HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-26, Page 4her sista a Ace. Ment, 1f! Cso IUB a j cense li the Sian, opartsa at done of IM *d fit K de S01 at wad fd Timber $; all have r on the rd to wood to Dowel ( (ilii of f Wee of tai ubeoft Mae on .,aWW1I��`` doe highs Portia on Ilia seeala t we to moot LeeM all ld sloe oak th of Way .the ad to kiSrsnilk DK we times& Ild thea e, Goo* r_..t tot Ml.si Krir itto on Stead, Abe • p 0 tt Y Z. THE WEE RA4IUIT LABBUE. Wee, army, uuud• beshfri' utas, Toll. totting th,oegh 11.e steer thy lase, Like many Leek, ihrougb clads s' rata, 7'by face .0 fair reaps sweetly through thy dwelling waits 0' raves bane. Thy woe bit neck aid booms bare, 'I'hsu'b touted by the cash) sew sit, Ars pearly pure, sad lily fair, As snow -Lau fags As' thy wee cheeks glow like • pair 0' rosea blawis'- T►s' ase' thy mak, as' scrimp thy deeding, The' btesk thy haute, as' Pelf tby feedlot. 'nue soeel thy lair, se' leigb thy branding, Still tR can ass Sweet Beauty a' the groes leading Captive to thea Yet Beauty's e'en a dosbda' gift. We mickle slew, but little thrift ; Wi' it the rich may make • shift To lead the fashion While humble Beasty's cast adrift On human passion. Alack ! poir wean, thy fate 1 fear, 'Thy morale' sky's e'en could an' drear ; Dark poortitk hovers is the inc.a We boding scowl, An' how cam sic as thou win clear 0' fees so foul. Aril beldame fortune, would I keened her I wades, wee thio, see tbee wander Wi' thy sena' limbs sae dim an' slender, Ezpoa'd an bare Aed thy wee feat, 'seven), an' tender, A' dinlin' sair. Hail, holy Nature ! thou s base power, Iles gl'e'e bet beauty for her dower, O teed wi' care this tender Sower That springs free thee, Asd rear her safe is virtue's bower Aaeeth thine e'e. • GABERLUNZiE. Arid weseded he Orli sa pieved by the sweet, But eumasa'd to ester the my of ate led. • He Isy like the warner meting to rest, '`teeth the feeds of ate banner he always loved best ; lie Led like the Christie' is calmsesaard peace, Wiles the danger sod tells of bis welfare cease. IG. freed spirit was borne by the angels of light, To s eaa.toa above elf d,misg and bright ; While the friends that stood 'mead bun faithful, though tee., Kneed the deet that use left sod bade him .dies. His grave was prepared 'uesth tate palm -tree', shade, Awl there to deep silence grid grief, he was kid; Nu •otbetu was sounded, ■o slow, ,etyma keell, The boom of that cannon was Eyo's farewell, tied friends while yon weep for him that's sway, For those who are left, we benrech you to pray, Surruuoded with death in that dark heathen lead, They need the strong hely of the Say ieur'sEight hemi . HARPURHEY BRANCH cw THE 'OROS DI8TRICT AGRICUL- TURAL tt1OCIETT. Ma. Eu roa,—The followieg lines were writ- ten some time ago, and Dever intended for the media eye. They will not bear criticism, as the author was too lazy to revise. Insert them or not as yea choose. — L. LINES ADDRESSED TO A YOUNG LADY 18 ra,utosAILr soci1T T. v~t 1 saw thee gentle maiden, 'hong thy compeers eating and fair ; And 1 marked thy every motion, With a deep sod anxious care ;— There wan intellectual brightness In thy dark and tranquil eye: And the native dignity of thought Set on thy forehead high. Thy lips were like young rosebuds, Moisten'd with dews aspiring, Thy breath was like the perfume WVhieh those opening rosebuds fling; There were grace and virgin modesty, In every act of thine, And thy wordebespoke • purity, That seemed almost divine. I marked thee when surrounded By the beaming eyes of youth, - And Ira ardent henna that loved thee For thy purity nod truth ; And 1 bless'd the hallowed influence Such purity imparts ; To smootbe our harsher nevres, And improve aur wayward hearts. Then 1 saw fibre raise the goblet To thy rich and ruby lip, And with all thy native witchery, The sparkling liquor sip ; And the chum of 6,7 pun influence, Ah whither had it flown Thee went lovely still u ever, lint thy influence was goo For the sparkle of that ligser Shot like lightning through my brain, • And its eors'J associations Pasa'J before me is a train. I saw it seer the parent's heart Consign his child to .Lame, - And came the child to bring disgrace Upos the parent's name. 1 saw it lay the noble youth, Ie his manhood cold and low ; I taw it serve the murderer's arm To strike the deadly blow. I saw the beauteous maides, Of worth sod spotless fame, Brought by its demos socery To what i may Dot emote A thousand sight., more fearful stiU. Shot fleetly through my mind ; Fur 1 viewed drat liquid as the drink That maned' woman kind. Thee marvet sot I shadiered. Moe I saw thee lend thy smile, To hallow that unholy thing. That breedeth gad( sad guile. Wires I approacbed thee *serer, dtnage fire was in Ibis. eye; Thy breath had lest its sweetness, And thy lips were parched sad dry. 1 strove to wear the heedless "mile, Nese knew my keling.--oone— Bst f losrh'd and carried that sparkling cup, Aced thy power seer me was rose ! Perth, 1848. L' To Tina apnea M Tea *11108 NOTAL. 0,e.—W,II yea oblige a friend (though a schoolboy) by iassrting the following lines tri yew, sneh.resd paper, ea the death .f the Rev. Wm Janson, Misseeary at Old Celeh.r. i. .ssoa,es with the United Presbyterian Chuteh, perhaps it may monism tem, of your yeses "seders es it has done me. Your ,song friend, s4 Fee Attica's sake we entreat yon to pray, That oo her nary arise the bright star of day That uplifted oo high the cross she may see, And her sable sons soon be made doubly free. (Takes from the Record of the United Presby- terian Church.) THE IIARPURHEY BRANCH of the Iluroa District Agricultural Society will hold • Meeting fur the Exhibition of FARM STOCK, bac. ke. Re. al Mr. Jonas Cotrp's Tavern, Ilarptuhey, on Friday, bept. 22, 1848. For the purpose of Ad)udgisg sad Award tog PRIZES for the various Animals 'ad Articles hereinafter meottuoed ;— FIRST CLASS. £ s. d. For the best Entire Hone 1 le it 2nd do. 0 15 0 Fur the beet Brood Mare end Foal- 1 0 0 2nd du. do.• 0 15 0 Fur the best Two-year old Filly • • • 0 15 0 end do. do•••• 0 10 0 For the best Yearling do• • • • 0 15 0 2nd do. do•••• 0 10 0 SECOND CLASS. For the best Bull 1 10 0 2nd do 0 15 0 Fur the best Milch Cow baying had a Calf in 1848 1 0 0 2nd best 0 10 0 For the beet Two-year old Heifer calved after the let Jan., 1846, 0 15 6 2nd best 0 7 6 For the best Bull Calf calved after the let January, 1848..• • 0 15 end best . 0 '7 Fur the best Heifer Calf calved after the 1st January, 1848.••• 0 1 2nd best. 0 '7 O 1 GRRAT TaaVRLLRa's EIPRa1RC.•to 07 Worse -1 have observed among all''na- lions, that the women ornament themselves more than the men ; that wherever found, they aro the sante kind, civil, obliging hu- tuane, tender beings, that they are ever inclined to bo gay and cheerful timorous and, modest. They do not hesitate, like man, to perform a hospitable or generous action ; not haughty nor arrogant, nor supercilious, but full of courtesy, and fond of society ; industrious, econotnical,ingen- uous ; more liable, in general, to err than man, but in general also more virtuous, and performing more good actions than he. I never addressed myself, in the language of decency and friendship, to a woman, wheth- er civilized or savage, without receiving a decent and friendly answer. Web man it has often been otherwise. In wandering over the barren plains of inhospitable Den- mark, through honest Sweden, frozen Lap- land, rude and churlish Finland, unprinci- pled Russia, and the wide -spread rbgions of the wandering Tartar, if hungry, cold, wet, or sick, woman ha, ever been friendly to me, and uniformly so ; and to add to this virtue, so worthy of the appellation of be- nevolence, these actions havo been per- formed in so free and so kind a manner, that, if I was dry, I drank the owect draught, and if hungry, ate the coarse morsel, with a double relish.—Ledrird'sJ.etters. T NEW STORE. STRATFORD. BY WM. I1.IiINE. TILE Subscriber begs leave to intimate that he has opened a STORE at the cast end of Stratford, with a general assort- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, bee. And he hopes for a share of the patron- age of hie neighbours and the public. He Belle cheap fur Cash or Prodree. VV M. H. HINE. Stratford, March 24, 1848. 9 6m A. McK. W. From • tearless .( d.rkeees on Africa's shore, A sad voice hoe bees heard dot ewe i• se more; Aeelldier et the areas hos kit's ora hu shield, And pese feley some es the dart haute Mkt. jt. (osgb( sea es Moor kb path with the stair, Bet te .pied a1, glad eidjap el ;sobs' sane ; THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT Ms COMMEMIDIAL ADVERTISER. IB Published every Tuesday, Thrrsdwy orad tibstarde at the Lula P,iu of TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- ible immutably is 'desacs. The Transcript le printed on a sheet nearly as targe ss any tired in the Province; and should circumstances permit, it will be still further eolarged in the course of the 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 For trio best Fat Ox end do. For the best Fat Cow 2nd do. THIRD CLASS For the best Ram 2nd do. For the best pair of Ewes having suckled their Lambs till the 1st of July - 2nd best. For the beet pair Ewe Lamb, and do. do. For the best Tup Lamb 2nd do. NOT!CE; ALL those Indebted to the Estate .f the late Mr.- HiCKS of Stratford, will please Settle the same without delay, and without extra expenses; and also all those r. above Estate, i st the having any Claims a�a n are required immedoite:y to present the same fur Adjustment to JOHN . HICKS, Mitchell Mitchell, March 24, 1848. 8 O 7 6 0 15 0 O 7 6 O IS O 7 O 10 O 7 O 10 O 7 O 10 O 7 FOURTH CLASS. For the beat Boar 1 0 2nd do. 0 14 For the best Sow. having had Pigs in 1848 0 15 .2nd best 0 10 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the best 2 bush's of Fall Wheat 0 15 2nd do do. • • • • 0 10 For the best 2 bushels of Spring Wheat 0 15 2nd best 0 10 For the best 2 bushels Siberian Spring Wheat 4:1' Ib 2nd best 0 10 0 For the best 2 bushels of Barley••• 0 10 0 2nd do. do. •:• 0 7 6 For the best 2 bushels of Oats• • • • 0 10 0 2nd do. do.•••. 0 7 6 For the beat 2 bushels of Peas • • • • 0 10 0 2nd do. d0 • 0 7 6 For the beet bushel of Timothy. • • 0 5 0 For the best 20 lbs. Clover Seed.. 0 15 0 For the best 10 lbs. Swedish Tur- nip Seed 0 10 0 2nd best 0 5 0 For the best 12 R6ots of Mangle Wartael• .. • 0 AI 0 NOTICE. APPLICATION will he made to the next Session of the Provincial Legislature, for leave to bring in a Bill to constitute and form the following Townships and Gore, and Block of Land, viz :—North Easthope, South Fasthopc, Downie and Gore,—Ellice, Blsnnhard, Fullerton, Logan and ilibbert,— Welleslcy, Morningtan and Maryborough, and Western half of Wilmot, and the Block of Land behind Logan,—into a new Dia• trict. ALEX. MITCHELL. Scc'y of Committee. Stafford, [Huron], t 1st of April, 1848. S - 1006 GODERICH FOUNI)RY. enamor summer. During obs approaching Session of Par- liament the 'Transcript will contain Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently compreheo- •Ite to furelab Record of all 'bat occurs in troth Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its ofd character. A portion elite span space will be devoted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an in- termitter/ and Literary character, and every thing offensive to morals will be carefully "%oldest. We bate commenced, and intended to c ntinae, a series .1 Biographical Sketches from Chamber's Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the present season, notice will be taken, of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary losututions of this city, which we commenced last winter, and which gave general satisfaction. 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O TO CAPITALISTS. Cta OOD and safe Inveseeet.. Vaiu.blc MILL SITES and FARMS fur sale iso Lake Iluron. A good Mtll Privilege on the Lake shore within six miles of Gud.rtcl, havtrs bti acres of excellent Land, the Mtli can be Malt on the rock, and within 50 feet of tea feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a trilling expense and on a never failing stream,sbun- dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Alio, • splendid Mill privilege half • mato up on the Eighteen tulle River which is navigable to the Lake, baring 45 ecru* of Brat rate land, plenty of Pile rind other Saw -logs in the vicinity. AND ALSO—Four of the best descrip- tion of FARMS on and near the Lake Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low fur cash, or half the purchase rnuuey may remain fur three or four years on mortgage. Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law- rence Lawrason, Esq., London, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor JOHN HAWKINS. Port Albert, Goderich, Feb. 5. 1848. tf1 TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. 07' The price of Subscription of the MORTARAL Tas8,Ca1PT, (when sent by mail) is TIVELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable in advance. To facilitate re mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SAIL- LiNGS for Teo Months, and FIVE SHIL- LINGS fur Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall send three different copies of the Transcript enclosed in blue or green covers ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. M the paper IS given to subscri- bers at the lowest possible price, all money letters must be post paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the money scot. ISAiRY PRODUCE. For the best 25 lbs. Salt Butter• • • 0 2nd do. do. ••• 0 For the best 5 lbs. Fresh Butter• • • 0 2nd do. do. ••• 0 For the best 25 lbs. Cheese 0 and do. ' do. 0 DOMESTICS. For tha best 10 yards manufactur- ed Cloth 0 2nd beet 0 ForViebeat 10 yards Flannel.• • • • 0 2nd do. do. 0 For the best 20 lbs. Maple Sugar• • 0 2nd do. do. •• 0 FARMERS, ENCOURAGE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. THE Subscribers beg to inform the in-. habitants of the Huron District, that they have in full opention, their NFW FOUNDRY, which for cnnvcnlemce and the facility with which the work is done, *vale, they feel proud to assecrt, any country foundry in Canada. They further pledge themselves to the public to set all Goods in their line, as cheap, if not cheaper ; as good, if not bet- tor, than they can be obtained from any other foundry in Canada or elsewhere. The patronage they have met with during rho short time they have been in business here, warrants the above statement, and they take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public that they will use every exertion in their power to main- tain the character, they tent, they have fully established for themselves!. The will have on hand Threehiog Mills, Saw They and Griat Mill Canting! ; Re -ac- tion Water -wheals, Smut Machines of the latest and molt approved plan, Steam En- gine.", and all kinds of Hollow -ware, such as Bake Kettles, Helaow Pots, Tel Keltlee, Sugar Kettles ; also, various arses bf Cook- ing end Parlour Stoves, and every descrip- tion of Ploughs, ke., k-• 1n addition to the above, they are ready to receive orders for BELLS from five to ten hundred pounds weight, and warranted l0 be well toned. GEORGE MiLLER k CO. Goderich, Januest 28, 1848. 1y N. B. In order that the sobscribers may be enabled to di/chute the pledges given in the above advertisement, they most in- sist upon prompt payment!, therefore, of all Notes and Book Accounts now due, imme- diate payment is requested. CLOVER- SE14:0, r), vif1R Rile hy the subscriber at 71 pence l' per pound. R MODERWELIr. Gede►ith, March 21, 1848. 818 Ib 0 100 10 0 7 6 15 0 10 0 (t'The Transcript is sent to Subscri- bers in the country twice or three times a week, at their option. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's papers being put into one sheet—thus say- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the same. Subscribers, in writing for tho Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the tri -weekly or semi-weekly paper sent to tLem. (Newspapers with whom we exchange will please copy this Notice, which we will be happy to reciprocate in the tame way. GoJerich, March 3, 1849. 5 15 0 10 0 10 0 7 6 10 0 7 6 RULES OF TIIE EXHIBITION : 1. Any person receiving a Premium for any of the above-named (train and Peas, to be obliged to sell to any member of the Society, if demanded, Ten Bushel" same as the sample shown, at the highest market price. 2. The Material of the Domestic Manu- factured Cloth and Flannel to be produced from the Farre of the Competitor. 3. All Subscribers having paid their subs, ription, and only such, to be entitled to compete for any Premium. 4. Bulls must have a ring or screw.in the nose, with a rope or chain attached to, pre- vent accidents. 5. Heifers with Cal( at foot may show as lleifers. 6. All Stock exhibited "hall hare been Ole bona fide property of the Exhibitor a month before the Show, and all other arti- cles shown must have been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor. Any person violat- ing, or attempting to violate, this rule, shall be rendered incapable of competing on any future occasion. , 7. Any person neglecting to pay their Subscription on or before the 27th of June, will be debarred from competing or entering for any Premiums offend, unless they pay to the Treasurer, two weeks before the Cattle Show, a sum equal to the proportion which such subscription paid, on or before that date, would have secured from govern- ment or other sources, so as to place their subscriptions on the same footing as that of others, who pay in time to get such addition to the funds. 8. All Competitors Inc Prizes must give the Secretary notice of the description of Stock or Produce they intend to show, be- fore the day of Exhibition. 9. All Stock and Prodooe to be on the Show Grouod by 10 o'clock on the day of the Show. The Show to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. The Satiety's PLOUGHING CH will take place in (Melte. G. THOMPSON, Secretary, 11. 8..9. 8. Harperbey, 71A April, 1848 12 DR. HAMILTON, PURIFY TUE BLOOD. MOPFAT'I VEURTABLE LIFE PiLLB AND PHECFNix $ITTCRB. 9111E high a.d eased celebritywhich these pia-SIWaset Medicines re se- quired for their invariable efficacy is all the diseases which they profess to care, has rendered the mould practice of pea kg not only ua.eeessary, but uaworthy of them. They are kaown by their finite ; their good works testify for them, and they thrive sot by the faith of the credulous. IN ALL CASES et Asthma, Acute ad Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kid.sys, Souses Fevers and Liver Complaints. In the South and West where these dis- eases prevail, they will he found ievalua- 81e. 'Planters, farmers, and others, who once use these Medicine., will never be without them. Bilious Chadic, and Serous Loose.es., Bile., Costiveness, Colds and Coughs, Chole, Coasumptieo. Used with great success in this discus. Corrupt Humors, Dropsies, Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these medicines tmm.dmtely. Eroptioas of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever anti Ague. For this scourge of the western country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and mazes reme- dy. Other medicines leave the system subject to • return of the dwaso—a tura by these medicines is mousiest. Try them, be satisfied, and be CURED. Foulness of Complexion, Gemmel Debi- lity, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches, of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jttnadiee, 1.0.s of Appetite, Liver Camplaiats, Leprosy, Looseness, Mercurial Dieeesse. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsapa- rilla. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of all kinds, Organic Af- fections, I'alpitatioo of the Hoary Painter's Cholic. PILES. The original proprietor of those medicines was cured of Piles of S5 years standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAiNS In the head, side, back, limbs, joints and organs. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with.... ibis terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Saltrheum, Swelling!. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its worst forms, Ulcers, of every description. '• \V)RMS, of all kinds, are effectual) expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be cer- tain. BRITISH HOTEL, GODERiCH. LATILT 4 CCVPIED UT Ba. ISIAC 4TT*REnar, r1MIlE Subscribers baying Leased rho above' SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friends and the public in general, that they have opened for the reception and accommodation of Boarders and Travellers, where they will be happy to receive those who may honour them with their patronage. It will always bo their study to furnish lbs Table with an ample portion of the best productions of the season, and to keep their Bar supplied with Wines and Liquors of the best de- scription, so as to merit the approval of their customers. J. K. GOODING, JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, Jan, 28, 1848. 1 t f N. B.—Excellent Stabling will be afford- ed, and an active and attentive Groom will be always In attendance. FOREIGN PERIODICALS. REPUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, end BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. TILE above Periodicale aro reprinted in New York, immediately on their ar- tfeal by the British Steamer,', in a beauti- ful clear type, on fine White paper, and are faithful copies of tho originals—Blackwood. Magazine being an exact fac-simileof the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame r these splendid Periodicals renders it needless to say much in their praise. As literary organ,, they stand far in advance of shy works of a si. miler stamp now publrehed , while the poli- tical tical completion of each is marked by a dignity, candour,. and forbarance not often found in works ofa party character. They embrace the views of the three great parties in England—Whig, Tory, and Radical—Blackwood and the London Quarterly are Tory : the Edinbugh Re trete, Whig ; and the Westminster, Radical. The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary, being devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are lees than one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they aro equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American over the English reader. MA SURGE() .71', W R e T G O D E R I C H Feb., 1848. sy JOHN J. E. LiNTON, �t *OTAa7 1 0■L1C, O,,rl»kiisSi Iter Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. r I FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. THE Subscriber (fromGalt) has lately rented the above well established INN and HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, hlr. Jobs Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will codeavour to see the Public and 'Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their corn - forts attended to. Ile has good Stabling, and an attentive IIostler. His Bar is well supplied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March I, 1848. 7m3 OUTSTANDING DEBTS. STRATFORD. THE Subscriber *i11 be obliged to enter i those in arrear to trim, tech the Clerk of the Court, if not immediately settled. A. F. MICKLE. Stratford,.5larch 97, 1848. 911 ROPEMAKING, BY GEORGE LEVERSAGE. FULLARTON. T11E Subscriber of Lot No. 4, Cocession 918, Fullerton, manufactures ROPES of all sizes, made from hemp grows by him- self• Ile has sold largo quantit;ee, of various sizes, in Stratford and neighbour• hood ; and lie invites the attention of the Public, as he can safely warrant all the different kinds made by him. From a Bed Cord to a Cable he will be enabled to furnish, when the improvement on 8is works are completed, by the addition of the new machinery he will soon have erected. GEORGE LEVERSAGE. Fullerton, March 28, 1848. 9tf References—Messrs. A. F. Mickle and Thos. M. Daly, Stratford. TERMS. PATTZ:CT To as BADE IP ADVARCR. For any ooeof the four Re'isws, $3,00 per an. For asy two do do 5,00 " For any three do do 7,00 " For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 For Blackwood'. Magazine.... 3,00 " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscription for three— the fourth copy being gratis. ((g's Remittances and communications must be made in all eases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking his receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers. N. B.—The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the late Post Office Law to about one-third the former rates, making a very important saving in the expense to mail subscribers. (7'in all the principal cities and towns throughout the United States to which there is a direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the City of New York, there periodicals will be delivered free of pe LEONARD SCOTT k Co., Publih.rs, 112, Folios -se., N. O7" Subscribers in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest Arsenate Post Offices. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 CaOww LARD DRPARTBatsT, Montreal, 100i March., 1846. NOTICE is hereby given, by order o His Excellency the Administrator o the Government in Council, to all persons who have received locations of land in Western Canada, since the 1st Jaeger), 1888, and also to parties loeated previous to that date, whose locations were not in- ein lbs list of unpatented lands, liable to forfeiture, published 4th of April, 1839, that unless the claimants or their legal representatives establish their claims and tae out their Patent" within free years front this date, the land will be resumed by Government to be disposed of by Sale. FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property situated in the township of Goderich, on Lot 19, 4th concession, within 51 miles of the town of Guderich ; there is a good .Saw Mill onit an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It is a never failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, such' as Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, add rist 51111. NG. B.—Will be sold cheap for cash, or part of the money may lie for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Goderich, Feb. 18, 1848. 3 VALUABLEF ARM LOTS THE LiFE PILLS AND Pll(ENIJL BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, sad thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LiF PILLS and Pl(ENIX BITTFRS beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in white wrappers and labels, to- gether with a pamphlet, called " Maffat's Good'Samuritan," containing the direction', bac., on which Is a drawing of Broadway front Wall street to oor Office, by whkia strangers visiting the city can very easily find us. 'Tho wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore, those wbo pro- cure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers ; but if ypu do, be satisfied that the, some direct from ns, or dont touch them. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFI''AT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony streak New York. For sale by BENJ. PARSONS, Solo sflgena Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 FOR FALR iN TIIE HURON TRACT, NAMELY : TOUR Lots un the First Concession of Godorich, fronting Iake Iluron, con- taining 82. '72, 671. and 581 acres respec- tively. Two of there Lou havo consider- able improvements, and one of them'com- modious Two Story Log house, with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved These Lots are situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the flourishing Town of Goderich ; the land is of the best quality, and well watered. and the front hots command a beautifal view of the Lake. For particulars apply(if by letter post paid), to JOHN CARK, Goderieh. March 17, 1848. 711 NOTICE, ALI, persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note OT Book account, ars requested to make payment on or before the first of May next ; after that date all de- mands, remaining unseated, will positively be handed over to an Attorney for immedi- ate collection. DAVID MUNRO. Goderich, March 29, 1848. elf ALBiON HOUSE, JAMES' Street, one door west of' the Commercial Bask, Hamilton, by January, 1848. 1. ESMONDE. • SALT ! SALT ! 1 N BARRELS, deep for mob or market- able predate, at the Store of T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 1848. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTF FURNiSHING WARE HOUSE. TIIE Subscribers have optima a RawType Foundry in the City et New York, where they are ready to supply ardor, to any extent, for say load *Hob Franey Type, Ink, Paper, Cheese, GeYays, lease Rifles, Steel Column Roles, Compseimg Sticks, Caps, and every 'Male s,ass,sry (or'a Printing Office. The Type, wheel are cast is a,aw mssNs, from an esterely new sett of Matstees, with deep counters, and warranted to be uneurpassed by any, wt11 M sold at prise/ to suit the times. All the type fsesaiebd by us is'" hand east." Priating Premiss Weighed, and alma, Steam Engines of the moat approved pat- terns. a - tens. Compo.itioa Rollers east for wisdom. (1 Editors of Newspapers wbo w01 buy three time, as mach type se their bills amount to, may give the a-beve six seethe' insertion in then papers, ad awed their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND No 78, Arun, Street Moo York. December 7th 1847. t.lb HENRY-NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patronage of the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, and trusts, by strict atteatiot., to merit a share of their favours. N. B.—Hard Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers on band. (Jokes made to order. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. ltf Tates e, T'*s Halos Rawl.—TEN 811IL- L11008 per annum if paid erred, i• adverse, or Testes Aso Stx Peace with the eeph den of the year. No paper di".eetisued Mad eeeere NO paid ■p, wakes also pehlishar Woke it W sena- tags to do so. Any isadipidual in the country sal' spo5Nble fife six sebseribers, rassfes e seventh cep, gratis. UT All letters addressed to the mime be pest paid, or they will ant be takes este( the prat office TRIM 07 aa7Twe.e. 8u lilies sad seder, first iesndea..... SA 2 0 Each sebespem meets.... •• • . • . • 0 74 Tea lana end ender, flee insertisa,.... 0 3 4 Each eubsepeat iesertiee, 0 0 10 Over is. haat, 9rmtyneereigh, per Ise, gash sehmensasteserams, per limit 0 , A Mend dWse.t le tape orbsbe the year.