HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-12, Page 1Ts 01111S.LINGfi t
Its •DVaOelt•
gtje louron igllat,
11 raa*TID •eta resLuneu •rear rain•r
sAattsT-sQUAaq soostarcu.
g.YAlf kinds sf Book and Job Pueu ad1a with
English and French languages,
neatness and dispatch.
From the London Telegraph.
The sues of Europe, hicb, in the eyes
of Lord J. RusaaLm., justifies the connate.
once of our vast military preparations, bo-
gus to manifest itself in disturbance and
alarm. There was a large and riotous as-
semblage yesterday at Charing -cross. In
Clcrkenwell, last night, there was another.
In Dublin much exciting language is used,
actually provoking
• and
the Tenses
revolt '
calls loudly, u t anxious to hasten the
fray, for the prosecution of Mr. Mirc"ent-
Uur Dews from Glasgow a still mora alarm
Providence, as they subdlil to the laws of
gravity and 'notion.
Be(urs the government prefer coercion to
Justice, it may bo as well to remember, that
the struggle now beginning fur political
rights in England to evidently a part bf the
general struggle to Europe. fhc wave
that was set rolling in Switzerland has ex-
tended to Italy, and has passed over France
to Eogland. Disturbance here is not an
isolated fact, it partaker of the character of
a general law. It is a contest between old
coercion and young freedom. It is one of
the last battles that have to be fought be-
tween the lingering battalions of feudal op -
and the rising liberties of industry.
ing. There the mob have broken loose,
they have armed themselves, and an insur-
rection as begun. There the dragoons-
& part of Lord lone Rusnnet: a establish-
ments -have been called into operation.
ahowing distinctly " the state of Europe,"
that requires the remedy of military re-
straint or military blood-letting. Different
from France, our government has the ad-
vantage of not being all concentrated on a
spot, and it cannot be overthrown by one
mob ; but the community 'offers this disad-
political grievances of the people: Perlia-, thing to do with us. 1f geerraplecal esu fusion o. caused •••• -- ------
vantage of riots and threatened non in nu- I meat well sce how soon an attempt of that' 1100, distantness of race ands dilfercnee'oI of so hazardous enterprise.`Lis dusky satellites, who straightway act In the next three years there will doubt-
nserow plates -Protracted agonies, which kind, a prom:ac of extending the franchise, religion a:u to be held as indiCatio°a `ot a1690.-Schca an the Dutch tette_ `
will are all the vigilance of the govern- I and granting rho ballot, will bring the bdy ! title; to nat:ooal iodepeolence, it is thea she question at telt for ever b): going an less bo carried out those seta which they
regsleet that by no people the world can meat. taken and destroyed. ex 'ln:ti in' cf whfch the t; llowfne is, the have all wished for years back.
mens, even if everywhere supported by the ! of the intelligent workmen over'to their • ..-January.' A party of two hundred purport :- lie had no doubt -Mr. Baldwin will not
local authorities, to suppress and cure them- tido i and that surely would be a more in thein cireumrtanecs ye pLt forward with Frooch and 'fifty Nunes, commanded by i " there is a ;dare on the Lank.; c, the present an. Uuivereitx Bilt teas, liberal in its
After all is said and done, what ms gained' msec means of instantly putting do+.° riots, more force than Ly the Irish to the English. , lYAlflebouf, lest Montreal, auJ' pruceedctl j soft! .l uwiog Unabsltx, ..not der fit i its . 'revisions than ho former! did, and. that
munity, what is gained to the I and a more permanent meant of preserving When yon speak,, however, pflalluw g b way c( lake Cham lain - *reeled. their Y 1 Y
y p P t confluence with the Suaga• I:anaah, which ho and his friends wilt bo ready to stand os
The boast is now heard on all sides that the I years, that the French had been at peace
" cowardly vagabonds" have had a lesson, with as the tta+ives.
and it would be well also If in the midst of 1672. -The erection of a fort (at Kings -
this triumph we could hear some acknuw- waston r) completed b Ontario
o de commenced,
tedgement of a lesson on the other side.Y
Nothing of the sort, however, can at pre- ether of Canada, in the following spring.
sent be recognized. l'erhaps it may come 1674. -Oct. 1. The diocese of Quebec
with reflection. Meanwhile the comforta- founded. It comprehends all the country,
Me and the lower classes have now teepee- know° et that time• by the name of "New
lively assumed a position of hostility which Prance,' and was eunstituled an arch -
will ultimately bring forth its fruits. bisboprick 11th July, 1844.
With regard to the tact that the London 1679-FurtificatiunscommeaceJ at, Niro
Chartists, by whom, with delegates from gar* by M. de al e'Sieur da la Barrel
the country, the above demonstration. was.loyal cherGov9 car of deCanada.
made, do not trul re resent the clews of
1 P r:..i- 1685. -The Marquis de Itouvllle appoint-
ed to the government of Canada, as iuccca-
sor to Sieu/ ab la Barre, who Lad returned
to Frame.
1686.-U:suline Convent, Quebec, de-
stroyed a second time by fire.
1688., -While the inhabitants cf Mon-
treal, supposing peace to bo concluded, and
totally unprepared fur any attack, es none
had been provoked, twelve hundred Iroquow
pressions the rnajority of their body, 1 feel Tery
Everywhere, too, the arms by which op- doubt, and 1 question if the country were
pressrun was formerly victorious are die- I polled if !1 would not be found that there
credited. Torture is at an end. 1Ve make ! ere more advocates of those broad peace
criminals comfortable car cur pneons.-: doctrines which recognize the unlawfulness
There as a terrible outcry against the gal- of resorting to phy tical force, or of di atroy-
lows. Our neighbours, amidst the acclama- ing human life under any circumstance',
tions of the world, have decreed the aboli- I among the so called educated ranks.
tion of death for political offence.. We' Thus much with regard to home affairs.
ham a of
dare not remain behind them in the race of As -respects Ireland there u nn c g !radians made a descent, upon the city kill-
humanity ; and d we must not put great prospect. The failure of the Chartist, de• l t and !1 waste all before them. One
and other criminals to death, how 'nonatration in London, and the plausible thousand Being
French aero stair, and
r previously _
a awC e
a° 7 burned
can w e jysbey-H to ourselves to shoos men • and; to the disappointing P twent six risen take" prisoners and
who may be innocently and honourably veyoJ to the Irish deputation by ,. Lamar- at the stake. I" the mouthy( October
strugglmz tor theta•=nights ? The dowufal tine, are bailed here as completediscoeragc at the
chow warriors made sctober
of Louie Philippe was, as we have nlready 1 meats to the insurgent canse-but the tine descent upon the island, killed iloltial
slid, less wonderful as the overthrow of a I adopted by all parties in England is So en ' of -the inhabitants and' took i number of
powerful monarch, than as the death -knell i timely one of defying taunt, that exaspera• riauocrr.
of the old system of governing mankind by ' tion is more likely to be increased than prisoner,.
" ---General Hospital Needed -Mt Qucbee.
coercion and terror. Is there any chance allayed by these circumstances. In the 1689. -September. temper. l fleet arrived. from
of its being successfully revived exclusively case of the'rub, Y in that o1 the Chutisty, I• FIASCO which was designed fur the destrec-
P•t them
j !f t
BE7"TEl}, THAN B1:AUT1'.
My lore Is not a beauty
To other eyes than mine;
Iter curls are sat tli. fairest,
Iler eyes are nos dirise :
Nor yet like rosebud. patted
Ili !ipso( love may be ;
But thbugh she's not a beauty,
.S'.he'a dear as ot.e to Inc.
Iler neck is far fromswenslike,
Ilei helium unlike snow ;
Nor walks she like a deity
This breathing %road below ;
Yet tlrere's a tight of happiness
Within, which all may see
And though she's amt a beauty,
She's dear as one to me.
1 would not elite the kindness,
The grace that dwells in her,
For all that Cspid'a bliodsess,
In others might prefer!
1 would out tb•nge her sweetness
}'era pearls of any sea;
Fur better fax than beauty
Is one Lind Lottie sive.
From the Oxford Star.
Mr. Malcolm Cameron being called on
to reply said -lie, Y the Modest unit•, felt
dill It • in addressing them. .'19,ie
snudesty was proverbial, but un his part sin.
tete ; tt was Mr. Ilincki province to -re-
spond to the tease, but as Mr. II: had al-
ready eddrecied them, the duty deeolved on
him, and though he (Idr. C:) is the Last
Corporal's Company cf the Adrntmstrution
he felt at his duty to return thanks for
1 the honour they bad done the Ministry.
The Reform Adminlstratii,a were plated
! in a situation. of the greatest responsibility,
' Ile was sure every evidence bad been given
that they posseeced the coofideace of the
Country, and they were entitled to hold
from that, that the choice made had been
lite best. Ile had already .previously allu-
' deJ to absurd rumours which were circula-
ted by the Tories ; lot w uuld allude . to
i another which had wide circulation during
• the time the Gurernrnent was being 1'urutedi
-when such talcs are confined to mere ru
mourn It is all well cnuugh, but this one was
, asserted as fact, and that is a dlf stent mat-
i,ter. 11 was sold that the lion. Janice liar-
+ very Prico'was a difficulty In the way -and
__ __ _- ; that most of the other members of the party
THE ORIOIN OF INDIAN CORN• refund to take him i° -this is a great'
I calumny, and rhe fact was directly the re-
• h t man more honourable
• more balmy than Mr. rice•
pipes and Cigars were l*ad aside for more ; •rhe office was pressed on .hien and on various
substantial refreshment, the mtruductiou ,accounts ho wished to Decline, but Ise raw
of patched corn among the condiments of his acceptance would give confidence to the
verse ; t ere 1a n0 a ,
When the hour of dinner arrived, and more able or m ecj 1'
F{+gPaTmd, where the middle c asses al the cry of rampant se -es sem- tion of Now York, while a land force was to our repast raised a discussion between the country, and tbareture yielded ; and having
dy loudly object to its vast expense ?- down ."'-im all that is heard ; and -1 win• stet' proceed b *ay of Lake Cham 'ain and.(alt ; } taken office he (Mr. C.) was certain 111x.
( _ pr y Champlain, chancellor" and m eel(. as to the Asiatic
1Ve think not ; and we counsel the parka- unable to get from any quarter a sante Y
ment at once to lay aside all meaner mat- tory reply se to our right to pit tbemdewn
tern, and begin earnestly to redress the it the majority aro disinclined to have any•
upon Albany. But when Siege do F rents- I car American origin of this great staple of !,ilea would give the higheet-aalisfactiof.
mac, the French general, a-nved at Quebec, our tanuerr ; and, upon asking the opmiuo Ile could tel them that whatever rumour
he rood the affair's of Canada in such tun- of Captain Gill as to bow the maize was `•
wind Ili Excellency was snort anxious that
design first obtained, the eIZInI def nodded 1unae til °Picea should be liberally filed.
governmeuit, by establishing a system of
lcoercioe ? When most successful, it docs
but tread oat of life all that is worth living
for, and tumbles in the end, like the Colos-
sus of Paris, into a melancholy ruin by its
own weight. We grant that the commu-
nity cannot thrive amidst riots and insur-
rections, but there are two ways of putting
them down. The rioters may bo shot, Im-
pnsoeed, or hanged ; or all reasonable de-.
muds may be granted, and the rioters
soothed -quietly incorporated with those
wbo love peace, and become the best friends
of order. Industrious labourers are as
strongly wedded to habits of toil as fashion-
able ladies to habits of dissipation. They
not only have • strong interest in the con-
tinuance of tranquillity, but its continuance
is fair them an actual necessity. Beyond a
day or two, or even an hour or two, they
have no means of subsistence. Ind moat
cases subsistence is the produce
labour, 'edit they labour not in tranquility,
neither they nor anybody else can be pro-
vided beyound a very short time with the
means of subsistence. They, therefore, as
the rule, do not break tato outrage, do net
become rioters, nor continue rioters, ex-
cept they are suffering, and unjustly treat-
ed. Before marshalling dragoons against
them it would be reasonable ospeak to
them, to Booth them, to inquire
of what
they complain, and if their complaints be
orJeq than the use of dragoons ? Ireland to be independent, t rep y march towards Schenectady; •a • setLewegl ' in former years, was an extensive bcavcr ;(elf by that measure. Ile alluded to Mr.
Jutely is, " You bit better restore the (on the Mohawk mixer, fourteen. miles Kurth-
Ileptarchy," and thio is cunsidered cuticle- LIon t from Albans , On their tuuto they inose 1tv.. 'Che"short turf eloped duwu al- }dincks' Sc.huol !Sill id connection with Lir
T1IE CHARTIST MEETING. 1 sive, although between the Kingdoms into t y most to the brink of the nota singloe ban! ±, ! Assessment Law. Had sheat been carried,
_1 suffered muco from cold, hunger, and fart- in this ,lace, nouri=h nut a rmelo tree, to', much u(the.preaeat machinery would have
which England was formerly split ,not one oe and when the arrived • in the neigh- 1been unneceof the.erary, and large fund. would
From the Cortespoadcnce of the N. Y. Spectator. I of those conditions w'hich,1 hand just enu g , Y sbedew bt waters. !tare, where they tuw ,
. Th. morning was a fine one but bitterly { metaled had an existence. A farther tori- ` bourhood uftho place they came to the con- over pebbles e r rmouth and stony that the have been derived (roto the wealthy. The
cold, with an easterly wind, which in Eng -I cluster of giving thewrelver up to the mail who wandering tell
eoealost rho margin, Lill. of the Fate Govenrmegt was passer) as a
mus illustration of ibe way in which,se llec'
Pe i mems can Rind both the moral and tntellec English as pnsoncra of star. But learning would stop to tellovb bar strings cf enol• . temporary tueasure to return the 1:50,000
!send pate every ono out cf temper. The from their scouts that the place was un- um and think •rho beads had dropped be=•
Chartist- processions, varying in number • tual otiose ieshow• in the fact shat the in- red for defence on the 8th of i'ebru- P + already appropriated ; .Dist tt Was not the, from b00 to 1000 each, took their departure, aurrectioD in Sicily, which has resulted in i tit eleven o'clock at night, they roads 1 tory, there cacao ono, day surae girls to Bill etas r. !!lucks.
bathe ; and one, the most beautiful of alt, !low great an interest bacto lgiotstry
anQe neral assault upon the toren. The im- I lingered behind her companion, to gather to bring in' a 11:11 such as the country de-
hoists} the magic words t r y, equality • path)? and' sari ac soli g ba itanta were completely taken by sur-! these bright pebbles frum the bed of time sire 1 the stashing u( toe Teacben thruuge-
spa glad tapper
Jin one instance theater I (ec of the the
that the size of Sieiost ex-
(hey leaped from theiar bedsyonly St p meet river. - - e out the country may be ehteatd. Thanked
banner had the honour of being . Iauvely to the use of Naples, is elmngA water -spirit, who had assumed the' thein for their confidence in the adreimstra- '
numerously followed• Wbtu the whole actly the sapte of Ireland to England, than'. who tomahawk and destruct kitten.whites' ferns of a musquosh, set slung watching her non, and their babel that they cavo the de -
had mustered, however, not more than 30,- p ty-! were ere n f e theta .IxI destruction. In this site to meet tl» kicw* of the people of true
heir proximity -to toeaeh other is closer from the shore. Ile looked at her sb:Dig.•
massacre °o leer than sixty persona perish eh ,.l itis at !tor J i+; :r Licks. and the n•rU!e 1. ravine '•
000 were present. A formidable mob, it is aid that no difference either of race or re ed, and twenty-seven more taken prisoners
true, but still. nothing that would terrfy ;,•
glen exists between them. b ' u `r " "`" t;, . n f):F
avid earned t Canada. 't'hos'e who c: cap , ;, Mr -
the eyea of Londoners, who are accustomed 1 need hardly Fay, in connection •girls the cd the '.ands or the 1'rerich and 'weans i. "m•d `'' `''t '''•' t • :r tit• t..l ••':•.t t : the
to look upon dense masses. shove remarks, that,nut ,ant can be more hubs from roc water, and a them l ••t•' l:u.am, .sae: fin ISA* let.... unit..• m.• Ju *•,
• r ;fled, nearly naked towards Albany lhrou,h . upon the green e.•J, ht, too, raised lumrclt
waS err ct. Mr. Cameron had wooded to
toward the eomwuu rendezvous at a her declaring herself independent of Naples,
o'clock. Sows bad tri -coloured Bags, some I has been watched with the strongest- sym-
' libe t lit ' iaf ti i° En Midi in the
' Ths papers will furnish you wffrctoraly ropugaaot to my mid than the destructive
with the details of what oca(urred--or rather rev ogs of those who are noir' urging' the
of what did not occur. A few words of ex -Irish oplo to rebeliibn, but that in no
poetiolation with Mr. Framer O'Connor, way a the question. a _1!w light of the
on the part of the police, and all was over.. walor►typf the people,. if they choose to { 11ortC! desire ed the tort at Daimon
110 had the sense to urge the crowd nit to follow such leaders, to give England notice tI in rte Iestrositirc, 0 lonI they killed thirty enamoured spirit pressed closly t., pursue t t bad 1',eq teotiy to carry us mit gra:o w
expose themselves to cerosin Jcetruellun to nit. tVhetbor the ma'ont arc reallyd and the meadow affording no ■tmrub our y
Dist to depart peaceably, and the petition fur in favourofreal it is int majority
to deter of the EDgli+h eolonista, nos took fifty-four cevertto screen her Com her carer Pur-
the 3,411 for Omar for tise'fvot! of their fast:
Pe ° risoncrs whom they earned captives t; tion.
the charter having been duly agreed to, It mine, but I a reheod that the number , ? i' r : r, r !:A turac l stain tea arta the ern a Mr.:.ce t ewers Chane., "t cur brut her
forthwith PD Canada had- 1 t utak for a Fp, t where the
a deep snow which had lance .he saint front he mossy nook whcrc he had been
night, and must of them were badly frozen. hidden, ad,r'econNing his Own abate, tan to using cdtsas • log Schad house ; but
--March 13. Another party of French " r wbo • he was yvwY ,-Ltu.p were no .lug
and Indians,under the trim rand 6icur embrace Ler, schools in the coaatry'-epuie tit t:, • di:a-
Flls,t "The maiden shritLcd and Aad, bat t, c , cultic* of tie early unless and t:.c.d:staaeo
off by the del
depoertd in a cab and carried wool bo found at least two to one. . she a v.'+ ar,- Reluniterr •.t Lower Ca,heda.''
agates to the 'louse of Com- Thn English papers hold out the prospect 1681.-I n the summer of this year a pa•rty wild dowgra rel tall a"d rankly by the
P Pa f A[ohawks led by Mayr Schuyler of.; R t t slit fulruwed Mr. esteems'' in returning thanks said
just, give them redress. mons. Meanwhile a message was sent off 10 Ireland that, if England were to allow Alban spade an attack upon the French ' moist. margin. IF to env,. snip a°old ave him so much satisfaction
byelectric telegraph to fans and was Jul yuin.- y' her; and, frightened and fatigued, the tori . g
It will be said that authority cannotY her to separate, it would Beal her settlements on the river Richelieu. 'They;po,a the firer pleas a 'cabled m him to put an
speak with armed notate. But is not au published in the Journal des Debs as, that i Thie conclusion may be doubted. So long wool! have punk upon the ground a+ be -st
tt itself armed ; has rt not always the people and the troops were in deadly ; as the'EDghrh benefits will be alikst••hatd. wJloot ea a ted bt6e oheaJllofscight hundred proachd, had she amt bac° supported by a leotiona to oma a been thcpol Me.t m bstant
tu°r conflict in tho streets of London, and that, P g
turned deaf eta to heir requests, unless Let compulsion cease ani the i►dvanta es meD several engagements took place, in 1 tuft of flags, while Iter ' •ec:z:Dg and tit her -under arm, the (realty,' hardships -car-
, by some kind of violence; and docs the result at that intimtnt was still doubt- I and habits which are now detested, even in them around •Let person t, Dao her
fol. while obey aro received, will then perhaps which about three hundred of tLo French ; g rand the twac"r: gust, a m fact Mr. N.
it not set ham the example of trying to were shun. Schuyler and his party fought' shame form grew thought he had taken the r+ . tC ilia bush.
from behind trees in the iodfnn giacney and thinner and Mone sounded ; herrdelicate feet' ( •
Otho 'bo twat iemtdet a tit a pre-eminent
sustained but very little loss. became indurated in the loose soil that open- b, d{'• Air- "idea was nota Reformer be-
" -October 8. Sir Willem') Pbips tom-, d to receive them ; the blades of the Jag lyre the Lower Caoadiaoe-so, °o -they
mooed an attack upon Quebec, and eon- . broadened around her fingers, and enclosed' were Reformerm when :here was no 17o.-
ti°ued it for several days, but spring 00 I her hand ; while the pearly pebbles that alma! Canada. Aye and loyal 1 the
prospect of success he abandoned ere h ter- held resolved the;na.clvee into nolky grains, Ile (Mr. C.) walled that the history of
prise and returned to Boston, where he ar- i ribs h were kept turcther ey the planted Lower Calla was more reed and better
Hued on he 1914 of Noveinbcr.•• •I undcatotart by Upper Cacad:ens, and thea
1693. -General }hospital founded _ats Que-coed busk The Dallied water -spirit sprang to seize !-they would not tw misled by aloe sail sena-
Bishop of upon trade. I " -Four brandied troops seer out from
bac by Monseigneur de Si. Vahbr, _second ! her bythe longhair thayet flawed in the i dilute' libels on their Lower .. it dears
There are two pointe, however, in con- France to Canada for lbs protection. of the l;iehop of Quebec, lea Reverends Alert St. breeze, but the silken tassels of the rustling 1 775. They would kuru wb•. S wawa
nexion with the matter, which call for corn- colonist from the predatory incursons of Aoch, 13apesieure. I •maize was all that lost Iiia grasp:' in 17 i5, when the Dl}4.rMrslny,h and SetiteA
mens, the first being the manifest eagerness the req "-Jsstfte Royale Court established at - _ nihubuauta u.
1 G rat f ntreaf
have their own way and obtain their end, by
dint of the bayonet or pike 1 That the
populace are armed, seems to us no more
on why the armed authority should
As far as a demonstration of physical 1 bo sought for and be imitated as a fashion.
force was concerned you will see that notb- I
ing could have been more contemptible; HISTORICAL NOTICES OF CANADA.
than the whole affair, and it is uequextiona-
b h n
• not yield
yield to them, if they domande be just, bid eainmthe various cities of the continent i (Court iled ur ate Morning Chronicle.)
than that Loyd 7. Ruesat.L should resit peep P f __
he majority of the House of Commons. the folly of permitting -themselves at and 1861. -The Seminary of Quebec satab-
Ths question returns then, Have the time to be taken by enrpnseby a merernob.
populace nothing to complain of 1 Is their it will aleo give confidence to all parties in liehed by t►l.ontmorenct, first Bishop of
total exclusion from all the political privi- this country, and thus have an immedintely Canada; f
leges on which tho other classes act such
a high value -all the means of protecting
life and property in the courts of law and In
lemma Indiana
the houses of parliament, beeaase they do
not Irve in a ten -pound house,-eothing 1
le u Iathieg that they should labour under
• perpetual strama of degradstao•, see hem -
selves excluded from juries, excluded from
all legitimate influences over those public
legislative acts which deeply concern their
welfare, while the power to govern hem is
coeferred epos the possaaor of acres and
hooses f 1f thew worldly condition, not-
withstanding their political degradation,
were prosperous, if they were many of the
slaves of Russia, so well off that slavery
seemed • kind protection, they would ears
little foe the d non that u decreed by
Parliament. t when they every day
knew and het all the bitterness of extreme
poverty is the midst of beadles. wealth of
their cteatlea, it in mote impoe.able for
them net to eotassei their polttital with
their social erudition, to consider the latter
f the f to
0 orsa.r, as
Y the a
sateen d
try and used it by a demandhill and
Neal pehtieel rights. Hunger makes revo-
lutions, end poverty sad distress in the mol-
titods ars the parents of charters and of
ogees. fit be said that the present
eos,dltion of workroom is a necessity
of reef a minted and a sterile soli,
a leo ronin population -for
and -toot
the sake of calmer. and peace let that
great, the all4wpnrtaat scientific or natural
truth, become apparent to the multitude,
by removing all those political degradations
sad excitement, to which they -nand perhaps
not unjestly, usee the other classes ascribe
their prosperity to the constitution, attri-
bute their social misery. When they
know the troth they *ill submit ru mor-
mariegly to the fate that ms discreed be
of the well-fed'classee, of whom the body
of special constables was composed, to deal
with the Chartists by fo: ce, and the second,
the great mistake involved in the supposi-
tion that the present demonstrrtion had the
concurrence of the majority of Chartists, or
indeed of any large proportion of them
either in England or in Scotland. I Beed 8,000 souls.
Among a vast number of the gentlemen! 1665.-M.
Canada, Seeurnt dont arcellc , Govov-
who acted as volunteers for the, proscrva-
tion of order, there was a palpable mantles- against the Mohawks, a tribe of the'ro-
tation of the complacent brutality of class quois. This expedition was undertaken in
pride, which is rarely observable among the the depth of winter, and the patty would
narrow needed London but is liar to tradosman- As to; hungerYorlbeen cutoff by herished ir Mohawkeold ,
the question whether the lean and ragge&! had they not fallen in with the Dutch settle -
beings by whom they conceived themselves went at Schenectady, where they obtained
threatened had any real grievances to com- I relief and protection.
plata of, it would never have soured their ! " A fort constructed by the French at { the distance passed down the inclined rail-
head. and any one suggesting such a powi- Chsmbly, wow a Seigniory is the Couoty Toew'orks. %VitenereesiegoppositeCraw-
way ,ending from Gordis to Glengarnock
would once have been looked upon of fi Iy.
as an equnocal al distracter. The Chartists IeRR•-In the spring of thio year another
o Mor I knocked hen down comppletely severing one
1 ' the 13 States rebelled he-
" -Canada made a Royal .otrrnmc o cause they had not the unalterable rights of
1663. -The Colony of Canada was this 1695. -January 15. A party Of 600 or I SispecrFD MCRDKR NIiAR DALRT.-A' Ilrma'wtlbject.-.-bucluse they had not !bat
year contituted a Royal Government, and 700 French and Indians pet out from Mon- I circumstance of. rather a psin1111 nature 1 which Mg6dtt Baldwin and his supporters
the Government, and the Governors were tical for the purpose of waking an attack : occurred near 'hairy, on the evening tit ihoueht weought to hate, the New penal -
thenceforth appointed by the King. upon the Mohawks. They proceeded by' Saturday, br early on Sund.e; morning.- leges in a Colony which they had at home.
"-Febv. 5. Earthquake in Canada. • way of Lake Champlain, and took and de-' According to accounts which have rear:,cd and which L;igland is D;iw tun enlightened
"-1'he population of Canada did Dot ex- stroyed several of the Mohawk strong 1 us, it appears that as a wurknran at one of to rutile,.. Their tikes Lower Canaolane of
holds, and made • number prisoners. 1 he iron -stone pits was passim; an u!! pit, French ungu, hatrn'g lull faith a treader
1695.-Ursulino Convent established at 1 Dear the highway, on the farm of K1•caholiu, of i ireat 'Amain, sustained ber puwur anis!
Three Rivers. he heard the groan. of a p••reon ap;,:rent.y in:untamed med her loot holds to Nurth-.twertca.
• 1698. -November R9. Monsieur de Eton -
procced.ng from the pit. (laving procured Ag.un n, lit 3, altboaigh tbo constitution
tenae, the third !royal Govoruor of Canada, I assistanci,, a person was ',merest down by wits nosutm factury,uiitopeof Justice -they
died aged 78 yearn. ' a rope, wI:on a gran eta: dircurereal at the again at J.t Cole en I. C.,atoaugeay and tau
J.A. 1'. 1 bottom, nearly -dead. Ho was im:nadiatcly : every uccanun rallied even wiib ibo pileb-
_' _ removed front the pit, but only aurtivcd a forks to defend the rights cad dignity• of
M RLA ]CIIOI,Y AcuusxT AT BK1T11.-Uo shunt time. It also transpired, in con- ti.cat Brame. Bat h..w weru they ,,,,,,,,,d
•Friday Inst, Duncan M`Keosie, mentor, In nexion with this melancholy affair. that the ,...bad they a uuntruul, or even rca.unablu
going from lkdh to !Ultimate, to shortendeceased, named Ge.11e. 1ev, a nal ire of Inc. inti Bence m their own affairs -wap the vuuee
land, had been Jrinkini and q tarrellod with '„i 40 ut ..0 to 11 in Parliament til L• C.
his brother, and that, being of a Viler held as seething agaiat the Raprwonta-
frame hae:his J a-hadteaat e -1.a,..0 m w:- int bacchants ...C. Mantua' asdnme .
sound beating; was afterwards. it is report- ljnobuc ihiuugh their partners to England-
• u --uh no.. . ► ar-
JNn 1 St D
been ucJ s U
• i ,
,a tit
England -
oil, thrown into l o {rot. Maytag.0 1
surrounded with a fent , it is premiered h."Dent was • mere screen for excretive
that the deed of throwin over the 'victim tyrar.y, If they approved the acts of
was a work of some daffier y . The deceits- ' Government, well, - 11 not, tl.cy were
ed has left a wife and family. God les, the resume that they had no right* an I norm
surviving brother, was apprehended ycsteir- t of the power of Ereeish freemen. Could
day morning in Dalry, brought to Karolyn- i you Reforiners of Canada wall stand lbs. 1
rick, and, after a Dmcognton by Mr. P. C. I Vo you did not, aid they Jhi out, they re -
gross, Procurator-Fm•,cal (}r that division of i uronstrate4, they' eeinaoded '• the linage
the:county, before Sheri Bell, has been , and transcript" of British Institut uuua ; sed
committed for trial t0 Ayr Jail. I they were desotanced as rebel!, they song..'
1 the advice of British slatasns•o, .cad thin,
were "low vagabonds," and that was the expedition was undert ken against t o .
one grand ides. hawk.. It consisted twenty-eight com-
Among the 150,000 special constables 1 panics of foot and all t e militia of Canada.
who were that day drawn out to wrestle { They traversed the country for more than
toe Indians
700 miles, n
i 1 m o
not lea I` "c a o
t h i
uses, l
t m probablytrued lying with t wretchedobs
s h he .
r F
d insets
. ,b
le 1
places, the swam P
foto omod-
o hew I n and
could of found who asked rho
meals a o Pe given, vweb of that crimp and recklessness whish that f w of them were deetr ed. The ex- his back. The alarm being y,
they were so ready to repel by blows had po.liti+n, however, had a beneficial effect leek aid quickly procured, a tourniquet was
been caused by vicious parentage, by ne-
education, by the contamination of
our prisons, by a system of punishment
which seta the example of revenge, by the
temptations of want in the midst of profn•
cion, by the scorn and loathing manifested
in avoidance if not in words, and, in short
by the long neglect of all these donee
which society owes to its weaker members.
of ll,s hmb'which ryas 'cit upon the line,
and pmtchod im over thu embankment. -A
little girl, assmg at the time, found the
limb on the rail, and, on looking over the
applied to prevent forthor loss of blood. -
The uofortaoate than was brought to Berth ;
and, so soon is the haat of the body was
lcatored, and circulation returned, which
ook place in about two hours, ampotatton
above the knee was cleverly and skilfully
performed. We aro happy to .ta'c that he
is doing well, and .1 mow neatly out of
danger.--Atbunreuc+ Journal.
upon oth parties. The French being ex-
hausted by fatigue and expense, and the In-
disns duipteased at having their country
overrun by their enemies, both became dis-
posed to a reconciliation. Accordingly in
the following year • treaty of peace was
concluded, which lasted for several years.
This was the lima time since the founds -
tion of the colony. a period of fifty nine
Frear :\RRI%it. raox t. -.Th elite 755 oven co1HCrratltti Iuade.s raphe.!, yw.r
legitimate noscdy is a rtoppsge •.1 sow .•lip
tI o frees Gsgtiw, arrived to Quc e*. They did stop teem, and *net two' it
1 p ar rho Int of May. Tho .11fiioa saA Vbv the Isrcu-the boat -tit what wits
t'onrtdra wcrc:n night. •
t timid
id not
!t Jack
ors had
i with
ry Aim
Dose of
010 a
mark i''
A neat
';e, who
'Ors hi
Ston. --
J ;wen
hieh a
rew ing
rid W
Mand -
k -
J rft
a d