HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-06-30, Page 4B.
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or rata
8 o'clock, P. M.
The Warden then resumed the Chair ; when the meeting was
furter adjourned till 9 o'clock to -morrow morning. •
N ands,
Thursday, 3rd February, 1848.
The Warden resumed the Chair at 9 o'clock, A. M.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved of.
Councillors preeenr, the name as on the 2nd February, 1848.
116. Report of the Select Committee on the Memorial of the
Magtstretes, in Quarter Se..ioue, was received, read, and con-
111. Motion by Mr. Thompson -That onto -moi row he will
move fug, grant of £20, for the purpose of making a road in
Downie; and also for £10 on side hoe between 5t0 and 21 of
said 'Township.
Ili. Motion by Mr. Fryfogle-That he will move for a small
sum of money, to repair a road in South Earthope.
119. Motion by Mr. Daly -That on to -morrow be will bring
forward a motion fur a grant of 420, for making a road between
Gore, of Downie, and South Earthope.
120. Moved by Mr. Van Eginond, seconded by Mr. Hicks -
That a Select Committee of live be now appointed on Roads
and Bridges. Op a ballot being taken the Committee was as
follows, viz: Messrs. Van Egwund, McPherson, McIntyre,
Rankin, and Ritchie,
• 121. Motel by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. Hicks -
That p Committee of five, on Finance, be now appointed. On
a ballot being taken the Committee was as follows,vim: Messrs.
Ritchie, Van Egmond, Holmes, Daly and Donkin.
i91. Muted by Mr. Van Eginoud, seconded by Mr. !licks -
That a Committee of Eve on Common Schools be now ap-
pointed. Uo a ballot being taken the Committee was as fol-
lows, vise Meyers. Hays, McIntyre, McPherson, Piper, and
1.i. Petition of the inhabitants of Ashfield for a School.
Referred to School Committee.
The following documents were then read and referred to the
- School Committee.
124. Motion by Mr. McIntyre, relative to the formation of
new School Sections In Fullerton.
135. Motion by Mr. McP6erson, as to. the formation of new
School Sections.
_.1.26. Abstract of Common School Assessment, for 1847.
121. Letter by the Treasurer, to John Bigoali, Esq., iseto-
sinX the foregoing abstract.
len. Letter of John Bignall, Esq., to the Warden, of 3rd
February, 1845.
129. Fetition of School Trustees, of School Section No. 1,
130. Petition of Peter Grant and others, of Stanley and
131. Petition of Robert IIunter and others, of Stanley and
"132. Letter by J. Bignall te' District Clerk, as to J. \Varities.
The following documents were then read, and referred to the
Cointnittee on Finance.
133. Account of 11. Rowsell, for Printing, £130s Od. -
134. Account of 11, Rowsell, for palter, 44 5s 8d.
135. Account fur Postage to 1Varden, LO 104 Od..
136. Account to B. Parsons, £3 3s 9d.
Account to Grace to Cu. 40 Ss lid.
Account to W. E. Grace b;• Co. £0 Os 10d.
137. Letter by 1'. M. Jones, Esq., to the Warden, of date
3rd February, 1848.
131. Account -Jacob Wilson, £1 Os 0d-certified.by John
119. Moved by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Daly -That
the Finance Cummittee do take into consideration the amount
necessary to be raised by assessment for the current year, like-
wise the Salaries of District Officers. -Carried.
140. Account -Charles Dolseo, 4e Os Od-certifed by Geo.
Brown, E.q,
141. Account -11. Rowsell, for Stationary, £2 4s 11d -cer-
tified by George Brown, Esq.
141 Petition of Alexander Green and others, Colborne, as to
Township Wardens.
114. Petition of Margaret Fisher, for compensation.
The following documents were then laid before the meeting,
and remitted to a Committee on Roads and Bridges.
144. Petition of John McDonald, Esq., relative to the build -
log of a new Bridge at the Goderich Grist Mill, accompanied by
the following documents, viz :
I. Plan of new Bridge.
9. Specification.
3. Estimate for Bridge.
4. Subscription List.
5. Original Petition.
6. Guarantee of McDonald and D. Lizare•
145. Plan and Report of the alteration of a new road in
North Easthope.
146. Letter by R. Lamb, to Warden, of date 11th Novem-
ber, 1847. '
147. Petition of II. Horton, for extension of time to perform
148. Petition of Andrew Amos, and others, of North East -
149. Petition of John Hunter, of S,'odericb, for a grant to
improve Edward's hill.
150. Petition of John Gouittlock and others, for grant of LI b.
151. Petition of John Colvill, and order by A. Ackland Esq.
Judge of the District, was then read, and remitted to a Com-
mittee of the Whole.
The Council then went into Committee of the Whole ; the
Warden having vacated the Chair, called Mr. Holmes to 11. -
Mr. ifolmes in the Chair.
The above document (151) was then considered. Mr. Ifolmes
reported. praying to the Warden, who resumed the Chair, by
reading the following motion. whip!' was iinanimously carried :
152. Moved by Mr. Van Egmond, seconeed by Mr. Ilicks-
That a Select Committee of five bo now appointed in accor-
dance with the wish of the Committee of the (Vhole, to inspect
and report upon the District Offices. On a ballot being taken,
the Committee was es fellows, viz : Messrs. Van .Egmuod,
Sperling. Thompson, Ritchie, and Piper.
153. Petition of Joseph Wheatley, relative to his contract... -
Referred to the Finance Committee.
154. Report of the Select Committee on the election of
Messrs. Christie and Shoebottom, and Mr. John Iiodgios, wu
read and unanimn-refy ■pprovnt of and centirmed.
155. Report of the Committee of the Whole, on the qualifi-
cation of certain Councillors, was read and unanimously ap-
proved of and con8rned.
158. Notice by Mr. Sparling-That he will move that the
Council direct the proper officers of Fullerton and Itlanshard, to
- .pen the line of rond on each side of the river Thames from
Mitchell to St . Marv.
157. Notice by Mr. Ritchie -That he will move for a grant
of money for the pnrpo.e of purchasing a set of standard weights
and mea -ares for the use of the District.
158. Notice by Mr. McIntyre -That he will move for £11,
to be granted to aid in the erection of a Bridge across the river
Thames in Fullerton.
159. Notice by Mr. Iioimes-That he will, at his earliest
convenience, dune: the present session, introduce • By -Law to,
repeal a certain Ity-Law relating to taxation on dogs.
ttt15. Notice by Mr. limner -That to -morrow he will move
for liberty to brim in a By -Law, to alter the time for payment
of the Rates end Amusement/I.
161. Notice by Mr. Vein Egmond-That on Saturday he Will
introduces Bill for a By -Law to regulate the manner for coin•
pounding for Statute Labour, in terms of the 13th section 9th
Victoria, chapter 40.
162 Notice by Mr. Van Egmond-That as sono as pnasiblw.
he will move Inc leave to bring in a By -Law for the purpose of
levying Taxes in each Towaahip, for strictly local p,irpee.e.
165. Notice by Mr. Ilndgine-That to morrow hes wall more
toe a grant of money to repair the road at O'Brien. swamp, for
*boot a mile or more.
fa4, Notice by Mr. Daly -That to -morrow be will mow for
-, to be expssded on a Ilse of road between Gon, of
Howse, and Downie leading from Stratford to St Mary's.
166. Mouus by Mr. H.tlw.-Tisa to-wsrrew he wilt
more for £ 10, to repair the seed es Sod grind Ind C•taesestw,
North Borehole.
166. Letter by George Morrie. to Detect Cteeh, e1 date 111.1
January, 1841. -Referred to Scheel Comesttee.
167. Letter by Mrs. Deetep, to the Wisdom is, of silts ird
February. 1848. --Referred 1• tete Read sae Ili eCeme tree.
188. Ace -reset of J. G. ILtrk-.L3 lee 84.-1•ferre/ is the
Ft 'carmates.
169. Petition of D. McD.saY.-Refm,N is Use Flouts
170. lath of Mr. Woodhff- s. Auditor
171. Oath of Mr. Fraser -as Au41or.
173. Petition of Mr. Kansa and others, of Nert3 int ops,
for alteration of a School license. -Referred ie Selig( Com-
mittee on Schools.
(Stgsed )
Friday, 4th 'Armory, 1848•
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved of.
173. Petition of Mrs. C. Roes, of Goderich.
174. Petition of William Tusehbors mad others, of Goderich.
Both of which were referred to the Mahout Cummutee.
The fullowi■g documents were ties laid before the noting,
sod unanimously remitted to the Committee on Ft
175. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seeesded by Mr. Lamb -That
the sum of £76 be granted for the purpose of purchasing a set
of standard weights and measures for the use of the District;
and that the same may be got with as little delay as possible,
and placed in the charge of the Inspector of Weights aid
176. Accounts of the District 8epsristesdest of Common
Scboots, for the years 1844, 1845, wad 1,44-
177. Statement of amount to the hands of Towasbip Clarks.
178. Schedules of aa, ants of Taxes doe the Burma Dtstnct.
179. Statement of Finances of the thous District.
180. Statement of the Debts aid Liabilities of the District.
181. Claes:feed list of Treasurer's Abetract.
182. The Treasurer's Abstract to 31st December, 1847.
183. Auditor's Report, hit January, 1848.
184. Statement of the amount of mosey paid for Roods and
Bridges in the District.
165. Petition of Andrew McKee.'ef Goderich.
18.6. Letter by F. Dallas, to Otatrict Clerk, of date lath
January, 1848.
The folluwang documents were thea laid before the meeting,
and remitted to the Committee on Roods and Bridges :
187. Mored by Mr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr.Thompson-
That the sum of £to, be granted for the purpose of repairing
the road between the Mod and 3rd loseesstoss of North East
o 188. Moved by Mr. Hodgins, steroidal by Mr. Hawkins -
That the sum of £50 be granted to grade and turopike the road
to London, round the corset of O'Briens marsh, for the distance
of one mile; and also to erect a small bridge over the Creek in
said mash. now impassible.
169. Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Murray -
That a By -Law do peas, ordering that the sum of £12 be
granted for the erection of w Bridge across the River Thames,
on the 9th Concession of Fullerton.
190. Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded byMr. Thompson -
That a By -Law do order that the proper officers of 16e Town-
ships of Blansbard and Fullerton, shall be ordered to cause the
road in the East and (Vest side of the River Thames, in said
Townships, to be opened forthwith from the village of St.
Mary's to Mitchell.
191. Moved by Mr. Daly, seconded by Mr. Thompson -
That the sum of £50 be granted for the repairs of leading road
from Stratford to St. Mary's, which line is between Gore, of
Downie, and Downie, and to many places is impassible at any
season of the year.
192. Moved by Mr. Daly, seconded by Mr. Thompson -That
the sum of £20 be granted for the purpose of making • road
through Tamarac Swamp, coo Tows Lase, between the Gore, of
Downie, and South Eastbope.
193. Moved by Mr. Fry/ogle, seconded by Mr. nook's -
That in accordance with the notice of yesterday, that £10 be
granted to 'repair the aide Bloc between 20 and 21, South East-
ho 94 Moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Daly -That
£20 be granted for the side line between 15 and 16 Downie ;
and also the sum of £10 for aide lino between lot 20 and 21,
Township of Downie.
195. Moved:by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. lflcks-
That a By -Law to regulate the raa.og .t Local Tales, be
referred to a Committee of the Whole.-Carned-
196. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Sperling -
That a By -Law to regulate the time for payment of Taxes be
submitted to a Committee of the Whole.
1147. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Hawkins -
That By -Law No. 5, passed in February Session, 1846, impo-
sing a certain Tax oo Dogs, be repealed. -Carred.
The Council thea adjourned for one hoer.
Wa rden-
4 o'clock, P..11.
The Warden resumed the Chair.
The Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, returned
to the Council the following documents -No.'s 102. 103, 104,
and 105, which had been remitted to that Committee by mis-
take, as the same documents should have been submitted to a
Select Committee, for that perpooe alone.
198. Moved by Mr. Vas Egisood, seconded by Mr. Holmes
- That a Special Committee of five be sow appointed to exam-
ine and report nn the Reports or the D1,triet Surveyors and
County Surveyor of Iligbways, Inc untended alterations on sev-
eral roads. On a ballot beteg takes the Committee was or fol-
lows, vas : Messrs. Gibbose, Hodgtse Hawkins, Murray and
199. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, emended by Mr. Piper -That
the District Surveyor be metructed to inspect the cellar of the
D:stnct Goal, for the purpose of aiicertainingif it will be acces-
sary to make any repairs for the safety of the stairs -leading to
the upper *pertinent' of the same ; and if necessary, to have
the requisite repairs made tmtsedutoly.-Carred.
200. Moved by Mr. Van Ermined, 'wooded by Mr. Holmes
- That the inhabitants of each Township be required to declare
their sentiments through their Coormillor, or Committer", as to
the proper place for the holding of the Annual Towas8ip
Meetings at the seat Seesiow of Cooed!.
201. Moved in areesdneest by Mr. McIntyre, seeosded by
Mr. McPherson -That a By -Law may be passed to empower
the Councillor, for the several Townships is that District to
name the place to theirreopo¢ti Tbwtii.bips when the Town-
ship Meetings shall be bete. w
Oe the vote being nke . there voted ter the
•' HOD(4INS.
• mssv.r.
" NAY$.
'• Ot1t,fNtt,
The am•dmesl woe ghee aul...d to be carried by a majority
of nine.
102. Notice by Mr. McPMrse♦-TSat es te-rserrew he
will .novo for • grit of Lis for this ar.sties of • Bridge, ad
also creel-wayrag a swamp es the Ilse of reed between the
30th and 31st, in the Tewss►ip of dssee.
90*. Aeeeest of John Taylor, £4 170 eali rtiisi by Jobs
Holmen --Remitted to the noires Cementite/ -
203 Petiuos of Denied *yeti sod ethers, of tbe Tow■.hip of
Dews. ( i.e. deraef Dowse) fora great of mosey to repair road.
The abuse polities tree tethered to the Rand C.•mmitt.e, o.
the Standing Rale for recovers( Pontin.. bong da.pessed with.
904. Petition of William Watson ►■d others, of Booth teat -
hops, for a sew Scheel Section.
Remitted to the School Committee, the Standing Ririe beteg
dispensed with.
Suisrdey, bus February, 1848.
The proceedi.ge of yeeteed►y were read and approved of.
205. Notice by Mr. McPherson -That oa Monday be will
move for a greet of £90, to cross -way mad otherwise repair the
hoe of road between Lots 18 mad 26 in the Township of Ellice.
204. Notice by Mr. Vaa Egmond-That 3. will os Monday
seat, move fur a grant et £16, to assist the Inhabitants of Hib-
bing and Tucker.mtth to erect a Bridge over Silver Creek, at
its juoctio■ with the Bayfield River.
207. Notice by Mr. Sparling-That on Moaday he will move
that the sum of £50 be granted for the lapruvemoot of the
Mitchell rued, from Lot No. 17, West of said road, to the Town
IMO of Biddolph, being ■ leading road to the Town of London,
for the western nodous of Blan.bud.
208. Notice by Mr. Piper -That on Monday he wi,l move
for a grant of LIS, for the improvement of the line of road be-
tweeu the 7th and 8th Concessions of Colborne, from Mr. Law -
son's, to the eastern end of Lot 9 in said Township.
209. Notice of Mr. McPherson -That on Monday he will
move for a grant of LIS, to erose -way a swamp on the line of
road between No. Sand 8 in the Township of Ellice.
910. Notice by Mr. Holmes -That be will, at the earliest
opportunity, move for a certain sum of money to open the side
road between Lots 10 and 11, Township of Gudench.
211. Notice by Mr. Daly -That on Monday he will move
for a grant to improve the Zorra road leedi■g from Stratford
to Oxford.
211. Notice by Mr. Thompson -That he will, on Monday,
bring forward • motion for a grant of £10, for the purpose of
making • certain portion of the side line between Luis t0 and
11, 'Township of 1)uwnte,
213. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Gibbons -
That John Strachan, Esq., be appointed Solicitor to this Coun-
cil for the current year ; and that he may be placed upon a fixed
Salary, and his advice be at tbe service, not only of this Coun-
cil, but of the Magistrates and daffereut District Officers of the
District. -Carried.
214. Petition of Thomas Wells being read ; ordered -That
in consequence of the petition not being accompanied with the
necessary documents, required by that Council in such cases,
the same to be returned.
= 215. Muved by Mr. Sperling, seconded by Mr. McPherson
-'l'hit this Council do depute John Strachan Esq., Barrister at
Lair,' to confirm the prepared gement by Arbitration, in
the -matter of dispute between the London and Huron Dutnets•
The Council then went into Committee of the Whole, on
No. 195. The Warden having vacated the Chair, he called
Mr. Sperling to it. Mr. Sparing in the Chair; who reported
progress to the Warden in Council, by reading
tie. Report of the Committee of the Whole on the By•Law
(195) introduced by Mr. Van Egmond, which was ucaaianously
approved of sed. confirmed so for. Leave was gives to the
Committee to sit again. Ordered -That the Report be sub-
mitted to the Finance Committee.
Adjourned till 9 o'clock, A. M., on Monday morning.
Monday, 7th February, 1848.
The Warden resumed the Chair at 9 o'clock, A. M.
Councillors present the same as on 5th February, 1848.
The following documents were then read, and remitted to the
Committee on Roads and Bridges.
217. Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Murray -
That the sum of £20 be granted fur the erection of a Bridge ;
and also for Crosawaying a swamp in the line of road between
Nos. 30 and 31, in the'1'onnship of Ellice.
218. Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hays -
That the sum of 420 be granted to Crossway, end otherwise
repair, the line of road between Nos. 25 and 26, in the Town-
ship of Eilace-
219. Moved by Mr. Van Egmond, secorided by Mr. Hicks-
Tbat the sum of £15 be granted to assist the settlers of'Htb-
beet and Tucker.math to erect a Bridge across Silver Creek at
its junction with the River Bayfield, pruvided the' By -Law for
internal improvements does not pass thus h:ouncil ; said Bridge
will be 211 feet in length.
'20. 31uted by Mr. Govan, seconded by Mr. Piper -That
the sum art 415 be granted for the improvement of the hoe art
road between the 7th and 8th Concessions, Colborne, from Mr.
D. Lawsoo'e to the eastern end of Lot 9.
221. Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McIntyre
-That the sum of 415 be granted to crossway a swamp in the
fine of road between Nos. 5 and 6 in Ellice.
212. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Hawkins-
That the sum of £25 be granted to open the side line between
10 and 11, Township of Gudench.
W. Moved by Mr. Daly, secoided by Mr. Thompson -That
the sum of 475 be granted to repair the 'Lorre road, leading
from Stratford to Oxford. which reed as in a very bad state,
many of the crossways being entirely broken.
214. Moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Daly -That
£10 be granted for Improving the side lane between Lou 10
and 11, 'Township of Downie,
295. Letter by D. Limas, Esq., to the Warden and Council-
lor., of date 41h February, 1848, was then read.
226. Moved by Mr. b(clntyre, seconded by Mr. McPherson
-That the petition of George Leversage mad Arthur McCaf-
ferty, be received .and submitted to the Committee on Roads
and Bridges, the usual rule being dispensed with. -Carred.
227. Petition of George Leverage for a gran: of £70, to re-
pair a road in Fullerton. -Referred to the Road and Bridge
228. Petition of Arthur McCafferty and others, of Elhee, for
a grant of money to enable them to make a croesway.-Refer-
red to the Road and Bridge Committee.
219. Moved by Mr. Sperling, seconded by Mr. McPbereon-
That the sum of £50 be granted by this Council for the im-
provement of the Mitchell Road from Fuller's Cotner to the
Town line of Biddulph, being the leading road to London. -Re-
ferred to Road and Bridge Committee.
230. 3loyed by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Hawkins --
That the ascent on the north side of the excavation, lately made
by order of this Council, where the line enters the 6th and 616
Concessions, Goderich touches, be reduced and made passable,
and that a sum of money be granted for that purpose. -Remit-
ted to the Road and Bridge Committee.
231. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Lamb -That
a - number of copies of the Acts 40 and 5th Victoria,
Chapter 10, and 9th Victoria, Cbapters 20 and 40, be procured
before the next session of Commit, for the Council Roma. -
232. Notice by Mr. Hicks -That to -morrow he will traveler
a sum of money to assist the inhabitants of Logan and &hce to
repair the Town line in the said Township.
233. Notice by Mr. lines -Will to -morrow move that all
mono intended to be raced for Common School purposes, in
any Township is this District, be raised by direct tax on the
Lands, and other personal ratable property in such Township.
This to be in lieu of the present mode of raring the above fusds
by rate Bills.
934. Notice by Mr. llolra.e-That on to -morrow be will
move that By -Law No. 8, at May Session, 1844, relatist' to the
apportionment of the School Funds, be repealed.
235. Moved by Mr. Girvan, seconded by Mr. Hawkins -That
in consequence of the Goveremeat issuing Patents between the
80th of June, one year, and the 1st July of the nest, the set-
tlers are frequently obliged to pay six months more tax then ti
justice they ought, it is resolved, that the Treaearer be ordered
in future to enter all such lands as petuted to 1st . aauuy, and
to alter his books accordingly.
O. the yeas and nays beteg takes, whether or nod the mottos
should be received, it was lost by a majority of fourteen.
238. Report of tie Select Committee on the alteration of
roads, having been read, it war unanimously approved of ad
Die -
co .
997. Inventory of moveable property belonging te the Die-
938. Notice of Mr. McIntyre -That be will meve4o-morrow
pow, that a Commitee of three shall be bandaged for to draft a
petition to the Legislature to sawed the Act making promoteo
for the payment of members of the Mast:pal Coasted, and to
allow eke said members a certain afewsass that trevo tag
tit -
139. Moved by M►. Helers■, ssesueed by Mr. Slamli
That the Commit do authorise t8. District Treasurer to borrow
a sum of money sot to sassed 41000, at legal totems. for ass
year, fur the following purposes": To pay the balance of Scheel
Assessesent, and the other small ootstaadlag debts of this Dia.
trier. -Carried.
The Caused then u.aslmessly agreed to go into Conan etas
of the Whole, on the By -Law to regulate the osopssaaties el
Statute Labour.
The Warden thea left 16e Chair, and called Mr. Dueki* to it,
Mr. Dentin to the Chau of the above Committee who reported
progress by readerg
2,4u. Report of the Committee of the Whole, oa the By-IAw
to regulate the Commutation of Statute 'Abner, week was
unanimously approved of and eo.Areied.
The fulluwiog ducumests were received sad referral to the
Committee on Finance :
241. Auditors' account for Postage.
242. Account current of District Superistesdent, 1847.
143. Report of the District Auditors. -
944. Moved by Mr. Ritebte, ',coaled py Mr. Vas Egmond
-That the different documents cennocted wttb the election of
a Councillor for the Township of Blaoshard, at the but Aasuat
Township Meeting, be submitted to the Solicitor of the Dis-
trict for his opinion ; and the documents relating to Mr. Clans -
tie's election, together with the Report of the Select Commit-
tee of the same, be also submitted .-Carried.
245. Memorial of Thomas Christie, as to his taking hie seat
as a Councillor lor Blaoshard.
The Council then adjourned for one hour.
3.'clock, P..31
The Warden resoled the Chair.
246. Letter by D. Don to John Strokes, Esq., of date 7th
February, 1847.
The Clerk stated that he had written to the Clerk of the
'Peace for certain documents relative to the elocution in Shot -
shard, and that be bad returned the following answer, vis :
247. Letter by the Clerk of the Peace IA? district Clerk, of
date 718 February, 1848.
The Clerk intimated that he bad transmitted the fseloeen
of the foregoing letter to John Strachan, Esq.
On the verbal motion by Mr Holmes, seconded by Mr. Spar -
ling -That the Council do go into Committee of the Whole, on
the proposed By -Law by Mr. Holmes, to alter the time for the
collecting of the Taxes. -Carried.
The Warden then left the Chair, mod called Mr. Gibbose to
it, in Committee of the Whole, on the above By -Law.
Mr. Gibbons in the Chair, who reported progress by reading
the following mutios in Council, the Warden having resumed
the Chair :
248. Moved by Mr. Donkin, seconded by Mr. Daly -That
the By -Law now before the Council, extending the tate to Col-
lectors to pay into the Treasury the amount of their collections,
is unjust, inasmuch as it repugnant to the law of tis hat
On the vote being taken, their voted for the ' - • e
DT LAW. arouse.
" HAY,
The motion was carried by a majority of 11 ; which report,
was approved of and confirmed.
On the verbal motion of Mr. Raskin, seconded by Mr. Sper-
ling -That the Council do go into Committee of the NVbole
on Common Schools. The Warden then lel1 the Chair, and
called Mr. Rankin to it.
Mr. Rankin in Committee of the Whole, on the Report on
Common Schools. Mr. Rankin read and reported progress to
the Warden in the Chair in Council, by reading the report, and
asked leave to sit again which was granted.
249, Report of the Committee of the Whole on the School
Report was read and received, so far as reported oe, and leave
given to sit again.
230. Opinion of J: Strachan, Esq., an to the legality of the
election of Mr. Christie, as a Ceunciller for Blan.hard ; also
opinion on Mr. Christie's petition was read. Ordcr.d W bo
The Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, reported
progress by reading the Report of the Committee and the
Voucher,. Unanimously referred to the Committee of the
The Council then adjourned till 9 o'clock, A. M., to -morrow.
Tuesday, 8tH February, 1848.
The Warden resumed the Chair.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and unanimously
approved of.
951. Moved by Mr. John Hicks, seconded by Mr. Van Eg-
mond-That the sum of 425 be granted to assist the inttabit-
ants of the Townships of Logan and Ellice to repair the Town
hie between the said Townships, provided the By-Iaw for in-
ternal improvenvents does not pals at the present Session. -
Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.
242. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Van Egmond
-That the By -Law No. 8, passed in May Session, 1844, rela-
ting to the apportionment of School Fund, he repealed ; sad
that all now in the hands of the District Superintendent for
Schools, be apportioned according to the provisions of the Act,
9th Victoria, Chapter 20. -Carried.
The No.'s 233 and 238, on rho Order of the Day, were with-
drawn by the parties.
253. Moved by Mr. Girvan, seconded by Mr. Piper -That the
sum of £10 be granted to repair the line of road between the
eastern and western division of Colborne, from the 7th Con-
cession to the boundary line in the Township of Wawanosh,
being a main rood to Goderich.-Referred to Road and Bridge
254. Moved by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. Ht.b.-
That the sum of £3 be allowed to Messrs Gooding and Lancas-
ter, for fuel and candles furnished by them for the use of this
Council. -Referred to Finance Committee,
255. Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Lamb-Tbat
the different Assessors 10 this district be appealed samerators
for their respective Townships, to take the esst_geossal o.ssus,
in terms of the Act, 10th and 11th Victoria, Chapter 14, and
that the amount of their fee for the urns he regulated by the
Finance Committee. -Referred to Finance Comalittes.
968. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. McPherson --
That an enquiry be made by this Commit, how litany Como
Schools then are in this District that are entitled to the Gov-
ernment and Distriet apportionments.-('arned.
257. Moved by Mr. Hodgins, seconded by Mr. Cuter -That
Patrick Waugh be appointed to call the first Soloed Meeting la
School Section No. 8, Biddolpb.-Carried,
ebb. Moved by Mr. Sperling, seconded by Mr.1lsis•o--Yrbet
the several Councillors for their reepestive Tewss dpi me be
\authorized to set apart es many Behsel 8eetaess at to then
yeal1 seem expedient, a addition 18... already !oaten+, and
bubmit the seers for the approval Osis sanction of this Commit
at the October Session; provided. t 11 e►aIl app,a, le Mak
Coesilillon that the majority sf web proposed Sodom are oat -
259. Moved by Mr. 19parlis:, sesseded by Mr.
That the District Berveynr he est8ortend by this Ciewas w
monose the width of the River Tlasmeer& Me junction withAs
line of road roasts' between the 1311* and 14th CNeeeaigq,
Rlasabard, ate see whet will be the probable expepoll of.
erection of a Prams Bridge over the esu.-barriod..
160. Moved by Mr. Sims, •oeosded 37 Mr. Hs1s
a Coolants* of throe Se appointed to ASO a peNtiotl M"
Govenor GesturalI �fa� Coquet!, ig
1, to en op tis Blow ttstwaes the
Township of Aaaoole and Wawanit•h, sed t8• luso of ih♦
tweee the 41.1i mad ma commies. e1 AMAIN sof WoolMle.3i
where it is pertly Girt y the Qswesmss{a tb.e3y e'
the Crown Lashs eertb of Ness ?.ewae • li w+!