HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-05-05, Page 3be w etlar te- le Ire Imo rattier ern l•tbi gI yet so meistl three -ss geafr! is his . llkit ad yee se eel .' •t1Md cad entire There ars a t ermend noble trait* about hie therm - ter. Ilek generally bo•pftable-oaf and drlak wtt1 hien, sod he won't e•t a mark on thio we know wttl-you are were will do you a kind*., without • retard by limy of coat penpa- ties. rr. not so wit everybody. generally more basset and mere, lose di4- pond to deal is low and esd.rbasd Bos- s , than many we could name He Eifel soCl.ty Its support -is the firmest pillar that sustains the edieu of goverment - he 1. the Wad t4 nature. Look at len ie Me bhs if you will robutl`believe sit, be on latish beet tfb. pleases ! Tatum Peertsme. -T'he prleens of Paris took an active part in eke lass re. veloMee•. Tb.y were foremen is the Agfa - Ng tasks a erywher•--lesdieg es aid en- e'040101, a- ch ,* des pwpcs ie to s•bl•the glosea•• whit of Insert eroweed their ARM. Wonsan but fool proud ef set ION, MM, tarn 1sd the ,majority of iter igbtte1 with pee or award, as tbeierwt ep M tea tM IMrtles of the doene-treeire messes. Our raiders may guess ilea Me 1004111 of Parb'look when we NOON 00 Hisses •even el their number we* had le the -osemaahes Three Dame, tepee& 'of 40 sentees lest Sher rings eogeis stell1be •ppe MAIIMallik#1111111111&1010111seday sena et M • In the ad d the river Seise 7. About *menet, a unusual !sdgeS••l el sail waft taste rep the ever, said, oath! to the sad, were oe ales to turn to ender sed, cous•gtweely wen le full -view el tie sitT. The Met nember- el over elety newels, ad peeuSStert•de w et grana sed Isrpedsg Ib.Mr of snits *bat we ever beheld. It was with nisch d1e0•aty that strawb•ata conld.pe•s among them. / iy el the gospels eatse tbreogl the Will sif Clonal is vete "nog':" and a gentleman aboard of one of artery told es Int when thee esus tato the . Labe, they counted thirty ether sail at se groat die. tans, making a swain of oigbty venni. Sonne fifty or Silty d the spot have pars- ed op for Chicago far bailees. -Detroit AbeertL.e . Iloratrpa ow T71• W.LLa+o.-We 4..r*, no the athority of • gentleman, who 'lunge eternity was tempted to nest true, that oo Its. thea eighty eeboeo•ro paned tbroogh for Winne easel on Mon- day last : they wen all bound wsetwerd, h quirt offers and produce. This fact au- gers well for oar sprint toads.-Bressford teL Three thousand emigrants left Liverpool for America during the week lading March l6, attd'Medley more were to, leers the masteteeL' Sisty-illi oak els• wbo ban distinguished tbdmelegah 'teethe campaign* of Mexico, banners voted swords by the Legislature of Virginia. The Zsiteawlle C•erier rates Shot a flash of ligbtoiag pi..ted the *1ogtrph 0600 et that pine. paned thaeo fr thatmaBmet.isat- tag it 'rices red hop and thea went of ma very suet' spial wire awed t. a spring. Salting this, t issidism ee t of the open mistser.elsMihai• e..t-;, :,. lite rr•e :.The Pro Mei- borne e - borse;• at the beach at, acieee,le full of water. She loaded with • bo. of wheat at Chicago, whickwill he .a total lea. Her 'tern is stove in, end lit small boat forced into the ladies' . 1t Is •apposite mares/ease oeferie meshed ABOLlTIo- OF'etLAVII?:li:l.s FRENCH REPUBLIC. The followfsg is an estimate of the slave population of the Freoeb dolmen, sow hberat.d by donee of -the new Republic :- Marti ' r'Mtars a slave- population of sues••., 117,301 Ona•datoepa•.•.......92009 Guiana 16,862 CICID 1 Clerk, 0 WPM is 7th M.y, ei U j aid M Streaky (Leeks Lead).1 Menu 6Bewism 64Pei 37.1848. ,flaxkttz. Tourers. key 1. Flour, per barrel, 190 Ms 19s esti 1121 ed. Oatmeal, per barrel, Inks 17e Send SO O. Wheat, per bushel, 60 Ib. Os 8. and 4 41. Rye, oar bubo!, 56 abs 8. Os and O. 4d. Barley, per bushel, 43 the 2. 6e and 1. Pd. One, per blithe; 341de 1. 8s and 1e I8 . Peas, per Silsbee 80 lbs 9s 4. ' and es 4d. Potatoes, per bushel, 3. 80 and 4* ed. 8es1, ppt cwt, IIs &end 374 lid. Port, per 100 Ibe 10. Oa and this Od. Tlesotby, per Hebei, 60 ab. 4e nand 1. Od. Run, per lbs es O. and 0s Lid. Hams per err' elle Os and 40. 9d. Lod, per Ib 0. 4. sad As 4d. T 1s Yost, 'April rt. -Ashes seedy t. -dry 04 S the pe% end 107 71 a 7 871 for pearls. .:.-afrritiCT CONTRACT. A. the SRIIXIE *ennuis the River Avon, le the village of Stratford, beee sot Wee Let by Tender u preeieualy serertleed, the ' Srh•criber ie now prepared to eater bio PRIVATE CONTRACT at any tune 'with toy Mechanic wbo within to contract kr the eompletios of the work. Plan and Speecifieation wit! be .neo at T. M. Daly's, Stratford, or at the office of the sab.crtber is Goderieb. Offers will be received per - neatly, or by letter, addressed to DAVID SMITH, District $artreeet, H. D. Dotucr Sciv*Toa s Orrrcz, Gode'ich, 9nd May, 1848. 141d P. 8. Early application is required and will be attaoded to. D. 8. reeri na:TO LET, THAT- Substantial and Comatorlioms Hesse lately occupied by Capt. O'Cot- sor tad Jobs Post, eierchset Terkr, M Light -house street-. ALSO FOR SALE A valuable Lot is Maio Street, on duets - goose terns. Apple to WILLIAM WALLACE. Goderich, My 4th, 1848. Htf STOLEN OR• sTRAYED. BOUT the Ora of April from the press - tees of WILLIAM BELL, Stanley, Londe* Rod, a Yob orOxe•. One black, with a Bell, and the ether red and white, with the 101 eye nearly 841ad•-•*try informa- tion te.p.eting them, well be thaokf•lly re- ceived by tbe either, oe at the Signal 00e.. Godencb, May bib, 1847. 14.4 • . OTICB. RS, ..tatIghtinnalipail Albrtliee a4, Law, qqt I {Belirritere 1. Chassery, ted 1lt rept- deb taw iii :ua ,af oruaa istne , C.`'w Jots JTmataas, Gvdsrkh. Damn Hors Iplw, fiutttford. Oolerich, April 110, 1148. 6se1 $mmonITH'S a&40P, ac. TO LIT, AT ITR&T_FORD• Tr 1 5cbroker being seems s to retire 1 from busisees, wisest Te LIT the well known BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, Sheds, and DWELLING UOUBE, stowed is to west end of the thriving town of Suittord ; *eh the goat will of the business. The above premises bare been for many years occupied, and the ran of business Is equal to the best steed 1s the District. The lease way he for u *teen yesn u may be agreed us. TM Tools, Iros, kc. will also be dis- posed of. Rest msderste. • JOHN SHERMAN. $* *tferd, 17th Apsil, 184i. 1St( THE 9 jest re REITER, gerttsed for w d..me weeks put tee Herne Signal is having streak Me or pension about the med- dler int Srps.mber. wap be oar by Pik•is Auction es tae Glebe Let, Battled Raid, se 12 o'clock, ea Setarday the FIFTEENTH day of May, to defray espeasea • JACOB WILLSON. Odense, WJiiii! IS. mus. 13.4 At r .r.^.trifileir I le ig : a1 TltreMwan. ]fern T>1es . hoe .not yil,bpss heard of. S1osiw s(. 10rta- pwkahie tied are Mill b eierelaties. Use, W body was takes out of the Canal cod that it was 'impend le bad committed suicide, bas ualeekily foeid its Wes to the prey .d trey, for a Lim•, Iran. the *petiole etiole *terries eases the to assr t whore then 7 ....,Deeds• Hook, of M 7trIR. Moo =songtt Cans.! oar Cautactr.-- After a time considering my eitOation. I be- get to pat down my thoughts hi writing, maim • sort of debtor and creditor accost d m poeitiot, thus : E. I am thrown upon a desolate is - tie a blend to speak to. I am singled dist to be a Siegle woman, when I h4 b•ve'bees a wife tad a patent. Theta I have thil correlation. - Thirds so 1/ejy eeandaliasa m.. 1 might /rye bass married only to &brute, rod been [ grandmother at eight and thirty. Aod se summing ep this short account I bt, as toss dear mother used to nay, bettered her censers, that much t • $J os both sides. , 1 _ H tT ' l ,'8.v. a n(n's, %*I4 ..g1. t 07ei ! ! i bated. Ttnea.•o•A this repteenieh for ut.ta.ce, Oda hese ot: a nesse tlreied to °etch 18s ttyta1014 raise • flows, .d light stanch. to te (tmteed es ekes, fee the `01 urea , • t>Inre r. eel .sen .n. s !'t arm!• 'et,t )woe - blink a Miift.l apineemeee Bsseesei< always keeps i4 hand. Wore be Samna.,. ., • firet tiVort oezt entitle de the 1st Bides* Court will be beldat the Goal, Ged.- rir.h, on Saturday the 3rd June next. 4. F. MORGAN, Clerk a la D. Ceara 0.14.6`s 1, 2811/ 1N4 ' l i 1 . t0 se orchis who was "Fire awsWwtd as iss M.h Meek., F' w Yes 4 ger*m=0'ii ions vt.wwieurvol., i ei tknafr n. tMl wSell h *8lie =btrairs NOTICE. J. RerLEDGE, & CO. SADDLE AND UAd1E$S MAKERS. B0(} v ietlm.11 intuition. to the int tantn of Oder stud surrounding country, that they hen eommo.ced business as the pre- seine reseisee lately oeeupeed es the Division Court U6ce. wham they will contrail have os basil se auortmesl of SADDLES AND HARNESS, and all other articles is theireine of busi- ness, wbicb will be sold at moderato prices. 07-A liberal discount will be allowed to all ease purchasers. Gadencb. April 18, 1848. - 16tf NOTICE. irk fast tulles Selmer AMHERST- 1 BURGH, Capt. Wer•wiek, will Cave Ham- ilton Monday first dky of May. sod Toronto 2d of May, ted will take Plungers and Goods foe Go4.nc8. Goren, April SI, 1848. • 18 NOTICE. THE Subscriber is about diseootiseing business as Blacksmith in the town of Goderich, and hereby notifies all those in- debted to him, that they will be waited upon for settlement immediately ; aid the obstinate ones who disregard this intima- tion will be handed over to that etliciott Dicer the Clerk of the Court, wbo .111 perhaps effect a uttlemest a more costly sod leap favourable terms. HENRY ELLIOT. • Goderiek *April kb, 1848. 11If NOTICE. HA • ill R AMA' OF rut HURom 1NlTRIC? AdtiiCUL- TVRAJ. atheCJLTT. Tris HARPURHEY BRANCH el the Beata Drente a AaelaeNnssi lied" wall Mid a Memos fa the $ethanes of FARM STOCK, kc. he . lee. .184,. Amos o Tanen, Uarparkey, es Friday, keret. Se, 1848. For the purpose ei Areedgiag a.d Award tag PRIZES for the ,area .laa.e4 aN .nodes berOmaftar twtiee.4 s-• FIRST CLASS. ALL Ancona and Ancoa dor to the subscriber that remain unsure on the first of May out, will be handed to the Clerk of the [ ivieies Court fur collection - ROM ROBERTSON. Goi.rich. MOM 4, 1845. 101 SEALED TENDERS wile by terceived by Messrs. 3ebs Holmes and Robert Gibe boss, or tbe Subscriber, os the part of the Municipal Cooscil, for Me Distract of He- ves, until Saturday 13th day of Map, 0411 o'clock noon, when the 'readers Wille he opened at the Bntisb Hotel is the tows of Ooderiob, for the lellowieg works, 11 t-,• let. For Repairing parted the Read be- tween the 1 and 9 congestions, tolerable of Goderieb. arid. Fels Repairing part of the Hiro Read freeitle t 29, Neared concession, to the tows et Wdaiek, pmt of wbieb will be Orseeled.: - 3,d. Forklike, a Flame Bridge across a stream on Lot 3., iiltland coaeeualon, township of Geduld'. 40. For cleaning the ditch on the youth - fey Or el the Road l.s4ie` from the Mait- re(' Bridge to the taws d Ooderieb. 6th. For repair** pert of the Read M. twee the 3 and 4 0ooee04oe4, Goderieb, Lot. 26 mid 26. 6th. For Reducing a hill between the 5 and 6 eb.Oeasioo. asd Lot 10 sad 10. Plans, Specification and Form of Ten- der, may be even at the British Hotel six days before kttinQ, or at the mired of the subscriber, is tiedericb, es or before tbe said 13th day of May next. The works will be laid out in Sections : Teodoro meet •peaty the *umber of Sectio* Tendered for, ad toot be is due form. The hese for fioie8isl the above work, will be.fated is the Speci6catlons. DAViD SMITH ` "" .DAVID sor,.yer, ff. D. Drarescr Sterefitoa'e Orrice, (hired, 15th April, 1848. - S Ge1114 ani o siko seprimb wow _1 ,.,- • For the best Entire Horse 2nd do. For the best Brood Mare awl Foal• 9d do. do. For the best Two-year old Filly • • • '!oil do. do•••• For the best Yearling do• • • • 2.d 410• do•••• SECOND CLASS. For the beet Bell Ind do 0 46 0 For the beat Milch Cow having bad a Cap is 1846 Ind best t••• For the best Two-year old Heifer calved after the 1st Jan., 1046, end best.. For the bait Bull Calf calved after the 1st Jemmy, 1148. • • • and beet. For ate best !leder Calf calved after the 1st January, 1848 . • • • 0 1 i 0 2.d beet.. 0 7 8 For the beet Fat 0*.... ...... • • • 0. 15 0 end do. 0 7 8 For the best Fat Cow 0 15 0 2nd do. 0 7 6 THIRD CLASS. Poe the beet Ram. • 0 15 0 Sed do... 0 7 8 For the beet pair of Ewes basing suckled their Lambs till the let of July 0 10 0 9nd blast. 0 7 6 For -the beet r Ewe Lambe 0 10 0 a.. 0 7 6 For the best Top Lamb 0 10 0 god do. 0 7 6 FOURTH CLASS. • f CUT NAILS. 4f CASKS CUT NAiLS, assorted Nis- ` -e es, for sale by the Subscribers, whole sale tad retail. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Ciodetich, Mirth 17, 1848. STRATFORD HOTEL, .. rakr•+d,¢i • ..WO"' IfAY, jldltra,W Reed* sad sM 1 685{ 1 y0 erneys trates tb. BRiCH TA Mast .81 . e o[ 1[u ljrows, at the d where t s. d. 1 10 0 O 15 0 1 0 0 O 150 U 15 0 O 10 0 0 15 0 O 10 0 HMO DISTitI AGRICULTURAL BOCIZTT• PlerM11 Marot IOM. If BEQ181T1081 of CATTLE, QDS. DOMLYTiC MAIWPAcrtnuc$, 41:e 410. will M bele at 0;.104.4► es Te«isy are fair Beetorier Isle, .►.. the felt wing FRLIII WS will be maser • 1101611041. t . d. for the Me 5,..484....4F..1..... .. 1110 0 14 beet, 0 11 0 Fee M berg y.er W Fi11p. 1 M 0 SIbee... ...... . ...... 0 11 0 34 beer. .. 0 10 0 Fee the beet It yeas aid Colt,......... 1 0 11000 0 e. 94 b.. 3J beet. ......... 0 10 0 For the beet Sees's(' Tarte lines.,.... 1 10 0 bbest,. ... .................. 100 0 3J beet,,... .... 0 15 0 CATTLE - Fr the heel Mirk C.., 9d beet, •.• 34 beer..• For the beet 2 year ld Heifer 1 10 0 fid beat 9d beet Fer the best Yearling ditto, 2nd beet, O too best • Fre Me bat Bell. O 11 0 9d bee 3dbest ..... ................... O 7 6 For the best Yoke of Working Olss,.. 1 00 0 2d best .... 0 15 0 O 130 93 best,. .• 0 10 0 For the best Yoke of 3 year old Steers, 0 10 0 NOTICE. A PPLICATION will he made to driest $sarins of the Provincial Legislature, for Imre to berg toe Bill to cooeutote and form the following Towsebip. sad Gore, and Block of Land, via :-North Euthope, Reath Easthope, Downie and Gore, -Ellice, Blanabard, Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert,- Welleeley, Moreimeton and Maryborougb, ad Weston Ulla Wilmot, ad the Block of Land behind Logan, -into a new, Me- tric'. ALEX. MITCHELL. Bec'y of Committee. Statford, [Baron), let of April, 1843. s nottibteLselbe rall ..f i.e w= g 1.tei M. iYtese bittssll that Ille ni reties el Wise sit Ltpere is 'meal to .y M the e.ortry, ad iStabltng department M of the mint a descriptive..M 114114 1k011, h Ape). II1k I1 „'' ' N O T T C , *.tv ed • i• errew; 10m6 TO CAPITALISTS. 1 0 0 1 00 0 15 0 10 0 100 7 6 50 10 0 7 6 50 16 0 10 0 76 O 7 8 For the best Boar • • • • 2nd do. For the boat Bow h►virg bad. Pigs in 1848 Ind Mat 2d best, 3d best, For the best Fatted Oz, !.1 best, • • • 7- 0 7 6 . 0 5 0 1 00 0 O 150 id best, 0 le 0 For the beet Fatted Cow or Heifer, 1 00 0 fel best, e 0 15 0 3d best, . SHEEP AND' HOGS. For :be beet Ram, 24 bat,. O 10 0 1 00 0 0 15 0 3d best,.,,, . 0 10 0 For hest Ewe., (Pee el 2.) Breeding, • • 11 000 0 2,1 beat, 3d best. ....... 0 10 0 For the best Boar 100 0 2d beet . .epee•....... 0 10 p the best, ...e....•••••••• 0 1 10 0 Foe e best Sew, .... 24 best. 00 115000 3 .el, 0 10 0 1 0 0 F« tbb best 2 Fat Wrongs. ....... O 16 02d hest,. 0 7 6 3d be 0 S 0 O 16 0 O 10 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For the beet 2 bush'. of Fall Wisest 0 16 0 end do do. • • • • 0 10 0 For the beet 9 bushels of Spring Wheat 0 15 0 Sad best ........... •• •• •• 0 10 0 For the best 2 bushels 8iks4Ye Spring Wheat 0 IS 0 2nd beet. -0 10 0 For the beet 2 bushels of Barley• ••• 0 10.0 end do. do. ••• 0 7 6 For the best 2 bushels of Oats••• • 0 I0 0 2.1 do. do..••• 0 7 6 For the best 2 bushels of Peas 0 110 0 god do. do 0 7 6 For the best bushel of Timothy•• 0 6 0 For the best 20 Ilse. Clover Seed•• 0 15 0 For the beat 10 lbs. Swedish Tor - nip Seed 0 10 0 Rod best - 0 5.0 Fpr the best 12 Roots of Mangle W urtzel ... 0 • DAiRY PRODUCE. For the best 26 lbs. Balt Butter • • • 0 15 0 end do. do. 0 10 0 For the best 6 lbs. Fresh Butts• • • 0 10.0 end do. do. ••• 0 7 6 For the beet 95 IM. Cheese. • • - • • • 0 15 0 Lad de. do. 0 10 0 DOMESTICS. Fer the but 10 yards manu1aet4r- Valuable Real Estate bereisafter Ttiaes tioned (formerly belonging to Mr. W. J. GEAai), will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, at Outdoor of the Court Hoose, it* the Town of London, on WEDNES- DAY, the TENTH day of MAY nett, et 1e o'clock, noon, vis : TOWN OF GODERICH. *0101' DIWTIICr. Lot No. 11, is front of Creeeset, emtasining 384 perch... Lot No. 6, it frost of the Crescent, con- taining 38} perches. Lot No. 4, South ode of Feast Street, with House sed Stable, } of an Acre. LM No. 16, North *de of West Street, with hoose M Stable, } of an Acre. Lot No. 16, South sada eif Kut SerSet,witb • bees.. sod Stable, I of as Acre. Afar ewe IDi theadr leedde l♦ - f 4r' Mas Ms. MICE& el 01411i1111111, afll Anse Saltie the Imes without keen esd wtthen1(1 .*peso.•; and also all those hula( aupleatC s8.. s .I..t the above Ewaa am mitten MMaedistety to prones the ere for A4estment to Jew Haim. 1SMehell, Meaei 044002..4 oret \-4- • teethe stheielethe I 60 .d t:4oth.. • •r 0 god best 0 For the best 10 pends Flannel.• ••0 tad do. do. •.-• 0 For the best 20 lbs. Maple Sugar • • 0 9nd do. do. •• 0 towrieLW' OF COORNE. lemon eraLIiBreacr. Smith put of Sleek A, le the Western Dighiee, (intim* to t mortgage), costain- ime Loot Noas. 23, in tbe Maitland Coneesslo., of the Eastern DivMbn,170 Aeon. GORE OF THE TOWN? OF LONDON. Some Park Lots in the Gore, near the Newmarket Tavern, costarring *4 mad 6 Aci.st sack. TOWNSHIP 07 OARRIA. waarsee oor*ICT. West half of Lot No. 1, is dm 14 emi- ssions, elestaiif.g LOO Ann. TOWNSHIP OF PLI MPTON. ' East half of Lot 19, it the 14th cesees- esetradog I00 Ascan Teams or Asa will be meadi knows et ap 6c$tion to the eob.crlber, hod the Till. =nein d the said property, and other peril • cetera, my be examined at the oiliee of Mews. Wrens k Rivas., Sarristen, Lwgatl, C. W. 7 M V iaM Tata at the side IIIdiM, ii.ery ieaid•, will haw please pay in eat innalmen a tiger dee, to the .a.L, aged. ids is heir oBpw.red to ssm9414e pgppmpte•fer tills, tai moire the p.r.IMe. w _ Deetetigs ,1045. lif a N 17,43/471,A11.17, 1 TT011itlir JJp 1ARSJYTZR et Lttgr CMsaaFe Are y- atao•r we 10* Stresee.i. 17 • f at n .,it ....w 10141 10,o 10 0 100 70 10 0 7 6 RULES OF TUE EXHIBITION 1. Aoy person receiving a Premium for any of the above-named Grain and Peas, to be obliged to sell to any member of the Society, if demanded, Ten Bushels same as the sample shows, at the highest market T)IV COURT BLANKS, pH! NTED oa •supeetorqua thy of paper, fur sale at the Harm Stgen •r chip We Csah, Oodericb, Jas. 90, 1848. 1 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY hemp foi- l- about 1,609.000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout most of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 600.- 000 Acres are situated in the Baron Tract, well known as the of the moat feriae parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in five year., awl sew contains up- wards of 20,000 in halitosis. The LANDS are oared by way ' 1 L E .4 8 E , for Ten Years, or jor Sale, CAB 11 D 0 D.A.-Me piss • i owe fif1A rail', and the balance in Malal- went. bring stows away with. The Rent. payable 1st February rich year, are about the interest at Biz Per Ceot.upon the price of the L..d. Ups most of the Lots, when LEASED, Nt) MONEY 18 ENQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the, others, according to locality, one, IWO, or three years Root, must be paid in advance, -but thew payments will tie* the Settler from further calls until end, 3rd or 4th year of her term of Lease. - The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD duringthe term, is enured to the Leases at . led sum named in Lease, and an allowance is made according to antici- pated payment. Lists of !.ands, and any furtber informa- tion can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post-paid) at the Compeer'', Orrice., Toronto and Godcrfcl ; of R. thane LL, Esq., AspAadel, Colborne District ; Dr. Awi'u, Gar1pl, or .1. C. W.'DALT, Esq.., Stratford, Huron District. Goderich, March 17, 1848. GRAIN, SEEDS AND DAIRY. For the best SO lbs. d Salt Better 0 15 0 2d best. •... 0 10 0 3d beet, 0 7 6 Fee the best 40 lb. of Cheese0 100 00 ed beet, ... 3dbeet,....... •.. 0 5 0 For the best 10 Beaker Fall Wheat.... 3 00 0 2d beet, 2 5 0 34 best, 1 1b 0 For the best 10 Busher Spring Wbest, 2 00 0 2d best, 1 15 0 3d best, , 1 5 0 For the best 4 Bushels ,Rye,.. • •• • 0 15 0 Si best, ... 0 10 0 idJ bele.....0 7 6 For thlbe.1 4 Bushels of Barley0 15 0 2d best, 0 10 0 31 bast, 0 7 6 For the best 4 Bather of Oats,. 0 15 0 24 beat . • .. 0 10 0 3dbear ..... ................... 0 7 6 For the best 4 Bashers of Peas 0 15 0 2d best .. 0 10 6 3d beet, 0 7 0 For the best Bushel of Timmy Seed,0 10 0 2d best, .... 0 7 6 3d best, . .. . , 0 5 0 For the best 2 Bushels Coro, [ia Cob), 0 10 0 2d best, . 0 7 6 . 3d best, . 0' S 0 ROOTS. price. 2. The Malarial of the Domestic Manu- factured Cloth and Flannel to be produced from the Farm of the Competitor. 3. All Subscribers, having paid their subscription, and only such, to be entitled to compete for any Premium. 4. Bulls must have a ring or screw in the eon, with a rope or ebain attached to, pre- vent accidents. 5. Heifers with Calf at foot may show as Heifers. 6. All Stock exhibited .ball have been the Esta Me property of the Exhibitor • month before the Show, and all other arti- cla..hown mast have been jeodueed on the Farm of the Exhibitor. Any person violat- ing, or attempting to violate, this rule, shall be rendered iocap.ble of competing m any future occasion. '7. Asp person neglecting to pay their 8obscription on er before the t7tb of June, will be debarred from competing or entenog for any Premiums oared, mien tbey pay to the T es•seer, two weeks before the Cattle Oboe., a sear equal settle proportion wbieb such .ub•cripties paid, a els bei ore that date, would have secured from govern- rentorother names, es se to place their M.ertptieee oo the same footing as that of others, wbo p■ in time to get such .44441stt to the foes. 0. All Competitote foe Prises most give the Secretary notice of the description of Stent or Feeder they intend b .bo., be- fore the day of Exhibition. !. RII Stook end Prodaa M- Men the Show Grimed by 10 o'clock a the day of tier abort. The thew to 0ometeaes at 1! d DODO. '• Ills d s PLOUGMING JIIA R rsii! Mb es in 0.toie►. G. THOMPSON, 8sereterj, if. B..1/. 8. SarpoS.y, 711 Apron 1046 IS Fyn the best Acre of Turnip•,• • • • 0 15 0 2d best, • • • 0 11.0 3d, best, • 7 nor the best Acro d Potatese ,••• 0 16 0 MI best; 0 10 0 3d beet, 0 7 6 MANUFACTURES. For the best 10 garde Dement Mastifeetared Cloth, 0 15 0 2d beet, .• • 0 10 0 3d best, • PROSPECTUS 7 Or TM$ rCCOND TOLUM' Or Till CANADA FARMER. A Family Journal d Agricaltere-!stento! jun- • pwvement-Literaters ekieeee--deaenfIn- telligence-published every Saturday, at R. Brewer di Coes Esubltelimeat, Toronto, iod is Dow offered at the exceeding low price of ONE DOLLAR per year. O 7 6 For the best Pair of Downie gide Blankets, • 0 15 0 2.4 best, O 10 0 3.1 beat, 0 7 6 For the boot 10 yards Do'neetic made Flannel, 0 15 0 r 2d best, 0 10 0 31 beat, 0 7 6 The above material to be from the Farm of the Competitor.- For ompetitor:For the best 15 lbs. Maple Sugar, 0 *0 0 ed best, 0 7 6 THE FARMER was estnbiished to sup- ply a wast that bas long been felt in the penodieal Literature of Canada. On the one hand, a majority of the weekly publications devoted tbeir exclusive atten- tion to the politics of "party,' a few to Religion ad kindred topics, and oo the other. orae "magsztne" poured out eta montbly stores on the grand, isezh.aatabke• and vitally important 'subject of Canadian Agriculture. Althougb it is impossible to treat of pub- lic go*.tion without, in noen sense, writing polities, yet the FARMER hes not med- dled with ' parties' nor will it hereafter leu scrupuloue:y avoid them. Its object's are the interesting, the u.eful, the necessary. As agriculture is the interest of first im- portance to the people of Cattida, se is it awardedtbe first place and tate thief attan- uoe in tate columns of the Farmer. Emi- gration, Commercial regulatione,Edoeation. Legislative enectmetsu, and all question bearing on the industrial pursuits of the country come under impartial reviews. - Short notices of useful books Sec.; literary selections, entertaining, instructive and moral ; the improvements and discoveries to Science and the useful arts; se dial for the ladies and the Scraps for the boys ; the mar- kets at home sod abroad, with the general sews of the. day, complete the bill of fare to which we invite the attention of every family, in every town and towns►tp of Canada. Tfie first volume has met vritb' uiez- spected favour from the public and the press. The eoconiums of the latter, so liberally bestowed, would have consoled tile' Editors with the belief 'bat • their labours merited, had they not received encourage- ment. But the sitb•tantial support of the peblic has been such as to warrant as, we' think in continuing the publication. The second volume will be superior. to the first in several points. More time will given to it by the Editor., and a member of persons of the highest qualifications bare promised their u.istance as correspondent**: A number will be sent as -a epecunin to any one requiring it by letter (or otb•rwise) Postage paid. Al! orders should be soot in by 1st, or least 5th January, so that we may know how large an edition to print. The onexepected demand for the beet Nos. exhausted our edition of the rat volume some time since, and tie prevent such 40 Oc- currence again, we hope our Agents end all others will send lanyard their order. with- out delay. Subscription $1 In advaoce. Toronto, Nov., 1847. 5 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. ammo 4.swam 'Aso IOXLJ« iea. A nu. vabd the e suns' tad wont ks«eweed thrum Ann Serum Fess. talcs kr Iles. sego been rescind by the sebeesther, who wit prompell :slued to the shine of ell Mlle tutee tomer km with thele gakeraiwypeY•.1 I -,i..- A. NATf11RTH. . Adel, i 6.4a . 1ty RULES OF THE EXHIBITION. 1. Any Farmer within the Di,triet, not s Member of thio Society, try paying • donation of One Poaid, shall be entitled to compete for any Premium. 2. All Subscribers in arresr to the Society, who may wish ts,ezhibit anytbias at the Show are to pay Ma Demister the sem of Toa Shil- lings, oa or before the 15th of Aagast ; all ethers to be admitted on paying the usual sem of Five Sbilliegs. 1 All 8ub.cnbers baviag paid the sab.erip- timm, and only such, to be entitled to compete. 4. All Stock exhibited .hail have bees the loss fide property of the Exhibitor • month be- fore the Show, and all ether articles shows mast' have been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor 1. All Subscriptions to be paid oil or before the 10th day of August next. 6 All Competitors for Prizes mint giw the Secretary notice of the description of Stock and Prelone they lowed to Show. on or before 4 o'clock. P. M. the 25th of September. 7. All Stock aid Produce to be oa the Elbow Ground by 9e'oleek of the d* of the Show. The 8eeerty's PLOUGHING MATCH will Me pleas es real is October. R. G. CUNINGIfAMT D ISSOLUTION. Tf1E Partnerebip heretofore tlLlifsting in L the town of Goderich, under the name of LATBCHAW !k ERR, as Cabinet Makers, is *hie day dies•.ly d by mutual consent. All outstanding debts doe the firm, are requested to be settled without delay --either of the undervigned will wait on them for that purpose : and those having demand. against them wilt present then: for adjustment. JACOB LATBCHAW. CHRISTIAN ERB. Goderich, April 6, 2848. NOTICE. -The above establishment will be continued aid carried on in all its breech- es, as heretofore. by 1b. subscriber. JACOB LATBCHA Cilodru•b, Api4 i*i 18* Apre 8111, i $48. 10.1 TZAR. TEAS. D D. W A ' N OF all timbres and at 'Inc.. rese, ►y i BARRISTER AND ATTORNET AT Law. T. GILMOUR co. OOLICITuil r* CwA1CWtT, ■LW**IIPTCY, 7s►. 11, 1840. OFFICE iN THE MAAJLET SQUARE.• JOHN J. t. LINTON. POTA$T poicrc, Cbmentio ones Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. roaAcC0. AN !told.. .leek whieh will he eew step for Doth. T. GILMOUR k CO. fiskolok, Fete 11, 1048. 1 OODERiCH. Feb. 1848 0, 'r . D IV. HAM ILTON, $ v:a 10 N. wo*? •ya-s010. -' • 101.11 • 1i / a i Feb E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AHD GLAZIER. P.MIA ISAN4Je8. 1.• des. O 0 D E R I C 11 . ado 160