this person or that, shall be elected to
represent tele or that county ,n Parliament 1
truly it a straining ata goat aol swallowtsg a
1 think it not amise,befure teeing the subject,
to notice some remarks that my writings on the
Franchise have raped feel, 1 do it not with any
view to descuse any thing that hu been enhanc-
ed against what I have curd ;for, as yet, l base
sees nothing like argument. Isolated sentences
have been la:J hold of, and contmeuted un, a
construction given, 1 should my utempteJ to
be given, to them, that, taken with the contest,
they are not susceptible of: but l merely notice
then) in order to exploits mote fully what 1 have
advanced. The /sentiment contested in my first.
which seems' to have given 100.1 offeoee and Ila4
been the ground work of two labored letters, is 5s
lullows: •' That all men wettest far a• the Crea-
tor is coseerne.l.male epos!: ane that there never
was a peculiarclassset apart, by Him, forL,gia-
larion." els giving expres,lun to this seetisnt
ao perease sesei with any this, lite abiding
of banes, wed kri.,ing steel a feeiing let* eke
the Prunus ef,SO.SW Cal ibis be *Weeded;
and eves of it could, fa It set same' Mabee u
wase that 5010.atr let, thew seek of he aa.
habi,aota of the Prentice M M ss. approve el
thee wasting their Bute, peuuuo lbs Geverew
is Council to dtepnse wide sD awned tresses:
day 1s their reepseuve TeS/piiple d the re.
gent oil dtubtl 1, he eompRed ts*.-the lei•
A/eer0rer T i
F' je
Ts roe Leake f de Meaareel Tressed -ripe -
ltrs,-W,h you permrseioe, 1 mead diesegle
the srediurn d your journal, lo*oseme.cs the
publication eta series of communication* oe the
science of Phrenology. My object wilt be to
show the hosts epee which the ecies.e u estab-
lisheJ, sol illustrate its chancier, its utility,
and the extras Mite .pplesisa. illy dila owaee
I hope, in some measure, to remove the preju.
dices that are still entertained against it. aad de-
atoostrate how essential the promulgation of Its
principle* is to the reformation and happens. of
man, as a social, a moral, and au inaellrcteal be.
•' Keow thy own ,ell, presume not God to seta:
The proper study of nuokind is man."
However much then may differ iD their, ryli-
41005, .cienthte, or political opiaioos, 1 presume
the erstatelnees of the sentiment above 'spewed
*ill not be deputed by any whose spini:ma are
wcrth tegardeng. Indeed, if any metal preemie.
moi Cra be estabhaitd by en memo. ntosnt 01
esiJeoce, it hs this: that ,he, greatest miseries
that Inca suffer ie this word, acing tiling tie
reify or indtreetly *1010 their t�eurauce u( tit-
eiveues.e. coal) hay, It construed lureany other titan ■ar,ire. That tie Greer Caaama of the
meaning, than m+:,m the right -oft in:t,no men by cis gorcrrns hill creatures by abeotute sad
/stare poasesses any supeyiotigr-over another.-
insertable lava, soil that ma t cannot violate say
That all are equal (sprung 1(001 the same pa-
rents, can it be ethers 01 T) That in the eye d
reason, aid as the object d eivil.poiuey, the hap-
piness of the meat humble uu4ht to be no less
impotent than That of the greatest -sal inherit-
ed in .lunates are the on -wing of 40011(11 insti.
union'- -as the elan and object d tech i.aits-
tioas ougee to be public ut,lay, the retention of
them is defensible 00 no other ground. The'
divies right of Lisp was sad now, ( when a /--
,aked) is a feriae that tee eteeepii.e.s e(
Charles the first went far to remove
office 10 Cacete. And we farther believe that laid
claim,, on this sL:eject, a is 'horsy be sod
both of these papers have.ccaeionally put (orrh •
views which the present Got -element would not netted to the (;oserument, an.. 'o the etwntfy
l i ns vi They were p.p fwih as the come -tea- POLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE -NO.' 1.
operur. - ions views or the writes, without any referetde _- ■1 edueai rr.l qualification, but it was ;au�hid : su,tab,e accommodation sur the ey, waste 01 her
to the opinions of the Govaromebt ; and, tberg- Nobody is iaclioed to deny that inteltigeset is at, beeaax some min cage earinot rteJ ata taatke:aele commabuesia-nd will cheerfully give
TWELFTH OF JULY. r art whatever extra favours mal be eoeferr?d.. the only quality which is capable of making lawn ante, are brace think en than others woo can sac'ur1 to be ielievedtions the snybas 01
u pon the conductors of the Plot and the Giut e, ; andel governing the affairs of mankind. Nobody ,lo both 1 How easily we can see the mote tack a taaOL,ng or peddling them diwuge the
The twelfth ot'July-lien anniversary el ehoold le stewed in connection with their 10- ; presemes to assert that wealth necessarily be soil or_hecr the Dram. It never occur:rid to streets. And d • asnim„y of rtl,a can be 045
the bath ;e of tl.e Boyne -wits mol elluwed penor taboo and ship. airy, rather than as the ;eta intelligence, and nobody dare affirm that le- , earned, the oi. est ,s Vito a er racuc■bie.
reward of partizanship. As •matter of jun, g terse objectiifs the ■man without the property 1 ; V
1u ye :4 ,M ithuut manceJ auebuun burg peed 'nee when the iUntriotlh Blackstone were* ' A gent than thoussmd.. who Mor eised it. It sever
Lodges. During the night of the 11th, „tic of Government should, for one hoar be,
ate the usbenn in of lhu morrows of the P 7 property qualification, in sneers, can only
be de- (Ktu:ril to them that readio� and writing are
Iltb, there was m continua firing of guns i allowed to hold • Goreromeot other. Such ! fended oa the suppoeit:oo that a melsdes tech scene .y retard to nerd, but that progeny has
seed pustule on our streets, to the no email ' conduct is suicidal in every case, and it it results persons u, have ■o mind o their ora f" we not the r igbtest connection t with it. I( shwa -
annoyance well J e l l popularG t ( e►thir iWeaded rent h
teal citizens., w n a y to :e Go e � ro'rr ,cue the a n icy. net elaeation woo me • erne oma c
1 .h I i I u,fc
t s t e j J"i i 3 man I 7, ,n d l
'cermet as nasal, unattolMD r] y le u thus offered to our nature, and line would • .mucor rr,.arnf I.0 rue pro;ser
• 41 them were disappointed, but turtunatejy, Bat •t the same time, a is 01 absurd libel on p its Our to ca6rd ::reed Pr.. (f i.n Jfa•s Ise . �_,rT ..r. t Of tut an l the ocean diel with
no outer ir.Cutveutcnce (olluwed, as tar as opinion of Blackstone on the einem hemline, i{ ; theft •Siad, reset become Veuve sed en. estabii,hral ihmuu m M.alrgel wsxre oe iva
Senear and honesty, to so that ere roan, u m thonesnds of other iostaaces, ,nes for moth- Iiigb►eaerj by tlbeir edneaeooil pr.grese ; bat Olvd." We tee it in the oitileer in which as -
we have learned. Olt the afternoon of the 7. PP^se n I opeueal a eery extensive `• Phtenologhcat Cale• teem are convulsed by hwryle factions, nth
l'eth, a large .procession of Orangemen who alvoelees certain political priiciples, le log. To adduce initanees or to employ remise- Mile nark u eke grraetieston, nth w iii be the net" of" Skulls, Casts, Bu.a,, and Portraits, free
passed tbrorigh I we pr ocipal .:reefs of struQgling to rise above its fellows, till the body
Mira of- permit, and the mint will, be deeply
to the inspection of the emotes and scientific.- pollee is Ieft'a headless mass. Witness a•thre
the city, decorated with the insigne of
their ree(CC1VC L.dger, and headed by
a strong band rat music, playing Orange
tune,. The persons curopO'ing the pro -
teatime, appeared to he principally from
the Eoabtry, bot we recoeb.zed arnoag them
one ludge, at :enae, u1 ,cadent• of the etty.
In rear of the yrteestun, there was a large
ton by cumbers of Orangemen and Orange' ii $ e 'Omen sense no person opposed to t
ligenc. s�etevwrily sceemuktes - T qualjfiradon might powibly be far more intent -
r •
of them with impuuity, are principles whmb, in
the abstract, none will deny, and yet within the
whole range 0t moral ecieuce Irene ace so prin-
ciples so totally dere:ardrd in praenee. Men
are out educated is the laws of tleu termini -
tion, Leone they are daily si0aog, and the con-
sequent m..eriea d,ryvaicnbe to wrong causes,
over wiieia they here no co0troul. Man u but
a part of the universe, he has his place to occu-
py, cal its pert to act is the infinitely magm6-
tsatxbrme. Ian Navvies are noble, but senor -
disate; therefore, his chief women consists 10
Ilia properly adapters h,sm.elt to the eaaited po-
etise which be is create) to till, and discharging
the deities. foe the sue yertermance of which,
such • renews renters hem responsible.
Studying the laws of n.; ne, 1 concave folie
one 01 tae beet mesas of oeta:n, .g • Nuetactory
...wet to tea all impurtaot yu:estion--What is
trate? There me too many ip the habit of pre-
eating the qucstiuc, at.d, I'tiate-Sae, taresog
away', so 11- It was a matter of ea Conseq,resee to
teem weether it were answered or got. la
arena to me, that troth, scientifically /penkiag,
i. 50tleltg more than a simple. dedattioa .f na-
tvie', awl,-phyricat, orgy" ..e and mon!-that
tunic the bsuun race in one great tensity, 01
whwL Gird is the lather. Thi• nay -be and to
be a self-trideot prorositano; aid yet, if we look
abroad up00 the word, we •,11 see mea g00q,-
l•liy,-as 0auoo5, as parties, u communities,
as stet., as families, vet and even u tudtrid�ia
g7:We direct the attentioi of our readers to I •trugaling.assd striving with all their might to
an article on the a Present Condition of irelu,J," I Jcs'roy the harmony of sitar?, and horst ge.re
lite commencement of which is green on oar the moral univeree.
first page. it s; tear. in the July nuebrr elate 1Ye see this blind policy et of
inn• yaacc of our peaceable an we tsps - tom a Government, e u o0 may nice ti mo3t'opdooc. "din Blaekalone e.us were made the feu of elect ug t, Boston " Clri ra n Iaannner,"and is e. rtainly, strong oatiocs towards weaker mations of their
• h bed previously retired t0 dal 11 t' s tutor t but Y kin' of 1 45011 f0 . •
1 ODKr0, the best adt ietc were :+.to been' orates n flu iww rues: els see it in Lards, its uyillniew
d l A lot rd of t • 0 rrrjgresip.w ld bee fid If
their .d Nmituius ri 1s. -opsthe perp a -,t 3 p•acine the ,stere s sod ler- or that to wti':'.net attic•; Yet . tit- t e mss 1 ! . „ soil IS res•rictia01 on commerce -ova of
t Y r m the.rxrttwn m Moser poetical pn0t ,gr, mesh ties f the count, in the hand. of the enemy.- J Jtbbe tare the exercise d
. i,w.e v.oa•e'iueuces 01 *bleb, IV.'" The
either expecting or entitled to reward from the
Corernmeot that may happen to holt these prin-
We meld 'oppose the public advocates of
Toryism to be 'cermet! by sash sinister motives: perience and common sense of our readers; sett,
■nd there is meseny as much charity in this sup- therefore. mounting_ at once that the property
position, as would be va 'the upp'oitioa that I qualification is universally .haloed to be ab -
they taouestly believed in their advocacy-ia the meetly wrong, we will briefly examine what i.
lag to sbew that the possession of property is se
indiestion, no 4uanote. of the nullity be >
laze„ no neeesrary ass,xiete of intel!igei ee
morel principle, would be only insulting the ex -
naiad with its object, it ,. U he earthy.
r0* 715 mese. alGS*L.
Ile has commenced a series of articles on Phre- moneert the feckless energy,the maniacal cos-
0n;ogy in the Transcript -tee first of which will Just of France. We see it in the j$ordti uiiJlr
be teuai in another column. by tinea, by conrpaoies, by ices. and by isdi-
1J' We acknowirJg^ letters from the Ilon, vidnal., in the way of business, toover-reschand
5l. Cameron. Shead Leeson, anti Dr. Russet,
out -do eac.l other. 1Ye see even the Dame of
Merisg addend'adherent eviJenee t prove •;i,l suhocriptioue (r the regeel from T. rink. the God of (leaven and Earth forged, in order to
number of b• ye decorated with Orange rite nae rax we wpppoes them to W bearer, in the t called the erpeduwty of the thing.
that the law,i, u teemed uidet tax ensuug eye-
Kingston ; Ilolme• Mar, 1je , Robert *auction puny murals in eroding foto liagmeaa
bona, who fu lowed act regular ri pro in 1 other we suppose ibem to be foots, for Toryism And in the fret place we protest invariably tent, are niegoal in .Heir pressure, bearing Jlclntyre, I: -y., and M. DicI)onnrl Fel.- 'het "!'cu tin •Go! ail Nature had booed res one
11711, jibe l two, after we example set hsrswvous whole. Aad why u that Man
tLptu by the 1.^.dge's in front ; and ail. 1a usu• has neither head, nor hear;, nor soul. it is en against the doctrine of expediency, from a sin- heaviest on those who are Inst able to support R'e are sorry to inform fir. Holmes Mair and
to he ha os t to a ha -
dewtn -be are be
PP7 gs s P
I fellows that mere alteration. v
t it idlen't'. ._n 11 a o nn •e
al at such oeea-bene, there was a meltttudu unblu Sing, momitigateJ mass of oppressive self- terc coovictios that all actions are either right their weight,othera,.dtat (oil files t _ Signal can n 1 r
1 '• itrtRulsf,'' siren, w ouue., amt chtlslren, ;,tineas. It says, coolly and impodeatly, eer. airnog. It never can' be esprJunt lo Jo necessary, in enter that a more veritable tole 1 be dbtained. We have forwarded copies of ell py, -trait res coiteyueatt d • hu igionoee of tti.
every hottest, liberal man, "stead yew est aft avwng, and t sent can be elpe.hent to neglect may govern society in future. This object can- I the uumbets now on hand lits' .f his vrgaointhoo, be plain himself in p-
___ poetical to the rest of Isis fellow lees, i. some
3...e Letter Intim n Eme ' .•; n::; crit. way or other, wleth ioevitably predates misery.
My chief object to the (olbwmg comm•area-
11003 well be to show hew Pkreeelegy is migra-
ted to renews many of the evils el which we at
present complain. I will pay dee deferment to
any objectioct that may be brought fxward
adaival anything that I advance, provided diet
the objector pa:Au is his own naw0 with W
1 am, Bir,
Yours respectfully,
Germ Reastt_
Mottresl, July 4th, 14548.
pedeetrfitre, cqucattiane, and 50100 in wag-
gunrs and carnage*, who were attracted by
the cwt./ear of ►6e 'tete or by their hearty
13t1IC,ps'tuet in the eaj•/)meat, which at
retuned 10 afford th.i pre c•pal actors and
where. The pr00e101on was in no way
Intl rtopted air inter/. ;ed with, mid it passel
to wit:tout accident, as far as we Dave
'1 hese proccrsicce are ,regal. The par-
t les engaged In them are aware of their be.
log en ; and while they ace refuse en their
protest:one et loyalty, and their desire to
incu'cate ubedit nee to the law, nary ore
cuttslaceuus in the preach et a partteular
etalute, atf..cuog themteltCa, of ,recent
1 w.tlr the %trete of *h:ch they
the mad, or go to your work, end ell make 1 Of 11101 do that wh.ek is tight. The expediency not Its obtained by narrowing representation ;
the laws fie yon The pont. good-natured t argimrst ter the property gsalitcation in voters for ti it coukl, then would a despotic Government
Refired rays, "come fellow eoentrymen Wel ie founded on fee premises; for instance, we its- be the acme of perfection. All enlightened per -
will frame i few '114 -ironic laws fur the mutual f same that t!tcre must be some line of demsrke- sone are agreed that it ie both unnatural and tim-
protection 5114 faraheraoee of cur own interests. ti.m ; some artificial tin the privilege. The politic to place at tee disposal of one, the lives
and d there are any Uoireely footle or any I mese, here, is quite arbitary ; it is either a mere and titterers of e.e many. Tile Government of
Clergy -reserve feads,we will apply them in Poch I begging the question,or it ism scknow ledgerneat
e net IDet as will benefit the whole people. Whirs 1 that reline is as unnatural ias11101100. Nstore
Toty, and Barfield," But there is mo IVa" ( never forgets to furnish the full means ter the se -
ie the vocabulary of Toryism. The first per. 1 compli.hment of her purposes. lithe civil gqv-
enntl preemies is lewd eielesive'y and emphati• eminent of mankind is au institution of Restore,
tally in connection with the active vers ; "J, then the means of carrying it out are onques-
Turyism, will make ,he Iowa to govern the pen- uooably prorideJ somewhere, if .wee were only
star, ■n, pie, and if there are any Clergy mums sad honest and industrious enough to discover them.
meet ail be famitier. We presume that at University Node, f will take etre that they Nature bas drawn certain lines of demarkation,
la to the good tenet! and forbearance, of the, *',all tx prnpetly spprnptiated by ' 71. Chuck !' certain palpable dipinetiont among mankind ;
Romeo Catholic members of the cnmmur.fy, \t'hat right have the people to interfere with bot whether any of these lints were intended to
lac *been, the celebration of the 1•ah most thin sacred T" Such preposterous motermities matt the limits of the elective &maim iP, per•
be particularly offensive and annoying, that g'
constituting :he creeds( Toryism, we eouW sop• haps, doubtful. For instance, the distinction of
*e aro indebted for the peace of the city
hessng been preserved on \\'cdncwlay last•
The tib p et 1s one for Magisterial and
Executive inquiry, anal vie leave it to be
,'eall *rth by thine un whom the duty do- cele
velem., mid with whom the rceponsiblht)' Bit we r0FI ant soppese 1Mt men. Idve.•at-
reefs.-Binese Coloniae leg teeth amt entice, cm be treated by any
'elfish or mercenary views. Aod thosgh neither
thereat aur the Globe may held views or all
resettle or ea all engem* caws to ours, we
gin them tell e►elit for weenier, ea l i
v,ewe which they .le sdmease. We desk they
peer test its best advocates ars men writing for the seaesu • very broad, and • very visible line,
pay, w,Itiost baetag fie slightest sympathy or but melligeoce being the only real gsssh (iatem
fetl.w-feeling with the views which they &Jes- for voters, the datisetioa of the sexes will not
answer ear peeper. %Vermin Is lost as eerie -
gent se man m every intones where Ph.- is hon-
esty aR rded the oppottsnities. We demand her
_ _ - _-___- __, 1 obedience to the laws simply because we kaaw
GRI:.\'r BATTLE 1, I N P.\RIR her to be intelligent, and we nuke ger the Sec-
rape mega of an Empire, that 14, we place her in the
10,000 KIr.L110, 75,000 Woi w ! M I brml 'highest political nation ore meth, merely he-
we have fell eou6Jesee in her wisdom
Fav Volk, 13th arrived
iveJiffd, at .\. miM. Je ear write ,newly to please • Mlneery : rod end interey. And if she is qualified i, role •o
Tho steamer Neogene arrieve If mien whether or rant, we Jo not hesitate to swot Empire, she is eertainte qualified to vote Fir •
Ilii,.. 'l'h,g, See ur(.1 l seven days later
n ew,. '1'hn rtrerts act Pans have been abet they have Jooe uxxt lot the deremioation lawgiver, rad is, therefore, not exelwderl from
nude risere ail 11:eo1 ; •t:cr -1 Jaye and 4
n.ghtsic onunueI fighter_, rho tneurretlion-
,eta weilo put down, 10,000 er r•' killed, and
5,0001 wounded. 'l'be Re Wizens were
finally newt pliant.
The osibresk began by the workmen of
pans, on the elnd of Juoe : at last hart,-
races %vete made, and the -National Guards
,s;ited out. On
✓ t
pn,eers on or Feeley,
ght bar t l
k of the
neer $tear, sod all that part of the city on
\ elLse time tt.e Jlulcl ale Alit was threa-
tened hy tarp? maescs - f trnnp■ and the re-
take, 5 p bro•rjjht against thein, and npeo-
ei tbeit tire. On Sster•lay Tarte was 'fe-
rratts' 5" 3 .kale 11 oe:gc nod General l;a-
vatRebc pee in e"prcme power.
of Skeet ',pintoes, then say Meer two papers 14
aloe Preview.
Ws think it is Late policy to releel ,?form men-
elem. empty bemuse tbey may set ge meetly
the length sehseh we eos14 dralm .4 self f"if
it brew then en head. We offerer. new,
which neither the rilot. nor the Globe, nor the
Miaietry with endorse. W. sever desk of coo -
mitres the oiiwaos .f even est best (needs en
this s*bp•ct. We write our ewe Minima ref
the /beers ftanehiee upon the shstrart pritxi-
pie of motet se Iron • want of the proper gasdi-
&moms. hetbernss we o.•net her 1•tereses
identical wan t1. interest' D( tand w. re-
leh. her from the nMuga e ,, soil din igery d
political enatestal horn a ens, tion that her
time sod re'r'uno ran be more profitably .rrt-
ployal otherwise. Nature has not ,nJe all
nue the Mme weight ewe the same height, aid,
tem...ore. by males( "might or tallness the eke.
tire qu•bieattea ere emit pear pitch the vows
Mamie Tniisicc.-\\-e had a •t room last
week to notice the 511nna1 farce which was cele-
brated here on the 296, the which wet cesium
Russia is not so celebrated for its mildness --for let pen wu!4out'a remulk. In this and reverie
the intelligence and prosperity of rte subjects, ne other Town -hies in the Province, the militia
to make it .t all deeirobte that it should be the were assembled is their seven) battalions for
model upon which .l1 others should be formed.- grainier, as it has been termed; sod we are sore
In the history of Venice we hare proof that an
Oligarchy is not the one beet calculated to ad-
vance the interest of the moire,. The mixed
Government of Britain is admitted to come
nearest perfecttoo, and from whence does n de-
rive its tearfulness? 001 from its Monarch, Dot
from ea nobles, f will not say altogether from its
people. The three in one have produced the
best form of Government that the world has yet
*ren -still much unfairness mends. The two
fust estates are (oily repreaeeteJ, but the third,
to which the country is more indebted fur its pre•
8 the officers wish to being themselves and the
whets affair into contempt, they cadnot aecom-
plr,h it in a more speedy manner roan by having
a few more such training days.
The Militia Act, like all other laws, is wide
enough in its construction to enable any man to
drive a emelt and four through it : but still we
conceive the colonel, of the different battalions
are not justified in assembling all under their
command at one place, especially when the com-
mand 'eatrmb over a largo Township, or, is is
soreeumee the caw, over two or three Towo-
seat poaiuoa tlw. to the *diet two cornbl•ed, is ships. Or instance, Emmen, Erin and Game
defrauded of its just rights, Are the prople a frees, am In one bae.hou, rad every man be=
pretest tamely rep,eoe%ted1 1 Uadoubtrfly not, teeee the'ages of le anal 40 was vammnned tri
no more than they weir prior to the peerage of Erin Village f r training at ten o'clock in the
the Reform Bill. If, as most admit, The Govern- forenoon. Many had to travel 12, 14 and 16
.rant of Britain owes its superiority Over that of mile from their own reeideaces, and the lake
other nations to the infusion of the popular voice distance back, for the purpose of going thrungb a
is the wna9ernent of aro affairs, Through the few ill -performed manometer., std Plaoimng her-
•se•ee of the Boole of Commons, why not ex- rah for the queen. The partial respoare that
•a�a��r� that part fr.rer which the geed has r�° lied1 each n 0nier met with lin the Goelph Town -
way .0t tnernae lb. power of the people,l ed at ship, 'Mowed plainly that training did not sweetiesooOO���'{{tltt nese them to their peeper position, Into .se :he temper or increase the loyalty of there w
equalitylith the other two, by milerg tog the sensbled. We tbink the annual enrollment all
fraach,r The old writs as nosed res the retell rho can be necessary or effective, in times of
of Ldwa,l L ( the father, 1 may call him. of the profound peace. If any musing be really attes.
preset seized term e( (.nversrnnt, tho•gh Posse mry at this erne, it is certainly that of the ol8-
pntred en indict the 01,51enee .f Perlram,ee cent Miller than the men: tel we would set eb-
frem the time Britain was °retested by the Ree yet to a Haase in the act chariness web :he
moo,) emirate the preen ' What eoneerna all. anneal iralniag of the privates, sal substitutis,
ebeskf ne eupported by ail, ulpprovel hy all, sad some four or vis days' yearly teasing for tech
gammen Jaeger shoal) be repelled by a11."-
we sIeee era mermenbl4 far theca Wo Mn Te diene of those who take • semen view of
vyvier.•+ .,.o,e u:ieho me ('gibe P .es. Owad'wt, rem neaten hie hers Maine, or stretch is
them matters with myeell, is in see this we and
the P• n"m.nes of which will t ireety become op ie the inawAanl like raw-reeruita, end if they petraeue seed/neat in mutest operettas,. sad
pnpetar is oar?'incliner We have writIPs at.ed its.
weisbt w the mn.sranea', all ass see • bteeufal (bey. Edward the fins, h
'vicar articles tntiilea " relent fee the People : e right sod Ilia. the gealefiraeww we i,I he pl.,.- siting pobbeiry to er.erh • rnnmes t, sed netting
edstaiaieg ',attic.' prmeil.MP wheat will as b,• ty dreaded by sries,.Gr ,I.nreesiretele Thee it Forth *e • rol. of remain I, dewier, more off hr.
carver. The less of time and mosey wash %leo
io be taken tae •oon4eri on. as • watery
*Mre kbeesr ,e es rateable. W napp0M therm
ere at loose 100.000 ween in Ilpp., Canada. le-
e -trema 19 trod 40 year .(.g., who sssusbeel os
that ore•afon, and valaog their .seism at es
fid. rich, for the time eteapt*d, we has. • bus. 1t
The vessel built foe the Hos. M. Cameras, se
Port $aroia, by Meters. Siad & McGsgi s
;ditch has been so much admired fur tier beauty
rill ei rengtb by every pesoo vibe hes use her,
woe yesterday consigned to her natural densest
is the presence of the largest somber of people
ever tree at Ops urge at Pert Semis. The ewe -
way .f eh,ieteaieg wee performed by Mos
Perna 5'idall, youngest dseghterof Capt. Vidall,
ore of the oldest settlers of the place.
This vessel is called the " eiw/t,(," sad will
in • few days be ploughing the lakes, under dee
eommsod of Capt. Charles McGlon's, lam*
tie reh.oner AnAnseiweghb- a pewee welt wet -
tee of rommendi•g sock a uesel.•e-a median
f i.rwoe.
Ftaa -We gig et to my that is swam etr-
mill, owned by Rills Feet, Esq., la this sews,
as/ ruled by William ileil, woe welly uses -
mrd by bre ne Ts.d.y .w..ng Ina Th. ire
w as the mesh of eeerdeat. ted ie 'apposed Y
have ortgisated is the ebiusey, er from the item
eeatipit of dry materials to time ani whisk on-
etime* the boder. Mr. Peat'• ler to estimr.ad
e t £730: and that of Mr. Neel. sad Mr. Sem.
*best work was in the mei at the dee. M
LIZ 'soh. Pi. i .s,omee.-Pieswie CarwwisM-
Tan Teeter's' or Jeay.-As Orap serer*
walked these the, atiwli of Pecos.* o• ab.
12th, in ,Meet Menem Of se etxti.g taw. Ir
*r • ire day weld obey tasked plenatd with
them.el,ee No party rook the senadlee *Mise
nt ties. bet 1104. el, tee eiewtee sd. sad Or.
ageism is fie'.vet extiacL-Teror. (Neh.