HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-07, Page 3estre1poUDtatt' 1e era Marron .s ew MOW AL Bsa,-W. Giles We woos sane ebbged me, cestrary ss my 1'111••, im write ipso • asbbect wheal 1 am managed all good nod mtiaa.1 moo meet M heartily used of. Bot I .we 11 to those, wbsby • mrymtty of five te we, Mime t...tbs saws, Neared to ms see of the sitestioes 1 mow hail; easiest • uadtdate, whose whitlows haw. ...ce piped him at the head of • Gnomes' Behs.i ; arid to these whom opiueuu 1 •aloe : not t. *Sew ib. shags of Web..d to go (aril to tb. world ,yaswssd. Tbis .btigee ase to bring smother prates ayes tlre stage. for eke perpose of patting a few enro- llees to him, the truth of whisk mho i. • geode- maaa, sad by his pre4Ww bells a high ...teat- ime is society ; 1 am menaced 11e will wt deny. 1st Qws.ti.a. Did you state to ms that Mr. Giles had expressed his regret foe publotwog my first kited led,,..eeden, 1 ought w W eatr.isd. 2d Quinines. Did roe net state to me that Mr. Gik•'.srttioe that 1 geoid get ns one to deliver my letter, was Wes f and do not yo. Wow it te be se 3rd Q.e.ttem. Did you not say to me, oboe l asked yes if yen were displeased with any state- ment of mine ea my lost letter 1 No -it is all tree? lit!~ gx,tioes are sot eoitradicted it will at ..CO be kaoline that my •atemeets were correct. I shall merely seek. • few ether remarks and thee cleee 1 trust fat ever, • correopoodenee, which I feel mum have bees beneficial. ether- wue Mae it will demonstrate the raaceur that will be wowed temente any Conservative wjo may chosen to eked the Educe of the Gamete or any of hie b pefel mediates. We have daily ,as*•aeee ef the truth so to.cha(ly described boy Baru., of the withering hatred of man to his fellow w.rm-that " Mr's ubwmaoity to tree makes couatlrr t1osaaads mourn.,' Bot lot that hies, or body of moo, remember that Mow woe by .arek.ting hatred. •t length emceed is ieveivisg • family .. rata ; that • day of retribution MU come, sad woes the entries ' are made is that Book the clasps of which will be dterwarde closed until our hual doom. That w recordi.g angel (however merciful), " will drop • tear" os such recuts-'• and blot them • pet forever." The chariot am .ext to investigate, spn.p from etch sources u dime above alluded to. via " That 1 made an unjott attack opo. • Gen.le- mu to whew kiodoeas 1 owe my daily bread." This es ea • par with the kindly elluauas made t.., Trustees," any wetness for both my .itoa- tioe, and many other equally charitable remarks ; which display a strong feeling of „ rererrtseartti.t floe rourtssy and kindness" admitted to have bees received on the part of Mr. Giles, from the person lee has yet the baref cedes to say he hu not tried to iojere. Durug sine years I have resided in this coun- try I haw owed my chile bread to my ow• ex- eitioas; oar am 1 •ware that any fortuitous cir- cumstances have altered my satiation is this respect-asd I defy any one to prove that I have ever reeds an endure attack on soy man, mach ler .5.4.06 one 1 have restos to suppose my (need. It displeased Mr. Giles is his wisdom whea- t ver epeaki.g of ase, II/confer certain honorary dutioeti.ss each u •• The Squire," " The re- presentative .f Her Majesty's Land Forces:" &ec., Ice., mow, really, though these appelialtons doeany with them a certain degree of ridicule, they ate more easily digested the mine epithets which are fregne.ty watched to the Editor of the Kron Gaulle. Tour obedient nervi- 1,• A. F. Mont; %N• Ewrree's North. -W. truss ear Co reopoo- deits will not deem os ane. arteoas, if hence- forth, we absolutely re(eso the use of our columns, no refute or eestradict anything which may .pear le the Huron Getette. emuvel as adhesive pitch plaster aught be pphed over the punctured orifice. The butte iuubaogs presented by Profas,Or !Sewell were very useful for uochuking owes. colts, calves, or other .tock, by die .drug the impedte, mod from the gullet, and were much preferable to the hempen aped often mod Instead of probes(' for het purpose. iLi' The Disukt Coati and Cool .f Quarter Messiest, were held twee ea Tuesday, Wedaoa- day. .d Tkoralay. There aero a kw civil ease. dreaded as west, by a good deal .f hard .wertag mania sada.. '1 -here was aloe we wa- ortensi, ease of petty larceny, 701 *holt the in- dividual was sesteaeed to two tno.tbe imposes - meat is tate Mattie' jot. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. 0 NOTICE. QICALF.D TENDERS will be received by • Meiir..'1'. Id. Daly, J. bparltag and J. McIntyre ur the Sutwcribcr, un the part of the Municipal emoted, for the District of Hiatus, until the 0th and 7th dere of Jule. at le o'clock wren, whoa the Tenders I will be opened at the following ;deers : Union Hotel, Soothed, aid German e 1' , t1t. Marys, fur the following works, via i - lo'. For opening the line of Road from the Lorra Road, between the Omer of Dem - pie and Downie to the South Boundary Dowse, and repairing part of Y•una Road from Stratlurd to the South Bouu4aiy of the Huron Tract, and CrosswayiDf a part of the Road between the Gore of Downie sad South F.a.thope. Tenders will be ap petted at the Union 4Mutel, Stratlurd, tea the 6th day of July test. 9d. For repalnng parts of the Mitchell Road from Mitchell to 81. Marys, through Fullerton and Bss.hard, and reducing • hill West of Thames Bridge in St. Marys, and reducing three bills on Lot 3, 14th con- cession Downie. Tenders will be opened at German's Tavern, lit. Marys, on the 7th divot July next. Plana, Specifications and form of 'render may be seen at the alio%e !e'Itug p.atcm rix days before lett,ng, or at the uflice of the subscriber, in Gur:encl., us sir before the said 6 and lib day. of July next. The works will be laid out in Sections : Tenders must spec::y ton n her to Sec- tion Tendered for, end must Le in due form. The time for 6uishtng the Wove work, will be stated in the Specifications. (Signed,) DAVID SMITH. District;Sersey,tor, H. D. DISTRICT SURVEYOR'S Owtot. Goderich, 23th June, 1888. ' 1114 of FwusT Mooing, Joy 7. ARRIVAL OF THF. CAMBRIA. 0E11,1 oars LATaa lento eCaoPl. The Casaba is arrived at New York !hie morning. She sailed on the 171h. Adairs are more quiet in Ireland. The suboenption for Mrs. Mitchell, wife of the exile, bee reached the sum of 51116. The repeal agitation 10 said to have come to a stand still. The "fraternization" of Young and 01d heliolaters, of the two Repeal As- sociations, is •sociations,is out yet perfected. In France, great excitement prevailed, and the frien& of the Republic were much alarmed, in consequence of the popular en- thusiasm manifested for Prince Louis Na- poleon Bonaparte, who has been choses. to the National Assembly by a Inge vole, ob- tained without any apparent effort. The French yet worship the name of Na- poleon, and the popular revolution that has just now' occurred in favour of this young member of the family, pointe, according to the Engh.h papers, to a return to a Line- man power, with haul to wield n. The Yraie Repual.que, rays that the rev- olution is only beginning. This is the pa- per of Barbee, Pierre Leroux, George Sand, Louie Blanc, kc. tan. At last accounts, Louis Napoleon re -1 mainod in London. There is nothing very important from oilier parts of the Continent. Prince Louis Napoleon hu written the President, resigning his seat indite Nation- al Assembly. The announcement esu received nob acclamations. l'aris is quiet. SILTRa.-1Ve have received a communi- cation, is which the advantages of work;og .orae silver miwse in the neighborhood of Kiog.toa aro urged. Our correspondent describes the silver ore as " beerier in large lumps from precipices and rocks," 'lin the forest bock' of the township of Portland. W• have lately been in the "diggings,' but could not discover the chunks ot Silver alluded to. if our correspondent will give us a taint of the whereabouts of the said lumps of Silver, ere shalt make another ez- plonng expedition in the quarter referred to. Until we .hall have been satisfied of the reality of the Silver mine., we think it would be premature to advocate working them. -Tie Argos. Lilarkc19. BRISTOL, June 13. English Wheat. from 44s a 48e per Im- perial quarter; Foreign White, 50. a 53s Per 45u lbs.; Furtgn red (nee quainter,/ 45s a 48s per ditto; Foreign red (ordinary quali- ties) 40s a 44s per ditto; Foreign hard, 35a a 43s per ditto. Averagee for the week, Wheat 44. 10d; Oats 21r; Barley 26e 3J. FLoca.-Eoglish seconds, 330 a 35. -per sack; American, kc. sweet, 253 a 274 per bbl. BIRgI?GRAY, June 15. During the present week, ■ .nod deal of ram has fallen. Hold•rs of 5Vheat are asking some advance. and am buyers will not comply, but little changed hands. Corn market dull : prices receding. - Wheat 7. 93 per 70 lbs. Commercial new unfavourable. Cotton dew:s.ed'. I•,,;r 1 Aland and Mobile 4.1: t)tlitans std. 1 Tall Woes or HOMAN Ura ARR RRLa- Ttvs.-The sailor springs from his warm couch to climb the icy topmast et midnght without a murmur ; while the rich mer- chant complains of the rattling cart which disturbs hte'veiling's repose. la time of peace, we hear the braking of a bone a melancholy event :" but in war, when we rood of the etanghter of oor seighboun and sbene.ds of the enemy, we clap our hands asd exclaim," Glorie ' Victory !" s : The Sherbronk Cotton Factory was sold at auction on Tuesday last for .C1546 4e 641 aboet the sum, we believe for which the Corporattos is iadeted to the City ]lank Agency in this town. Mr. Gilt, Commu- mentr of the B. A. f.. C. was the purcha- ser. The Charter, which was obtained but • few weeks since is alt that rematis to theBbarwlbleare, The Corporation Is still iodated about £160, to hqudat• which there are amour to unpaid instalments, to eosiderably same that that amount.-Sker- ireeks ilio lefts. Ana Teoc t.. t+oa CATTtt.-- Profesoor Soweto, presented to the Se- emly farther apaelmens of instrumento of practical utility in coags n( choking. or of the hove, in cattle, and (swooned the Coun- cil with odditroeal direetinn• connected with the use of each apparatus. Hs MMP pgOSMted, (i ter inspector of memiletrail the model of es ea, .n which moa marked M t swain where, is the rase of hove, the *roar ooght to be hamet.d through the Matt tide into the mama ow paunch, n amely, a fell Meds breadth ttelew the Iotas, and behind the loot rf►, on the left n ude et the weal. The latent! y peeress DEatH. By a private letter from 'Montreal we are in- formed of the Death of Dr. DUNLOP, of Gode- rich, and formerly Member for the County of Huron. M R. AND M RS. NAIRN'S SCHOOL. TI1F ENGLISH CLASSES will meet again upon Wednesday, the 10th of July. instant. On the same day tIr. NAIRN wit: open LATIN and FRENCH CLASS- ES for beginners. Godericb, July 7, 1848. NOTICE. THE nest sittings of the DIVISION COURT will be held at the gaol. God- ench, on Saturday the 5th day of August nest. A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1st Derision Court. DISSOLUTION OF P 1 R TNERSHIP. rJ1l1 : Business heretofore eenied es maim the 1 Fu1,11 w N111. LS & WOODLIFF, hubeea the day dieseleed by ututual comical. All partit.. indebted to the •Love rant, are hereby ,aquested to rill sod wile their .ccunsts ira,ae,Ii.t.ly with T. B. W(NIDI.IFF.•rd thew parties bet ug claims apinst the Ficin will please send their accuuota in for nl)untmwl. 1:114)31.48 MILES, T. B. WOODttFF. Gederieh,-J.ne 134h. 1818. - - • ---3-umMR TO THOSE IT MAY CONCERN. ' 'UR. OLIVER, having left the whole of 1 his unsettled secouats with the Clerk of the 1st Damon Court, Goderich, advises all parties indebted to him to see that gen- tleman bet•,re the 20th of next month. - Any Information required, will be poem at the office unly,.wbete a person will be al- ways in attendance. Goderich, June 29, 1848. IAN/ STORE. S'1' U .1'I'FOR D. BY WM. HINE. pm: sulwcnb -r be;;. leave to intimate 1 that he has opened • STORE at the east end of Stratford. with • general aseuurt- meet of DRY 60008, GROCERIES, trce And be hopes for a share of the patron- age of his neighbours mad the public, llu .ells cheap fur Coat or Produrr. WM. 11. HINE. Stratford, March 41, 1)1.18. 9 6m NOTICE. rg {lE Subscriber haitng relinquished the l business of Maine in favour of Mr. Henry Newman, begs to return thank. for the support be hu heretofore received, and can confidently recommend ban suet -ewer as worthy of public J011 LANCASTER. Goderich, 36th May, 1848.- 17tf ICOR SALE, 'IV the subscriber, that valuable property 13 situated In the township of G•.Jenctt, on Lot 19, 4111 cotter -e.t.a, within 5l miles of the town of li•,Jerich ; there is a good Saw Mill unit an d 80 scree of land, 20 acres cleared. It is a never failing stream well adap'ed for ane Machinery, such as Canting and Fulling 31acbunery, Distillery, and Grist Mill. N. B. -Will be sold cheap for cash, or part of the money 'may lie for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WSI. ALL!GDEM. Godench, Feb. 18, 1848, 3 TO LET, THAT Store at present occupied by Rose Robertson, Esq., with or without the dwelling (louse, std will be filed up to suit a AMMAt. From the commanding situation and the aaptd incrca.e of population of Godertchand vicinity, any person desirous of commencing business could not be more conveniently located. Apply to WILLIAM WALLACE. Goderich, Jose 9, 1848. 19 CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALCABLE RE.1L ESTATE F 0 R SALE -A RARE CHANCE 'FOR CAPITALISTS. TIIF aub.criber Mewing commenced busi- nests an Goderich--and with the view W earryi.g on, hill operations with more fseili ty and succ wow* want of caab-odere toe following valuable pr:rpertj f„r sale situated in the ffounehtng,towo of Chatham the Distract feat for Kent, for cask only, oa :- That advantageously situated property is Chatham North. containing FOUR wa- ter Lots -according to the town plot sir. v"y-with a good mail sub,tant,l twt; story 1)u-el!.ni; lfu i -n thereon. Kitchen, an ex-: EXTENSIVE SALE OF FARM STOCK UTENSILS. THERE will be sold by PUBLIC S.\I.E at the premises of JOHN MACH, No. 14, Lake Shore, Bawer/d Road. on Friday the 21st July, at eleven n'c!ick. A. M. . One Span of ilo►ser, Three Milch Cow", one two year old hall -bred Durham Hel- fer, one year old half -bred Ayrshire Bull, one half -bred Ayrshire Calf, twenty-four Sheep, one Wagon, ons horse sleigh, two Ploughs, one double act of lfarnnx, one riding Saddle and Bridle, one pair Harrow,., one ►)rag, one Roller, one Fanning Mill, one crops -cut Saw, nne double barrel Few- ' ling Piece, (marked Deans London,) and a `number of other Articles. Three months credit will be given no all sums above one pound and under two pounds ; for two pews& and upward., nine months credit on approved endorsed Dotes. J. K. (304)DING, .4sr4oweer. The Farm No. 14, Laker Shore, will be let 'nth or without the pretest crop*. to a suitable Twine For particulate apply to the Proprietor. Goderich, July 4, 1848. 43te SHAYSPEARE INN, TRA7'FO'R1). .:•Gent garden, simmer h,"Ise, &c-, ke., suitable fur a large family or a publm llotel, a Barn 40 feet by 24. and a large tuclo ed B.r ding well _adapt• d for distilling or for storage, being erected on a substan- tial wharf, mooring vessels of over 300 tons berthen. On the premises is also an invaluable Spring, the excellencies of its waters arc not surpassed in the District. -ALSO Two Building Lots in Chatham North B!.ick G , well vitnated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to.be erected. -Ai.S0- A large two @tory Frame !louse (rooting the Barracks, 40 fret by 26. nearly finished, with half an acre Lot belonging. -AI.S0- SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent ].and attested on the banks of the Ricer Thames, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling Ileum there- on, about 40 aeras cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. ; All. or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for cant down, or one-fourth down, and the remainder In three yearly instalments. 'I'itlo unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. k 0. 1)ulsen, Chatham, or to the pro- prietor at lioden.'h. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 IT W. GARRISON bets leave to iwfsem lie .1 • (roods seal the Meehan eemwreah, of Oswenl, that be has heeded and jest *rood ]lit well knows Hotel is 8tntlord, celled the BHARAPEARE INN.wh ick he ha•velur5,d sad repel*, in • ai•seer wet tmemesed la the Hare. Di•rriet. .1 W. (3. hope tet by ese- aad eyYnieo, after the adetls lad hese 'fit S110001111 t• hit tenets. to merit • ahem soh* waveless eemr es„ withdraws, might Tttmai4 m ib pNw e( p. . careful Moder uetrfien cess..til toe follewesg day. of wi0 •l•.ey.110 .attendant. gas twslis sd to M evolved ; and on no Scathe;, Jew flet11, 101- 427f NOTICE. FOREIGN PERIM:WCALK RE PUBLICATION OF Tedi LONDON WART I:KL1' REKI$rW lt111111RA IE\\, F'R • QUARTER REVIEW, N EST 'I INVITER 1116 1, I EW, ail BLACK 11lN►U'S IilaidetkAtatti Anglo f allE above Periodicals are res* h•t I un Oleo eta. (iS...rrv's Orrice, oderich, 244 Joao, 1848. '%"OT10E is hereby given, that i shall not 1I hold myself reepoeaible for any monies payable to, or recoverable by me, as Sheriff of the Huron Dutnct, unless the same are paid :o my- self pee.osally, or depended in my name in any of the Chartered Beaks or their agencies, and • receipt of stub depwtte, is within a rrasopab!e time delivered to me personally, or remitted to me per mail. .1. SIcDONALD, 24krrif H. D. Goderich, June 23. 1648. 21-3t N. B. -Patties purehasi.g Goods •and Chat- tel., r Lands and Tenemeoa at Sheriff's Sale, can adopt the above sore and direct mode of motto( payments, as well as parties having to liquidate debts of any other description. BRiTiSll IR)TEI., GOD1:R1C11. LATILT 4CCUP11D ST MR. t@.Al: RATTa'SUa1, New 1 •ok, Imine, tae y rival by the British Steamers, in a heaun- ful clear type, on flue *bite paper, and ere faithful coped of the origtuals-B/acktsuod0 Magazine being en exact lac-.twlleof the Edinburgh edition. The wile -spread faille If these splendid Periodicals render. it needless to say much in thetr pra,ee. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of •0y works of • W- ieder "tamp now publieb.d, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance Nut uftea found to works of a party character. They embrace the views of tete three great parties in England -Whig, Tory, and Radical -Nadir -eel and the Loudon Quarterly sae Tory ; the tdi.1■F► Re- rietr, Whig ; and the Westuti.uter, Radical. The Ibreig. Quarterly is purely literary, being devoted prtucipelly to criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are less than one-third of those of the foreign copied, and while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American over the English reader. STRATF ORD HOTEL. TSAAC MAY, informs his friewda and the .1 pn' !ir, that he has token the BRICK TAY ERN, lately in the occupation of Sir. Brow*, at the Eget end of Stratford, where oothjug shall be wanting on his part to ,pro- mote the comfort and convenience ot hu guests. I. 'I. flatters himself that his selection of Nine and Liquors is equal to any in the reentry, and his Stabling department is of the most enmp'.ete descnptien. Stratford, 28th April, 1818. - Ti1E Snh.enhers having Leased tho above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friends and the puhlic in general, that they have opened for the reception and accommodation of Boarders and Traveller', where they will be happy to receive those who may honour them with their patronage. it will always be their study to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the best producttmas of the season, and to keep their Bar supplied verth Wines and Lequont of the beet de. •eruption, Po as to merit the approval of their ewetomere. J. K. (;O0DING. JOHN LANCASTER. Gndertcb, San, 25. 1818. 1tf N. R. -Excellent Stabung will be afford- ed, and an active and attentive Groom will be always as attendance. ri HENRY NEWMAN.lt 1)l•:AD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER. LIP respectful!), eersrete the patronage of the inhabitants of Goderich and Its vicinity. ami triode. by tenet .lteetiot., to merit • share of their fat 0111.0. N. a._11ard l4t.cml and all keels of Crackers on hand. fake. wade to .rdsr. Goderich, law. 10, 1515. llf STocII,• BRICKS. STOCK BRICKS of a very superior quality made by Adam's Patent Machine ready for delivery st the Brick Yard of Messrs. JOHN HALDEN, Jr. k CO., on the following terms at the Kiln : Order for 50.000. and upward., paid Ia Cash on delivery. • • • • at $3.50 per 1000 Do. under 50,000, do. do. 414,00 " " ha Trade or for approved endorsed Notes at 6 mons hs .from the date of the order *?t•50 tt ti A samp:e may be seen at the "heron Signal " office. -N. B. Another Kiln will be burnt in three weeks tine, when yeses wiil also be for deliterHouPe F!oor,n;; TILE. God/ne/:Ouse 12th4 1548• 20-tf -S:ADDIE; HARNESS, TRUNK. CAREiT-DAO, AND VALISE' MANUFACTORY. 1311 TERMS. PATMR"T To OK RADII 15 ADVA,Ctt. For any oneof the four Reviews, $3,00 per an. Fon any two do do 5,00 " For any three do do 7400 " For all four of the Reviews.... 5.00 " For Blackwood's Magavtte.... 3,00 •• For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,90 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be pent to one address on pay- ment of the regular sub•cnptaon for three - the fourth copy being gratis. Q Remittances and cnnfmur,trattons must be made in all casesywilheut expense to the poblialtero. The loftier may always be done t'traugb a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking his receipt, andforwardingit by mall, post- paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers. N. B. -The po.t•geon these Periodicals is reduced by the late Pest Office Law to about one-third the former rates, making a very important saving in the expense to marl subset Mere. (LIn all the principal cities and towns throughoot the United States to which there is a direct Railroad or Water com- 4nunicauon troth) the City of New York. these periodicals will be delivered free of postage. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., I'w&lrkers,.112, Folios -at., V. Q7' Subscribers in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest Amencan.Post (Meet' (soderieh, Jan. 98, 1848. STRACHAN & LIZARS, BLAXSHARU (BRANCH) AORICCLTURAL 86)ctETY• 4tk11113u8 rut 1440., MAIM MONO ANYI'A►. EXHIBITION I of CATTI-E. FARM PRODICb:, Uu- MIESTIC IIIANIJPACTI.:R1:14. Ae eat w WI et AT. MARY'S. an W. -Joe -W., the lith of.110401, when doe h.Yowteg PRk- MIUH1 be awardeal : - HORSE8. : t 1. Fos the 'Foal, 1 1.1 s Mt hewed ..•.4.2........ u 1.641 Fur the Wei 4 year u1d Orilg,• n f1 e 2d be+s,01.00 For the brat J yew. Mt ►'illy.... 5 e For /he ben 2'you aW lisle e, ►'illy,0 1 Jud beet, 0 141 p Von the hest 1 year old Colt as PiB7. , s 15- 2nd bra,, 0 W 0 CATTLE Fur Me twat Bull, 3 year old, •..deed• Till Sod Lr.l, • 10' 0 For thebeat2year old do 0 15 0 2d Leat. M' 0 For the beet yearling do. deed0 10 0 2.1 beat0 Jen Foe the beat Mitch Cow, with Calf by II,/ side, deed 100 0 2d best 0 10 0 Fur the bee Mikb Cow baviag had a Calf io 1d48, . .. • 15 0 2d bur, 0 IU 0 For the best 2 year old Hake.. . 0 10 t► 2d best, .... 0°000 7 8 For the best yerfug lisifery ... 0 10 11 Jf trent.. i.......«. 0 7 0 For the treat Fat Oz, deed 0 10 11 For the best Fat Cow ..... • IO 0 Foe the best Yoke of Working Osn,.. 1 00 0 2d best, 0 15 0 3,1 be•,, . 0 l0 0 For the btu Yoke years 3 y..old Steers, 0 15 0 9d poteat, 0 3d ot 0 510 06 For tit. beeYoke .f ityear old Steen0 10 0 Jd hest, • 5 0 OHEEP AND HOGS. For ;he best Ram 2 years old and epw'd., 0 15 0 41 ........ 0 10 0 Fer the et 1 year old, 0 40 O 2d bete, 0 5 0 For the 7be i Twp Lamb 0 10 0 Le 2d best. • •. 0 5 0 For the best. powpaof Ewes endLamb•,0 15 0 2d treat...r«.... , ........ 0 5 V For the best single Ewe with Lamb by her nide, 0 1003 0 R 2d bear, .......... 0 S 0' For the beat pee[3J1 Wooers.... Ewe•, 0 10 0 2J last, ....r ..... 0 0 IS 5 O'0' For rhe baa Ba, 4d beim ........... ........... • 10 0' For the best Sow, bevies had Pip i 18j5 0 li 0' AGRICI LTU RAL PROI)UCF For the best 2 Beebeh Fall Wheat0 10411' 2d beet, 0 5 •' For the beat 2 Bushels Seriog Wheat, 0 10 • 2d best, ................ 0 5 V For the best 2 Bushels of Barley, 0 10 0 Ydhest, ..... ........... 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels of Oats, 0 6 3d best, 0 5 0 For the best 3 Bushels of Peas 0 10 0 2d boa, 0 5 0 • l)tIRY PRODUCE. For the beat 16 lbs. of Roll Butter, 0 7 6 `3l best,..... 0 'S 0 For the best leg of Bolter 65 Ib0 5 O 24 hest ........:.... ... 0 7 r• 3d best...... U 5 U For :he best Cheese, from 11 to JO lbs. 0 10 0 ,. • J.l best, ........... deed .. U 7 6 3d best, .. U U For the best Maple Sugar -90 Ikao ea • d Cake . ............ .e-.•.e.e.d... 044 10 06 1 brei B\RRISTERS mad Attendee at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Baskrept- cy, Notary Public and Coeeeyancers,Gode- nrb sad Stratford, Heron District, C. W.. Igo STtt*cu*n, G.d.,1c41. DAVrst. Ilona Lewy `S etratford.. Rodetieb, April20i MIS. 6m1 iI.'HORTON, commenced to intimate to the puhlic that ho has enced the above line of Bonnets in the Shop on the East side of the Alarket-Square,- lately occupied by J. •Rutledge & Co ,-and hopes by strict stte.liba to merit a liberal share til the public patronage. Le All Arucfes in the Trade will be weld at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. WHEAT, TIMOTHY REED, sedan kinds of Marketable Prndoce will be IA. ken to exchange. O..i'A liberal diseeeet will be made for Capt. FOR SALE, an excellent Spaa of Hen - ass, sad • riotma rats Twe Hon Buser.- - Julie 14t1.1848. II. R. (:U DERICII, C. W. fr11E Bebecribers have recently received 1 from Reticle the followiag articles, which they offer fes Nle, 'WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at low rale* :- Chests Megrims varis quality Tees, Bozos de do Tebicco, K• -go Of Shingle irk, An sssiortaxnt of Coo an per's, rad other deserip- tof Anaemia. Manuenred Tees, Douse Shoe, ad snwll ..sed l'eae.ylvaa Reiser'Tson, •ad Aelencaa Bed Ire., d Large ore 8ise They aloe sl4artlr on exportation of addi- tion to their Sawa of DRY GOODS, HARD. WART &c., oke,, by the *nivel ■t Mwtresl .4 the Ether kers Liverpool. M. B. SEYMOUR, A CO. Gaderieb, lens S7, 1840. 91--41 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 'N'OTICE. PPL1CATION wiil be made to lbs sett Sesrios of the Provincial Legislature, for leave to bring Ina Bill to constitute and form the following 'Fowosbtps and Gore, and Block of Land, viz.:.-Nurtb Eaithope, South E;tethnpe, Downie and Gore, -Ellice, Blanshard, Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert, - Wellesley, Moroineton sod 3laryborougb, and Western half of Wilmot, and the Block of Land behind Logan into a new Dis- trict. ALEX. MITCHELL, Secy of Committee. Statford. [Huron], 1st of April, 1848. 4 10018 FARM FOR SALE. e TILE Subscriber otters -for sale Lot No;' one in the seventh Concession of the Township of Colborne, West Division. There is on the premiere a small Log Barn, with 15 acres under good cultivation, and well fenced. The Land is of excellent gnaliuy, and within 6 miles of the Town of liodench, containing 100 acres. TERMS of Sale will be made known by applying to William Robertson, Eaq., Can- ada Company's Office, Godench, or to the subscriber. DAViD. SMITH. Goderich, March 1st. I84)1. fief TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' F URNIOIIING WARE HOUSE. ►1r11E remarkably fine tb.rongit bred Dnr- 1 Mm Bull, belongs. to the iluron ihs- trrl Agricultural Society, N sow "tending at Thoma. Harris'. Arta, 1layfbrld Road - three miles from GodNrliu h. \is far- mer* us be accommodated for the Season at tee shsNrage sad sixpence cosh or pro- ' deer, foe ere* (..ow. ';oderte41, 23 June, 184, :0.tw i /.IIP. Snhpen serihers bare roomed a New 1 Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders weal, any eal, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, ink, Paper, Chases. Galleys. Brass Stiles, Steel. Cotentin Rules, Composing Sticks, Cue., and every article necewary for a Printing Office. The Type, whtcb are ca.t in new mn,ilds, from an entirely new tett of Matrtzep, with deep mann-re, and warranted to be unsurpsercd by any. will be mild at privet to Putt the divest. A11 tbo type furnished by us is •' hand eat t." Printing Presses fnrni.hed, and also. Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Cnmpoeition Reber" east for printers. ( 'Felrtora of New,.papr'ru who wtl: buy three trine* Re much type a. their heel• amount in, may give the a-bove sex mouth@' w t.rtioa in their !Pipers., and .end their papers coauinia.gg it In the Subscr:bre. COCKCROFT kt►VEKEND No 78, .lnn .Nlrrel New York. December 7th 1847. ala DR. iIANy.LTON, 8 U 8 G' 0 .Y, was ITSIBT, GOD ER 1 C H. Fab.. 1848.• JO -RN 1. R. 1.I'NTON, R•Taar ►•sate, afrinsilfllirfwr Qn•en'• AND CoAVETAbCVR, 3d hest,........• deed..• W31}.STIC NIA 1UP.1CTUREt1. For dee beat 10 yards Fulled Cloth 0 In 0 - 'Id '• d best 0 5 0' For tit. bot 10 yards Flannel and Woo`0 10 0 2d best, 0 50 RCLES OF Till: F. Ii1B1T10N. 1st The Slater:ak of the 11.m..iie Man.- (aetered Cloth and Flannel to be peodeced from the Farm of the Competitor. 2nd. All serbeenbers Warne paid their sub- scription, and only such, o be entitled to come bele for any Premum. 3n(. Bulls must have a Ring a Screw u• their now, with a rope or theta attached MLeeeta., to pretest accident.. 41h. All Stock exhibited shall have bees the' bone fide property of the F.xhihitor • rneeth be - (ore the Show. and all other articles slow. must have been produced on the FROM of the Exhibitor. Any penton violation, or attempting to •ielwN three Mules, Wali be rendered ewcelwble of coal -- pew.); oo oal-- pew.)o0 any Suture oee.uon. WILLIAM BA [IRON Sec'} St. Mary, 8th Jape, 1848. 0' PA Y ATTENTION!! D pay your debts, u the sub,eriber Caw rewired that all Notes and Book secouno due to hum a.d remaiwing unsettles!, will, peen lively, on the 15th of July next, hos handed neer to an Attorney for eolleetieu. It is certainly with smile relsctabee that he hu adopted m revelation, as be ha. no desire to taem alldttinaal espesse to those what're soil sera[ hum -bet n is • saying, that eerrs,ory is a mereika memo. and in the present ioatauce, his relectuce mess yield to .etesity. ROBERT MODERWELL. Gdeeiek, l.ilh Jen', *840. 2041 TAILORING :ST.\BLIOHME ?. t4PRI:YO +RUMMER f.(SHK1R8,jr 4348. AFI'i.1. variety of the newest and most improved SPRING AND 80Menta Fasn• loss for 1848, have been received by the sub.eribsr, who will promptly attend to Sha order. of all who may favour him with thew patronage. A. NA 1SMLTJI. Goderich 12th April, 1848. ly ALBION HOUSE, LAMES' Street, one door west d the Commercial Bank, Hantiltnasby J emery, 1648. - 1. ?*MONDR. _-. J. STEWART,.. ATTORNEY ANB\RRiOTFR at I.aw, Solicitor In Chancery. Convey - aneer, un ey- carer, ked, UIMce Wept Street. Gotli•rich, March let, 1818. by _' GILBERT poitTE, L\UIF.S AND GENTLEMEN'S faith. 'onside Boot and Shoe Maker, Ratko. &rrare, Goderich. Xarch, let, 1848. Mee TOBACCO. AlkX stock which will be ..M Aft ssp M cash. T. GI LMOUR * GOt ijstlerfe0, Feb. l H 1848. 1► 1. Lew' s, LAW. rf.iYt [Rile AIf nilt'Bi'Aht'iNG. NTJIATFORP. 1 har.1b4* (IOp1:RlCH. any al std tk of ul l sk hpp • it cove