HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-19, Page 4RULES
1. That the intents and purposes 'fur which this Society is
intruded to be e.*t:d,lislied, ore, to assist the members thereof in
the acquisition of freehold or leasehold property : and in the re-
moval of incumbrances or liabilities upon propertralready held
by .thein► : aid to eliabe dicot to receive the amount of their
.flares in advance, upon lilrnishing gond mortgage security.
1I. That all resoles which shall, from time to time, be sub-
scribed, paid or given as or for the use or benefit of the society,
or which shall in anywise below to the society, s11af1 be appro-
priated and applied, iu the first place, in loans or advances to the
,evemil members, tux, towards the necessary expenses of the
society ; but no member shall be entitled to receive, by way of
lotus or advance, inure than the amount of his share or shares
subscribed for, except as hereinafter provided for:. if not taken
up among the members, any funds may be otherwise invested for
the benefit of the society, at the discretion of the directors, of
which members may, nevertheless, avail themselves.
III. That the stock of the society shall consist of shares of
£100 currency each, payable by monthly instalments of lOs. each
share, on the last Saturday of each month.
IV. That the affairs of the society shall be under the control
and management of a Board of nine. Directors, (of who'll, five
shall be a quorum,) being members of the society, and who shall
choose from among themselves a President and Vice -President.
.V. In the absence of both President and Vice -President, the
Directors present at any meeting of the Board, shall have power
to appoint a chairman pro tem., and with such•.ehairmun, shall be
competent to transact the business of the society on board days•
VI. That the election of Directors shall be by ballot; and at
such election, all members present shall be entitled to votes upon
the following scale, viz :—
For one share, - 1 vote.
For three shares. - 2 votes.
For six shares and upwards, - - - - 3 votes.
but no member shall be entitled to more than three votes. Any
member unable to attend the general or special meetings of the
society, shall be allowed to vote by proxy.
VIII. That the -Directors elected at the formation of the socie-
ty, or hereafter to be elected,'shall coutinuc in office till the elec-
tion of their successors, unless in case of disqualification or re-
VIII. That The Directors may make such arrangements with
any of the chartered banks, or any other chartered body, for the
deposite of monies and securities belonging to the society, and for
conducting other financial concerns, as they shall from time to
time deem necessary.
IX: That, a general''annual meeting of the- members shall be
held at the office or rooms of the society in the town of Goderich,
Secretary of suu'l1 change, WO of Ilk fleet place of abode and ad-
dLEears, or in default thereof be fined ''23. Cal.
XXIV. That meetings shall be held on such days as di
Board of Direetors may from time to tune appoint fur that pur-
pose, for the disposal of such funds as the society may have to
lend or advance, of %lucid due notice shall be given. •
XXV. That each purchaser or borrower, at every such meet-
ing, shall, on his being declared the purchaser, deposite with the
Treasurer the sunt of LI us. for each sham, so purchased or bor-
rowed ; tvhich deposite shall be forfeited uultss he produce,
within ten days from the day of meeting, security satisfactory to
the Board of Directors ; and such share shall be again put rip for
X.1 F7. That no property shall be;: accs ted as security for
more than three-fourths of its estimated value, and that all ex-
penses connected with a loan, shall be borne by the borroW er.
X.YTVII. That after inspection of the property proposed, the
purchaser shall, if the security be approved, execute a mortgage
or transfer to the satisfaction of the Directors, and at his own
expense, securing the monies advanced, with interest, and also the
due payment of the ordinary monthly subscriptions, and any
fines or forfeitures that may be incurred ; which mortgage shall
contain covenant by the mortgagor to insure the buildings com-
prised therein from loss or damage by fire, for the full amount of
.the advance, if required by the Directors, and to assign over the
policy or policies to the society; and also a power to the society,
in case the Mortgagor shall neglect to pay subscriptions, fines and
forfeitures, fort to space of six months successively, to take pos-
session of the premixes� zuortgaged, to collect the rents and profits
thereof, -gold td sell .incl premises by public auction or private
sale, on the most advantageous terms, without any further ounsent
or concurrence of thefmortgagor, and to apply the proceeds (after
deducting.e11T expenses), to the payment of whatever may be due
td the society.
XXVIII. That after such mortgage or transfer shall have
been executed, together with such policies of insurance, (if re-
quired).and other securities as the Directors ina_y require, the
mortgagor shall at once receive the amount of the share or shares'
borrowed, purchased or advanced, deducting the bonus agreed
to. be paid thereon; or if one or more' buildings be in progress of
erection, suoli amount shall be advanced npon one or more certi-
ficates from the Inspectors, and from time to time as the Directors
shall determine, according to the progress of the work.
XXI.Z. That the Directors *ilial] have power to renew, from
time • to• time; already effected' insurances from losaby fire of, all
builditiga, and to pay the ground rents of all premises mortgaged
to the society; which .payineuts maybe made out of the funds of
the society, as suck insurances and rents become (hie, and shall
be charged to the mortgagor, and repaid by him when the follow-
ing monthly subscriptions fall due ; in default whereof a forfeit-
ure shall accrue to the society of twenty per cent. upon the
amount sopaid. •
xXx. That any person entering the society after its 'dont-
or such place as the Board of Directors may appoint, on the •first i menct(ment or formation (except as transferee, legatee, or legal
Monday in the month of May, in each year, for the pin of representative), .shall pay the full amount of subscriptions which
electing Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for. l other
general purposes relating to the managen►ent of the society ; and
at each ofthe id general annual meetings, shall fie subinittcxl a
GGOOD asd eats Iove.teseeta. VGIwbM
MiLL SITES dud FARMS for sale
on Lab Mesa.
A good Mill Privilege es the Lake shore
within six wiles of Goderieb, hewing 10
acres of excellent l.atad, the Mill can be
built on the ruck, and within 60 feet of tam
feet deep water ie the Lake; (be Mill des
can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a trilling
expense and on a never failing etreaw,abuo-
Jance of Saw -logs In the vicinityJ.
►Iso, a Splendid Mill privilege half a
anile up no the Eighlecn mile River which
is navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres
of brat rate land, plenty of Pine and other
Saw -logs in the vicinity.
AND ALSO—Four of the Wet descrip-
tion of FARMS on and near the Lake
Shore, with improvements.
The above well selected and very rateable
property will be sold low for cash, or half
the purchase money may remain fur three
or four year on mortgage.
Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law-
rence Lawrason, Esq., London, Robert
Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor
Port Albert. Goderich, Feb. 5, 1848. to
shall. have been paid by the original shareholders rom the date
of such commencement; those joining wvithiu six months shall
pay interest upon such subser� i ions, andtlkose joining atter that
full and clear statement of the affairs of the society for the pre -1 period a proportionate bonus , according to a scale to bo
violas twelve months. settled by Hie Directors.
X. That extra general meetings of the members of the sof;i.! . xxxi. 71.4 any member, being desirous of withdrawing from
ety, may be called by the Board of Directors, for the purpose or the society, anon on giving one calendar month's notice in writing
supplying vacancies 111 the Board, and for other porloses; spoil the to tar. Secretary. he alliiiVeti to dig so; and may rerei-e hack
incntbers being notified of such meeting through tltc post office, _(w itliout intercr.t) the net amount of his monthly subscriptions
or otherwise, at the discretion of the Board, ten days previously. paid up, deducting any fines, or forfeitures that may be due, and
XL That all questions at. the annual or other general meet- also a tbrfeiture of twenty shillings per share.
ings of the society, (except the election of Directors, as before xxx,l•. That any shareholder may transfer his share or shares
Mentioned,) shall be decided by a majority of members either by causing an entry of such transfer to be made in the hooks of
in person or by proxy ; the ,Chairman having a casting vote in
addition to his vote as a member. .
XII. That a Treasurer shall be appointed, who, before enter-
ing upon his office, shall furnish security to the satisfaction of the
Board of Directors, for the due performance of his duties.`
XIII. That the Treasurer shall be empowered to receive and,
pay all monies for and on behalf of the society, and his receipt
shall in all cases be a sufficient discharge. He shall keep a cash
book, where all monies received and payments made, are to he
regularly and correctly entered ; and he shall deposite, weekly,
with the back or other chartered bodies, all such monies as he
- shall 'receive.
XIV. That no monies shall be drawn from the bank or -other
chartered body, without the sig attire, of the President, (or in
case of his absence or illness of the Vice -President) and of the
XV. That books shall be opened for keeping the accounts,
minutes, and other proceedings and transactions of the society.
XVI. That the proceedings of the society shall be mitered ift
a minute book, in detail, in such manner ns the Board of Directors
may, from time to time, direct: such entries to be signed by the
President, Vice -President, or Chairman, as well as by the Sec-
XVII. That the name and place of abode of each share-
holder, shall he entered in a registry book: -to be kept for the. pur-
the .society, in such manor t as the Directors rimy appoint, and
upon: p:yttient. yf the sum of 2s. Gal, for each share so transferred;
ltnttaliereupon the transferee (after signing the rules) shall be
entitled td all the privileges of the original shareholder.
1rxxlit. -That in case of the Beath of any member, the legatee
or legal representative of such decease(] member shall, before
becoming entitled to the privileges of an original shareholder,.
procure his place of abode, and the particulars -of his title to be
registered in the books of the society ; and shall at the same time
exhibit the will or probate thereof, or grant of Ietters-of admin-
istration (as the case may be), for the inspection and satisfaction
of the Directors, and pay for such registry the sum of 2s. Gd. per
xxxiv. That the Directors elected at the formatio the
society, as well as those to be hereafter elected, shall be 1 mni-
fidxl out of the funds of the society, or otherwise, from all expenses
in reference to the formation, conduct and management of the
society, but shall receive no remuneration or allowance for their
o%vtn sen ices. ".
xxxv. That any member who may have obtained a loan from
the society, and who shall be desirous of repaying the same, shall
have the privilege of doing so at any time, upon giving notice
thereof to the Secretary, and paving into the hands of the Trea-
surer such sum as shall then he considered the value of a share ;
whereupon he shall be entitled to have his share put up for sale
to the memibers on his behalf at the next loan meeting, after the
XVIII. That there shall be two or more Inspectors, whose other business of the society shall hate been disposed of, and the
duty it shall be to examine and determine the value of all pr -Party selling shall sustain any lows which may arise in the sale of
perty offered to the society, as security for loans or advances, and isa share, and shall also pay fire shillings to the'Secretary for re-
p report their opinions in writing : such reports to be entered in cording the exchange ; and all tin• expenses of the transaction,
the books of the society. -excepting such as in an original sale would be borne by the bor-
XIX. That every pIerson becoming a member of the society, rower, who shall in this case also pay such portion of the expense.
#(except as transferee, legatee, or legal representative), shall pay Should any profit arise in the transfer, the party ceiling shall have
.an entrance fee of 5a. per share. the benefit of snch pmfit.
- XX. Thar ail rsons, upon taking shares in•the society;a1 -'XXV I .- Trutt no Director or"other off] t entrrsh:tll=haven vole
sign the rules in a book to be kept for that purpose. in any case of loan or other financial matter in which he is or
XXi. That every member shall, so long as he shall continue may be interested to a greater extent than merely asa shareholder.
to be a member,d until the objects of • the society be attained,
pay ten shillinper share per month, on or before the day ap- C O V E N A N T
pointed for that purpose; and in default thereof shall pay a tine of For the due obserranee and perfornurnre of all and every L'u: forego -
3d. per share for the . - - : 1st month, jug Bye -Lairs, Iniac and fie ulatiolls,,wid rf all and er+ery Mt;
nil. laIt
, - 2nd month, %itt)lr e Bye -lams, Rral<s and Re� tllatinrlc n% '1'N¢ Hl'ROV Ural .
j t. '..- - 3rd sent]., 111 ILDiNG SOCIETY," tcc Urn menthrra qt ate said society, who
doubling the fine for each succeeding mouth, till the expiration of /tarts hereuflbi srthcrrilsd and set our hands and seals, do herein.
his E
the first six son]]]s, and ager that time, if the same remains un-
paid, the share or shares of such member, or his representative, and not jointly or the one for the other, covenant and declare- to
shall become forfeited. and with the ) resil/r nt and 71rasurer o% the said Dirty, and
a (X11. That at the time of paying each of the monthly sub- their successors in o e, ilia! tee and our general anti rrtpretire
scriptions, each member shall pay herewith the sum of seven lia'rllt rs and A nunistrntors stall and trill well and truly
pence half peany per share, thwart i the exiwnses of management. chserrr, perform, fit and keep all am! singular, the said f►re-
X,XIII. That each member changing Me resia$enee shall, with- I oirkg and %.guff.. Bye- Lams, R►{l.x and Regulations of the said
in ere calendar mouth thereafter, give notice in writing M the society, whifh on our e'r'rsl and revel:thy parts are, or mteht to
hr obsr'rted, performed, .hsl. filled and R cpt
TETE Subscribers having Leased tho above
a SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res-
pectfully to intirqpuate to their friends and
the public in gen►ral, that they have opened
for the reception and accommodation of
Boarders and Traveller', where they will
be happy to receive those who may honour
them with their patronage. 11 will always
be their study to furnish the Table with an
ample portion of the best productions• of
the season, and to keep their Bar supplied
with Wines and Liquors of the best de-
scription, to 51 to merit the approval of
their customers.
Goderich, Jan, 25, 1848. ltf
- N. Il•—Fseelteot Stabiing will be afford-
ed, Ind as active and attentive Groom will
be always in attendance.
MIDI Subscriber (from Galt) has lately
.1. rented the above well established INN
asd HOTEL in the %Vest end of Stratford,
from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr.
John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he
will endeavour to see the Public and Trav-
ellers well accommodated, and their eem-
forts attended to. Ile has good Stabling,
and an attentive Hostler. His Bar is well
supplied with Wits asd Liquors.
Stratford, March 1, 1848. 703
PURIFY !rtI ,a4(x)D.
VEGBTABI4C 1.3,/E i1Lti Adie
PHiCEf45X lITTEdtgr •
!UM high mad scald melebsit !Wittiges
A the pre-emsiseet Mdntoaes leve M-
quued fur their invariable ,*easy WAS
the duesats whish they profess. te Mei, •
has rendered the rust prices. el pielleg
not only uanece.eary, but, sates]. if
then. They are know. N lh*{R ittial ;
their good works testify for theist. ab,d 18.7
thrice not by the faith of the crtdultde,,
IN Al.l. CABER of Asthsnm., Ace. W
Chromic Rheumatics, AV.atTii
Bladder and Kidney'., Blltm�mi,
Tine Subscriber will be obliged to miter
. . those 6n arrear to his, with As Clerk
of eke Court, if not immediatelyA.FMiCKLs.ttledE.
. .
Stratford, March 27,i111411. 9tf
Liver Complaints. .
In the South and West w .4 HOW
eases prevail, they will be routed tow'
ble. Planters, farmers, and olbass
once use these Medicines, will seem
without them.
Bilious Cholic, and Serous tpgslf►,1t
Biles, Costiveness, Curds and C be,
Chole, Consumption. Used with groat
success in this disease. Corrupt Huttnors,
Dropsies, Dyspepeie. No person with s
distressing duoase,should delay usisj 1 e
medicines immediately.
Eruptions of 'the, Skin. Erysipelas, ?Is-
Foyer and Ago.. For this scourge of
the western country these medicines .wih
be found a safe, speedy, and cartelo mete
dy. Other medicines lease the system
subject to a return of the disease—a more
by these medicines is permanent. Try
them, be satisfied, and be CURED.
Foulness of Complexion, General Debt-
lity, Gout, Giddidesr, Gravel, Headache.,
of every kind, Toward Fever, Infampt&Wr7
Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundices Ips
of Appetite. Liver Complaints, Leprosy,
Looseness, Mercurial Duthie,.
Never fads to eradlca1e ca44rely all 48.
effects of Mercury infinitely sootier Hee
the moat powerful preparation of Satraps.
Night Satestrti Merrell. D"Y15 1, Ili.r-
vow Complains of all kinds, Organic Af-
fections, Palpitation of the lies$, Patstej'.
original prorrioler d
these medicines win cures( of Pi:w .f IN
years standing by the nae of. tees. Lilo
Medicine. alone.
PAINS in the head, side, back, Umbel
joints and organs-
RHECMATiSM. Those .IDicted witlk
this terrible disease, will he stare of relief
by the Life Medicines.
Rush of Blood to the ilead, Scurvy,
Saltrheum, Swellings.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, in ill wars/
forms, Ulcers, of every description.
WORMS, of all kinds, are effectual]
expelled by these Medicines. Parente wall
do well to administer them whenever their
existence is suspected. Relief will be carr
tarn. .
thus remove all disease teem the system.
A single trial will place the LIFEPILLB
end PHOENIX BITTFRS beyond the
teach of competitive in the Wheat$ of
every paent. .
pamphlet, called "Ma
The genuine of these medicines are now
up ro tiwhine wrappers and table, 50-
tether with a ffat'.
Good Samaritan,' containing the direction.,
lac., on which' ie a drawing Of Broadway
from Wall street to oar Office, by sahib
strangers visiting the city can very easily
find ui. The wrappers and Samaritans
are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro-
cure them with white wrappers can be
assured that they are genuine. Be careful,
and do not buy those with yellow wrappers f
but if you do, be satisfied tb.t they come
direct from us, or dent touch them.
(7 Prepared and sold by
335 Broadway, corner of Anthony strtle{,
New York. For sale by
Sole Rge.L
Goderich, Jan. 98, 1848. 1
TILE Subscriber of Lot No. 4, Concision
gib, Fullerton, paanufactures ROPES
of ail same, made hem Hemp grown by him-
self. He has sold large quantities, of
various sixes, in Stratford and neighbour-
hood ; and, he invites the attention of the
Public, as be. eau safely warrant all the
diffeteot hind. made by him. From a Bed
Cord to a Cable he will bo enabled to
furnish, when the improvement on bis works
ere completed, by the' addition or the new
machinery he will soon have erected.
Fullartaii, March 28, 1848. 9tf
Rejerenees—Mesar.. A. F. Mackie and
Thos. M. Daly, Stratford.
BY the subaeriber, that valuab'e property
situated to the township of Goderieb,
on Lot 19, 4th concession, within 53 miles
of the town of Goderich ; there is a-, good
Saw Mill neat as d 80 acres of land, 20
acres cleared. It Is a -never falling stream
well adapted for any Machinery, such as
Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery,
and (;rut Mill.
N. B.—Will be sold cheap for cash, or
part of the money may he for a few years.
Apply to the proprietor.
Godes-eh, Feb. 13, 1548. 3
re OUR Lots on the Fust Concession of
Godcnch, fronting lake Huron, con-
taining 82, 73, 671. and 583 acres respec-
tively. Two of these Lots have consider-
able improvements, and one of them acom-
modious Two Story Log house, with Gar-
den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS
on the Second Concession, containing 80
acres each, two of them partially improved.
These Lots are situated on the Bayfield
Road, from six to eight miles south of the
flourishing Town of Goderich ; the land is
of the beet quality, and well watered, and
the front Lots command a beautifal view of
the Lake.
For particulars app] (if by letter post
paid), to JOHN CLARK, Gederie
ilditectrIft Tt3t1 - �---
persons indebted to the subscriber,
/1 either by Note or Book account, are
requested to niske payment on or before the
first of May next ; after that date all de-
mands, ',unmoving uesett;ed, will positively
M handed over to an Attorney for Immedi-
st. collection.
Goderich, March 23. 1858. Mt
JAMtl1' Street, ere door well of the
Commerce' Beek, Hemline, by
Janeary, 1148. L ESMONDE.
i'HBARRELS. cheap for reels or ma►ket-
able produee, at the Store of
T. GiLM(rR k CO.
Feb. 11, 1848,
THE Subscribers have opseud s t
1. Type Foundry in the City of NilliZ
York, where they are ready to supply orders
to any extent, for any kind of Job nosy
Type, ink, Paper, Chums, Galleys, Buss
Rule., Steel. Column Rules, Cosposiat
Sticks, Cases, and every article eeesimary
for a Printing Office.
The Type, which are cast in sew s.pyldee
from an enthsly new vett of Matrixes,
with deep counters, and warranted to be
unsurpassed by any, will las sold at pries"
to suit the time,. All the type furnished
by us is" hand cast."
Printing Presses furnished, toad oleo.
Steam Engines of the most approved pat-
Composition Roller, east for printers.
Q` Editors of Newspapers who will
buy three times as much type as their bills
amount to, maygive the a -bort six months'
insertion in teir paper,, and send their
papers containing it to the Subscriber".
No 78, Awa Sired Nes York.
December 7th 1847. m18
reflectivity solicits thee palmate* d
the inhabitants of Goderich and ice vieioatpp .
and trust.. by strict attentiot., to merit ,ea
share of their favours.
N. B.—Hard Biscuit and all kiwi. d
Crsebers es _heed. Cake meet to order.
Ooderieb,7Jan. 98, 1848. of
Team se rex floaee eimmt--TElt SHIL-
LiNOS per aeaem if pall srrNtly is t.dvu►e",
er Twei.va ase al x PUMICE with ahs minces
of the year.
Ne paper diee.tinsed esti] arrears eN
op, ealees the publisher thicks it bus edeaa-
t. to do
ey iedi.desl is le sewery, bseormsg w-
ept, mble for me eubeetihera, shall rrrei.e a
wrath copy gratis. 1
LT All Isom addressed to the reuse meptitri
pest paid, er they will not be tahs...a) 41.110
pest office.
TWO ee psvmiemes.
Six Ii... Gad sadsr, Ls 111111014 ,11,.... LO
E.eh aeheseeeslesertese► 0 1 ij
Tee time .d esdw, fest iet.sel,m,Ila 4
Kerb wlieepeat impers esa•.a
Ome tee s, bet 105/75/0, pmlime., a
Wk, pagesmises �per
at le thea
Hie teem: