Huron Signal, 1848-06-30, Page 2wen CesdwMtew, sod went opposed by Mr. the estimates el eves their ewe party. We
Spooner, Le (Mr. Musts) had some mail
btt employwaest who bad vote.. Wwls
tae ul Mr. Spuorsr'e sun came to him, •.d
said, "1 support 1 seed'ut rat us yore
two—they *wit vote Jur Mr. Sooner r
•• Why au r be .shed. •• Ui, of comas
you will tarot that they wbrtld rote a yes
do." " Why should 1 the eaytbieg of the
sot( re '•Oh;1 atd the man, ••1t io petunia
is*igk leu.' What did Le (1lr. Mosta)
a ej h hem 1 n Natural, wby I Ball ik army
usalural; and inure. itis a very ra.cally idea.
(L►ugbter.) !lo you think I eek niv men
what tb.r politic', are, or whet riLyton,
cowed, or opinion they have! My Duly
barons with them is to sot that they are
mos of good conduct and honest character."
(Crewe.) Has rues did vote, but for whom
he Deter knew nor cased. Ile mentioned
this to show in what pta'e they would pro-
bably be aithudt the ballot. After all th•1
suss teed and doer, this reform was out fur
Bormillighaus w much as tur other boroughs.
S.e hoist their weathers wore swamped by
other places. They called for au eaten-
°tos of tee otiLu a to those pieces whets
uses teem Ionised, and theaehy returned wen
whu were with to be repreoentatjtes. Ile
did sot say they were duhuneat, because
he skeet think the Douse of Cognomina' was
hall so diehone.l no it was said to be; but
those men were •unfit, 1t was thus that
whenever the people's Interest were to be
cowoidered, It was not what wail right, but
whit would peas, that was looked to. ...Af-
ter surae rework• un the Pout Law, show-
ing its uotitneee for tbe present state u1
society, and that while it was interuled for
the rdr, the desolute, and diuuken, it ups
make as ether appeal simian this ernwde except
a newel of the Amble le moose carnally war
writ;aee., sad .emp.te them with the general
.endsot Of Ilse mea who coudew there. We
aria'the wetter• la Lite Gazette ked leveed
logic imitated d tine is *veld base preaso 4
thew horn mskhtg ...b • rid'taabns r x bii1tive
dlbomateless M print. Mr. Galt lately wrote a
hot . M aha "1lectig1 h.achise," is
which be ;mimed out that wealth is so iodise -
ilea ofsepanuf ntellagttru, or that talar and
knowledge an not the peculiar prerogative of may
"enrolee mak or claw. sed the beet welter is
the Genu. (t. whom Giles, is honour of the
prokision, should at once range the Editorship),
hes written a lug article on the same subject in
which Ise proves outbtsg except the co etaesa
u( Mr. Galt's views, and the undisputable feet
that Dome e( oar grad father's lams are yet u
existence, while at the same urns he thinks that
he is refutj(tg Mr. Gala's article.
The person who is last week's Garotte very
sept foo°sly signed himself "A layman,"
should read the New Testament diligently. He
is appnreotly as deficiest is a knowledge of
Scripture as be is of logic. 1n a former article,
on the death penalty, we asserted our belief that
God heti implanted is the hun a* mind a horror
for bloodshed, and as instiaetiee terer°ce for the
sacred value of bumao life, and we instanced the
eaeoof Cate ; we supposed that independently a
writ..° or verbal law, Cain did kel the 10,o1a0-
tary shudder ; the tiring voice of God speaking
through his own organisation, the horror u( •
rated now upon the sober and unduattous. gailcy(eooseience, when be dew his brother.—
Mr. Ideate said he had nut uttered one word And the Lumen has written half a column to
that he did nut firmly believe. He right prove that our 11111 is correct ; that Cain did
h mistaken—all 1115011—
made mistake.—bol (eel the remorse and horror which God has im-
i( be *as so, it was simply • mistake; be
was out Jtehnneally wrung. in e..aclusion, pleated in our nature, to prevent u from the
.nal apologising fur keeping there so long, t wilful destruction of human life ; that be felt the
he would say that he perfectly agreed and accusations of the Divine moaner so keenly that
wnutd abide by the definition of Household IN was furred to ezcl•io to intolerable agony,
Sat age rivet in the resolution. (Cheers.) .. My puoishmeat is grater thee 1 cm bear:"
It wM what the people expected and had ° and yet the Layman is preteedivg to expose the
right to have --(renewed cheering)—sod aickd°ese of our seetimens! Either he has
whin they got it they would find that the
difference between Oboe and Universal Suf. been imposing o° Mr. Giles or he is wofully ig-
(rage would be so small that there would be
few who had not a tote, and those few
wore bound to make the sacrifire. This
howourable gentleman concluded amigo;
great cheering.
is be
o onnt of the priatiples of comnsoo sense. The
honesty of the Layman's criticism will be best
u nderstood by his tonneauon about ler remark
ea the moral reprobation, of society, as certainly
lttywdisery mind cannot fall to pereievo that
we merely meant to say that at the period d lb*
death of Abel then was so motility. His attack
u pon our w°tieeats of an article from the
8treeta,ille Review is scarcely deaeni°g of a
notice ; and itis merely from a kitbag of sympa-
• iby that we rake 10 it. We dusk there 10 scarce-
ly • school -boy capable of reading the New Testa -
meet, who does not understand the meaning of
ger expressions distinctly, without aseoeiating
w -_ them wit either iafidelity or profanity ; the
. Iwo (Intent* w1te6 are ailed " °peering," en the
REGRET .AND REFORMATION. sestinwents of the E,*ngilists, and, therefore,
fhe malevolent insinoatioo is offered to tbe
We regret eseeeJingly - shot we lot work Spirit of truth, (we bope through ignorance)
published the unlet. entitled '• Mr. Giles and . tad requires so comment. The meaning and
his phiIoeuphy." 'We were not Ohm aware that value of the sympathy expressed fee the
so many peopled respectability were taking an feelings of our catholic readers, will be boat
interna it 001 welfare. W. have during the asosrtaiaed by comparing this sympathy with as
week received letteis fire hundred miles distant urfide beaded " (heageism„ in lb.
whose u .meats are superior to our
rluwY. Milt"
lel ages, it easy be regarded as altogether super.
Inas to retain se .entad.. ' What .aith the
8ctiptareal" It may be presumed that obit
eget ts twit is itrlf of bias • 'cadency to pro -
dace sed is opposed to live .putt and geai a 01
Christianity *14.,her the 'attilu;ar evil art
at easy sot be apeelslly pointed oat, sad na•
demed by • sentence or ;watagreph is thtCbris-
Inia valuate. But as wean *ware that then an
timends of mea whose feebag* and
earnestly cutuiema the barbarous practice of Emm-
eline a ruao,a°r) who neYet Melee' entertain • kind
of kw conviction that the strangling is • wort of
religion duty, and gin et lent • tacit eautioo
to at, Isom • beim( tint the Scriptoria counte-
nance or rejoin the i*Aletion of such cruelty, we
will offer • few remarks on the subject.
We object euoaely sed decidedly te that lied
of Christianity which hesitates to du good, or to
arson from doing evil. meaty benne the par-
ucel•r good w the partnere evil is mother eom-
uwoded nor forbidder' explicitly is Scripture
language, This hied of tiktdock religion which
uwchaaically stud• still, whew requested to act,
and after bedlaacieg the proposal, coolly es-
quires "Is it !Denominated ie the Bond?" Do
t141 kieripteree say so?" is • cold, lifeless reli-
gion. l0 fact we could scarcely be persuaded
that in the majority of i•.taaces it amounts to
aytlt(iag but a Omen sine. 'litre is neither
teslity sot waren in it. L order to accommodate
*.eft extreme sertipeleeity and latiduouanesr,
the New Testamrat, instead of being • small
pocket volatile, world req.ire to be u large as
the F:encyclopedia Briu.saite, sod to eoetaia 0
minute desenptiou d every vutaoua, and d
every vicious acao, with a express isj*octies
to perform the one and avoid the other. This is
• most •ore*aosable expectation—besides, each
• minute descriptta of oar duties is dtogwiber
sumeesaary. The Christian volume does sot
pretend to pee icelan se the nature and tesdeoey of
all human actions todsrsdually. It merely, ie ad-
dition to the doctrines which it or re-
veals, lays down the principles of a syotem of
ethical philosophy, so general is thencharacter
as to embraes all hums conduct, lea.ieg the
application of these principles as the highest sad
ficklest exercise dream..
We further object to the practice of dngaiag
forward a punctilio, related seett*ee from
Scripture, and *Meg it as the fes*dalion of • sew
system of opinions, or as the wariest for a special
practice. Such coedit( has bees the base of
the religion world. is -splitting Cbtistaniy 'iato
so many hair -breadth distiacti.s, and c°saiog
that jealousy, and bitter sectsria° feeling is the
Church, which a1 this moment eopatitoees one
edits principal characteristics. It is also exert-
ing an evil indueoce un morality, inasmuch ass
very large proportion of mankiod, who profess
to beheTe in some version of the christia tell -
gin, are pursuing a army of worldly-rni.ded-
sess, consisting ofavarice, extortion, swindling,
cheating, tipliog, .lasderieg belt-m•kis;; Ielf-
labaer, and so forth, jest as diametrically op-
posed to the genies d Cbri°tuaity as darkness is
to light ; and if yore attempt to remoesuate with
them, or to point out the evil of such conduct,
they will i• many issuance either refer yon to
some individual sentence of Scripture so their
.0* beewd• merbid, an ass ally be emend is -
to healthy 'elms, by sewer hl*$ mmtanhsg sod
We *ball conclude our votive on the death
puurahuwl,t a. .1, • stuni deacnyto• QI the 1.deli-
bfe bepre e.uas whale w retrieved from the Gras
public e&tcv0oa we eget witsn.ed. 14 was es
the Goat .t Inc old Jett of Ayr, Most the year
1815 er 11 ; we were thea *bc.t sieves or twelve
yew dap. The culprit wee an k:agl.°htses
named 1:v... Ile wee Strewth or Huffer, or
something to the Duke of l'ottimd, at Fullartb°
(louse, in Ayrshire, and was coodc d fur • which you are ell •cgewleted 05011 0r Ieee. 5
forgery which it was generally believed he never 811.1° to ll" I.. rit'''e 10 lime" "hs" ; and
committed. lie had been recommended to the , few can be fuend mors Iliuslndve s the Duet,
royal 1 etiteucy, and lot order to give him the 'het wh the wealthy have the exclusive
benelit or the latest hope, the town clock. were ' m°°°geme°I tjf the skirl of • Malion or tomalt,,
list back or stuped fur two boars ole the day of they invariably make the laws bear with mum
the execution, hoping that the •rriv•1 of the ! eq°al prea.ure, uhiog the lighter share of the
Glasgow mail ladgbt bring a npnete ev.o at , on their own dwu; e e ur 01 the tut boar, Then war • ger, hop 05.0x- 059.1d4, they " lade nme0 withliersburdea.likthtrierobusyetobe
blage of the wealth and intelligence of the west I borneurJm• ,'• •wliud4 Obey thfemxtheir lvelae " loan sot the
crest ut Scotl.ud, iucludiog cleat a greet °ember brue ops." I)md my
of geatleineu's carriages. Mr. Evans was a• . Principle of justice, or say dears to do towards
educated nun, and possemeJ censiderable talen14 their neighbours as they would be done by, acts
led it was expected that he would speak from rte them, the oppsatte would be their codset.
the se°tf01d. And he dad speak is a most firm, Bat to my example. The Act of the Goa III.
eloquent, and mealy tone for nearly one hoar.— Chap. ViI1, .yld "As Act to repeal pert el•
At length the royal Mail reached the cense of, °d •Ineod the hots °ow to torte for layi.g out
the New Bridge in view of the Jul, but the i °wadi°g ■Irl k0ep4•g n repair the Peblw
White )lag lel ?dewy waved not over it, and the Hmthwaye and Hoed. to this I'roviece," pro-
the an( perceived this he vide' is the woad .hue the every person ie -
threw the fatal signal in evident disgust, end ex. chided or inserted in or upon the assrw°wot
claimed emphatically •• I'm a murdered man as I,.il of any township, reputed township, or place,
God is to be my Saviour." With these words (shalt, to ptopurtion to the estimate of his real
he was thrown into entropy, sad the crowd ;and personal prop_rty, stated o° the said roll, be
wept. We were thee a boy, but thoughtsI �d Ilabk to work a the d
crossed our mod on that occasion which 10 ach •d curry yeas, ashighways follow., thandat iros to
can be effaced, they are perhaps crude boyish ' ser :—if his property be not rated at more than
thought., but we are not ashamed of them.— twnety•fre puuuds, Olen hu proporltonol statute
'When the unhappy awn had ceased to struggle labour of the highways shall be two days; it
we thought as follows :—The soul of that man more *boo (weary -five poupd. and not more
is now either in haves or in hell, we know not than frill proud., three Jays; if .l more than
whether, but our ignorance of his destiny does seventy-five poend° sod not more than ode ban -
not alter the fact that he is either in happieesa Dred pounds, live days." The proportion of
or in misery. if he war wortby of h , what labeler dimi°irhint as property increases in
an atrial amount of oath must rest on these , valke. Thu, when the slue of tbe property u
rhe murdered are leer("at ad a good seem; iov. hundred pounds, twelve days labour, aad
and how Only valuable wuW lbw ezample.°od I upwards of five hundred moods, tall It inelegant
in6.ewee of that Inco, to his converted state, /i 10 Ont 'boatload Pends, our day for each no
have been to society. If be was good enough to hushed pounds ; u it increases from as dies -
live is hare, why could he sot be allowed to good poend° ta valise to Owe thu°asd pseuds,
lira on mirth 1 11 he hoe not (001 to haves, lose day for each two handled pomade ; from two
what as awful Tenet:60p, to think that after all le*'and 1. three theuwod five h°°derd pomade,
that hu been written sad preached .bout balsa' day for etb three hundred p°uod°; Md for
value of souls, here is an immortal soul throws every fin hawked mesas above the sem d
into everlasting perdition for the paltry sem of three thousad five haodred peen s, mos day•
fifty pouods ; while more than th.l sum is spent I As if the foretelot war sot .04ki.edy bed to
is getting riddhina. Somebody is responsible ; !their." (orerw, those who eoeld b. gadty d
the blood of the murdered man will be required each a groes penerhoo of their legislative pew-
Jidge ef all the earth will sot accept the ;era, we bare the followingProvided, always,
apology that he war murdered fy tall law, sad : that every penoo poea1aed of a waggon, cart
sone but • child or an idiot would offer such an or teem of horses, oxen, or beam* d burl's, se
apology. Such were the thoughts of oar boy- draft used to draw the same, shall be liable to
hood, and such are the thoegntsof oar riper yak.. wed' o* the h'ghways sot len than three den"
They will io some ioniser(' apply to every caw t Meek is toa:nat. A poor mm whore sole
where human lift is wilfully, deliberately oil J°M°dsace may rest upon the labour of himself
legally destroyed, whether it is u the dal, or toad • yoke of cattle, valued, by th e game law
the boxing ring, on the battle -field, or on the ;that ■axe the value of all property, at eight
scaffold. The association of • multitude to do: Pagoda. i. ("lied apo to pefisrm three days'
1011 is no estenoatio• of that evil. We drumlin statute labour bot the was who may be the
to be regretted that religion should bees pat- °este possessor of property to the rata of
La ,l...1. 6ftwrr'lhesdrd
We debt not the petty ae er mss iTlis pride ° that property, per ahs o° y a,..
iotentioe ; bet we never 40terfer. with intentions dye labour; or, 111 other words, eight pseuds,
NO Taro te00D °saa&L.
1. my Mate leg Olio alabrinee I pIomigti se is-
ot n * a few ease of the tolls that loge already
—delft as by Lees the legislative swimmers of
thhisolemy--reouIted fon Obs undies prepoaier-
anee that has hero gives to meter. 'Ph. first
I shall adduce. as one with the working u(
CO• 0100 00 .• -..y cos! apply
issue, and therefore, to them we express both et the flirt glans..
ler gratitude sod regret. We are sot exams,- ' The uumptioe d haws "tore by the Re.
rating wises nye ay that at Ino • hundred ulnas, dueler of mankind was an act of his severeiem
.laaee we heard it wewdsred (jameumes by Mr. I will, but so lug as be was pleased to retain this
Giles' bat sappeeters °°d sometimes by little I bem•sity be sefeered the wine infirmities, and
boys) if Mr. Giles or any of hie °"""Ihtan: was subject to the same physical necessities as
could take hold of a subject and write an article all othechuman being.—he .adored hunger and
upon it. We will give them room—sad heo.e- thirst, *0d fatigue, &0d opposition, end pereece-
forth we assure ler fonds that their isanalP tion from the actin of tie very same laws which
will he hurt by remark° d un °•ass gay- cause other men to wrier. If set) then be Minot
thing which may appear is that salaamed ume our nature. W. erild quota fifty mesa -
Hares Gazette ; we believe after all, that it is g" from his lith to whew that his humanity was
capable eddying little evil. W. hope Warded'. esnsiraised by the maltit.deor orb" physical
will peruse last week's number aref°II'. It 1410010115050.; to actor forbear°ctiog am • p*rti-
coetai.0 some nee speeiehees d logic. The! collar manner, but we really thank we would be
kiadnesa d Mr. Gales ted his assistants is far-'.
aasultieg the °odentutdisgs d the vainble pan
nishing as with so many relatable motives, of oar readers. We huge ride..e te interfere
simply that they may line the honour of con• with polemical divinity, because we thick it ie
demoting these 'tonere, will be esiimatd at is not calculated to do good', either in the columns
true tetra; and the accuracy of their iasioa-' ofa newspaper or in any other columns; but, as
tions abet oar religious views will be beet s• charity induces us to suppose that " A Lemma"
dentodd after we have Leen a few ran i0 was actuated by the most honest and pion mo-
Goderich. On this subject we have only to re-
gret that such characters are tolerated to stead
lorwsrd as the defenders of Religion, or in *hest
to awola1e their names with religion at ■11.—
We egret exceedingly that the anodard of de- which the most eminent Divines bare made of
eipliot in the Christen Church should be oto both physical necessity and moral oeceseity.—
low es 10 °droit men who bare nut "en the We have no personal ilhwill at the Layman or
ehadow of • claim to membership, only that they any other venter in the Casette. We advise
.trod the external ordinances of religion for a them as we advised their macer loot welt, to
leu hours eacb `dueler, However popular at confine themselves to subjects which they e.d.e.
may have become, or however unpalatable our stand and ea we hear that some of them are ot-
opu,inn may be, wit most hoeeefly declare our ,..sousily in the habit of entertaining the dent -
weal of faith 1° there tippling, swiditling, ahem, .
zeas of the Bar -room with scientific imit•uo
advocates of religion. V1'e hops the friends oil of mss w*lkiug with sitar Leg' done we °np.
true religion will ere long ?dim( some measures tone in Lou. ! If these rokibitio°s us to be
for wipiog this foul Btu° Irom the Church. We , coeti.uet ,e wall grew nur good will, if request -
have made • few clips is our "biome wills re- ed, by giving eblieity to the same* of the
gard to dron►eonee, ; they have bees few *nal I Acton, is order to iss*re • lager •tteadance ;
well-pnbliehed ; am Oct we have tidied to give such entertainments must be highly intellect's!.
publicity to them both by wntiog and lettering, With those retn.ik° we take as everlasting fare -
lest any perms should be led to place more ors- I well of the Hines Gaulle ad its numerous
fde°ce is se duo we are really entitled to, but 1 F.dilors
•t no pend of our lite would our conecieace have
twee, we would almost recommend him to Dr.
&asset Clark and Preaidest Fdwards, whose
weMiwp stand at the bend of all controversial
Tbeology, and then he will perhaps tarn the use
allowed 00 to .deocde rice or , or to hold 1
coretrssaiue and fellowship with the Chrietain 1 UNCHRISTIAN CONDUCT
Cramb, while oar duty walk and conversation
were iaceeep•tnble with the great principles of
tree prtigioo. We do think if there is nay one
ertfwr which bot trailed more alias another to re-
tard the progress of the Gospel among men, it is
the error d teeming permoo0 to associate as
mrwhere of the Church d Christ, end to espour
.d deksd the deetriaes of ('hrist.e.iy while
their ;rural r' is. Hvisg libel ve its pre-
cepts. ()sr enemies in Goderich fselo,' that
OW sa°omwe a wan.
1e our former *flicks we enamoured to
stew that the death penaly nut outrage apes
Aging (..limp which Gd hi i implanted in our
nature, and which constitute an essential part
of that eemtoblsng distinction which exile Ie•
tweets mar and otteer tribes d tiviii ,stuns ---
we attempted to Mew that it is ruby/rsivs of
morality, triemeeh as the feelings of humanity
try .rill oily come odsrrowd ar&f on the sob• heron weed sod blunted, Is peeportiu to the of petioles, have united i. a euvaasieg ore-, sadrulelty that are bteegbt Wen
lade situ" tbe $.tug, apes the old tory t Them. We pointed out that it is iseomp°ribk
watek-word st hereat' et infidelity. Ws expect- with the ripe ipla 01 Jane*, e• 1s destroy° tbe
ad this, we Iaew Toryism ; tui we are life 0f the culprit without ben/ditties theme
rood d this a,.wrk, •e is wif show se ovr etre. whom he had Injured: and that at to .indwu.e,
Mies, sod whether we are tapable of felons them
or ..t, we at least love to Lwow 'hem. We hate
inside denies ea we bete the devil- The sin -
dog ery is now to tore in the day, even the
isnieriy fbC..ousarives have gone far beyond
ie. k gas .sly be ,.lord sed swat/awed new,
by ebe mitre f°g'e*d .f Torrent, wheel utter
e..g of ptinriple .*d influence is only equalled
oy the despised position which it accepts is
lead cesequ..Uy wicked, hearty it esthete pets 1
without iwprwvltg the sneerer. We have thew.
that the roller ids of Feor.isug wise by it,
1010 it rnrreet, ne gm jeetibeauon .f the mortise. .d
lag; in short, they ark •' 1s it so nominated is th
hod 1" Now whether this class of religio.iita
are pleased ordieplea.ed with our faith, we must
be braes .sough to drawn that we de on be-
lieve is sash Christianity ; we regard it as a
libel ea Ors religion tad, rheerefote, we barn se
desire to unite is it.
We are aware that the death punishment has
the same 1140et:011 In the Scripi nes as Negro
Slavery, or the killing of witches. W. N
aware that it is not only coaateeanced bet COIN..
mewled is the Mamie dl,pensation. We admit
that not only the particular kiod ef death, bat
the particular kinds d Brits for which it is to
be inflicted are explicitly specified There is no
command to otraagle to death, but then are
away commands to Inoue to death. if we are
to be guided by the kw why do we not walk by
the law 1 why do we presume to improve the
mandates of the Moet High 1 Why de we
change the punishment acd abridge the cata-
logue of crimes to snit oar own notio0a 7 Who
told us that murder, and forgery, and rape are
more criminal in the eight of Gad, thee crimes
which the Mosaic law has pointed let as deserv-
ing death? *nal wherefore doe* the husband not
drag forth the an(aithful wife, .d the father the
disobedient son and command the crowd to stone
them to death 1 Who made us the rulers of set,
fellow creatures and the ministers of God's jus -
ties 1
We thank Hagen that we lin wader a mon
mild and merciful di°pedd'aatioo. We blew our
Creator that the destr.ction of animal life or the
sbeddi.g of human blood forms no part of our re-
ligion ; the sanguinary nine of Judaism have
bees superseded by a religion of love and mercy.
Aad whatever may hate been the relation oe
coa°ectioa between the religion of the ancient
Hebrews, and that of the C+ristain, in Inc parti-
cular, at least, they diger widely sad gloriously,
the one was made up of retributive justice sad
the .bedding of blood, the other is composed ef
love ed • merciful forgiveness. Itis altogether
.aneeessary to quote passages or elm perticelw
seetencee to *hew the: the New Teatawt es-
pies 1141. particalar virtu. or prohibits that pecu-
liar vice --ibis is a mere patch1ng and pairing of
the Divi.e record—.a equivocal sad dishonest
drvadi.g d the word of Life. With all dee de -
femme to pubtia spisiaw, we held that the per -
semi modem el Ions Christ u that earth, was
• real embodiment of stye Dins will in regard
to morality, and time
f ed is .wafermly the
lion 01 sbaatag the
*ad d deiwg geed we all saes, tea te these
was have iywd sed bed s. This we my
is ■ mem represewtatien et the pn.esel cos.
diet of Christ, sad es 1gvelly fair view d the
whole tenor of the New Tememe.t u hr se its
nterlity s concerned. Ad wt the prae-
na d airmailing • man can be jatufaetsnly re-
eseed d with the moral teaching of Christ, et
with kis saetet.n d the roma11 taken in *del -
try, toes, and sat till ties, will we Wei. that
seen bete a emend right to deetrey the life of
t from leveeing le
• living ezernpli6n-
impearsoee ef reit,
or motives, rub a isterferesce is exclusively
maligaat, and therefore, we have *Ely • right
to speak 1actios add their effects; and we met.
tainly think that the act of bleeding religion
etch the wilful destruction of humeri life, looks
rather anomalous, and we doubt lithe effects can
be beneficial to the cause of virtue. That it is
an important and a highly commeodable duty i■
clergymen and pious persons, to carry their ex-
hortations into the cell of the condemned crimi-
nal, is ton evident to require eves au drnissio° ;
bet to carry them to the scad.,ld—to sing hymns
and oder prayers publicly before • promiscuous
multitude of young and old, and thus give the
appearance *1 a religion ordinance to a tmost
■aehristian tragedy, must we think, have the •
effect of dimming the moral perceptions of the
spectators to the real barbarity of that tragedy ;
and of partly codfoisadieg the distinction be -
'went *ice and eines. It is a het that far more
is published to the world, about the penitence and
contrition of malefactors, than about the apiritsal
co°ditioo of decent mea who die in their beds;
and we doubt mach if ouch publications do net
crate • kind of enviable popularity mooed this
liked of death, .ed to many minds represent the
scaffold es • stepping -stone to • better stets of
existence. We hope the practice will be dis-
0010 00n.
We have now ezpremed our views upon th
anehrietian practice of Imaging • sot, farlewly
and we think strongly, at least we intended so
We are gratified to see the publicity which the
are recaeviog from more respectable sod in6uen
the property d the poor mn°, is made to perform
as mulch road labour as fifteen hundred pounds,
Ithe property of the rich ! Truly it is • carious
literal pecuniary application of the teat, a to him
.that beth .halt be given, bot; to h,m that inch
. •otshail be taken away that i.ttir the* he huh.'
Another example of the working of this extra-
ordinary measure : • person worth but twenty, -
hi poasds4 is called upon to perform t *o days'
statute labour, while his more wealthy neighbor,
toe possessor of property rained at five hundred
pounds, or twenty times the former amount, is
ealkd upon to work but twelve days. As 1)701.
(.145. statement of the two eases would be—u
.twenty-five pounds is to two days, so is bre
hundred pounds to the answer—and forty deys
would be the quota of the rich mar. But equity,
and the authors of this measure, could have W
no acquaintance with each other. I vesture to
°nsert that the laws of no country can show e
greater or more systematic fraud perpetrated o■
the people, under the sanction of an Act ofPuli-
am°t.t—pf a Parliament composed of shoes whom
courtesy and usage have been in the habit of call-
ing the represeutatiees of the people—it would
be difficult to find that they represented ought bet
their own selfiahnese- This let has now been in
force twenty-oioe years. One more insta.0e, sed
I shall close the unject for the present : Ta,
e, an article that isles generally, 1 woold be j.stifitd
in saying universally Med, and may be leaked
upon as necessary, is rated with duty, not ueoed-
y log to valor, bet by the pound weight. Tea,
costing one shilling per pound, pay* the same
nal papers ilia• our own. And .we would re, duty, tiro pence halfpenny, as that which teats of ..r readers who bare kept the last fin ; fin ebtllisga Thee the poor man's shilling
pays the sum* tax se the rich assn's dollar.
iambus of the Signal to give these articles a
careful. permed. We believe they are fo.sded
on the Words d eternal Truth, and although the
views which we have advocated are sot likely
to be adopted, or generally acted on lor nearly
treaty year. to come, yet we feel confident that
hey will be read by thousands oa whom they
will not be altogether kat.
RT We understand that the Stratford and Blas -
shard Beaches of the Hiroo District Agricultu-
re? Society, bate handsomely remitted to Mr.
O. G. Caninghame, the Secretary for the Socie-
ty, at Gderieb, their fair proportions of a sum
to berepoanNeither!ated to the Ma*gco(ttlNeither!Agrie4ltural Asso.utioo, o. behalf of the Ae-
noal i:zhibities. Stratford hos remitted tine
pomade cn►reaoy, sod B:ansherd two pouods tea
'hilliege. ales this losutuuo° is calculated to
ferthre the beet interests of the Prentice ; we
trust that the ether Beenbes d rir District
Society will (eel proud in thee contributing to
the honour of the District, ad the promotia el
each a apse.
17 Om Teeedsy evening a Meeting d the
Ab.uewe. Sor•iety was held is the United Pre•
yteria. Church, sad was addressed by the Re..
Mews. Pletcher, and Willlame, and by Mr
het as we hay. already Mated, is prepares sea • fellow Maw, and thee will w ee ale de•rg. I Margseee. po
i. eospogasale. of .er* Rae.
for the eemsdiestun d armeee by blunuag bib I °are th. practice a ra0rd 01,., ..wd dasj.lre.d,, Toerble einemetetseee the al leaden.. wea
moral preceptors taubd. We as1 1°0°6 l'uNl" c, fnsl a tee- I poll, but we have please* is stating that a
These views beteg vehetwti.ted, sot by sur I yaelive that through. *h. l..; enstieeed houece fe* sena were added to the list d tbe Tempe -
feeble efforts or argameats, het by the .sperms of hansoms practice, the metal possibilities of� ,ase
PDS TDM .vao. M01*L.
The antiquary delights to wander among the
stately moesmeste sod crumbling raise of the
past. ile derive a secret pleasure in investi-
gating the measle of cations which bad their
exielesee is the remote ages of asigaity ;
whether these mends are to be found in their
written history, or exist only in the title -wore
sad moaldniag relics which terve to mark the
spot where once they flourished in splendor and
magnificence. The engin, exploit., and fate of
neonate rney W traced is their wntten history;
bat the retest ef their empire, then refinements
in the arts and sciences, and the canes .f their
rola are correctly ascertained from their unwrit-
ten history. The ethane .term°ren, and an-
cient rise which bestrewn insects rich profs o°
one the *erten d the Easters teeniest, beve
served to dlsstpsts the eloed of mystery wbieh
long hang ever them, sad from these vast fabrics
tbom.ene, the traveller has bees enabled to de-
er/Mee their aethoe, tad the evident designs foe
which they were muted. The people who
rated these mos*°eats of their waltb and
tremdear, se well se mmsteiele d thew desti.y,
have ling aloe peed Prem the earth, sad timate
ldsetug fiager has obliterated the isser1ptiess
which were to aorto as gsideo is tnssmittiag
the knowledie d themselves to the nmetwt
generation; yet from the file specimens of
a,,. exhibited la Oras walks demon -
(7, and the easily detected penmen be wh.14
they vine applicable, a far Barer talk& of mooed
err°sleruuu r affurdded, thea weld passably
bare bees groes ms While/ history. Aad though
the bodice of their budder* have ,enehed, and
their upon crumbled nese dust betroth the rum
of the stryctsrte they ljewselen had erected,
sad the haat of ages has 1.nlapd them as
as almost uapesetr*ble mystery, atilt, the ■n -
drier r°duary and petrel reseed' of Madera ao-
vndgator., have is a great measure succeeded
in divesting them of this elated .f oblivive, sed
to dlsti°gsitbisg by them their asthma sad the
periods is which they had their srigu. 8i.ce
thew vemerble remains of clambering matins
have began to occupy 111e attains of the ken -
d sad the CSfIuw, °°d lead Ohm to come. went
researches is the aroma of swtigwity,—Ohs
inks for laveulgauu W ta.eseeed .. envy
°sookediag mintier has gives to the world in
meshed his toil sad rew°reh. New sed beset -
(a1 sheen.s are started, ►ad sew objects ef ad-
miralius ars bro.ght belies the raised world ,
as sew facts are developed sad more retest dis-
coveries made knows. The antiquary of the
m6O.teemt1 cnolary with the knowledge of tbeee
who have preceded him u this bread field et
observation, is e°abied to catty kis isve.eigetloae
much farther and arrive a1 mon satisfactory re-
sults respecting those objects which have hither-
to beet so Imperfectly examted. Aad aetwaW-
°uedisg Ilse greed has bees tnvereed over ad
over again by sscce.saive pnsraties of tra-
vellers, sod all the raise and 10.Ybeities bene ex-
amined and re-eaamiood1, hill jhe returning
wanderer of to•dpy may hie i5Teetmgatiea
be enabled to throw additional light upon the
past. The vestige* et eeriest art, which exam
upon the Egypuaa plata, marts( their time -
beaten sides sand the barye. wads of a track-
less desert, *ad appearing to defy the powered -
that pi -lacier which co.eigne all thieve else to
dee.y, are ..w meandered with revert a the
object sad period of their erection a distiseny
kaewa ; yet • deep talent is bila is every swc-
cesein deseriptia d these vast amwumats
of beams toil an industry. The traveller as
beholding these manias of aatig°ity as road is
their appearanee the character, wealth, sod
matifi0eaee d these was read them. Not is
this all, be is stay chess, when history h..
`bees entirely lest or rendered isdiatioet by tine,
she chasm bas beta 611d .p sad the tesaectneg
hat d snots entered by the indefatigable per-
sevemsee of a R.y°ell, Richeedaes, .d .cher
seedera travellers who bele roads the tttrbpes .f
aotiquaty their study. Nor have the .luta of
tine leaned astiquariane bas suffered to pmt.
°*naiad. The British Gov.m.ast, ever fore -
meat to science sad art, ut die -every sad ions -
tin have amply reeompeteed their wi1*u6c
Ma who ben neat their time sed talents to
these ancient researches ; bet by far the greater
recompense to bits who brags to light these
germs of hidden knowledge, arise from the con-
viction that be has added meth to the koewledge
anal Iitenuw of his age, and unwed • spirit of
investigation which neither time. arse daieski.s
will remove till the last Fele ef ascie.t mwpsifw
sena. Mill be led to the Iowan world, Md
its history and these of its time model°ow°—
a cc...o n.t;...1 ah. hbeer .f wWir
the relics of die departed satins d the
old world, thug' mach to be desired can hardly
be expected for yen to come. A field es vast
is extent, so ample in material, and so laicism
isg is the revels already atoned, right act to
be relinq.iebed till every object is fully identified,
and every subject fully explored and revealed, and
although the water coot -meat abased* so relics
not perhaps u ria' as these that lie scatwred
ea the outface of the .uwi., still, the iavan-
gatio0, of the former is M lees lmportat, sad
would bra's. productive ofiaurestas these ef tie
latter, they being the remain of patinas, whose
same., origin, and cotton's were loot wrenes
before this new **rid was discovered. Many .
persons may regard it u a matter of meth
doubt, that then should exist the remain of
ancient arts sad seine, in a lead bat neestly
discovered and iohabiwd by reaming savages
who were eves unacquainted with deme of the
rode arts. Bet from those satins( relics *kith
are discovered is the valley of the Mississippi
and Mexico, ieereaug in number and beauty as
they are trued southward till in the regime of
the tropics. This traveller is surrounded as every
side by specimens an the remained
palaces and temples, surpassing in beauty of
design aad executive the °oblast remain of the
Satinet Egyptians—the antiquaries eta deter -
mese 'that they are the work, sot of those peo-
ple inhabiting the continent at the period of its
discovery, bet of thew 6°wri°'iwg bag a.teti.e
to them, so lag indeed that .very trace .f them,
other than these ruin, is entirely 1001; ..d M
tradition however obscure lead °ocertais remis-
ed to afford the siighte.t els to their *akimbo.
A fact without a parallel is the hie.ey of the
world. For the reverse of this is mase grommlly
fund i° wnttes history. Thoth a0* a trona
le kit to mark the dem of Trey. Hemet's sup
ofits eventful sieve remain alermd by the
lapse of age. AU mewmato of Cremes glory
have perished, we that one of hie liltmaery them-
ter—the sistpr record d his sot* geese deader
recorded by his owe bed. )IM bee w M
mngaifieewt vias of a mighty people -4e* is
half obliterated Isereghiphiea lir ewe°akd drib
might, their exploits and then' fate, Waked be
ages is the dark vaults ef .item, as firmly gad
as effectually es the fee* of them who reined
them are elaspd in the mimes d Juth. Is
silesce will they remain asul some mere ski1h1
iorestigater shall (krypton these mystical sym-
bols, ad nose these " Mortal places d amesosty
to open and gin up their dead."
The School might la die owe by Mr. lots
Kann, amend by Mrs. Kens, was noseaed
en Teeedsy Mn is pre.wae d the Rae. Cheeks
Fletder, lees Haldatt Iles, Erg , Geodes
Gibbons, Mt. Patrick Patau, late Towed*
8°periete.d..t, Mr. Red, Mr. Wm. Thredni
and ether. It was Only groufyisg to Mesa
mar' yeast peopl.—.ttmb.ri*g henna Mind
30—all nehmen* tb.medvse with mlWemy
amen" °°d .vlssiag the mew maxis three et
etbItet their vanes. eerdwm.ate.
The .e.atsetios *.s • eserdimg ems, esti
re4eetd groat beam ee bet& Tsarler mei
Ieagbt Ti. ga.01sss pet by 14. Runk www