HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-12, Page 40cttn. LINES Tilt ILATN or AYaa ITa1ILL, N. D., meows - se is eows- sou Tilt 'raise or 1847. Ata :—Tis 1rel- y's Deegeter. Fgsewell, oh ! farewell to thee, early departed.— We geese when we think we shell see thee tie more ; Thos but gone from our sight, while young and light-hearted, 1a sadeew.ed sorrow thy fate we deplore. Seg, sed is the heart of each youth god fair maiden ; {Veils (riesdsl.lp weeps over his watery grave And we hears the Jeep sigh, with sad memories laden, When we think how he sank 'aeatb the col creel wave. 01lde.ottly thou bark, o'er the place where he elsteteers, And plaintive and low be the veyag:e'setrain ; We here beard with delight his ricb voice io sweet numbers, Bat alai)! for we never most bear it spin. Selmer, where hast thee bid him, thou envious bilkw ? In what lonely cave is the place of his rest? Swret, sweet be his slumbers, and- soft be his pillow, Datil he awake in the land of the blest. Perth, 1648. - Y.eoue, fiddles, sad whereof, Lind Byron, Moore, tied Walter Scott. 10T. Bet what bee that sty freed to du With Hares—or with Wit CO yon. 1.0 as CO.TLaean.J —�._--- K,LLwlr N15o.—ACl'm8NT A't NaTarti- iAiNs.—On the 19th instant, • farm sers•et of Mr. Meikle, at Ntitbero.a ns, of the nets of Lynch, met with a severe accident while firing • gun to frighten cruise off a field sown with oats. 11. had imagined there was no shot in the gun, put another charge is It, when the gun, being overloaded, burst, Lod his left hand was uefurtunately dread- fully injured. THE MARRIED MAN'S FARE. • Tui Mtssme Bor.—The body of the boy said to have been stolen from his par. eats, in the State of Now York, and car - ried to Canada, has been found in a creek within two mile of few Bather's house . A r4SUO4 ON Tia IACUCLORI Flat floppy and free are a Married Man's ins, Cheerily, merrily passes his life, Ile knows not the Bachelor's revelries, devilries, Caressed by and blessed by his children and wife, From lassitude free, too, sweet home still to flee to, A pet on his knee too, his kindness to share, A fireside so cheery, the smiles of his deary— O, this boys, 0 this is the Married Mao's fare ! Wife kind as an angle, sees things never range Busy promoting his comfort around; Dispelling dejection, with smiles of affection, Sympathising, advising, when fortune has frown'). Old ones relating droll tales never sating,— , Little ones prating, all strangers to care ; Some ramping. some jumping, some punching, mome munching, - L c000my dealing the Married Man's fare. VALUABLEF ARM LOTS Ma Sala IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY : FOUR Lots un the First Concession of a Chadwick, fronting Lake Huron, coo mime( 82, 71, e71,.ed 68j acres respec- tively. Two of these Lots have consider- able improvements, and nae of them •com- modrousTwo Story Log Houma, wish Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of thein partially improved. These Lots are situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the nourishing Town of Godericb ; the land is of the beat quality, and well watered, and the front Luta command • besutifil view vl the Lake. For particulate apply (if by letter post paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich. March 17, 1848. 7tf FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuab:e property situated in the township of Goderich, on I.ot 19, 4tL• concession, within 5i miles orate town of Guderich ; there is a good Salk 51i11 or.it an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It is a never failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, eucb as Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Griot Mill. N. B.—Will be sold cheap for cue, or part of the money may he fort few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Godprieb, Feb.. 1S, 1348. 3 TO CAPITALISTS. 1((1D and safe Ingestments. Valuable MILL SITES and FARMS for sale on Lake Iluron. A good Mill Privilege on the Lake shore within six miles of Goderich, having 36 acres of excellent Land, the Mill can be built on the rock, and within 50 Poet of ten feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can bo *made 16 to 18 tett high at a trilling expense and on a never failing.tream,abuo. dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Also, a splendid Mill privilege hal a mile up on the Eighteen mile River w hick is navigablelo the Lake, having 45 acre. of first rate land, plenty cf Pine end other Saw -logs in the vicinity. AND ALSO—Four of the best descrip- tion of FAl;hiS on and near the Lake Shore, *ith t provements. The above w t selected anti very valuable property will bo sold low for cash, or batt the purchase money may remain for three or four years on mortgage. Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law- reoee Lawneon, Hsq., London, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor JOHN 11AWK1NS. Port Albert, Godericb, Feb. 3, 1848. t(1 Thus is each jolly day, one lively holiday ; Net so die Bachelor, lonely depressed No gentle one pear him, to home to eodeai him le morrow to cheer him, no friend if no guest. No children to climb sap—'tw•ould fill all my rhyrne•up And take too much time op to tell lies despair : Cross housekeeper meeting him, cheating him, beating—him, Bill peerieg, maids scowling, devouring his o fare. Mr has not one to put on—a rleeve or neck but- ten— Sl:uts Dangled to rags ! drawers stringless it knee, The coop to his grid too, rpuile.pudilino . and beet too, With overdone undone—underdone is he. No sou, stills treasure in bustoess es leisure, No daughter with pleasure new joys to prepare, Bet el maids and cousins, kind souls rush in domes— Relieving oares— Relieving him coon of his Bachelor's fare. Ile calls children spes, Sir, the fox and the grapes Sir, Aad fain would be wed wtaee his locks are lite snow, Bei widows throw scorn ou., and tell hill he's wort oat; And maidens deriding cry no, my love, 10. ()Wage comes with sorrow, with wrinkles, with farrow, • No hope is to -morrow none sympathy spares, Aryl their unfit to rise up he looks to the skies up, None close his old eyes sap --he dies—aid who cares To ria r.0/Toa Or THE 11)105 troSAL. Goocatcu, 4th May, 1848. DEAR Sta,—Having sees an attempt Imide, to describe oar lloerishiag town in your lest paper i. verse. Vanity, which some of my friends consider, 1 possess to ■ aasidaraifs stcteat, in - Awes mite offer the fullowiag to the public, t rwagh the tnediem Mrs. coleuses. 1t must be supposed, to have been written some years back. I intend ro touch slightly up- on all improvements since; and to finish with the buddies society—of which I am a1 Minable member, and warm supporter. Yours truly, t NEMO. THE HURON. Wbernfnredeem it strange or mystic, Heron .host become a district ! A roosty it coeld not remain, Aad why? the reason's very plias— If you'll bet lead a patient ear, The cease I. thisk will soon sppeer Bet fins I pray yes mkt your Hera— TM Bottle, i've sot seen eine. mors When from nit our chamber lit is, Sola bright rays—we took our bitters. Lot. I'll pledge yea GrufY, the bottle pare— Thee do tie 1 do—fill you glue -- Right glad w4l I partake your .beer, And patisudy your story bis. Garry, Some ten years thee 1 melt trace back, When first I cater'd Huron's' irect— A heavy toed --e tenghten'd way, Nr hope to end the slightest ivy ; 1 pledd'd es tbreogtt mud sod mire, With .01 as em,great's soil fire Mos dad 1 echoic, till here ! earns, Whet" Godericb tar smell bad a nane— tew were its settlers but thole few, Like gropes ants each other grew. Bee AD • mesh or two or snore, OM Ileum's ..rices swat hell a store. if eat,epe,rsg sue of bre 71eIse men of t ardug breogt with diem, Their ft"mdirs and riving rose • BRITISH HOTEL, GODERICH. L OTELT LCCOPIfln 51 Wt. MAC a*118 e5tlar • olaeoh - - CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F O R SALE—A RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. rr(IE subscriber hung cootaeoced beai- at Dese io Goderich—and with the view of carrying on his eperatiosa with more facili- ty and success, as in want of cash—offers the following valuable' property for sale, situated in the flounehtog town of Chatham, the District seat fur Keel, for cub only ria :— That advantageously situated property in Chatham North, containing FOUR wa- ter Luts—accordiag to the town plot We- Vey—With a good and substantial two story Dwelling Humor thereon, Kttcbe*, as ex- cellent garden, summer bouep, itic., lee., suitable for a large family Or a public Hotel, a Barn 40 feet by 14, and a large enclosed Building well adapted for diatribe( or for storage, being erected on • substan- tial wharf, *mooring vessels of over 300 tons bur then. Oa the premises is also an invaluable Spring, the excellencies of its waters aro not surpassed in the District. GODERICH CARRIAGE SHOP. LGrrr000ta-s , 088 0001 wi$T Or ALLEN'S INN. rfIIE Subscriber respectfully intimates to the ishebitaota of Goderich and its vicinity, that he is prepared to execute all orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER k LIGHT WAGGONS, Cutter', Lumber Sleighs, Gigs, Dog Casts, lac., and all other- articles in his line of business. N. B. Repairing promptly attended to. Country Produce taken in part pay- ment. -- 'JOHN SAVAGE. Goderich, Feb. 18th, 188, 3y rill IE Subscribers keying Leased Ilio above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friend. and tho public in general, that they have opened for the reception and accommodation of Boarders and 1'rarcllerr, where they wil he happy to receive thous who may honour them a all U cir patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the best productions of time seamen, and to keep their Bar supplied with !Vines and Liquors of the best de- scription, so as to merit the approval of their customer.. J. K.:GOODING, JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, Jan, 98, 1848. 1!f N. B.—Excellent Stabling will be'fT.,rd- cd, and an active and attentive Groom will be always io attendance. WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, NEARLY Ote01110 Tn1 PRaeaaraatA.f cacscw. THE Subecnbera begs leave to inform his few* soil the public of large, that be is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER OR LIGHT WAGGONS, which shall be maoofactured of the best materials, and by experienced workmen. Harrows and Drags made to.order ; Plough Castings SVooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Godericb, Feb. 9, 1848. " 2U FARMERS' STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. THE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately 1 rented the above weilertablishcd INN Jud HOTEL in the %Vest end of Stratford from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will endeavour to see the Public and Tray idlers well accommodated, and their con forts attended to. Ile has good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. His Bar is wel supplied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 7m3 OUTSTANDING DEBTS. FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale Lot No. one in the seventh Concesaion of the Township of Colborne, West Division. There is on the premises a small Log Bare, with acres under good cultivation, led well 1knced. The Land is of excellent quality, and within 6 miles of the Town of Goderich, containing 100 acres. TERMS of Salo will be made known by applying. to William Robertson, Esq., Can ada Company' Office, Godericb, or to the sebrcritcr. DAVID SMITH. Goderich, March 1st, 1848. 6U STRATFORD. THE Subscriber will be obliged to enter those in arrear to him, with the Clerk of the Court, if not immediately settled. A. F. MiCKLE. Stratford,'%larch 27, 1818. 9U FOR SALE. AIAT of Land, situated on the Bay- field road, five miles and a half from Godericb—will be sold cheap. Terms of payment to suit purchasers. L. ALVORD. Goderich, March 28, 1848. 9tf ROPEMAKING, BY GEORGE LEVERSAGE. FULLARTON. THE Subscriber of Lot No. 4, Corestion 9th, Fullerton, manufactures ROPES of all sixes, wade Boat Hemp grown by him- self. Ho hat sold targe goantates. of various sizes, in Stratford and neighbour- hood ; sed he iariyes the attention of the Pullie, as he can safely warrant all the different kinds made by him. From a Bed Curd to • Cable he will be enabled to furnish, when the improvement on his works are completed, by the addition of the new machinery he wall soon have erected• GEORGE LEVERSAGE. Fullerton, March 29, 1848. 91f yew —Messrs. A. F. Mickle and Thos. M . Daly, Stretford. — CLOVER SEED, L1JR Rale by the suhocnber111 7l peace 1 per pound. 14 MODERWELi.. (iode►kh, March 24, tete. 'St8 FOR SALE., VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. • GODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMERS,ENCOURAUE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. rr1IE Subscribers beg to 'storm the 1*- habitants of the Huron District, that the have in fall operaliou, their NEW FOUNDRY, which for convenience and the facility with which the work is doer., opals, they feel proud to assert, any coast:y foundry in Canada. They further pledge themselves to the public to sell all Goods w their Ilse, as cheap, if Dot cheaper ; as good, If not bet- ter, than they can be obtained from any other foundry to Cased' or elsewhere. The patronage theyhave met with during the short lime they ave been in beamed& bete, warrants the above statement, and they take thb opportunity of reforming 'heir friends sad the public that they will sus every exertion in their power to mails. tate the character, they trust, they have fell, established for themselves. They will Anes o. band Threshing Mills, Saw 1(111 and Grist Mill Cutings ; Re -ac- tion Water -wheel*, Smut Machines of the latest and most approved plan, Steam En- gines, and all kinds of Hollow -ware, such as Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; also, various sizes of Cook- ing and Parlour Stoves, and every descrip- tion of Ploughs,.fkc., Etc. In addition to the above, they are ready to receive orders for,BELLS from five to lee hundred pqunds weight, and warranted to be well toned; GEORGE MILLER k CO. —ALSO— Two Building Lou in Chatham North Block G , well situated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. — ALSO— A large two story Frame house frontiu the Barracks, 40 feet by 86, nearly finished, with half an acre Lot belonging. — A L S 0— SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent Land situated on the banks of the River Thames, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling House there- on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for care down, or one-fourth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. S. O. Dulaen, Chatham, or to the pro- prietor at Goderich. CiHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Jan. 98, 1848. 1 FOREIGN PERIODICALS. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the r 1 township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion. Huron. District, containing TWO iIUNDRED ACRES OF LAND,; with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences in repair. There is a good Frame House [Cottage style, upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 60 by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.— There are three ruoniog streams of water through the Lot ; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rale Well in the cellar of the frame liaise. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard umber. Said farm is situated but ti miles from Goderich, the District town. ter This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Mersrs. STRACIIAN tic LIZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Godericb, March 83, 1848. 7tf NOTICE. RE -PUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY • REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, W EBTMINM.R REVIEW, and BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'O MAGAZINE. THE above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, immediately on their ar- rival by the British Steamer', in a beauti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are 'Wilful copies of the originals—Bluckwood's Mageans being an exact fac-simile of the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame rf these splendid Periodicals renders it needless to say much in their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a sl - ALI, persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Book account, are requested to make payment on or before the first of May next ; after that date all de- mands, r:maining unsettled, will positively be handed over to an Attorney for immedi- ate collection. . DAVID MUNRO. Goderich, March 23, 1848. itf PETRIFY THE BLOW• MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AID Pl/FAENLX B1T1[EREI. rirlIE high sad envied to -L these pre-emi.s.t Illdi tel. quired for their israrisW 1111111116111^11te the diseases which they reams' bas rendered the usual pretties of p not only o.secesssry, but e.w.l br K them. They are knows by their hefts ; their good works testify for thew, sed they thrive *01 by the faith of the credo1eer. 1N ALL CASES of Aitken, Amite sed Chronic Rheumatism, Affections M the Bladder and Kuloeye, Bilious "Vests M 0,er Complaints. In the 13outb anal West weere these die - eases prevail, they will be head ievebee- ble. Plasters, fainters, sad others, who once use these Medicines, will seer be wtihnet them. Bilious Cholic, and Smoot Leoastsee, Biles, Cosmoses', Cnida and- tleugtat Cbol:c, Consumpuoa. Used with grew .UCCere i. this disease. Corrupt Humors, Droplet!, Dvspepsta. No merges with this distressing ((muse, should delay tong thaw medicines tmmedutefy. Eropuou of the Skin. Erysipslad, tuleecy. Fever std Agee. For this meoorgs of the wasters country these medktaee IAD be foetid • sate, speedy, ad certain reese- dy. Other medieites teem, the sytIuao subject to a rotors of the disease --e ewe by these medicines is perma.eet. Try them, be satisfied, sad Ile CURED. Foulness of Complexion, Oeseyal Iii), Gout, Gish/imps, Gravel, N - v— ofevery kind, !sward Fever, lrfiamme Rheumausm, Impure Blood, Jadieninst of Appetite, liver Complaint*, Looseness, Mercurial Diseases. Never fails to eradicate entirely all nil effen8a, eI cts of Mercury infinitely soot the/ the most powerful preparation of Sereeps- Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of all kinds, Onside Af- fections, ffections, Palpitation of the lleart, Paiute?. Cholic. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 38 years standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAiNS in the head, side, back, limbs, jotuts and organs. RHEUMATISM. Those enlisted with this temble disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Saltrheum, Swellings. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its worst forms, Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all kinds, are effectually expelled by these Medicines. • Parente wilt do well to administer them wb their existence is suspected. Relief will be cer- tain. Godericb, Januaay 28, 1848. ly N. B. to order that the subscribers cosy be enabled to discharge the pledges given in the above advertisement, they must in- sist upon prompt payments, therefore, ofah Note. and Book Accounts DOW due, imme- diate payment is requested. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Published every Tuesday, Thursday' sad Saturday, at the Low Pries of TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably in advance. The Transcript is printed on a sheet nearly as large as any used in the Province; and .ttould circumstances permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course of the ensuing summer. During the approaching Session of Par- liament the Transcript will cent am Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen- sive to furnish Record of all that occurs in both Legislative Bodies. As • Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A portion fits spare be devoted to the in - o pare s pace wi eertion of miscellaneous matter of an is. tereating and Literary character, and every thing offensive to morals will be carefully avoided. We have commenced, and !pleaded to continue, a series of Biographical Sk.tcbes from Chamber's Miscellany of Uwe' and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and miler stamp now published, while the pole during the present season, notice wilt be tical complexion of each ie market b7 a taken of the Lectures delivered at the dignity, candour, and forbaranco not often several Literary Institutions of this city, found in works ofa party character. which we commenced last winter, and They embrace the views cif the three which gave general satisfaction. great parties in England—Whig, Tory,. H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES lids opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support and distin- guished patronage he has received since the opening bf his Establishment in Goderich, and begs to assure them that he will still continue to supply them with the best and cheapest articles in his line as usual. He would direct their attention to his pried and exlontensive importations which hl! is now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RiES, CROCKERY and HARDWARE, the tow prices of which he is certain will speak for themselves, and for quality and variety cannot be surpassed in Western Canada. H. B. O'CONNOR. Goderich, Jae. 28, 1848. lU Butter, Wheat, Oats, Barley), Cora, kc., ad every description of Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. Cash will be paid for good Grass Seed, them and Furs. GiLBERT PORTE, T ADiER ANI) GENTLEMEN'S rash- -1-4 losable Boot and Shoe Maker, Weet Street, Goderich March, 1st, 1848. Ems ALBiON HOUSE, JAMES' Streif, one door west of the Jetmpry, 1846. 1. ESMONDE. Jewry, GALT 1 SALT 1 ! 114SARRF,f.S, cheap for rash or market- able produce, at the Store of T. GII.MOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 1411. Commercial Bank, HanwItoi, by ' and Radical—Blackwood and the London TEAKS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY Quarterly are Tory ; the Edell/or It. - t e Westminster, dical. erne, Whig; and bi MAIL. The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary, Q IIAL prieo of Subscription of the MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT, (when sent by being devilled principally to .criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are lees than one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American over the English reader. TERMS. PAYMENT TO .0 MAD' 151 ADVANCE. For any coed the four Reviews, $3,00 per an. For any two do do 5,00 " For any three do do 7,00 e For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 " For Blackwood'. Magasiee.... 3,00 . For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscription for three— the fourth copy being gratis. Ve Remittances and communications must be made in all cues without expense to the publishers. Tito former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking his receipt, and forwarding it by- mail, post - pad or the money may be enclosed to a letter, poet -paid, directed to the publishers. N. B.—The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the lite Post Office Law to about one-third the former rates, making a eery important saving in the expense to mail subscribers. eerIn all the principal cities and towns 4broughdat the United States to which there to a direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the City of New York, these periodicals will be delivered free of postage. LEONARD SCOTT & Co., Publi%ers, 112, Follow -sat., N. Subscribers in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest American Post Offices. Goderich, Jan. 88, 1848. 1 mail). is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable in advance. • To facilitate re- mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL- LINGS for Teta Months, and FIVE SHIL- LINGS fur Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall send three different eopiere of the Transcript enclosed in blue or green covers ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, is every ease, be discon- tinued. Aa the paper is given to aubecri- bers at the lowest possiltle price, all mons letters must be post-paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the mosey sent. The Transcript is vent to Subscri- bers in the country twice or three times a week, at their option. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's paper* being put into one rbeet—thus Ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the same. Subscriber., in writing for the Transcript, will Psalm mention whether they wish the tri -weekly or semi.weckly paper sent to them. LiaNewspapere with whom we exchange will please copy this Notice, which are will be happy to reciprocate in the same way. Godericb, Much 3, 1848. 6 Caowty Lana bwrawrrmtaT, .Wostreal, 10uk )Hard, 1848. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council, to all persons who have received locations of land in Western Canada, since the 1st J'eoary, 1832, and also to parties located previous to that date, whose locations were not is - eluded in the List of unpatented lands, Gable to forfeiture, published 4th of April, 1839, that unless the claimants or the* legal representatives establish their Marine and take out their Patents within two year from this date, the land will be resumed b Government to be disposed of by Sale. NEW T STORE. 5TRAT.FORD. BY WM. 1I. HINE. THE Snbeeribet begs leave to liimste that he has omrsod a STORE at the east end of Stratford, witha gge•nneeranl sweet - event of DRY GOODS, tHtOCERIES, See. And he hopes for a *bare of the patron- age of his neighbors and the public. 1ie sells cheap for Cask or Prayer. 1V M. N, HiNE. Ytrnlford. March 14. 1848. 9 6m THE LiFE PILLS AND PHONIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and thus remo,e all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and Pli(ENLX BITTFRS beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicipes aro now put up in white wrappers and labels, to- gether with a pamphlet, called " Maffat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, Ike., on which Is a drawing et Broadway from Wall street to our Once, by which strangers visiting the city can very cattily find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- ceuro them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not boy those with yell.. wrappers ; bot if you do, be satisfied that the come direct from os, or dont touch them. ,Q,7 • Prepared sad sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Antboey street, New York. For sale by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agast. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Eoeveae. ¶ IIIE Editor@ of the Merolla Maras:sea Will 1i devote all their valetas to produce a usefsl eatertaiai.g, and cheap Periodical, ler the Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement be both old sod young. Sketebes sad Take, in verse and prose, Moral Essay, Sweeties of the Colony, Scrape of Useful 1skrursies, Reviews of sew Works, mad well selected articles hoed the moat popelu umbers titbit day, will term the pages of the Mega:lee. The Edi tore feel eoefidee t that the indepeedea t sad rising country to whose service they ars proud to dedicate their Meets, will ehoereelly lend its support to enecerage their asthma lad hosoereble esdtnakrg. The kw. pries at which the Periodical is plaeee, is is order that every person -within the Colony wise eau read, sod ifassiona for Instal and mortal tmproesseeet may become • subsenber and astral el the work. The Vie -reels MAsaawt will seaman tw.ety- leer pages is eeeh member printed ea mew type, rad epee good paper ; and will fest at the sod If the year a *mat Veiniest, of 981 pa/ms se- rth.l with Tido y Par sod lode: 11 will be imolai Mwtbly, eeastaasdog w ttw First of Sep ..Ie, Aero the saes of JOSEPH Wf1.eoN, iYwt-street. Belkviil.—tbo licher sad sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for TO PRINTERS. ' TYPE FOUN15RY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers bete opened a New Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type,ink, Paper, Cheats, Galles, Braes Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Compwisg Sticks, Cases,. and every gruels .esessery for a Printlug Office. The Type, which are out in new moulds, from an entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be unsurpassed by any, will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type frraided by us is" hand east Printing Presses furnished, acid shoo, tx: Elegises of the most approved pat - Composition Rollers east fee pintas. "- Editors of Newspapers Who will buy three tense as much type Y their Wb amount to, may 'teethe and six seed t insertion to thea papers coetauinf it to she 8.iesdMeas COCKCROFT h. OVIMMIND No 78, .4as iBMsat d1Aae York Number 7th 1147. 1rR HENRY NNWMAN, BEI'READ, CAKE and PASTRY BAVER, respectfully solicits the patronage of the inhabitants of Ooderieh and its vicinity, and trusts. by strict attentioL, to merit a share of their favours. N. B.—Hard Biscuit sod all kinds of Crushers on hand. Cakes ueb no order. Oode.isb, Ju. 98, 1848. iN Tues ov tea Heade *as.►TER BUIL- LING-8 per assess if paid onsedy in adra.., or Teeters Asti tux !tinea wiA the awnedkaa et he Re paper dinesetusad Neel amok ass pail op, Weir the rabledier cloaked his area - sop rs ds sus As Miriam] is tits sweeter b— Ilius' apossiit• kr we ssbssstbsa, dean /weirs a seem& spy ars LT AN Where diced to the Editorialise be pot paid, or aby will lata b ..Yon easel tttp post office. rt.o Cr Awr..Tm*e• '" 1 M.i item sad sudor, int Irserlise. • • bene\ sabsagniatf the Magma*, sled letters to Sha Edtor*. met Tri lie sunt woke, fir... • :. be addnmd. (pseivald.) The mese d sal- F.acb 1Ittet4� s ripeiew—OPIE DOLLAR AR PER ANNUM— °"! les liesy kiMdes• pg atm M Iso (w sdr*nta F le IgM fie• Oadwiek. Mate% 3. 1848. • ( the year a.Mn.us NM A Each itllIW'