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Huron Signal, 1848-05-26, Page 3
hate eet AN sew end anything is Mr. (ialr's ddanee, because we considered the attacks made epee nim ea wir below q„ autism, as they were buteath ►is cestempt. Aad the prubability is, that he will sot ibask as (deer trouble. Our osly apaise fs* Was Murderesses is, that many, at least twenty respectable arra is the Hutu District have asked why ltiidid not defend Mr. Galt sad we just intimate now dist if there are trey mete such slabbery balderdash published, we will ask a fees questions which, perilous, may sot tante _very deliciously to thews cue - seined. Noes --We are remioded by the kieduese of the Montreal Pilot, that we have already written an article headed •' Proscription," and oa com- pering it with the above, we perceivs a tumid- erwble aimilerity is the ideas ; but as the Beoteb Proverb says, •' A raid tale is no the watts to be *wise told." Aad we mut advise wr Tory eewssmpss•atss se les the sob set of preeeripties resit, se perhaps their frkode is office may God out, by experience, that the views embodied la the foregoing article are sateraioed by three- fourths of the people of Cooeda. 'Arrival of tlje talcbouia. New You, May 22, 1848. The Caledes.a attired off Bestow on Bawds): (twit{. sad anchored is a thick fog. She casae sp next nieroiag. The news came over the lines with mach iaterruptioO on account of atmospheric electricity. Ltvsaroor. MAlxar.-Best Western Canal Flour, 26. 6d. Wheel, white sad mixed, 7s 2d and 84 3d: Red, 6a 5.1•7s 6d. indite Coro, 26s and iris. Meal, lis 6. 12e- Cure Market declined last week, with inactive trade. A cor- respooding depression took place is London. The Liverpool Market yesterday closed dugg ly. The chief alientios was in Meal, the de- fused fur which was extremely dull. There was a marked iuproremeat in the Cotton Market. - The priaeipal improvement being low aod,mid- dliag qualities. Manufacturers and speculators have shows increased activity. A well -sus - 'aimed advanced of + pence per ib has taken place. Psovwosa-Pork, mess (new) 87s a 92e 6d ; ordinary and old, 36a a 40s ; prime, 30a a 36s ; extra lodia family, dke. 97a a 105s. Pork, duty free, prime mer (new 531 a 70s ; old, 44s a 56s ; *mess, 44s a GOs ; prime. 35e a 40s. Amu -Duty free, Montreal Pots, 30. a 315 ; Pearls, 384 a 42s. United States Pots, 28a a 29s ; Pearls. 38s r 40s. The London money market opesed with ap- pearance of much firmness, but owing to appre- heosioss of French interference against the army of Austria, now in Italy, the (id at Consols) closed ata decline of } per cent. Consols are new at 831. There have been two failures In Leedom of considerable' amount. Mears. Leye, Mason & Co. , flax spinners, and Alexander Madden & Soma, wormed spinners. The mills of both hooses are in AberJesa- The unsettled state of the Continental trade is assigned es the ,.„mediate cause of this disaster. F.A11e1.-Wilmer sad Smith says that the French elections are now completed, and not- withetaading IM utmost exertions of the ultra republican and communism to effect their pur- pose, the lists esbibit triumphant testimony to the popularity of the principles propounded stmt acted upon by IAmartise sed the moderate party. So clearly and prominent has this espresaios of popular feeling bees manifested, that core fears are entertained of the minority resorting to ulterior measures, in order to render part of the proceediora noway. THE VIRE. It will be observed w au Advertisement in omu colsmps, that tea Wedsead•y seat, the Rev. Wm. Bell, (ruin Stratford, will modsiite is • call from the members of the St. Andrew's Cos - gaieties to the Rev. Ak..mler M,:k.,J, late of Hamilton. The leading *smut of thea cesgre- gsties tie oerataly .suited to credit for the ea- terpnse God energy with which they Lave struggled to cbtata a Chinch sad Paste. They Nem eb,t,oately determined to stead by the ' Goal old cease." Tbrosgh their emir's( ca- utious cad seal, they bare seeweeded is erect- ing • handsome Chstch, whish is now nearly finished, and we auk surly paid for, and thoagh this spent of activity sod zest has been contiaed ti come e,abieeo or sweaty persoos, they have courageously rendered thetmelves responatble fee the payment of • competes( salary to • Mia - hoer. W. expect Mr. MCKid will, with the sureties of the Presbytery, accept the Cell. Ile will be • valuable ecgsisitton to oar Goderich society ; we esteem hitm as • mao of :alert, and as we believe G:m to be entirely destitute of vio- lent party or seetanaa feri's, ho may be highly reefs! it amateur to remove x11 those little petty jealousies and trifling distinctions that divide, and we must my disgrace the Presbyterianism of Canada. ET The Awkcrsebmrg Schooner, Capt War- wick, arrived here on Wednesday, with Dry Goods, Groceries, dee. She is now being loaded with Wheat, and will sad for Oswego tornorruw, weather permitting. It is creditable to the Dis- trict of Huron that upwards of 23,000 bushels of wheat have been brought into the town of Goderich during the past season. We are surely prosperiog. Er We offer our most sincere (we could al- most say loving) acknowledgements to the large assemblage of ladies who honoured our lecture last evening with tier welcome presence. AccoucuYE"T or LADY Jose Rcsantt. -Wo have much pleasure in announcing the safe acconchemeft of Lady John Rus- sell. Icer ladyrhip was delivered of a son on Friday morning, and, with the infant, is going on well. TO CORRESPONDENTS. " What is Love 1" cad other poetical effusioas will appear in nor nex1." We thank Mr. W. Barron for his kindness - the Signals will be forwarded to Niesosri as or- dered. ,Ilatkets. EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS l.ilLk1UUR k CU. WOULD respectfully intimate that they have lost received, direct fro u the New York and Montreal Markets, a very large asset Uncut of Straw, Leghorn, Dee - stable, Tuscan, end imitation Silk BON- NETS, and • great variety of •Inu,a1 every description et FANCY GOODS, suited lu the fubtun and taste of the season. Also, an extensive stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Steele Goods. Likewise, largo quantities of (GROCERIES, particu- holy a very superior supply of TEAS, from Is. 3d, per pound upwards, sccurdingto quality ; and Tobacco al all prices. As the whole extensive stock has been selected by the proprietors in perste, they can confidently recommend them io their friends and customers, and as the purchases have been effected exclusively on cash prin- ciples, they have resolved to sell on the most reasonable terms and at the lowest possible profits FOR CASH. (' Marketable produce of every descrip- tion taken in exchange at the highest mar- ket price. THOS. GILMOUR 3c CO. Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16 Tn.aoNTo, May 27. Fall Wheat u. brotg'.t to market in considera- ble quantities, by the farmers, and the demand fully equals the supply, as high as 4s. 9d. per bushel of 60 lbs. having been paid oa Saturday, for a superior parcel. The current price has been from 4s. 6d. to 4s. 84., according to quali- ty. Spring Wheat realizes from 35. 9d. to 4e. 2d. per bushel of 60 lbs. Flour --Millen' super- fine by retails in bags at 22s. 64. by 196 lbs. Mosrar,L, May 20. FLoca.-Market not active --prices from 25.. 3d. to 25s. 94. fur Fine, and 26s. to 26s. 3d. for Superfine. Upper Cauda Wheat -Mixed may be quoted at 5s. 7}d. a Ss. 84., and Red at 5s. 4}d. Ashes have declined to Ms. a 26s. 6d. for Pots, and 29s. a 30s. for Pearls. Surctss.-On Saturday last, a young man residing at Howwood, attached to the Ayshire railway, committed suicide by drowning himself. 11e bad been married on the Monday previods, and on the Satur- day morning following,word was brought to the house dDt something was wrong with the nils. He went out hurriedly, as if to ascertain what was wrong, but never re- turned. Search was made round the local- ity and on Monday the body was found in Carteide Dam. C►.DALTY.-We rozret to (earn that Dr. Lee, • young gentleman who recent) r graduated at Montreal, and a son of the fate Dr. Lee, of London, C. W., WSJ, ac- cidentally drowned at York Grand River, on Setorday morning last. The particulars of the accident we have mit teamed. Dr. Lee was a young gentleman of mach promise, and his loss will be severely felt by his fam- ily and frf'ends. ELroAteTErntACT.-Tbiedevil was the first, and continues to .be the foremost radical of the universe.-Uwelph Herald, edited by a Church of Borland Clergy - slaw. NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS will be received by Messrs. W. Chalk, 1). H. Ritebie and R. Bothwell, or the Subscriber, on the part of De Municipal Council, for the District of Iluron, until the FIRST, SECOND and THIRD of JUNE, at 13 o'clock noon, when the Tenders will be opened at the following. places-Balkwell'r Ian, Lombok Road ; Gordon's Inn, village of Hayfield; Clinton Arms inn, Tucker•mith, for the fol- lowing works, vis :- 1st. For repairing parts of the London Road opposite Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, McGill- ivray. Tenders will bo opened at Balk - well's ino, London Road, on Thursday, the first day of Juno next. 2nd. For opening the Lake Road through Staples and Ilay, and repairing parts of the Bayfield Road from the London Road to Bayfield, and Reducing a hill to make up the embankment of the now Bridge on the Rayfield River on the same line of road. - Tenders will be opened at Gordon's Inn, Bayfield, on Friday the god day of June next. 3d. For repairing parts of the London Road from opposite Lot 35 to I.ot 3, in Stanley ; and (or Reducing two biils and repairing part of the Iluron Road opposite Lots 17 and 18, tlultett. Tenders will be opened at Clinton Arms, In Tuckeremith, on Saturday the 3rd day of June next. Plane, Specifications and form of Tender may he seen at the above letting places six days before letting, or at the office of the GODFRICII CARRIAGE SHOP. LMfTHOVS$.1TawRT. ons DOOR WEST or ALLEN'S INN. 11111E Subscriber respectfully intimates to 1 the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, That he is prepared to execute all inshore for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBF.R k LIGHT WAGGONS, Cutters, Lumber Sleighs, Gigs, Dog Carts, lec., and all other articles in his line u( business. N. B. Repairing promptly attended to. 0:7"' Country Prodoco taken in part pay - anent. JOHN SAVAGE. Goderich, Feb. 18th, 1848. ' 3y SER:M-Q N. TimitzV. WILLIAM BELL, OF STRATFORD, WILL Preach in St. Andrew's Churcb, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st May, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the pur- pose of Moderating in a Call to the REV. ALEXANDER McKID of Hamilton. Goderich, May 23, 1848. NOTDCE.-The Rev. ALEX. McKid, will Preach in St. Andrew's Church, here, o0 SUNDAY next, at 11 o'clock, forenoon. Goderich, May 24, 1848. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ©bb fellows. WAGGONS ANI) SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, OPPOSITE THK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THE Subscribers begs Have to inform kis friends and the public at large, that he is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER OR LIGHT WAGGONS, which 'shall be mannfactured of the best materials, and by experienced workmen. (1 Harrows and Drags made to order ; Plough Castings Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, Feb. 9, 1848. 21f FAft'1 FOR SALE. ,TILE Subscriber offers for sale Lot No. one in the seventh Concession of the Township of Colborne, West Division. There is on the premises a small Log Barn, with 15 acres under good cultivation, and well fenced. The Land is of excellent quality, and within 6 miles of the Town of Goderich, containing 100 acres. TERMS of Sale will be made known by applying to William Robertson, Esq., Can• ada Company's Office, Goderich, or to the subscriber. DAVID SMITH. Goderich, March 1st, 1848. 6tf J. R UTLE DG E, & CO. BADULE AND HARNESS MAKERS, DFA) to intimate to the inhabitants of it Vodertch and surrounding country, that they bare continence(' business in the pre- miers lately occupied as the Division Court Ofiiee, where they will constantly have o0 hand an assortmeot of SADDLES ANI) HARNESS, and all other articles in shoo line of holi- ness, which will be said at moderate prima. (C' A liberal discount w ill be allowed to all cash purcbasers. Goderich, April 18, 1848. 16tf C11A'L'HAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F O R SALE -A RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. T1HF. subscriber having commenced busi- nese in Goderich-and with the view tit carrying on his operations with more facih ty and success, ie in watt of cash -offers the fullowing valuable property for vale situated in the flourishing town of Chatham the District seat for Kent, for cash only, via :- That advantageously situate) property ja Chatham North, containing FOUR wa- ter Lots -according to the town plot sur- vey -with a good and substantial two story Dwelling house thereon, Kitchen, :.n ex- cellent garden, summer house, Lc., bcc., suitable for a largo family or a public Ilutel, a Barn 40 feet by 14, and a Targe inclosed Building well adapted for distilling or for storage, being erected on a substan- tial wharf, mooriog vessels of over 300 tuns burthen. On the promisee is also an invaluable Spring. the excellencies of its waters aro not surpassed in the District. -ALSO- FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the 11- township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRE') ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences in repair. There is a good Frame House [Cottage style], upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 36, and Two Frame Sheds, each 90 feet long, with subscriber, in Goderich, on or before the a Log Farm House to tolerable repair. - said 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of June next. - There are three running streams o water The works will be laid out in Sections : Tenders must specify the number of Sec- tion Tendered for, and must be in due form. The time for finishing the above work, will be stated in the Specifications. (Signed,) DAVID SMITH, District Surveyor, H. D. DISTRICT SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, Goderich, 15th May, 1848. 5 l8td • rm. '"' . DISTRICT CONTRACT. MANCHESTER UNITY. - ALODGE of the I.O.O. F. in con vection with the Manchester Unity, was opened in the town of Goderich, at the Huron Hotel, on the 20th induct, by W. R. Wonham, Esq., P. G., London ; assist- ed by W. Notman, Esq., M• P. P., G. M., of the Dundas Lodge, Bro. John Willson, Esq., M. 1'. P., H. C. R. Beecher, 1 .q. and Samuel Reed, Esq., under very flattering prospects. After which the installation of Officers took place, when the following Brothers were elected HAMILTON B. O'Co!eeoa, Esq. N. G. Joan STRACHAN, Esq. V. G. Jowls GALT, Esq. Srra rt ary, MoROAN HAMILTON, Esq. Surgeon, •Gsoae. BRown, Esq. Treasurer. Goderich, May 22, 1848. 17 MonTattAt, May 20, 1843. "Eking a bolder of Pearls, on Thursday last was offered 31e. Bal! oa Friday, dicho- sa taking32s. ed. for a Targe bill of first sorts. On Saturday, an inferior bill of a few brie, part second', sold a 31x. 94., showing an advance at the end of the week, and an upward tendency, which most be further influenced by the arrivaia in patr, 6cLv' On Saturday we received, from Mr. J. (11. Pinning, tM feliowisg reeaarks on the u The asarhet -retes sae. be_peeved quits- eorroc6--311 W-1 } per cent. for the bei - m, laves 11s 40. On Friday 'to trwsaao- Heis..--D. k. S. did not say•eytbisg of ogles. On Saturday, an infrior bill a a few brio., part wends, sold a etre ted -D. rept wt Aid not ailed* to any trans- actioss beymed Friday erasing." --.Mauled Transcript. AS the BRIDGE across the River Avon, in the village of Stratford, has not been Let by Tender as previously advertised, the Subscriber is now -prepared to enter into PRIVATE CONTRACT at any time with any Mechanic who wishes to contract for the completion of the work. Plan and Speccification will bo seen at T. M. Daly's, Stratford, or at the office of the subscriber in Goderich. Offers will be received per- sonally, or by letter, addressed to DAVI) SMITH, District Surveyor, D. D.' Demme SURVEYORS Orrice, 2 Goderich, 2nd May, 1848. ` 14td P. S. Early application is required and will be attended to. D. S. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, MARKET SQUARE. JUST reeeived, and will be sold cheap for cash or marketable produce, • large as- sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES - of canoes sizes and qualities. -ALSO- A large quantity of different descriptions of LEATHER, which will be sold to the trade on the most reasonable terms, either by wholesale or retail. intending purcb4s- ere are requested to call and examine for thesnselves at the Boot and Shoe Store of THOMAS WATKINS. Pegs and Findings for sale. ,Godsyieh, May 118, 11148. 1711 N. B.-Patoat SCALE, wtikidog from I lb. to SOB, for eels. Cann 4N Tex Goes Dra•rarcr..-Tbe wheat8elda throegbest this district look remarkably well jest wow, aid if else eo.kI judged tee crop from premise topes/ewes, we would s y that it wunM be a wast ahned- a/t situ►.• -H Aaxsl&. Time WeaaaT Ct er.-Tb. Neseg Sew syr t fl. wheat stop is this sesliss seem MOW 1e11118' Mea at the posses& kerne.-- Clegi w Joist see it gt.wisg. NOTIOE. NOTICE. Tim year old HEIFER, as advertised for some weeks put in the Huron Signal as having strayed into my premixes about the mid- dle of last September, will be sold by Public Auction on the Glebe iw,t, Maitland Road, at 12 o'clk,oeSaturday the TWENTYSEVENTH day of May, to defray expenses. JACOB WILLSON. Dederick, Aril 28, 1848. 13w4 THE Snbeeriber having reliogeished the besrseesBaking is favour of Mr. Heavy Novelties. begs to return thank for the support he has heretofore received, and eau eosBdestly recemmeed his successor as wurtby of public support. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 118th May, 1848. 171f through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate \\-ell in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but 1!} miles from Goderich, the District town. {This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Meesrs. STRACHAN be LIZARS, Solicitors, West -street: Goderich, March 22, 1848. 711 TO LET, r1liIAT Substantial and Commodious House lately occupied by Capt. O'Con- nor and John Peel, Merchant Tailor, to Light -house street. ALSO FOR SALE A valuable Lot in Main Street, on advanta- geous terms. Apply to WILLIAM WALLACE. Goderich, May 41b, 1848. 14t! FOR SALE. • AIfT or Land. situated on the Day. geld road, iv* ,miles and • half from Goderich-will be amid Hemp. Terms e/ psyseest to wit p.rehese es. L. ALVORD, Godwin!, Match 98, 1848. 9tf 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for disposal, about 1,600,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout most of tee Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500,- 000 Acres are situated in the Huron Tract, well town as one of the most lertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its papule - tion i0 five years, and now cu•tatn. Up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere offered by way of E A'l E, for Tee Years, or Jo.- Sole, o.Sole, C .1 S. D (1 )r" .'V -die plow ' f oarJffk Cads, and tke balance IR 1astu1- mea(s being, does antsy with. The Rents payable 1st February each year, are about the hatereet at 8,1 Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, accordfag to locality, one, two, or three years tient, must be paid in advance, -but these payments will free the Settler from further calls until 2ud, 3rd or 4th year of his term of Lease. The right to PURCIiASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to tbo Lessee at • fixed sum named in Lease, and an allowance is mule according to antici- pated payment. Lists of Lands, and any further informa- tion can be obtained, (by application, if by letter punt -paid) at the COMPANY'S Orrscus, Toronto and Gorier -irk ; of R. BuusALL, Esq., Asphodel, Colburno ,Hetrick ; Dr. Aruna, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq., St.alford,Huron District. Goderich, March' 17, 1848. Two Building Lots irk Chatham North Block G., well situated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. -ALSO-. A large two story Frame (louse fronting the Barracks, 40 feet by 46, nearly finished, with half an Were Lot belonging. -ALSO- SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent Land situated on the banks of the Meier Tbamee, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling House there- on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for cash down, or one-fourth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. tic O. Dolsen, Chatham, or to -trio pro- prietor at Goderich. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich', Jan. 28, 1848. 1 H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for tho liberal support and dIetin- guished patronage he has received since the opening of his Establishment is Goderich, and begs to assure them that he will 'still continue to supply them with the best and cheapest articles in his line as usual. Ile would direct their attention to his varied and exlentensive importations which be is now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, CROCKERY and HARDWARE, the low prices of which be is certain will speak for themselves, and -for quality and variety cannot be surpassed in Western Canada. II. B. O'CONNOR. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. lit Butter, Wheat, ,Oats, Barley, Corn, 'kc., and every description of Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. Cash will be paid for good Grana Seed, Bides and Furs. STOLEN OR STRAYED. Am BOUT the first of April from the pre- ises of WILLIAM BELL, Stanley, London Road, a Yoke et Oxen. Ono black, with a Bell, and the other red and white, with the left eye nearly blind -any informa- tion respecting them, will bo thankfully re- ceived by the owner, or at the Signal Office. Goderich, May Stb, 1847. 14.4 BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, &c. TO LET, AT STRATFORD. THE St:bseriber being aasiois to retire 1 from business, wishes To test tb1 weir known BLACKSMITH'S SHOP. Sheds, and DWELLING HOUSE, situated in the wart esti of the thriving tows of Stratford with the good will of the business. The above pnrsises have been for many years oeespied, and the run of bovines', is egoal to the best steed a the Ihetrict. The loam may be for as sassy years as may be agreed os. The Tools, iron, ke. will also be dis- posed of. Rel woderate. JOHN SHERMAN. Stratford, 17th April, 1843. 1211 ,NOTICE. THE Subscriber is about discontinuing business as Blacksmith in rho town 0t Goderich, and hereby notifies all those in- debted to him, that they will be waited upon for settlement immediately and the obstinate ones who disregard this intitna- tion will be handed over to that efficient office: the Clerk of the Court, who will perhaps effect a settlement on more costly and less favourable tertne. IIENRY ELLIOT. Goderich, April 8th, 1848. l l tf STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the public, that he has taken tho BRiCK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where nothing. shall be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his gimes. I. M. flatters himself that his selection of Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the country, and his Stabling department is of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. f3tL, GILBERT PORTE, LADIFfl AND GENTi.EMEN'S rash - losable Besot and (Nos Mskee, Market Square, Goderich. Meech, 1st, 1848. Iiw4 7 PROSPECTUS OF THE SECOND VOLUME or TME CAN4ADA FARMER - A Family Journal of Agriculture -Internal la0- piovement-Literature-Setence- General ln- telligence-pabliahed every Saturday, at It. Brewer & Co.'s Establishment, Toronto, and is now offered at the exceeding low prise of ONE DOLLAR per year. THE FARMER was esta robed to sap - ply a want that hu ton • •sten felt in ada. 0* weekly lten- NOTICE. • ►1IHE next sittings of the 1st Division Court will be held'at the Goa(, Gude- ricjt, on Saturday the 3rd June next. A. F. MORGAN, Clerk of 1st D. Court. Goderich, 28th April, 1818. 13 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. SPRING 4. SUMMER FASHIONS,far 1848. AFULL variety of the newest and moat improved SPRING AND Sustesa FASH- 10, for 1848, have been trived by the subscriber, who will -pro attend to the orders of all who tett 1 .itim with their patronage. • 'e A. NAYSJMITH. Goderieh 12th April, 1848. 1 y the periodical Literature of L the one hand, a majority of th. publications devoted their exclusuv tion to the politics of "party,' • Religion and kindred topics, anti on other. one "magazine" poured out ► monthly stores on the grand, inexbeustabie, and vitally important subject of Canadian Agriculture. Although it is impossible to treat of'pub- lic question without, in some sense, writing politica, yet the FARMER has not med- dled with ' parties' nor will it hereafter less scrupulously avoid them• Its objects are the interesting, the useful, the necessary. As agriculture is the interact of first tut - penance to the people of Canada, so is it awarded the first place and the chief atten- tion in the columna of the Farmer. Emi- gration, Commercial regulatione,Education, Legislative enactments, and all question* bearing on the industrial pursuits of Hsu country come under impartial reviews. - Short notices of useful books kc.; literary seloctionc, entertaining, instructive and moral ; the improvements and discoveries in Science and the useful arts ; a dish for tho ladies and the Scrape for the boys ; the mar- kets at home and abroad, with the genefel news of the day, complete the bill of fare to which we invite the attention of every family, in every town' and township of ,Canada. Tho first volume has met with' unex- epecteJ favour from the public land tho press. The cnconiumn of the latter,, w liberally bcrtuo cd, would Imre Consoled the Editors with the lichee( that their labours merited, had they not received encourage- ment. But the substantial support of the public has been such as to warrant tie, we think in continuing the publication. The second vulumn will bo superior to the first in several ppao1ne. More Immo will given to it by the Editor., and a number of persons of the highest qualifications harp promised their assistance as correspondesbr A number will bo tient as a opectiotn to any one requiring it by letter (or otherwise) Postage paid. All orders should bd cent in by 1st, or least 5th January, so that we may know how large an edition to print. - The uncx•pected demand fur the back Noe. exhausted our edition of the 1st solemn some time since, and to prevent such an oc- currance again, wa hope our Agents and all others will send Inward their orders with- out delay-. Subscription $I it advance. Toronto, Nev., 1647. _ 6 TOBACCO. AN extensive stock which will be Bold cheap for 'Cash. 'P. GiLMOUR ht. CO. Goderich, Feb. 11, 18.8. 2 e TEAS, TEAS. OF ell qualities and at varions prices, by T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 1848. NOTICE. ALi. Notes and Accounts duo to the eubscnber that remain unsettled on the Bret of Ma neat, will bo handed to the ,dark et the o Coors for collection. 9 ROBERT 7N. Goderieb, April 4, 1848. 101 f CUT NAILS. 4UCASKS CUT NAiLS, assorted sit- es, for sale by the Subscribers, wbole sale and retail. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Geierieh, March 17, 1848. 7w4 DISSOLUTION. TILE Partnership heretofore existing in the town of Goderich, under' the name of LATSCIIAW k EItB, as Cabinet Maker, is this day dissolved by rnutual consent. All outstanding debts due the firm, aro requested to,.be settled without delay -either of the undersigned will wait on them for that purpose : and those having demands ageinst them will present them for adjustment. JACOB LATSCIIAW. CIIRISTIAN ERB, Goderich, April 6, 2848. D. WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, uelerroa rn e,,aNCWRr, easigeOrrcv, kc. OFFICE 15 THE MARKET SQUARE, GODERIC[1. Feb.,1848. 37 NOTICE. -The above establishment will be continued and carried on in all its branch. PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. 31R. AND MRS. MOODIE, EDITORS. r1rlIE Eaters of the Vrrroau Maoaztaa w111 devote all their talents to produce a useful entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches and Tales, in verse and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the es, as heretofore, by the subscriber. Colony, Scraps of Useful information, Reviews JACOB LATSCIIAW. of new Works, and well *elected articles from April 61hi 1848. 10w3 the most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Magazine. STRACHAN 8 LIZARS, The Editors feel confident that the independent BARRiSTERS and Attornies it Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and BAnkrupt- cy, Notary Public and Conveyencers,Grele- rich and Stratford, Iluron District, C. W. lotto STaAcnate, Goderich. RealmDIlona Ltzs**, Stratford. Goderich, April 20, 1848. 6ml 1 NOTICE. .rplg& fast aailist. Sabartser A MH E RS T- 1 BURGf1', Cep*: •Wirwiei; win -leave time Monday lint day of May, awl Toronto ted of May, ted will take Passengers cad Goods for Gedenrh. Ooderieh, April 21, 1848. 12 .1. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER at i.•w, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer, ke., Office West Street. Gedarieb, March 1st, 1848. 6y DIV. COURT BLANKS, DRJNTED es a.penor quality of paper, for sale at the Iluron Signal Ole, sheep foe Cash. Gederieb, Jas. la, 1618. and rising en00try to wham servies they are proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its rapport to e000ntage their anftoue and honourable undertaking. The low price .1 which the Periodical is placed, is in order that *very person within the Colony who can read, sad ifaatious for moral and meatal improvement may become a eubseriber sad patron of the work. The Vrcrosta Mtoorss will Contain twenty - four page+ it each number priswd en new type, end epee good paper read willow at the end URI rs$10/11PRkille psJ• . te- gathee with Title Page sed Iedc1. It will be Owned Monthly, eemnveaeisg ee the First of Septemher, from the o51ee of JOSEPH WILSON, Frost -street. Sellsvdle--the Pub- lisher and exile Pmprietor, to whore all order* ler the Msgszine, •od lettere to the Editors, mut be addressed. (post-paid.) The terms of web- seriptt*t-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM - wearied, ss le peel !e abases. flodaieb, 51ereb 3. 1648. 4 E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND 4JI,AEJE11, PAPER 11.4:fogUr 4e' 4.. (4(UE&1C*1. -1