HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Gazette, 1848-05-26, Page 4h Witesereore • HURON _ G LETT GODERICIL wi O PAPER• i LEST remind its •sola 'a if etloosn co y .. ,,,, lr R, %.milk; Marc ter. E BOOKS. d^t N5TAFTLY ea head, aid reodvia6 from <Ja MaasAolsry, pleat Birds, of every dasrslQ• Eserwsoo & Co. Tease I:1..atZoog og Bt , $O^'k i Bristol's Sarsaparilla. TEL ORIGIN dallishai TRITE s- Tic RJshe me ttmesese sire Oahe 1.11 f / wwsPA sad a ic re cases of Scrofula Cancer ewtwd by the Fe- ver and ague, the Rightful— — — mo -one of Mercury, Dry Gangrene lyf y'1'! itN NEW l l)RK Ultri, Seorindary Syphilis, Cuu setas wed Chromic Rheumatism, Inver encephala. COLLEGE O F Ii S e \ Ma, Ulcers In the ,tomach, Chronic Infiamaiiu. d 207 Main -street, Babb, I the Eyes. Hipp complaint, Lupus, or Noli-me- DR 0 C VAUGHN'S tenger., Tic Damen:, &c. in many instances Dyspepsia Piles, Dropsy2 Which the patient W Vegeta* Llthontriptjt SCHOOL 800L8. k bran given up by the Faculty, are in pommelling Or band stall times, a full supply of an kinds; of the Proprietor. and have been before the *Mc mama' his various publications. In all elate eM • k plaints and many others not auutermtad, BtiMl"a TY4:auT+ EAnrwo i L Co Sarsaparilla is a safe and certain remedy, sad d Diars:s. be urs for a prom Ib O. Tama* and r:,,j Jit., Hamilton. some of them the Oram one that Call relied LBBB. and rnraaent care PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. HE subscriber would inform Printers THE the United States end the Canaries, that W has opened a Printers' Ihnsisiin, K areho.ar, winsome. etweye b• Retied Prfatieg Pres - gee, with self-htaiess, anoint improvement ; sg Inked all colours; oleo, all kinds oI ketal end Wood Type, Bras and Metal E and every other description of Print- ing at New York prices, ad- ding d- dd g transportation Also, for sale as above, Enamelled, Pearl Surface, and CommDeny, Cards;marblCape and Pa Deny, Medium, Pa- per, Bookbinders' Gluge Shears, Sat, Aa ll3' Old type taken in exchange for new. Sole Agent for the sale of C. J. Gray- lor'. Doable and Single Improved Salaman- der Safe. Y. B. Publishers of Nrwpepers who will copy the above six times, and send one copy containing the advertisement, and by enclosing a ten dollar bill in a letter di- vested to me, shall have sent to their ad- -gu ygmyfiest pan? ar.rasr liessctrrr, 21'o. 6, United States Hotel Blade, Pearl Strut, Baf.Jo- Pt4IN'TLNG PAPER. 'T nE SUBSCRIBERS, having during the past 1 Stormer, enlarged and improved their York Paper MiU, will at all times keep on band a fall supply of the following sire, of Printing Paper at their Establishments Young Street, Toronto, and Ling Street, Hamilton. Inches. Lame Imperial- 24 b 36 36 jmperial, 21 Medium by 30 Other sines made to order, when required; at abort n otice. EAterw000 & Co. March. 1848, 3 C xowN LAND Merck 101A, 1847. IIBLIC NOTICE.—Holders of Li - 1 ems to cut Timber en Crown Lands eat Am Lima Ottawa and in other parts of the Provisos who desire to renew their Batrros 8 tt.t.A is not one of those mushroom quackeries, built up on no other and so better foundation than false statements, reheat- ed puekry, and deliberate mierepr Bence while a dozen or more of those medical meteors have shot up, blazed and gone out force. er, it has been slowly but constantly rising in re- putation, until now, at the end of 6fleen year Its masarisy r semen widow pee eda.t, and yet Yeas, as est . thtu*p vntnablst e mast re, on the solid and substantial basis of Icing tried sad se- verely tested merit and worth. The astonishing cures that have been peri rm- ed by this medicine --and more remarkable has never been chro•kisd—are neither a pochrnial or exaggerated, as the reader, if he wIU take the trouble to ascertain, either by personal visitation, or written inquire, will be abundandy satisietL— Such investigations, are constantly solicited by the rieter, to whose advantage they cannot but t2lend, because the statement of cures will be thus found to be confirmed. By the slow but certain progress of a natural and healthful course this medicine has been for M. tem long years working its honest way up the diffi- cult ascent of public favor, until at length Its went high reputation has been attended That it built. and with vastly increased rapidity grow- ing in the public esteeem, is one of the batt evi- dences that could be adduced in favor of its in- trinsic aid genuine worth; for had it ns.-' posses- sed an inherent and real value, it must have -king g since sunk into neglect and contempt. No im- posture, and, especially of a medical kind, where detection is so easy, could long maintain a con- sfismishe sender ay over the public mud. Tem- porary success may Indeed attend a bold and in - genions humbug, but months will scarcely cape before the cheat is discovered, and the best spec- ulation put down. That Bristol's Sarsaparilla has been in nee for fifteen year., that it has wrought many most sur- prising cure, that it haaneveroncefailedof ppr dicing the wished for effect, that it has triumpbed over the worst cases and answered the severest - eat. that it bas steadily and continually increas- ed in reputation:that it has secured the commen- datioes of the press, the approval and endorse- ment of the medical faculty,and thegood opinion of the most intelligent and stimable men of our time; vantages which no other medical pre- paration has, aid which none can have ludas its value is unquestionable and established upon the just experience of years, are facts affording secu- rity for its worth and usefulness, sufficient, at lean, to justify a fair trial of the medicine, when the beet recommendation and proof of its merits and efficacy will be afforded by its own operation. The patent can have no better evidence tban this --the proprietor desires no other. - ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY CURE. THIS cckbrated remedy is constantly ing its fame by thea *Mel cure it is ALL OVER THE WORLD. It has now become the only siodiense far is and is pattlealarlyrereausteatied for DROPSY: all stages of this complaint immediately no matter how long standing. See Pa ttMu,•+►y. GRAVEL,and all diseases of the urinary organs; distressing complaints it stands algae; no other title can relieve you; aid the cures testi will convince the most skeptical; -aur Lives Cemplatat Billions diseased rave* trio mextit. g To 111e Cheat 'lick and w complaints these prevail the medicine is offe NO MINERAL AGENT, se dei remiss limmin sed is a part .f Leis me it eons these cl aces with certainty aid et anddosenot led a the system torpid. See Pam PILES, a complaint of a most painful character, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cure follows by a few days use of tide: 44 b far before any otter preperatiois I disease, or for any other Disease originating impure —See pamphlet. DEBiLrTY OF THE SYSTEM, weak back, weakness of the Kidneys Er.. or Am aation of same, is immediately rtliered fine laws use of Ihia stediciae, and a cure is al a result of its use. It ,rands as A CERTAIN REMEDY for sneb complaints, and ileo for derange the ferrule frame, IRREGULARITIES. SUPPRESSIOit8 painful menstruation. No article has erne offered except this which world torch this kind dnewgenenis, It may be relied upon as • and effective remedy, and did we feel perm to do so ecoid Rite ATHOUSAND NAMES actual in this distressing clam of See pamphlet. All broken down, treed uwdilretnu &••s the effect of "mercury, find the bracing power of this article to act mediately, and the poisonous mineral cradiclk from the system. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the alterative properties of this adds PURIFY THE BLOOD, and drive such diseases from the engem. prepelet for testimony of cures in all disease which the limits of an advertisement will Ot permit to be named here, Arcane ren then sem that' contain 39 pages of certiAeares tit character, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF Of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. is nae the recd tear features of this wade that never tilt to benefit in may can and if bore mu are left !ahead ups ld the ewag tcd lingering inralid HOPE ON, and keep taking the medicine as long as Departments, and comply with the con- ditions of renewal as directed by the No - dee! 1 the 24th June and 14th August Slott, for the present season, and on or be- fore the 30th June of each year for the next and following seasons. Timber limits for which no application shall have been made by the previous own- ers on the above mentioned day, or in re- gard o-gard to tallish the applicant shall have ne- 1leeted to comply with the conditions of renewal land not previously claimed .by right of forfeiture under the clause of the Notioe of the 24th June and 14th August,) will be offered for Sale without further notice on the let September next, after the expiration of the License, and adjudged to the highest bidder in Daae of competition. Parties making application for previous- lyup licensed limits on the plea of non -coin- I it as his derided opini000n conaaltatiosa, ?wt>sstehs tion are to lod their information in eon1d et no nHe nblers her ing wa. taken off writing, remomp.asseed with all the neves- ; and row ate *night get wen; butt bad some donbta pry procto, oil or itefore the 30th drat, for i TaeStilconfined l to her withoutut anyalhinl di a NEW YOBK , M CANADA waoL1PZiAisli ca N 29 Yaw8hertt, TLra C. W., sad 111, Coaratted St., New York. THE SUBSCRIBERS beg leave to in- timate to their friends and the publicHE saheeriier begs leave to inform At his friends and the pablie at large, that MIs now manufacturing. and has No bands, LUMBER and LIGHT WAG- ON 8, which la will warrant to blessed" of k shaterial, sad by esMuea ore fir War ma. such as Beaver Cloths, Sheep's y's, Repairs well and expeditiously done — wAWNS N - WAGGE‘ll mai of IPAGoN AND SLEIGH SHOP. Nest Agar M Mr. 0' Conseor'a Stew. generally in Canada West. that they have opened the above establishment for the purpose of supplying those who may honor them with their support, with WOOLLEN GOODS, tincts, Flannels,'1!w s, Fancy Checks & Blankets, all of whish are manufactured from the best Wool, and will be bold at the Manufacturer's prices. A supply always on hand at Toronto. HARDWARE. of every description, American, English & German --American Hardware, oousiating of Axes, Mill and Cross -cut saws. Shovels, Spades, Hay and Manure Forks, Wood Ji..ee•,n pre and Wronsht Butts, Looks, Door Handles, Wire Sieves, Coffee Mills, Hide Whips, Sand Paper, Sleigh and Din- ner Bells, Grain ShovehtAugurs, Scythes and Snathea, W heel Heads, Chisels, Pisne Irons, Lamps, Britannia Ware, Tacks, Brads, &o., &c., direct from the Agents of the principal manufacturer; in America, and No. 81, Pearl Street, Mew -York, GROCERIES nam.„Lo, May 14th, tf3t7. is an improvement. The proprtetar would .Mr. C. C. BBsterot•--ffiiir—The care of my t'CAUTION THE PUBLIC lG iT i ad. i •1.s." n...or +e 'ilrs.aa `w p"t ' SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS. due_, r.asaee s a n% or,os- friends, and in answer to many importunities I feel bound to gibe you a statement of another ex- traordinary erre, performed by your Potent Medi- cine. 1n Joie, 1846, after having enjoyed unpe- ralleled health, and never having lost a meal of ricmals to sty knowledge, mad never taring shown any symptons of disease, she was attack- ed with a swelling on the shin lone of her leg. with continued and most excrutiating pain. which .toad . Put np in 30 0:. books, at confined her to her bed for eight months.' During gr•tu this time, she was attended by several eminent re do at 81 each --the larger be ding 6 ata. physicians and surgeons, and had her leg lanced than two small bottles- haat ort and wit get four different times, when it discharged large posed u Every bottle has "Vaughan s quantities of blond matter. The bone soon ho- ontriPiwMixture." blown upon the ease,ate came loose, and the child took from her legveral seriuc's signature of "G. C. Vaughn" on the d h bone.One i i tions and "G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," atom lino mum nese Ocoee Main street Buffalo, at w ring due dune, prom a now, fat, Uoanciog girl she retail' No attention given W letters nnlea as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, &e.: They ore /w sethiag, and concocted to gull the u n TOUCH THEM NOT. Their inventors never thought of curing cunei eases till this article had done is A slimly of the pamphlet is esrarstl, salieited.• Agents and al who sell the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE. :' pieces of hers in piece now n my c 'k. None odder are genuine. preps pan eeanwide, is about 2 1-2 inches long and 3-4 of Dr. G• C- Vaughn, and sold at the prin inch h resembling honeycomb Du wholesale was reduced to a mere skeleton. Dont J. 8. Trow- Paid—orders from regularly constituted Agents budge attended her from the commencement. for fid. Poet id Wier'', or verbal command - 3 months, and she nge, flied by p ellen r Whim, soliciting advice, promptly attended to, and Doctors Sprange, Bareew. DelleabauRh — scat devoted excltvtvety u the as 0 Schmidt, Bally and others, who. ops and W, article --132 Nassan.et. New York city: 903 sex it. Salem. Maes., and by the prineiral gist throughout the United States and Can uptred Licenses, and on or before the 30th IV' relief, and the supposition of a care being net .June next, after the expiration of the Li- of the gntesten in my own,mtnd M mere eliaaee, ij Best.. of cher Citi. called at my. verses t' beit dinned hereafter. And the in. house on beholding ibm cloud, said to me "why br trnt will only be entitled to his Licence don't on get the child euredl Bristol's Sarsape- an t. o 1st August following, after the for- mer lioanbiate shall have been notified and Ihisrd is opposition to the informant, if he NISld she -fit to do sat Persons refusing the payment of Slide dn.s, or • iliaading on their timber. or the final settle - of Bonds for the same before deliver - r► sway ; also persons taking violentI Sion of disputed ,rounds before ob- a decision in their favor, and parties to comply with the decisions of C or ArbittratorL or the regulations oft (.'Town Lands Whittier wbo forcibly Surveyors, ell.iioenesaant their baits m jem-70., parsons having in their custody or J. -possession any Afoneys, Goods, Chitties, If heretofore belonging to Deceased "Emigrants, or now belonging to Sint saki - grants, are hereby required, unitised the lura of tame. to deliver ahs saw to the Unatir- eigsed, who has, by order of His Bead - loony the Governor General in Conseil, dated the 25th day of October instant, eta dud empowered to receive such Doo- soya, Goods, Chitties and [Feet, Joe CAR r, I Genital Montreal, 2stb Ool:. ►>3t1. 2 MECHANICS' ARMS, law Ste, *smart, 4wworgotgewtimer, IMw+i qmoorm waft b diner iia *SD Ittliberay patronista > at him Old StainL that bowleg mired' a ism 0( pe.m.d4 *' Tames. W bap titi.d it Of Tres'etlece. w„ Vlore r*•odfl he nuked it his bovines. to Mod* His Stakbisi sshd _ Bek rep mark boned eirey rad sieeo.smodation to homes NN. T. A's Bar is ibrniabed wick 4he of wines &tad ligesra, and hes VS stocked with "good old eperklieg iltesy rein Met lyra Ma w Moire her -it has cured worse cases than hers." Raving no reason to donbt this statestent, i precured "Bristol's" and gave it to her. After she had taken font bottles, she was enabled to get out of bed. After sloe took the sixth bottle she was able toatatd on her feet. and now she has taken thirteen bottles in an. and is entirely eared —new hone growing in the place of the old. Da- ring the time she took -Bristol's," she need no oth- er medicine, a prying a simple form ofdressing to the ulcer.. and using a watt of Castile soap. Your nerv't Lyme, Wnmrer, No. S, Harington Court I have heard the above statement read. and know the same is all true• only ft does not tell how much 1 have suffered• and Ism se glad that !have klecTI by thank Col's medicine that 1 don't now to t j(a + v, ffi nrat*miAWs silo. ss.—Os the irate ad y or May 1847 fore me came Lyman Whitney, and Martha Whitney, Ms da keg carr. hoth to me known. and in niv presence .silaert- bed to the foregoing, certificates, and b.tng by mae duly sworn. did dpase and say that the Some therein set forth are true. Hearne N. Wiii e, Com. of Deets. n' CAUTTON.—The public win be careful not to confound Bri.tol's Sarsaparilla, with the rarities nommen advertised ander the bead of Sarsaparilla, nor deluded into the belief of getting relief tranrt the various serves that are odbred for • donor a quart Bristol's to the.ed .►igiwat ar- dde, clots partum. all the wenderlul enree-the (Oen are peon imitations' ger ppm the rreptisesos tri ibm greeinc melee, Sea Stilt the iertise, wk. saner of C. O. Brutal is s**rttrbnrt sr the beetle. gT,l•ete. Or DAM bank. or six haulm Pfair va lire.Pattt C•1jWesel.4•* -an!Mama of ray to aimMAY • M the o!Mama atrtl Creed*. aided pro ,aysmphlMtr{ emits ester ew m of one noon era edi,wy enr'mwhichwhichnn which less ever ocewd in Ibnitt►asdar•fC [ . B a,erot 1BsiSI ..1060, r. _ 1-tt.0. 146.000 ' zT lilt !OR BALM:, At tie ifaan7tee iY'. liQsi: Ped Kim Sired KRLLY bep lesiva te inform his Feie.de.alt paha. thee h. esa raid orderejbr sly. temitityJr • deletigelimil.1 F Arees ll TT Mine (peel Fain) wt11 will. ran pds/epa lMwtie°. grit, HasaiUts, Pei., 1148. 1 -ter Cat.votriza CRABS, Goderich. loom Mitchell, Simcoe, W. L. Jones, Mount Pleasant. A. Higinbaham, Brantford- ... Brown, & Co.: Caledonia. A. C. Buck, & CO. do. G. Hassey Pon Stanley. .1. Winer. Hamilton. T. Bickell, do. Ellice et Thornton, Dundas. T. Waddel. Stony Creek. J. 1II&thg A Booker, Grimsby. . Osborne. Beamdville. Thos. Scott, Woodstock. G. M. Hopkins DanvMe. Winner & Martin. Jordan. Joe. Meredith. St Catherine*, B. W. Henderson, Thorold. B. A. Mitchell London. flagman & Co. Bronze. R. Aberdien. M. Il. Chippewa 8. Chadwick, Dram . 8. Urquhart. Oakville. 1.yyHaney, Niagara. Gel1.LaaEn w, &, Co., Tenant uch as Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Molasses, laisins, Spites, &a, which will be forwar- cd either from New -York or Rochester, the parties may desire. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND DYE- STUFFS. Turpentine, White Lead,,(dry and in (Il,) Copal Gum. Gum Shellac, Opium, &o. tw- eeted in New -Yolk by an experienced will be found SIS LARDER r uggtst. Harrows and Drags made to order.— Plough rder—Plough Casting. Wooded. ALEXANDER MBLYIN. tiodseleb, 20th March, 1848. 6-tw UNITED STATES HOTEL B UFFA LO - THE subscriber begs to inform Eisele- 1 men from Canada, whose business may bring them to Bisfhlo, that in the above oommodioes Hotel, situate at the terminus of the Railway, they will find as mase eomfbrt as in any house in the States.— The chambers are Inge and airy. His table is furnished with every delay of the season, and his wince & spirit are se- lected from the boat stocks in the eouotry. Z. Bonxxr. Buffalo, Jan. 1848. 1 - YOUNG'S CEOM,piERCIAL HOTEL, Jars, Street Haariltow. .1Y YOUNG begs to inform his old . friends, and the travelling public ge- nerally, that he intends to carry on his es- tablishment as usual. -' HIS CELLAR Has been thoroughly replenished, and Wines and Liquors of the finest brands IP oft sAt.t bias IUDs ?retry*lilt ]IIz-4[1• iJ s *u._ UN tie FR.t8T CON 1 QODERICH, ovoid LAKE HURON, Hmtleitting SE, ?1. 97 1A. * JS 141 ACRES RtitlPECTIMMLA< Two of these Lots him eedidesoblp 1' ;s°u'sedwOR. wue and ORCHARD. Likewise it it ILI °TIN mum the metell4 estkIeSiets, comArsiensi 'SS APS emit Two .<tbsat ply improved• These Lara are situated on the Bttyli•18 Road, from six to eight miles South of the Aourishii g Tows of 6«hriele; she head is of ter beet yealiy, aid well watered, sed the Treat Lots oosamand • bosaUf.l ?leer of the Lake For psriicsisrs any coy ser post psi, to JOHN CLaRKE OO S.1 1. March 17, 1848. 641. HATS. 1 Is eomplete in every thing which the sea- son can produce, and the table will be sip tar, _Silk, Moleskin, Leghorn, and Chip. I plied with every delicacy which the taste APS fir yen and Boys. of his friends ma rompt. BONNETS. • HIS STABLE eghorn, Tuscan. Straw, Dltwn &Chip. Hosticre and be commodious, ady at all hours to wait 'MILLINERY GOODS i upon travellers. every description ; Umbrellas and Pan- I The reputation which the Commercial s; BOOTS and SIIOES. from 125 j Hotel has attained will be fully maintain - earl Street, and 78 Beaver Street, New I ed, and no pains will be spared. on the ,•rk.' part of the Suoacriber, to render all who '_\ PER.—Printingg Book, Cap Letter, , may favor him with their patronage oom- 'ost Office, and Wrapping, of all sizes, ; fortable, and at hone. rom the Genesee Mills, or from Buffalo. I Stages arrive and depart daily from all DOMESTIC COTTONS,parte of the Province irect from the Looms of the Genesee Cot- I Joan Y. Tonic. ton Mills. Hamilton, Jan. 1848. 1-tw. Warehouse and Coyest Scales, Sugar iILLIAM SHAW, Land and General ills, Letter Pn _ d Warehouse 1 Agent, Conveyancer, &c. deo.—oto. Ca - rucks eWorks- •t Buildings,King-street,Toronto, i. HENRY HA ND* - PAtfti' a1:Ap AwnBocvrr BA OL HAVING removed to bis New Premise on Arthur 8t and 8t. Patrieka8L, intimates b his Customises to &o. that he bas fitted them up in a superior style, ibm the purpose of enlarging has Bread and B iscuit businse. , sad be stmt stew at all times keep a numerous assortment d Bit - omits, Fancy Cakes, Bride's Oakes and Crackers .1 every description white he will sell .t *helpmeet pries. Gedeeieb, Feb., 1 . l FOR SALE Teams Latera.... iIAT very dirursbM Mose se 1 by Wm Robertsos, Eh-, .* Mi f1 West Street, Goderieb: emmaiILB Dile Room. Parlor, fir- bed Roams, Weals and Collar; a never failing spring .1 tee purest water, with stabling sod steer esa- veniences. This residence is one of themoatelyible that can be desired for s family, beiag beauti- fully situated on the clif, sad eoomandiug an extensive prospect, not only of the Lake, but also of Goderieh Harbour, the River Maitland and .urraeuding T, and there is not a more salubrious IesaB in the Province. Apply re/tonally or of by letter, post paid, to the Publisher of this piper. Goderiine, Vela, Thin- It+w 11 ROSSIN A BROTHER this 11'1. opportunity of Ambit* their Friends Public neral) for the libond pitronage and support a sate from the l3, C i y and the generally, W I LDER'S titMart New York. ing Sep 8. W. STOCKTON & Co'., Plate, Pi Messrs Mower 6z ♦ p seer, Bolded the same id 'ao form their 1 raeods rot, Molar, and Gum Teeth ; Tin, Silver & Gold Foil ; Separating Files, dtc., from 116 Rosbtn lm Chesnut Street, Philadelphia :—a supply Eso ire, D always on hand, at Toronto. Dec.3 1847. 1 tw in England F d Germany. All DOOR PLATES, composed of Tin and orders ed h ' will be exe- cuted Silver, warranted not to tarnish. lbs icer All of which are offered to the Trade of rate tended their Busi- ness, Canada, at the regular, Wholesale or Man- ufacturer's Prices and Terms. call •liS to ea Having completed the srrangementa for supplying nearly all the leading articles is this dry dissolved. All debts die by, and to justly celebrated asuslly imported from the United States, them, will be adjusted by Edwin Dailey..t r.r, I ELECTRO PLATE' y and having one partner continually in the EnwirsFR•NCs Sr..ex.. The article in appearance and durability u Plow York Market, who has spent many Hamilton. 7th Jan., 1845. rally equal to silver, and guaranteed to years in the active business with the whole- wear quite a B y sale dealers in that and other cities in the WITH reg deist United States, together with one partner her would reform his num friends cent i visiting the principal Towns in Canada, in connection with the Establishment at To - patronised the that h d I fronto, gives them superior advantages over y g 1 all other Commercial Agencies for s upy- H 3, ing the trade with all hinds of good direct ' from the largest Markets in America, upon DRUGS. C HE IIC ALB of Plates whteh b it K mtibelareNynees the usual tortes given to the dealers in Ca- which dispose of t R bol • reads. They would also say, that having made arrangetneets for k•ving each kinds of goods selected by persons well acquaint cd with each branch of trade, they, feel eon- 1,. on- 1 fident in saying. that all orders intrusted to their care (with respectable references) i will have prompt attention, and trust, per. 1• feet satisfaction will be en. Therefore they respectfully invite the support and pa- tronage of the public in Canada, as far as their perseverance and close attention to business, merit each support N B.—Wool and Paper Raaggs. wanted. SHAW, HAYES & COMSTOCK, A6snb for Canada West. February 1. 1-tw Safes' o ire the English Church.) t Salamander pppp00e 1 nn W eAr etu..»., (`tb..w..+..- w_ ..:t•sed b ole ew crimen . S- u Worsbf rroR, a kin try - AN.ornn- i ,,.;,rt a. ii, t tors in Chancery, fete., Messrs. Pelee & i dist ora of the Firm. r"atncle , Marcus EW..RT, Barristers. &c.. W. B. JARvIf, u' Sheriff Ii. D. 'l pronto, 23, NOTICE. I1E Co -Partnership heretofore existing be- • tweea undersigned CHE:K1_STS 4- DR UG G1STS. will cave for b oro to a short time, for the purpose of Makum pitcher's France an entrust to their care with punctuality, and y. est Theyhave now ex sir ,- nese, whichin future will be iI'iolcask es They also beg toattention to the s long. The Savin lesnug and to the abeve: the Subecri- this beautiful article will be se 60 per emus rien s and Customers, wbo bare so liberally ; Toronto, Feb., 1848. 1 late Firm t e intends carrying on the business on his own, se- iso Glass Plgte, count and that kat will at times keep I E 8U8t8CRI has just received the W- an extensive assortment of pure T lowing asmortmeet of Loekieg Gime C. . he will be enabled to is • caste or Retail Wholesale and Retail, et the very lowest Inches Inches. Inch..Inches rate. I . 50 by 26 16 by l2 The subscriber would -dao beg to state 30 a 18 171-2" 101.5 14 " on the spot to compound and dispense M i i 21 " 14 12 " 19 Dines. EDWIN DA11 Rr. 22 " 14 8 1-2 " 10 1-2 Hamilton, Jan. 7, 18.18. t -12m 20 " 14 9 " 7 18 " 1 4 81-2" 61-2 20 12 7 1-2 " 5 1-2 18 1n A stock of inside Gilt Moulding, always on hand. J. Sowcsos . Hamilton, Feb.. 1848. IIESTtily ¥— • Ashfield and Wawanosh, Huron ISAAC SALYERDS returns his in District at prices varying from 10. to 11''e- eere thanbs to his friends and the pith 3d.Acre, payable at any time within lie in general for the liberal support chip Tent are. have hitherto bestowed upon him, and hop Aptly to John MoDonald, Esq-, Sheriff, ing the oontinuanes of thie support+ L Godench or, to William Hawkins, Toronto, begs leave to announce, that he sow ba sy,b, Fes, 1848. 1-tw extensively enlw his business, to eM Me him b "apply his euatomers with -3,500 LAP83S FOR SO4.i- ACRES, in the Township of MAITLAND ALL KZ SOF LEA SIR at the lowest meat price..—IIs be. es. B R E WE R Y ! ! Mandy on hand ker work, variety d 8.441. Tag tobeeriber begs este respectfully to and Harriette -maker she-Jnaker work. of every des nit indonte to the I is of Gods Shoemaker and shwa complete ebhe will of Soot ane rieb at.1 its iieinit th.111 will. oe and Sboemtieer Work, which be will bier J+ lbs lowest priests for earth after Mo.day clue 2StIt #larch, be plE bred AB std he work punetdally M 'to BEER iii lie rM7 ittpein► exceed sll Def' els rails WWII require. old tended b. A E t 1e• Any kind of Country Preduets taken hip whieb -M caw “tidies sifie that a competent person will always bo up - 30 " 17 Dalley''s Maaif Pain Extractor. TRE wo&DEl AND .r.aaanen Or Int AGE LET all those aMicted with Piles, Rhea- matism. Bruises, Strains. Felons or Cancerous Sores, have immediate reenurse to this invaluable Salve. We can insure them a speedy relief. Unlike allothernos- trums. IT IS PATRONIZED BY TH,E FA- CULTY. The most eminent Practitioners, now use it daily, and confess that then le ea MOW dy equal to it for the cure of Bursa, Scalds, &LL PRU ENT FARMERS USE IT bJ it the best Sake for the cure et Gelled 8belldereinHor.es, sere Udders ie'O e. sed also invaluable for gelded Sheep, Horses, Calve. &e. NO FAMILY ISSAFE WITIMUT 1T" For all are .abject to aoeidenti _b;j Bre; and it is now a well known troth, that the psis is immediately removed free! ,she worst Barn, Scalds,, &6., egad ! . fes, ilita1 RRI ler THEIR TOILET TA 1<, T f1E 6.10,7 NOVI CAZ (I: PTIL, IS Published Weekly on nooses, et the OW* in West -Busse, 6We.ut, opposite the Ca Company's O®ee, by uaMet .&VA$S o4t.cs, _ f TSB,RRlt48-- /toss n $*03Map. we TMMtr Twelve Shillings and rump pail it r Twel gs peace ranee. RATES OF AD 1111NO. 81t Lines and under, She,. 6d. Arae ia.ertt ei. 7 i-bl. each .W etre nt itterrtiee ; Aix to Tet Limn, a. ed- Ara issertioa. and 10d. sackoukrs- quest insertion ; more Chan Tea Ueda, Y- 7. Liss for their* im eyes tend 1d. par Lae for each subrqu' M ineertfos afterwards. A literal disennt to ad vert hews by GS year. Advertisements without r will be'ie.eemit emit forbid. ami M wench rt! 1dwed " par 7e= Usteetvel within in tae Ant tie PPrimilm , ii11 is emdie ed paid f• .iwerw Ko pap►. ,iiront,nued until the eubeerlptios Asa reached 3t 6, f, or Illdaa tha and when the Notting is he coodneive to bison►, aabeenp,ied 3i .legwrd the faster,.est efficacious in resoviug .n/bals .. 5 ttneti. amr Therm s riper Ugliest minuet p/w.tt- aeptpo4t ietieaftglo the le epd kanda,raode °Id tar tea tteleh ehadr se drAp tra.nwd The enbenriFirr tae always t+eedylo 'rotnaNflA►" e akin ean+lRt.. *Mile w8 deltas" tsflsatS ` .gg/ .•atseowtKa.d mutil oft er,ernarc/ti4 ate country stieetueier and (l'atitlannen b tlno aeigbbeari6Sd etre' IT HAS V,\ UR A REVOLUTION TIf1N iN with •ay quantity of leather , oat 11 is theta cellar*, It prepared b take est terms ta-In eldditiou to the shoes atmnun meat be begs leave to inform bis De' that be deems them to battle np their due Renck seseants and aotug, boder. trot d• e[ -May next, as else to set their est aenoonts by giving note bald for ter g.me. ISAAC SALYERDS Promos, hamar/ mart' 1st, Loft. ex at the Resins efn td Al. e or - 'flees for bvww4njt flee real Arnoo, that 'Ire will warrant to keep Irisbt and is - mot by ego, and that will net be sleeted illi host to cin sever >N. E —Private Fatatlks era be rep plied at the shortest notice with Quartet Csee sr gar Eur+sla. TAOKAB MITTS. MEDICINE. jbstituting an outward application. with the most perfect aaeeess, where an inward Coe *se t eight iadispeneable rt tsW"Sold whams/. and Retail at Bet- e s W halvah 1llie Haeeilsoa, and by ▪ 4.1.4. Druggists 'f'ereuto--also b reepeeably a sad is Casnda. Mareh 90, 1840 tttw Hamilton, Jaa 7th, 1848 1-12m 1j.mom sod rasmweir.$nas aMre cal M f!d!/errrean hs pros paid. • ' 113SKI'8 FOR THIS Petit* Mr Richard "rhwatatm. P. M . IJMer p OIshieek. P M. N. r. Jdie kks P M . Vi ' . ?twin, elemtferd MrThema Mennele 11., 5. Idiry,Sies { • J. IT= smith, 1i l rte. Rid=ded, R' .' p"ISr.N+s t Mr hear , y t1 *Bit -et