HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-19, Page 2mit I t weare ws..ers. to the I..,aument seta M ..ry .4 the peelings* , bot the pinus .a pereisoad at this ,sciAce of his only eigdl..lalS light-leq Jolts. -cot .d by 4 Omer at Burrow, en he ..y to Europe. Oe the 4 h of Jsnus%INK Ineed tine tired.' hi. first apnesreece al the Cherokee of D•ptme. Ile was thee forty (nor yeytof age, are etee.a.tnesed, umtraluwl practice of pennesentary (dale ; yet b. sppepa a Seel an iso osg/ar of thoillOPPI claw, die horn that period exprrieneee, la b.. jSigtseut, ha. but .diad *olid. in)1the mattes bedstraws" of hi. ``eases. Haab year br..gb he. moire p onsfeently forward .red .t the pre.enl mimeo' there se eel, perinea, in France a .ran who can ara.pete wtlb b ur la popular eluquenoe.- Yw www time he co ti.ued to support the gwanreweo1 of the late King, but bis sup - pool was sot a omen one The great iYvsrsal principles of the phslanthrupi.t and the pbelwol her, -the warm .lifetime of the post for all that is noble good or beau - ufai-ever .hone forth, and gave espre esn.n to the poet reread .entim.eto b words that were swede, than bowy." hte,sry stadia jot hr last work,"The Hale,, el the Giroodto.," naturally led to • deep sod Moe* cornet apprecta!ioo of the character ami efforts of the ,evolution of 179t. With the light n( history be dasi- peed the calumnies which had so long cast • cloud on the memnrtes of the great men, who figored in that eventful time. The leaven of troth Miring once entered hie mind, gradually purified the whole man; and on the loth of.Feb, uary-face to fare with expiring royalty ihegtter people just bore 10 Nm igbta, he caws off every remnant of pre- judice, declared, the republic in the Cham- ber, and 'raved France. At this eventful ataoe.4Yhe pet, ibe orator, and ale states- .. beams confounded ; and the three is Sae erected what perbaps so 0111e1 human pews* Could have dose. A. a peluidsn he anted the proper two - seat for •eton, and proposed, while all ethers hesitated, the only solution accepta- ble to the people. The spirit of poetry sup- plied wear -human energy, fed by enthu- aww ; while the orator poured forth those seal -souring Words to which alone the peo- pie obey in the moment of tumult and ex - enema'. At his voice the monachy fell ; at his voice the Provisional Government darted into esisteote ; and his voice it was that aubdteed to ob.dtence the passions of an armed and blood-stained population. As an orator lama' doe held, perhaps, the hr,1 rank is the late Chamber of Deputies. We allude to oratory as distinguished from mere parliamentary debating. He is the only example we have of a great poet being at the same time a greet orator, and lbw explains the charm end irresistible influence of his eloquence. in so lie measures his oratory mashies. that of Mr. Sheil-the star brillia.cy, the Name point, the same hammy of period and lagguage : but how tsfliitt.ly superior in imagination, and,ebove all, is the noble pri.ciples of humanity and trail improvement, which ever form the bun of his discourse. In face and person ll.asertiss recall" to mind something of the feelorse of Syria. There is the same man- ly hearty, the Imo clear melancholy ex- peewioe of goad, the same regularity of fhMrsse. He et tall, thin, and eleeggatly wads. His esepbexios is commonly ex- igently ple ; bet where the soul of the ora- tor -peel tights up, the pale enrage glows, the dark eyes sparkle, and the whole frame' ►seer.. asetelied. Yoe gaze ori the poet, while yon listen to the orator, and are tar- ried irresistibly away." HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. MAT 19. 1848. PERILOUS TIMRS TOR THE PRESS. We ave .e dew,-sabody hes ay seers. - The Peas ef Camila i, en the very verge d bakeopter. Our feuds are e.mpletey explod- ed : everything as been does that eta be dose, and everything tried Chet os. be tried, for the pommies( create, political capita -bet all is over. Tb dismissal d Mr. Ferree has been in- vestigated, examined, expeu.ded, turned. twisted. and heammefed lets every Asap* that it was see- erpaNe d as,ami.g, till at length it has become en mooted and tore. ad wen est Gat every- body is .shamed a sekmwledge "it. The Fnwb Realstiee-des hide shakiest of the dew meaiaplide.--tar Irfi manatee - the Repel Immerrgetlee, and the Ckarti,t manic sili'n have ell grown mate, doll, dial as diteh- weler ! Wi 1 aehody, is mere moray a the WP of the Caaediee pros,, dismiss seareedy from oast i ONet sear are sing made to paha sesteterd'ilieue meteors is Messes! ; Is intro elm Tesket ltepaMieaaism late the sennas d Oxford, and eves the portability of a rebelliee .mese the wild begets of the Rocky muddle his bees whispered, but the poadbilily of saak- ing i Me., s tared positively beplese ! The Ulm Tories, 1. the weederfal esnbenses of their lgaty, are tbreateieg a molt, and • Pisa with the neig►b Bring R.pblk. They declare .bat British eea.eeties s . mer farce, if they, the Tries,. are to be daseir ed from the lam- as Aloes of the Praha ! They will eel re - mkt --.bey leek mirage, sod the Radial mases have Poem tee keowieg to be doped into . oshee rU Mania by the .la...tarnw sad p.wlisg Yme.atiese of di.eeaited Toryism ; thireassee, we seed meet me palisltsl foods from • Cassias Revei,ties 1e fflsa there appe.re to be N potibility a leepiag are the Pa., is say Lied dtokouM. a- lsrgnse incept by disaisa.le prem aloe : ad es we ere .net deeply Wended in the mailer, aid e, the Wm mset be doe as a Lugs soul. --wt. wfldd popes tat, is ,oar to relieve the dovaaagast eros reepsdbllit, es rah • Ge- ra wld.et, the peer d preeeriptiee shad be per (ass ear ems hasda, tat u, let every Sea l• the Praha be Jay setherieed se Genie pe• •ice -holder, 1s. 1t be Mar dee'ad7 ad 1. seem le the f.R,wlsg ossuaries! aster, via we res se dm an is rsmi..d, hie .Mmew. W tradeet, his virago and vleee. the ease sad ledeaey, .n. eesrytbieg eaas,eNd with hie /dos ewe inial sae Hussar the jAmesu ptrepnvy d the Maria I br.tiorbeed, war shell he boa. a dies.r sad asely*', to ,emmmt .d eipsdiet IN each several or ',perste hese, tilt she whole i. Sepia .d maratway seed ; std Ass let aueieber iwe be iatndie.J and t1Md.(l se le W .slaw mieati4. eaarr ; sad se ea, u11 every editor be, eeatrebsud W thew dela ie to gement fed of sswanekingp sir the oigeisite youfeteu a d adlteti•1 ApMjL- By seek a regular proems of ({ami eels we sigh e be .sited to keep up at least a kiss el regsst•- al appeare a till the inertias d Parlismesi. sad thee Thera will be Naw is reality. New me Ube .nets.e of every new enterprise depends meek epee • eredieable beguatee, wend propeeo lir the Hamilton Rpesuase dal rhe hewed .lobe ori+ l adeabtp,e He hely d.- nerled the tesi...di*te damiswl of Mr. Gat. ed we wets ee the eery Pal d mourns rhe artier, ware fsel.aatey, oils hied d editorial prescription straek oo,. sad we resolved to re- eer.e the mire credit d Nr. Oat's dwteral a .undf. Besides, we believe firmly i■ the troth a the old serum ibat Bead is Wukar thew raw, sod we were perfectly aware that if the Specta- tor had any authority to exercise is the way of pro.criplioe be wield **Healy remember Ogle R. Gowan. Wheal • hoped begiaaim The preseripties tees be rimmed te al .lasses d of ice►dden, tied therefore, we w.sld nen ly boat tri er eoiempor.ries that there are a few Sheriffs that moot sot be overlooked. la placebo we would liar to remember oar wonky hiend Sheriff Dickies, of the Bathurst District, bet et a* have selected Mr. Galt for our victim, we trust the liedar/ Cuartw will son brat the Shead. The ba Admini0mties email? kept him from ever ezereiaiag his political a- flame ia the capacity d Ret.ruug Ore, het thee are aware that his sly. nosiest maser has iodirenly dose muck is dea0.ating aryls= through the radical comfit racy of Laark.- We trust he Mull hays his rowed. 1. .peak- ing of rewards, however, perhaps the better method of accomplish'.' three dismissals, world be to allow the Goverateent to issue a edict, declaring all public oboes vneat, moo ens ex - cepa( the Sheriffs, Crennum oesn ..sf the Peace, or Cowen. A " eine sweep" looks beautifully, and we de tisk it is meth h regaind ie Canada et present. We woad be awry to Umlaute that ell, ere my of the preicat office- holders were made " fit and proper persons," merely by bevieg rendered themselves useful in advancing the "elfish 10aere.' d this or that administration Seth an insinuation would be u ncharitable, and therefore. we rather choose to supper that three-fourtbs of •11 office -holden were appointed by mistake. We cosset be per- suaded that say Oovenmeat would be so wick- ed as to advance their own factional views, by appointing an, to the maiitanasee of public pace and justice, whose gross ipormee, turbo, lent passim and besotted stupidity are iaimia- ble to everytbieg that is valnebs ie imeial U1.. It would be libelous eves to *Wok that political bias deuced the late Admiwtati.s to form a newly imported, sad a akrtuate enstar, the iotelligeat iehabitaots .1 Lanark to the testi d five Modred a yeer se Clerk of the Peon and still mon outrageous to believe that the same unfortseate creature after being trod, food guilty, sad patched for a daring violation d the laws d the coaatry, and while lyse ender a seeod indictment, te which he most mower the present week. for the crime of perjury, S beuld be removed Gem hie important office i■ the 'Bathurst District, and translated int. Her Majesty's Excise is Lower Canada, as • reward her party political services. We m7 it would be outrageous even to skink so; and be.. we are willing to attribute it to mistake. Ad as at present the public offices of the ewatr7 exhi- bit the result d • whole multitude d such lamen- table mistakes, and a3 the test of practical ex- periment has demonstrated the Seta' siniessa. of this multitude for once, we think the " sea sweep" would have a mat salutary effect cm the health •ad prosperity of the esetry, sad would Gee the Ministry from the charge of political bias a partiality. While it would •dors the people as .ppertuaity of diserimigati.g, and testifying their sense of Polies and propriety by recom- meodiag and manning etch o6eehelden, es have already proven themselves worthy of public con- fidence and respect ; and .ameroa offices which have been es shame(olly prostituted meld be filled with mea competent to the proper dis- charge iretarge d the respective duties. In such a course of policy merit and " fitness for office" would be rewarded, and the pike business trea.actud in an asses and satisfactory tomer- The mere circumstanced • amu hav- ing bees imported by this se that Governer ; being the son, or grandma, or nee -la -law amen and such as officer, or the unfortunate aed as - weir thy pietegm of setae pertiealar great, or wealthy, se tided s,wui lye s iso argamet why b .heard be eatYpeterd with a public °See and . yp.rted at the p.blie expos se. The question" ought to be. What .at el a mea is he 1 How rug ha he bees is the eatery 1 What has b a.ee to adva.ce the prosperity of the District 1 Whet claims has he es pais patronage? And lastly is he properly qualified to di.eharge the duties of the office 1 But in speaking of qualifi- ttios. foe .free, we are reminded of the ..o e- .ity of writer an snide .s the wtjset which we just a eneteaee ►as under the ire d THE PROPERTY QUALIFICATION, on m1Cae ♦1D groan, m. t/TILLawics. Arose the multitude of political ab..rdities which the Rulers of mankind have perpetrated apes jades sad commis @ease, we are ower n one that has gins rim tom mush direamioa, and afforded se meat amurant as the peeper* pualjcas.a, that is, the law white makes pi, - petty aloes the test ei • ma's tight to political privileges, and the gauge of his social wealth tad i.i...ee. maitre's fllestetiee ef the abm.dity, eoaveyed se s.reseticaly, in The sum d the City Pater sod his Ass, is .merest to web the quoties ; er, s foot, the insult offered to ear ssds.emdieg by seek a law is es greedy palpable tat it neither requires ser hyena ay se eeatiea. Still it teatimes a este and eve to he dreaded while the evils resulting from it and the meet serious bscrlpiee and d .very satyr enterneat A. then may he Asea who plwdm trod limp el the sheeny who may wide have .eseidered the prvuieinm ora Miy turn yea we wend ids A. Merlon Nssrb. Wet dee lardy sed reasmlleiasgis. • Moats M whisk the mast Mantra and the stmt worthy seta ; is shit the mo best ask - hod a oliee.aegr the ernes of Diana C...atl. Mae Cennedrtisasr of the Pisces, s • ase with- out pgwle 1 the het le haws the. the laws of the emery will at miff hie he 110 either of Ibex diem. His .hilus,, his geed bhe..ar, W amp, eaarpese. W mord Magner we el stlmined--hot tin law -.ilia 1•w =de Ip the easenweed wiim d aha lhwi.s. Masa as net a .mule gsaapty of err ad hamar, ad a he stoke tbsrwa wgsthso. is the shape d tw...ory beer. is • bates goentetes he hie isepeeti•I ads t.kuauoe of j•etice, .ad the ►.amt heehaw a his datiee, tam ell W i•ndligaaet sad moral meted'. TMs law flys ennead. may to .very enders road Mil wbn is eapa- le d ...clans tea idwe, " If yea rids to as, is essay, 11 yea flee *grow .f y.srwlf .add sa pear 84.. seaters, had *- anal thou meti e& sad roved. yea most im pare, the Claes-00154 policy of .varios." Hen Thea s • pwgmiwtiy i.ao..e gives w the mesad parseit of wealth ore tateiliwsee, sad the mast fa•Rap sal fealties d our higher .•site..•. The ,11161g mea puma wealth with a •,idea wale► Marla every ether feelisp . ed ptmlt, he veers it as the Ent, the chief, the cooly maim ef spiel digestion -the hider d prem•ties---tie simile path to Mum mai- ems and papalsr re p.et The rangy cud b•oya•ey ef 4fi'. assn -day are @peat Ia the par- i tilt, sad before the Most is erased the " p- aid armee idea sed" is home ; the gravies acquisitiveenm W semp•lise4 the vigorous canoe et the masa system. The mesal sad the Mae 1st mgeirieg iatelligesee have passed away. td ia thermals of imaamo.., issued the variety "(high utellatal false cud moat ..uibiltties of the iamortol sea. we have jest sue idea biped the imam sed dorm of mere aiaait7, ad that is the idea of erode. That idea is perplwatiy itself Gam aeaorades to geuentiw. It his paralysed ad made canoes the beasvelest sympathin d ear eaten" - Wealth is the gnat object of parent ; the Alpha ad Omwp of civilised makid. Hume Wes,-bm•a ►iippiaem-basso lift sad ba- rna everything hen bees pt is eompstities with it; have been weighed is the Nalaaes agaied it and have been bad weenier It has acquired and is at this moment exercising an ascendency and an influence over intelligence and indestry, which Almost seem to sal that meow is actually triampbieg over mind. Our Legislators, Magistrates , Councillors , and Sheriffs ; the men who goveru mankind and rt- eolate the affairs of the country, who coated .d i.fiusoca the civil, political, 'decade's!. ma commercial matters d the wood are, is may Lammers, sot the most iatelligsnt mem is their respective localities, Nut they possum wealth. - They do mot represent the feriae", desires, se - amities, knewi.der, and sympathise dhumai- ty; they represent inaainate aa» -they aro. of the earth, earthy ; they are the legitimate re - promotion"' d swamps, riven, ad acre. Seek is the fruit of the property paliios"s, et.B wealth is meal, and the pursuit of it, s • modem, deems, is net may justifiable bat ews- meeda►le, were it ally m a field of exercise he ser maga. But it is probable that the ant.. vel Mom d me to possess wealth, aid the mei- forts sad ammews' which it tam procure it . efficient to menet the exercise of these .mer - gra, "tithed ►odlag mit ay artificial boas et reward seek a offices of diedseti e, trust r emelame.t. It caned be disputed that wnh cosset is jest °Serie( • preeiam to the "epee - rimy of w inferior capacities. We are willing to admit that in the ease of D'uttiet Coancifoes • property gtoli6eatioe is beak j.et dad meta - mazy. We could sot approved mea potencies m property beim empowered to tax the property a others. Bat the amount of the legal quali6- cado. i■ this instance is extnvmat. No as ' apposes that an individual ptomain( three bemired pounds is seeesearily wiser or man boast aha ha who peasants say as. hundred Ad if the quali6caties was reduced to est hoe- ing' pounds, a much greeter o..sat d mien - grief would be rendered eligible to this Soper - teat office, the principle of exclaivseea woad bo made lee' obeeaess to wi.sw, sod at the same time, the gmsmse for judicious sod equitable axeio., waO b egally were. m few toes win mer to their owe property, hew - eel small, Mr the mere mti'fmtia d over tae- ise :heir atighhama With regard to Magistrates ed Sheriffs, per- haps the duties of their eines would be more ad- va.awes ly diseimeed if m property p el'8es- ties was re9aired. la .ppsimtaeaa to them offices we think the voice of the peaple reds be been, the mage as s the olmtie d a &Met Coameillee. Its true that Gainers and Ex- ecutive Comae an betty judge el the quali- ties eequieite he .meth diem, then the people ; art we eertafely poetise time •50mae7 d their redeemers of mem whom they sever saw, mor eve bard d, eats thrasgb the hissed ream - maitre of mm Member of Padiame.t ; we have a faiths shim kid of attritive pereeptics of • ma's qualities and diep.Utioes. The peo- ple am igoordt, bet .dll we would take their epees respeetiag the hemesty and isaeUigesee of • maa with whim they an Minutely ae- gaaisted. user sosta them the opiates of the most harmed toasty why Mew mediae about him. The people am,.prisse.d the effects d his iswUigesee ad homely ; the Oever r sad Co..cU hen merely head be wee vial. New as b.sesty ad islellige.00 are the only eaq•i- sites 8r the magisterial aim and aka people am the Nee judge' of these queditee is their ewe district, It would be peeper to rentve their .piers a sppsi.tm.a to web .issue threw - leg adds the property qualification altogether. sad rapids' collateral e.eority egdval•mt to the nuts' d the maetary tna.setisee of the What. The muss hundred ma fifty peamds;d peMaty qualiiatiea neared (koro Sheriffs is, amity souks ahem equal to a prehiWtion, sod seem is the tarot peplum dime's seednes the sayse to a men sdm1M pupation of W pupation, who are by m mea the tenet imW- Iigart or the meet useful members ofssssly.- New there am theme& d ea who w d.17 gmliied N dkaghergs she aria of SW61, who egad find amps security ass their heasory sad g oal heaviear, ad who ass ..nedesbss shut e st hem the What many hams they are set sir .sough. auk Paladert is eaaiay • pees imp"irsn on she able sad le pealiarly n- reed to the eeaiiretiea of A RLTORM PARLIAMENT. We have se Mare a dress to mem wase wisdom mid.apeeieav are i•hftely superior et ea ewe. We exiles every mw le sur ,tai. such .pin.os• as the peeler a,.a.atw d his bra, •d Gs sire auneee toting epee that dryauswtiee shy pales., •d wa input his area N he Ib rash d thew maker - Home. when we Mee fell seed,mes 1. the aMdaese d s mat jdwms.t, we emulate it n et say asses bat p.si v.ly imprimis to ..serf hip. Now we have lull eeaidesee in earls polded priewipke. Ws believe es firmly dist the .ab,wsd spur's.e of thea ;Maniples woad; be b•a.MW to 'veep home helag, se we brine la .0 own eai.teo.e, Gear- hie, b 0.ime, we advocate their adoptioo .edasely and are h1Uy. We ore peno.ally s.geaatd with Italy . eery few member .f the prewar Camera Ph,Name., bet we are led to believe dist a Imp adori1, of UNPIN were elected on the be- lief that they would advocate the imaeaNe prl.sipks ef j.stip ; that they wield pie, • policy completely re brmoey with them. So they proaieed. ale a the people believed. W. have, therefore. so desire to dictate either by peudoon or olh.rwir, whet policy they Amid parsec. Os this .ulyeci they have already committed themselves. lel them redeem their pled,.t sad their coaeitee.cies mon be rtie6ed. Ws ca. - e d perceive the utility of keeping ■p . perpetu- al agitates and lea of dme in hawking the *sentry with petitieos mi this, that end the other subject. The opine of the phos was ead+eieatly expensed is the result of the geMal eketies. Th. University gse.ti.os-the Clergy Reenves-the Bea.( BiU-the Commis BJ1, and is short .very measure .deeti.9 the Marten of the people, and the preeperity d the Province, have ben discussed sod talked ever aria sad again_ And the great majority ei the pima Parliament were relented soder the piddle ses- victeen that they wosld, settle thee demises in the most equitable anter; let them do me and all is right. The people caaaot be expected to draw up systematic docomeet■ regularise the precise manner is which such and such measures are to be stolid ; used they do so, then would be no use for llapreeesiatives: therefor, we whisk the proper method is for the Parliament to e'er- eise their owo Oddments in adopting the meet probable mus, ; the sad to be accomplished is simple and easily understood by all, viz : the establishment (political justice. We have no iodination to dictate as we are aware that our beet wisdom woald exhibit bet a very ferry appearance, if brought into cooped - tea with the wisdom of the present Parliament. Sal we do hold entre opioious me e great any ..beets, ad three opiates are sacred and seiaekled. The sitaatios that would inter- im with or prevent the free and fearless expres- sion of them would nota rained for elle hear. No Government' nor petty has ever idfi.essed them, nor ever wiU. We will tepees ser Moo We epproballa d the present Goverome.t and its supporter., jest ss bag as the policy permed hermo,izes with nary ad truth, but no power meld either Compel et bfibe as to go farther. - The numerous clamours that have bees raised against the brief policy of the present Adminis- trates are altogether premature, ed oat only be treaded by every boast, intelligent nes, of *atever prt7, as the captious , marling bub- blier of party malignity, which ought to be kissed saws by every ma who has the welfare doer eoemea eeastry at heart. Ws 4. sot wit to uss hank leagage- tewaris the eon • electors of any section of the sews paper Press, providing they would deal helically, sad treat their subjects with smelling like cadet and common gesso ; bet really whet men possessing a iaflsesee over the public mind, eodeavosr to embarrus • Government, add impede the busi- n ess of the country, by grasping sad distorting *very little transaction, and' casual occurrence which can possibly be camcatared to the disad- vantage of the party in power ; it u sanely pm- . 1be to tepid them with ay other feeler tan pity and disgust Their codsct is evi- dsdy a attempt to gal and prejudice the mstaoaiwg, ageism the Government, at the az- pease d everything that is bosturabls is mar, r val..ble to society. The attempt to impli- cate Mr. Hiseks is the entailed death of a bey at the Oxford election ; the columns d prating .aarg.mestative driveling abort the dismissal of Mr. Ferns ; the fretful blosterieg about trasderfm Sheriff's Advertisemssts, god the retable irrationality which hes been writes oe Prod -riptide in gamy, are specimens of this hind d jaundiced writi e, which easy be hos severely centred. The political balsam of a country is mime- tkise of importance ; every indtvldaal is iaterest- .d is it ; it involves s tarp merest of hams happiness sod prosperity, and 'steads its bale- te fstem gesemtsa. Therefore, it is ton scrims • thing to be trifled with ; a be hawked ad beat about like • shatdearek. We cannot love this Westering asd'bnvedoisg of contending helloes. We think it proceeds more from a spirit of coa'aties and a love of emslsnony then from any mtesal denim to limit eeakid by esy deiaier demos of polisy. The clam kg- isiatiee of Toryism is down is Quads, sad ie aka erdiwy Coarse levee's sever can rise. It appear, that ia the areagements of Presidium that spirit a exclusives's and oppression, m- ggderud by the artificial di.tectio.m of society, is rapidly diteppearing from the earth. And whether wean to be blessed with a virtual milkman er at, we as already see The ap- presa of • period whore eke nasal isabotas' of the earth will practically seksowkdgs them- selves as the children of ear+ iatpartia palest ; the equal neatens of sear ad the was God - Ta present Camel Osversmeat sod their mg - porton a the Haar of Assembly, reran. the wiim •f, at lees., thea-fonetb of the whsle papalades. Tisa trans are elected ea the expressed e ertfm tat they weld kaiaks"; est for the Climb of Enema -ear the Chants d &mass -ase to Cbercb d Ragow-..e for Ooswi,m, mor Ribbed= we may ether party- fwt 1 bet *albs= woad Theirs foe. the 1.. Wimea famd !stela es ceases members d the bore ily; in shortd u - that they monleg 1as' epee the brad, height piseiplm of ssivenal jurist. Rich we fey. is the Amin of folly tkrjs-iwrtb of the laabiaste of Caudae ex- pand in the election of the pressst Parliament. Amj 5ear7 an oke melnveare is arra sr a- pses oris your of legislation, is est only p- `si@d' these -Oona ef public pian, but ease saris bim.f p agemet to dtvsit, d joie.. His ova ay aim doss igsseaes, ad tb.re- Mw, we will ON eat kiss a bed ma, bet we eseteloly pity his p..tts. sad dselere, emotion taws, Get a has so claim epee petite pat. ,eye. We M eN expect a gaffe Cavern - mat, see • perfect Lgieamw ; hal we expect • pdiey at ent mgtsai sting to equal justice 1 All mea are liable to err. Ws think she Pedia- ewes he•t already erred, ass we ep1 arida Heid we ashamed to point to thews •nee. We e w OH paged with the ;impartial whisk she eneeni,. Ceaud beam N 'betimes e( Aseea- blyaed lee trot they will remedy the evil as seise es emeriti*, either by ieeeeasisg the rare - f. ail 49806t66 {b med- bet d Rode if Dearman& We an tar plow with the imideatse teaser le what the Musben eenereseted theepelvor he their ..flips le the Ier. Sonia d Parttwet. WO w .war a the i.caseoaiwee sad dt6calds , the tem d dm and the satin "specs of prem e ad hem lfetreal. at that amass, 1. co. q..... abed weds. We .re .were that they were sally seam se the preeedeet which the Tories laid Mae to the pnaediO4 enema, sod we are further aware that they bed the imp- pn aid vote a the Tries is the appeepri•ties. It wee • mortise, pat stock vote, led, therefore, the Tory jamas have hese cempantie.y get. a the 'abject. Bet though, is coaaidenuee d thew facts, we are disposed to paella the error, yet es we de set write for the supporta petroe- age d ay t7overeme.t, or fatties. bet for the ieforeaties d ser readers. Ws will always easier it a duty to tell them readers that. twee Heras ds at make a whits, ad that the isige- ist's preceded' of Toryism, have sot the .liebt- set in lerece in casts( the attire d error. - We .sped an upright policy from a Reforest P.rlsmeat and, therefore, we trust that such as extravagant appropriation of the public mosey will sot be attempted in (stare. the Tree a••1CVLTea#T1 r Tad COUNTY e,1 m0a011. Gonwce. 17th May, 1848. Omun.xm1s,-Fully impressed as I am, that salting Can r mach tend to the advaecemeat of veer interna, and coeseg.stly these d the whsle District, u the intim iedependance of your body, I request Ton eanatly to give • ma- ture .d cartel consideration to the nature el Bedding Societies generally, and to weigh well the advantage, which you may derive by becom- ing member, of the one just established is Gode- rich, (to Ib. Rules and Regulation of which I call your attention) as a means of enabling you, at a iridi.g monthly outlay, to fres yourselves from the debts you may be owing on your lands, •sd then secure tit idepeedence which u both d einWe and necessary for you, as a class. 1a talkMg epos Ton is jots with these who an originated it, I w from ealcsletio.s tarede on the workless d the Society, anon yes that it is a mode of investmeet fa ,mall sans superior to any sow bo(ore the public. la order to no- ble every se, to judge for himself, 1 give the prsbeble result of the Society's operation for tis months. I am, geatkmee, Your sincere well wisher. Ad chi's' savant, JOHN GALT. C. N gds-� 0. 1J I:r r to g g i s- et Amount received by Manage.. £383 4 10 Animist ia hand bug the est loses 17 3 9 lowest is and 1 11 6 Total ......... ....... tett.. 1.481 18 1 Arm'adt admitted by sub ertba. ie- cldiag 71 per mouth for ezpes'r £3 3 9 al 100 shares 310 15 00 Pre6t. £83 3 1 Equal u eseb share to • profit d 16e. 644. 100 shares .t a mustily ieralmest d lea each share equal £50; suppose this £50 eared to sok, .ed a ltam dhwe.ty-ire per eeat;eied; the boriewm will motive £37 10, and the bonm equal at 115 per e'at £14 10 will realm a the ad. d the Society to be added at the sett . entry sale of £50 nearer with tie Merest ae the first £S0, viz : S. wrier together hake the £69 15 d the seed math .d se on es d ew• by the figures. 1. the Briar GLnadiea of the 13th Inst., i. as .rick frees 7i. Carel headed "Barbs Societies," M which thorn are some mistakes and rrr..eeie oalculaties's whish may, seines - Comedy, be Merest to the papas of them i.stiio*i.ss. We trot that ea paste who uod.eemede composed nava will, ie the mitt . 50., of the Signal, rectify them arm. Ea. H. S. The District Aries somarses to -day. - ledge loses ea1pim the B..e1i, and W. Ne- al, Esq., M. P. P.. sea es Quee'. Conseil. The Ceieiml sem are only two, upon whsle it said M hishy ieeprdest end plpively fm - perinea ie m re elle • isle raga& at preeeai The Geed Jay W Judos Jame iso think he ibieeselne without ay pea epnw r pmile hien from sa QT Oar Monday the 1.h1ta..s d ear gess era nn•weeted the Market man by melee in in centre a very hsadaego. Tlae-st•lf, 70 feat high orrireeted by a teas ip tspemestwi.e d' a Full 'Arrival of fig aoumbria, liam abs Glebe. Maw Tema, W7 14. 100. Th. Mama c .lrie salad at Now Tek this mor.ieg. She wird es the •rears i1 8at.rdq . pk The lost nt5 Ow ddival 1 a YearY te ams pregame. Ther s • attmahtiMi IM111ia.hM Woe •e•tebed fog saw. Al tMlilflrtlMl�hia be n tat, are he s. a pat @swat i s S t N71 `,[ 11- T504. was freest faithet Seethed, ad is the Nati of P'-1 eret The ProvWo.si Govsrattamt MeWig bee Saud • fresh 'dare abilities( anorp, bed t•kiwg pe.wa.ies of 1M, Bali musts barna Lam•rtla reg 8481., threat'sisg to overtone the j� le Lombamdy, the army d Chalet APQI. deer haring bas ripsl.sd atarrittuw- tieess to minutia its pietiessea the Miseio. Bbirmishe• Ind aM p8.. in which the Marina were vs pee• amine of Previte°. Valimere,e C The fatties of Charles *IGet MOT* received • check. In 8iei " df hart decreed Ferdiwd Bterheelsdkiaffaaeq for diver fallen Gem the JIM* �idlyaa ; i ea. • L. 41 ,Lyng' 0:7 The weather for seer time has bees old sal withering, het the haat Gra dept hen brought bout .rd a tope and piomier elevator. The o.ee, field., ad galea w begleaisg to exhibit the peeress d veget•tioa; clouds of pigeons are. eweepug through that ethereal amnions, and altogether, eaten s ease era aauming • cheerful ad • happy Mae Boise the week eeasiderable pastities d lr MI�a i eg some good seediness of 8 ri.Ns hauled from the Lake. ev els., a r 0' Sailed on Tuesday the 16th fee I mid, the Mary Ano of Gederite. Cblei.phw dada Err., CapraM ad owner. 85.4.. Whoa led Fri. the Mry Ass Ind 90 honed of 'Ma, Seed es board, which we trairemead.dilliiiiii total d weary 600 bushelsd that Miele ed from Ooderieh striae the peewee se./da ti The average price paid to the fames. he. lama 6e. 3d. per bushel. AT The lady Cohens frees rived s Pert ea Thendsy. ---- - �. nth. TO CORRESPONDENTIA Our Poetical friends will Madly Weddiell,111 we at/tally forgot their effuses. dB it was tea late. Job Yong, Esq., of Mamma will please ace.pt oar best .banks he his kakis% ad ride are .0117 that the woeful siga6go pease .( pass- age mars p eorreeposde.eo of wish we wand be proud. W sc►sewkdge letters free mate Didion. sed Robert Lees, Esq, Perth ; .lee Gem some ladies for whew we ..wale 8dsse lei warner Ga then eaae.dy e.peend a tawmae. Y -r 1lopiiN0yF CT Mr. Mae glees vent Latat as shallow- pore ha-1B .- ture of the Hamm Ban, es Thetre y .vady the 45th int., at 74 o'clock-ia leer. M.ega', Schoolhouse. Tickets of Admisai . will be for oak at the Pest odea ..d at the etre d Memos. Gilmour 1. Cr Laren Tao. Mwttrce.-These how bean soother between the Am.ncs.e and the M..kelil.M. Santa Cruz, is white lie MextennetalMgf killed, tad ,800,000 worth a pia.' tared by the Americas. P - ,1IYarkt10. Morrszat, May 13, 18+18. Fume -Market firm au Me for host basis from Fall Wheat ; else d meld Awed buret. her ahipmeat .hon bees nada to 8prisg Wheat Fleur M M dd Iowa. Oder qualities 91. 3d. Ga.n -Wbea4 Upper Cana Rd. per ale at Ss dd. Oatmeal, 16e, domed rer.- Pw-alb Tat sale trade a d. Paovmrome-Perk-Maees, 50e; Prim Mei' .. 504 ; Prise, 40a. Bator. aw.6ed. Ames -Lap mea of balk deseiplip estMe 6d W Pots, ad Ms . id 4 Perch c' Teases, May N.J. The market tants... irm-btel Ida Nightie te 44. Ito snag wheat drily. Bappy very smaLL Fleur, Maas' mods% 1s .omms.is ready sale at Myr. Paasmr Ask Mtn 19s ie 90. Seve,M bsyaa have amend u eke market, fa .man lege d rarer he hoih:. Is other ware se eaaw to nee. liar Oar iris's mews ens only rewired the ahseeu... It area edsirm 710.0t res.; hot tine kat ben se hppnseiry for eper.iiese as EXTE-N81P1e: IMPORTATipiN THOMAS olutoukt, co. WOULD respect/ally Wilma that 1yR Jon mom% Mod had : New Yorb ass Montreal Markets. a tai! ,• large asortmest d Straw, Igen Z. stable, Tose.., sad imitation NM OZ NETS, and a great variety of ahead deeeription of FANCY WODIS,the fashion ass tasted the sear& , •„ ei Also, u extsalbee olein M HABF,RIiAMHERY, OL TPI$ ' •vt d sad all kin& deto Gide. Targe gasatUUM d/ OROCHRiI lk 'arty � alppeeeriernsal quality • esd Tekaaoo at all As the whole extensive Maes Ido edictal ► the pprielare is vas tly reeediand 1 hies& aid eaetemer IUM • ave haus ahead Welttl/telp su eiplee, tbey Mve mils 50 tfi1M41h 014151 r'eaasahbl. was A el Ow iYwiM/d. 'suable profit pas ohm' ..r'.s wiry" lOT Marketable tics ulna is eheinstai kN prise. "% (rut t ♦ • , a nal sod eel 0e, rot telNl