HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-12, Page 3trrisal of the Itittattia. D.riowifrsoimmoik,. Hnw yi. ,1117 8th. The Brt14s•/e arse osreceived at tBoton at two ben by o'clock yesterday. °oaerters et express. General tone ei Curs Trade firmer ; sup- plies freer thread centimes limited. Nume- rate bopera and holders enabled to reality better paces. At Muk Lae. Canadian and liaised States Wheat 43e a 48s. ladies, 84m a ff7•. De . lotUnitedmStates 251 a 21...' en Flour, moderate ; fair aupply. y Same price for Comtism. Coittsued excitement in Ireland. RevoleUoeary 4.etoastretioa. in Egypt. loeargente ►sag by order of the_ Pec a.-- Outbreak impieties pertain. Run M Saviage Basks matinees. The O'ConneUs refused to go beyond eoasuwuuaal Badu. (Carl Shrewsbury said to bo favourable ts„ "1'w trial of Mitchell, O'Brien, nal Meagher, is peoceedteg. T►sees Steele baw attempted anieide. A regular armed Chartist force is said to be organised. The House of Commons has passed the Crowe and Government Security Bill, with an overw►elmiag majority. A Reform mo.tl.g has been bold is Lor' - don, at which forty member. of Parliament participated. Cebdsa, was one. Joseph Items preelded. The Pru.eiewiliet be. been diseelvud. Berlin is agitated. In•orgeet Poles have formed outreach - meats in Posen. Tbey taws an army of 10,000 men, with artillery. Asother report says tbo Poles Dumber 42,000. The resurrection does not appear serious. All Germany ia in a state of anarchy. Insurrection in the north of Saxony, wbich the Government has not been able to suppress. Trade at Vienna entirely destroyed. The Government has ordered the Jesuit, to quit Sicily. Verona has been taken by the Ptedmna- tese army. TM king of Naples has been compellsli to issue a proclamation in favour of ea Italian independent Union. Affairs in France are in great confusion. A !lot was formed 40 upset the Provi- sion& Government, and auaesinate LaMar - tine, beaded by Ledo. Rotors. FXTENSIVE CONF LAG RATION IN DETROIT. By a Telegraph report from Detroit to this office, in conjunction with the Colonist, we learn that at two o'clock yesterday a terrible fire was then raging in that city. Our communication says :-" The largo yellow store and Mr. Ebberts store -house gone ; forty bauildinga now burning; Steamboat Hotel on fire; American Hotel in Samos. Oto -third of the Cit threaten-• ed ; Advertiser dike gone. -Glebe. • up in 0 1-11 years weir £ U Meows we liras year, x97 the seemed, and weer et dtaeher by AS mutually It will thctcliire be obeeived, That should the Sudety cuntiaae for ten years, the Manual raw of iotenat would be ilereewel w rota. thing over 0 per cent; because there would then be x12 more of the principali,aid up, and tau years more of the Internea. 1t Mow only rennin fur the at Present te sheer that 1 may burrow at any of the al..se rater tied Yet be no " luau." Let ua take the tire, the e last mei the be.t" will thea *peak No man burrows metes: either at a high or low rate of interest without he' believes that the mer of it will be equivalent to souse shape or other to the pice 1t oasts him. It a •pears w me that 1 weld easily point out several ways in Beery -day Ilk, in which a person may save himself money, M least not be a laser, by bu. rvw in.) even at 14 ppeer.ccJL, exorbitant as it may appear. Fur in- : -It It Is but a very urtl nary butts.: that a Ireton can rent fur 35 per month, cl5perannum, In 8 years 2120; while at the same tune he might be in poewF•• -on of a small sum in cash, say s.*0 or X10 and a budding elle; yet unable with t ei,c to relieve himself of the rent Gay. But, were he to borrow 270 at 1-1 per coat interest, that sum in sedition to what he had, would enable blotto build a fully better house either oC trick or frame than can generally be rented at the abuve rate; and the repayment of the princical with the interest, would make an average annual payment of 218 Its., say $6 per month en eight pears 61188s. - so that for the additional 2.2a he is in full pure Son of a property worth at least 2100, to say n othing of the probable ioereaw of value at the ad of the 8 years; a source of profit of which he could bare had no chance but fur the luau ores 70. Again, there may be panics threatened with fore - semen of mortgage, electmcnt from farms or hou- ses fx nenymento instalments over due, or ac- tions for dere on property;with all the consequent detail of expenses which fllow in each cases; and with all of which "toy learned friend" is thorough- ly conversant. Tbb Society offers relief h, the shareholder ureter all these circumstances, and the prom comes from " the rent the patty used w pay a landlord, the toteresi the mortgagee, re- ceived, and, what would in the other case, have gune ins the La wyeee. pocket. And just in such ratio as these panics tere paying high or low rent or interest, or feared the lass of property from an action at Law, will they bid high or low for a loan, and in proportion as they dose, will the Society wind up in a longer or ,hurter peri- od; and jum so inproponion will the shareholder be the gainer by having to pay instalment., and interest a year or two more or Isis. Such Sir, is my opiuiuoses to where the profit come. from, and !trust it may prove correct; or, )ah'mid 1 be in crrvr, that some one more able than 1 am may point itou t fur the information and satfatic- tioa of the public. 1 am Sir, your most obedient servant, THOMAS KYDD. S'FRACIIAN .I: I.IZARS, BARRISTERS and Attorules at Lai, Solicitors in Chancery, and Hankie -ty, Notary Public and conveyancer*, U. rich and Stratford, Hov n District, C. . Jews ST..caan, Garderick. Writhe /loam Lasses, titratfurd. Gudench, April OO, 1848. , 6nt1 $LACKSMITII'S SHOP, &c. BUILDING SOCIETIES. 11o. m. GoDaalca, 25th April, 1848. 7b fats Editor of the Huron Gazette. Si. :.t-"Itwe are all w be such gainers where are the profits tu cows from 1 some one rest be a• loser" -111 I. Such, Sir, was the query put by, me the coa- eluslon arrived at by our " learned nd " al the meeting on Tue.dav last, alder one of the plain- est p.esible statements matt• by the chairman; a •statement ralctilatr,l to -how the rapid in.•rcase of money when merely subjected to the action of ordinary compound *merest, sad the more so when Loewe' are added to that, and both subject- ed to compound interest, and to bonuses and inter- est again and again; that then the increase must consequently become far more rapid than par- ties not daily convenient with figures could readi- ly imagine. The latter part of our friend's di- lemma was, in my opinions most aptly answered by a party present, who sardthat the a loser" was the individual who borrowed money and did not apply its a judicioususe, but all,wno urpoee, the difficulty remaining uncleared up w this moment, at least so far as he is concerned. 1 shall, there- fore try to place the matter itt another point of view, in the hope that he and rhes of his way of thinking -should there be any such -may be- come coevrnced that we may all be gainers, w•ith- ont so much as a solitary loser amongst us. I would premise however, that the ehazebolder as a atareeolder, and the shareholder as a burrower, moat be considered as separate and distinct in- dividttals ; in order that we may the better under- stand the subject- Seppo•e then that our " learned friend " is a ehazeboider in a society that will wind up in tight years--aad even that is much beyond the anticipated period of existence ref some societies -►e will have pais/ up is aU x48 at the roe of telt pr Iotnh and if he have 2100 handed over to him as his share at that period, he will have a clear profit of 252, or almost 951-2 per Cert, per annum on his outlay; without the shade of risk in the transaction, for, security to the ful- lest extewt is required in every ease of loan. Hat, Ae argues that he ooukl make more of 248 in a s yea ; forgetting, that the first me^111 he boson y 10s. to commence his speculation ith, and only s6 eves at the eat of the first year, and so on. So much for his pro6* as a warder; and I believe he will be utkfed with that part of it, but stilt he cedillas "I want to know where the profit come thNowthe'it let es nppre-for the sake of argil mens, that 1 am no mei•ber of the Society, bet that they have 2100 to lend, and that the lave will permit tae to be a competitor for it -1 offer 230 bonus, and six per cent interest per annum on 2100, Inc eight yeas and am declared the purchas- er, 0 would stead Het - Cask received in hand, 270 Principal to be paid up in eight years, 2100 0 0 Eight yeas interest oa A100 at 6 per tent., 4800 Deduct the amount received le hand 21700 0 0 0 Lea/ries, e amount aid for the use o(270 Inc 0 aa the e yeas; exactly 14 per cent per annum. But, were 1 a member of the Society, 0 wnold be very diser- ent--q world then stand thus - Arsenate of maatkly instalments fw Petreltr48 0 0 Ieare aorta on t1011 u 6 per cent. Allow Seems Mr tees of wa of monde Moodily exsubscription. of 7 1-Od. m 1Gsaaaee lee, 49 00 11 10 3 00 50 Dense, the amour received le Mad 2110 1 0 0 70 0 0 Leaving, elf) 14 6 a the amount paid for the nee etf this 270 fur eight years, or artmethtng under7l-41preeeat fat mania Rut.** 1 would be very worm to mlelead fay rose in thte twitter, and have truly given the above to an example, by wbich tee average rate of anginal forte* may be *strived at, on any easoo lof bemuses. Imeet awe that h M rat. -o. Markets. TORONTO, May 5. Flour, per barrel, 196 Ib. 101 and 1 2s 6J. Oatmeal, per barrel, 196 lbs 17s fid and 1 16. Wheat (fall),per bush, GOlbs 4. 6d and 4 6d. Do. (spring) do. 3a 6d and 4 Od. Rye, per bushel, 56 1M 3e Od and 9e 4d. Barley, per bushel, 48 Ilia 2. 6J and Ss 9d. Oats, per bushel, 34 Ids Is 8J and Is 10. Peas, per bushel, 60 Ibe 2s 6d and 2. 9d. Potatoes, per buehel, 3. OJ and 4s 6d. Beef, per cwt, 17. 63 and Li 5e. Pork, per 100 lbs 20. Od and 00. Od. Timothy, per bushel, 60 lbs 4. Os and 6, OJ. Racoo, per lbs Oe Se and Os Std. llama per cwt 30e 08 and40e Od. Lard, per Ib 31d. DISTRICT CONTRACT. AS the BRIDGE across the River Avon, in the village of Stratford, has not been Let by Tender as previously advertised the Subscribe,+ is 'now prepared to enter into PRIVATE CONTRACT at any trine with any Mechanic who frisbee to contract for the completion of the work. Plan and Speccificatioo will be seen at T.. M. Daly's, Stratford, or at the office of the subeenber in -Goderich. Offers will be received per- .oaally, or by letter, addressed to DAVID SMITH, District Surveyor, 11. D. Duratcr Suaveroli a Orrice, Goderich, tad May, 1648. • 14td P. S. . Early application is required and will be attended to. D. 8. 'T'() I. ET, TIIAT Substantial and Commodious House lately occupied by Capt. O'Con- n or and John l'eel, Slerchagt Tailor, in Light -house street. ALSO FOR SALE A valuable Lot in Main Street, on advanta- geous terms. Apply to - WILLIAM WALLACE. Goderieb, May 4th, 1848. 14(4 STOLEN OR STRAYED. ABOUT the first of April from the prem- ises of '%1LLiAM BELL., Stanley, London Road, a Yoke of Oxen. Oneblack, with a Bell, and the other red and white, with the left eye nearly blind -any informa- tion respecting them, will be thankt•'t'y re- ceived by the owner, or a! the Signal Office, Gsefer?.1, May 601, 1847. 14w4 NOTICE. THE 2 year *id HEIFER, as advertised for some weeks put in the Huron Signal as having 'strayed into my premises about the mid- dle of lot September, will be sold by Public Auction on the Glebe Lot, Maitl nd Road, at 12 o'clock, on Saturday the FIFTEENTH day of May, to defray expenses. JACOB WILLSON. Goderich, A?ril 28, 1848. 13w4 NOTICE. THE next sr ttings of the 1st Division Court will be held at the Goal, Godo - rich, on Saturday the 3rd June next. A. F. MORGAN, Clerk of 1st D. Court. Gederieh, 1818 April, Isis. 18 STRATI; ORD HOTEL. IRAAC MAY, informs hie friends. end the retitle, that he ham taken the BRiCK TAYF..Ree, I.tely in the oecepatinn of Mr. Brows, .t the Fast end of Stratford. whero e otbing shall be wanting oh his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his guests. I. N. Batters Aimee!! that his selection of Wise and Lielonre is equal to any in the eseetry, and his Stabll.R department is of the meat complete description. Stratford, WO April, 1848. 1111 J. STEWART, A TTOkar.Y AND RARRiSTRR at " Law, Boltoofor in Chancery, Coovey- •' r. ism.. Chloe West Street. TO LET, AT STRAT FORD. TITS 8,.bseriber being anxious to retire drum bueinese, wi.hee ro LST the will known BLACKSMITH'S SHOT', Sheds, and DWELLING HOUSE, situated in the west end of the thriving town of Stratford ; with the good will of the business. The above premtecs have been ter many years occupied, and the run of hiatus's is equal to the beat stand in the templet. The lease may be for as many years as may bo agreed on. The Toole, Iron, litc. will emu be dis- posed of. bent moderate. JOHN SHERMAN. Stratford, 17tb April, 1841i. 121f J. RUTLEDGE, & CO. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS, BEG to intimate to the inhabitants of Godericeand surrounding country, that they have commenced bustnesa so the pre- mises lately occupied as the Division Court Office, where they will constantly have on hand an assortment of SADDLES AND HARNESS, and all other article, in their line of lend - eerie, which will be sold at moderate pries,. 07'A liberal discount will be allowed to all cub purchasers. Goderich. April 18, 1848. 16tf NOTICE. THE fast sailing Schooner AMiIERST- BITRGH, Capt. Warwick, will leave Ilam- ilton Moody first day of May, and Toronto 2d of May, and will take Paseeogere and Goode fur Godeneb. Goderich, April 21, 1848. 12 N OTICE. THE Subscriber is about discontinuing business as Blacksmith in the town ui Goderich, and hereby notifies all those in- debted to him, that they will be waited upon for settlement immediately ; and the obstinate ones who disregard this intima- tion will be handed over to that efficient officer the Clerk of the Court, who will perhaps effect a settlement on more costly and less favourable terms. HENRY ELLIOT. G ode rah, April 8th, 1848. 11d N OTICE. ALL Notes and Accounts dee to the subsenber that. remain unsettled on the first of May next, will be handed to the •Clerk of the Division Court Inc collection. ROSS ROBERTSON. Goderich, April 4, 1848. 101 f CUT NAILS. AnCASKS CUT NAILS, assorted siz- es, for .ale by the Subscribers, whole sale and retail. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Goderich, Meeh 17, 1848. 7w4 NOTICE•• t i'i'I.ICATION kcal/ Le made tattle next _ Session of the Provincial Legislature, for leave to bring in a Bill to constitute and form the following Townships and Gore, and Block of Land, viz :-North Easthope, South Easthope, Downto and Gore,-Eiitc., Blanshard, Fullerton, Logan and Ilibbert,- Wellesley, Mornineton and Maryborough, and Western half of Wilmot, and .the Bruck of Land behind Logan, -into a new Dis- trict. ALEX. MITCHELL. Secy of Committee. Stafford, [Huron], )y 1st of April, 1848. ) 10m6 N OTICE. IIARrIJRHEY BRANCH OP THE HURON vurroi T AGRICUL- TUR.iL SOCHA 1 T11E IIARPURIII?Y BRANCH of the iluron Dutirct Agisciiitural Society w 11 Lu14 a lleetiug (til the FsMbtuon of FARM STOCK, Inc. &c. Lc. at 11r. Joeus Copy s 'lee ern, Ilarpurbcy, or Freers, Sola. 'et, 10:8. Fur the purpose et A,ijed ing and Aiseel iug PRIZES for the %ileums .lairnals and .1 tides here:oafier u,eotiuned :- FIRST CLASS. t s. d. For the best Entire. Horse 1 l0 u 2n11 do. 011 11500 5 U For the beet Brood blue and Foal. 1 0 0 2nd do. do.• 0 15 0 For tl,o boat Two-year old Filly •• •• •• 0 15 0 YnJ do. do'.'. 0 10 0 For the beat Yearling do. . . . 0 15 0 2nd do. do0 10 0 SECOND CLASS. For the best Bull 1 10 0 2nd do U 15 0 For the best Milch Cow having had a Calf in 1848 1 0 0 2nd beat 0 10 U For tho beet Two-year old Heifer calved after the 1st Jan., 1846, 0 15'b 2nd best 0 7 6 For the best Bull Calf calved after the 1st January, 1848.••• 0 15 0 end best 0 7 6 For the b�Jte!elfer Calf calved after the 1st January, 1848•••• 0 l 0 2nd best.. i• 0 7 6 For the best Fat Ox 'd 15 0 2nd do. 0 7 6 For the best Fat Cow 0 15 0 end do. 0 7 6 THIRD CLASS. For the best Ram 0 2nd do 0 For the best pair of Ewes bapieg suckled their Iambs till the 1.t of July 0 2nd best 0 For the best pair Ewe Lambe 0 2nd do. do. ••••• 0 For the beet Tup Lamb 0 2nd do• 0 FOURTH CLAS. For the best Boar •-••• 1 2nd do. 0 For the best Sow having had Pige in 1848 0 2nd best 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the best 2 bush's of Fall Wheat 0 2nd do do. • • • • 0 For the best 2 bushels of Spring Wheat . d 15 0" end best 0 10 0 For the beet 1 bushels Sibersn Spring Wheat 0 2nd best. 0 For the best 2 bushels of Barley • • • 0 2nd do. do. 0 For the best 2 bushel of Oats• • • • 0 2nd do. do.• • • • 0 For the best 2 bushels of Pcas"• . • • 0 and do. do 0 For the best bushel of Timothy0 Fur the best 20 lbs. Clover Seed •• 0 15 0 For the beet 10 lbs. Swedish Tur- nip Seed 0 and best 0 For the beat 14 Roots.of Mangle Weitzel 0 5 0 DAIRY PRODUCE. F 15 0 76 10 0 76 10 0 7.6 10 0 76 00 16 0 HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. PREMIUMS FOR 1810. &lli N EXlllTION el CATTLE. SEEDS, Is. 1w51EtiTIC MANU'I'ACTL'Iti:S, ate diewill be hod at (3udericb, os Teenlay the 116th September, 1843, when the l,.lIowtag kit MMS will be awarded HORSES. ` l a d. For the Leet Rome Mare and Feat, ••••. 1 Utt 0 011 tee, e. 1d best, 0 1S 0 rot IRS best 9 year pill rally........• • 1 00 0 2d best.,. ,• . •••••• 0 15 0 3d beat, s,..,. 0 10 0 For the best 9 year old Colt 1 lea 0 2J best, ................ 0'15 0 3'1 beet...... e0 10 0 For the beat Spa•.of Farm $ 10 0 2,1 beet,. ... ...•.•....0 00150 0 3Jbeet,.. .••••.. • CATTLE. For the best Milch Cow, O1 050 00 2d beet 3d best,..... ..... .. . . ......0 10-0 For the best 2 year old Heifer, 0 10 0 e_d best ..... .... 0 7 6 3d beet For the best Yearling ditto, 0 11) 0 end best, .... 0 75 6 3dbeet ................. 0 15 0 For the best Bull, 0 15 0 2J beet, 0 0 3d beet For the best Yoke of Working Oaen,.. 1 00 0 2d best ,..... .... 0 15 0 3J beet, 0 10 0 For the best "Yoke of 3 year old Steen, 0 10 0 2d beer, 0 7 6 3J best, 0 5 0 For the best Fatted Ox, 1 00 e ed best, ••• 0 15 0 3d beet, 0 10 0 For the best Fatted'Cow or Heifer, 1 00 0 e•1 best, 0 15 0 3.1 best 0 10.0 INV. cot Iter BLANKS, I)RI�:TEUoa• rsoreitilily •,f p. per, fee sale at ib lerun Bign..1 Office, cheap fir t'a.lt. Goderich, Jae. 911, IBM f5� 1,5OO,OOo Acias Of' LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. rhliE CANADA COMPANY have Inc .L dispoanl, about 1,(er0,000 ACRES OF LAND di,vpeeved throes hnt't meet of the Townships in Upper Canada -sourly 600.- 000 Acres ere.Nunitsd in the /terms Trutt, well known es one of the meet (etude parts tet (Inc :',evince -it haw trebled its popula- tion in five years, et.J now contains up - triads of 90,000 inbabitante:- The LANDS pre -elated by way of 1. E.9 S E, fbr Teo -Tears, or for S!ak, C A S1 1l DOH' JY -the pacts of o.ejlftb Cosh, Mad ()e balance in 1a.4id- re.ti being doe away with. Tho Rents payable. Let February each year, ase about tho Interest at Six Per Cent.opon the price of the f.nnd. Upon -most efthoLote,when LEASED, N(1 MONEY IS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, one, two, or three years /tent, must be paid in advance, -but thceo payments u'11 free the Settlor from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of his tern of Lease. The right M PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, le secured to tho 1. -3SCC art a fixed sura named in lease, and an allowance is made according to antici- pated essence'. Lista of lands, and any farther informa- tion can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post-paid) at the COMPANY'S 0r110aat, SI I EEP AND HOGS. Toronto and Goderich ; of R. 1l,ane*Lae For the beet Ram .......... 1 00 0 Esq., =Jephcdel. Colburne District ; Dr. ed best,..-. 0 15 0 Aeetreo, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALT, EW., 3d hew,,.........•.........•:0.10 0 _Stratford, Huron District. For best Ewes, (Pea of 9,) Bre.d.og,1 00 0 Goderich, March 17, 1848.• 7 94 best,. - ... 0 15 0 3d best, ... • 0 10 0 For the best Boar,............. 1 00 0 2d best 0.15 3d best, oto 0 For the beat Sow, ........ 1 00 0 24 best,........ •. 0 15 0 beet, For the best 2 Fat blethers, 0 10 0 2d best,. 0 7 6 3.1 best 0 5 0 15 0 GRAIN, SEEDS AND DAIRY. - 10 0 Foi the best 50 Ila. of Salt Batter..... 0 15 0 2d best .... 0 10 0 3d best,.. ... 0 7 6 15 0 For the best 40 lbs. of Cheese,.... ••• 0 10 0 10 0 4ldppet, ..•..•..... ... • 0 7 6 3d Jest 0 5 Q SEALED.TENDERS will be received by Messrs. John Holmes and Robert Gib- bons, or the Subscriber, on the part of the Municipal Council, for the District of lIu- ron, until Saturday 13th day of May, at 12 O'clock noon, when the Tenders will be opened at the British Hotel in the town of Goderich, for the following works, viz :- 1st. For Repairing parts of the Road be- tween the 1 and 2 concessions, township n� 1 Goderich. end. For Repaiiing part of _;,,r Lluron Road from. Lot 22, M ,, ,Ind concession, to .c town of Cuierich, part of which will be r:.velod. 3rd. For building a Frame Bridge across a stream on Lot 39, Maitland concession, township of Goderich. 4th. For cleaning the ditch on the south- erly side of the Road leading from the Mait- land Bridge to the town of Goderich. 5th. For repairing part of the Road be- tween the 3 and 4 concessions, Goderich, Lots 25 and 26. 6th. For Reducing a hill between the S and 6 concession@ and Let 19 aur' 40. flans, Specifications and Form of Ten- der, may be seen at the British hotel six days before letting, or et the office of the subscriber, in Goderich, on or before the said 13th day of May next. The works will be laid out in Sections : Tenders must specify the nutuber of Section Tendered for, and must Inc in dee form. The time for finishing tho above work, will bo stated in tee Specifications: (Signed,) DAViD SMITH, -detract Surveyor, H. D. Dm -met Suevztoe'a Omen, Coderlclt, 2518 April, 1848. # 13td , NOTICE. ALL those Indehted to rho Estate f the late Mr. LICKS of Stratford, will please Settle the sane without delay, and without extra expenses; and also all those having an Claims against the above Estate, are regalred immaedure(y to present the same for Adjustment to Josie limas, Mitchell. Mitchell, March 44, 1848. 8 FOR SALE. - ALOT of fond, .ilnate•J nn the Bay field road, fire maw and a half free Goderich-will be .old cheap. Terms of payment to suit perchers/ars. L. ALVORI. 15 0 10 0 10 0 7 6 10 0 7 6 10 0 7 6 5 0 10 0 5 0 F F F or the best 25 lbs. Salt Butter•• • 0 2nd do.,. •.- 0 or the best 5 the. Fresh Butter • • • 0 2nd do. do. ••• 0 or the best 25 lbs. Cheese • 0 2nd do. do. 0 • DOMESTICS. For the best 10 yards manufactur- ed Cloth 0 2nd best • .•• 0 or the best 10 yard" Flannel.•••• 0 end do. do. .,•• 0 'or the best 20 lbs. Maple Sugar•• 0 2nd do. do. •• 0 RULES OF TIIE EXHIBITION : 1. Any person receiving a Premum fur any of the above-named Grain and Pea,*, to be obliged to sell to any member of the Society, if demanded, Ten Bushels saute es the sample shown, at the highest market price. 2. The Material of the Domestic Ma"e. factured Cioth and Flannel to be produced from the Farm of the Ceenpetitor. 3. AU St'';cab.• flaring paid their rub7�rIptio ettd mil such, to be entified to competo fur any Premium. 4. Bulls most have a nog or screw in the nose, with a rope,or chain attached to, pre- vent accidents. 5. Heifers with Calf at toot may show as !Infer/. 6. Al Stock exhibited shall have been the 5 a fide property, of tho Exhibitor a modeM botero the Shuw, and all other arti• cies shown must have been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor. Any person violat- ing, or attempting to violate, this rule, shall be rendered incapable of competing 013 any future occasion. 7. Any person neglecting to pay their Subscription on or before the 27th of•June, will be debarred from competing ororitenog for any Premiums offered, unless they pay to tho Treasurer, two weeks before the Cattle Show, a aunt equal to the proportion which such aub.cnpeon paid, on or before that date, would have secured from govern - mentor other sources, so as to place their suescnptions on thosamc footing as that of others, who pay in tune to got such addition to the funds. - 8. All Competitors for Prizes must give the Secretary notice of the description of Stock or Produce they intend to show, be - foie the day of Exhibition. 9. All Stock and Produce to bo on the Show Ground by 10 o'clock on tho day of the Show. The Show to commence at Id o'clo. k, noon. 07- The Society's PLOUGHING MA7 CH will take )r(aes in October. G. TIIOMPSON, Secretary, H. B. A. S. Iiar?nrhey, 7114 April, 1848 12 TAILORING ESTABLISiiMENT. SPRING t(. SUMMER FASlIIONS,for 1848. AFeted, ninety of the weenie and most .unproved SPRING sten Surma FAsn- tnes for 1848, have .been reeeiv01by the anbecriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may favour him with t►oir patronage. 15 0 10 0 10 0 •7 6 16'0 10 0 15 0 100 10 0 76 10 0 7 6 A. NAYSMITii. For the best 10 Bushels Fall Wheat,... ! 00 0 21 best, 2. 5.0 3.1 best, •................. 1 10 0 For the best 10 Bushels Spring Wheat, 2 00 0 2d best, 1 15 0 3d best, .... • 1 5 0 For the best 4 Bushels Rye, 0 15 0 2d best, °• 0 10 0 0 •7 6 For ,rte best 4 Bushels of Barley, 0 15. 0 21 best,.... 0 10 0 3dbest, ......... ....... . 0 7 6 For the best 4 Bushels of Oats„ 0 15 0 21 best 0 10 0 3J beet, ••.• ••••0 7 6 For the best 4 Bushels of Peas...... • 0 15 0 2.1 best, . 0 10-6 31 best, ....•0 70 For the best Bushel ofmotey Seed,.. 0 10 0 2l beet, .... 0 7 6 31 best, .. e0 5 0 Fur the bat 2 Bushels Coro, [in Cub], 0 10 0 21 bee: . . . . 0 7 6 3J lest, . . . . . . . 0 5 0 e3J' best, • • ROOTS. Fur the best Acre of 'Turnips,• • • • 0 :J beat, 0 3d. bast, 0 For the best Acre of Potatoes, • • • 0 2.1 best, 0 3:1 best, 0 MAN[; F1CTUREB. For the best 10 yards resmestic ' Manufactt;,c,l C'oth, 0 . 21 bei, 0 sd hest, 0 For the best Petty of Demesne mode Blankcte, 0 2d °best. • .... 0 3J hest, '0 For the best 10ards Do•nc.=tic made Flannel, 0 21 best,- .• 0 3d best, 0 Tito above material to be from the Farm of the Competitor. For the best 25 lbs. Maple Sugar, 0 2d best, 0 1'ROSI'EC'1'US Or THE SECOND VOLUME Or 7112 CANADA FARMER; A Family Journal of Agriculture -Internal Im- provement -Literature -Science -General In- telligence -published every Saturday, at R. Brewer & Co.'s Establishment, Toronto, and is oow offered at the exceeding low price of ONE DOLLAR per year. . TILE FARMER was e,tabhehed to sup • - ply a want that hoe long been felt in the periodical Literature of Canada. On the ono hand, a majority of the weekly publications devoted their exclusive atten- tion to the politics of "party,'' • few to Religion -and kindred topics, and on the other. ono "magazine" poured met its monthly stores on the grand,inexbnustable, and vitally important subject of Canadian Agricttltore. Although itis impossibke to treat of pub- lic question without, in some sense, writing politica, yet the FARMER has not mad • - dled with ' parties' nor will it hereafter Ise. scrupulously avoid them• Its objects aro the interesting, the useful, the necessary. As agriculture is tho interest of first im- portance to the people of Canada, so is it awarded the first place and the chief attelar" Son in the columns of the Farmer. Eini- gration, Commercial regulations,Eduestion, Legi*dative enactment•, and all qucbuone bedring on the industrial pursuits- of the egostry come under impartial renews. - Short notices of useful books Inc.; literary idcctione, entertaining, 'reductive and moral ; the imprmcntcnts and discoveries in Science and the useful arts ; a •dish (sr the ladies end the Scrape Inc the boys ; the mar - 15 0 kets at horse end abroad, with the general 10 n news of the day, complete tbe'bill of fan to wbich we invite the attention of every '7 G family, in every town and township of 10 0 Canada. • 7 6 . The first volume has met with' ulte2- specteJ favour from the public end rho press. The encottinms of the latter, so liberally he -towed, would have console! tbe 15 0 , Editors with the belief that their labours 10 0 merited. had they not received encourage - 7 6 sten'. But the anbdan'tai support of the public Iran been such as to warrant we we 15 0 think in continuing thtkptiblication. 10 0 The eecoud voltamwill be impeder;to 7 6 the Brat in several points. More timo will .given to it by the Edctore, and a number of 15 0- pentane of the highest gnalifi, *tions have 10 0 promised their ar..iistance as corres7-ondeute. 7 6 A number will be rent as a apecimtn to any one requiring it by le'ter (or otherwise) Postage paid A II orders should bo sent ' 10 0 in by 1st, er least 5th January, so that we 7 0 may know how largo an edition to print. - The unexspectod demand fur tho back Nos. -exhaneted our e'.ition of the 1st volume tomo time since, and to prevent such an oc currance *Cain, wa hope our Agents and a' other. ,will sand Inward their orders with out delay. Subecrietioo 1111 in advance. Toronto, Nov., 1847. . 5 DISSOLUTION. RULES OF THE LXHia1TION. 1. Any Farmer withia the District. not e Member of this Society, by paying a donation of One Pound, shall be emitted to compete for any Premium. 2. All Subscribers in arrear to the Society, who may wish to exhibit anything at the Show are to pay the Treasurer the. sum of Ten. Shil- lings, on or before the 15th of August „ ail others to be admitted on paying the usual Mom I THE Partnership heretofore existing 1 of Five Shillings. 1 (So teen of Goderich, under the nam 3. An eubsenbec, having paid the su1serip- ‘,1 f LATSCiI. 5V k E148, as Cahine mon, and only such, to be entitled to contp.'c. Raker, ie this day dissolved by mutes 4. All Stock exh,b ied shell have been the content. All ontotanding debts due th firm, are requested to be settled withou delay -either of the unders-grted will wa. nn thein for that purpose : and those haver( demands against 'bent will present tbo. fur adjesunent, J.A(N)U LATSCJIAW. CHRISTIAN ERS. Gudoriel,, April 6, 2349. , NOTICE. -The above establishment ws be con tinerds nd carried On in .II it. branch c,, as heretofore. by the enbseriber. JACOB LATSCILAW. April 6th, 1848. 10.3 n. WA.TSON, Lona fl.ls property of the ErS:bitor a month be- fore the Show, and all other articles shown most have been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor. 5. All Subscriptions to be paid on or before the 10th day of Angast nezt.i 6 All Competitors for Prizes meet gine the Secretary notice of the demrription rr Stock ant Produce they intend to Show. nn or before 4 o'clock. 1'. M. the 25th of Sept.-nber. 7. All Stock and Produce to be on Show Ground by 9o'clock of the day of the The Society's I'LOUGIIING MATCH will take place as usual in October. R. G. CUVINGIIAME, Secretary. Goderich, April 12, 1848. 1 I TEAS, TEAS. • OF all qualities end et renews price*, by V T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 1848. JOHN 1. R. LiNTON, no TA*T replete, Onarnixcitnwr Qlur,f's .:rvtcli, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD._ I A TOBACCO. N eeteneivo stook which cheap for cash. T. GILMOUR lt CO. BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAV i"LICITo$ CU14'Ct:RT, RI'RIUTTCT, kc. (oFIOL JN TUE MARKET SQUARE,• `4111GODEItIC11• Feb., 18 37 I) It. HAMILTON, ur RUIt(1E0N, ) w' NIT MYRRH?. G O 1) E R 1 C Ii. For.. 1848. Jr 4 E. c; . W A T N (, N *ill au sOId PAINTFIt AND GI, 17.11: PAPER HANGER. lee lee. earesenalleineyerseetaireaiereffeeill 1 ,414104p,