HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-06-16, Page 2s1
the Ri
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• for
imbetr I
I have
of th
t of fo
mi of
lambs, imaginal*. They tau stow ere no
Ku w1 grow ..it d a party -sten cho.cu for
otic' should be selected wtt:i reference to
their piuIullcattua, without any reference to
their yuliucal cooed -thy' seaep.per pat-
ronasod by trio G werzu.est, show) be the
li.. n, tig. largest circulation, n" 'smi-
te( ahsi itr politics are ---and It ullr•ions
Is cubs/entrees' in lite h.0 kat and at "eel
tnrirae. Boaunl,f dove* 1 \\'wt a change
*reg In the mists Si eywraiitues darkeen-- mea they tis tesstieeed by V•. Tb shot.
the Winded worshipers of fire sod wooden gods. tag a w •e hankies eat he Mid with a
Blew the memory el thy hntaiWra fat Alien betebri, Of-toagl.as ham with his owe head•
inoenaisltsey, their grow lug, grumbling discos• le: ielloi s asorder, ensues it to pnht►ied by
teat ; their love of s)Mge which has peeked an act et parllarseii. We wry amen otlrenine
tsosght lurwsr4 Melte competitively iatel.etsal as' grout, our ptesempuve natty w.a► three
(tate et society la whish thus wast horn. doe-drawe duunctiw, sad we may .event
Let Mt ill lose of a little brief wtbuniy, or 5 muses, sad gruel, sed fight, •ad hang earth
paltry subeisteuce blast, Ike veuenble reputation ether &boat the application of these names, sad
@grit hairs sled make laws till we are sick ted
Let SWlle oewrth• opal ed •••"••••• .f thy sace.ton. by • dogged +dhereoee to mot.
\Nkat fine ltrlungcre they are ab •.ht to be- Cast thy cw.si•ter.cy is esti from thee, •d geld
untie. 11•.w p••t eAbly, an.) totem tial iy,
t ley at -h every thin. I., be Jose n.iw.
B it flow ermteurpl'ble sub trnekltng
must appear to the eyos of an enl'ght•d and
diecernurg pub::r, .\n.1 how cm lent it is
that their patriot..,n en1 superior stteel.-
alien 0111 cheerfully hal thy progress in 'lose.
(N if Alen tet wedded to thy Nola, if the heals
of iniquity and prejudice are too strongly wiped
around thee, so that thou erns: not break them ;
then east ep thy office and thy eesoluneaet-
mast If Britt -h u.agce, war "nl) "n rho up declare that thy peculiar orgent.auuo craw
esti hete,tnug.ie•. 1).u)i the.. pre-
ham twisle with the tuu.eaten' of society, sod,
rent groat liberality and moderation sill tbHefure, sputa Its b• supjwrleJ by r yeuyle to
us duly appreciate) an ere proper quarter.
The day boa et length arrived when the whom thou art opposed -this may be a hard
llut,ae (i•.verumeI1 has dueuvered what of Auk, Litt is the policy if ma honest wan.
the two political parties In Crud t, is Coin -
tweed of dee true.' and beet f. cud• to the
Province, it in Cie British Throne. A:rd We have rarely met wide as terse an amount
provided UN alJwln Ministry pursuo a J I-
d;ctous court, Toryism, recently inhumed
in Canada, will n ver hate, a resurrection ;
until the inimmice, opprea•iun, and urtmrule.
of the party; I 11 conic up before the Judie
of all Uro earth.
But the Mtniatry crust rupport their
friend", independent of all the clamor of
their °twine.. 'Tie great majority o1 the
., people of Obis fine province are friends and against it, wi:1 Dever efface.
sdherente.to the ad,riini.tration ; and they ..Tea Lowes Ct sash&' -Who are
can be kept "tech, enJ will remain ruck, pro they ? 'Phe toiling millions, the labouring
Tided lh4v are properly tre�ted,aoJ the Guv man and woman, the fanner, the mechanic.
eminent cunw it out* illy and wisely ad-
ministered. Never had a Government a
tamer prospect, and never did there more
depend on une, Than upon ours at the pre-
sent time.-,Vreecaslle Currier.
d Ire n.Urovertible and enu,bli ng truth, embodi-
ed in es few words, as is contained in the know-
ing paragraph, whiclh we copy from the first
page of the B,iti.h Canadian. We do not esti
where it came troth, not by what fatality it ap-
peared is such C.n.pany. We esti it as lovely
and divine, and calculated le take as impres-
sion Mhick a thousand Iuug editorials, writ'eu
the atttsnn, the Inventor, tM producer/ at
from It. These are nature', nubility -God,*
favourites -the salt of the earth. No mat•
ter whether they are high or low in station
r,ch or poor In pelf, 000sptcuou• or humble,
- -�- ' in position, they ere surely the " topper cir
THEBu.rnan a
'Conv,TIoy.-A session cles" in the order of nature, whatever the
of tive day, closed this ■sse.nblase un Fri- licnuous dt.uncuous .4 society, fashionable
day last. Gen. LEWIS CASS, of Mr- I or unfashionable, decree. 1t is nut fuw-it
china, was notutnateJ for President, and I it the highest duty, privilege and pleasure
ties. WILLIAM O. BUTLER, of Kentuc- for the great man and the whole -smiled wo-
Ly, (wow at the good of the American army i man, to earn whet they pourers, to work
in Moltico, ) fur % ice President. These are j their awn way through life, to be the archi-
name" that have Tung honored the detuucra- i recto of their own Iorluncs. Soave neap
tic piety ; and we hope aril trust that, I rank the classes'we have alluded to ea only
c•ritrary W the appreheneioue felt by many ; relatively low, and in fact the middling
of our friend', n'bthin1 in tri• conduct or I claimer. We moat they are absolutely the
principles of the Convention, shall be found very btgheut. 1f there is ■ class of human
to have compromiecd the cuneistency of
ettlicr, or forfeited hie claim lit democratic
coat:once.-Wayne Sentinel.
FRIDAY, JUNE IG, •lt148.
AAAA.«AAAA..,,- ••,
It has been said by the *other of the " Essay
ou Man," " An hottest nuu'• the noblest work
of God," bet in these drys of time-seivtug poli-
tical expedietxy, it regmres some fortitude to be
beings un earth, who may be properly de -
ruminated law, it is those who spend with-
out earr•ing,^wbo consume without produ-
cing, who Juipate un the earnings of their
fathers or relatives, wtthuut being any thing
in and of them.elvice.
deo go, "ay raw* mum r' They costa au
have bus mod. wares by • food et godly how
tsuaa, bet Iles, woes Soot •e& bad -thin meal
tremga won said sod Mewed by witaeons
"i'611060.1. ad •tachy t mid they are rM
...not ►y erhensieg the useinerpienm of this
comity, perprtraud trader ih• aeaC1ios of law,
rtrte,, ••d rehe se. Its our seat are will re-
view .h death penalty A. its malgiud sagest.
Ured, but the mural 5ature of all actions will Wa Tito 5055 swat.
just remau the same as before. The ruluutnry THOUGHTS{ ON THE ELECTIVF,
sacrrbce N Jeggrawt, the buraag the Hideo F1tABLBIl -NO. !L
widow, the murder of the Chinese idea', the
strsogliog the oven with bis cravat, anti the In my tut article w thio w0yoos, it off et, 04
strangtug the felon with the rope are all proem -fell teat that my saamyles d Ake e■il eQects
tete of the mate effect -they all terminate is the tri• "'luck and Morse" dy•ssty, ahbo•id M ad-
exunenw of rife; they all violate the sixth doted from the mother ewsiry, wore, har-
med' to the sate catgut, sod we may much u its exutesce has Dean of Inger dam-
commandmentcall them killings or murdering' or ay other twe' Ito evil ep mise apparent ; oma lateea-
name which butts oar fancy, but oar weans, std solei u creep saw the uaamcuve is every der
our laws, and our opinion do tet alter too fact life, ted a ramify menthoughont eery law a
that each of them has deprived a human being if i I•le'bet otters iehebee oe the assess" 1
life. And in this aloue consists the orimiwlity, that eonavy worth bas bemuse great, eat
through itsagesey, but despite of it. There're,
To alk of man's motive' aggravating kis however, • kw more examples to which I pro -
guilt -that is to talk of malicious intent, std os Poo+alluding. Aad "4 1 shall tooth on that
forth, dues not mets anything beyoad • Mare which is first in place as greatest in iap+ity--
normality. What does tee law, or the wittiness, The law d priatogenuun u tt e:ism is Esgl.d
the jury know about the man's motives, a Aad i• Wooten Caaada is, i• a kw words, a
what have they to do with them? Aro they
the "Searchers d the heart,. and the triers d fuhlows : • psrezt dying witheat • will, &lI his
1* ihish..J•dg..Jones, at the late Arises,
seared that'll* recollected when Ito'fwe; than
awe budged and fifty different eases Merinos
were punished by the English Law 'with death,
and that such had been the -atneliontion of ,the
criunival code, that at present, there were only
four, or at moat, six cases to which the punish-
ment of death would be inflicted. Now it cer-
tainly would be instructive and interesting to ex-
amine the statistics of these hundred and forty -
tour crimes which have been released from death'
huueet, and snore especially 11 you happen to pusii)ltmeot, in order to •seerts% whether they
be writer oil politics. Carted& a at pretreat/.had increased'ur.dintn'lehed!Dpoaegaeoee"d
to that stage of political progress in whict‘in- ceasing too regarded a capital ofirev.e'a. YSa
'rarity, as a editor, ca osly be maiutaioed at I my the iovatigauoa would be both tatructive
sine cxpeuse of feeling, ad popuieri'y and • and interestiug-but it the some time, it ovum
very large sec;,ace of pecuniary airport. We bo understood that the efficiency or inellicieney
are just p.ssine from the thraldom u( a monk of the death pouii'htneot in restraining crime has
oligarchy into the more r.tioual system d Re- nothf•g w,du with the jarice or injustice of the
presentative Government. And -though the practice. 1f, itcao'be strew* that the' penalty of
'terutcut end D, 1 g.. rent• u; , uni 1110rig!rt Jeath las not • tendency to, ,reheat CO, , is
rode, yet every utlree-.w;Jer tro,u lir' ecavanger renes es 1u allsoonal iilustratiuu of the ata„d-
to the highest diguiury, tee the treatises .1 iaq u( the penalty; but although w the cannery.
•• other nien and other days.": 'There is uniting t it should appear that she puoishaven did pretreat
which blas wch u withering iadueoe• o• -the t crime, the i•jostice of the tbiag would jort re-
moval reati'neute as the pusseasion of power (ex- main a it war -eke accomplishment of the tad
wept drunkenuess). 11 a man Lu been rens- is not necessarily s justification of the , means.
housed to wield authority for any coosider•bk Fur limier', we conscientiously believe that
the reins d the childres ol men?" We may be "lid property become* vnted is the shiest tin•
uncharitable enough to attribute evil Misties to
sol fellow -toes, but these motives are oily
known to Clod and to the individuals themselves.
No man ever saw a motive. It is 001 tangible,
you cannot turn it over with your finger and
point out the bead and the tail of it, or my here fur the i.iterest of society, that all shf.uld be sup -
is the northeast side or the southwest comer et pond, ranter Aha that a• should be ms8e
the moire. It t• all shame-reo,k. Our know- wealthy 1 Wield not common mane declare
ledge a confined a the set..., asd oar Dasin'sa that 'be weak should receive quite as mach sup -
should 1. so likewise. If the motive had port and oa
toteoaee from the a
law* the
been pat into action we could Gave „town "erg? That girt should receive a egad pee-
enanything about it, and, therefore,•it is the action ,ion with boys; bat the* common 'tense world
dune which we hove • right to deal with.
The s'r•egliog a man with • rope provided by be •t vartanro wttb the low of .ace geeitere.
the Isis for that purpose. just a effectually de -
And equal protection and equal justice would be
.troy the life of one of God's aceoustable Brea- •t variance with the principle that lou veld
tures ; causes the same amount of pbyeicsl pain, saes khad fur so ba
ls ep 11 Use expas.e oyeas&Tim few 's tel
be baif rhe
and is attended with the same bereavement and would ons b. J many. Every iabbitast in Cassock West
destitution to his wile and family, as though he (eldest irons excepted) at. interested ea the &s-
had been secretin strangled by a raffia in • trucction of this law. Coll rbcs epon your repre-
desert. Thea aro the consequences which
make mardrr criminal and revolting, •oil they rotative*to sip its death u ere-
warrant. It loe-
maimedfar more mischief and misery, and dor
are aneither neutralised nor mitigated by toemaimed far more injury to society Aha Bork, Hare, sad
sanction tit law. The idea of hanging a man all such lake ever did or ever will do; its der
6principled justice is preposterous._
olsoeie.`y, another concession to the majority,
be • ' length el time, lois perceptions of right and the prevention d a public executions would be
On . wrong neem • to become, dimmed or blist el by • great gas*, -a ttuly desirable end, -but we
.ow the process. You may reason with him or could net o& that account, either recommend or
' ' h - ' ecoid diad, r dis:ui,i tum, or punish hint, but attempt to justify a forcible rescue of the oak- of England have crimen ever been so .nmerose
you nev r can convince hie* that he bas no factor; the means would be bad; would be • Tio- in proportion w the Dumber of the population u
,y 'tight to hold° utHee or power.. ,At thee present talkie of the civic law, and would serve as • pre• during that period, while it appears that the
inOmetsl M e.lilnr in Caned.. tanot write sip ccdeut and an apology for the violation of all law, crimes which prevailed most, were those which
true& uo polities without giving 'silicon to seine which would sudn lead *1 the total subversion of were uutlgmly• punished with death. In no
eMak I d L party or some person. Every Sian who holds an civil society. There is no purgatory, no huff- country, uoJer heaven, have the inventive pow-
ors of man txea so full exercised in tienaio
e mat, office appropriates your hints about improve- waykewoa io the noure of human antenna,-theyg
8 W be moot, progees, sad reform to himself. These dontriae of elpediency has no place in the philo• measures and tortures for criminals, as is Chios ;•
satyr , e: brats hie icgsrded.aa eynonynaes with du- soppy of murals ; all human actions are either sod in uo co.ntry has crime ever prevailed a'
..0 Ist . ' missal from office; rod he becowei yourene- right air wrong. There may be political expedi- the same extent. This we have raid u • wise
and mercitul law of Quare instituted by the
lj 1 1 thef if f'mhuma
sad Me matter woo amicably unage�-with a
prolan w ter part d my hieed amnia. Mr •
Giles that arenas, sad d genes hark the tet-
te. This, hw,ver, Mt. Giles reta••d a se-
cede to,-atsti•g that ha rsaefl pwhiish if with
rn rsw•rha. Be Mich los Ms gee of st•t•w s
Nu. 1. What eeriest alleged apiast reijp, tout -
I write • Ieignad eirosor..d •Bask * P• .J
roes • 1t woos* sosrlawa, the imewy Apo Mboter
Maureen ibis Murat Mew sonnies dims rime
Muco, by the money which was collected fee
Scheel purposes, hahog boos applied to other
Lewin ptwpsa.-; see MOM, depli nag assn'
ill -paid envious .l the public for &early three
months, d their hard carried pay -that the Trea-
ters celled • grotto! meeting, to advise amen
themselves what steps should be token evader exis-
tieg cireentatuce. 'Ibis hod the effect of bnsg-
iag both £630 'uteri of £&000 -sated by the
Conseil. Beed one dobe afferen ort that sc•
mem, 1 drew ep • plate statement of facts
wench I published is lbs " tensal,"--sigaiag
myself the Masser d No. 1 Seho.d Booties.
O.derich--of whin Sokol 1 sus the TowDer.-
Tbie is denominated • ferried ags.t.re.
The nut t.uioatio• is that 1 saknteod sol
the messing sf " Bdllpote•t " ! ! ' 1 a welt u
every pecan who road Mr.' Gtlos'. 'lemmata -
be attack apse me, folly eadentooJ the light
is whioa he wished it a bo whoa ; sad u i. •
well knows fart, that it woo ssaudend ►y oma
to the dettimsut of all the other children. . Ca kw dhu gnaoi•g admnnre • capital bit.
say las b. mor. mrt.ral 1 Surely ti to u se- He seri asserts that 1 wrote a challenge, lot
eess•ry, •ad in mazy restores mom so, to pro-
could bud no ole to deter it : this e u Ilse u
vide for the younger children of • family in pr. the foregutag allegation. 1t is true, that .vert•
terrace to the eldest. Would it not be mon is ion nein the angestlemuly conduc; of Mr.
•ccordeuee with common rose, asd much more Giles; •lob • letter esu written, sad be (Mr.
Giles) wee made awes d the fact by the perms
as whom it wee intrusted ; bet l was informed
that Mr. Gtsa horiog stated his regret that he
had published the 1 , I ought to be satisfied,
-sad l had no (artier redress. 1 am Dear told
that a overweening vanity has placed me io op-
position to an Mittemant that is too powerful for
rise. This remain to be proved. 1 .m ready
to confess that coterie" ial.& war with a Edi-
tor d • paper, is fighting against (earfsl odd. -
end more particularly ss, whoa that Edits, re -
gantlets d ell principles of honor, uses that un-
lawful and unhallowed we.poo-bisebood-to
etrengtbea his nornaaty cause ; but • diaceraiag
public will come to • jest conclusion is spite d
all sophistry and falsehood. .
-The next eb•rp is, that being a School' Mu-
ter a•d Clerk d the Division Court, the pgblic
suffer ; and that grove complaints have been
rade, (sot to the Judge, the only competent per-
son to decide era such matters, sad who would
at once, did such complaints exist, as he is bond
to do, take immediate steps to remedy the evil,
by dismissal or etherwie,) bas to the Editor of
the Huron Geretic ! LI whom kindness re me
has preveatd him from representing it in the pro.'
per quarter ! ! ! This really is too absurd to an-
swer. Del I however, possess that .molar el
rarity whieh I am charged with, I might state
several instances d the approval amities d the
manner in which the business of the Court is now
conducted ; one instance I may perhaps be par-
doned for mentioning, via.: that in the last Court
pont a
traction will be another step in the amelioration
Yon may do justice to a individual who has
been rubbed of his property -you can make re- sad another blow to the "stick sad stone" dn-
atitutioo, but the roan who has been robbed of oesty. Asa proof of its stick tendency in con ane-
Iik is beyond the reach d your justice. The j
non with an equally bad law, one which from
injury which he has sustained will remain just its working my be called the laded aristocratic
the same whether you tan the i, have
murderer or not. privilege of fraud, the law of entail, it is estireat•
1n short the greatest minds that Gave orcein• •s
rd by Mr. Laing that the number of estates m
have &ted the principles of criminal legislation, Scotland do not exceed 3000 ; but were the laws
have arrived at the eonciuei object
the all gal in - of primogenitor and entail abolished, the num-
which has not for its object the mond inn Ler would be, were property divided secordiog
provement of the sufferer, is vindictive and ma -
to the ratio It is its Norway, 90,000. This law
lignin: ; and no ra'iunal man can attribute her would never have !fisted had the people been
practice of haoglng the criminal, e; ..any other rl represented, and whenever they are it
iseliog except reveage or cowardice; it is done
either to gratify viodictiveoese or from fear that
be may be guilty of 'similar outrages. But
-though-we may forcibly put an end to his earner
d wickedness by putting him to death, nature
has provided • punishment for our cruelty in the
flet that every human beteg who witnesses the no cod W the subject, the more I consider it in
wilful destruction of his life, is made worse by
all its bearings on society at home, the more and
the exhibition ; become' as week better pre- more nemerous are the examples d the evils re•
pared, for the commission d creme. Thu we
rad is the law of nature, and whether men *lit suiting froin the rule of inert matter. that present
acknowledge the fact ter not, the whole history ibewe .roves to my recollection. Like the devils
we are told of in Scripture, who look possession
eails.nDal creapre•leoev declares that crime pfe- d the uufurtuoae titan, and who from their *um-
vets.ad increases in every ewhttye eat is pro- ber were styled legion. These may not inaptly
portion to the ererity .with which it et punish. .be deagoateo by the same, nor will the word
ed. • devils inapplicably represent the evil consequen-
I t appears iL•t in the reign of Henry the 7,111.
ces that have resulted and do yet result, and
the murdering mania had attained its gent- spread their malevolent iedoesces over our nee
est height -the public executions are stated a live country, and I fear may do so here, unless
an average of two thousand ■ year, or about we make • bold stand, and express a determine -
forty each week, rod at no period to the history lior to see ea end pat to laws unjust to principle
a•d absurd is action. I feel justified in consider-
ing it u a axiom (looking at Britain and at the
rest of Europe) in the g merit d nations. -
That whenever, and so long as mind is made of
secondary importance so long will the exertions
of Government be torsed to devise laws, the
rackety of which will be to give importance to
matter 0cer mud, just so loos will the vital in -
wort' d the mares be aeglectd, and in no
perticel.r will this neglect be more apparent
Creator or protecuo• o life from then in the want of dueathon. Young as this
vindscileencss. The morel feelings' get blunted victory a is sell-lepslaion, it has already felt
this blighting e6eeace, •od has suffered from
sod card for the commission d come, eat is IM .ylinauc frauds that have through the
agesey d a Act d Parl:•mest, d a Parliament
composed of seen paamaeed of a regei.ite landed
(saying sothiag d mental) qudi6aatlsu, elected
by Mee possessed of a similar roe, bees commit-
ted by the wedlaby to the detnmeat d the pee.
To the iaj+ry d the many by the monist favor-
itism to the few.
But 'sough d this for the pre•eet. I shall
hereafter Bite a few examples.
making hie Ila will a•J 1metaws.n1 Hs cape
f,earred • lack d the wterfal. Bet sesioasly,
Mr. Uttar, did you ever some a this bases m
of written, wish *in imagiutloa all serhpaet.o
sad tis Mound el toss little ensue tugs,
Muted Mees Meting ars/ yews tN4u+he
seat- r Of fttlllibereu, Mid the qes kb 1..
Owes, r.gt.g i Did feel ov�r ay seek dm*
WWeaell Me man Warr sad elver mon se Mug .4
wasA tb. e1..uaMty d SOW= se slime ap w e
Iha pesmtelhea sparks dart elf year &Agee end,
A.d rhos fining seised lbs " mighty inetr.wea
rid ludo osswera ion _4., M mwid sol shape Sue
gluiest; ideelltres, dol ?event lied you sous*
deputes, and yosrel4 like iia basso. of • V,
b.comiag nether son.
Now, Mr. Editr, with this atrodcottes, I
wall discorso kar.edly us year rat en Aaty.t-
ty, for among ilea tbiags inodsrs, 1 fad that Ms
moa Imre, so everywhere da, will Ile, a.d fate,
and fall is bee, wed ow wanes will bo Isgsut•
IR C. L.
" Tim Reeve F� ,"--Toa elections
for the National Assembly, w far a they
hate been ascertained, ease booe ie favour
of the moderate party. dull, though not
moi.erofec, the Aaesmbly will unquestion-
able be republican ; and the prevailing
opinion tri, that the gnat maiuhacteres and
capitalists will have scarcely • voice in its
la the meantime the miscues tgrronats
clubs area busy as the first Radical la a
gale of wind, and their 'Derogating v'oleocci
renders it but too probable that the inter-
nal scene of the first revoletiva will be
again re-enacted. Who caw tell what mis-
eries are yet in store for them. miser.►le
children of tobdelity and treaties! They
have so often hardened their hearts that,
there is strong reason to leer Jehovah will
give thorn over to reprob•ts mirk to "do
those Ibisgs which are not euoveaieel."
Let e�.ry true -hearted British west
teach hu young ones the sad history 01
France, u be would that of Sodom ; •wd
let rattans tempt ham to .peak of that mo
ral ebersel boon in their ►ean.g except in
terms of warning sod abheresp. 11 e •
scathed helicon to show what demeerecy
wilt bring s great people to, God be Mhawk-
ed for our Altar and rows !-Strett,piflt
bit tree tit the Editor of the Meas,.& 1.
Rgois is • professed •n i•mdee ei the musk
and lowly Jeger, the Nasame, wire wee hese d,
and nursed ad suckled by tri• Carps.t.r• wife
-wbo had tee: when as ley kis heed, bet res
compelled by physeal necessity to wader nen
rid associate with the wretched .ad shssdseed
-whom. minister were ig.ro.t fanner , who
by the recital et week panbfos es that d Dives
and Lazarus, wen eomisis.rmsed to shako
thrones asd priocipati'ies and prevent Ws
hope he lino{ a Cledgyona.-En. H. 8.
The evegreg•tioa d St. Andrews Chores
bevies gives a unanimous call to the Rev. A.
properly P MncYid, sad he having accepted the same,
will soon dimppe•r from oar statute book I but one,-io open Court too -my rilacieuy as es Wednesday the Presbytery d Hamtltoa mer
along with 1 multitude of other antiquated, ab. Clerk was spoken d is the most complimentary to iodate the Re.. Gsatkrtun to his charge
Wrdities still carat, and styled by courtesy the I manor by nee, who u u Agent, mai pretty gent
The Rev. Mr. Bell d Stratford preached •
wisdom of our forefathers who could hardly read I nerlly intimated with at least o .-tri rd d o very The
and appropri&e.i(oed foss tons.
and write. business of the Colo, sad was always engaged 20.Ai, •' Why stand you
hen alt
tit, ilk."
1 mats, however, call a bolt, there would be on nue side of all defended cars -sod who lead The Rev. A. Bell from Derides, then pat the
guy. But shriek not if you •re as heart than. racy, commercial expediency, and. hundred oth-
Yos have • high and holy nhis.ion to fulfil.- er expediencies, but there is no mhos ex/eddies.
d the 'froth has to be establishd its the world. Aird cap. Ta. yrioc,ptes tel morality are eternally im-
•dh]6 it most be established by few ; nod at • great mutahle,-they coo neither be altered nor eofle-
05 th sacrifice of profit and popularity : these are Hare "aced by cmmnrm law, common cnatom, nor
Of B. • beelike compared with the satisfaction which cotunno0 opinion. They are what Ike mos
kitty i arises fnwn rectitude of prtoriple and the hope of ad and talented Divines and Christian philou-
o better d1y. Your flinching may induce others priers call the " eteraalflness or propridy exits-
- ad to follow your example zed thus the cause of rag to ria isobars if tht.ags." The wilful and
or y wo
write or speak in alvta.y of triia cease came criminal merely beta... the Lw d the
troth and justice might be abandoned. When deliberate destruction of human life does aot be-
8 • ask not whether the sentiments will pine or laud has decided so, Wenner doss it receive
Asin•. sews s
,A w
dimileae your(tiesds or enemies, ask merely, Are its criminality from the express iojuneiioa of
they true' if &o they are divine. Put them forth, Iirsveo-"Thou shalt not kill." It is -in-
and he tial eared fur the *parrot(' wd1 protect trrosically bat, and it is au that account that the
them. (cast them on the waters, and thou shah Dior mandate isgiveu. There is nothing for -
find them after may days. Scatter them to the bidden by the laws of H , except such things
four corners of the tooth enJ though the interest- as are naturally and absolutely wrong in them-
ed, and the 'elfish, and the prejudiced, auJ the' selves; such things as would interfere with, sod
igooraut may rail, and fret, end fame .gatn.t obstruct the progress of nature. 1t is a most us -
them -Stough Ell lilt powers of malice auJ dark- juatilwble error to suppose that the morel nature
new could combine to annihilate there -the el• of s• action can be either cheageJ or influenced
forts will be mile -the progress of truths may be by laws or oprniou ; to kill • mai would hems(
marred, but the divinities cannot be •nnihilisted;
they will take root in some corner and bring forth
hurt io,bundance. The progress of truth against
error is Mow but certain, and no published truth
11 entirely lost t it find. • response is .rex bo-
som whu-h mai absorb 11 and publish it spin.
And rho• it i petaated and impelled forward,
till n Ler orpor.td with :he eterua) roe•=
...ieaey of odor known maths, enJ exerts ie
iatoeace on the destiny of ebauag generations.
Seek is the onif vin history of the progress o1
unlit. Lend it -thy a**otaoee en good and evil
import ; rn profit sad is low. 11 thou •rt an
ofIlee-Hold^r its the State. thou haul an adrhtion•
sl ',Avert, exert it is behalf of troth. It matters
mos shat may have been thy creed or conduct in
tunes pat ; the protest is the hour of improve -
,,.t. God wall forgive the past sod so will thy
fellow -twee
Talk Mor .•f eon.'sreaey. Coaaoirncv, in
evil. is, ea aprevstir'a of Inc evil. Had ma*
hied bean runeia:eet, we would hare been view
proportius to the amount of cruelty ad death
which is brought before them.
It is. daring falsehood to seer( that thedew
nine which assembles to wane** a public exe-
cution is composed of " thousands of abandoned
males and females, the very dregs of society, the
off counog of all things." We .ay such an as-
sertion is a daring falsehood, sod no man dart
take it, except he is either a *etoriou■ enemy
to truth, or one of the wretched abandoned crea-
tures who have +peat " the whole night in die -
gosling orgies," till the brain has become de-
ranged by debauchery, sad like the " matey street
tailors," he trn.gioes that be and his abasdead
drsokes male sod female compaoiens are the
crowd: There is at, we thick, to Goderieh
more than one or Iwo of thea worthier ahem-
dood characters, and yet were we a be visited
with the demordre.&g rzhibiuom Ma public ems -
as great an evil though there were ae law prohi• emir to -morrow, wo will venture to assert it
biting the murder, es it is st present The mer -would be snored by many Modred". The
der co:nmirted by a !Vow-Z-alaoder or an Afrl• tows of Niagara sod Guelph do not enetaio my
nan is, in itself, just as greet s• evil as the mar- great number d these enfertenate calcars, sod
der committed by • British or Americas Cbrie- yet we doubt ar their 'erecting" are oamereas-
tiao,-then may be • d l7ereace in the degrees ly utesded. Ir large cities and eves in roantry
d(responaiLilcy, but the abstract evil ta the same towns, there is a certain portion of the Impala -
in oda c.ses,-end tough •II the emit govers• ties who shoot themselves from these barbarous
menu in the world should pass • law kr ea sties exhibitions from pare pnserple, i* other words,
rte dnarorii.° •f human life, the crime of mer- they eneld oat witness them. The divine ren-
der would on' be hallowed, .or even kssesd, by agc has ant been effaced. from their souls by
such eosetmeat. The crime of ebild maria, :s bloodshed and deeds of entity, ad the Ord
then at Ion as evil is Clone, where it is torsed, within there rebels .pros, ssch wickedness -
it is in England, when it is prohibited; mor is Bet the crowd is composed of throned" of well -
the n)ee. murder diet Hiedoes, sr the voles- behaved 'sen sod women who are led there by
urn human meritces to Juggeraet less wicked tbwghtleooaese and eeriest,. .d d lemmads
than the suicides of F.arnpr dobe young mod ors' soeeeptible of ennramies-
- The word kill, i, the sixth commandnsni, line, from the sag of the hiebq to tee Moa d the
"'seines to demi,. d 6k ; the word mardee, is beggar, .oil i+ lege emir Orr is is the erred a• Tented. Ibis i was swans of
Me Evigli. low, signifies or►At.saisaefeUy.- eesderaM
s,e properties d iM worthless .ed I. George
The Musing the Honda widow. ted the nag- .hadoad " who ge Io the non lid," and to wits I wens see latter is g.ertks ; sad ea tri
ug the Conchae culprit are esly haftseg, be- eemree with every ether Imams berg wetnose day, hail as explwtiw with the pony,
To TWO 1111T05 Or Tma me.OU NO.61..
"Well breathe awhile and thea col again. std
when thou bat (it'd thyself is baso competitions
hear me speak bot this."
'Mark sow ow • plain tab obeli pat you dews.'
Oiakspean has made Prises Hal address the
above be Falstaff, after hsteeag to • eootiooed
rinds d woo...a uttered by -the latter, ted
which ee terminates, by makisg foortas mem
no of two.
The Editor of the Huron Garstls is folly u
imaginative as Falstaff, with however, this dif-
fers -re, that Falstaff 's absurdities teed aly to
maks yea laugh. Mr. Gte.'s ars written with
the ietealiea d drag injury. Most arta ton -
Mier that ontr.tfsa th.agb e,ered ■ the moss
harmless way, are wrong ; bet whet employed
Int myon tee obwse da felleiw-be:ng, diaboli-
a1. Tia rich has linea bin Gile•'s wish is
twiu drawee my same before the public, i
think the (Wheats( will fully illustrate, (rem
what ease Whim krisn is myself.
My Bot Iron. tee FAi'o of the " Gi-
nn' •. marcid, es pedlahreg, wits roniraiy 1e
tee wishes s) both nos tett my hiewd, who wog
fid sot Mr. Gans) the writer of the aeeeeet ef
no interest in pr•istog me. u he was abort to necessary questions to Mr. Mslfid, sad. huisg
leave this place. I received satisfactory answers, and given tum the
The last truck is of the most cowardly urate, right hand of fellowship, declared him duly awe -
not to me, but to his contemporary Editor. 11 ted to the Pastoral charge of the Congregates.
am told tint Ire-:,e:ag a fig'•'& ct•s•a'ier,-1 )ir. Bell then addressed the Minister" and eon -
should address my watt ke letters to him. Since
Mr. Macqueen has come to reside among us, his
conduct has been that of an inoffensive, uoobtre-
diog individual ; aJ who to all his writiop, has
held -that the shedding of blood is agaiaet the
laws of man and God. As regards myself, 1be-
lieve f may ay without fear of contradiction,'
(with the exception of Mr. Giles,) that daring
nine year's residence here, I have not had • sin-
gle (laurel ; nor have I had one with Mr. Giles,
otherwise than a disapproval of being dragged
before the public is a mostoffcnsire muster anti
without came.
I cannot conclude this without rotarking bow
determined Mr. Giles tato pervert everything. -
His excuse for the last attack is, that my letter
came to him without the protection of a seal. -
True -not hoviog'ding wax at hand, I wafer-
ed and stamped it, sod addressed it to John Be-
vis Giles, Esq., asd gave it to my owe no to
deliver at his private feaideoee. 1 leave it tithe
public to draw its own inferences from this tut
I trust this is the tut time i shall be called
upon to answer the personal attacks d the Edit-
or of the Gouda. But, if is self -vindication, 1
am obliged to appear ages before the public, -
let some of those beware, who patronise this lra-
d.W11r of chaneter-that it is as ear to pied
holes le /hair coats, as in that of the writer ; sad
1 advise them to remember the words deer Se-
ery brae ht to hem
"err, when the woman g ,
accused of ad+ltery-" He that is without do
among you, let him frsr east a store."
EDITOR', Non. -Tho foregoing will M essi-
Med as the production d Colonel Mss -
gar, sad without offering any opioid• on the
merit et the question at Mar, we think the *ob-
ject should be thrown aside. Seeh altom+tiees
may pndoos evil. but they can .eare.ly pollen
god : ted thoegh then to • entaia clam of ve-
ry leerir *node. which kel re(rei•d by teed -
tag or bearing unwed reerissirtion of the de-
scription, at is rertualy set rakslated a tetra.
dace • r.fiod tut., or as improved metal hetieg
i•te the community.
y retep
TO Tmt tOiTOS M Toa mean petal.
Mr. Eneroe,-Did yes torr 117 to rants dm
epistle, pee or ditty, ether t'rie's or sestiame-
t.l, ea the evesiog of • day wbereis you bed et-
hasaed is hard steely. every finales et year
edit beam, ted had bto.dt it to &beet tit
y el• .pangs or *mited it dry as a
Bete ed erne/ Han, this yee Mow sssh-
iag of the mi•g'vf.$ "MA appose/1w my pe
as my pea appresehes this future ! ]Alt eve
idea Mitts within the whereabouts Of toy *dint
fatagmaties Deposited fa the omhne* d •
Dermas .1d chattel el Nieto, hen 1 tit, remia•i-
log ups the tea J shdswi.g firth my eNaap-
tion., ted "ivies a viable awm asd IoeslIty to
ere sathieg. Bot oho 1 1 am • no lee molos-
ooiy peedleame.t oboe war true t heehaw se
gregattun in appropriate and ailc trouts terms.
At the co•clasion of the edema •oil inventive
services, Mr. Mrtid was cordially welcomed
by the numerous audience.
The proceedings of the day must have ailed -
ed the greatest satisfaction to all present, ad
we sincerely wish, i■ congrat.ltiog the CM-
gngatfon in at lent, after much straggling, hay..
iog secured the ministrations of one, wheys ac-
knowledged attainments, elogeeaee, anti'slests
as a Preacher, will sot fail to bring together this
hitherto ahepberdlem Bock.
In the evening the Presbytery of Hamilton
were entertained at Diener i. the Hama broth ;
about 35 Geotkmes sat dews, Desiel Limns,
Eng , in the chair, supported o• the right by
the Rev. Mr. MscIid, e• the left by,tbo 5.'•
A. Bell : John Stewart, Esq., %iee, supported
by the Rev. W. Bell, asd Sheriff M'Dad!*.
The evens" was spent with that decorum ad
quietness sppreprua N the .camas--Catt•e-
s ICLT•D. • •t
17 Till the last three days, the weather has
bees ed* asd dry-..sas kinds of cep Mee suf-
fered asrinaly foam the moron/ low. ad
though is goosed the fodds merit a pawisiag
appearance, yet galeal we am sheerly Mewed
with min, it a to ha leased the presp•a will be
better them the reality.
17' By parricides inrtaeies. Me. nlwmeew
will deliver • Ismer* .s Phndbgy, la she
School beam nese Mr. Soma Cer.shw%
T.ekererdth, se Wearorearry eveaiag, *A. lIW
Inst., .t 8 e'•isd.
W. prwaioe /bat the Irpw2ai Qaa-
erwment hound to nabs Isarsfate applhra
too to Parll.mwwt for authority to rain w
Dan for Est/melee. T1s .mewut It ie
ad, will be et Int LIMA* sod Oa/
roach £1,000,010: if this awe prove One
met, it wilt be the be* Ata iar se Onadw
is eoweerwd, w4kieh Ma miihal Ills glir
meetbs.-Brwryf rd C urt•p,
0 The 044 Fellows tet _
U.) Mus M/oswai.nd a
...sI preewsalew, asd ea
•weieerewry M a eweert a ea ea
math" .. . '•wNae.
Dieww aerat ltmw'r.—A *ABIllorteet
W. regret to Mw fa
to •h that If
Akan rows which 0
w►ick bare late
mea t* that porlt • of lie art
" Corktewa," took plies tea
wing, sod that s was t sited Greek VON
'ow!) wounded bya batt tee
which Metered his ene" 10 the
the lungs. As ierastigetioll tont,
yseterday, before the i..
'Alen our Repartee ettetw ad ; bat
ewwbage are afte ritsar tee wheel tit po-
hestiou.-.XawiM•w aped.-er.