HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-07-07, Page 1bet et>lders•' odes air hemmer Meet ,w { i .... , 14141 „<i. RaAIDM+4 ter +t'14seer I,'t ►4.. F w^..r-warn a `w rah ti OLillltK L .. .t t eijt ilttrol1 $IgliQL, I etriren ASD reat.Iaaan *yaw' einem' }"VY CUARLPB DOLBEN, . eats* .,,,Yaa[erequean, e0Diaac11. t 'flO11Ae MACQUEE.N. Fane. 1TAI( kiwis/4 Beet mad Job Priawg, is aha lEagliak mad French laspa=te, eaecsiad with wetness and dispatch. 1,500,000 AC1tLS OF LAND FOR SALE iN CANADA WEST. TIIF. CANADA COMPANY hare for disposal, shoot 1,600,000 ACRES OF LAZ 1) dispersed throughout most of the Tolrnebtps in Zipper Canada --nearly 600,- 000 Acre. are situated in the Hwew Trott, esti knew* as one of tie most fertile parts of the Province—it has trebled to pope/s- ties 113 five years, sed sow coateias up- warb of 90,000 inhabitants. • ' The LANDS ere offered by way of L E d & E, fee 7'en Years, or Js. Sits, C .d SA DO Iff W the plan yr oe.-,/11 Cad,wit tat islawts is I a1ai- aseat. icing does army vita. The Rants payable 1.t February seek year, are mines the Interest at Six Per Cent, upon the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, whirs IS REQUIRED 1.10W NO MONEY he others, according to locality, one, two, or three years /teat, must be paid n advance, —bot treat payments will free the Settler from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or iii year of his term of Lease. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured' to the Lessee at a fitted sum named in Lease, and anallowasee is made according to "atim - Peed peymeat. Lisa of leads. and any further informs. tioa cae be obtained, (by apPlicativa, i( by letter post -pad) at the Canvases Omwe, Threat* and Gartered; ; of R. Ilransa a.y 'rel, -9spkodcl, Colborne District ; Dr. AL,wi., Ceelpst, or J. C. W. DAt.r, Ep,, BMeIfird, Harps Derenst. Oedertch, MMM 17,1848. 7 TO CAPITALISTS - GOOD and este Investments, Valuable ELL SiTES sad FARMS for sale os Lake Huron. " A good, Mill Privilege nn the Lake shore within ■ix miles of Goderich, hating 3t acres of excellent Land, the Mill can he built on the reek, and within 50 feet of tea - feet deep water is the Lyne; he Mitl dam eau be leads 16 to 18 feet high at' a Intim, expense and on a steer faihog streata,abis- damee of Sew -logs to he vicinity. Mao, mill privilege mile on the m e River which . 1 weigable to the Lake, baring 445 acres of Leet rate lead, plenty of Pine and other Saw -logs is the vicinity. AND he beet tion of FARMS o• t and sear the lake Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuabe property will be gold low for cash, or halt .. the purchase mossy may remain for three or four years on mortgage. Apply (if by latter post paid) to Lew- es** i.awtases, Esq., Lollies, Robert Parka, E.q., Goderick, or to the proprietor JOHN HAWKING. Part Albert, Goderieh, Feb. 3, 1848. 111 VALUABLRF ARM LOTS ?05 ea La IN THE ML YRON TRACT, NAMELY : J'0UR Lots on the First Cosceaioa of God.r,ch, fronting Lake throe, con- atat*g 89, 72, en, and 885 scree respec- tively. Two of then Lots bare cooauer then - able improveoest., and one of them a com- modious Two Story Log Mous.. with Gar- da and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Cooeeuion, containing 80 oastm seek, two of tb.m partially improved. il7eeeeaa Ls. aro situated oa'the Bayfield Rosi, fro eie'!ts meld mike south of the flourishing Town of Goderirb ; the land in of the beet quality, and well watered, lead the front Loa command a **utile] view of Lake. the La, Per particulars py •pp11 ,`post by o0oderic(t. fxM , to JOLIN-C K 17, 184E. 711 BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, &c. To LLT. •t . t4eT.!R,A T r Q2.1). (rom hod'1 i alar (. hews BLACKSMITH'S {ROP, en4 DWELLING HOUSE, attested ie the west end ef Me thriving tows of r4etryr6 witb the goal will of the betimes. The above plisurbies bate {new for matey teen eembplad, teed eke Nu et bestow 1. b * 4hese IEks Is theDistriet. Tbe lease fid it eerienisei yews se may be agreed • 71ti014 boo,Ilse, rill aloe be di.- pense IMO *Wen le. JOHN 1S _1_Sik 1111114/0n*li 1St/ Int( B. C, ATSON, PAINTER ANI>'a9L.AZIIRI * ,, , 1'Ai'EA w.l.-emit a. rNa0dillss'i; .r Assarea* 1847. " THS GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER." GODERICH, I?IJRON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1848. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS DUE BY THE HURON DISTRICT• Name ee Pam whS wean Cermet-raw Oct• i0, Famed* Company Belasee, 1848. i To 82 day. interest to date, January 1,,Htlfary Horton, amount of Debenture, January 1,' Interest to date, Witham Hicks, January LI January 1 !stems( to date, ' an and Brown, teletext to date, Jasua 7 ! 1Heary Ilyodetan, (allowance for Constables) ,; Interest to date, Surveyor General's Offer, for Diagrams, kc., y LI Interest to date, !Dei, Dunlop, Balance of Disbursement, January 1,i Interest to date, G. flagstaff; Balance of Printing, &,c., January 1,• Interest to date, John Kelton, Order of Council, January 1, interest to date, {Michael Gibson, Order of Session's, overcharged assessment, Samuel Goudy, Order of Sessions, overcharged assessment, James Smith, Constables order of Seasiot.s, January 1,' Interest to date. ;Wm. Well., Town Clerk, Williams, 1844, January 1,i laterest to date, IJoha hunter, Balance, Joseph Wheatley, near; I,! Interest to date, Wm. Smith, II,_ Interest to date, McIntosh, Interest to dere, David Don, Account for Postage, Order of Council for Salary, January 1,! Interest to date, II1enr) Reed, January 1,0 Interest to date, Robert Ellis, Order of Sections, January 1, Interest 9 months on £8 5 0 William Reed, January 1,, interest to date, Robert Gibbons, Jaour! I,! Injjrest to date, 1I. Rowscll, Order of Sessions, November, 1846, Order of Council, February, 1847, • Jasua Order of Council, November, 1847, ry 1, Interest to date, JanosryJobe McDonald, Sherif,, Interest to date, Js°ttat ' Darnel Liur., y , Interest to date, 'S. Renal!, Order of 9essioas, WM. Brown, Carriage of Parcels, Judith O'Donnell, Jasua Jame. Watson, Orden of Session., ry.1 Interest to date, eke Morns, Order of S.uiosa, J620477 1 - Interest to date, Nicholas Rood, Report of Militia exemption, Geos a:McLeod, Coroner, Order of Sessions, 1185577 1, Interest to date, Cl! Iiodgns, Constable, Order of Sessions, Jauenry I. Intermit to date, ID. Lawson, Gaol V.:ell, Order of Session January 1,! Interest to date, s' 111f. Murton, Smith -Work at Gaol, Order of Sessions, ITbnasas Kneeshaw, cl.awag Gaoi Ckmm.'ea, Jou ! J. G. Flynn, Town Clerk, S. Lasthope, 1844, Sac., say , Interest to date, M•1.{Oeor Interestilia ., Town Clerk, Blancbsrd, 1844, nt7 Plangagsn and Hodgim., ',-' fy 1.1 "Interest to date, las4ar j /Peter McIntosh,cN. Easthopa, 1844, Ssperintesdent, y ,, Interest to date, Twice charged, Duncan McDonald, Alexander Wilson, 1Villi•dt Piper, William Chalk, C. L. Van Egmoad, James Rankin, D. McPherson, ,m Robert Lab, Richard Balked!, Robert Hays, /James :hurray, `John Longworth, John Sparling, David Smith, Interest to date, T. B. WoodIiff Interest to date, Laurasoa and Chrisholm, Interest to date, Ansley+ mad Jeffery, Interest to date, James Gilmour, Interest to date, R. Dickey. Interest to date, C. Sperling, Interest to date, James McConnell, loterest to date, Hawke, and Homifte•, interest to date, Robert Armstrong, laterest to date, Pear McMillan, interest to date, Andrew McKenna, interest to date, Joseph Sperling laterest to date, Michael Lamb, Interest 10 date, b teletaR to antes liodgisa,-"'--'"T'"". Clarke,horder obs Dkmwe •' 4leww• it Ate*andee McFall*, t.-,''- -.: 'r! .w,t/ t r,, Jaauary 1, January 1, heavy 1, January 1. January I, January 1, January 1, January 1, Ussery I, January 1, Ja•mary 1, January 1, January 1, January I, SsMszy 1, /Peary t, Jamwry 1, lamer? 1, tawdry 1. D• Harris, Georg. MiU.r 1t Co. ? interest to date, Rose Robertson, Order s(Cesee. , tateratt to date. W. R. Yom! Co. Iateroet to mate, Williams Wilson, Themperes, 4tokert 88a.soe, O.d„ 0f p 0 , a.s.s. Berton, O.rer of Resume, • Pua(a'vms.. Larimani. i TOTAL - 13 3 II 7 4 4 6 30 Ib 35 15 7 10 9 5 8 4 8 4 16 6 2 128 6 t *6 11 1 4 5.10. 1 '7 10 18 15 4 8 153 6 105 15 13 9 28 9 4 8 9 43 2 121 18 1 10 7 4 10 1. 18 10 10 1 10 6 2 ! 15 3 2 4 41 8 8 10 4 10 198 6 8 4 75 11 3 11 3 II 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 1 3 10 12 10 31 11 17 19 10 7.10 6 3 4 100 5 13 9 67 11 2 30 11744 11 II 1 10 6 6 3 7 95 2 15 6 11 4 of 6"fes 9 8 1 7 45 a 6 13 1 i 115 13 05 1 16 6 i 75 5 5 6 85 4 9 11 8 11 5 15 ! 10 2 1 6 12 13 6 1 25 II 9 11 19 1 6 11 19 1 6 7 11 1 7 6 4 115 1 101 5 14 10 MI 1 95 6 60 6 6 4 32 I 65 4 16 5 SOUND MORRALITY. ■r Tan R7'T•rc'( aaitruiaD. "It li a grand thing, true and genuine morality ! 1f 1 were a mnt.,ter, I wad never preach up anything but just pure morality," 1304 2 91 said Cuddy Cauldrife to his netgbour sh'•p- 9 5 3 herd, Milchae( Moody, one mornings* they sat on the top of 1.ocbfell, and cast their eyes over the fait dales of the Nest Border, i 5 05 , "Aa' what foe wed ye no be preachis' ought but morality, Cuddy 1 We lieu mut- 11 kle need o' bearing some other sort o' doc- trine than timid morality, an' to hat some 40 14 5 other thing to put our trust in, too, beide that." 47 8 "Quite wrong, my good fellow, I assure you. There is no doctrine which should 9 8 be inculcated at all times, to all places, but • that of sound morality, because it is the ! 6 3 bond of acroety and good manners, and goes to Counteract -the e•ormoua meats of 9 12 95 general turpitude within u.." 8 4 4"1 dines think that obsar,ation is quite i applicable as Scotsmen." " And wherefore not applicable to Scots- men r " Because ye kms it is reported that we 3 6.11 -sire unco subject to the Scot. fiddle. Now, .114 If • if there was sae 'terra muck's turpentine within w, ane wad think it should act as • 1I preventative." • 4 4 6 " W hew ! There's nae body can ever get a solid argument frae you, but .ff ye flee at a tangent into the wilds -of absurdi- ty.. "I'1l all you what, my friend Cuddy._ 20 19 6 As I take it, there's just as muck!e solidity fn your morality' as your turpentine—a' of in a blame. Have ye ony kind o' notion 4 i - that ye are a man o' sound moral princi- ples ?" 1 1! 45 "I hope and trust that there has never 314 1 been any great moral turpitude perceivable . I in my character or demeanour," 13 4 d "Maybe sae, maybe sae. 1 hope it Is true ; but let us bring things, to the test.— The first an' leading error that we shep- herds fa into, is that u' kissing the Ikea's. T'ut's wee! kend to be our besetting sin. 46 E 65 Now, I dinna think you ■re eery gouty o' that, for there wtooa atm o' the lasses hot 44 2 05 you come near her,,.or touch her. But 123 12 7 • Cuddy, wawa there aince a kind o' tearer 10 story about a wild young wife, a neighbour o' your, 1 Was there nano o'—what is't 7 4 you es' the thing,then ? r Moral scow - 10 I thing "1 don't know tither" was any greet de - 2 7 55 pra,ity or moral turpitude in the action, 10 7 suppoaisg it to be true, for argument sake, 10 if the'conurcination of their conjugality - is taken into account," 6 6"There for it ! There goes sonnd aserel- fty, tali sail afore the wind o' delusion ! P11 tell you what, neighbour Cuddy, wham .e 2 16 115 man*" to modify the law o' God to_ suit his sinfu' propensities, it is a braw easy way 2 8 '85 o' squaring his accouis. The moral law is 10 gayan explicit on that point; and yet, try it a, point by point, an' you will find that 4 i9 11 you have not only broken the whole taw, by being guilty of one breach, but broken tete sum tote) of all the righteous command - 2, 6 11 meets. For instance 1 donna ken if ever you killed ony o' your neighbours; but that you haena used a' lawfu' endeavour, to pre- serve their lives, 1 ken weel. For do you no mind n hen we were gawp awe' to the courting aince, that ye persoadit me against my ain conviction, to venture on the tee, and after I had gaen down over the lugs, and was within a hairsbreadth o' being drowned, ye war a' the time lying laughin sae, that ane might have bound you wi • setae ? What kind o' morality was that ? I trow, right near mortality to me. And mair be token, 1 dinna think ye wed steal ane o' your neighbour's sheep but weel do ye like to get a pluck o' his gene at a quiet corner." " My dear fellow, there was no moral tur- pitude hese. That was probably because I know that neighbour to be daily getting part of his grass from me-" and moral ,n p! Yee never sq .afe your actions to the law, but the law to your actions -- But that is just the way wi' poor human 25 nature; whenever she tries to uplift heraell, she is degraded Aed particularly in this, 45 that I never yet knew a grand declaimer 6 on the principles of sound monitor', who ever was an upright, charitable, end amiable character; and I hard!! ever knew 6 • men of humility, who placed M. bnpes on the works of another who had stood in hie stead, that visa not • model of what the other inculcated. But the best way u' set- tling a' these points atween herds, is by in- stances, and se i remember a beauttfu' see, I'II iota tell you it. sear other, s no very far free here, tree there are twa v and we shall distinguish them by the twit marries that their neighbours ca' them, Tis Gide IOWA. and Toe Bud torn. They belong bath to the same parish, but far free being friendly we ane another; for the fu'k. o' the gvde town scorn to associate wi the others. Now, there was a belly ,n the had town that they es'd Betty Its who let out lodg- ings to poor folks, at •, y 1r4 ntg/4'_ aad • weal filled b.,o., site often had though her lodgers worse just the avast reepectfu' i the coummosity- Yet, I be- lieve wony a good Christian, and many a humble heart, wha hada* great roulh o' Lie 1 thisry, e' the worad, were obliged, at times, to take sleet., s*esth Betty's roof. i1k 4 ane paid his penis, as he arse 1 and there were nee question* asked; ae whatev.r 75 else they wasted was a' paid for *forehead. Wall, then was se sight, among others, a woman arid key daogter came in for lodg- inga, paid their two -peace. and went away to a bed in the eget sober, the wane* slept, a withewt saki*, fee ,my tteme to tet et dnab. The *owes bait the •pp,ai,tsae .! aortae seen better dale* low re her +setters she was a lady, although ie ber lashes *nseh eesectated: and the lilt'. (III, see sly tea i 18 10/ 128 6 ^E 1 1 11 3 1 11 3 1 11 3 I 11 3 1 11 3 1 11 3 1 11 3 1 11 3 1 11 3 111 3 4 1 3 80 15 1 'l 11 7 ! 7 1 3 9 4 i lit i S 15 1 11 9 '116 8 1 17 15 12 17 11 1 48 7 1 1 • 12 O Id 1 15 I6 3 15 1 11 C1t109 00 10 TWELVE AND six LE AT TM eats (N TY1Ran. NUMBER 23, years 01 age, was u beauufuf ae a cherub, $arty bad learned long before to read in the looks and bearing of her customers the precise *tate of their nuances; so, when she returned from *hewing tuts pair to their bed, *hi said to the rest of bar burly cus- tomers, e 1 leer that purr body ate' her bit Wei° ars rather run short od the needfu', for !'m unto far mtetaen gin they haena mai, seed o' their supper than My o' us has ids sight, as yet they hoe ordered seething. 1 bee prat been h:nkin', N y could hoe spared me happen+.. 11 -Piece, I wad ban added two or three nisei', an' bosght some- thing good for them. For, dye ken, the poor was lassie's greentir, t+' beater ?' " Hob ! der' has them ! wha cases for rat- tans like them r' quo * gruesome Scots fink ler, "i wouldn't be mynded to heft wony_ te spoken trash fur my own, P(. said an English geberluetie. "The buddies '11 webby hie s•mtbing slangs wee them. Far de they curve freer said an Aberdeen man. "And, be my shoul and body, tin, and what is the matter where they come (rom, or where they are going either, if they are to be after dying of hunger in the first place ? And, be Jesus, it you waf'give a penny a piece, I will give my last one, be- fore the dare shoals should be under the death -warrant of burger,' said a ragged Irishman. "Nerve pe hofing so change, elms she would pe kidleg tiroaps w slid $icon Shaw, an old Iii hfa,ndw th a snuff" born in his bawd, and torsthad a snuff *poen, a bare's loot, and a a.esepike app sided. "O, but i'il gi, you change, hottest man," said Betty Rae. " What i. the sots y want cheered 1 Shaw w Coked with the one eye, in look - ad ally wttb ha other, like one catcher. in a fault, brushed his nose wtrb the hard• is hi aand (relied, ` She ps fury pad .hang, Pad n." Paddy losing patience, Cursed thein all for hard-hearted rascals, and pulling down a decanter of ton, he r in out, and after an absence of about ten m'at's returned with a penny roll, and a brimming decanter of sweet -ma, warm from the cow. Where got you these, Paddy 1 How cams you by these ?" was asked by alt. "Pray thee don't be after bothering pen- • with so many gameness add;, and rmtt just now,"said „d with his eereben to isgs b the poor woman's bed. "Oho, noes+ s *bate us out of ' sew t yO° thought to go aupperless to bed? company. and Bot may Shutt Patrick be my aerobe• ,( you shall do .o. Ob botheration, no! And this little dare Mout too 1 Wby Paddy Murphy would rattier be after wanting her w t,mew than the 'wade little Pier twenty be fi::u.hmg with hanger. darting should *lore and **aret.,st.0 t i t log already, for her c roust he atter dho- a partite. That's m oily 's nut bigger nor r swats hooey : Take jour supper heartily , And when it isdoso you /limn have plenty more," In this mariner did Padd, Murphy inn no all the whit rhe half -famished pair were at their meal. 4 Scotsman would have tried to discover then mimes, friends, or quali- ' ties, An Esglt.bman, if'bey had any con- eex,on With any mercantile leru.e; but Pad- dy had no cos*epttu° of say thing of the sort. Whirrs be returned to he kitchen M cou:d neither tell who they vers, whence they bad conte, or whether they were going, but only that they were there;'bat he was sure of, and bad been very hungry, but he had cured them of the( disease. There being, by this toe, been song interest excited about the two stranger., Betty Rae went to reconnoitre farther, and retuwas very iwith that e and likedy dying. for woman "the• 'moat had taken her by the heart, and the was a' drawn 1Lererker 01' part--, She added farther that the woman was a mn,*- ter.•'• dengirter, and belonged to t.ho High- lands, but her husband had been 811104 in the ' wars, and she was leit destitute, and far front home, it Bet, poor woman, she'll !lime,"caul Vett never toes to *erne o' tier bonny helpless harm, an' what's i.nrd only kens r•y eltrw 75iia observation made Paddy wipe bi.' eve., but he could do 150 more, for *had stolt en his last penny on a roll for her, and its milk, by milking some of Squire !lardy'. cows; •ad so faddy was obfiged to content himself with blessing them a hun- dred times or awn, and propos that Jaime sod Sheet Patrick would take the swats darlings under their care, Piet .44 Nivel' Shaw, hearing they belonged to the MINI - alter deal of *visitation and ' excisetali•,n• et pity, actuate. •t est, un- tied 8.. collo* seeheloth. Below it here was asothe► one, whieh be also loosed; and from a knot in the inner corner of that, and which corner lay exactly w the hollow part a neck, 80 to„(t o small pares) nI gold gave bis haste/es one in ex. • elD'site for d,.rrer Whitt pert of 'Mat b• t"S 'sitehine.to wen( ray kit *pt ter .+ the lociree w1 that he had g venher ao.hts inspect. E thee they were watt, as afterwards et et carne *esaifest. L The pest da t b •..5I to day, the heed, andTres o of u h Ran, who had Imrof her heed, and old Betty ” ewcerwh characters been compelled, by the dealt, to gen nothlw amort whom she ly pitalwf hew to *et, for nothing. e;Perini, etrns,in bet dnrmet..ry wee a blow to e in i► after • private cosferenee withbu•frkn` Stave, site set away ever to Ia. rood Iowa. to the perrvh mein,s'.►, to fay eke calls be- fore loses sad his .Osteon. , s Li swr,. lee 4 mecums* to Wets 111182.1 k.