Huron Signal, 1848-06-30, Page 1...-se.t r•
r..t.. .. , • •, - .• ,r I • .. . s.
et tie,
TEN bi11ll.L1N8
1R ADTA:tca.
Circ Anton Signal,
is entente AND raRW*D testae MIDAS
Mailman' $QeAIO, •OD[ttCLL
U Y All kinds of Book ..J Job Priming, is the
Esglisb and French languages, eareuted with
Deatsea sad dispatch.
1,500,000 VCRES OF LAND
disposal, about 1,b00,0W ACRES OF
LAND diepersod throughout most ut the
Townships in Upper Canada—nearly 500,-
000 Acres are situated in the Huron Traci,
well known as one of the most fertile parts
of the Province—it has trebled its popula-
tion in five years, and now contains up-
wards of 20,000 inhibitaats.
The LANDS ere offered by way of
L E .'l E , for Tea Years, or Jur
Srfe. G .'1 s H 1) O Df- X—lke plan r•(
oar Jlfib Cork, and Ike balance i* foetal-
miels bring done array Leith.
'rho Rents parable tat 'rebniary each
year, are about the Interest at Six Per the prima the Land. Upon most
of lire Lots, wires Lt4 SAi1J, NO MONEY
IS REQUIRED DOW N—w hest upon the
others, according to locality, one, two, or
three years Rent, must be pail in advance,
—but these payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th year
of his term of Leser.
The right to. PURCHASE the FREE-
HOLD dnrrng the term, Is secured'tis the
Lessee at a tined rum named a Lease, and
an allowance is made according to Meet -
paled payment.
Lists of Lamle, and any further informa-
tion can be obtained. (by application, if by
letter post-paid ) at the Cowr.. N r'. Ornate, arrd t;nderiak ; of R. !knees ha,
Esq., .rbpeulel, Colborn District ; Dr.
Meese, Guelph, i,r J. C. W. Deer, Esq.,
Stratford, BUMS Diviner.
G001) and wife investments. Valuable
MILL SITES and FARMS for sate
on Lake I Wrote
A gout Mill Privilege on tho Lake .huge
within etx. miles of Godencle having at;
acres of excellent Land, the Mill can be
built on the rock, and within 50 feet of ten
feet deep water in the Iake; the Mill dam
bemadel o
cue acne
T111: Subsenbere begs leave to inform
his friends and tbo public at large, that
be is now prepared to receive orders for
which shall bis manufactured of the best
materials, and by experienced workmen.
(` Ilarrows and Drags made to order ;
Plough Castings Wooded.
Goderich, Feb. 9, 1848. 2tf
THE Subscriber -offers for sale Lot No.
one in the seventh Conceulon of the
Township of Colborne, West Division.
There ,sun the premise's a small Lug Baro,
with 15 scree under good cultivation, and
well fenced. The Land us of excellent
quality, and within 6 miles of the Town of
Goder•ch, containing 100 acres.
TERMS of Sale will be made known by
applying to William Robertson, Esq.,Can-
ada Compaiy's Office, Godench, or to tee
Godench, March 1st, 1848. Elf
THE Subscriber is about discontinuing
business as Blacksmith in the town of
Goderich, and hereby notifies all thou in.
debted to him, that they will be waited
EXTEN upon for settlement immediately ; and the
1 M RO R T A T I O N S obstinate ones who disregard this retiree -
be tine will be headed over to that efficient
officer the Clerk of the Cuurt, who will
be asked them to excuse him if be did o.—
TI Ob{AS GILatOUR k CO.' Mperbapa effect a settlement on more costly 'Sha hist thing they had to me was; what
WOULD respectfully intimate that thee rad less favourable terms. brought hem together 1 Two year's ago,
have just received, direct from the HENRY ELLLOT. doubted whether a score of those who
New York and Montreal Markets, a very Goderich, April 8th, 1848. 11tf, were now present would have been thereto
large assortment of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- countenance a similar proceeding. There
stable, Tuscan, and imitation Silk BON- STRACUAN & LJZARS, went be some cause of action. He would
NETS, and a great variety of almost every ARRiSTFR9 apd Attorniea at' iaw, tell ttaem what at wa- It sou the wan% of
description of FANCY GlNeato suited to B Solicitors in Chancery, and Benkrept- was w maks themselves sad their [ami -
t e fashion and tate of the e. a Notary Public ass Conveyancers, Godes lis ha p7 and comfortable. [Hear, sad
Also, an a;teosire stock of 1• ehaer..1 He had stated there, sad in the
bed all keds of Staple Goode. lekewi•e,
large quantities of GROCERIES, perucu-
lerly a very superior supply of TEAS, from
1s. 3J, per pound upwardsl according to
quality ; and Tobacco at all pricer.
As the whole extensive stock has been
selected by the proprietors in person, they APPLICATION will be made to the ,seat
can confidently recommend them to their A Session of the Provincial Legislature,
friends and customers, and ae the purchases for lave to bring ins tell to consti' etc and
have been effected exclusively on cash pre'. form the following Townsh:pe and ,.ore,
cipies, they have resolved to sell on the and Clock of Land, viz :—North Easthope,
most reasonable tonus and at the lowest South Easthope, Downie and Gore,—EIli.,
possible profits bun rodu• ' Blanelierd, Fullerton, Logan and llibbert,—
( Marketable produce of every descrip- dal bo rwgh,
tion taken in exchange at the highest mar-
ket peer. THOS. GILMOUR k CO.
Goderich, 18th May. 1848., 16
From the Birwi•gham Journal.
00 Wednesday _forenoon • meeting of the
subscribers to the declaration to favour of
Household Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, Elec-
toral Districts, and Trieouial Parhameots,
was held in the Town Hall for the purpose
of forming a Reform League, electing
.tfbee bearers, and an Executive Committee.
Tb. attendance, tiougb large, fell short of Proposed on that committee by the member
that at Moaday'r meeting. Amongst those for Finsbury, because he knew that hs (Mr.
present where G. F. Menti, M. P., Alder- blunts) would not be humbugged. 11e had
men Weston and Palmer, Coupedlors Web- no doubt that was the revue why he hadn't
Mee Perkee, Spicer, Collins, and Baldwin ; been put oo it. 'l'he question was put to the
Messrs. George Edmonds, Blyth, Mason, House, and they preferred sone other body
and many of the electors. to him, much to bit great gratification, bo -
Mr. Manz, who ryas received with re- muse he should have been obliged to sit for
Iterated cheers, apologized for the abronce hours' hearing men talk nonsense, and all
of bit hocourable collesge, (Mr. Schots- up uwo to know that then men bad made
bete,] who war unavoidably detained in op their Minds on the subject befure.—
L eedon, but ribose sympathies w.n wrti [,fear, peoplhear.]e,
War that the way to attend
them, and alto would aid the to to the people, or have thein aupplicd 1 bare
the utmost of hu power. [Cheers.] It eo.] Well, the nett thing was to have
was not a very easy matter, after making a • coercion bill for Ireland. Now, although
speech on the subject un Monday, to wake
so one was more opposed to coercion in any
another now without some repetition, and .bspe than Ire sou, yet the mato 111 which
that country was, a so numerous and hor-
rible the murders, that be felt bound to give
the bill hia support, always on tho under -
Mending, however, that remedial measures
were to come immediately after; but these
immures had Dever come. The next thing
was • big Chartist meeting, and every man
east his own giros% to grin at. [Laugh-
ter.] Preparattoos were on a great scale
to put down some threatened disorder.—
Now, anxiuus as he was fur liberty, he was
of opinion that there was no real liberty ex-
cept in good order—[cheers]—and if it vies
attempted to be of by disorder, they would•
■II -►[laughter] --publishing the evidence
merely, without eummeet. Wiry should
be then gree up bis tune anal attention to
web humbugging awsense—to be examin-
ed by persons cul fit to examine a cat—wen
of no practical know ledge, who were home
in the clouds, and swunmiog round the
moon—nen who were totally unacquainted
with the wants end necessities of their fel-
low -creature,. [Cheers.] He had been
rich and Stratford, Huron Distnet, C. W.
Mee STmewar', Goderich.
DANIEL Bora Lrzeas, Stratford.
liudeneh, April 20, 1848. 601
Throng& Ceaeds to Stars 4% !Cee York. r.l via.
Cess esat, London, Woodstock, Bestf
llsuu.Ws, 11-ereri.ou terry 10 Bsffoto.
TRi ttx.L I[aowa
WILL rue the Semen .f 1848 as follower—
Leaves C&.Ura.a every Moody-, Wednes-
can 6 t 18 feet high ata triflingor
espenre and on a never fading stream,abun- day and end a!doming',
at 8 o'cclock, gtor township o{ o ,
dance of Sawlogs in time vicinity. tvI T1V0 rf the Government wa before getting
Also, • splendid Mill pnnlege half h `
mile up ou g I day and Sa y I g i.. mistake. 11 the tore.gnt.rr �
5 ( ('kat& i cleared and in l h Republic w til
Moss. of Commons, that whenever the
country was In • state of prosperity, men
Deter troubled themselves about pollees.—
It was only when men were deprived of the
imam of laving, when their wives were
wretched, and thou childr.n crying for bun-
gee, and rum stared thew an the tate, that
they looked to see what could be dune to
a nut themselves. [Hear.] They were
anion* to labour to the utmost of their
power, but they couldn't get It. [Hear.) --
Thee was an unnatural state of things. It
wasn't natural that one half the people
Mould want loaves, and the other half bare
too many to sell. That bad been the care
1Velierley, Morninaton ne er7 r not 1 a and the lime was rapidly aP-
and Western half of Vee,_, , and the Block.. preaching when it would be so again.
of Land behind Logaw,—Loco a new lAt- Many ofthemhe knew were now short of
trict. ALEX. h1ITCH ulat loavee, and the others, who had plenty,
Sou') o[ CuSImitice.
moss; bot that 1f their libertfee Lucite at-
tacked there was • certain minority in that
(louse whu would do all they could to de-
fend them. [Cheers.] Nuw what did they
want 1 They wanted social, eonimercial,
and political grievances redressed. (Hear.)
Doe man ,night think that the dowers war
commercial, another that it was political,
another that it was financial, (which war
bin opinion,) but not one of them could car-
ry anything themselves. A dozen might
vote with him because they considered him
an honest men, cot because they thought It
was right, or even because they understood
it; for the most ut them knew notbing about
the wants of the country, and dtdu't wish
to learn. Fur instance they ,night be heard
saying, "Oh, good Gud ! these things are
so ditbcnit that we can't understand thea,;"
—[laughter] —and that made good hie
opinion that they wanted men of knowledge
—practical men—n,en wise would strive to
obtain fur the people ouch privileges a
would mitigate their distress and would r. -
dress their grievances. [Cheers.] 'net
was the object they should bare in mew,
and that was the object of those who hod
signed the declaration. [Renewal cheer's.]
It was tnie, a he bad told them before, that
no rights would remedy their im-
mediate distress. It was but a means to
an end; bat they must there sights first,
uniting fur that purpose soberly, commute- a
tionally, firmly, and disinterestedly. [Greet
cheering.] He said don't unite in classes—.
throw clearer to the wand's—but take the
people altogether e. use body. Lel thew
say „we are in trouble, in 'merry, and -
wretcbedness, and everything it gang to
ruin; wo duu't see why at ono USIA we
Q should be to the grtuert tindery, and at
not only get it, Dut retrograde a hundred another in the greatest affluence; but we
peers in cIvihatUuD. Who measured of want to have the power to elect men these unfortunate Chartists—whoa he bad potent by honesty and practical lu;otale�e
always laughed at—were attached great Iso- to understand our righty, and setapon their .
penance to. Every map within smell of 'a I eon,iction.; 'and uutil we have our rights
district was to be tuade a special.conetnble• we will not cease to agitate the Cohntr)."
[Laughter.] Cavalry were marched in, [Loud cheers.] Don't. let them divWc.,r
and all that sort of. thing. Now, although Olean.] 1{e ane,* from long experience,
be had no objection to all proper precise. ' and he *new that within the lac few reek.,
tions being taken to preserve urdcr, he vedu't it was the huge amongst Government wee
believe that these preppa+rations were made that they would split—h•repeated be knew
for that purpose. He believed that all that the chance 4 that was their gamines.'
these extraordinary preparations were made ! hope. The Government knew that if the
to give Ministers the pretext of carrying people were uuued they could not resits
what was called the " Crown and Govern-' thein; but they would throw out bite jea-
Inept Secontj Bill." [Hear.] Now he ob. tousles, and inetnuate this and the other.—
' Let them be r -
e tip t u mEur w at catt(O
Set—[cheers]—and fie told them, apd ho
would tell the Government, that if they gut
that which they were now going for the
people would get more if they wanted it,
and would defy any Goverment whatever
a�tatford, [Hump], Gt'a i g. woo be stets. eve for the Crown, because they knew that the
�lADt1L 1M}. Peelle ..w..,ts—tDra and the Iasi—had astock-io-
power of the Crown was limited, and war
FOR SA L. trade. 11 wan for a loD time ib. unfortu- , re becoming more limited, so that M
situated on the Bay- nate famine 10 Ireland : this waethe recon though the constitution of the country was
LOT of Lad,the ave fur the Dad trade. Now nobody g
A field road, five miles and a half from 7 g rs aware than was of the peva galled a Monarchy, yet it approached so
Goderich—will be sold cheap. Republic tam change would be •
Terms of payment to suit purchasers.
Godcrich, elarch.28, 184e. --011 —
APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the
owns Colborne, Western Divi -
wan more near a pis ie a a
ti$n, misery, and loss sustained by the {arse. Loud Chian.' Be had natal often to return n. [Loud cheers.] Ho had
boreat, but it was nothing to that edeal of that he `as in favour of a Republican form • emelt titre, as Ire bad dont ea Monday, at
bore once elapse [...Dee An good deal of I of Government, and if he had to start a new ' SOWS '.$cube° and great pecuniary. lura;
col had getting s.nce then; cue famine on count's tt should be ss a Republic; but but seeing what be sat/, sad bearing urs
ibe s mea affairs
old; h clic fell back on Y
the state of affaare on the Cuaunent. lie there was a great difference between this keit Monday �c hugthuugthet �ht thatnitgrym bh�aur luo
thought they had always made too much of and a new cuuniry• nut them look at the + b g
their foreign trade. 'Their home trade Will! Po
anion of the Crown, the Church, the 'I experience and knuwledge of the town and
their great trade; and tet them look bow the i Aristocracy, the landed and funded inte- ' the People, he might be of sortie use m en -
home consumption bad failed. Let them rests, all interested ns keeping up the pre. etourtabge , recornmendiog, and advising
s correct and I sent state of things. All this they would them to gave up httee jealuuney sad uuite
Detroit, t containing see 1 have to change s Rld tar thg great object tit emancipatwg thee -
8 o'clock. ever Tuesday, Thorn Sion. Hurno D with .I thea bad trade was owing to the t t do so he l selves bora party thraldom which they euro
Leaves dsaksrrabrrR rg 7 de v [
a bluroince at half -pari 7 o'clk. HU?LDREll ACRES O � ordcrD' {epees ` tureigpeu nut having means to buy. i Num;
the would deteriorate their own 10 Parliament There
There were the
,a. Breaod „Frame fl a d t u J ansae
whether It
I ublic; but m ahem? dpg u +
l60 Eighteen mild River which curd ' atilt labouring under. Cheers,] Look at
is navigable to the Lake, having 4 acres a , awere r party
of be and other wucbing at Uclroit and il',ndrur ur position an that a
of first talc O-- 'gouty The Y LINE R8 rum in t onnecue. with COACHES. • I too Then is a gthe pre iso 5 by ; wee atheme n; ao aper is their would or this . et/hies un the one hand, this a the
l repair. upon the premises, 35 by ,too busily engaged In politics, and had not , P
Saw -logo A the vicinity. I DAILY LINE rn STAGE dQu.en to [Cottage also,
P P their
thea successors. [Hear, and corers.] I ot er, and the 1'eehtan tithe Tories sone of
AND An the v Your of the best deecrip• a Frame Bern 50 by 35, nod' the means to buy our goods, although that P Po them able to du anything motel, but able to
o{ F.h imp'ssis on and near the teem by which (and between Chesham off a Ont•t Ontario)
Two tort ; e°' gyet it was eIpOrl that
the could not 'Tho their
.0 , If she had any intention,.nalce do I do a Scat deal 01 iea beiween, [Hear,r pod
by which the Steamers r hake Ontario) Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with would hurt our ex ort trade in some de- anything contrary 6 -the Cunaut 10 al- (g Party wan the bane tit the Stan
Shore, with improvements. passengers will be enabled to reach limgsnm ao1 a LogFarm liouse in tolerable repair.— vee, though h@ neither said our believed that cheers.] y Y
The above well relented and very valuable ` u lean three days from Chu6am Passengers ,There aro three running streams rc water tnaputacturo themselves. so that the one she either bad or would have any nuc i m- I cur the benefit tit the tow. Let therm avail
property will be sold low for carp, or halt gas leave Hamilton by steamboat fur Toronto, ,4- L.4),",„"'
the Lot ; two Of w6l h are in the'. tchus e e what
t the uck-in They .sold the n—could not carry it either in the it, unto m one union. rn avo1-
the purchase money may remain 1'or three Rochester, Oswego, State am will any of the i•- cfearjng, and a tint rate Neil in the colter ofut Il wfiramt t6consict On ado thattheI ed and este., ] 'Tho a great ate object he had
n the Lente Lords or Commons. the time when J
or four yearn on moctgage. I teranedrate porn on Lake Oatara. Gea+lenres I o{ the (came house. Wood opo Mr. Attwood came nn At gatthe them, they a view in r, e -- war to propose a resole. (if by let'er post paid) to i Robertew- from act pans of die Sates Lind ,tri. route chiefly hard timber. Said farts a Situated I foreign trade would bNow, whenever men e worse yet. Then , considered the Crown as a rock—as a re- ,too, which combined all the objects of the
tante Lawrieon, Esq., London, very agreeabledaringthe summer andgw•iinter,es but i< mikes from Godcrich, the District it was Ireland essed suer and hunger they I ()ewer League. It was 1011110 eliuct—"'l'hat this
Puke, Esge , God r , sir 10 the proprietor C:r! ruses through
hThe Chatham and Londesrroad town•b etv will be .old I became 1 wen comparatively insane.I and safeguard against the of of
' JOHN }IAWf;iNS. (�Th'e desirsblepmpe i ll h ur be t Jthev
Purl Albert, Godcrich, Feb. 1r ,848. 111 is •
oo P IICFD s at a reasonable p Lau titer Did anybody 9TRACHAN k 1.kGAR-T` • � g ] well known and if they , Yacd to address tb King in a constitutional nary; and that thy. meeting us prepared to
w completed, ad is • very good used.
C&srecra 1. Detroit end Windier, s,tdtarc reeve.
Capin Passage $1,75: leek Passers $1,00;
Children, half -pries Horse, Buggy and one
Gentle$3,00: Double Team, Wagon and
1 to wan is an t amu
rice. For terms appy i hod doubt hntt— ed that power against the prop e, a
e'1 dtate reform of the electoral syrteui ntxes-
Solicitors, West -street. y u was a wo no fact,wa yuuare our executive MimeRr;' Y advocate an extension of the suffrage to
Ttf were dl -tempered because ours bad not got 1 5 him
Goderich, March 22, Mt,
their dinners for a few hours, what must the Lords oronund, and they unsngrow to assist
every one holding • distinct tenement,
the dinnercondttws of those men bo who had nut I stubborn. The tittle, therefore, of the bill' whether part of toe horse , or the
r 100 all other I a fora day, or yeara week, and not a cook I house itself, and who shall pay a bona
Driver ;4,Uu: O: or Cow 11' furtaDle meal fur a 1 [Hear.] Look .wad wrong. The Crown w:.nted pis secure ,tide rent fur the same, aiY1 who swell have
Freight ma prolan; i. I t w had nothing do with the bill, this uccu sod the rave at lent six talo....
llejereC. Hann Detroit.
t, m ci Waddgll &
Every man i he Lords andsCuumonyhen they excrete- ureeling Is of opinion that the resent cute
fore dinner.— P
cal state of the cuuutry rendes an tmme-
vow NALR
'POUR, Lots un the First Concession of
Goderich, fronting Lake heron, con-
taining 84, 72, 0'i1. and 581 acres respec-
tively. Two of these Lots hare conrider-
*Me irtaprovemeets, and erre of them a com-
modious Two Story Log House, with Gar-
den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS
oa the Second Concession, containing 80'.
asra� catch two of them partially improved.
These Lela are situated on the Bayfield
Road, from set to eight milts south of the
Nourishing Town of Oeder(eh ; the land le
of the beet gsality, and well watered, and
the front Lots command • beauufal view of
the Lake.
For particulars apply (if by letter post
p id), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich
March 1/, 1848. 711
AI*1 thus. I HICKS
to the Estate at the House of Cmnmops fur instance.— intention of which was merely to give morel P
Co.; T. M. Taylor. Windsor, 1. & H. 1)er• the late Mr. HICme of Stratfcla Beforo dinner, under the Caro of that very mer to a weak, timid, and vacillating Gar- month+ poor to the at Lean of a member
en rt. C. IIYn4 Detroit, Ives & Black.—
lack•— lease Settle rho same without delal. and i ro• ctablo gentleman, the Speaker, it was I P° of Pal liaunept; that as a protection againet .
Lou syille, Knight & Weaver. Tecumseh I P noes; and elan all llioee er g 01 t'a this meeting cu. -Were Votu bynat the ,
without extra expo I a very orderly place but when six or eight I to oh he way,the the
to the 5i
Hoose, H. N. Smith. W ,,devilk, Aadenoa k I ' Y )
o'clock arrived, the Speaker had no more opposition to the bill. Its object was t� • gun°i a!nindispensable; murstk Iand t re irea@nted
Babe. Mow, re8. Fleming. Ection G. Home,J. hating any Claims agaeFt the above l tate, power over rho Huuae has he (Mr. bluutz) I pP°
Smith. abcoc . Belle.. Ju. Bab ck; eameare teh;rreAdjusd tment to oJo p_reeellrcas+I had over the moo.—[*real laughter]—and I for make
eve•open and advised speaking" tela. 7 7u 7 I
Joseph Rolhm. London, M. he8 M t hell
ford, G. Babcock. Hamilton, M. Babcock; bis g attar h rho moat ,...portant measure was for ever, subject tl tleproof
oa on ioerrii. I this.
etingl ect ruse Uutrdrcvie,rwastatmg
Davis.le a
fur the best man
NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. de Hued of food Imt a to be teen subject Chatham, April, 1848. 20-t1 intention of
JUST reeeived, and will be Fuld cheap for
cash or marketable produce, a large as-
sortment of
of various sines and qualities.
March ti, 1848.
on, and dinner hour arrived, the Speaker [Shame e ' of an equal number of registered voters,
couldn t keep ordermember's opposed K; and got its operation to a reviswu every ten years, accord -
couldn't d to two years, andproofg 1 m el Soo last censor; and this meeting is
the House. Men P two
toitibecame comparatively an! andel, and while I Governs Int wassthe thing to look at. 11 , further of opinion these reforms will be
in this state they acid and did Sape theycould hart carried it out a it wigs first ;best ensured !ruin abuse by limiting rho
rate etdegs. What was a.0 panacea always I bythe power of the people, the I legal duration of Parhamrnt to three
P P Y ' farY.•i Great cheering.] When he wry
offered? Remedial measures. so•t. Had the would ha
to r relieve
proposed any sort off non— I would have done ca They did not yield they
I there the[ou,tr day, an indirect blot was
to tehevs ,bra ,A i ere 1 [Cries of no.]— I the app 10 ?ebbe beeaa u( rte uu,id e c ,boy I` thrown out that be diu'ot know whit
Tbcy always card they would give remedial gave up to f opinion. de evidenced d b
of chore rodepeviden urem- I Household t that was; but he had. what
to chem lust the telurw ineatiollo
had d,terred the cone leration of the subject.
Ile 4ifnt Meet what definition they ought
place upon rt; but that wee out to present
them Irvin fixing mein one. Ile was glad
that ewes g„mt men at Also herd tit the
THE Bcbaeribsr beteg anxiau to retire',
from bustnese, wtsh.e To Lire the well
and DWELLING HOUSE, actuated inetee
west end of the theivlsg tows d Stratford ;
with the good will of the business. The
above pattslses have been for many years
.eeopid, end the rue of barmen is peal
se the Mat steed in the District. Thi •
way by for as shay rears as may be s�reed
AN, 'rhe Totals, roe, lee. will also ' dis-
loeed of. Rest nn IMtN *MERMAN.
Stratford, l7A Melt, i*4t. 1211
...SER HANGER. 4•- 4t•
1.• ..,.,a0 ftlCN.
A la quantity of ditfereet descriptions
of LATHIIR, whack will be sold to the
trade on the most reasonable terms, either
by wholesale or retail. intending purchas-
ers are requested to call and examine for
themselves at the Boot
er'Pegs anti Fiadingo for sale.
Goderich, May 98, 1148. 17tf
N. B.—Tratent SCALE, weighing free
1 H. to SSB, for elle.
.oarcTT.a it Cwmncaar, scene irece, kc.
6OU1:RIC11• i7
THE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately
rented the above well established INN
and HOTEL in the West end of Stratford,
from the John Sherman ;etor and aneehe begs
Asay thatlt.4
wall endeavour to see the Publictheir and
eller' well accommodated, and Stabling,
forte attended to. Ile has R
ood and an attentive Hostler. His Bar w weal
supplied with Wines and Liquors.
Stratford, March 1, 1846. 7e8
1 measures the op
sant first, and "'ben 7 [Lound cheers.] At t6. tut eleetiou It wa
11 about medics \V 11
f and eheen. us s.
eeEwires for the tat six months. Partite na`h� .. of and he
at all. Ifstthey had
measures; but unfortunately other ben who would cut inmate to them.—
had satisfied .temuhte they forgot a) s re
Just look at that said that he was no party man. found
Meet was brought together, with an d- - par 7 what uwteumrpt s.. JefineJ sit a they haJ. Ile
tttifrNon that the .tats of thugs was I Goose eD a been tie this Case la n The been
than bad .l.tays been o1 opinion flat to any
pored tree t• te- Intent ware strong l 1 .uff:rge luny bad, alt was neeeasars t,. at -
h with it taco cue ballot. (Cheers.) The lower rhe
- ,r suffrage, the Moro they eaten
eeded it. Only
it bad been fora series year'. and emt.d, tiro Tories
G.vrameet pro a
gore foto these of the cowmareial dor ur• dehg ted erre delighted with the bile
everybody was
OUTSTANDING DEB look at what �Uetrereal Suffrage would ►D
S T R A T F O R D. allspice Hew IJ leave them to ledge members,
arty roes, the House Wen W hi , or look at
this bihor. Ile need not tell these
t t was a common thin .�-althuii bice
nonaaa with it except some seventy-five
agreed wi the Government upiaaon on Dull eased if they bed been Whigs, or
agr Owl -fourths of thine
171HF Subscriber will be , rettA to cote► what cert of k . et 6. neo it was. . lie was Tonne, h p that i g g
f therm in arrear i him, art/ ter 'trrk sorhet he s id "J t be won't
ed before t used without ° coon the Crown and
4I the Llerrt, if not imni�A. .col . such
he said b ggi 1 won't N �heers end i it would have bees rity Bill in s .staled f oln f teem fnorr Ii 11 encs thee always r,Pw1.fl ece.�W by it wan tlot masters to o•
A.F. MICKL each • humbugging •nafr [ ,nous that titer aero threwands hu never
Blfstfotd, March 97, 1818. 9t IanghNr ] He was not a(rsrd tit reset( ex- • ever. W boo he sad for over, ho ear, as 1 voted, becausoolt 'night hurt their hw "renes
attNt.rt� long M tJiey could hate sit—(hear, and ' \o g
DIV. COURT BLANKS, H chem]—but at all
PRINTED on awpenorgoality of paper,
for sale at the Iluron Sigma! O o,
cheap for Cash.
Godcncb. Jan 28, 1848.
bteawee 1. knew thewhorls qua- events It would have
hos well; het let hie bane a fair jury . e
had bees two�r three times a; sed by ' been years before they could hese got It
a.eeitt•es ►afore; but how did it all end 1 abolished. Ile went therm eireum-
..l e, that disputed 'ever
eve much a` y report at ' piet e hadrno powerhow sit the in the House a el• Com-
asive* that lacy
w what would be the case with work
,nen who d,d'nt vote wi h their masters I—
lie would give them an ...term •f the
general feetnng on the matter. At she time
when Mr. Attwood and lir. Schee:held