HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-14, Page 4r7
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A P P grit 1 I X.
iV NO. 183.
To the IF weed Municipal CHInle ! of tie flirty District,
mw C..acrl AsseeebleJ.
elffieril%sertet Aoki:ors reepec;t.1 v report -That they heed
Iffinditesi the Treauni • Accusals. fie the Quarte, ending Net'
Dersert.r, 1847, the abettes& of which u herewith enclosed,
obeli tag a balance in hie heed. on that date of £823 7s 6J, to-
gether with a Classified L s1 of the As ouuts pate by him dur-
top tip Quarter,
.bey also encloas an aggregate statement of the amount of
Tames due throughout tee Dstrtet, to ..latch r attached Sched-
ules et eoch 'Fowoahap, *hewing the amount Jus on each Cue-
ee.eies, after treert,wg the 111110001 paid as per A/sesames'
Rolla:and the Canada Company &beau's..
Mak or tbe amount due fur District purposes,
se l4 per acse, £4047 15 les
For Roads by StMWtss 5>i Gee. iII, at 4 t per
acre, 0600 10 •8
/-,t ...
Aid for School. at • td per aere, by By -Law
Clap. XXI, Ilth February, 1917, (263 0 9
The &t oo t paid for Schools by tbe ('.nada
Compaq, is Willa of the above mentioned
illy -Law, 1.409 t1 7
And h Asomemeot. after deducting abeeutres
sad Fees for'Colleet✓r, bre. 367 1t 11
Making In ell paid, £777 5 6
A Statement of the Debts and Liabilities of the District, due
ea *be 1st January, 1648, is also eitclooed, chewing the amount
of Pnseipel and ir(erest, as of that date : but of this amount
*bore will be a large euIn to be paid by the Government fur the
admimetretioa of Criminal Justice in terms of the Statute, 91b
Victoria, Cbap. 61; the Court of (lescral Quarter Sessions of
the Peace baying permed aceenntsat their November Merron
to the adount of £391 IT 1 t ; but as the Auditors appointed by
hes Excellency, the Governor General, for the examination of
theme accounts, have not yet inspected them, 1* is not known
what portion they will decide upoa, as coming ueder the Statute
to he so paid.
Accounts for works reported by the Dstrict Surveyor, as
completed according to contract, on or bmf re the 25th day of
October, agreeably to the resolution of the Council to that
effect, were duly audited and passed with the exception of two,
via : George McLeod for Ll 10s 114 and Duncan McDonald'•
foe £3 9s Ib& which were reserved to be agate brought before
*be Council, being omiaaione of accounts passed by the Coon-
ciiin the October Se.iun ; and which account., et heir there
examined, were presumed to be closed, aril therefore could IPA
be included amongst the accounu intended to be audited by
authority u( tate resolution.
They arse have ro report that the Acconets of such Tows -
ship Clerks as have -been submitted to them have been duty
audited, io compliance with the Statute 4 and 5 Victrrra, Cap.
1'). A statement of the balances remaining in their hands u
also herewith enol red.
The Aud,tore further report -That they have carefully ex-
amined and Audited the Account of the District Superaiteodeot
of Common Schools, for the years 1844, 1815, Iftet, sbewing In
(bat officer's bands a balance of £19 las 9d ; the abstract of
which aeeossts re era -revue Isld before the Council.
Alt of which is humbly eubmttted,
by Tour obedient eervents,
GEORGE FRA$ER, t rk;sirict .4edifors.
Acorroes' Orme., Guderid, Junwary, 11X8. ••
No. 213.
To ate Warden and uaicipal Council of tke Diets-iet of
!/iron, in Coned, assembled.
The Diresict.Audators respectively Report -That they Mee
Audited the Accounts of the District Superintendent of -Com-
mon Scheele, fur the year 1847, the abstract of which a here-
with eoclosed, •by which there lappet's in that officers hinds a
balance to the credit'of the Huron Dtntrict of £908 15s nod. and
to the credit of the Township of Williams, in the Lend.rre Dis-
trict, the sem of £t3 9. 61d, which the dupennteadeot mutes
key net been applied for.
They also hate to report that the Books of the Township of
L)!ansbard, N. I':asthope and Ellie,, have been submitted to
them for AuJtt, of which they have Audited the Ilouk fur Ellice
holy, the other two not having been accompanied with the ne-
cessary voucher..
The Township Record of Downie has not been submitted, in
consequence of the death of the Clerk ; area the record for
S. Easthope has not been submitted, but for what cause is un-
knows,' as the Township Clerk is perfectly award of the revue-
.' meet of the Statute, having heretofore complied with it ; and
this year has written the Treasurer demanding his eatery, with-
out 01. Books being Audited, acknowledging that a pert.of the
mosey hia has received bas not been expended.
All of which is humbly submitted, e
by your mosrobedicnt servants,
GEORGE FRASER,e girt .dwifters.
Aeerreas Orncat Dederick, Fm4.7fk, 1848.
&Y.LA vS
or ins
Mt its
Passed during the Sittings in February, 18-[9..
Qy-Lar Appointing aka Disfrkt Auditors.
Weiaawao, in comphanre with the rrgnirements of the
Statutes regulating the procerrltngs of Munseipal Councils, it
to nece.sary to appoint two fit and proper person to set es
Auditors ; Be it meted by the Warden and Menieipat Coun-
cil of the Metric: of Huron, to pnreuance of the powers vested
In them by th. Art 4th and 5th Vnetnns, Chapter 10, and 9th
Vss•sris, Chapter 40 ; sad it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, that Thomas Seven Woodliff and George Fraser
be the Dreamt Auditors fur the curerst year.
Dederick, 111b Fthruuy. 1£10.
t' in February Ses-
sion, 4846.
Waxman. th. f.nicip.l Council o this Detract. passed a
By -Law in the F rusty Session, 1816, imposing a Tax of one
.bilin/ stet three pries, to be ebony d opal the owner of every
deg IS the Deer -we acenneng to the Statute 8th Victo-fa. ('leap•
.11 Ann K'ae•na, 1t iit expedient that thr Name M repealed,
Ml ito Heron, y 1 nndder Warden y virtu* of�Pte Acts 4tls • d 7 A
jetona, Clearer ilk and 0th Viewer's, (-bspier 40, and it is
(ted by th. aatbncaty of (sesame, that the aid Ry-
e pier ), passed at ion Feigner, Hee•son, 1848, N (tai
repealed- WILLIAM Ci1ALK,
By -/.owe yr7wiatiag Joke Steadies, £slseine, Barrister, Btli-
ator io lie Ahuireinel Council i.Jtriag i. •dwiiss sad reans-
sterutwa .
Wormers, It is necessary aril expedient that abs Municipal
Ctwaoal .t*uule weer, the mince ut Came*, be 11 warted by
the Warden and Municipal Cuuocil of the Driblet ul Uurun,
and it tt hert:t.) reacted, that J"Oa Strachan, Fsgtum, Barrtatcr,
ba lbe standing Solicitr fur this Cuuacil,
tod. And be al *tether euadtsd-Tkat the advice of the said
Jobs Htrachan, Esquire, shall he at the .,nice uI only of rive
Muuecrpal C..uac,l, but of the Magistrates atter the d tT rrol D.a•
%net Officers to this District.
Std. And be it further enacted-Tbat t general aelai.sr, by
'stay of remuneration, be granted to the said Jain Strachan,
Eagwre, annually ; wbiels mot mimeos shall M. sod to hereby
declared to be, abs suu, of forty pomade per annum, male
quarterly, is lieu of all few far urmppplu•l to the seal Municipal
Council, Magistrates and the Diseacteficeraalorcaaid, shietaer
written or rubel, ard also for all lets for the revision of any
documents •ub.Ltttd to Lim to retie', and after.
Culcrid, 11th February, 1843.
14 -Law confirming the alteration of certain road, in the Die -
Oriel tt /luroa, as laid down in lie J'l.l.s of the Cswnty
Surveyors, in lie Tuwnsiapa of Itiddelpk, Ael:814sra,, Me.
Kiltup, Hh&ori, and .\'u, in E rsthiTe.
WNsaaas, It is expedient to alter tertian roads in the D:.-
trict cit Huron, in the Tuw usinpa 0t 1Addutp0, klcGdbvray, Mc-
Kiltup, tlibhert and North E.steope : Be It enacted by the
Warders ad Neilclpal Council of the District of Iluroo, by
virtue of the pow ere vested in them by the Acts 4th and Stu
Victoria, Cuap. le. and Stu Vtctone, Chap. 40, and it A hereby
exacted by the authority, that the alteration ut the road as lad
dews in the County $urveyur'r Plan and Report un the 8uuth
boundary o1 the 'Township of Biddulpb, erussug Lata No.'. 1
and 2, be adopted and cunfrtwed.
2nd. And be it further coacteet- Thal the alteration of toad,
as laid down in the County Daneyor's Peat and Report, 1a this
Tewoelep d Meliitlteray. running leogtuwaye un the North
nee cit Lite thirty in the tirat, second, third and luuttb Cusce.-
aleos, lit adopted and c.Ltlrmed.
ac auLo►.
9rd. And be it further enacted -Chat the alteration of road
as laid down in the Comity Surveyor's Pico ad Itepu;t in the
Township of McKiltop, on Lot number amity -ewe, un the
third Cuocesstuo, be adopted and cootirwed.
4th. And he it further en.cted-That the alteration of reed
as laid down in the County teurseyeee Report and Plan in the
Township of 'Ribber', un Lim dumber eleven in the first Con-
cessive .t lltbbert, be adopted acrd confirmed. •
a. sealmora.
6th. And be It further enacted -That the alteration of road,
as Laid down no the Couoty Surveyor's flan and Report in the
Township of North Easthope, running westerly between the.
lath acrd sixth Cuncesa:uu, be adopted and confirmed.
l fardesi.
Goderich, 11th February, 1848.
WA.G(iuNrl AND l;LI:!GUS.
NO. 7 KART leTRt:1: 1',
IrRAPLT Oerbat7s Twa raa:4111TISIAX
rflir.. Subaenbers begs araes to inform
11 bra Inches and the public at lute, that
he el uow prepared to recetre orders tor
which shall he manufactured e( the beet
reatrrnh., orad by eapeneaced oedema.
([f ' llarrows acJ Drags made to order ;
Pluugh Ca:tinge \V.•otled.
!11.1'\ AN DER I11ELVI\.
Goderich, I'cb. 9, 1141. stf
Dg -Law to protide jor'10e contpoaadinrr of Statute Labor and
to regulate l4e swaaer of expending auckuruaey.
r'uelllaffi .It is expedient to regulate the manner ie which
Statrotrf Lebo ."may be cowpoundcd tut.; He it enacted by the
Warden and Municipal Cuuoctt fur the District of Huron, by
iutue of empowers reefed in teem by the Acts fourth and fifth
Vletune, Chapter 10, and 9th Victoria, Chapter 40, and It is
hereby enacted by the authority 0t the same, that each land-
holder, or other person liable to perform Statute Labour under
the existing laws of this Province, who may dcaoe to compound
fol' his Au their Statute L.:,uur, may do so by paying to the
Overseer of ll.thw.ys in the ll,tsiun, two shuiings and six-
pence for each nue every day licit pur.ue !nay be liable to
work ; provided, such money is pard to the Overseer on or be-
fore the Suet day of June in each Bae every year ; such money
to be expended by such Overseer un the roads within his
uoo,`in such place and manner as the Councillor or Councillors
for aha Tuwnebtp shall direct. . Such Overseer to account for
such money to the Township Clerk of his Township.
2nd. And be It lumber eweted-That whenever any person,
as aloresatd, shall desire to compound for his Statute Labor for
any xnmber of years nut.cxcevdmg fire. such person may do so
by paying Toto the hand* of the Tuwnahip Clerk, for the Tuwn-
ship in which he reside.', two shillings and ■txpence for each
end every day inch person may be liable to work for the num-
ber of years intended to be compounded fur; provided, such com-
partition money is paid on or before the first day of Jvne, in the
first year of the terns of years compounded for.
Sr4. And he it further enacted -That money coming into the
bands of Township Clerk., shall be expended by contract by the
Councillor or Cuuocelots of the Township, on the road nn the
division within which person so compounding resides ; and that
all Township Clerks shall account for all Minden coming into
their hands by virtue of !hie• By -Law, in the same manner as
they are nue by law required to account .or other monies corn-
ing into their hands ; and that they be subject to the like pen -
altos for eon -accounting.
4th.. And be rt further enacted -That all persons resident in
Towns, liable for more than six days Statute Labor, shall pay
to the Overseer of highways, en or belure the first day of June
in each year, two shillings and sixpence for each day's duty ;
such money to be expended and accounted for as provided in
the third section of this By -Law.
5th. And be a further enacted -That the several Conceits
toroidal! have the power in and for their respective Township.,
to form and lay out the Divisions, and allot the Statute Labor
thereto at any owe oe or before the third Saturday in Apill, to
each and every year, by giving at least eight dayeenotrce, put
up at least ns thrce puslic placer, in such 'Townships respect-
ively, of the time and place such allotment is to be made ; and
that the Township Clerks shall watt upon the Ceunullor or
Councillors, at such erne and place as he er.they may appoint
for laying out such divisions, and bring with pins his Record
Book. And further -that it shall be his duty to post up the
uece.asrJ notices.
60. And be it farther enacted -That the W -Lace remain in
force until amended or repealed.
7th. And it is enacted hereby further -That 500 copes of
this Dy -Law be printed and dieteibuted in the several Town-
N erdasa
Goderich, 11th February, 1843.
By -Lam to Repel By -Law Y.. 8r passed in Ahoy Semis", 18 44.
Wnnanas, The Municipal Conical of tho District of iiuron,
passed a By -Law, No. 8, in the May Session, 1044, regulating
the apporuoninj'�of Taxes raved for the snpport of Comities
Schools: Ago Wsaasas, it is expedient that the same be ro-
pealed, Rt It enacted by the Warders aid Municipal Council An
the District of Hurone by virtue M (he powers vested in them
by lbs At. 4th and 6th Victoria, Chap. 10 -9th Victoria, Chap.
40, and 916 Victoria, Chap. lek and it is hereby tweeted by in the
authority aforesaid, that the By-Iww, somber a, passed
May Session of Council, 1e44, be and is hereby declared to be
2nd. Aad be it further enacted -That the apportionment of
10. Taxes raised for lire support of Common Schools, he tipper -
tweed to twos of the 9th te, p('Alli C1iALK
'LUAU rh,ea
f mi rick, 11!11 Februuy, 1848.
PART or portion of BLOCK O. is the
: . lnwoabip cit ('ulbornel Wester, fNvt-
sten, Heron lhstnet, coetatotng T\V(e
25 acres cleared and le good order ; feseew
in impair. There 11 a good Frame Iloe.e
(Cottage .tyle), upon the retaliate, 35 07
31 leer ; rasa, a Frame Barn 60 rid, and
Two Frame Stied., rich et/ feet Ivor, with
a Log Farm lleuee in tolerable female-
ep►ir -There ire 11r• a rnna: ig streams cf water
through the Lot; two of which are in eke
(leaning, ace t fiat rate Well in the celled
of the frame house. \Coed upon the teed,
f ted
;Y a!!di'rfil' i•t
VROTA$I.E dFl, 11144 ABA
TI I P. high Bird math im eT wlieb
tbu.e pre -valiant llodlMMs Mee ss.
gnired fat their invariable efficacy a an
tbo disraaes %hien they profess, to cure,
has rendered the usual practice of puller
out only eeeeCes.a-y, but eswostby of
them. They ate knows by !bels 4ratita i
their good work* testily fur them, bpd thy,
thrive not by aha Litb of the credulous, • !
iN A,.i. CASF.S of Asthma, Acute and,
t;%tcnfe Illieusaatmern, Atfeetiou of eke
Madder and Kidney., Alters Fevers and
cblrflr bare uwbr►. Hard sum is niton hitter Connpla:uts.
but ie tither from Gtideruh, tEe Dis
'WOULD rerpeetfully intimate that they
1 have just received, dire:[ from the
New Yerk and 3lontreal .Markets, avert
large aasoltrueut of Straw, Leghorn. Duty
Mable, 'Tuscan, ane imitation Silk BON-
NETS, ands gr. -at variety of almost every
description of FANCY (MODS, suited to
the fashion and tate of the seams.
Also, an extensive Meek of '
and ata kinds of Staple Coote. Likewise,
levee (matt -Cies of (iROCEFIES, partieu-
t;.rty a very semen* surrey of 7'EAO. from
le, 3.1, ter imurd upwards, according to
quality : and Tobacco at all prices.
As the whole extensive ►luck hes been.
selected by the proprietors io perroD, t: ey
can cunfiJently recommend there to their
friends and rustomers, and as tbe purchases
hate been effected excluatyeiv on cash prin.
ctplcr, thrf have reoutved to sell on the
most reasonable terns and at the lowest
poi -rite pro tits roe cern.
7' 1larketab.e pruduce of every descrip-
tin takes Is exchange at the Irfghoi^war.
L(t prime U . CIuiora 31 CO.
Gedericb.18tb May, 1818. - 16
Thrown Caaads la 4*nsf. elf Illi }irk. via.
L'irtArra. Landau. Irombtock. Qrsrfw.l,
tlu.ai/tan, ll'cter!uo l trey to
trict In t►. South and \West where thew 41..
tewn, e\ws prcr.il, they •ill be found tonlua-
(;_,1'- This desirable proleMy win betotd kid. Planters, farmers, and others, who
ata teasooahli price. For tsdos,apply to oltcs use these Modicums, will wvea be
:desire. ST1LACl1AN St LI'LAR$, without theal.
Solicitors. bWe:t-effect. lei „cion C'holie, and Serous Loosenems,
Coderch March :' tbt3. 7tf Sites, Costiveness, Colds and Cough',
' ' . Cholic, Consumption. Used with great
N O T I C E.success in this disease. Corrupt Hunters,. • Drupelet, Dyspepsia. Nei per roe with this
distreasesgdteeaue, should delay using these
pledicfies iutma:iately.
1:roptiona of the 1101.. Eryhpelee, Fla-
Ferri: sod Agin, Fur 41us emerge of
the western coasts, those medicines will
be found a ate, .pnady, and certain reme-
dy. Other Raedletade leave the system
subject to i'tltevn 'or the disease -a core
by thane Medicines is permanent. Try
Hiroo bra wu'ficJ, mud be CCREU.
Puulsess of Complexion, General Debi-
t (lout. Giddiness, Gravel, Ileadactie.,
of evert kind, leotard Feuer, Inflammatory
N O rlv I t' l'.. It aeuusattiw, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loa
of Appetite, Liter ('omplaipts, Lepruey,
ALL Goitre IndeStre to the Estate of Loosenes., Mercurial Diseases.,
the late 31r. 1111'65 of Stratford, with Neter fait. to eraJieate entirely ell the
pleeee Settle the same without delay, sod effects of Mercer! mfsitely .poser thea
without extra exec -uses; and a: -o all tl.o.e the most powerful preparation of Sar.ape-
baytng any Clauns against the above E, .l.. ttlla.
are required a nued.ate:y to pre.00* the I Night Sweats, Nervous Debiaty, Ner-
vous C'umplaias of ad 15.4., Organic Af-
fections, I'alpitetio■ of the Heart, Punter's
Ch ul,e .
I'11.ES. The original proprietor of
t�'�'L1S'I .
-TO �tthese medicines wee cured .1 Piles of 35
. t i i • veers "tending i(y the use of these Life
• Medicines .lune.
TUC ..'ELL mural
STE_1?KBO 41' JJI??OTlll•RS!
ILL res the Seaton of 1643 as fellows:--•
Leaves CArtiara every Moodier, Wednes-
day and Friday Maeaiage, at 8 o'clock, he
Weidser and Ur:roil, thence to Anbertsaarg at
3 o'clock.
Leave, Awtierterwrq every Tuesday, 'Thurs-
day .cid Saturday )lorninee at half -pant 7 o'clk.
toughie: at Detroit and 11'.rdsor f r ('AaLirw. .
The BROTHERS !vita iu connection with a
Established between Chatham iJ-Qoesinert,
paryengers will be enrWed to reach Kierstoa so '"' • Good tiamarUan
• the ro nrtor +
by which (and the Steamers on Ake Ontario)
r11IE lisbscriber i about el!eoMtsetbg
hi.sinnss as I1l:ck-with in the town of
Godench, and hereby notifies .4 those in-
debted to Otto, that they will be wait
epee fur settlentett immediately • sed the
ubstivatc ,DoCs who Alircgard !tui Intima-
tion will be handed oter to *list edreient
otTiccr the Clerk of the !'.'ort, who will
perhaps cif, et a, yettlrrneet mitten i costly
and iced tatuutab1e terms. •
Godcrich, AptII8t1, 1814. iltf
sense for Adjuettncot to Juni limes.
Mitchell, March 51,1$4x. 8
GfIftl' rate Inveattnenis.• VttltttabI. pAt\S in the bead, side, back, limb.
os Tale Ilurun. • ' •RIIEt' M.\TISM. Thom afflicted with
A goal Mdl Privilege on the Lake shore tba tremble d,eiase, sill be sure of relief
witt.irt ami mites of Guderich, bating 3e1 by tbe lite McJianes.
acres of cxcellsat Iand, the Mill- ran be 11.,+, of Blood to the Iliad, Scurvy,
built on the rock, ane within 60 tcrr'ef lee Ssft,Oeum, SwcOt.gs.
feet deep water in the Lale; the Merl darn $eunoia, or King's Evil, is its wont
Can be made 16 to 18 feet bigt at a Ind.ng fo►nie, Firers, of sorry descr ptieo.
expense and on a never failing etream,abua- I WORMS, of all kinds, are effeetuallr
dance of Saw -logs is the vicinity. - ex;,etIed by there medicine.. Parents ,iii
Alcor •s'epleadirt J1t11 pnrilrre batt ea 1.d, well l.,adrttrntater them wherever their
mite Sip on the }::�htecn mild River which existence is suspected. Relief will be eer-
ie nevigabls-to the Lake, havtnq •13 acres Bain
of first rate land, plenty of 1'the and other
,1'aw-logs in the vicinity. . • • TUE LIFE .11-1114 AND PH(F. t!C
ANI) ALS(! -Four of the best Anomie -
PURIFY Ti11 llLO(IU, and
tins of FARMS on and bear tbd Lake i (bins rewoes all diaper's from the systema.
Shore, with tntprnsements. f 1 . gk ural well place the LlI'E PILLS
The abue..:ls.lceteJandyeryvalu.ble.;ane Pti(E'\IX SIT1'Ftiy beyond the
preper(v a 111 bb eol.l low fur F?sh, or.balt ' reaeb of eompsugoi I• the estimation of
'tie purchaso'aioney may remain fur thrco i,overy patieu.
Or four years on taiortpage. •I The genwae of these medicines are now
Amply tit by letter post paid) 10 taw_ 1put • up in'whits wrappers and labels, to-
,•7awtason 1 q., London, .itob,rt - ¢ether with a pamphlet, celled e Maffat s
311L1._SITi.S and F.tRMM aur safe joints ad nrgaa..
P p cuotamia the directions,
at least three days Irom ('hatham. pae.waerm Puke. }•'q•s lsodsrsl:'• or to g
�uHJI U 1\Wfil1J. Vie., on whirl is a drawler of Broadway
can leave llamiftee by steamboat (.r To.o•..,
ltodeo:sr, O.wegn, Kingston, or my of the 14-
ternred.aie ports on Lake Octan*. Geatlemee
f um ell peau of abs States drill fed this mate
Port Albert. Goderich, Feb. 3, tete, til .rum h% all to our Office, by which
strangers visiting, the city cavery easily
r (cid ue. The liraand Saalarltaa..
:ILL 1IiL1.I' .1.R31 LOTSP�r.
very a,rrra!'te durire the rummer and winter, a. ( ; ate eopytigLt.,1, therefore, *luso title pro-
f. '-1 t.,etil Nara, vitiate wr.,i--re can be
t* ps•-ei ei.tuudb tee into Cour .'P : pee- ' 11 Tali: Irl '9 :N , $, N 8 t. f-1
Can+iia t", cit. T!.e C:.r%.am an 1 1 •.t +r t ,t to y artegenu;ne. Be careful,,
;OCR Lee on t: 1 - C :~ n L .: . r bniy those with yellow wrappers ;
(ii,der.:h, freeing Like I1.irnn, con- h.tt it you do. be estrstied'bat they come
loaning S_, 72, vee. anis 5.4 serve roper- -direct front uei, or dost touch them.
Cabin pa•ulce $1,75: Deck Paseage$1,80: tivcly. Two of three Lets hay' ennetder- la_p Prepared and sold by
is soli complexed, and is very goal n.ad.
Chedle w to •Detroit .rad Windsor, olid reveries.
Children, heir -price: Horse. Buggy and one .able emprnremerts, and one of them ICONS- UR. \VLLLL\M B. MOF}'AT,
l'.e.ttrinan e3,On; Double Team. 1'.a. n and mattioaS Two Story Log house, With tier- 3 rot. was Corner of Anthonytreet
Driver $-1,00:. Oz or Cow $1,(10; all ottiert,fcn- aid irmhard. _ L..kcwt.e, a:1X l.lJ'C3I3 S B 1 y ,
Freight ,n proportion. : oa tiro Secoa.l Coaeeeei..o,'caxt.:aing 80' New Turk. For ss.e by
Refereares.-Chatham, Flier r, IS .11.11 mfr atxpeeach,-tw•o of them putiaily tar�ermed.
enpnT 3f Taykr. Windsor, 1.. C I (.. lkv- Thee Lot. are ntualeJ cn the Isayftetd
eopnre e, Haar. Detroit, Itr. S li:ack. Roa- from r.* to ri-0t Tetir3.Outh of the
Leelrt[Re, Knight & Weaver. Trcumxb r ,
/louse, H. N. Smith. WardndM, Anderson k , flourtehing Town of (:o..ench ;- the land is
if.be. llosa, 8. Flrmiot F-eGd, 4. J. i
other *hferobnLdt gnaelortmr,utaacdnil wa rb1e1 awetatutilndhie. nasdof
Joseph . Rollins. Londe
., M- gam1l1,
ford. G. Babcock. Hamilton, 33. Babcock; 31.
Chatham, April, 1848. 204
M.aRIiET • sQU.4RE.
e" LST received, and will be sold cheap foi
cash or marketable produce, a large'ae-
sortment of
of carious sizes avid qua;it:cs.
..'ole dge st.
Godeneh, Jae. 28, 1.818. I
the Lake.• • ..LI RO.M the common of Godericb abent
Fur Patting*. apply (if by ktlSL-pet' $xturday the :0th Slay, a BAY
pair!)), to JO11\ CLAR , Goderclr. HORSE, about t3 bands bleb, Irak black
March 17, 1845. - 71! Trane ao•l tail, and a white stripe down the
- - length of the face; he is about six years
old ;,the nigh hind (mot is white as far up u
the footlock.
Any person `who will return him to the
owncr,or give such information as may lead
to his recovery, *111 receive FIVE DOL-
LARS of Reward. .
known BLACKSMITH'S8110P, tihedie N_ICUOLAS DOYt .
and -DWELLING 111►li:tl:, *dusted re the Godpieb, Jane 8, 1848. 19
west redo( the thriving town of Stratford:
with the good will of the business. The AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.,
A large quantity of different dercriphons above premises have been for many years. -
nf LEATHER, which will be sold to the occupied, and the run of bn'lness is equals Tin: remarkably fire thorough bred Dat-
trado on the must rcasonab15 terms, either to the best stand in the Deere t. The !eerie! ham (full. beioogmg to the Huron Dio-
..bon 115* or retail. Intending i, either
may be far as many years an may be .gyred I ttiet Acr,cultnrel Society, is now standing
on. Tho Tool,, Iron, kr. w.11•al:o be die- at Tnomas llarnr's farm, Rayfield Road-
posd cif. Tent m'" terata.N
- Jt 111SI1LIl11.1.N.
Stretford, 11tl April, 18Ia. • . 1111
THE gcb.eriber being anxinns to retire
from hue-.ne.'. wt4'. to r.sar the well
era are requested to calf and examine fir
thcroselver at thTe IIOM11•'nt aA8nd Shoo8VATF.IN Stirs n1
a:7- Pepin and Fiedini . for sale.
Goderich. May 26, 1114. 1711
N. B. -Patent SCALE, weighing from
1 M. to 500, for rale.
-Imam, vs doatrcaar, aalttevrrcT, kc.
QODhea1Cu. -
t.b.,19p. , ay
ar3410:1.'S DtmGLASS.
TILE anbscriber (from Galt) h.t:.aely
I rented the above well established INN
and 11oTI:L in the West end of Stratford,
grew the pvepetetor awl late occupant, 81r.
John $hern.an'; and he Erre to say th,t he
p�rilll endeavoar'lo ere the Public ami Trav-
ellers well ac.ommndated, and their corn•
forts attended to. 110 hu gond Stabling.
and vi ietenuye Iinstier. ills liar u well
ewppitod wrtb Wines sad Ltquon.
Stratford. March 1, 1048. 7m3
VOR SA[.1:.
A IAT of Land, eituateJ on the Ray-
, ` field r.au1, five mile. and • half from
Goderich--u ill be sold cheap.
Terms of payment to suit pnrcha.rr,.
1.. ALVOR(1,
Godencb, Much 28, 1845. 911
Ctto*I Lisa nertaarfrr t
.Montreal, 1010.11ardo, 1846. •
1�TiCR is hereby kiten, by order of
1 Ills Excellency the .ldminrstrator of
tOe Goveromhnt is (houneif, to all persons
who late received locations of land On
Western (',nada, vin.-. 1he 1st January.
1832. and also Yr puttee located previous
to that date, ..bore 1ocatl.ne were not in-
cluded in the list of unpatented hared liable
to forfeiture, pibli.hrd 4th of .inn', 1,13'1.
that unlea the clnnante or thrir legal
representatives rat,.blt.h their claims and
take oat their Parente within tiro wore
from this dale, the hotel will borseumakAy
Oornment to be ir•pene4 ef-b -dial
PIIS Subscriber will beitbliged to enter
Urso in arrear to hill, seal' the t'lrrk
of ike Coast, a nut Immedietei� ecu led.
A.P. tICIi I.E.
Stratl.rrd, March 27, 1848. etf
1)iUNTI:U es ue.prrierquality of pare,
1 for main at the Maori Signal l►e,
cheap Ter Cash.
*.Ooerieh Jaw , 11,18101 1
J'APF.11 HANGER, 4e• *,
t) 0DER1C31.
three mdse from Godench. Where far-
mer. can be accommodated for the Season
at two ehtllmgs and sixpence cash or pro -
doer, for each Cow.
Goderich, 23 June, 1848, t0-sw
.- _
Inc 1)ttrolt Oignal,
Is ralartel AND rrratrallo Sana/ rrteaT
YAaaaT-16Q114/1111, oo0Rarca.
kinds d Benit and Job Pamper, to the
YSIJ and !'renrh lesgswgss, 'sem* math
Osa/nswaad dtepat.;b.
-=-air► . _ t
Tmwn re rex Hems 5.ee.,. --TIM MilL-
L1208 per annum it ped strictly w Sides...,
er Twitter. it. Bit Parma with tee exposing!"
as the year.
Su parer drseontisued trim) mom s..
raid ■p, uelese the p.►liebet t01.ke it his eine-
rage t.4. so.
A.y iadlridetl is the reentry lroeaaiitrt sM
sp0a.ble Mr Sir subscribers, shall revs a
'revewnh rpy gran..
11' All letters addressed to the FAese
t Med.a they well ase be seagett , -.4
pelt e.
Vaasa e,* sne1wr, sw •
Piz Fusel sad tinder, firm leeevtars,.... 1 •
Dielaahargeeetfsaeetissi, .it•
Tea lin.i• and seder, few rnwths,..:s
Earl .etraegesas itesrrtmou,s.os4141 IS Jog
Oyer ire law.., reit mssnw. pt w Pia
Ewe 'whammies taay.s
r, , av
A hbendramas,l dramas, to theca Zen
0. year