HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-06-30, Page 3well calculated to eah;b.t the swam of Itaew-
ledge possea die N
m•d by the 1.apas rie�
breaches taught, sad the capacity of the Teacher
to adapt his ineuucu.aa to the yang mine;
sad the rv.diucss sad countess with which the
asuwere were remised, aferded gratifying teati-
inaay to the alai sad persimmon ei the
Mehelan. Mr Nein twenss tb0rasghly to have
F'rses the Termite Glen.
The Crown Land Cumauetuner Lu ma-
tured, and is about to carry into opetallus,
with the sanction of 111. hfiststry, A sch. me
for the settlement of the lands of the
Crown which fie to the north went of To.
Teruo, and which have sot hitherto bees
studied the modern tuipiovemeuts is teachiug, eaThe bane of the plea is, tie formalin
well u the Ions{ nand itself, sad has formed •) of as direct a rued a. possible from Toronto
system which is gently progressive, but complete to Owen Staved. 'I h.. road Ie opened sed
to all w parts Bible truth is tau_4t w tllsout i Partey pi onkcd thn-ugh Elub:cnko noel Al-
bion to Hurontari., Road, a distance of
e setarraiam. The chihlrsa ars oleo tauYlht the forty Hulce ; beyond that point it will M
general features of heathen Mythology, but re
ascii a rsaaser n emphatically to snake its dark-
n ess more visible is the sight of the Guapel.
Raiding, is this ivatitetioe, is nota mere eche
of various sounds: the Philosophy of Language k•
s t ceeirw7 taught, and the complete analysis
.1 suitcases the words and stcases cannot fail to put the
fara is full poessiew of the import of what
they reed, sad successfully to develops the pow.
us of their mm
mind ; sod the sae remarks apply
to the innns etlois Grammar, Geography,
mid d every breach from the first ele-
ments to the finiahioglesson.
The Recitation were highly pleasing -all
pv• their respective pieces with correctness -
missy with judgment, emphasis sed feeling. Hon. Connnisawner and his collegues,
Amos{ the ninny who recited we canCh
' deserve the a. ks of every inhabUast of
refraia from mestiooing Mies Maria Robertson, Toronto, fur their eltention to its inter -
Mies !eau Robertson, Mies Manes *amps and este•
The land un each side of these roads will
Mutes George Kippers Nairn, sod Rees Bob. bei'laid not a lois of fifty acres each, with
ertsos, a hely partiewlarly sareewful, 504 tiro one eighth of a mile frontage ; they will be
recttauoes of Master Charles loses, son or Thos- granted on the same conditions as those on
Mercer Jose', Ewe were greatly admired. the Owen Sound Road, which regime the
We also •u
tck very great importaote to oke clearing of *oaten acres within 6vo year.,
practice of writsag besisoaa sad oilier letters to the keeping the road in front of their lot to
(Actin, is which exercises the pupils displayed repair, ke.
We bclicvcrtbat in all one hundred sod
nen& p•y fourteen milea of road will be opened et a
The Fre.eh Class, is their raviolis raerfl.lal0 cost of £3U a mile, and that emigrant labour
rending and recitelieo, gore cause esaeficttoe will by employed on the work as much as
to all present. pomade. Mr. Price is •sow in town bay.
Th. system u complete, and it is highly grati- tog arrived on Wednesday. We believe he
Oiler to every . well-e.nsutoted oiled, is we *01 shortly proceed to the scene of t.pe-
achiry is epersN•x far se .fficiendy mooing rations, to give the benefit of his personal
our visitants to take the place in society which "'nu"to the commeocemcot of the
W. trust Mrs. Naha work•
Own fathers naw.cespy.itis gratifying to see the Government thus
will secure that e,coeramm
geent, which the excel- actively promoting well-designed Mars for
Igoes of bb system of tallied. and hu hitWsl• improvement in the Province. 1t shows
floss is earryisg item es bigbly merit. that they are out only stile and willing to
grapple with the great questions of civil
THE FOLLOWING PRIZES WERE DUI- and religious liberty, considered by those
TRIBUTED. who du out know their importance, as mere
minted throngh the unsurveyed townsbres
tit Mrlanclhon, Luther, Amaranth, and
Proton, )laking the Owen Sound 1t..ad
about the towpahip of Holland. Another
road will be from the lower part of Notta-
w•aea a Bay, and going Wert, will stn e
the Owen lined Road at nearly the ante
point as the one from 'Toronto • tt will then
be continued to a point on Lake Huron,
*bout forty miles above Ooderich, called
Pine Brook.
The advantage to Turuntu of :his scheme
is evident. It brings Owen Pound between
twenty and thirty mile. nearer Toronto
than Hamilton, be -!dee opening up a large
tact of country, the trade of which will
inevitably find its way to Toronto. The
Mie Minnie Robertson,
Master George Kippen Nairn,
Mies Janet Roberlaon,
Mus Anse Watson.
Boys -Mester George Kippen Nairn.
Girls -Mise Marta Caroline Gibbons.
SECo ND ENGLlrn etas*.
Master Charles Nairo,
Muter Richard Young.
Mus Frances Mary Gooding,
Muter Henry Reed,
Master William Henry Gibbons.
Mus Elisabeth Robertson.
Miss Hansel' Robertson.
Master Jams Haggett,
Master Alexander Charles Robertson,
Mtas Ilelen Matilda ltubertauo.
Mater George Kippen Nairn,
Min Asa W• WWon,
Min Maria Caroline Gibbon.
Muter George Kippers Nairn,
Miss Janet Robertson,
nacos° murne0TIC CLASS.
Mas Healer Brady,
Muter William Henry Ileamen,
Man Hanoab Gibbons.
Muter Charles Nairn,
Mw Eleanor Brady.
" 00CITATr011.
Master George Kippen Nairo,
Mtas Marion Robertson,
Miss Janet Roberts,.n,
Mia Manus Watson,
Master Ron Robertson.
Master Charles Beamen,
Maar Alexander Charles Robertson,
Master Ross Robertson,
Miss Clara Gooding,
Min Julia Ann Nairn,
Miss Martha Robertson,
Miss Frances Mary Gooding.
Miss Margaret Campbell,
Miss Isabella Gooding. ,
WO TAN= W1101 A/IS, W 71,
Master John Wood, - -
Mester John lltneornbe,
Mater Thomas (:Ibsen,
Master Wslllam Henry Beamen,
Muter John Dark,
Min Mary Grace Williams.
The Rev. Charles Fletcher cnsc1uded
with & hjghly complimentary addrss to tits
Mathews and pupil..
[T We haws te express nor regret, that •
mistake regardieg the ties, prevested es from
beteg p000000511180 Eaaannaun .(Mr. an Mrs
Hain'. School oo Tuesday. Bet as we have
the utmost use dense. is the jettison. an east.
doer .f this gntknsn who drew op th. Tepee
inset his ewe ebser,atioe-we have meek plea -
mm is inertias it We certainly think from
Iseseteots, avid fres what we have heel other-
wise, that tiss method of iestr.etioe adopted in
thio asRaissry 1. both eraehtable to the Timbers
e d melkehle a its. popes And se Om whew,
▪ desetiss 11 on of stye highest nnperue0•,
ad deserving etw•eerngerneet Rem all who leer
thatrleoaetry and their kited -it i• a pity that
W ash .poisatieo..he id set he modesed swre
i e us.t awl more popilat
miters ef'theory, but that they are pre-
pared to carry out matinees which will ke
of dtreel practical advaotage to the coun-
try. •
A T.mp.teees Seine no anwnwoeed t.
ttahs plow at St. Genf rge on Toe.day text
the rah tautest. The Pt. Genie Ama-
issr Saeid tidal be poeleete.4reet. Caw.
BRUTAL A5SACLT.-Datae Rumour bas
been busy at Guelph during the past week
wtlh horrid accounts of :he conduct of a
*umber of men wbo were at work on Owes
Sound road yesterday week. One report
was, that a shoemaker, who recently left
Guelph, was shot on hes way to Sydesbam ;
another statement was to the effect that a
person from Wellington Square was stabbed
sear the Peel bush ; and it now appears
that a person named Murphy, who was
going northward with his wife and family,
was dreadfully beaten in the Township of
Arthur, and is at present unable to proceed
(urtt,er. The attack is so ted to have resul-
ted from a misguided feeling of zeal for
what Irishmen are too apt to call religion ;
but whet truth there is for aueh &statement
we cannot ay. It is much to be regretted
that such people cannot leave bebiod them
their prejudices and love of violence when
they leave their native land, and it behoves
the more educated of both opposing par-
ties to set a better example, and incicats
better prcepta, then the apult of retaliation
would induce. Let it not be said that Ca-
nada is closely imitating Ireland In all that
is vile neither let it be knows that near-
ly all the quarrels, fighting', and murders
that take place in the Wellington District
are arnongst, and confined to Irishmen :--
Gwclpk •ldvertizer.
Fa*NCR.-Therersmud' confuewn lis Frump
dough affairs sea generally wore quiet.
Prince de Juinville bas been arrested at
Priam Louis Napoleon, and M. There,
hsee been elected for the Aeseuibly.
It s rumoured tbat M. Lamartine and
Ildru Rollin would resigo, end Thiers
would probably succeed them. Lamartine
is suspected of comeivieg at the stair of the
1516 Slay.
A decree has been passed to prevent tur-
bolcrt assembling in Paris.
The soldiers were obliged to charge a
large asembly at I'ort St. Denis, with Axed
bayonets. None were killed, but many
were arrested.
The Committee on the Constitutioinde-
clared for a Democratic Republic ; besides
the past rights, the people are to have fres
education, and the reght of labor and assist -
A great banquet o f 100,000 was to come
off at Vincennes, and created some uueast-
LauLAND.-Ireland is greedy excited. -
Tile Repeal Association and the Irish Con-
federation have united in one body, called
the 'nett league. They will try peaceful
effurts fur repeal. No further efforts have
been made to indict Meagher or Smith
O'Brien, although the confederat,ue have
tuned a manifesto quite u dan::g as
Mitchell's lrcaaooable writings. Mitchell'',
furniture sold enormously high as rehes.
There is little prospect of any important
outbreak ageio.t the G rvermneet.
GauAT BRIT•IN. -The Chartists arc
making frequent dieturbanccs in England.
Three have been arrested and examined.
Seas:I.-Spain requires all Englishmen at
C.dtz to give security fur their cooduct.-
Arrests are numerous at Madrid- .
Rv'SSIA.-The cholera is raging in Russia.
One hundred and fifty cases occurred is
Moscow in one week.
Ausrau.-Notbing important. The
Emperor has gone to lsnsp►uck, and refuses
to return to Vienna. Some disturbances
between the people and the nobles --the
latter leaving Vienna.
The bankers Rothschild, and other rich
men fled. The foreign ambassadure had
also goo* to Deebling.
leen.- Charles Albert has captured
Peechiera and defeated 30,040 Austrians al
Goilo. beeidate debts of try other descriptio•.
The Pope is recovering his popularity. '
MIMING OF SYNOD. -The Synod of the
I'resbyteriao Charch of Canada met, on
the evening of 1Vednesday last, in lie lode -
pendent Church, Adella Street, to this city.
The Rev• J M. Rogers, Minister of Peter -
lions' Moderator of last year, preached an
appropriate discourse. The Synod was after-
wards constituted in due form, slid the Rev.
I). Mackenzie, Minister of Zorra, was cho-
sen Moderator for the present year. '1'be
Const was afterwards employed Is arranf-
Isg routine bummer, appointing communes,
f,.c.-Britisk Colonist.
We perceive that the Montreal Trans-
errpf Is advocating what ere advocated
months ago, an increase in the Representa-
tive branch of our Legislature. Our es-
teemed contemporary takes the same
grounds in favor of the Reform that we did
and argues the question with the usual fair•
nose and ability of that Journal. We trust
that Editor will continue to agitate the sub-
ject. We shall have much pleasure in aid-
ing in the "good work. " Wo shall never
work Responsible Government fairly and
vigorously until we get Electoral Reform.
-Aliasisgsoi .Yetis.
To Tovrat,T. e'en oTnoas.-Ws direct
attention to the adyertisemeet of the steam-
er 17ore, cm Lake Huron. A more plea-
sant trip, in the summer season, cannot be
enjoyed, or our inland waters than that
from Sturgeon Bay to the Sault Ste. Marie.
This accommodation by stage and steam-
boat from 'Perooto by Lake Simco, to the
Sault, tench ae to afford every necesary
comfort to travellers, over this interesting
and picturesque real..-Rrifis1 C•rlonise.
The lion. J. it. Pares, Commissioner of
Crown Lands, t• :t present is Toronto. -
His visit to Upper Caudle, has reference to
the settlement of the waste lasde of the
Crows. -British Coteeisl.
• evaremec-Msestre-
Mu.rasat, Jose 10.
Sale. of Ashes at 14. 14 a 24a ad for
Pots ; 18e 114 a flag M for Pearls. A ale
of Men* Pork, Montreal teepee hoe, is hood,
at *10 '76.
Julie 41.
TLetnt The market to day hes been
1611 the ederewee en freights tendis` In
eftse11neseettew . We heard Of a sale Of
ss.sr*we and eves. mixed at 11e 'Id. A
mull 1N e1 Bet inspected at tin 64 and
tespenime frees All Wheat at 144194.
Aety.- *1418 wl exchange.
1:Y 1VM. 11. NINE.
TILS ttabeertbar begs leave to intimate
that he has opened a STORE at the
east tied of re traUwd, w itba general ants -
Ike. And he hupee for a share of the pa trot.
Age of Lie neighbours and the public. Ile
stile cheap fur Cosh or Pradwce.
W.M. 11.IHINE.
Stratfurd, March it, 1848_-- >r em
yllE Sabacriber having relinquished the
1 business of Baking In favour of Mr.
Hoary Nee mon, begs to return thanks for
the support he has heretofore received, and
can cuutidently recommend his succeasur
u worthy of public support.
Goderich, •8th May, 1048. 17;(
R the subscriber, that valuable property
situated in the township to Goderich,
iso Lot 19, 41.18 eonoesaon, within 518 nide*
of the town of Goderich ; there is a good
Saw Mill met an d 80 acres of land, 20
acres cleared. 1t u a never failing 4reatu
well adap'ed for any Machinery, such as
Carding and blecbiuery, Distillery,
and Grist Mill.
N. B.-W;lI bo sold cheap for cash, or
part of the money may he for a few years.
Apply to the proprietor.
Godencb, Feb. 13, 1044. a
ill AT Store at present occupied by Rose
1 �Itobertson, Eaq., with or without the
dwe.ling !louse, and will be Med up to suit
a tenant. .From the cuutmanding situation
and the rapid increase of population of
liodencb and tvcioity, any person decrees
of commencing bnainess cunlJ nut be more
conveniently located. Apply to
Goderich, Jun. 9, 1148. 19
Sesames Orrice,
()oderieh, ltd June, 1848.
NOTICE is hereby given, that I shall not
held myself respooable for any moues
payable to, or recoverable by me, as Sheriff of the
Huron District, unless the same are paid :o my-
aolf personally, or deposited is spy roams io soy
of the Cbartered Bantu or their agencies, and a
receipt attach deposite, is within a renewable
time delivered to me personally, or remitted to
me per mail.
Sherif R. D.
O.derieb, Jose 23, 1848. 21-31
N. B. -Parties purchasing Geode sod Chat-
tels, or Lands sod Teaemeau at Sheriff's Sale,
us adopt the above sore and direct mode of
amities payments, as well se parties havug to
T W. GARRISON begs leave to inform his
LI • friends and the tnvrl,ng community to
general, that he has leaved and lest opened that
well knowo hotel in Strailurd, called the
SHAKSPEAR INN, which he has refurnished
and repaired, in a manner not surpassed in the
Huron District. J. W. G. hopes„hat by con -
slant attention to bis business to merit a share
of the traveling community.
F. 8. -Good Stabling sod a careful Hostler
will.Ywarsbe in attendance.
Straiten, Jon 304, 1848. 22tf
�R. OLIVER, baying left the whole of
jv1 lou uneettled accounts with the Clerk
of the 1st Dtviaon Court, Goderich, advises
all parties indebted to him to see that gem-
tlemae before the 20th of next month.-
Any information required, will be given at
tho office only, where a person will be al-
ways in attendance.
Godencb, Jun. 29, 1441.
'r"F. Badness heretofore carried ere ander the
1 Firm of MILES ifs WOODLIFF, haebeen
this day dissolved by metal consent.
All parties indebted to the above Firm, are
hereby requested to call and rattle their accounts
i.e...diefdy with T. B. WtlODLIFF,and those
park. hawing claims against the Finn will please
seed their smuts in for adlostmrnr.
Goderich, Jun 13th, 1848. 3-w20
E.1i.F•D TENDERS will be received by
M . T. M. Daly, J. Spading and
J. McIntyre Of the Subscriber, on the part
of the Municipal Council, for the District
of Huron, until the 6th and 7th days of
July, at 19 o'clock noon, when the Tenders
will be opened at the following place•
Union Hotel, [itratford, and German's
Tavern, SL Marys, for the following works,
TIE ;-
1at. For opening the line of Road from
the Znrra Road, between the Gore of Dow-
nie and Downie to the South Boundary of
Downie, and repairing part of 7,otra Road
from Stratford to the South Boundary of
the Huron Tract, and Crosawaying a part
of the Road between the Gore of Downie
and South Easthope. Tenders will be ap
pended at the Union Hotel, Stratford, se
the 6th day of July next.
2d. For repairing parts of the Mitchell
Road from Mitchell to St. Marys, through
Fullartnn sed R!anehard, and reducing a
hill West of Thames Bridge in St. Mary.,
and reducing three hills on Lot 3, 11th con-
ee•.inn Downie. Tenders will be opened
at German's Tavern, St. Marys, on the 7th
da of 361 not.
PIuaw, Bpeeifc.tious and form of Tender
may he errors at the above letting places six
days before loftier, or at the office of the
sobwriber, to etioderich, on or before the
said 6 and 7th Jaye of July next.
Tlus works will be )lid out in Sections :
Tendon meet specify the number of See -
lion Tendered for, and most be in due form.
Tire limn for finishing the above work,
will he stated in the Specification..
(Signed,) DAViD SMiTH,
pidgins Surveyor; H, D.
Denner 4Oavnee's Gins,
Gedenckv 1111► Jest, 1846. 11td
ISAAC MAY, informs hie friends and the
public, that he has takes the BRICK
TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr.
Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where
nothing shall be wanting on hie part to pro-
mote the comfort and convenience of Sys
I. M. Ratters himself that his selection of
Wine aol Liquor. is equal to any in the
country, and his Stabling department is of
the most complete description.
Stratford, 28th April, I81$.. 1301
STOCK BRICKS of a very superior
quality [Dade by Adam's Patent Machine
ready for delivery et the Brick Yard of
Messrs. JOHN HALDEN, Jr. k CO., on
the following terms at the Kiln :
Order for 50,000, and upwards, paid
in Cash on delivery. • • • • at $3, 50 per 1000
Do. under 50,000, do. do. i84.00 'i "
la Trade or for approved endorsed
Notes at 6 months front the date
of the order, $4l,50 ." "
A samp:e may be seen at tho "IIuron
Signal " office.
N.B. Another Kiln will be burnt in
three weeks time, when there will also be
for delivery house Fleeing TILE.
Godencb, Juno 121h, 1848• 20 -If
4,0RIOyLTURAL sociETY. �URa4L b1 C1LTT.
PRRMIU518 FOR 18111.
manic MAJOtitA(T% $E$, 4a oid be
hail es $T. MALI'S. es Wediesedn are In
of Sintealerr. 14IV, whet tare Mewing PRE-
MIUMS tvdlhear/Jed
•jt l 41.
For theism Man sad Foal,.•.......• 110 0
2tod he. t, .............. ••..... 0 15 0
Fie the but 1 year old Celt, 0 1S 0
lad beet,
Agricultural Society
I will hull a Meeting for the Exhibition u(
Lc. Lc. kc.
at Mr. Jvsas CopN s'I'atern, Uarpurbey, on
Friday, Sept. 24, 1848.
For the. purpose of Adjudging aid Award-
ing l'LI7.1:s ter the sanutu •ini.tols and
I .i. fit les bereinaftcr mentioned :-
0 100 t sada
For the best 3 year eld. Fitly 0 15 0
Jud beet, 0 10 0
Fur the beat 2 year old Celt .r 41117,0 15 0
_., 1 best, 0 111 tl
Fur the best 1 year told Colt es Filly, U 15 u
2ud lest, t U 10 0
For:the beat Bull, 3 year told .... 1 00 0
2nd beat, 0 15 0
Fur the beat 2 year old do U 15 0
'2l beet, 0 10 0
Fur the best yearling do. 0 10 0
2,1 best,.... .... 0 5 0
For the best Mitch Cow, with Calf by
her side, 1 00 0
2d best ••• 4 10 U
For the best Mibi Cow beviag bad a
calf in 1848, .......... .. .. 0 15 0
Jd best, 0 10 0
For Ute bet 9 year old Heifer....... U 111 u
2.1 best, U 7 6
For the beat yearling ligibt, 0 10 0
2,1 beat, . .. 0 7 6
For the best Tat Oa, • 0 10 0
For the best Pat Cow, 0 111 0
For the beat Yoke d Working Oxen,1 00 U
1if beat, ......... 0 15 0
3d beat,. ' U 1U 0
For circ beet 7.18. e1 3 pato old Steers, U 1 0
21 beet,...��.......... 0 10 6
11 lest U 50
For the be., Y.ke of 2year old Steers,- 0 10 0
2d best, ..... ... ........ .... 0 5 0
DE08 to Sublimate to the public that he ham
I7 commenced the above line of Business in the
Shop w the East side of the Market -Square, -
lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Cu., -nod
hopes by strict attention to merit a liberal share
of the public patronage.
Ff All Articles in the Tiede will be sold at
sod all kinds of Marketable Produce will be ta-
ken in exchange. ETA liberal disceuut will be
made for Cash.
'•• FOR S,1I.F.., .n excellent Span of itoa-
sss. and a first rate Two How Bruer.
Jan 14th, 1848. 11. H.
Forthe but Ram 2 years old and upw'da,
2.1 brat
For the best 1 year old, ....
2d beat,
For the beat 'Top lamb
211 best,
For the best pair of Ewes andLaiub.,
2d best,
For the best single Ewe with Lamb by
2d best, ........ .
Fur the Best pes[3] of Withers or Ewes,
2,1 best, - . ••••••• .........•
For the best Boar,
2dbent . ............
For the but Sow, baric{ had Pip in
1u 0
10 0
lis 0
10 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
10 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
Tor the best 2 Buebels Fall Wheat,... 0 10 0
2..1 best, 0 5 0
For the best 2 Bgahels Spring Wheat, 0 10 0
2..1 best, ,•1:*• - 0 5 0
For the best 2 Bushels of Batley, 0 10 0
Jai best, 0 5 0
For the best 2 Bushels of Oats,. 0. 7 h
3.1 heat, 0 -5 0
For the best 2 Bushels of Peas 0 10 0
21 hest, 0 5 0
For the hest 16 lbs. of Roll Butter 0 7 6
2t1 beat, ................ 0 5 0
For the best Keg uif Butler 65 lbs0 5 0
24 best 0 7 6
3d best, 0 5 0
For :he best Cheese i from 12 to 20 lbs0 10 0
2d beet, ... 0 7 6
34 best .0 5 0
leer the best MapI. Sugar -10 lbs. to
Cake 0 10 0
2.1 beet.......: •.• 0 7 6
3.1 best, ...r........... 0 1 0
For the but 10 yams Felled Cleth;,0 10 0
2d hell 0 S 0
Fut the net 10 yard. Thant and Wed, 910 0
,2d bat. 0. 5 0
1st. The Slater:al• of the Domestic Mann -
factored Cloth and Flannel to be produced from
the Farm of the Competitor.
2.1. All eubscnbers haring paid their sub-
scription, and only such, to be entitled to com-
pete for any Premium.
3rd. Bulls must have a Ring or Screw in
their now. with • rope or chaio artached thereto,
to prevent occident*.
4th. All Stock exhibited .h.11 have been the
bona fide property of the Exh,bitor s month be -
lore the Show, and .11 other articles shown
must have been produced on th. Faun Of the
Any person violating, or attempting to viejate
theme Rules, shall be rendered incapable of nom•
pew:ig en any future occasion.
61. Mary, 9th June, 181d. 90w0
PAY 11 T T1s NTIO11'!!
Subscribers have recently rei.ed
from Buffalo the following snicks, which
they offer for sale,
at los, rates :- -
Chests of various quality Teas,
1l_,*es 40 do Tobacco,
Kiri of Shingle Reds.
Ad a.. rtrnewt d Cooper's, and other descrip-
tion of American Manufactured Tools,
Horse Shoe, sad .mall miied Pennsylvania
Retired lees, tied American Bar Irn, .1
Leis Sias
T ere shoe ahertly ie expectation a oddi-
ties Mathew 8t.ca of DRY 0001)s, HARD•
WARE, he., the., by the arrival at Mnrreel
of t►. Etber Prem Liverpool.
Gedarieh. Jen 23, 1049. 21-41
ri'HErsmaritabl fine thorough bred Por -
hem Bol. Seize to the Huron ins-
triet Agricultural til, 1. p.m standing
at Thtwwes Harris's rm, Bayfield Road -
three/ mile. from Ondericb. Where far-
mers sun he accommodated for the Ses.oe
at tare &billings sed expense cash or pro.
does, for nett Cow.
Gd*rieh, 23 ins*, 1000. 00 -ter
For the beat Entire Horse
2nd do.
For the best Brood Mare nail Feat.
hod 11/. du.• 0 13
For the best Two-year eld Filly • • • u 15
-Oral_ do. do•••• 0 10
For the best Pearling do9 15
2ud do. Jo0 IS
110 0
1 0 0
For the best Bull 1 le 0
2n1 do. 01 15 0
Fur the beet Stitch Cow having had
a Calf in1848 1 00
=rid best 0 1U 0
For thio beTwo-year oldheifer
edited after the let Jan., 1846, 0 15 0
2nd beat •••• 0 7 8
For the boot Bull Calf calved alter
the let January, ,1848.•-. 0 15 0
and brat. 0 '1 6
Fur rhe best l leder Calf calved after
the 1st January, 1848• • • • "15 0
2nd best.. ▪ 0 7 ti
For the hest Fat rUz 0 1775 0
end do. • 6
For the beat Fat Cow 0 15 0
2nd do. • t'
AND pay your deists, as the .ubseriber bee
resolved that all Noes and (took accounts
due to hint and remaining unsealed, will, posi-
tively, on the 15th of July next. be handed o•er
to es Attorney for eolkelioa. It is Certainly
with some reluctance that he has adopted this
reeolition, as he has no dee re to incur addil,onal
expense to those who are .till owiu¢ him -but it
is n saying, that arressinr is a merciless master,
and in the present instance, his reluctance must
yield to necessity.
Goderich, 15th June, lam. 20.tf
SI'Ri.VG 4- SUMNER F.ISHIONR,for 1848.
A FULL variety of the newest and most
t/ Improved Sratno Ann Sr•sNI:R FA.n•
wee fur 1818. have been received by the
subecnbcr, who will promptly attend to the
orders of all who may favour bun with their
Goderich 12th April, 1343. ly
JAMES' Street, one door west of the
Commercial Bank, Ilamilton, by
January, 1118. I. ESMO\-tDF:.
J. 8TE:\VA11T,
Law, Soli&itur in Chancery, Calmer
ancer, kc., Office West Street.
Goderich, March lam, 1048. by
wells Boot and She* Maker, Market
Square, Godeneh.
Werth, 10, /1411. bme
AN extensive stock which will be sold
exchap for cash.
Gorleric h, Fab.. 11, 1140. 9
Jen. 1049 (IODF:RiCI(
For the best Ram 0 I5 0
2ud do. 0 7 6
For the hest pair of Ewes having •
suckled their Lambs till the
1.1 of July 0 10 0
2nd beet. 0 7 6
For the beet pair Ewe Iamb* 0 10 0
2nd do. do. 0, 7 6
For the best Tup Lamb 0 10 0
2nd do. 0 7 6
For the best Boar • .. •. •..e«• 1 0 O
2nd do. . 0 15 0
Fur the bnt'Bow bees( iii ?ter
is 1810 " 0 15 0
2nd best ............- 0 10 0
For the best 2 burn.( Pa1I Wheat 0 1. 0
2nd do do. • • • • 0 10 0
For the best 2 b.ehehl. of Spring
W heat . 0 15 0
end best 0 10 0
For the beet 2 bushels Siberian
• Spring Wisest 0 15 0
2nd beat. 0 10 0
For the hest 9 bushels of•Borley • • • 0 10 0
2od do. do: •.• 0 7 6
For the best 2 bushels of O.ta• • • • 0 10 0
and do. do.•••• 0 7 8
For the best 2 bushels of Peas • • • • 0 10 0
Sod do. do 0 7 0
For tho best bushel of Timothy ••• 0 6 0
For the best 20 lbs. Clover Seed•• 0 15 0
For the best 10 lbs. Swedish Tur-
nip Seed 0 10 0
2nd beet 0 S 0
For the best 12 Roots of Mangle
Wurtzel •••. 0 5 0
For the best 25 lbs. Salt Butter•• • 0
2nd do. do. ••• 0
For the best 5 lbs. Fresh Butter• • • 0
2nd do. do. • 0
For the best 25 lbs. Cheese 0
find do. do. 0
Por the beat 10 yards tsanolactur-
ed Cloth 0
2nd best 0
For the best 10 yards Flanoel.•••• 0
2nd do. do. .••• 0
For the best 20 lbs. Maple Sugar• • 0
2nd do. do. •• 0
1. Any person receiving a Premium for
any of the above-named Grain and Peas, to
be obliged to veil to any member of the
Society, if demanded, Ten Bushel, sanitise
the sample shows, at the highest market
2. The Material of the Domestic Manu-
factured Cloth and Flannel to be produced
from the Farm of the Compositor.
3. All Subscribers having paid their
subeeription, atld out flitch, to be entitled
to compete for any Premium.
4. Belle must have a ring or .crew in the
nose, with a tope or chain attached to, pre-
vent accidents.
5. heifers with Calf at foot may show as
6. AIL Stock exhibited shall have been.
the bonafide 'property of the Exhibitor a
month before thn Show, and all other arti-
cles shown oust have been produced on the
Farm of the Eahtbitor. Any person violat-
ing, or attempting to violate, this rule, shall
be rendered incapable of competing ea any
future occasion.
'1. Any person neglecting to pay their
Subscription on or before the 47th of June,
will be debarred from competing or entering
for any Premiums offered, unless they pay
to the Treasurer, two weeke before the
Colne Shuw, a sum equal to mho proportion
which such subscription paid, on or before
that date, would have secured from govern-
ment or other sources, es as to place their
eubscrtpttonson the same footing se that
of others, who pay in time to get such
addition to tlic funds.
8. All Competitors for Praxes mum give
the Secretary notice of the description of
Steck or l'ruduee they intend to show, be-
fore the day of Exhibition.
9. All Stock and Produce to be on the
Show Ground by 10 u'clocit on the day of
the Show. The Show to commence at It
"-f The Society's P1,n1idul.YU
.1417 Cl! win asks place in fhlober.
(3. 'I'HOMP9Ol4,
Secretary, iL B. J. 8e
ilatp.eiey, 7/A April, Aril, 1848 • is
weal ,
0 0 D C S I C II.
.F00., 1846. 1y
t/OR Ngo 1. 1. WINTON.
NOTARY 100110.
QrNirrei0AlMerr guava's &rock
10 0
10 0
7 0
15 0
10 U
10 0
10 0
7 6
10 0
7 6