Huron Signal, 1848-06-16, Page 31 'Weibel o the It tato. Naw Yeas, law is- . a. s The !!testier £ands unwed at H.hfex ea Wedeeeuar Lapves b sal rut 'n D„etua al 11 e'aMek les' sleet Levs.ve.i. ley 97th.—Comowreial eine are quiet awl 'needy. Money pleat? st 3 a.J 3j per coal. Pm/we market urn .eyph.d. Orals 'wade, with adva,eeng tendency for cern rued (lour. Comm 4.11- Baal acem.ts from rsasufscter• tog Carnets. Prices about j tower. Bt's. Eugheh wheat -50 and 36s per quarter. American Sour, 48 mid SOs. Indian corn, 33 a 34e for white and 35.37. Cur yenee. %Vcatere canal emir 2gs. 1'htlsdefppis end Baltimore, 97 s17.6d- Stemmata to Ireland large, Mitchell has been found guilty. The jury deliberated 'bees hoer.. l: was thought lie wuult[ be sentenced to Iransiertatiun under the New Ast. The Lard* hare throws out the !ell for the relief of the Jews. The state of Europe was pretty much as at the drpart.te rel the N.yars. APPOINTMENTS. klacaereso p Os-r1CR, , Montre;-I, Jane 10, 1848. His Excellency the lluveroor-General has been pleased to make the fulluwirrg appuaat• .rents, via :— Tho Hun. Rene Edouard Caron, to be nae of Her Majesty's Couu.el, learned in the raw, fur that pact of the Province 0t Canada' heretufore Lower Canada. Lewis T. Drummond, Eaq., to he Solici- tor General fur that part of the Province of Canada heretofore Lower CaoaJa. Lewis T. Drummond, E•q.. to be a Queen's Counsel in the aforesaid part of the Province of Canada. Lieut. Cul. the ll..n. Marc Pa=chal De Sale. Laterrierc, to be Deputy .AJjutant- General of llilrtu, within and for the pru- %ince of Canada with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. Juhe D. Davis,- Esq., to be Associate Coroner for the Dialect of Niagara. George Archibald Monigutnery, Esq., of Chatham, to be a Pulite Notary '0 that part of the Province formerly Upper Cassels. Munessee,June 10, 1448. N.veuasww Laws.—.Pursuant to a re- quisition of number of uur meet to8ue0 nal citizens., a public meeting his twee con- vened foe Tuesday next, by his wer.hip the Mayor, for the purpose of expressing an opinion in reference to the measures re- cently prupu. d by the !tome Gurernsrent, for the abuhooe of the Nav ete:3a Lewy kc. Weather delightful. 'Tbermutoeter, 68 degrees. Taniekrroous 11.,L STuar•—O. Friday afternoon let, about 5 o'clock, a clued pass- ed to the west and north of the village which discharged a large quantity. of ball or masses of ice. The hull commenced near the south•west corner of Scio township— thence taking • north-easterly drrection— de.aslating, to gra course ■n area from 1 to itj miles in settle throe the township o acro, across the corners of Atm Arbor an Webster, tbru' the town of Northfield, an therms/ into Salem. in Its coulee, It literally destroyed every kind of crop. ililldtngs were unroofed, and fences Ind prostrate. The growing crops here vantsbed from the sight. Many re- spectable persons have rnlurmed us that the hatl-stone, were nearly of the rise of a cent-, mon heu's egg. '1'o give some idea of its (ince we have been informed that pieces .f wn.ow-glaas i1'ere dr•ven stresmc it hall eight lest ,n width, and remained fastened ins door. The wndow-glees on the sides of buildings exposed to the storm, was all destroyed. , In largo fields of wheat -40 acres oe rent•—ant a vestige was Ir ft to tell what was greasing there, The damage to the farmers in its couree. is irreparable.— Yet all this terrible devastation was the work of a moment. 1t was literally a shower of ice -_a terrific war of enemies— guided and controlled only by that power who created alt things,—.lfie3Eigen .tress, 730. SADDLE, IH.iR.NE$S, MONEY AND TIME YAYu*' ! TRUNK, CAIIrE:r•BAu, AND ' ALISE MANQPAcrosty. 11. 11OUTON, 31.t:e L, u.,iIMle 10 the public that la hes carsomm , .4 the abei a h,.e .4 Boa roam to Ma bison m the F.a.* arks of the Market-Siemer,— lately eec.,I.eJ by J Redeem Jf Co.,—sad hopes by *1,4.1 alteri..0 w meet a t.brral share of the ppoblie ; crier syr. V7'7tt1 Articles in the Tee& will tit told at the LU W Fell' POSSllHLE: PftlC17e. ft /HEN, frit: T. t PT ft l' .YI:I-'?, sad all leeks! llerketable Produce will be ta• ken io eachange Er A hberuld.scuuar will be made for FUR. FOSALE. an iicrllesi Sof H Fleas floe - ass. sod a fins nee Two Masa Bucur. .1116.14111, 1344*. II. 11• STOCK BRICKS. STU('K BIIICKS of a very superior L quality made by Adair's Paleat Mschiue w.11 be toady for di livers at I!'., Brick Yard of Ale.sru. JOHN ILi1.UE\, Jr. & Cu. on Thursday, the gird instant, and upon the fulluwing brute at tee Kiln : . tinier fur 50,000, and nee mils, paid in (:ash on debvery.• . • . at ole tell per 1000 Do. under 50,000, the tlo• *11.00 •• •• to 'trade ur for approved esl4ored Noted at 6 meet he from the date of the order, • • • do. • • do...101,40 " " .A aae..p:e way bar sect •t the "1Iuroe Signal " office. N. B. Another Kiln will be burnt in three weeks time, whim there will alio bo ter delivery House Inteet ibis 'TIDE, G.dench,'June Ilth,_1648• 30-tf NOTICE. THE ilt!RON DISTRICT AGRICULTU- RAL SOCIETY 'will offer fee Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, ea the, Market Square, (:odench, on Saturday, the 21th fastest, at 3 o'clock, 1'. ll., a ibormgh bred DURH.1.VJ N1/LL CALF, Three nose els Old. er TER M$.—Six moo the credit. Approved endorsed NNle will be requi- red. J• K. G(rt/DING,,Asci iweer. Gsderieb, 3rd June, 1818. 20•td BLANSHAItD (DUNCE') AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.' PREMIUMS FOR 1040. reeitE SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION 1of CATTLE, FARM PRODUCE:, DO- MESTiC MANUFACTURES. he sill be held at ST. MARY'S, ,n Wednesday the nth of October, Isle, *lien the 1o11uwtag PRE- MIUMS will be awarded : — l1O1t5ES. £ ' d Fur *behest flare and Foal 1 00 0 lid hese . 0 15 Fa the least 4 year�oid Celt, t........ 0 15 u 2nd bath 0 IU 0 For the best 3'year old Filly, 0 15 Oa 2nd beat, .... 0 10 0 For the 'bre* ;1 resold Celt er Fify,.% 0 15 0 _'.d bear,..... .....• • 10 0 For the beet 1 year old (Jolt et FiSy, • 15 0 2nd hest, • ...• 10 0' CATTLE. For the best•Bwll, 3 year old, 1 00 0 I2nd beat, 0 15 0 1 Fur the bees T year oldjo 0 15 II d2d bat. ..:........ 0 111 0 d For he, best y-esrlisg do: . 0 10 0 24 beet ..... ................... 0 5 0 For the best Mitch Cow, with Calf by her side, 1 011 0 tel be..........., 0 10 0 For the bet Mach Cow� bevies had • Calf i1 lake ..•. • ..... 0 15 0 94 best, !,... 0 10 0 For the hest 2 yeas old 4tsi(,e.: . 0 10 0 For -the best Y jet old tie'ifer,-. 0 10 0 24 beet For the beet yrarhng Heifer Y 0 10 0 24 best, ,.-.........0 7 6 For the best Fat Ox,•....... • .. .. For the best Fat Cu 0. 10 0 v�, 0 10•ll l For the beet Yoke of Working Ozer,1 00 0 tel beer, ....'7.... ...... i....,0' 15 0 34 best, • 10 0 For the best Yoke of 3 ream old (Steers, 0 15 0 2,l best 0 10 6 3J best 0 5 0 Foe the be.t Yoke of 2year old Steers,,0 10 0 2J best,. .., 0 50 SHEEP AND HOGS, eiarkcts. Sales of Ashes at n 24. 3d * 24s 6d3 for Pots ; !6e 3d • 26s 6J for Pearls. A sale of Mess Pork, Montreal inspection, in bond, al $10 75. Jon, 13. Prom —The market to -day has been dull, the :nuance in freights tending tu check 1rafoettee, We heard of a male of superfine and some mixed at 24s 7jd. A small lot of flan i.appecctled at 14. tiJ and superfloe from (all Wheat at 24. 94. A,ons—without exchange. Hieb, Oaths 711, inst., the wife of Roster Bassos, Jan. Deeply regretted. • MASONIC NOTICE. • Fritz Orion, N tlr 006113111111 ;Jaime Lodge 1. No. 720, will meet Is their Ledge Roon, at I9 soon, on Pt. John's Day, the 24th instant.— ter roe pu'p'as of lee' -'1 "e the Otfierrs appoint- ed for the enemies year, and for general Immune. 11:7 m mueee- iT TUE £ISUAL DINNER, •fs WIlI tab Mem ie the Ledge Room at S o'ctoek, P. M., veh,h ail Merging Breteren will field a hearty weleow,e- Tickets Ss. end. CeEiP All Iiwthrea ie appear ra full Masonic 1ty oriels( V W. M. T. U.detieh, 1fi13910,110aR Ig F. Secretary. DISSOLUTION OF! AsAI?TNERSjp. r Dadoso, heretofore carried ea under the 1" Fire of MILES £ WOOULIFF, hat been 1►i Sal dtus.tt,d by austusi enesen 1. hep" es isdeb'ed to the shwa Fern, are n. wAfA T. iL slrtt3e the!; er.nlrnts parties toms eh' rrms agaiwer0 3e) rt,,,, *1 *Melees, s, seed their ares••!• de for sdl..smrnt TRY) Ant MILES, T. S. W OODLI3•r, Os•seisb, Jos, fah. 18401 lew20 I. L E WI- S- ---�, LdV, MANCLeRV, Adie `r'1 0011,11YANCINCi. lam, 1840 OODFRICR. For :be best Ram 2 years ole and upw'ds, 0 15 0 24 best ......................... 0 10 0 For the beet 1 year old, 0 40 0 • 9,1 beef, 0 5 0 For the best Tup Lamb 0 10 0 2.1 beet, . 0 5 0 For the best pair of Ewes and Lambe,0 15 0 2d best, 0 5 0 For the best single Ewe with Luebke • Iyer side . 0 10 0 2.1 ben, 0 50 Fur the bestpeu[3I of Wether' or Eyes, 0 10 0 2.134..., 0 .S 0 For the beet Their, 0 15 0 2.1 best, 0 10 0 For the ben Sow, having had Pigs in 1041. 0 15 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the best 2 Roshels Fall WVheat, . , , 0 10 0 2d beet, 0 ; 0 For the best 2 Bethel* Spree Wheat, 0 10 21 best- 0 5 0 0 10 0 For the lest 2 Bueltele or O•ts,. 0 IT 6 &f boa, 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels of Peas 0 10 0 21 best, 0 50 For the best 2 Bushels of Wiley, 9.1 beer, DAiRY PRODUCE. For the best 16 lbs. of Roll Batter, 0 7 6 ed beet 0 S 0 For the beet Keg of Batter 6e 11sa .... 0 6 0 2d beat 0 7 6 3d best, ..... 0 6 0 For the best Cheese, from 111 t. 90 the 0 10 0 2d best, 3d best• 0 S 0 For the hest Maple Sugar -20 lbs- in Cale 0 10 0 `--M le- t 0 7 6 3d hest, . 0 S 0 DOMESTIC MAM*IPACrrRES. For the hest 10 yards Fulled Cloth 0 10 0 2,1 brat,• 5 0 For the best t0 yards Flannel end WeeL 0 10 0 SI beet' 0 5 0 RULES OF THF; EXHIBITION. I.t. The Material• of the feneesee Mena- (setered Cloth sed Flannel to be produced from. the Farm of the C'ompetiter. 9nd. Mt auh.enben having pail their aab- trerfpties, Med nary emit, be be emitted n ews- peer fur any Premium 3rd. Rote 1,11111.1 bare a Rise or Router is thee nese, with a rope or elven attuned ulnas!•, to prevent ma -ideate. 4th. All Seek ' h heed shall have bees the bone Ila property re the Eitheh,tnr • meeth be- fore the Show, sad all ether seises draws mete ha.e been prodeeed an tie Pares of the E:viebeer. Any penmen .4eleti,g, se ■ueraptieg to violate !!arse Rales, shelf he rendered tee.p.Ne of alma - patiag.a ley totem occadon WI►.1.rA M RARROl1, Fee is '8 (Ft. Mary, Ote Jere, 1814. 10w i'_1Rd: RCUUCLO SPEGIIXCsBAB CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Throve l'ased.t le •ren y/ Nee 1'w4. l'iwtl.rn, 4e•a.laa, il'oolsWc4. 6e,a1f., H,r..huu, IE'e.p-M Ferry to I.fa/.. 101 watt slow■ .s'TZ A.11NOAT BROTII CAPT. W. JESUITS, `A' 11.1. rue the Elegem of 1848as follows: Jay sed Friday Moralises, at 8 o'clock, Winds., anal lealro.l, these• to Aae4srts4rrg 3 •'cloth. Leaves .1.nArrtiler, every 1',esdsy Tb LD. via- :, t y(iSf Leave. !'Amnia= every Mirada-. Widnes - fur •` and all kind. of Staple Goode. Likewise, urs (large quantifies of GROCERIES, pnrtt0u- It X 7' ENS I V 1: IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR it CO. WOULD respectfully loltmate that they have test received, direct !rout the New York sod Muntrr,l Marken a very large aro. meet! 01 Sitio, Leghorn, lion nettle, Tuacao, and tweeters Silk 114)N - NETS., and a great vart••rl ..( almost ever) !!'impute v1 FANCY GOODS, suited to the faahein and tate of the ',aeon. Mao, an exisouve stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, day sue 8atueley elorteure at bah'-ps.t 7 reek. touchier at //cried and iVindsor for CAd6.a The BROTHERS runs in enteectiou with* 1)411.E' l-LA'E: (*I'.'tAG3: COACHES. Latalarsalied between Chatham aril tjaesouNa by elect' (and the Steamers un Irks Ortaris) pae.engera well bs eue6led to mach Kingston at least three days from Chatham. Parsing• eso leave ilamilum by steamboat ler T.,ront Roche'er, Oswego, Kingston, Or iiny of the in termed,.:• ports on Lake (Iuterio- Gentlem fr all pans of the States will fled this no very agieesble during the summer and winter, ie passes through the most th ur.ehing pens et Camila West. 'Phe Cliate'nt' tui leaden read is tow completed, ...die a very gots! road. STEAMBOAT' FARES REDUCED, via. Chatham to lklroil and Windsor, and nue rersa. Ca34ia Passage 01,75: Deck Peewee $1,00: Children, half-price; florae. Buggy end one GeoNeutae 1$3;00; Double Team,. Walton and Driver $1,0e; Ox or Cow $1,00; ell other Freight art pruportiva. Referencre.—Chatharm, Ebert, WadJell & Cu,; T. M. Taylor. Wind..,. L. 6t.H. Dev- enport, C. Idunt, Detroit, Ives t Black.— L.siaville, Knight & Weaver. Tecuteeeb !louse, H. N. Smith. Werdeville, Aoderwa k (Labe. Moo,, 8. Fleming. EefrJ, Cr. J. Smith. 3).laware, Bulkn. Juneuoa, Ilouse, Jph Beast - torte G. Ilabcoock.Lllu )toot 341.cBabcocate � M Davis. NO ('SED -r ON T1118 BOAT. Chatham, April, !did. 1I'4f• 1✓ly a very aul.en•.r styli's 01 'TEAS, from 10. 8d, per pound upwards, accurdtag to legality ; and Tobacco at all prices. As the whole extensive stuck les been aei?ctrd by the propr eters in person, they sew confidently recommend *34.40 t.. 16,13 is !nen,o and custurnera, end nil the purcha.u. n • bare been edecte,texch,a,vely on cash prin- t*, i video, they hate resolved to sell on the - 1 most reasonable terms and at the luw•eat ' I poealh!e prints sea case. 7,1(/" Marketable produce of every descrip- tion 'Oen in exchange at the highest mar- ket price. THOS. G1LMOUR & CO. Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16 • P.4 Y ATTENTION!! AT)Npey year debta , the subscriber has resolved that all .l01011 and !hook accounts due to bon tad rrnuini/if onae.ded w fl p°" Lean Attorney for collective. It a certainly with some rrlorteace the' he h.• sdopted, tide re.ohtlon, u he has no desire to 110(41 ad4,(,15al eepees& to those who ars tel owing him—bot it is a etyma, !bit measarty if a merciless touter, and in the pretest matinee, bis reluctance must yield to necessity. ROBERT MODERWELL- Gederich, 15th Jane, 1848. 20.1f DISTRICT CONTRACT. �S the BRIDGE across the River Avon, As the village of Stratford, has not been Let by 'Andel.'Andel.as premiou.ly adverti.ed. the Subscriber is now prepared to enter I into PRIVATE; CONTRACT at any time with any Mechanic who wishes to contract for the cnutpletioe of the work. Plan and Specceication will be seen at T. M. 1)aly's, !Stratford, or at the office of the aubrcriber in Coder:ch. Offers will he received ocr- � lunally, or by letter, eddree,ed to3I DAViD 8PP11, Ditf.•i0E Sareeyor, H, D, DISTRICT SC**.0yeit s Ornca, Goderich, 2nd May, 1848. 141 d P. S. Early application is required and will bo attended tn. D. S. lively, on the 15thof Ju y art!, be handed o'er T Q ..L E T , fillAT Substantial and Commodious !louse lately occupied by Capt. O'Con- nor and John Peel, Merchant Tailor, in Light -house street. WIIEAT. nniEV THOUSAND bushel. of WHLAT 21- wanted, by the 20th of this Month, for wh,ch,C.LSH will be paid on delivery, by THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. Gudericb, June9, 1848. 19 STAYED OR STOLEN, .F1ROM the 'common of Goderich about Saturday the !0th May, • BAY HORSE, about 13 bands high, with black matte and tail, and a white stripe down tie length of the face; he is about six years old ; the nigh hied foot ie erhite as far up as the footlock. Any person who will return him to too owner, or give such information as may lead to his recovery, will receive FIVE DOL- LARS of Reward. • NICHOLAS DOYLE. Goderich, June 9, 1849. 19 TO LET, TJ1AT Store at present occupied by Ross Robertson, Esq., web or without the dw.Iimng !louse, and will he fired up to suit a tenant. From (lee commanding sftuatiou and the rapid increase of population of Goderich and vicinity, soy person desirous of commencing bes,nesa could not be more conveniently located. Apply to WILLIAJS WALLACE; Goderich, June 9, 1848. 19 NEW GOODS. DRY GOODS AND GI YCERTE3. THE Subsetiber is just in receipt of quantity of DRY GOODS and GRO- CERIES • and will be in continual receipt of New Good., from this time till the close of navigatitene' A QUANTITY OF FINE SALT, Just receive,! on Commission, which the Subscriber will sell eboap (or CASH, Wheal or Oats, at the cosh price. P. S.—Butter, Wool, Timothy Reed, Wheat, and all other kinds of merchantable Produce taken in exchange for Goods at Cash Price. CHRISTOPHER CRADB. Goiseich, June 2, 1848. 3110 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, MARKET .QC.9RE:. Tt'S'r received, and will be sold cheap for e cash or marketable produce, a large as- sortment of Do0T18.-RNI) SIIOES of various sizes aid quah110,. —ALSO— .A largo q..Ianttty of different descriptions of LEATIIER, which will be sold to the trade en the most reasonable terms, either a by wholesale or retail. Intending purcha.- ! n en are requested to call and examine for ' themselves at the !toot and Shoe Stereo( THOMAS WATKiNS. 7' Pegs and Findings for sale. Goderich, May 20, 1848. 1 7tf N. B.—Patent SCALE, weighing from a !b. to 300, for sale. NOTICE. ALSO FOR SALE s A tenable Lot in Main Street, on advanta- geous terms. Apply to WILLIAM WALLACE. Godericb, May 4th, 1848. 14tf STOLEN OR STRAYED - ABOUT the first of April from the prem - thee of WILLIAM °BELL, Stanley, London Road, a Yoke of Oxen. One black, with a Bell, and the other red and white, with the loft ere nearly blind—any informa- tion respecting them, will be thankfully re- ceived by the owner, or at the Signal Office. Goderich, May 5th, 1847. 14w4 FARM FOR SALE. - THE Subscriber offers for ale Lot No. one in the seventh Concestion of the Township of Colborne, West Division. There is on the premises a email Log Barn, with 15 acres under good eultivauoo, and well fenced. The Land is of excellent (tality, and within f,'nine of the Town of ode etch, containing 100 acres. • TERMS of Sale will be made known by P� apph'ing to, William Robertson, Esq., Can- ads Company's .Doge•, troderich, or to the- aubscriber. Gottericb, March 1st,DAVID-SMITH.161 •tf WAGGONS AND SLE1t3IU8. N0. i UST STREET. ?MARL r UPleeirR Teri /(Ra i171Wa�1 terser. THE Subscriber* beg* leave to Intone his friends and the public at large, that he 1s new prepared to teethe orders for LUMIBEI( Olt LIGHT WAGGONS, which shall be mannfactnred of the beet rnarer'aly, acid by experienced woikuwn. Qt' !!ansa s and Drags ;nude le circler ; Plough Castings Wooded, ALEXANDER MEI.VIN. Gnderieh, Feb. 9, 1849. Sgt J. RUTLEDGE, & CO, • SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS, BE• :(: to intimate to the inhabitants of l.uderich and our rnun,'ine country, that they have cummsnced burners in the pre • , metes lately occupied as the DlvIatun Court Office, where they will constantly have on hand an assortment cf SADDLES AND 1L'RIESS, +rad all other articles io their line of leen- nes-s, which will be sold at moderate prices. (1' A liberal discount will be allowed to all cash purchasers. Gudcnch, April 18, 1848. 151( -NOTICE. THE Subscriber to about di.cnniinning 21- business ao Blacksmith in the town to Godench, and hereby notifies all those to Jebted 'to hlm, that they will be waited upon for we* !!eaten! immediately ; and the nbetinato ones who disregard tht intima- wdl he handed over to that efficient 01 T1 -R Mt Titki ,�J,UOU ACRES OF LAND I'TNE CANADA C'.MPANY ►ate tar .L d1.p.wal, abuat 1,500 000 ACRICal for LA N I/ deepeseete *4r, mahout w•.et a/ Ilse r.. 4.304* 111 Upper Casted --.eery 6Uo. OW Acre. are situated in Ibe Herne react, well known 1111 one of tl.e ,sort fertile pert. •'f the Proriac. ,* has trebt.d tie peyote tuns to Ave year., sed nee commas tie wards of 20,000 t, hahttente. The LANDii ere (ffeier' by ay .1 L E; .4 .121 EJ , fir Tea leers, /o. Sole, C A M H I1 fI N' ,\-fka pies . ewe fifth Coal, wad /4r d.rlowrc is Iasiol- weals brim, dost urea, trial. The Rents, psi :dile lot Eritrean. care year, Inc shout the Linke.* at Id.R Per Centeepoe the price .•I tee Lead. ll wens* 01 the Lots, when LE:.-ISE;/a, NO IINEY iS RE:CIUlRED INt534—% hint upon the other', arcoreing to locality, .tyre, ran, ur three )carr Rent, t be pow, to askance, —but there pavn.rnui 1Nl tree the Settler from forth, -r .'all. nota 2ru1, ata or 411. year of hie term of Leese. The right to PURCHASE the FR EF: 1}01.1) durreg the Irito, to petered to 11.0 Lews at a fixed runi named III !rare, and 'u allowance is made accordtng to after, pared payment. Lits of Londe, and tiny berth* informa- tion can be obtained. lb) arpin'eti.•., If by letter post -pain) al ilio 1'oirrAnr'sOntc.., Torpedo and (lode rick ; of H. Ilisneas-t-, E:.g.,..9sphodel, Colborne Ih.irtet ; I)r. At LIN•, Guelph, .-r J. C. W. D*t.r, 1:;.q.. .N3rotfurd,11trrin District. Goderrb, March 17,1,Y48. 7 ` PR OS I'ECTUS FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. officer the Clerk of the Court, who te ill ! saeonn to RM O. officer perhaps effect a CANADA FARMER. A Family Journal of Agriculture—Intens! lin. 1 liter•ment—letenture—Selene•-GemmedIn- Ielligeaee—published every Saturday, at R. Brewer St. Co.'. •E.,ablishment, Toyntb,-see i► now offered at the exceeding bee pries ul ONE DOLLAR settlement on more costly and less favourable tenor. HET. Goderich, April 8th, 1048Y EI.i.lU11(3 STRACHAN & LIZARS, -2-P SJIRJSTERs anal At tonne* at Law, Solicitors tet Chancery, end Bankrupt- cy, Notary Public and Conveyancers, Gude- rich and Stratford, Huron District, C. W. ton+ Seaectiem, Godench. DAn,ao ilosa Usenet Stratford. laodench, April 20, 1848. — 8tnl -FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. rh(IE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately 1 rented the above well established INN and HO'I'EI. in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. He bar good Stabling, and an attentive Hostler, His Isar is well supplied with Wines and Liquors. T110M-AS DOUGLASS. Stratford, Milfch 1, 1848. .7403 BRITISH-- HOTEL, GODERICE. LATELY LCCUP18D D1) , MAC RAT TRNaUa1, a- SUPERIOR Subscribers having Leased too above SUPERiOI( HOTEL, beg leave res- tfully to intimate to their fnends and `e public,in general, that they have opened , Eu:R 5AlAt, VALUABLE'•TARM`IN COLBORNE. A PART'oryortitieu :B1':OCK G. in the township -of Cotiforne, Western Divi, Bios, Iluron District, containing TWO HUNDRED 4CRES OF LAND, with 25 strew tittered -and ita,good order ; fences is repair.- There is a good Frame House [Cottage style), upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; den, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each 30 feet long, with a Log Farm House In tolerable repair.— There are three running streams of water through the I.ot; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Raid farm is situated but Yj miles from Gudench, the District town, (j?' This desirable property will be .old at a reasonable price. For terms apply to M . STRACIIAN 1k, LIZARS, Solicitor., West -street. Goderich, March i2, 1848. 713 II. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WE.flSTREE'r. rhAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal aupport and distin- guished patronage ho has received since the opening of his Establishment in (loderleh, and begs to amine thein that he will still continue to supply them with the beet and cheapest articles in hie line as onus!. Ile would direct their attention to his varied rad extentensive imporlatione which he is ow receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, CROCKERY and HARDWARE the low prices of which he is certain will speak for themselves, and for quality and variety cannot be surpassed :n 'Western Canada. II. B. O'CONNOR.. Goderich, Jan. 28, 18.18. HI • ( Butter, Wheat, Osto, Reeler, Corn, ke., aid' every description of IFar.ler's Produce taken is 4achange. Cash wi4 be W1d fee •!'tail Gram Seed, !!ides and Fors. STRATPORD HOTEL. riU1F, finhsenber having relinquished the belemees of Raking in favour of Mr. IJe my Newman, begs to return thanks for the support he has heretofore received, and can confidently recommend, his soccesser as louy of public support. JQIJN LANCASTER.God. eh, 26th May, 1848. 171f U. WATSON, _ RARRi9TER AN'D ATV/MOT AT LAW, • ascrc,roa It QAtca*r, IA'vt*UPTC1, kc. OFFiCE IR THE OIA&Ki:'P SQUARE. (30DERIC11. 'FA., IOM. al I SAAC MAY, informrhie friends and the pnblle, that he has taken the BRICK TAVRR!1, letwly in the rsrrnp: eine of Mr, Brown, at the }Yat end of Stratford, where nothing shall M wonting an lits pert to pre. mote tb* comfort aod eosve.wnco of hie gnosis. I. M. flatter( bread( (het Ma 'election of Wine lied leviers 1. equal to .0y to the rottntry, and his Ntabltng 40p0rtrsest hi of the moot enmplete deiveruption. Stratford, 21th Apt!, 1848 !ltt per year. ri`IIE FARMER wasestabli.bed to sup - .I.. ply a want that has long been felt to the period:cat Literature of Canada. On the one hand, a majority of the weekly publications devoted their exclusive atten- tion to the politics of "parry," a few to Religion and kindred topics, and on the oilier, one "magazine" poured out its monthly stores on the grand, tneabawarabfe, *Ag04 ricvuitallylture. lrupurtant subject of Canadian Although it is impossible to treat of pub- lic question without, in some sense, wrrttllg politics, yet the FARMER has not med• died with 'parties' our will it hereafter less scrupulously avoid sheer lis object. are the interesting, the useful, the necessary. As agriculture ie the interest of first im- portance to the people of Canada, •o is it awarded the first place and the chief atten- tion to the Columns of the Farmer. Emi- gration, Commercial regulationa,Education, Legislative enactment', and all questions bearing on the industrial pursuits of the country come under impert.al review..— Short notices of useful books kc.; literary eel ••lion', entertaining, Inatrueti►o and moral ; the improvements and di.coveriea in 1 `Science end the useful arts ; a dish for the !tidies and the Scraps for the boys ; the mar- kete at home and abroad, with the general news of the day, cutnplete the bill of fare to which we invite the attention of every family, in every town and township of ;*nada. 1'he first volume has met with; uoea- pecbcd /avow from the public and the ,es's. T1,e offees;u,n„ of the latter, err bcraliy bestowed, would'ilave consoled the ditors with the belief that their labours .rited, had they not received encourage_ rat• But the sebetantial support of the bite has been such as to warrant tie, we ink in continuing the publication• . The second vol,tmn will be superior to the lira' in several points. Morettme will given to it by the Editors, and a number of person's of the highest qualifi, loons' have promised their asnletance as correapondente. A number will be rent as a apcciulin to sir -- one requiring it by leper (or otherwise) Postage paid. All orders should be sent in by eat, or least Sth January, so that we y know how large an edition to print. -- e unex.•pectcd demand for the back No,. h;:uaed our coition of the latevolumnne time smee, and to prevent such aa.c- rrsnce again, w3 hope our Agents and all er's will send inward their ordess meth - t delay. Subscription $l in advance. Formato, Nov., 1947. 6 or the reception and accomrruod.ition of 3 Boarders and l'ra:ollcre, wl.ere they will P be happy to receive those who may honourP tbem with their patronage. It will always E he their study to furnish the Table with an m ample portion of the beet productions of 1 IThe the season, and to keep their Bar supplied 1 Pu with Wises and Liquors 'of the best de- I.'" iiliptiotl, so as to 4*arit aha approval of thou customers. J. E. GOODING, Goderich, Jan, 28, lig 8LANCASTER. tf N. H.—Excellent Stabling will helefford- ed, and an active and atter ire Groom will be always in attendance.. TAILORING ESTABLISH• MENT. - Th Inn SPRING ir SUMMER FASHIONS,for 1848. ex AFULL variety of the netvnot and most cur improved SPIlreo AND Nt'xura Fsett- olh IONS for 3848, have been received by the I oar enbcriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may favour him with their patronage. Goderiefi 12th April, 1848;4 18MIT • NEW STORE. 8TRATF('.RD. BY WM, H. IIINE.• OF all qualities and at various prices, by Tthat he has opened a STORM at the Subscriber begs kava to iatissate i t/ T. GII,3lOUK k CO.east end of Stratford, with a geneeal sa.ort- I Feb. 11, 1848. mint of DRY GOODS, GRUCIIRIFAI _ ----- —_4 kc. And he hopes for a "thanof the patrons i FOR SALE. age of hie neighbour, and the public, 11e sells cheap fur Cash or Prow/act. WM. 1.1. 11INE. Stratford, Marco 14, 1848. 9 am TOBACCO. Aextensive *tank whicwill be sold N h. cheap for cash. T. GiLMOUR k Co. - ihMrich, Feb. 11, 1848. 2 TEAS, TEAS. — NOTICE," ALL those Indebted to the E,.tate 1t the late Mr. HiCKS of Stratford, will' please Settle the same without delay, and l without extra expenses: and also ell those; having any Claims agein.t the above };stat., are required immediately to present the same for AJjuatinent to Jour( 111c.,, Mitchell. Mitchell, March 14, 1848. 8 N O 'I1 I C A PPf.iCATiON will be made tenon next, Mesion of the Provfnctsl Legislature, for leave to bring in a I30I to cnnstputm and !non the following Township. and Go and Iltnek or Land, via :—Norte Ea.thn Rooth East hope, Downie and Grim';its Inane/lard, Fullerton, Lngen and fhhhmrr,r, tVell.'.Iey, 4fnrningtnn and Mary bornngh, and {Western hatfef Wilmot, and the Sleek of Land behind Legate—sato A new Da. trtet. .E:X. MiTCIJE1.L. - . 13ec'y of CnntrptttM Mtalfnrd, [Heron). tat of Apra.AI1811. 10.6 ALOT of t.,nd, situated on the Bay- field road, five miles and a half from Gwsarich--will be sold cheap.. Terms of payment tu stet pe chaser.. Goderich, Marco 28, 1848. ALVt9*fl), J. S'TEWART. ATTORNEY AND BARRiS'rER * Lew, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey ants, kc., Office !Vest Street. Goderisb, March 1st, 1848. by GILBERT Pt 43T6, LADIES ANi) GKN'1'fe}:Mish'3 b ionahl, Buot sed Shoo Mak*, yerhfiaet &parr, 6n1ertch, Mach, tat, 1848. ` .11111.5.11041 DIV. COURT•BLANKS, [}itrNTEd) on a &merrier tenth! of a Ior sate at the llu►uu Signal (MIte, ehoap fir Cash. Goderich, Jan 28, 1848. t CLT'I' NAiLR. 411 C .34333(34 (,'CT N 111:3, asserted an - for sale by the 3ubsiltbcr., whole .ale and, retail , M. R. SE:' MOM k CO- Goderich, March 37, 1818. 7w1