HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-07, Page 2IT
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Vie Wellipinellein
We have before as the report of the
first day's proceedings of the trial 1
Joke ,NdcAd • Lard John Russell rays the
jury was sot paled. here are the tact. of
Ileo cure The total number of qualified
Dahlia Jurors is 4570 ; of whom 1,635 are
Protestants of 'awes clamor, and 2,11ab
Catholics. The paunel, to Mtichd'., ant
mounted to 1:r0. TMs panel, if fairly
draws, shoeld have contested of 97 Catho
1 c., uJ bS Proteetaets, \Vha t was the
fact ! It consisted of S8 Catholics, and
iii Protestants, only 3 were of the Presby-
terian clans- (John Mitchel is an lush
Presbyteries : comment is supereuouar)
Of the foe Catholics on the panel, every
man whose same esu Called, war challeug
eJ by lbs Attorney -General By the set-
deoce of the Sheriff, and uoe Mr. Hamilton
who awuid him lone labour of love, it r•
dearly sewn, indeed it is not attemped t..
tridauied that the name. of the Jurors were
picked out. Mr. Hamilton says, in his
exauuoatiu0," both he and the Sheriff-selec-
ted the names 't thinks he took morn of the
trou ble than tee Sheriff ' !low eery obli-
ging in kind Yr. Hamilton ! W• hope
Lord Jobs will not overlook his claims
upon the administration. Mr. Hamilton is
coatieuatioe says "we took them (rum,tbe
. silos we formed of their respectability."
What • beggarly set of buttonleas fellows
'oust tbe Presbyterians of Dublin be, .that
Mr. Hamilton and the Sheriff could find
only three out d the entire number "res-
pectable !" Trely, Mr. Hamilton, you
must be • pry respectable men yourself ;
remarkably well quahfiedi{for the respecta-
ble busi.ess of packing a Jury. it was not
bad policy to keep tarp blarkmou'h Presby•
terians off dee panel. Mr. Attorney Geste•
ral t.igbt have watched Northern Tartars
had he found himself ubliged to challenge
many of thet sort of men. As to the Cath-
olics, he probably considered them all like
himself, slaves and ragamuffins, whom no
insult could provoke. Slaves, and coward.,
and meaner than crouching epantels, too
are they, if they raise neither voice nor arm.
against this degrading insult. Oa ! people
of Ireland, you are low indeed=grovelling,
deb..ed,worthy of the world's scorn, and
the world's indignation, if the members 01
the Roman Catholic communion tamely
submit to thus outrage upon conscience,
and constitutional pnvilege.May the world
ape upon you—trample on you—and refuse
to you`tb. very name of men, ifyov forget
this act of despotism.—Toroah ,Mirror.
been employed by Prof. Sowell Ire to lewd
thirty year.. The teethes' wile promoted
that coocuseion from tablas plat:. OVUM
the penalties part of the hal, whish rewtlt.d
is 1'fian.mateWe; and.'by oaclerbeg ell
(sous eu8.taaces from t►o host. ibasa re-
yueut accident. were ay odd whack areal
trout the fall. tersulueg from the beetes tg
vied pnnetiew.s oeessttea.d by each hard sad
sharp euhatatic.e to the eater*/ ►way vele
'Nu plate meowed a 11111. peacaies to ferry
it out succesdally, pad it .n not wish as
injudicious regard to eeoaemy to be abee-
d fined, when alter its adaptwa for sone
tune it might seenefrum the appar.ot suuad
nes. aril eatery of the feel, that the bootee
no longer required It. Col. °tallowy( oh
served, that the principal of aatlseeral sail
int;, to which the atiealton of the Caseosel
was then called, and bed procti.ed ti es
47.,l. Clialluner'• horses for the awwedpor-
p...e of promoting vibe expa.oroo 1 the
hoof; but Colonel Challoner ha.l assts that
tins been 1d to adopt the pine 4 ink -
,hoe ii fur shell -fouled horses, namely,
that of ineertmg. instead of bather, se pow
kited by Professor Sewell, .otb.ng men
than thick felt, or thick go.-wsddeg, bet,
tween the shoe and hoof et the bores. He
had footed lbs plan productive of the mast
beneficial results. Mr. rarkn had slow
employed Mr. James Turner sty ysin
ago to hu horses on the uaslaleral prasple.
The Clergy Reserve question is receiv-
ing cuaiderable attention. at present, by the
religious bodies, opposed to the existing
law o• the subject.
The Annual Conference of the Wesleyan
Metbodat New Connexion, at its 'session
recently keld in Flamboro East, discussed
tae question and resolved to give so coup•
tenants to the receiving of any portion, of
the Clergy Reserve Funds, by their own
Church or any other.
At the meeting of the United Presbyte-
rian Sy.nd-at Ilamilton a few weeks since ;
the subject was taken up, and the body
expressed their decided disapprobation of
the Surplus Funds being given to any de-
nomination. Several public meetings have
been held by members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Canada, for the pur
pose of considering the subject ; at every
one of which resolutions were adopted
cendemnatory of the, reception of rho pro-
ceeds of the Clergy Rererves by any body
of chi -titian.] In the Province. And other
Denominations are agitating the subject.—
There is a determination on the part of all
the Churches in ('.aide, oppo-ed to the
present r,tnte cal this r)ni'=u in and in favor
of the proceeds of these Reservice being
applied to the general improvement of the
copetry, to have the matter brought before
the Legislature, at its ensuing seesion.—
Petitiuos to that effect are now in course
of circulation. These will receive tens of
thousands of signatures, for the great majo-
rity of the people of Canada are opposed to
the way that the question was attempted
to be settled, by the Government.
If this matter can be adjusted so as to
mete out equal justice to all the people of
the Province, it is very desirable. (hese
tootle, or the proceeds thereof, areas much
the property of one denomination as of an -
sober, and they are jest as much the proper-
ty of the people of the Province belonging
to no sect, as they are of any sect, or of all
the religious persuasion in the country ; sg
long then as the Clergy Reserve Fonds are
used in the way that the present law pro-
vides, will injustice be done to a large pro.
portion of the people. But let these funds
be appropriated to promote education gene-
rally, and otherwise to improve the country ;
and justice will be dune, while this bone of
contention and source, of bribery and cor-
ruption will be removed. The thing can
be done. Let the people therefore demand
it—let all who adhere to the voluntary eye
tem unite in the eff rt, and so sure as they
have reason justice, and truth, on their side
they must succeed.— rireasile Courier:
Horsens Hoases.—Mr. George Turner,
of Marton, near Exeter, having presented at
toe former meeting of the Council, a set of
Mr. Mile's model hoofs, illwtrating the
mode of *hoeing horses advocated in that
gentleman's work on the foot of the horse,
• copy d which Mr Turner also presented
at the sate time, an interesting discussion
engined on this subject, in which Mr. T.
Terser, Proiwsor Sewell, Colonel Challo-
Der. pad Mr. Parkins took part. Mr. Tur-
a*, slated that the system of shoeing advo•
eater) by Mr. Moles, was known in the pro-
f..00e es the "unilateral " (or side -nailing)
Ind.► is wbteh the shoe was nailed to the
hoof with the tout decided effects 11 pre -
u nikeig the naeteular disease to which the
kavas'• hoof was so frequently tubae ; a aye=
1a. 1.a44 , which in common pieties he
..i `s I be aSewed to wee tem founded upon
the impsrta.t preempts discovered by his
brother, Mr. J•stee Teaser, V. 8 , of R.•
Seetetrste, sod publlehed by him meq
este in beework on the Foot of 11,.
Rorse. 1 wbieb al the next meeting of the
(,.o.etl a eopv should be prevented for the
otiegtaace of the Society. Prof. Jowell
aseasybed that he had found old here's shod
with a laysr of loather, forming ,n artificial
mote, between the shoe and the hoot, recover
heat the sever* *Section* an.ng from in
)cry to shit hoer; such, for ietance, n ens- We will then be an old mw, and we trust we
tewetioea, brit,leease, end cracks. or die- will be We to ten them, that the tut Ceodao
nen •es 1 IM foot itself, ouch s thrush- wools was Might tweet, Teen ago, sanely is
es, rankers, and cores, •rad perfectly g the our iDD48, at •plot• called Corr.. reek, es
else► uogf y *..f th ty pad res .for: hd the Stafford rod. Asd slut m the mill battle
oras strongly ndhi it that all browse. h (ter road we. merely a ed.a ex rimeet es tee Mili-
r.r (treat work ahwn{d be shod in that idvn- I pe" M
eu, Juifa) the whole peered of their beteg' ase law, the people bed wisely resolved to bora
required for use. The plan in question bad , our we seen
That LONOON ROAD. lion 1 the people. anal e. are werrasled r der
sr lir e°O•n "6""" ss M 4""s ant that they are radical to teon. That
LanhlnRigidesu♦ a wherever they are iadepeedeai aerie. ade-
~ sed N f1- tact, and at liberty to saucer ural, ss&rade
Nei Ria WI if set 1.11111161.1111116..sa. Wu west by orw dorI accd: udordictates of thew owe eeaes.eser
Oka. m ailed the silky el sad we
masa y r
ha Ariddat teal three h.ars►{1 t dhspewd wow
part • hbewi pad jus/ 11 Ile, Ib.rufa.o,
Seim awl eieli* agsrgi+saisi 1 Ike 4 my to all and sundry who wish gen hon --
"4 II" iemsiad din IRs. Hod lees Godap pk
nttg{Yl aro deterred trueemiag to HOMO ►y tM wr-
esad-nal-N..Ifp-bas wry of Toryism. That
cry is confined to some slums or eight/we indi-
vidual. t. Godarich, mon than ..-batt eiettisea
have long inset lest their ;arae este with their
moue. They we went hh•.y w espressos
live on the public, as a remaoerariw let thew
services in assisting to hoax the public. Bet
their eteopa tois gone. la parries
ter, we
would assure oar treadsua taw eastern Morisse
posers'of Upper Canada, who posers'ow/both capital o
coatumesease, sad would mach rather bee is
hardships than ander the doodiui° 1 Taoism ;
that they seed not cherish an
y political Mee;
lance in worms( las Huron. The people here
septet as far idea need m that sebj•ct r slant
any other Daniel i. the Prostate. I• prof .t
this we hare only to slate 1M Taet, tbat Mr.
Gomm, the first Reformer who ever stood foro
the county, although a ,.-reselest ad we
a es-
perinve stranger, did, in defiance of •11 the legal, sselpw.siso will be Ile gond or enJ r.silrieg
and nearly all the clerical, official, adou
would-be Goo ..ch Gwernmeot. The des -
so 1100.4d wee Isis aapupd be • lisle i
dselefri. mid del aka .141 Inn away pave! ale
st•asaely .mond to colti•auoo : hat the ked,
thaalg► abuser is pared with other ponies* 1
the Gini iet, is for tees seem part, cleared oar both
Wee me the mod, stall des stet e.mfsrtabl. im-
post 1 malty Of the eW sages, .d the i•veeuobl.
c.odiiiee 1 the er.p., tett you that the people
am pre.pml.p, sed that the ked is far from bed.
Tees siswt.e ete14.d les the village of B.yield
is really beautiful. I1 u es a. *layettes above
the hike sod tee. rim. eery mesh resse bliag the
sate 1 Gederich, and we think equally pk.wat.
4.4 had it beee the property 1 .M of them
newts et her said earerpnss which have reared
rb►e.11ag.s throughout tee Caaediaa wilderness,
we Seat .m last the Meaty of the intuition
other, wend have rolled forth a hamlet of some
sem saes ►.fore the time. As it i., however,
*evillest Liget locate* into exute.ee, and the
few suragglug houses, that spruce from the first
is.polse, are already weari.g a deserted and de-
lyfdated appeenace, as J the withering finer
o(dewy lad ruthlessly writtes rain on the very
ides el • Bayfield village. We have bees' i.-
felsrd that the peenerty is sow for site, an it
may be hoped that it will bs p.rvhased by 110111e
living priee.pte 1 modes—sem. spark of life,
whom Comedian patriotism and progressive es-
ergerswilt embellish the sita.tioc, by adding the
prodectioas 1 Art to the beauties 1 Nature, is
Owen I.. p renar e • eaperlee power seer pkytd-
eel seism is lir seeao.lodw 1 we•Ilk, sed
dr asap iesraew.r mangy Iseheetes • s.p.d-
adty of tad melee r kit s 1141 jest eaereie..
would Ma bee► the many ma pad W wealth.
these Me amp Map 1 egealiiy r tme000el pawn
ale mem we .Neemmed by
say Iles i the Wee et tale power m role beiag
sweaty psw—d by i seep r aim amid- —
Iliad is the & eersy stilton K ad whether wn
behove w es said' is ibe W w is the bad, it
es sarvneally admitted 10 be the power wish te
legitimately entrain/ 10 rule. Ad wherever it
bas sitkw► seeaesmbomi by the O'eomv phrasal
gw.lst.. 1 oar oaten, it bee ruled well ; it/
(lanereasesi hes bees t. harm.n, with the eider
stud pee.sorss of nature. it les always
..seed, awed will always cesiis•e a gnats
the world. Then is ea danger 111 mea aaimali-
1y ever cembealag to caeretr • dsip.li.m ever
meakid. All the wealth ad all the pbyieal
force which it c.&4 ever scrape together would
ultimately awl before LIN diatom ity 1 Mid.—
Al the einnieg Governorate of ih• world are
saved by std, het they are all more or leis
weelgawat d with orasele.s swatter ; the power
rdhidtd between the living, 'bislang 'mint cad
ilio material world, and jest is proporrlNs to the
aristocratic influence of the whole IYiatriet, seen'
within less than seeeery votes of mete( die
leading Member of Her Majesty's late Tory Ad-
ministration. Tbii Slagle fact le worth • ih.e-
sand volumes of empty blastertag, or • willies
blasts blown on the twee bowies tabled.. There-
fore, we invite all our Bathers f ieo,1. who Me.
• w ivh to change their situation, to come up here
in stores, yea, in hundreds if they please, ad
we stili take them down the Londoo Road •d
phew of Russia u weseese4 of • small parties
1 i.i.lket, and a large share e( an;mahty and
ear holy be .sm.iaieed by brute force which the
smelt moiety of mid can eeseeotrate or draw to -
goiter. The G.itramcat of Gnat Britain is a
large ponies et naiad and a much larger portion
lsosaewaie matter, ad reclaims the prutrc los
1a large sanding army. The Go,rrnowat 1
the Vatted States embodies the whale mind 1
the nation, and though it also embraces a large
the shape el a badwme ♦silage) through among the eaters scotehmro oilucker- share acres. " gook ed ebatdee"—yet es it
We are glad to anderetand that a eery .aces- The eomtry for thaw miles that 1 Bayfield i6
sive effort will be made bythe G..e,- m.et a smith and MclG;lop, and ol.w them pkhty 11enet di all the mid at hu tittle to fear from u -
well y .. d, hal prase on the appe•raou 1 ureal diacntent. And deraagemeot can only
secure the settlement of the Crow■ I.ads. 1 gaud 1■od, and gleety of gad irrens, ad
Isrpl.iy ad • thriving proeprritr. Bat i [ are pkuay o1 good Radices. The lad in p'rh.p.I take place by attemp"sg to gore the sod • pre -
which will exteud eves to our owe District.— lammed a invite strangers to • view of the
The condition of the township 1 Wawoeooh 10 bea.ty 1 the Hero* Dearict, we would send
at this moment • disgrace to am Goveesmest .thea Nowa tee. Loedos Road, sod whatever may
selling lad, and receiving malt for it. The t b. ,h..sper,enee of others, we most ay that
people tare neither roads nor brides, ad is tiertb longest straight, keel, feminist d tees
seem as if they Sere doomed to receive se privi-
lege from civil Government except the ponder
fpaying their full share of the tales. We have
been informed that the lett Guyara'eot 44 pay
considerable attention to them is jareisbiag
sold new at twice itsorig,nal yam-, but stili it pOer
°dwee one lb. spins, w
Meare pulitt
is not dear. And we expect very shortly to have pal poste, wnh • surveyor's ehaiu ri
—cure a me
the pleasure of bringing the Geveromeut Laude a.ihor.ty'e prsporooa to his teres; thea mind
of the D..triet, before the attention 1 the pabhe, will be ,sashed and the Gorerement could only
tet M e C (seg r l roe on tach reasonable terns as will comae the ire- be m°u ,iai. d by dollars and daggers. But strip
mw inaFrom the lower aid of the mediate and successful settlement 1 •a large par- the slag power 1 it. eh'..-owaeeremest ia-
Dgreasbure asre se rtAerwot. M the towoaLipa of thence—take troch it the geometrical
ibe suit Ste hen which was the extent of icon u(lluron. g Magnum,
p (hod we feel confident that the eatable/ meet I Sad rhe' you toy sed yowl talk armies ad
UlhFjsee..r). to where it cease, the Bayfield of free trade, in grain, between Canada and tee' navies a make themselves useful is weeding
United States, which will take place imitaedaate- I thistles, Si cultivating the soil for their own sub-
ly, will render Huron one 1 the Most prospero's j saatence. Mid will then have the exclasi,e
districts in the Province. And half a doze' 1 , government 1 the work( rod it will govern it
smart active Mercantile nit' who could weed to I cpm the psi.ciples 1 Its owe divinity, against
nee tlsereet ag to new. They • rem oh." ►•eaa'ature dare 001 rebel. The Pm -
thy, we mistake not, the C'ooacil, at its February thy a.d cheerio!. as/ bappv, well pleased with their own business ether .ban to. the hesep
Session, voted twenty pounds for • road to, or of the bar -room ; and who would encourage the Ceviton sflutoies cad awoke a not required by the
themselves and with everyb_dy else. And we do
through Wawonosh; end by some fatalityet farmers wilt a ready market, and east' payment loverument 1 mind. This is matter protecting
tki.k, suer all our rambling, that if the Canada
macer in its ase usurpation. 'These • all -
fatuity the vote was not recorded a the musses, C.r,patay world piously take it into their heads
for their produce, would make Gederich a town 1bP" rP° pD
and we think the twenty,, pounds el I est he ' in • very short period. We think the Canada mg mid monstrous means of protection, are poi -
to make as • pre•ent of fifty sores 1 land, (for
forthcoming. Perhaps the people of Wawo'esh
i sy will weer be ab:e to purchase rt) rittu:ed
were torn to tai wale the wrong !sot ! int as somewhere between \!r. Gor!oa'e and Squire
we have talked and written as mach about the , Meewy, in the township or Hay, we would
!Aero with deeds r to W awl. election ; bat fie, • distance 1 frca twenty to thirty miles,
prior is w (night pad •snort keel, and we could
with that exception they appear to have bee' a4 or insigne •Goer or a bean nettled cowl -
together forgotten. Even our owe Monet
I 17 r
try. Everybody arenas to Le firing, and to
Council bas apparently put them underlies - far h l Th all heel
1CT We hale rewired tie Nsls somber 4 rase
Vtetarie M...arne, aid Gel bsepp r peessiviy
that its literary akeweletr still •1ee•iasd with
the some lakeet ed sway wheels di-h,geashm
Ise oarlidaamhsse. Ms. blisedW. Leann sa
Atom em beak iaswMkw isd iatostlsisg.
Thy ase est al's hi.smti.l. w im.,apbfW m.
sari, heirs esesssad ia • Randy quit mai i.-
tereperen spin annals pommel elnw.lise ted
We nn.s doll w Iinenry spew 1 ani
u lot s.Aiekady developed w give that es-
*meagerw.t N Ma Penedigak as ohs Vivaria
Magnauae, which would afford • fur Hseemsa-
dm to the writers. Eat it la conelstory e
ea..., that then u se clue 1 srskied atms
gratified is making snersIeos tae the peeks geed,
alai the author Chea They omen m eel hem
• disuse' ewv.ctw that Where amok u gems
w ool will is renewed.
The Ivry Anestaa& saksongr Antwaq
Cresta, white for some time paw has Mae an
ornament to ser harbour. mild s. Wednesday
morning with wke.t for Detroit N. is igloos
the largest vessel that boa visir.d Oederi41, sod
auwittatadi.g her geseles Repablimei.. we
counter her appearance as . " pretty co..idew-
ble" credit to any harborer ad /movie' the ds -
play of vee " Stripes pad Blare," we thick her
missies a Gedeneb ba. 4.ae .. iajary a the
District. To bring es • load of meant is aa -
change for a load of wheel is • species 1 T..-
keeism which pleases as euceedi'gly; bet whaia
the American Flag !—to autenept te dale leo
imaginations of mutual yeah with the " Star-
spangled Bawer" s Sunday ! stew.ara.►oass,
• recklessese 1 dugrr—a teal oast el tater-
national courtesy sad ped-k..41.g .101
rather grates epi oar feelings. Barely mete 1
the Radicals beheld the unholy tbiag !
We bare scarcely received so great •
shock during the wbole bloody drama of
the War u to learn, what we have just now,
that Lieut. James M. Stuart, of Niles,
Michigan, had been Harem m Mexico ! The
circum.tat:ccr, as -related to us are that
`Stuart received • blow from a superior offi-
cer, and instantly ran ban through with he
• word. For the he paid the torten of W
ltte. We do. sot know the particulars of
this sad affair, but from an iOtimate acquata-
tance with Mr. Stuart, we must believe
that the act for which he died was ander
the atro'geet provocation. A more ga.e-
roue, whole-souled fellow, never voloatewr-
ed fur the war, and no one was ever more
thoroughly conn•ced that in so doing he
was fulfilling a duty to hu country.' He
wad botb printer aed editor, and for;,wr•rai
years published a Whig paper at Laporte,
and afterwards one at Michigan City, clue-
C•mpany would be re:vine thecae owe interests: vuleetially rendered necessary, as • punishment Ung which time he took a promat•t part ie
e nd the interests of the I)i-tr.et, by o; eaiag ep a for the re•ottlog transgression of allow ittg Jed I the politics of northern Indiana as a writer
kw roads through the principal tracts 1 theiri Dialler to aseame the prerogative 01 living and public speaker. We feel, if poss,bIe
roma lauds and the Clergy il
-an-s, "nag tet ! -s' unsold land, ■s `nor instance a road from the loo- •ptr't•
f a•rssBy pat a a shortly and retia into tt, b I Now if it could be chews that Mind, or the
last five yearn, as almost any otherenam to Cam. don Road along the townline between Tsekee-
isj fine our gra. iuui ro 1he 'venlig of cur r : capab;ty la govern, was the heritable preroga-
a ; and n we eipect a visit 1 the Hos. J. H. f em;thi and L sheens into Hi ben ad Fullutw ;
drys by wr,:mg Lick polis prig reaps of pang- and .one romewhere between Mr. Elder's ad cave of • particular claw ; if it could be proven
Price, we will take the liberty 1 tee»Oleg wt cal poet(• os the turd and be beauties
go y 1N sag that • wise wealthy nobleman was compelled by
• few bleu and suggestions pathos to him, when we Mr. Murray's extending to the Lake, through
1 the Lwdsh Road; and w' could get rheas I the laws of nature to produce a wise stn ; or if
meet him, which may pahapa )w 1 some service the tow cihip May.
asertd, ti.ek(idly, is all the Provincial papers ex nesse t W us that the ability to accumulate
to the people of \Vawoaosb and to the general witlsest the Com a single cent— Ica our great enthusiasm of political loyalty we W p 7
er..pec patty a Save forgotten to a one word is el the wealth °d the •Mlity to govern righteously,
prosperity o[ the Prori.ee• • What • prospect ! But we feu it is like all oar g° y praise 1 were rase rabl associated ; thea the doctrine
brine beauties of the Londa.' Road bot theypa Y
Wither poets viaiost1.utterly raid 1 tt. . of hymen equality wield at once fall to the
NO SHAJI BATTLE,may rarely take it for granted that we lave thew,
_ The crops, with the a:eepnna 1 the weltmeadows, and lest trey should have any doubts or mit ie. roe" ; the this would thea be reeoenized as
We'bave been informed that a legal outrage which will be very light, are looking well and, die rightful Lawgiver. Bat fortunately the
tags on the subject, we intend, if health perm((•, i
was perpetrated oar the Public Peace at Curve is ,..ly"emend,gee prom.( of a pleouful honest— to go down and see them, ad talk a long time rypabiliy to make wealth has no more neceaary
Brook, Huron Rod, on Tbarydsy the 29th alt The way what which we sew etideatly injured to • them, about Phrenology, or any thug elm. j Commotion with the ab • ility to otake laws, than
It appears that ib. Loyalty of a large section 04 by the apnea fro•'-, i, a sumll field of Fall Wheat
the District eras assembled for the purpose, of belonging to %Vire. , which be.ng ten
what in the teehje.ality of war weuid be ca::ei strong, new ..a..J bas. ss;: -red ser.nuuly; Fut alto-
" Uoiwg IDrilf l" and which ire, from two boon getter, our ot.■ervatioas u( the Gelds hare pro -
experience in the year 1843, call " b.mbug ad dated a farourahle opinion regarding an wban-
whiskey-drinking," and as a large proportwa of dant supply ei food. We promised, or rather
Huron loyalty cane from the Emerald Isle, sweetened, to tali Radecafuss to everybody we
where (ham -fighting is positively detested-- east; but we discovered that this put of our
The Irishmen of Inshtown and the Ir;rhmee 1 preens* was quite superfluous ; in fact, to talk
Blanchard got sick of the amortise and gave • lladicalum to the people w the London Road.
practical display of their valor, loyalty, and love weld 1. jest as the Scoichman says, " pouring
1 the Queen by fighting in reality. Well done water on a drowned mouse." I:very- body is
Ireland ! There is no deception, stoesem-work mere Rad sal than oorsed. They are rooting
which they please, is the School house some a twee with the ability to make wheel-bareuse.
where near Mr- Bell's place, oo Friday evening' The son of a Queen at just art table and as hkel 1 the J„uruol .l that city .—Ckitago Tri-
be 21.1 'est. ! to be born an idiot, m the run of • beggar. And ' butte' IUN,
a greater loathing for the infernal war than
ever before, when we think of this sen on
the prune of Ike, with a heart lull of Ike
most geoerou. sentiments, (holre.er be
might have erred in head in going to Mex-
ico), beteg choked to death like a dog by
the decree of a drnm-head court-martial.
An interresung family' consisting of* wife
and several young children, are bereaved of
husband, father and protector. Tbey r..steo
at Niles. No one has yet had the courage
to communicate the sad intelligence to the
widow and her erpl as children. This i
another of the legitimate fruits of bloody
infamous, brutal forever-torbe-detested war.
Not quite a year ego, Mr. Stuart repertd
the proceed,ags of Chicago Costareiw for
the child of the peasant hotfoots probabilities 1
POLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE—e.0. T. pe.er,tieg the roan* sympathies and (eeliogs
lbemanity than the son of the Peer, simply be-
eriest. •sowes ase r.QctL ►•IVILCQVi. I easw'lu0iee and false delicacy have exerted •
That all a.p envier* etas[ is a feet which kw influence oo the native structure cad setae -
sever sea be beastly miouderstood nor evesga,ot developement 1 bas org.'intioo. These,
partially obscure.. The legitimate meaellag 1I then, ase the facts aeon which the doctrine of
it is so plain ad n eemrow, that a boy d M• 1 egwlisy We founded, aerwly, wealth ie no oeees-
years 1 age cannot fad, censor ovoid •dopuag ” eery associate 1 t.kst or intelligence ; the
as a portion 1 his every -day creed. He kmwe whole sod 1 a Province dole not coet•ia nor
in you. Your sons are the same trudged, peso- amt the vete stumps that have long and react- that all children car 1101rn with ted bait, ser living theucapableght, nor it capable patens forth
tical -reality men in every country where they ably impeded the progress 1 Free -trade oo ber black hair. nor blue haibor. He knows that they I oes ides. mid us the geverniag power and is
are found. They are like Lord Reese'. game myeoty's highway : and wherever an imierti- l are set •11 born mile'. nor all bora females. He! not, accord...6 to the arrangements 1 Providence,
cocks, they fight all on one side whom they have seat, old, aristocratic tog has dared to lift hip knows that they are not all bora the same see, the prerogative of any particular rank or clar.—
•eommon enemy, but when there is no enemy I heed above the common sinaee, he is imine- nor with the some amnent 1 pbyweat euength 1 All the sons of wealth m not naturally fools or
they fight with each other. for the ?ere lore of diately dragged from him usurped prominence, cad liveliness—these things be knows from daily , bad men, nor are ell the ebildreo of poverty
the eking! it would be the veriest silliness to sod cast coaemurooesly amoeg the rest 1 the experience. Aod, therefore, the absurdity 1: wise and virtuous. The ability to role righteous -
enquire Whether the fault 1 thus outrage rested lessees lumber, to be consumed by fire. Rada- trying the d terrine 1 equal., by sash tests, fy is the gift of heaven, and is as common to the
on the Orangemen, or os e Ribboome.. It Ohio, equa:iy. se
. Leveling is the universal creed never once moss his iy
magiestuos. ale would son 1 the peered and to the sea of the Peer as st-
reets on the men who brought them together, se 1 the Leaden Read people. The stately forest, net even think of dignifying such as attempt i kedness at birth—pad to all the artificial classes
rather on the Act 1 Parliament that authorised 1 that hes for asps encumbered the mil, is levelled with the name 1 e p/Mao i : he would at mice, 1 and divisions of society, as strength or weakeese
or commanded any man to bring them together. I d.wn with is. little eoreuomy and as little pity and without ceremony., call it wlyirw. Bat the• is to their infants: While the established order
IVe neither know nor care who made the Acts u would be slewe to a field 1 thistles ; and boy of tea years loge knows sometbteg room— I 1 nature continues these Nets will remain •
1 Parliament for this purpose ; we take it for the very emir freed) from the bottom of the he knows that children are all born naked—all i prominent part of it, and the mental sad phyai-
panted that oo man would be so ■nfeehag as to , ditches, at scraped op sod flung ea the oro wn 1 hefpleas—ell equally ioeapable 1 e•OP"e"eg 'lel cal equality 1 mankind so Gr as class distine-
drag peocable, industrious, poor mem away from , the imperial highway. This is lerediag with • I preserving their own existence. He knows that
their homes and lawful employtnest, • dietanee vesgee.ce 1 It makes • Radical's heat swell the son of the Peer does not ester the world with
1 twenty or thirty miler, ;n wenn summer with pride, and he feels coafidest that the Co.- I a parchment charter is his mouth or is his 5.t,
weather, without giving them any remunerative serrative Family Compact of stumps and mud- saying " I ars mot here en possess so many
whatever, sod assemble them around a aver. hole notenety, bas ■ask beseetb the unshackled square miles 1 the Lord's earth, pad to fling se
for, what we conscientiously believe to be, at energies 1 go -a -head radicalism. many ba.hels of political •nthority over the 1. -
best, • very childish amusement ; we dusk We were really vexed to thunk that a little destrioun energies 1 the eerie 1 promote "—
so man would be guilty 1 inflicting ouch es Immo( deeppoioted gerliu, had. through sheer
injury on his neighbours. except he wen en- eMgriee, beam lowly ne • we 1wees whistle,
presely commanded to do so by a legislative re- pewetamit.g that rise Markt 1 Huron was at
actmeot ; hence the enactment is bad. ed Mast fifty years behind the spirit 1 the age 1—
should at once be repealed. If anything can Or, in other words, that it was ezel.avely
possibly alienate the affections 1 men from the Tery,wbucb Is eaaedy the shadow 1 at/tient bar -
government of their owe country, these heavy harden. Yes we were sadly grieved to think that
exactions of their time sad lamer, for mach use- to this soulful age, when ..•skid Imre broke
les frivolities, are certainly calculated to do it. through the dream 1 ancestral periodic*, •d
Men do not learn any good et them 'teenage.— ere hegtaning to pat (one their esergies is
We have me desire for learereg to tight ; we will liberal and eshghtened progresoea ; the be•oti•
jos; fight when we cannot help it, mid it will be fol .ad extensive District 1 Huron, .boaW be
mon sitooxh then. Whom the Yankees invade shut oat, like • plague spot, frem a pattic;patiou
Huron they will not lead •t Goderich, there are 1 the Meson's et enterprise, by the ery 1 m
on many loy■I Radicals here—they wilt likely few seek., spendthrifts el ton reduced then•
lad at Bayfield or some other deserted amiss., selves to beggare, and theta hope to live capes the
es the coast : ad so siva u vee ere informed 1 rtadestry of the eo.•try, by perm ed'ag simple,
It, we will ..ever op the it bele Radical reeden b..on me., that they (the prodigals,) wee. hey.
1 the Signal, Sewell, Irish, mod English, sad misted their owe again, .Mold be retreated with
march down to Rayfield—sot to fight. bet to ad• the affairs 1 the Province—Bab ! Ts we were
vie them, in • kindly, reusitory ',frit, to ge
home and *mime republicanism with • link
romnion seam ; ler that the people et Mu.arehi-
eel ('used' have gone for, far abewd 1 the ieo•-
liens and beteberie. ei Iles*.rona mvageiwt.—
really sorry, wren Its .eppo.s that sew when the
tion is concerned will cot:mune • gnat traiA
which can only be practically &naiad, or set at
defiance by the maestro.. anomaly 1 audios
The „ Voice 1 the People" in lawmaking
will be eoesidered in oar neat.
These things he does know, sod if he has re- Er Atwitter of these revolting tragedies 1
sewed any instruction in the popular faith 1e throwing a healthy oma, forcibly into eteraity,
kerma something farther. Ile know., or at „n netad w the pnme .( Joseph Ferre,, in the
least, he believes that the sow of the Pee .
Peer ad the tows 1 Gwipe, early os Monday insuieg, the
visa 1 the Peasant have come on the same eio_ilith u1L it r rumored that .oenethieg 1 the
sod hely uiaahies 1 that they are deetioe'd for the superlatively hornli..eeomp•sid the erten-
same immorality ; and that the eternal *pints 1 hos ; be that as it may, the ciresm,tasee 1 his
ieth aro eq.slly aha werkwasbup cad t►. gkt ha,ag keen •t seeh u esrly boar .'clock),
ams Omaipotenee, equally bekr.d ad peas.. the i,onbk coa,ichve that(5sick bar-
consequently having vie equal claim to the baro.o ezhibraous levo • d.ssedidag effect
bwnt;es and pri.iliges 1 their Creator's world. oo tha eewmaoity. If we recollect aright, the
These tbiags, we sty, form . potties 1 the m•• W ilsos wha was murdered left a family to
enmm.e knowledge 1 every bey (leverage repo- seen his oedemas its ; mad the execution 1
bathes and taformatiles at tee years 1 age. ad Ferree boo Mesita wither equally isnot-est
.pow this ku.wWS* ie fosaded ibe itm.mbh family to lamest an ester front a like bereave-
deerrtae 1 the e10a111 e( ma.krd. Ad wheS meat ; thee the somber 1 insocest @offerers is
we look spoil the inegwlitiee and the eo.f mw d.•bkd, the iapred party hoe received no COM -
of human .oelety, the eegdri.g mrd saturant smote's. the angioma guilt 1 the murder isnot
■ aka, whence any.er this eoufssiea f Dow 41 ksseo.d by the etraagtag; and we defy any moo
.prise ham a sabwgoeat developerthot 1 rho to stew that • single perpoth bee bees SCOOnt-
s,•heme of Prey,deoee--.e from h.mes violation plisbedazorpt Ike ralfihMwit e( a 1•w, e.idestly
a.a•mmul■ted weight 1 their .w• eerraptioe 1 Nature's laws 1 We neeetie..d that ma.ki.d bawd epee the pnoeiple efvidieticeseee Ad
tees shaking the mwieat d►.artiw to the deet, a are not kora egret wiih repel le physical we amply mit r—(-ovW the i•gesuity 1 reu-
sed while millions of good men were fleeing (row 1 etrr.g41 and enteral snuff or h,eluem. The bid ant devil ■ law whereby the evil prope.•
vee veers! desusceoe, to seek a kindlier hnnte i.pnabty res•lueg from the settee 1 entre■ ones el Fen.* ,old h.v. beta unieeie.tly
i. • foreign land, Hereto, with all its fertility pad ; painful laws, either to the retreats or i• some p.•ined .d restrained, nod whereby he might
e spenee advantages. should afford so a.ylern or , circumstances which have affected the ensteeee ha.ed lived cad ..pper:ed himself, alert. eo.-
....mradatiw to tailed worth diad idsatry.— or growth 1 the ebddro., may be regarded es tribeted it the wpport taw destitute family
For who world Lak. op he abode with trampling rrerWeiiiel, so for •1 leen, at the reshot-
Teryt.m, e•erpt the.. whose .leill a ignerere i rimiest re•pnooub.hty 1 iho rhildree is e.oeaws• „ Wlay M y.. sell ye'er ..p, 1 ..gee ethe
w ld raider them mime a terse thee • blesing' , .d, std rhea imegsality- whin 1. dirn•rrM. ail eh.tr Mr. Jee.wr" WI. • weal: led.
eenanveryldy teka*
snornug •t bro,.khst. it
is so hitt,
Bet we hmy4 goo. through Herm—we lisle " birth, prreledio all (stare peraewl egeafty hi; ,p000,o,.''spited Mr. J. &merely, " 1 iha'gbt 1
node Orders sem/meted with a torte proper- this world The ..peter m.ec.lar stre•glh 1 wowed let it rest '
The Canada Gazette of Saturday cogitates
a proclamation of the Royal t to the
following Acts of last Session :—
" An Act to incorporate the Woodstock
and Lake Ens Railway and Harbour Com-
" An Act to incorporate the Bytom• and
Brittannia Railway Company."
" An Act to incorporate the Carillon and
Grenville Railway Company."
"An Act to Incorporate the Lake St.
Loutseind Previews Lie Railway Com-
" An Aet to incorporate the Moetreal
and Previews Lie Juseuoa Railway Com-
"An Act to incorporate the Canada.
New Brunswick end Nova Scotia Railway
Company," pad "As Act for iseorporatteg
the Toronto and Godericb Railway Com -
Tee Narroanot Law.—iwro•TAwT
Naw..—It is with great pleasure that we
obeene the passage of lar. Ldo.ebmc•
Resolutions for the abolition of the Nariga
tion Laws, by a vote of 594 to 177. We
trust that we may now eotsener lase beauti-
ful monopoly at an end ; we camel believe
that the House of Lords would reject a hill
of thin nature, carried by so large • eajon-
ty in the Commons. They rejected the
Jewish Disabilities Bill it as true, bet it was
a measure of a different nature from this,
and 11 is not probable that they wilt oppose •
the popular voice as expressitd in the lower
(louse, twice in the same 8sesioe.-7'I.
MELANcHOLY ACclDEnT.—On Saturday
last, a boy named William Kennedy, 13
years of age, was drowned a short distance
above the Hogs -back on the Rideau Canal.
1t appears that a number of youths were en-
gaged in sport, is an old log canoe, which
was chained to the shore, and the decomed
by some means fell overboard. cad sunk to
nee n0 more.
An inquest was held yesterday Woes Dr.
Stewart, Coroner, on view of the body,
which requited in a verdict of accidental
death.—Ottawa Advocate.
Louis Joseph Papineau visited this town
last week. We should have than s• ear-
lier notice of his arrival—which wee before
our last moue—did we consider it of much
importance to nor readers to know that M.,.
Papineau came up to Bytowe---and how
the wharf drove off in a cairag. with Ow
member for Ottawa. We have sol leemod
that the old and feweste legislator attempt-
ed the perpetration of any political miming
during the brief period of hie yisit.—Ortt.ma
Advocate. •
I1ra Pa..teatww Ma
Ara down CoLsssttau tiat I
of Canada, Lae ben tweeeredMd11M.eit1111t
mend st the Cape of Geed Hsps ffeeillffele
t .4'1