Huron Signal, 1848-06-09, Page 26 rib, r- iole 1 if. B. en Ked it, 118 Ise. Back 1 Oa VBLI Cense the Iti Iib tae %and ri oabar 11 have to t of of be on nidi L' to be int f l• �M ran all �lanri, xsTnvry the ants Hits I T ■ a r." WON tactors, gave orders to all the forts rloug this route. to let nM have whatever I want - end, to kelp me ua Illy way to the United uta. 1't,t. a are character of the gea- alowen of the nudge,' Hay Company. I might add that Capt. Tetoatas 114:KAT, formerly of that company, now commasda a half-breed comapsay to the Oregon regi- me.t and when they naw tip with the l.- di°.i, 1 heard kits talking with wine of IWO. They appeared surprbad to find Arai weft *be £i asc.M y►tt •g ages' dime, libt he eotd o lbean—" A long time ago, we were b ngliehlnen, and they were Aura rlean .---Dot now the country 'miaow* to thy. sad we are all Awricaw ; sad N you kill thew yuv must kill us also." 7'hie wM the lams• est the brats Captain Hai:• 1 . NorttsaTlote or Lorna Caw.—We have but a tew words to ray Vus morning reapeoting the outrage upon oat Deisocra- y, in the demotion of a part of a national convention, admitting tau rete u1 delegates truth this ate. Alter having commuted this out all obtigattuo to support the nominees the contention ended. No matter who ked been nominated, after New York was thrown out, the Democracy of that state would have supported the candi- dates. We tell our readers that it is as impossible to elect the Baltimore nominees as n a to row a boat up the Niagara Falb with a crowbar. '1'bey cannot be clt'cted• If every Deutucratic paper to this state ■hould give the nomination a hearty sup port, the result would not be changed.— Lewis Coes will- want frorn fitly to one hundred thousand votes of carrying tete ticketf NewYork. The man HURON SIGNAL. ?MAY, ))1:1111E$, 184h .TOP MY PAPER ! I Oar renuble friend 01 the Perth CeesestaA.ed hes waxed mighty wroth easiest the Hos. Com- missioner d Crows Lands, simply because Mr. Puce had nest him note a polite op i0(onerag him that no public mosey was allowed to the Land Office for the purpose of paying Newspapers, curl hence, Editors who continued to seed ,btu paper. without soy order were to expect no re- enumMuos. We will unwire assert ert that net two Radical Editors ,a the Previmet hers bad either the meantime or the preemption to mead their papers to the Crown Laud Office, unless in Mr. Price had ordered them la the sante way as any other private Geotlernen. But the Editor of the Cmum sseemsuwel sees mot to be aware thatui the " Floating Capital," which loierly swim- med about the Crows Lead Office floated away in the permit of D. B. Peplum's : and therefore, the Coaatitutiosel treats his readers to ease column and • half of delicious morsels such u the following, which might have been very rate- able had Mr. Price been • subscriber to his paper and thrown it up to a pet. Neat comeswme ihs Arisreracy of wealth errs is some tasttt50ss Wham the child was n si.ilou' usey, This is the peat supremacy of rais. yeses se hem ass dueled Idea el the wordy 1t a wtura oomped of ta who by a perseveres' that wee lobe anted This hellsg. of moons, o pint of swam tlAs or rm�acterieg °Nw erpr, will he weaker er msonget eao_sit'g 15 the do - here doomed and earned amity their sure astee - roeues peepeity el da .blit Bet we tau* • re the accommodative et elah. They 11 alms tabs poison ursine tit Ire preseakty d Mm. maw ea tried all eapeamead raekad mba sashimi; teal 'bo raped to isms lith, wei ee Sman of natant in moral d additive/it power. think the belies is ..biased. We de thlak and ha.* carnes commerce w the lartleme tor- taw Cede a harm ami atesesist after sere of the habttsble grab', is °rarer of wealth. oe W kissed A.4 . •oop t10600Ils°mo mese M Thy they ham sss.eeded. y have °. suedthe .. M 1ew epos the mons reps°Use mead d capital that would pet • well el brass sed the ame1n la ty, sad eves betohe was mmed that ldaad el Great Beit". or purchase the ""em the ..,ee .1 his brother's blood lined to heave*acrse asl.y .at .f sow. Ba aaWish bore dew far vsega. We rsk he dad hatgood. The' have books dews the hernial Them is, bunion, es0t1r1 law of eaten by fe.delisaa of anngoity, they bare called (elft este which that (either' of sacred respect, for lite can pewees sod broader el wormer.. Thee best ear be 'seriously demoiebed, if not /surely oblitert- ried tatellgerms gruce sod the ges wf 010111atiee ed. Leery idas ividsal has a orrtain °ma& of with their commerce ; they hare gram an im- the desirective disposition, otberwies he is sot Yeats to !demure pet!deure ; 10 cohort, they pare rade qualified to live a poorest d the pest state existeee5 ; Britain what the is, whilst their enterprise sed and like all other propensities this destructive - intelligence have had • beoetoial effect apes aer become. suss ad actin in proponent as nearly the whole buena family. Ad by their it u exercised or cultivated Take • child of as association and coraectiva with the pat mass average rerun - feetge disposition, and you will find him ear someat compunction of teethes o witnessing ' ' Ptop my paper,' is a cry which we have electoral u or generally understoodw was utteredooly by san• who lhinke uUierwtse known rant[. of the . drels whose rascality had barn exposed, or big - extent of the popular tedignation respecting lots Neuse theories %ere in Winger." the outrage committed uu the New Yurk a Democracy. A reculuti..0 of parties is at _ hand. 'Die'buoest uf all pante* will come It h1.1T 1s AN ARISTOCRACY T together, and the Democracy of the U'cion will become purified. • In last week's Sigual, when speaking of the The noon. etrun of lien. Cash, t,utside of powibiI ty of the popular cause, it, France, be_ the wall. of the boa tog in N INch 11 Was , ise epee' by the "desiguing villiany of some trailer received net a e.n„Ie cher. The; very buts who thronged the strcete in frout aristocratic scoundrel;" we certainly did not mean of the church gate long mid lurid cheer( fur' to iutim°te that all the members of our .riatoc- Gni. Taylor tee moment the u. ur:n.iuun of ray are seventh -eke. We merely meant to re - ea.. %a+ ann'unced. Front the Wer; Casa ; mind u.r enders that the espionage of France was nominated until n u returned to this city i was the ofsping of Ariatucrats, that the Sid - we bate not henri his name cheered either .woetAs and Cardreagb i0 1ka retg. of George lo the hotels, or 10 the cars, ue the 'team- i 111 were members 01 the British Aristocracy: boats or any wncre else; tae name uf Lewis Lara N'am .uaic0.i wruuuned on our route � mod that all popular movements against oppres- home. '1'bis ie ominous. Oo our arrival sea both in France and Britain, were either tiotee, moo learned that the same degree ul ongiu+ted 1.4)1 the omit of purposes or crushed 'silence was observed. Thu recon it (Ant 1 by force or treachery on the part of the Aristoc- oua—the Democracy of our state has been I may. And we did not and do not hesitate to insulted—a spurious, conservative, slavery extension 'delegattuu, elected by nubudy,, were allowed to all by, the side of our dele- gates to adjoining pews of the. Universalist church to ltait,mure—the place in which the Ucutucracy p( toe nation, through their repreeentativeq, asretubled to make.* nutut- Harron for the htghest•u15ce an tee gift of a free people. 'fod intuit was too great to ue overlooked • our Democratic delegates withdrew train the convenuuoo—X. York Globe. - bog we would just as soon thi:.k of injuring our towiennee'a feelings by talking of Brominism or Gi.oay.—As the proce..ion was passing the Dcy of Algiers, as we would intend hutting duwu' Bet/ming, yesterday afternoon, we theta by ailu.ieus to Aristucracy ! We have .1- eteppeJ upon a swop to a,otd the pre.e of ways cuesidered that the people of Camila coo - a etruggl.og eager crowd, who were elbow- rittgil chiefly of those who bad been forced to that a sudors any and • large navy have to any their way to the front rank, 10 tl 9 de• emigrate, either by the direct oppres.io of the' supported. The prunes of the nation has tare to ace the principal feature in the pa• Aristocracy, or by the tyranny of aristocratic °01 remelted from them—it has arisen ceittw7 Kraut of the dry. Drums were buaUug, fashion. And though a few of them may Leel to, and itt defiance of their wishes. They have and canoes d; tug, anJ horses prancing.— disposed to mimic, on a small scale, the evil l -not produced even their (ate quota of talented I with which they have seen tofu wasted. °°d men. Brougham, and Hume, ad Peel, and there is now no protection eseept who arias hanJkerchlefe and mane from be costes and Lyvdbua have not sprung from the theme teen declare that such silly vanity has al%aye been P 1 mss est from the terror of the rope, which centimes of Vera Cruz, Dewed and .noted, and seemed visaed by' •much larger +hare ul our pity, than have rimmed up by their own votive energies till the have f the rope, nieo°a if the life g, ai died by the marks of consideration and - of our serous opposeme or condemnation. 11 they ewe looked proudly over the brads of the of Mau mm m valuable that the largest poaible roesect he war receiving at all hands. has always retreaded us of a little urchin, who ancient nobility. The inveutiona, diacorcrtes, amount of money cann ot be taken ■. a compeo- At the same m0went whey the gni tering had been severely whips by his teacher, geeing and interpose that constitute the grummet of I.11i60 for it—will society be any richer by escort was cantering gaily through the car- up a inmost school, merely for the gratification Britain, were the work of men whose fathers or taking the lite of the murderer t 11 is jest like nese Nay um hen multitude, a poor r cheer ul raedfathen were, in most instances, sleeks. q Y aha Its y est multitude a d -t remnant 01 °i whit'; tae hh� Lute xltoul-nts•er. t R perificing.o hocalcnhble °•nut of wealth as PP g ' pThe word Aristocracy has no very definite men. The science sod trimmers opo• which . crud of interest o° another incalculable tisane - was man mel. on r picking Dir way over the future (acne of Britain will chieflyrest are g the pavements on Crutcher. Ilii right ane meauiug—we teiuk its moat proper tig0itica- ty that had already been loot. L i° doubling the was sin a eling, and one empty led of his tiou is a Goverumeut almtuistered by the nobili- the productions of the aristocracy of nature.— 1 evil, and the last half in worse than the firet.— p.ota1uons ' was neatly pinned • ever the: ry ; mod the notebty memo men o1 very auciect Still there are people simple enough to attribute I The murderer was under the influence of a pea 'thigh, while his haggarl face and whole al- tamikea: but we are all sprung Gum Adam, and, the wealth and superiority of Britain to the ex- I. ;n.. that so far from being enviable, was degrad- puarance betokened eicknear and lung sell- therefore, in peiet .t antiquity, we are exactly term:. The grey,' undress jacket, moue a trot—hence this to is (alae.—' -. mnilitary buttons, bespoke the ,uidler, and., p v ( the inference was sr once suggested that le the popular use of the word, however, ariatoc- he hail perhaps been a humble sharer wet] rise, seem" sy0onyiuuus witu supremacy, and to the hero of tu•e day In the glory of the well. 'hie seas. we can recognise various classes of 'ousel fields of Merco. .B 1t how different arretoeras; orad Ent,—then is the lauded ante - the: reaul,r to each' (Inc retures to re- tocr.cy, created and preserved by Ace 01 Padia- ce ve thanks and applause and enjoy all the meat, the same ■e a Bishopric or an Excise sweets %emelt popularity can bestow. 'Pre sow ! For example : in the year 1066, W1Uham ether to drag out a miserable existence In poverty and neglect. of Normandy came ova to Britain, and made e Such 1s glory in two of its phasis...-New vesgw°t of the island, although be had ao mere York Spectator. - right to it than we hare to the province of Nor- randy a this moment ; but by murdering on • THE TOLL GATES. large scale, he got possession d the country, and Wuh regard to the intention of the Goy - Toe it out to hie more favoured (ollo*ers.— ernrneol to abolish the plan of tendering tor Toa Roger D'hlontgotaery, he gave the estate the Tolls of public roads, we have seen no '+f Eglmtou in Ayrshire as • reward for his great proof of such an intention ; on the contra- services, perbapa in killing the propnuten d ry, they have appointed agents to take the these Wide. We merely give this instance u a Tulle fur ono year, in order that they may specimen of the origin and antiquity of the Le 1n a better condition to lease them the Bntt,h Aristocracy. Ne laud Charter d onto[. following year. But we would advocate an is of ao nerher date than the Norman conquest. abolition est the plan of leasing, inclining to A great propwrtien d them an dated from the prefer that of appomUcg Government col I Commonwealth of Cromwell and the re°tontio 01 Charles II. —maayofthem were graotets,at the Revolution of 1688, and even numbers acting the vents reigns of the pretreat Royal family.— Moot of the lands wen taken from eomejody by force, and given to somebody tbreegh�/at»re.— The Charter binds4115 lands to the nearest Gaal descendant of that particular nave, perpetually. But though the land is a perpetual fitters, the same is not 50. The Dasa Montgoeaery, 101 instance, has been merely assumed by many d the Heirs of Egltnto amen the time d Bir Roger; mad away of these section estates have been bertheoed to nearly their full value, by the profligacy of their poring incembeets, mod bed to be redeemed by the succeeding heirs; fee they asaoo i be sold so long a the irigaitoos law of Entail remote in existence. The law d pnsso- gevitr.e bids the whole property to the skies' mum, sod d a nobleman bee ..a eons, five of them Meet M provided sur by some other WOO* this petrirnosul inheritance. They tansy work— they Beano' trade roe intoe—its short, they as assert that " scoundrel" is too mild a term to desig',ate the perpetrators of such heartless' vil- tiaoy. But we had no intention of impeaching the whole bad; of a,istucrats with such treache- rous couduct. Aud we'certaioly had far less i0reetiuu of uffeuding any of our Guderich citi- sensby the use of such deems. Wo do some- times iudulge in • little trolly; but in the article alluded to we were serious, and in serious .peak - of their irdumtnoua fellow -creatures, they have acquired • power end •n influence which ,nay be for the first time, a dog or a cat, or soy other said to sway the deetiwes of the British Empire. domestic animal killed ; but just lead him slag Of the landed Aristocracy we have none, and ha the same path, tread os every worm, kill seriously hope we ever will hone nose in Cana- every frog, destroy every bind's nest you may da. (1f the monied Aristocracy we have few, chance to light upon. mod ender the inflame* of but we would cheerfully !tail their arrival. Thf (raising, 001 month will eradicate every neat class of Aristocrats is composed el the (Kling of compancuo ; and your little tied- suchnubrtiry of Nntwrs, the'ne° with the mswr..s.— hearted boy will bare become a genuine 'meet - They have no craters from monarchs sr multi- Itself of cruelty to animals—nay. he will actually tudes; thein are the charters from heaven — feel • positive ;desserts in the destruction of life ! They carne wee° they are scot aad act where Such are the plume, mouldable qualities of hu - they please, anal though few is number they are ,inn oats". powerful—quietly and peaceably seines aside Wbea a promi°e°aw crowd u assembled to .Acta of I'amiameot and gradually changing mud %i item." for the first tithe, the deliberate strwge- improviog the whole opinion°, laws, sad nus- lemon of • fellow costae. The disagreeable toms of worry. We Lave now noticed the teeliag, ezpeneacrd by the several individuals, three classes of Aristocrats that are moat Com- wall vary t0 proporuo to Ute ale and activity d .piceuya and influential in the world. The lint ` the destructive propensities, and will be lessened ciao we eoasidert to be a° aanu1ed °amieig°ted aeeording to the quantity of 10101.1 life which bunhen on °orrery. 'l'he other two we regard- each idirid°a1 bas ares wantonly destroyed ; ed a society itself. We believe there are 10107 but eves the Botcher who live. by the dredge- clever men, many beoevoleut men, tad a few tine of lite, tech a chord of sympathy be:weea clever men in the landed Aristocracy of Britai°, I him and life, eelrisg fellow-ereetnn, very dlle- but u a class we view them u a dead weight I rear fres idol wbieh ♦el esic.ds to the os or the° upon the energies of the scion. They merely &beep. In short be'free that Masan Ida . u receive rent, double rent, treble rent for the so.'. veered And ice, too, experiences that eeld, in- aud whatever small piepwtion of these 00ormoo shudder of instinctive horror, which tents, they may expend on tmproremeuti or in data through the nervous systems of the crowd, paying taxes, they never can be regarded in a0y when the unfortunate wretch u forcibly swung other light than that of mere consumers. The 1.4.4 to he use. Noshes. rave bees lewd d Me errors minae dreg sear ammoniated ; sad gees, slew far mime wbhb woe seem este- anted at all. New, ell el use richest Ms•1 authorities be4Mgtag ss !whim. hoe end it r liter that tee malty perees°°beeld easepe. tees lbw ono ,.°ectal perces timed aeiW, ahltk he utigil solely have said Am ihamesmid.— The blood of the ros.e.t sees wont be °e°eesl- d M, sad it Is very de0DUel if the "Jules all the Earth" w111 steeps dm seamy, dist the iasearat erre was imaged secoeIiag to the law The Law, spat from those who make aad est- eems it, ass semrcely be held as a respeeiile meet Bet tri° estneagrat destnetis of life—these five -penny msrdere Moet certainly bare made life cheap to tie whit/patios 01 these who wit- n essed them. Bat the abeerdiiy of putties hu- m Ido a competitor with properly, .f what- ever extent, u u impioas mirage ups mature : it is** placing oar emulous on the rase level with " geode sad chanties." Dr. Ibldasiitb wbee apeekiag of the uj.eee ef hoagies senses for stealing • horse, mid it was eerui°ly better that two men .bait fie add walk, than that only out should lire mid ;We, ad we think the obeerntia certainly places the abrrdtty u a .very lndicrwas light. W. Sall sestina. the o eleect in our neat. high value a their lands has not arisen from any into eternity. This we have said is the opinion of Nature. The tiring voice of God, which oan• labour or exenion of thein ; it has been rendere d 001 be misunderstood. You may reason on the valuable by the industry and erurprtu of the netesstty, the utility, the jostler, and even the community around them ; they have merely religious duty of hagisg the nun, but after he looked on and hell possession, as the proprietor four re nisi', the involuntary sdntdder will el om wild lands i0 Canada do, ell the labour and naso ea " great tact." It u the decree of the improvements made by three neighbours have Eternal, and can only be .es aside by s method re - increased the value of the wilderness, perhaper similar to that a which you teach the boy 10 four -told. The only adifference is that the holder murder the frogs. Just entertain the crowd with of the weld Linde, receive no rent while the twenty exhibitions of atravgtilation, and the British Aristocracy were paid by permits for the twentieth will be witnoaoed without try (brill liberty of cultivating and improving their lands of horror. Ilums& life will thew stead exactly It is chiefly for their benefit that the expensive at the morn value in the mind d the crowd, as and useless machinery uf • State Church has to be kept up. It is exclusively for their benefit sheep -life does is the mind of thellsieher. The primitive idea of the acred.esa ef human Irak is destroyed, and with it • great amount of the pro- tection with which nature had fortified our earth- ly esiste°ee. The murdering dispo sitiome of the crowd are strengthened, by the deliberate cruelty Men were shouting, and fair ladies waving mat had expatriated them, we mast honestly window frames, and the gallant hero os ec are • s 10 TY ei8T0.a er Teta saw aa1a4 Mr.—•ds the W. wa Irdeld d the hod in nest. is a Reis ornate teethed se the Owes On ester, seal board KAY ye. CAMERON. It leas fallow.:—"This was a admin bet= y the psistI� a sa R.g�ers Indies at Oade- risk, avian Mr. Mambo Cs.iswse �. fl... Motaboe tin Bast her hwash ef "'met towthe damages wen said a tin 45 1s pct that the platen! bad made anuegoa mals with delesdat, to take his share is • Ihsedry as Quderieb, and shat the delsedest lied sot soon pitted his port Me bargain i sad seder the di MUGS f the lee,.ed Judge, a'trdiet was teem• dud is rawest of ptetatiY, °oyeot se tit° o.stirm- aties of the. Cart." I have oe ria► to louden with the views of Editor" reapeettag their right et deny us eater - au their readers with details of the beds°.. trnometioI of their neighbors—Ibis N • ratter of taste—neither do 1 wish to impugn the mo- tive that isdoeed Mr. Oiler and his cotemporary of the Waster* Beetaltard, ts give sack willies publicity to this little .lair. They migbt be me- ts°ted by as other motive than a arra{ &Mrs to improve sad milliliters thew renders ---bat 1 de think that Flown i° perk..mew what they w- eeder to be their Editorial ebligatlo.e, shield at lost pay sewn regard a rr5*,—aad es Mr. Gibe was pretreat at the trial, amid very tadwut- eady saved is wiles sews. 1 season enter - mead how he cold he 1pesat of the feet, that the hedge would sol sad did Mt admit any lomat it cotwad oa the pert of Mr. Cameros, •d that not ewe &Wiwi' damages wee allowed to Mr. Kay for IrescA of conbad. The Judge directed tie Jury a find a verdict her the plain- tiff fur £369 Ss, h being mutually understood by Ow parties or their agents, that the lees stated and the law of the case were open to the review of the Court. The learned -Judge to the mean- time intimating the, Oa his opinion, the law of theme was M favor of the deledaat. The ef- fect (end I think the 'neuters) of the deciat00 ts simply this, Mr. Key is saved the expense that would bare remitted to him from a 505 lit, sad the ratter may be arbitrated, i0 ism rimae, se i to arrange the cats a the most equitable TOP T.. Miaow MeaaL. THOUGHTS ON THE ELECTIVE FRAN- CHISE. In these dim of revolution, when the inhabi- tants of the d,derrrt nations o1 the earth seem to be growing alive to the fact, that all men were, as err as the Creator is cemented, made equal, and that there never was a peculiar class set apart by Him for Legislation, but that all have according to their several capacities and in- tellects, the perception of right and wrong, more OS leis strongly developed, consequently that the members of alt classes of society, from the lowest to the highest, as they are called upon without distinction of social positi00 to give obedience to the laws, ought, u the only equitable claim to that obedience, to have an equal voice in ma- king them. That they have nut, u • usurpation by the higher over tea lower orders of society, and ougat not to exist. Upon what principle of equity is it demanded of men to give obedience to laws in the construction of which, neither di- rectly nor indirectly, hate they a voice? Is such in accordance with common sense T la such likely to obtain for the laws that ready and wil- ling obedience that ought always to be the aim of the Legislator 1 The self -laterite( of society should bev'apprent 10 all enactments, and men should be induced to give obedience'to them ra- ther from a feeling of interest than from • (ewe( punishment. Hitherto • ,ma's capacity for der rising laws has been estimated by the amount est sinks sod stones " of which he might be the fortunate possessor. Nations have been ruled, not by the aggregate arnuuut of the intelligence order to,edd something of reality a thea future of their iu�aititenu, bat by the number of acres prospects, we We much pleasure tut tsfarmusg held by a very few of their numbers, and from web a standard of iatalligeaco, what else could be expected but mementos whose sols o11.ci has been the •dvaucetmea el the few to the detri- ment of the many ? Does any one think Ger • asmeat, that if the masses had been more per- prisciple. My intention is Mticiag the litale gossiping story is not to vindicate the character of Mr. Cameron, for had his character bete susceptible of injury from such email sources as the '• Huron Gaeette " and the " Western Standard," he wesld have been characterless loogago. Bat I feel • pieuure is geed), correcting the errors and mistakes of poor human frailty, especially when the ernbility seems conetitational, w in the case of Mr. Giles. R. MODERWELL. 77'Th. weather far anotiae has bee° cold aad withering with light frosts, whitlt bate checked vegetation considerably, otherwise the crepitate looking favourably, and our fanners an ester - mining large hopes of a plentiful harvest ; yaltd in them that Mester Gilmour & Co., will pay cash for whatever quantity d wheat may be se - cumbering their bares at preset. We expert there are some thousands of bushels in the Di► trice, and u the roads are in excellent coadities we think it would be good policy u off agri.el- (ecily represented, and more attention copse- turista s exchange it for that rare ase precious quently paid to their interests is the formation) article called cart, the ready trark*t u (5nmeally d the laws to which thej are called epee to' the beet market gin obedience, that every aatios would exhibit the extraordinary features they do i0 these en - 1 1 We are !wally fatigued sad exhausted Tightened days, to ay nothing d times gone . sitting 141e, a.d tberefors we hat° thew rhe pot, put' Look at our own country—wilt it be be• and wall, fir hashh and weet►arpertsit,) gebr• sieved by al.nost any person that had sock been' ty mile. down tha Lsd.s Rad seat week, and the eau, we should have been burdened et Pres- manse Ike pep.'° .mops, sad talk Rdiealam int with a debt of £800,000,000, for wan ear- to 00117 body we meet, sod writs a de°oripties reed on in the support and enforcemr enc of floe- o< the beauties and prospenty of the eowtry, jgbt tri°.. (the balance of power and such like,) that 10 pure spits,—but in the meantime we may ta- ro more than sneered at now 1 Its it not solo timate, that on Thursday evening, the 15th bast. rious that ;the great bulk of the people of Eng- we will Lecture in me. M.rgw's Bchai "we, laud were opposed to the principle of taxing the at 8 o'clock. And u we jawed to my a great Americans, looking upon it to unjust T Cons" - many brines that sobod, ere will soy, we hops istence of her ancient nobility. We pont she es isg Besides he did it secretly, oo human tee - gaudy had they had • voice in the management about the greatest nation of the earth. She has in could be seared or rendered callous, by the of their own atresia, that war would never have ow0. While in the case ° taken place, nor a debt incurred of £IO0,000,- 000, in the attempt to enforce that which all right thinki-g men denounced a wrong in prin- ciple, ar:, highly impolitic. Would the French war have taken place had the people been con- sulted in the matte'? That war alone cost first bore aa experiment of petrifaetien trade upon and tut £600.000.000, a ry nothing of the lase their {rulings In abort, tM esfey of tit of many valuable lives it occalwed.—bat bad Ink from human outrage, de,ltida is a areal mea- u these features are, they are net the worst—rt more ossa the vale which mMkid an asht enabled the petty treated Europe to strcogtb- toattsech to it, and every exhibitive of its da- , en the chains by which they bold their subjects 11.01100. by whatever means 11 is accomplished, in bondage,and it hu taken thirty years peace and necessarily tends to depreciate its value in the thirty years thought to enable the masses of the shed. of those who wirsea it :.ad it is to be eoetisea to assume the ..me p..itioa they did fared, that for every Me who return° from a public execution with improved morel feelings, es* hedred stun mor. debased than they °sea 1s .p°sking of the value of life, it moat be re- membered that the law reee(ntees so distinc- tion betwees the life of • good man, and the life d a bad m*r. The isdieidual who murders the most worthless wretch in the world, will be banged ; sod the idividsal wbo murders the tritely peat ran will .nly be banged. This i•- diserimieete estimate of the vele d hire Is right —it thews that it is the intrinsic vela of the thing. and not the mere c.ssdities which the law recognises ; sal, therefore, the life of the murderer is jam •s sacred se the life d him whom he murdered, sad no rotas, nor body of este, cm be morally justified is taking it away. There wail a time when hams& Ilk was lens valuable. in public estimation, than it bat pre- .m.t. Dr. Dodds was hanged for using a few pounds of another 11110'1 money wittiest the owner's keewledge. He did sot steal it, but merely borrowed it from the Gestlemsa'I Agent without oakum, the Oml7emaa's leave—he in- tended to pay it, but was unable. Hundred* have been hanged for the ame crime, and hue - deeds have leen hedged for taking what did as belong to them, while to many instances the theft was committed in eonsequeoce of "mom* d,reituties; there are even some instances a record where life has been legally destroyed fee thefts which amounted only to the MAIM d • few pence. We *nee witnessed t11e °xreense ref two men, W. Reiterates aad Joseph Calms, ie front of Ayr Jail, foe stealing property raised n three dulling* sod sine peace. it 1. said that a sus was hanged, is Paisley, far sses hag aao- shfes that was .wly Werth dire prows ' Res - dream d ewe hare ben heaped for grains whet they eameieauady bsbeted te be 'flue. sed which was duerwarda discovered sad .ekaw- lectors, for which there ars many reasons, and perhaps, equally as forcible as those fur the (ppuato egotism. It would certainly, he better to keep to employment able, but comper.uvely poor mon, who could procure good security ter stoney received by them cut Tull., than to encourage a class of ape- .'ulatore, of no occupation, to be pertodtcal- ly competing Inc the public tolls, whose only object was to make a profit for tbem- *elves, while, perhaps a discharged and dis- abled peneloner, or other person, unable to vein a living in ordluary uccupattoo, could collect thein. tti hat more if wanted, than an honest collector and competent general surveyor, sad receiver over hen; and the whole profit ul the contractor ie saved and goes to the Provincial fund.. But the worst feature of the affair is yet to come. 1t is new runiuured by the op I.uneni5 it the present adwra.tratron, wilt r Lr. Bongs wee willing to give 1::OW assure tier year teen he gave fur tart your, rod the Guseruseeul relu.eu hie offer. We du not believe that let utf-r was either made must have actuations, ..r rejet.esi ; but 11 11 hid been, what Burl us do nothing. easy a trio. most this Mr. Rogge have been, to "ituatosa 11 they ars road* Bishops, or W taking the public toile at 1;tfOu per Generals, er Cosemandere,et Colonels. •e COO - annum 1 -es than he ruled have afforded to toms. or aomnbait, 1Mi u k°°wa merely by a gave tier mems and % bot curt .11 c.. npet.uun lag sam. witbat f 'peelfie Metes •tta,ched •..,..t ill leasing syauem have beau rub• to : and Ibis acooe.ts for the " etoesred and J,t, tare y,.—It'ereiera causative.. (-..gaols Mese a sed 1w tubs. lately M- oue ed emu be......oaa-•., are eeaa&eueaes N the ad4svvuto et I8.Y. W• art raid aloe that he ss • s iMrwadrr d erase. -t asthma mum, r ear . a/Ised . n the , rad. ur l wean tut. 00°.117 ..,d Greet :..t,a...—J1 Horrid. r Yin^. en ase'• dignified and l.ersuve Munitions which are to to mood in every 005.1ry where the" te w ems.t Arinoen ty. They are .°Red Gevms- rm.t or crows "itemises, when jabs metas that any are improved by ill i.d.snry of the lapin rive. the heaviest Monocracy in the world—the most atrocity, ave his 1 expensive Church in the world—the mat expos• jhe criminal, an attempt is made to diepl•y the Give army and nary—pays fifty`melltoos of taxes, heat principles of our vacate ; to hallow the legal anJ speeds sixty•iire millions is dcuukeunene bloodshed by an apparent moral rectitude, and n00ually, and is still a gent ration. The beg a whole malutede of sea, women and children Aristocracy, and the sixty-five millings worth of ve called together to withers the murder, and to whiskey, ire sot the causes of her greatness, these and the like ars the drawbacks; sod, is dsfance of these, the enterprise, talent, energy sad industry of her population havemadeher a great nation ; and relieved from thea dead- weights she possesses the ability of /overflies and guiding the human race. The repeal of the laws of entail and primogeniture would, in tees than one century, relieve her from theme ba- thes, sod place her in a more enviable p0sities than she has yet occupied : such is the superiori- ty of British brains, as is now being illustrated a the contiae.t o[ liprth America. SOCIAL EFFECTS or 50110100 A rim. The wisdom of 11 has been gr"cmualy pleased to implant in our eaters remise Gehapt or isatincis, tor the preservahua of our own eaie- tence, awl though wit are mot funwDed with an intuitive knowledge of the various memo by which life may be injured or destroyed. Yet se trove as this knowledge is obtained by. the legiti- mate exercise of oar masoning faculties, we feet oar teo.0 horror of dead' aesoetatiog itself with the various moors by which it may be produced. Take a child of tea or twelve months old sec offer to throw bin frorn you, he will start °d grime you as though be had stonily • knowledge of the co..egeeaees, which, i. reality he has not; this is the involuntary love of life ; plunge him seedy over the heed in water, then lift him up and as d after he hrecovered from his'eurprioe offer to throw him' to, the instinctive terror which iodated frim to start and grey, is new rendered more definitive by his slight experience of the water, and he clines more firmly to year arms, tied expresses this experience by a frightened cream. This is the belief; of telt-preserved.", .d it is ishenst is the natant of everything that byes. Asd as it compels each run to love Iris own life, it aloe causes every man to set • high vale. s the life of when. In feet, it is goestmeable .f then ie sot, is h°n'.an eater', generally, • hid of iatiseuve reverting for life, eves as it 'Idea le the lower animals. We have MIMI Mem children scream .d ery when .n esti- mid w.s to be Idled 'n their pnneses. elthoegh the sanest did sot happen to be a favourite, and *; fifty -for years ago. Men now ,days gaieties, not the wisdom .f the measures that brought a- bout this state of affairs, but the sanity of those who projected them, and express astonishment at the folly sod aupiaeness of the people who sub- mitted to them. Would the game laws and others of • like miters 'mist were as people fairly represented/— Would epresentedT—Werk the present overgrows corporation of the Cbarch of Eoslad terries one teeth of the la- bor ad idwtry of the Agricultural clauses cook them classes Weake themselves properly heard,—ad it well becomes as, lieisg la whet is very properly desiguted a sew eeosuy, to prevent the estisuasee 4 these imparted esti- mated absurdities, the evils of which meet Wee esperheeed prior to leaving the cautery of oar birth. We have through oar exertions st the Ise, Election, a liberal G.versswt, ud we ex- pect se a ware for the eoahleace wet have repo- sed is them whom we have sent to Parliament, the origiestios and e.rrying of .( mewrea that may relievf Canada from the ebo°rd.ty of eoaeid- edsg property as the only gasp of intellect. A measure that would place the member" of Parita- Meet epos a footing similar to that for tb. nee- dles of Councillor', would at once obtain for u ill right we claim. i eaeeot call it Isew—ad world, besides giving general seusfaeuero, Mime .f these reforms expected from • Liberal (1.0ur5- ,moat, be a step towards the downfall of the "slick and stone " dynasty, which the .owner it la get rid of,and the mid e( the people disabused of the Ides the walth, either poser and by the rep- resentative or the Elector, to bss'6etel to society, aid therein" ..°emsey, the be toe. Wealth 1s eery well is No plane, ad is est d the.. good° + that 1111Mr1re ler—•beseemu t •aus....ile d mote i.ipecu.a te chi parts., .d i trust shortly to libe the day that it will berg more te de in ma- king the laws of this and ether e°antri.s them It Ms hitherto bed JOHN GALT. the people of Goderich will come and hoar es,— Tickets of admi..ios will be on ..le at the Peet Office and at the Store of Meson. Gilmour & Co. Ladies ars respectfully smelted. THE NAVIGATION LAWS. From the Tontine Examiner. The shipping monopoly is about to nlwive its death -blow. The navigation laws es Meg 4- fevded as am rosary for wearies the defence of the Empire are about to bei cwsifpa.d to obliv- ion by the active commercial "nit and the su- perior istelligeoce of the age. The hietoty of restrictions by oar nation on the eeenmerce deo- other is bot the history of retaliations ad mats - al injuries. Eves at the presser nemoest Eat - land was menaced with -"anther restrictions o her eomoara by ether mations, if she would not easiest te Moodie" the Navigs- non Laws. Her Cab/MN is every pat of the work were lead is their 0etmpteiats ef the tee- iriettea. impend by the Navipria Laws. The condition of Feiglad end that abet sernereee Colonies rendered the nee°aity of modifying thea laws imperative. The prospect of an Eu- ropean war is imminent, sad Engl.d mast leek ' to her trade with the United Sales. Tb. Cele- stes o.mplais'el tis relentbos of restrictions s their e°mmsree alter the withdrawal .f the prof - erten formerly gime to their products is the English market It is wee that the Ra.sU Mt- ue•-y bad the good sew to yield to the snmori- ties el the ower Tb* United Butes is prepared to swipeoate. This matted ososssis. while it will hese6t both, will be a glarssw fu ass- ue.sd pastas betwss the two sense.. As M- pdm Gann. this sma1saies d Cis line will Pee es the pewee is Wm My comas •> sin interests may dictate. Th. days of .hipping m..ply 1. Canada are atrobered. Oar beauti- ful lake Ontario will sot brag be the preserve of one .imam -beat preprlaor who hays 41'41 ope- sttia, sad thus in oddities to the monopoly el y,o ..vigetiee laws, pereha..s another. The bssies of bong will seen be thrown frees the %pm n of the public ; sed this fine lake will /remosia non of setivily to which It has huh- egNilMai. Wire stranger. Oa Lusher lids. n ets is a stats at puri tiro demi. nay he revived sad pol.uwd. Ws shall get a borer prise Rr o ut tisane god m+ar pesdure. sad M otenaNsi u be? what we nal •t.Msr. if tib °sapsdt1a dlieip with hlrltairh d Csosdi°s onside le- dan doe sin of Asipl11•, it mar be rid Chat ibis awl, nun be .Mated at the ewers d tea tore latter. Ilan the remelt of preview melw+nimo1 d the Mvipt105 here 4lmprty ee this esppgisM•-