Huron Signal, 1848-04-28, Page 41,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR BALE iN CANADA WEST. q q eyGODERICH qq q WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. • THOMAS GILMOUR k CO., rrHE CANADA C(j,MPANY have for 11 disposal, about 1,830000.000 ACRES OF LAND dtepersed throughout reaso of the Townships in Upper Caesar—nearly 600.- 000 Acres ars situated in the Bores Troct, well known as one of the mo -t fertile parts of the Province—it has trebled its popula- tion in live years, and now contains sp- eard. of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere offered by way of LEASE, for Tire Years, or Jur .pale, CASH DO WN—the pion . f one fifth Cask, and Ike balance is at eats keiotg store away with. The Rents. payable 1st February each year, ■re about the Interest at Six Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. Ups most of the lode, whea LEASED, NO MONEY IS REQUIRED DOWN—whilst epos the others, according to locality, one, two, or the years Reel, mtlet be paid is. advance, —but there pavase.ts will fres the Settler from further calla caul Sod, 3rd or 4th year of his term of Lea... The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to the Lessee ata fixed sum named in leave, and an allowance ia made according to antici- poted payment. Lists of Lends, and any futtherinforma• time can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post-paid) at the Courant's Ornate. Tonere and Goderice ; of R. Bien&Li, Esq., Asphodel. Colborne District ; Dr. Atesse, Grrlpe, lir J. C. W.,DALT, Esq., Itilroilford, Huron Di.tnet, Godericb, March 17, 1848. 7 IAV E always oawes s hand a ces samos- ameat of all kiode of limey and STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Crockery, ke., ke.. kc. Anda their stock la elected from the principal waiebnrues in New York and Moatreal they feel confident that they car. furnish • superior article for lees price thee t can bo ubtalncd elsewhere in the Huron District, as in all cash trsasacuoss they bare resolved to deal epos the principle of Nandi profits and extessite sales. They donee( aa examine ion of their ample stock of New Guuds from all intending pur- chasers. N. B.—All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange for good., fer which the high- est market price will b. sIlowed. Golder lob, Feb. 8, 1848. 111 VALUABLE)? ARM LOTS we sass iIf THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY LOUR Loam tie the Fuel Coseewios ,1 pdeineb. bootleg Lobe Hume, cos- Israilg 8S, 71, Stj, sad 881 aures teepee- trell. Toe of throe Lola haw conaadst- able lmprovemeste, .ad ow al these s ee.- modiow Tors Burry Log Ilona% with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LATS ea the Sewed Cwaessums. eeatala►iog 88 serve each, two of Ihem partially improved. Those Lute ore •Busted ws the Beyileld Road, from via to eight .lire Teeth of the eourr.bteg Tows of Goderich ; the lispd is of the beet quality, and well watered. and the front Lula comaraod a beautiful view et the Lake. For particulars apply (if by letter post pad). to JOHN CLARK, Godetch. March 17, 1841. 711 FOR SALE, BY the sutecnber, tl.at valuab'e property situated in the township of Godench, on Lot 19, 4th concrerioa, within Sj miles of the town of Godench ; there ie a gond Saw Mill omit an d 80 scree of land, 10 acres cleared. It is a never failing strean, well adapted for any Machinery, such as Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist 81,11. N. B.—Will be sold cheap for cash, or part of the moory may he for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM, Goolericb, Feb. 18, 1148. 3 GODERICH CARRIAGE SHOP.` LMaTaptrai-sTiART, O11* wag wow OF ALLEN'8 INN. THE Subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Godench and its vieisity, that he is prepared to execute all orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER k LIGHT WAGGONS, Callers, Lumber Sleighs, Gige, Dog Carta, lee., and all other articles in his Inciof business. N. B. Repairing promptly attended -to. C17` Country Produce taken in part pay. mend, JOHN SAVAGE. Goderich, Feb. 18th, 1848. 3y BEAUTiFY AND PRESERVE YOUR HOUSES, CARRIAGES, leo. THE Subscriber would intimate to the inhabitants of Goderich and surround- ing country, that he is ready to execute all ostlers for PAINTING, kc., that be may be favoured with ; and if employers will ftir.islr materials, he engages to work at the cheapest rate, and give more eati.faction than has heretofore been extended to this section of the country. N. 13. All kinds of merchantaile Pro- duce takes in exchange for work. EDWARD C. WATSON. Goderieh, February 11, 1848. 9 NOTICE. ALL Notes and Accounts due to the ub.cnber that remain unsettled on the first of May next, will, be handed to the Clerk of the Division Court for collection. ROSS ROBERTSON. Goderich, April 4, 1848. 1011 WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. Na 7 EAST STREET, .aaaLT OPPOIITA TIB ?0*.ITTSR1AA COMICS. TELE S.beenbers begs leave to inform 1 Isle friends pod the public at large, that he is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER. OR LIGHT WAGGONS, wbieb shall be msanfoet.red of the best materials, and by expersene.d workmen. 07. Harrows and Drags made to oOder ; Pie.gh Cutiogs Wooled. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Gnderich, Feb. 9, 1848. FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber Akre for ale Lot No. 1 one in the seventh Conee,.tion of tie Towrsh,p of Colborne, Wait Division. There is on ibe premises • small Log Barn, oath 13 acres under good cultivation, and well feeed. The lard is of excellent rifity, and within 6 miles of the Town of h. eeateining 100 scree. TERMS of Sale will be made known by applying to William Robertson, Esq., Can- ada Co.pasy's °see, Godench, or to the whee~ 'DAVID SMITH. Gederkk, March lot, 1848. Elf CUT NAILS. ACASES CUT NAILS, woofed sit - '*"es, for sale by the Subscriber% whole wile and retail. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7w4 NOTICE. APPLICATION will he rnede to the next S'esiea of the Provincial Legislators, ter Issue 1oisa Bill to enn•ttnete and form the MUo Towsohipe sad Gorr, sad Mnet at Load, vii :—North FAstboptti Swath Earthepe, Dow*. and Goro,—Ellice, Blowhard, Pallarton, Logan and Ihbbers,— Wellesley. Mornisgtns rad Marybornngh, sad Western halter Wilmot, and iM Sleek of Lelai Whi.d Inas,—into s new Die (vitt. ALEX. MITCHELL See', of C...sua. Ststletd. [Herew4, 1d of April, 1848. 10.8 DIV. COURT BLANKS, PRINTED » • (.pare(polity r (lity of p pr far .. at tho Oval app for C.A. `aMt4B►r lsa.7il. sea, . - TO CAPITALISTS. noon and safe Investments. Valuable '‘.j MILL SITES and FARMS for sale en Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege on the Lake shore within six miles of Godench, having 36 acres of excellent Land, the Mill can be built on the rock, and within 60 feet of ten feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can be made 16 to 18 feet bigb at a trifling expense and on a never failing stream,abuo- deuce of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Also, a splendid Mill privilege half a mile up nn the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the Lake, haring 45 acres of first rate land, plenty of Pine and other Saw -Inge in the vicinity. AND ALSO—Four of the best descrip- tion of FARMS on and near the Lake Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low for cash, or hall the purchase money may remain for three or four years on mortgage. Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law- rence L.wrason, Esq., London, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor JOHN HAWKiNS. Port Albert, Coder'eh, Feb. 3. 1848. tf1 BRITISH HOTEL, GODERIC11. LATELT.LCCOrnBD IT .R. IS'AC OATTE'BCIT, THE Subscriber. having Leased tho above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friends and s be public in general, that they have opened for the reception and accommodation Will Boarders and Traveller', where they will be happy to receive those who may honour, them with their patronage. it will always be their randy to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the best productions of the season, and to keep their Bar supplied with W ince and Liquors of the best de- scription, so as to merit the approval of their customers. J. K. GOODING. ,JOIIN LANCASTER. Goderich, Jen, 21, 1848. 1tf N. B.—ExcellentStabiing will be afford- ed, and an active aid *ambitve Groom will be always in attendance. FARMERS' INN, STRA TFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. 'THE Subscriber (frorn Galt) has lately rented the above well established iNN and HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor aid late occupant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. , Ile has good Stabling, and an attentive hostler. His Bar is well supplied^with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 7m3 OUTSTANDING DEBTS: STRATFORD. THE Subecnber will be obliged to enter those in arrear to him, with lee Clerk of At Court, tf not immediately settled. A. F. MiCKLE. Stratford, March 97, 1818. 9tf FOR SALE. A LOT of Land. situated on the Bay - FL field read, five miles and a half from Godench—will be veld cheap. Terms of payment to art perehasers. L. ALVORD. Gm/oriels, March 99, 1848. 9tf ROPEMAKING, BY GEORGE LEVERSAGE. FULLARTON. THF. Sib cnber of -Lot Nn. 4, Ceceerisa 9th, F.11artos, masofaetarse ROPES of all sitter, made Prem Hay grows by him- self• He hal sold large quantities. rd ranon. sirs, in Stretford ,vest neighbour- hood : and he invitee the attention of the Iliadic, as h. ran safely warrent all the different kinds made by him. From a Bei Cord to a Cab'. be Will be enabled to fersteh, wheel the M t en hie of the wow si are eepleted, by ?machinery he will sows have .rested. GEORGE LEVZESAGE. Fsllartos, March 18, 1848. Ni R.f.ra.ise leave. A. F. Vial* and Thos. M. Daly, Strstlerd. CLOVER SEED, FOR Bale by the .ab.esilor at 71 gimes r~+• R MODERWIU.. deisrieb, Marsh 34, 1848. Mi CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE P 0 R BALE—A RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. THE subscriber *wig w...eoced Wei - owe i. Goderich—and with the view of earryi.g e• bis opsraiioas with mon faodt• syJ and esceeee. is in wart of coati—offers the fulfowi.g valuable property for al., .ituated is the ioorisbia{ tow. of Chathale, the Di.tgct treat for Kiat, for cub only ria That advantq.00aly situated property is Chatham North. containing FOUR wa- ter Lots according to the tows plot est-' vey—wilb a sued std substantial two story Dwelling Huta thereon, Kitchen, an ex- cellent garde., summer house, Lc., ke., suitable, for a large family or a public Hotel, a Born 40 feet by 14, and a loge enclosed Building well adapted for distilling or for storage, being erected ea a 'oboes - tial wharf, moorug .cowls of over 900 tons burthen. Oa the premises ie also a. invaluable Spring, the excellencies of its waters are not surpassed is the District. —ALSO- Two Boddie( Lots is Chatham North Block G , well coveted, being opposite tie o ew Bridge, shortly to be erected. —AL80— A large two story Frame House fronting he Barracks, 40 feet by 26, nearly finished, with half an acro Lot belonging. —A1.SO— FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. APART or pontos of BLACK G. i. the towasbip of Colborne, Western Divi- sion. Huron D.strrct, coaaintng TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 28 ecru cleared and is good order ; fences is `repair. There is a good Frame Howe [Cottage style), upon the promisors, 33 by Tfeet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 33, and wo Frame Sheds, each 90 feet long, wKh e Log Farm buuse in tolerable repair.— There are three ramming streams of water througj.ibe Lot; two of which are in ib. clearing, and a Bret rate %Veil in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly bead timber. Said farm is situated but ei miles from Godeneb, the District town: lV" This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACIIAN k LIZARS. Solicitors, West -street. Goderich, Marrh119, 1848. 7tf NOTICE. ALL person indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Book account, are requested to make payment on or before the first of May next ; after that date all de- mands, remaining unsettled, will positively he handed urer to an Attorney for immedi- ate collection. DAVID MUNRO. Goderich, March 13, 1848. itt X800 REWARD. • A BOY was Coln from his paresis in Ex the village of Napp•anOeek, county of Ulster, and "Mate of New York. on the 14th December, -3847, and has been trued into the western part of Canada. The Child's name is ALONZO McEL- ROY, nen of the u:.deraigned, is four years old in June next, las dark blue eyes, brown hair, and fair complexion, hats dight per- pendicular rear near the middle of the fore- head, running up tato the hair three garners of an inch Iueg. The said Child has been pursued by his'afflicted father from that place to Omada, where the trace of him was lost. The boy has been seen with a man who drove a pair of large bay horses, a waggon with • long reach, and a punted lumber box on three .pringe, with a box sitting in the (rind end of the waggon. .Any person who will procure -the child and deliver hum to any of the following persons, or give such ibformatien as will lead to hu recovery, shall receive the above reward. 1:17'Please deliver the Child or give in- formation to G. F. ROOD k CO., HIRAM R. ANDREWS, A. ti. STOWELL(of the Custom House,) Detroit ; to TWO -P.. Stewart, of the Globe Hotel, Boff+lo ; or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. Aoy person who aids in restoring the Child to hes afflicted parents, will truly eerve the cause of humanity. • WM. 1i. McELROY. Detroit, Feb. 18, 1848. FOR SALE, IT T6a *D1SCai*610. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, N assortment of DRY GOODS, HARI)- Li -WARE and CROCKERY, purchased in Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, and imported via. Montreal, at the lowest rates. —A I. S 0— Iihd.. "Martel's" and "Ilehncssy'. first quality Brandy, Cases superior Pale f3herry Wine, do. do. Port Wine, Barrels, 4 dos. each, "Barclay, Perkins k Co.'.' Porter, Barrels Muscovado Sugar. do Refined English Loaf Sugar, Chests of Iiyton Tea, and Barrels of Syracuse FiNE SALT. M. B. SEYMOUR Sr CO. Goderich, Feb., 94, 1848. 4w4 H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thank• to his friends and the public for the liberal support and distin- guished patronage he has received since the opening of his Establishment in Gndench, and begs to assure them that he will still continue to supply them with the bent and cheapest articles in his line as usual. 11e would direct their attention to his vaned and extentessive importation which he to now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, CROCKERY mid HARDWARE. the kw price' of which he is certain will speak for themselves, and for quality and variety cannot be surpassed an Western Canada. N. B. O'CONNOR. Gederieh, Jas. 28, 1848. itt J Better, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Cors, bur., and every de.cnplios of Farmer's Predose taken no exchange. Cash will he pail for good Grote Beed, Hideo and Furs. GiLBERT PORTE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S rash - Snot and Shoe Mp.ker, West Street. Go4.rleb. March, tat. 1848. 506 ALBION HOUSE, TAMPA' Street, ow door west of the Com.ertial Baal, Haariltne, by January, 1848. 1. 10411110N DK. SALT ! SALT ! ! IN BARRELS, eh.ap for cab or turbot - IL able peodwee, at the Stere of T. GiI.MOL'R k CO. Feb. 11, 1848. SEVENTY-FIVE Acre, of excellent Land situated on the banks of the River Theme', only three miler below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling House there- on, about 40 acres cleared, aud in a high .tate of cultivation. All, or part, of the' above property will be sold on reaeonable term' for cash down. or one-f.arth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title unquestlo.- able. For further particulars enquire' of M. k 0. Dulsen, Chatham, or to the pro- prietor at Goderwh. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Jan. 18, 1848. 1 FOREIGN PERIODICALS. RE -PUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, aid BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. THE above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, immediately os their ar- rival by the British Steamers, is a beauti- ful clear type, on Ave white paper, and are faithful copier of the original.—Blackwood's Magazine being an exact fac•annileof the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame rf thea splendid Periodicals renders it needless to may much in their prime. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a et- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance sot often found in works oft party character. They embrace the views of the three great parties in England—Whig, Tory, ■ nd Radical—Blackwood 'and the London Quarterly are Tory • the Edirbr,rk Re- efer. Whig ; and the Westminster, Radical. The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary, being devoted principally to cnticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are less than one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American over the English reader. TERMS. GODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMER,iNCOURAGE YOUR DOM MANUFACTORIES. THE /tdsaihers beg to bfe'rm deo 1.- h.Mtante a the Fines Dletrkt, that they hate is full opirauos, their NEW FOUNDRY, whish for coareniesee .ad the ludity with whack the work ie dews, equals, they feel ppr+oust to aatlsett, •y country fee.dry They further pledge themselves to the public to fell all Goods in their 11x, as chesty of sot cheaper ; as good, if wt bet- ter, than they cos be obtained from any other foundry is Canada or elsewhere. The patrosage they have met with during the abort time they have bees is business here, wanting the above statement, and they tali. this opportunity of informing their friends and the public that they will use every exertloel in their power to maim - train the character, they mist, they bare inlly established for themselves. The will have on head Threshing Mills, Saw They and Grist MITI Castings ; Re-ae- tion Water-w►cels, Smut Machines of the latest and most approved plan, Steam Es - sine's, and all ktndf of Hollow -ware, such as Bake Kettle', Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; also, various sloes of Cook- ing and Parlour Stoves, and every dsecrip- tioa of Ploughs, ke., kc, 1a oddities to the above, the ars toady to receive orders for BELIE from five to ten buadred pounds weight, and warranted to be well toned. GEORGE MILLER k CO. Goderich, 'miaow 38, 1848. ly N. B. in order that the .ubacrib.r..y be enabled to discharge the pledges gives to the above advertisement, they most is - roc upon prompt payments, therefore, of all Notes and Book Aee000ts new due, imme- diate payment is requested. PAYMENT TO as WADE IN •rivai1CB. For any one of the four Reviews, $1,00 per an. For any two bo do 5,00 " For any three do do 7.00 " For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 " For Blackwood's Magazine.... 3,00 " For Blackwood sod •he 4 R -news, 10,00 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscription fur three— the fourth copy being gratis. Q' Remittances and communications must be made in all cases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking his receipt,- sod :orwardrng it by mail, post- i paid ; or the money may .be enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers. N- B.—The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the late Post Office Law to about one-third the fur,pir rates, making a very important saving in the expense to mail subscribers. Q['Ir all the principal cities and town. throughout the United State, to which there ts a direct Railroad or Water com- mnnicetion from the City of New York. these periodicals will be delivered free of postage. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., Pailiiers, 119, Follow -al., N. 07" Subscribers in Canada may receive their Bombers at the nearest American Poet Offices. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 Crown LAND DEPARTMENT. .Montreal, 10th Marti. 1846. NOTICE, is hereby given, by order of Hos Excellency the Administrator of the Oovernr.est i. Conseil. to all parse.• who haw received locations ef load in Western Canada, sines the 1st January, 1832, and ala to parties located previous to that date, whose location& were set se- cluded in the 11.1 of unpatented lands. Iialde to forfeiture, polished 4th of April, 1838. that Isles, the claimants sr their legal repreiestatives .eta►hab their claims and tae out their Palliate within two years 1}om this date, the land will be resumed by Gesoramenl to be dtspoesd of by Sale. NEW STORE. STR ATFORD. SY WM. H. UTNE. THE Nnbser+b., begs tom to Wilma* that he ha. wasted a STORE at the sant owl of Prrath d, with a moral aesorl- pent .4 DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, be. Arid he icor fora Aare of rhes peens. - age .f bin setgbb..rs .sed the p*I* . He Nils cheap for CoA or Prettsm. WM. B. HINGE. Stratford. Mardi fid, 1848. 8 tits THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT A10 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. I8 Published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at the Low Price of TWELVE SHILLINGS per •sum, pay able iovanably in advance. The Tranecnpt is printed os a sheet seely as large as any used is the Province; and should circumstances permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course of the ensuing summer. During the approaching Session of Par. liament the Transcript will contain Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently compreben- .tve to forni.b Reeord of all that occurs in both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A portion of its spare "piece will be devoted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an in- teresting and Literary character, and every thing offensive to morals will be carefully avoided. We have commenced, and intended to a otinne, a series of Biographical Sketches from Chamber's Mtscellany of Useful add Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the present mason, notice will be taken of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary Institutions of ibis city, which we commenced last winter, and which gave general atisfactioa. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAiL. 07- The price of Subscription of the MONTREAL T*At.CRITr, (when sent by mail) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per es - num, payable in advance. To facilitate re mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL- LINGS for Ten Months, and FIVE SHIL- LiNGS for Five Months. When the period of subscription is warty expired, we shall seed three different copies of the Transcript enclosed in blre or gran coven : and if no remittance t* made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. As the paper is given to subscri- bers at the lowest posnble price, all money letters must be pest pad ; and those which ere not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the money sent. Q7"Tbe Transcript is sent to Subscri- bers in the country twice or three time's a week, at their option. The whole of the roading matter of Thursday and Saturday'' papers being port into one sbeet—thus sav- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the same. Subscribers, in writing for the Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the tn-weekly or semi-weekly paper sent to Item. 07'New.paper. wish whom we exehasge will please copy this Notice which we will be happy to reciprocate in the same way. Godench, March 3, 1848. 6 PURIFY TUR BLOOD. M O F F A T' S TIRO/PAILI uPR F1LY AILD PHEQN1i EIT1'EIs. f�H� high ..d around eeldnt which i limas pr♦+.it►ast Medicines have am. wired ter Nair iavartabls eicacy la all the diwa.es which they wakes ,o ecce, boo n.dss d the weal pnaeties of psisg net only os.eaeasarp, bat unworthy of thaw. They an Mews by their fruits theirwe ba te.Mfy tor dims, sod they thrive not the kith of the cradulone. IN AL1. CASES .4 Asthma, Actio and Chrome Rbeureallsss, Affection of the Bladder oat Kdwys, Biboos Fevers rad Laver G.siplusts. 1. the South .sed Wert where thew dis- eass prowl, they will be fogad torsion. Ole. Plaistow, formers, and others, wbg once els thea MOdtei..., will Noor `e without them. Bilious Cbolie, and Serowe Leoae.e.er Biles, Coativeweas, Cold' rind Coughs, Cholic, Coe.umptio.. Used with greet success in time disease. Corrupt Humors, Dropeis, Dyspepsia. Ne person with the distressing disease, shwld delay wing these asedtctoee immediately. Erupuosa of the Skim. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever ad Ague. For this ewers" of the western eouotry thea medieisa will L. ford • safe, speedy, and sena►s reme- dy. Other medsci.es loses the sy.tems abject to a return of the /Mesa --a were by thew medicia' a .psyst•amit. Try them, he satisfied, sad ha CURED. Foulness of Co.pkieies, Getaeral Debi. lily, Gout. Gtddiass. Growl, lined cbes, every kind, Inward Fever, IhS•nunetory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, luodice, Ica of Appetit% Liver Compluats, leprosy, Looseoea. Mercurial Dioceses. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Bareaps. r41a. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nes. von Complains of all ki.1e, Orgasms Ai. fecuos, Palpitation of the Heart, Punter's Cholic. PI1.E8. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 30 years standing by the use of thea Life Medtcisee alone. PAINS is the bad, side, bath, Garb% joints and organs. RHEUMATISM. Thor afflicted with this termble disease, will be sore of rebel by the Life Medicine*. Rosh of Blood to the }lad, Seelny, 8altrheum, Swellings. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its went forms, Ulcers, of every dwnptiw. WORMS, of all kisde, are e4etasl1y expelled by thew Medicines. Parsers will do well to admisi.ter them whist**. Neu existence is aspected. Relief will he cer- tain. PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR: AND MRS. MOODIE, F.ortoaa THE Editors of ibe VrcTei,i !COMET'S will devote all their taleau to produce • awful eatertaiaing, and cheap Periodic'', tot the CABAL - thee People ; which may afford •mssemnt to both old nod young. Sketches aid Tales, is verse and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the Colony. Scrape .1 Useful 1•formatioo, Reviews of sew Work*, .ad well selected articles teem the most moist e.thers tithe day, will fern the page, of the Magadai. The Edit e.feele.e6deet that the iodepemdr•t and Arias eosetry to whew service they are pseud le animate their talents, will cheerfully lead its support is ese.ee•e• their miaow ad b.aeerebie eadertakieg. The low price at which the Peridieal is plass", is is soder that every prunes witbia the COAsy whip sae read, sed ifsssiea M moral sad weal i.pwrrweer sway breams a seta eribr sad padres et the week. The Vtryeru. MAus.a will eeat.iW1 tweety- few "meg se rash au.be, pwas.d se sew type, ad apes ped paper ; sad will fnve at the sad ul the year • seat Valuers, of 386 page% se - paha with Tinto Pap sed laden 1t will be Wood Ninthly, e.msoseiag ea the pest of fl.pwrbe►, huar the sive of JOSEPH WILSON, erso -arvet, Brile.rRn— oho Pub- lisher and pato Proprietor, to whats all ordn. her the M•sesis., sad basun to the Elbows, mess he adireord. (pest -paid.) The taws of sob- seriprw-0RE DOLLAR PER ANNUM-- I.,+nelt, ts w yid is curves 0siweb. M.ah 2 11kK 8 THE LiFE PiLLS AND PHONf12 BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, sod thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and Pl1ONIX BITTFRS beyond the reach of competition in the estimation ef every patient. The genuine of thea medicines are new put up in white wrappers and labsk+, jp- eether with a pamphlet, called "MaRiVe Good Samaritan," containing the directions, ke., on which Is a drawing ef Broadway from Wall street to oar Once, by whish strangers visiting the city cart eery easily find us. The wrappers and Samuitane are copyrighted, therefore, those who pre - cure them with white wrappers can be assured that they ars genuine. Be careful, and do not bay those with yellers wrappers ; bot if you do, be rooked that they craw direct from us, or dont toroth them. Q7- Prepared and al by DR. WILLIAM B.-MOFFAT, 335 Broadway. corner of Anthony street, New York. For ale by BENJ. PARSONS, Sob Agora. Goderich, Jan. 98. 1848. 1 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. ri"IHE Subscriber' have opeaai a New l Type Foundry is the City of New York, whore they aro reedy to supply orders to any extent, for any kiad ef Jib Fasey Type, ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel. Colima Rules, Co.posing Sticks, Case% and every article .eeeaary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are cut la ave moult, from an entirely new mitt of Matrixes, with deep counters, ad warranted to bis utnarpaseed by aay, will be trot et priers to sunlit@ times. All the type fur.ish•d by as is " band cat." - Printing Preset* Turnished, sad blew. Steam Eogiw of the most approved p•t. tarns. Composition Rollers east for pristine. 07" Editors of Newepepere who will buy three times as mach type as their bill* amount to, maygive the above th six mons' fusionism in tir papers, and mind. their paper containing it to the Subscriber*. COSubscriber*.ROFT k OVEREND No 78, Ass Street JYwe 17.4. December 7th 1847. .1g HENRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CARE aoad PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits He patronage et the *Whitton* of Goderich tate its 'Wady, and trusts. by strict anemia" to merit • share of their favours. N. B.—Hard Bassett, sad ell irises of Crackers on hand. Cakes weds to ardor. Goderich, Jas. 38, 1848. 1 tl Ti... or vw. Rowes Napa.—Tib BUIL. LINOS per swam 4 paid is .Yenta, .r Twa.va aro flus Poses with the .xpirstia slum yes. • psp'r dimatims.d omit a,T*am ave ap, Wass the pwkfiabsr *ilka it hi dvtnn to de or. y tediddsat M she summery b• sealeg sin 'Possible he rix s.hsoM•.a. shall now* a smooth espy glssk IIT AU lawn •dthamid m the 8i sr ws8 b pan paid.., they will not he skin set et M pest ecce thou ave anmIligliab. 1 Six tien and sods%lost F..sslip,avI Eos wahognsoolOWIllall Por lime and ands% lhat Dinh iM r. Over nes iis.s, 84*M4.clliw. 1110iMi•8 A Ffesol�a/itl4i M kt9 Bash the pose fid 1'tN errvw ,ap tau BT 1 ETAS Edd ' sseta•so , allOW I MARA Pl. well At tbl 1atitau fishown sod Ten affirmed* Wen F, Calor, ]asst W. Dmf Malawi Geier, I T. 8711 of thea Mr. I oppkssi shoo* I out si w a a it wa wool over, sa nor the; hia lbs dwell if not. 1 i. this ate the Masts" ens got got tol them at** when et f tia lel To that gdeer Womble owsetil tie wit Pa ad, wore u waters (coir U at thea tion, vel not ea Th. fit was to the as which spirtt For in its pot very. seam That it the mama midst ntaahi of dos they op, or panic e sl to the tie cl watt teal* wed11 orbs of est world Avery boon l had Is both* ((diads b wools Ma wg pan' it hat aim Dir tri.. 17111.11• Sul at>r Riad t n_ 1 P r n Sem