Huron Signal, 1848-04-28, Page 1s
to aavanca. S
abt 4uron ignuL,
W vasrar ass resumes zees, rarsar
MA EDT SQ0••tt, •OBSatCD.
Erma imuk f beak sed Jeb Freres di with
ttijish sad Pales► rsg•ai..,
a,mrms oedemata'.
se we MOMS r WM Meat seesat_
Ossa 1110.-alred it .wt4 Wises ere deemed
weirdly 41 plseab Ike enheiM 4 tie Bigssl,
Merin waist p from by givieg them an ia-
serliea, via year ekediMt servaal.
A Streem zea■.
Vph ep Tagooms, make ! arise!
Slake frau dell wisp, and rib yeerdreway ryes,
Sawa yea *e•asr'd talo soul the mews crack.
Aad -eeed—lhel 1 sew newt epee year beck.
lea N. my beasty. mer 1st. 1is is vats.
Wish kw Arm la•d. sad head spas the re's,
1 yin itsm..eibl*—sea fit is slid.
Tly coin" relssm.t, whither I wield rid..
Set sly. asp m/aikss Hippgnfi; O why.
Mae shall we soar, whet earl realm wormy t
/boil we m'wat high ism the Lade of Mr,
Visit the sna. sad set oke matter there?
Ter alms •1g*rost Samoa dans us my
?bat bottomed ado i1 molting fist away :
Ad. blab sal ba►sid him et Iwai sight,
Ha did lases meal1i 11 perhaps they 'es right
lay Pewee be mill t leer's wipe testes
Of stifles, sub's is bossy may Wee, !
My, shall we alp te Wawa aa'e. ad i1d
What toffy set meas next fee poor masked
Or alai wearer isolations search, 1.d Meg.
Pe the gest s.•et. end ee her welts wad T
Or with • lowlier wog the earth serye7,
W pave epee tea sari" es our way
Iles" irty-sight." m particle to blit of/g,
Will pemwa meet peat is vines ex is sissies ;
he M 1 a spirts •'sur the world bark Sews.
Aad is lama' meads • uesdree• Meow bath
wows :
• raise is b.uJ. ad Waft it hark cried
Pow hill tui miry. plaits led .esstsis els.
'rasa .rte a Reath. fres rest sats the west,
(fansisma wade is eased widest rest ;
The wail with swam Mesa, sad leagses el
Met ph* hake sisil beeves row again.
Tbas mail ti FT.ed.r, mid is wombats " Ries
Ail taroks is Ream a fit swerifies !
Sheba Wilms shssblee s( yea slavish from,
tiiwf heppieses es earth. sad banish tear.
£webs, eras, mite. be fee,
•Ssees, the Wait idles Ord dead be !
Ay lien ages, *shag te this time.
111.11 my, 'twos thea mw proved himself s-
Meassed tea vile Moamar a rider day,
Asti war sdew.e a rived heat the earth away!"
taws thyself op, my Perms, well 6y the glide. sad se whet we ass spy,
Pe weds'ss deeds sod gnat, will soot be doss.
And f we.M his be dere- My Perms, get w!
imiwiek Ayn7 Tisa, 11148
Rios Stereo risco is shoo; who .n eswaarl!
Ts warps. sari costive is sepia/ sad bayies.
Twe DistdMn dooms, two Bremen of hem,
Iia Timms where tapers take diet ceps 'reh-
eat Iver,
Two Satan wick
Two Butchers with
Pin Tutees, ss clever
bred are their
&eh ere applying Omit
es brought
They Wee stere stoking cabbage fa they make
it .f cloth.
Tea BOW DOI llr.ssmkas reside is the taws.
Three Blaekamithe whose soapa with iadssey
A TiWesitk, a Ossemitb, two Saddlers, two
Lad memberless Capsurs, Mango. ted Fn- I vapour. Both as respects weight sed bull, poach of some tnradly venal whieh nugbt yule her esus prttcular politics! veer nom
taw, I nitrogen Corms thle chief ingredient of the restore Wm to the ceasn.e of bis fellow- L rela utrleete, a to be the champion of
Whit• "memo'body o(Ieefrrs wad gtatlenwa. atmosphere. This gas, which b sometime. cresturan. justice and of right. In pursuing that
were seer
INEL1/ .'t\t, zea-\
aT run stn or The null.
thick crystallise body, and afford Irgha *r
stttatioas which would otherwise be 1'
dsrkasae. The atmosphere, tberefors,
wbteb an ignorant person inight suppose to
be sotbtog, is se invaluable a conetltuest of
creation as land or eater ; It u a flood es.
metal fur the existence of animals sad
plants ; it at.rds a field fur all kinds of
swteorulugical phenomena ; it to • suppor-
ter et eeebustioo, and an important ravel
n tae diffusive of heat mid light, and also
iu the ttao.W Wlus of sound.
Hitherto wal bare epokeo of the etmes-
pbero ooiy in reference to its external
character—we have now to say something.
respecting Its composuioe. As already
stated, the air is a compound Dubai aaee. '1.
le computed of ettrugen and °zygote geese,
with a very small proportion of coronae
acid gas. 01 100 pans of pure air, rsckoa-
ing by weight, shout 76 Mil nuroger, tJ
oxygen, and 1 earbostc and gas and watery
hrect,00 In se loch the ship bad vanished. ba Int• eulitude, for soon after leaving Jas
vainly hoping for its return. But it was Fernandes, Stradling and hie crew had bees
nece•aary (u, bin to consider h..w An might obliged to surrender to the Spaniards, ou
,,ruvrde the means of .ubei.reoce. He had account of the leaky state of the vessel, sad
,rought ashore, besides hi. clothes and bed Aad ever mace twee :s prestos.
ling, a fire lock, a pound of gunpowder, •
quantity of bullets, • lint and steel, • few
rounds of tobacco, a hatchet, a knife, • ket-
tle, • flip -vas, a Bile some books of devo-
tion, one or two works on savtgation, ■ad
nis mathematical ittsuunesu. The 'eland
he knew to commit wild -goals ; rut hoping
to ob.erve • mooing sail, be preferred fur a
long time feeding un shell fish ad axis,
which he found upon the shore. The
•stood, which is Hugged and ptetrreegUes
cowered by luaurisst veget.ttos, and cloth-
ed to the tope of the htls with wood, was
sow to all Ore Woo and freshness of
epnaf ; but upon the d• jeered solitary Its
chums were spent In vale. Ile could only
...oder lilting the beech, plaint for the ap-
We [tits Government] have endeavourer!
to ':lend the commerct.I relations of this
country, and to place them, where exten-
sion is not required, on a firmer hes'' end a
footing of greater .ecurey. 1 think that,
in that respect, we bare done good movie*
to the touotry ; and I hold that, with re-
spect to alliance. England is a power muf-
cteetly strung and potent to steer ber own
course, and needs nut tie herself as a neces-
sary appendage to the policy of any other
country. 1 hold that the real policy of Eng-
land, es separated from Questions which in-
WM live se their (onsets the beet way they e•s.
Mt 1 meat est short my story sad bid you geed
ret my sebjret '1 eabaauted, sad indeed so am 1.
And I'll therefore eswciad* with the Womble as-
That 111 read these few lion is to R,gas1 of
Oodericb. April, 1646.
(corrutose mum °ea reser.)
In the warmest regions of the globe, the
air is sold at the tops of high woun'atos,
merely because the sir is there this and in-
capable of fufwtist a toed*.es for the tett:o-
we of the sue • rays. In alley eo0$(ry
then et a Foist of latitude at which water
freesia* ma all occasions, whether suturae►
or wester. In E.rope, this pulot—called
by some the °suer line, or point of eternal
.sow—is true five to •iY thousand feet
above the level of the sea; n the lot re-
gime d Atte. and America, It is 'molten
lboesead lest bigh. At these points o1
altitude respectively, mow Imo coo/tautly
unlashed os the otoOatato sides tad sum-
mits. In the warm regions of Huodusia",
the atmospheres as cool and plea.ant at a
carte's height at the Himalaya vvgpgqntaie'
as It IS 15 the nertbsru pert of Mope.—
TM Menne .1 Newest ender • berate( sea
would eat be wearable be toss. sal they
were sot at mach an elevation a to possess
a atmespere so this a to be incapable of
Ming bested to excess.
Although the heat sof the atmosphere
PIA I= WWI Mat..
The chief town of Huron, se Huron Lake slow.its pride of isr district, is femmiw.f power,
05 the wee adapted verge .4. lobe weapted he shipping.,
IN1 sdveat•1ad by seawater, y trading. and
Pooh sir is •1014.... it away *eye,
Whisk is smsr &Mb lsure. bis welter
ohms umperidMaim.4 Mit a middy progress -
!Name Maesw
s. daily increasing.
*degrees it bee grew* from • waste to • *Ow.,
to h
If limes. it will rise ill higher reseed.
As areal •( is eod
pewees wad thriving itisa,
Lt hes Lry a.essi.e1 the imp.aaat oddities,
r0fanrew betel po.
eergassb .i welsh Week
Awed* rpaper . •wad with se
bol def weenies sew Isbsbimam d trete,
♦ /serge that resides at Iseb esarterty wet,
iN pitiable deeiasl as matters of Law,
0. stela Lawrie bare ditty exhausted their
♦ wean tows a also. whsss date
Theasdtibara is limbs sad ea Meir ebsulsa
1b 1 tee. i. orramly
i /i dulls M tleit brows. are legally lea
• SS Woyaas terse ro,vfir wail► beg find vita
si1p.+ •Mab f, ws w. eeklis tee.
R'''ise edelefb leaallisse asoma
W b0 Mwd Ms1J diet r sear
%ilea tt Cbikat the WoW, Nd • Qat et
Ia .lbs
.wwrb,pa 1 ws IRSR. f 4 the pails s
Milhowerei int tin/ cheers,
AwfWal pa; ttb /w . SkawletwRera1
/Bet Yrr; ted pales r slob
1r the ill dleseeta ow y.
sow *4 tab.tiebisfuatwlrpp.
serilinifisie 'blows
itofirol IPtltr*b1 aft sr Or ...rap
called asote, acts chiefly as a diluent to To "acute abetter from the weather, list course with moderation and prudence, nal
modify the strength of the otyeee. is tea built two buts wish the mood sal the Onion* itecuruing the Qoixotte of thne'th• le world,
sometimes ▪ way as water soetimes seed to ra tree, thatching their with the long gram bot giving the weight of her moral sanction
n ix wub}zed modify the strength of emote. of Ihe'shied ; nue being meant fora titch- and support wherever she thinks jostiee s ;
The oxygen is the essential sod attire part es. and that other a bed -room Yet leery } in pureeing that course, and in potential, the
of the air. It serves fu keep up enmboe day. Iso the brat eighteens months, he sleet
time or burning, and the principal (.eemt mtheir sir ensu the beaeb, watching for the
required for the breathing of anemia sad •ppesaa
rce•ef a . nhe 5 ,.tbwiaue.. At
the life of pleats. Irw
ts. lo serving its easy length, partly in habit. putty „am the
uwre limited direction of nor owe particular
interests, my costIctIon le, that as long as
England ke• pe herself is the right, and a
Wog u she *Mies to promote no' injustice
porpoese, oxygen undergoes • material inguesce of religion, he grew more rreou- 15 woo as she washes w countenance too
chaste, but tis nitrogen which conveys it cued to ►s ettuatioe. Every morning after wrung, as long s• she .eek. legiumato in-
n seldom altered in character. A.ueal rising, b• reed. pieties of Scripture, sang teresls of her own, and sym;.athutes latchr pirattoo chaegee the constitution of air ; a psalm, and Frayed, speaking aloud is or -
right and justice a reference to others, she
oxygen is destroyed or deposited is tea der to preserve the use of bis voice. 110 sever wilt Nod hereof( altogether loses, het
blood, and carbonic acid s germ cut le its .Itsmhe
rwarde remarked, that be would proba- wJl eero to 6. own: other rats f(
steed. Thus, we inhale pure fur and exhale bly sever ►e wcnr a feed Cartel'!"egos" eulbcisat power. ledsele' and weight. to
that which te foul, earbosie acid • Mini a i as he war whew o0 the tet. -.,r. lie 11 first wpp,rt ber in the course which she should
raper, and heavy *weevil 01 gms. It Ina lived muc,a upos turtles, which abuuIJOd think fit to puriine. TheieL,ro 1 my that it
Wen ascertained by timer/beets that the upon the shores, but afterwards ran dowel is °arrow policy to suppose that time
s coun-
se0 proportional qutiri s of nitrates" ibe void gusts, whose fie.h he either roast -
oxygen, and carbonic acrd, are in the air 11 'd or atee.d ; ad of which be kept • small
all heights from the ground, and that not-
withstanding the perpetual Congo optima of
oxygen and deposition of carbonic acid, thesp
atmobere is precisely of the same purity
that it was fifty years ago.
I am meearub et all 1 army,
My right tBo
hen is we to dispute;
mere the tre all mead is the sea
I am Mid of the fowl and the-Wolfs
..: .Y
The Interert of Alexander Selkirk's
arrative anew, not merely from the sle-
gelar life which be spent fur .everal years
ns a uetebabited island. but also from tri
formed the groundwork of Defos
beautiful romance of Robinson Creme, the
try or that coeotry is to be marked out se
our eternal ally oe our eternal enema's.—
stock tamed around his dwelling, va ca.e be We hove so metal allies and enem:es.-
should be disabled by siekeees. Hu great
est Inconvenience was the want of salt, but Our interest, aro verset, and these it is
tri tom be sever missed it. As • substitute
for bread be bad turnip., parsnips, and the
cabbage palm, all of excellent quality, and
also radishes and water -creases. When his
clothes were worn out, he supplied their
place with goat -skins, which made him lock
more uncouth than any wild anima. R.
bad a piece of Itis, iron. which he made
new shirts, by means of a nail, and the
thread of bis stockings. Every physical
soothed by devotws i fee hag, be began
positively toenjuy bin mashie often lying
.far whole days et the de•icioua bower.home'',which he had formed for home'', abasdwaed
to the moat ple4siiug seaatione.
Befog much annoyed by rats, which
our duty to follow. Wheo we find other
countries marching in the sante coarse, and
put song the same object., we so long Coe -
rider thees fellow comperes* I1 the
same plan. and regard them yeah the most
cordial feeling. And when we End other
countries pursuing an opposite course and
thwarting us, it us our duty to make allow-
ances fur their d*ffereet cotduet, and not to
pass too harsh a judgment on them bectuasethey do nut exactly see tbtngs in the sas
want being thus supplied, and his mood
light as we do. It le our duly not lightly
to engage this country in. tit' dteadful re-
■ponsibthttei of war, became, from tune to
time, we ally find obs or that power dtnn•
cloned to concur with us. That ba bees a
far a possible, the goading principle of my
conduct ; and if I may be allowed to ex -
swanned on the island, he found it .ecessa- press is one sentence the princ pies which
thus dezeds on the a density of the fluid. it deG bot of our childhood, which is eerlaiely, 17 to nater upon a treaty, offensive and de- I ueght, it way mind. to guide an English
is proper to state that It is likewise t•- to m•ey respects, one 01 the trait extre- fewsive, with .the cats, of which there were i etaiurnan, I would adopt the ezpreasion of
flueutced by other ciccuwwtaoces. Car-in
efforts of human gam's. The number.. He caught and tamed sorne ; yr. Canning. and day 1. every Bntosh hlte-
r'd b the er of beausl zed the I ammab owes nJ him °rills! h h f England d ought
em the Dowses Warder—Extra.
Theis dry. fare Fees Ewepa
Naw Voter, toth April -3, P. M.
The packet .hip Darken 1 Odie..',
Captain Richardson, has waived, bringtorr
advice. (torn of the 97'b salt, from
Pans to the 95th, and Loah n to the 250.The most important intelligence is a re-
port that Prussia baa declared boreal a
Republic. 'regattaCipt. R• states that the gretta ex-
citement prevails in Pans avid Ilatre, tea
rieh beteg is apprehension of being killed
by the poor. The military were called out
at Havre on :he 1716pupae. for the pupae of
checking any outrage that 'might take place.
Large failures coutinusd to take p1'acs at
Parts, and throughout Plante.
A telegraphic despatch received by
Cslig ears Messenger, March 91, dined
Malx mates that reppublic has been pro-
claimed i. aBerhn. The King dethroned.
and His Msj.aty'• Ministers underarreet._-
The new. sum .6
COruod in Para by the
Commerce. That papers way• this tune
'•the feet s offitsl.
A telegraphic dispatch, posted a1 the
Bounty, 1 ) doubt of its authenticity.
A Berlin letter .aye the Price of Prussia
had left for Eng!and. Before lis flight, the
people demanded he .buuld renounce all
right to the throne.
Ws learn from Berlin that all the Polish
pneoners in that city have been set •t
liberty. Olathe 2.1ud ult., the dal• of the
latest direct advice., Berlin sus• transited
Thu sews throw• some doubt over the
views reeetved Irons Meta, of the proclama-
tion of the Republic.
The Universal G.utleof the Ind albino
atate.,that the Kong had pl.c homy pro-
perty of the State, including m
.words, wider the protection of the c1111505
sad inhe►it.sls of Berlin.
A revolution ie announced as having oe-
tered in Genas, which has detached itself
from Sardinia.
AUSTRIA.—A new ministry has bees
formed at Vienna •
BAVARIA.—A letter from tllwtfeh dated
21st ultimo. says, King Louis has abdicated,
std will retire to Sicily. The inc.u
Royal asceods the throne.
via b fes ave pow meet of the author N shown m the start- + sir "'elu ;liter that the antersels o ng an
the d otherwise
e a mater degree theta len a r of resht whieb its fiction wears . rats. lie amused himself by Leeching item would otberww M the ease, Fur Mxam-
ple, in valleys the beat is thrown off frau
(be sides of edjaeent bills, from fores's of
trees, or other objects, sod in time situa-
tions the air le butter than if there were no
each ridraeos. if the .put be sheltered
from the cooling effect of wioda, there a
another camas of increase to the tempera-
The more heated that any fluid becomes,
it is the more rxpandes and coosegoently
lighter. Being lighter, it rimes or mounts
upward, while the colder flud stoke and oc-
cupies its place to be warmed ani lightened
to turn. Them .Iteoatioos greatly ds-
tuyb tea tranquillity of the atmosphere.—
Here the 511.4 rising, there It ts aokoog or
rushing .ideise to supply the de6cieacy ;
is short, its motions ace Iadeseribably vart-
ou., all in consequence of the ever -Meiling
temperature of the atmosphere. The cur
realm of air se tweed are the wind., with
the effects of which all aro fawuhu. to the
BriOsh Islands, and other countriserwmihu-
ly situated, the wads witch blow aro 15 1y, designing le sad up the ever I.. Plata,
general • result of disturbances in the .oi eel" a few 01 the rich ranee" whsetr
balance f the atmosphere at the distaste, .rseally ailed once a -year trout that port
1 t ouw s o earth,
s the St. Gear and t he Cinque Ports, of to
eaanot of ice carth, sed their oeWtoenc• sod if gees; and Selkirk wa appointed
eaeot be calculated epos" aid b • .silt. o.ater of the latter. They sailed
principalher. cause for uxertal.ty 10 tea to Sepunbe IlOS, bet were too 5.'e fur the
weather. lleonet vb'eb bad got iota port Were
The artnovpban u.taining the capacity ff
for abmorbiny lid sueteumm g mamture. but they arrived at Madero. Dampier then ro-
t tad a=twit. Wbee "tainted to undyed to attack .oiim rich town. on the
r i iii to share with Croatia in all his to dance, and perform many snug tcats.—
dif5culues ; to sympathise with his solitary Another of his amusements was 4uotoog or
condition ; and follow eagerly Ibe togenioue- foot, and by exercise and habit, be could
ly minute and well conceived train of cir- •un dowu the swiftest goat. Some of the
eu.etanees and adventures through which 1 kids he taught to dance in company with
the inhabitant cf the Maly isle passes.—, his kittens.; and he aft•rrleards declared,
The simple, natural pathos with which De ; that,ee never danced with a lighter heart or
Foe clothes the narrative of a plain un- . greater sprit, than to the sound of his own
sophisticated seaman, placed in perfect voice to the midst of these du.ub tnIusals.
solitude,—tbe way in which be expresses ( During hu residence, `Selkirk was careful
hie feelings, and denotes the workings of to measure time, and to distinguish Sunday
his mead, effect the heart more then all the' from the other days of the Week. Anxious,
elogt.enc• of Rousseau could have done, !hat in ease he should due in solitude, ht.
had he attempted the story. The narrative I having lived there might. not be .unknown
of Shelkirk's adventures on the island of 1 to his fellew-creatures, he carved hs name
Jean Persuades wants, of coons, the excite-' on • Dumber of trees, addding the date
meat of the romance, but still it is abun-i, when be was left. and the period of [lure
daily interesting .ad beautt'ul. Wo shall which had since elapsed. When ha knife
extract it from • well-written life of Selkirk, was worn out, he male a new ono, .sad even
published to Cismber.' Journal. a cleaver for bac meat, out of some hoops he
Th. celebrated Carlon Dampier had pro- found on tho shore. H' several times saw
Octal •s enterprise with two awned ves- vessele par, bet only two east anchor.—
eels, trader the commotion of the Admiral Alrard of being taken prisoner by the
Spaniards, he endeavoured to ascertain wbo
they were before be diecuvered bumeoeli.—
lu both cases they weir.' enemies ; On One
occemos lis was chased, and Daly escaped
ny taking refuge in a tree. Al length on
the 31st January 1109, after four years and
tiro month.' solitude, he saw two British
vessels approach. Ti. night having come
on, he kindled a large fire on the Mach, to
oakum the strager.' that a human Moog
was there. Hope hay n1 banished all de-
sire of sleep, be sontrloved himsel( in killing
ream, and preparing a feat of fresh mast,
Mr glare whom he expected to be hie deli-
veries- 1e the morning, be found that the
mewls had removed to a greater dietaoce,
Mit, ere long. a host left the aids of one,
sad emus seer the shore. Selkirk ran joy-
fully 10 meet ea eomstrytes°. wens; a
twee rag to attract their summon ; and haw-
se; panted oat to them . proper Ianding-
04 which they thee lay ; sad w►es the ,fags, foe clasped them in his arena. J•'y at
mewl was shout to weigh, he west into a first deprived him of that imperfect power of
Mut with all his effect', and suis rowel utterance wbicb solitude had loft to him ;
Rehore, by the e1ptare a consent. His Sesl Hid lbw 'treaters, for • tons, were so Mir -
remotion en lasde•g win Met of jay. (row wised by We code helid ei, bag beard,sad
the thought that he was now freed fro. obs savage -appearance, as to be le saieh the
aonyasee Misch lad es lens oppressed mese condition. Whoa obey ease to est-
hete ; Ml M mew, dM he leer Ms mooed ptssetian% N appesr.d that the two vessels
of the ministate oars, thee the sense of were the Duke sad the Ditches, c mmasd
eulutude ad helpleueS.s Wimples hoe star, ad by Cermet Woode. R• tem, with Dann•
and made him rush tete lea water, 1e espier a • plot. D,,er, tea awned capita,
treat Me comp.ruotss to take hies wee more sea Fry, the leegte.sat of R'>ger ' reseal,
os bead ; but the eo.matader mads till +ere of tea beat party ; said atter taking
change Of rseolstim a subject d mockery( o1 tatbrb'e hospitably, invited bins ea
sad told Nm teat rt would be beret fur the weed ; bet eo lin sager wits M to leave
romaNer e1 the eesw, tbei se treabl.esese ba erditsd., teal be would not *omeen% to do
a fellow Weald mews where he w... ea WI lasered that Dampier' bad so suns -
Thai was he left to provide far his ewe tion of eomesed s the expedites. Hs
sebeastemee apes an earsb.brtd rind no- arm thee br aught ea board •he Duks, along
cultivated ale, Ar (row the Meets of Ms with ►n pnsetpal gamete ; sod epee Ilse -
Med, gad with bet wonder hep. of ewer pmt's neommendanss, who mod be bad
beep Hs Met mos in the (Name' Perri, be
wag merle a mate. Ile awes lased thee, W
be remu•wd ea bassi tem WMee Parte, be
*111 bee e.perlasd a wore Ate time
• ante o • a coos 10 tea snorer country. Ha reescla were
of b sad f too the tropbic.l or hot
to a enl
arumideR , it a rNmved by tae whet Sp• me& Main, het dleassesss broke out,
• ad byDam e • 0r u he Brat lease -
„deviated the mouton a the form d ran. It l neat of the St. George tea skip at St.
esleslsted tial tea wbele atmospbee►me1* !ago. After the bad reached the eosot of
tea globe mould sot retain at one time mora Brff zit. the Comm nervi of the Cmapie Parte
mrie in thee reidn.
produce about sixn no died. and Stradling, • mss d beets' std
.nem oxbow of nis. By a elevation no
te.pralore. the capacity e( O. atmosphere violent chuae►er, we* •ppmnted ss es
to 'Mort and eust•is mweturo u. tocreased, room- 8trdlaal and 8e15511 bed fes awe
and by • lower'eg of tem,•r.tareherr".- Aisles” on very bad tome, .id the latter
d. C•.Id bvesites, by lowing tea (impar• moved to reams upue Jose Fernandes,
awe e( the .M, mese tea seniors, masetsrs
to s sere obs •prereeee of clouds, .1d
teas w fail as rasa. Cloaks ieeppe.r et
meet tato thin teviwbte vapour is firm
weather, sod .gun appear lib,. it a cord.
Wh.. • clued ee tea mea of a
hill, it gradually eater. ametes .f werab
sr higher lsmpaeate1, eed tiwppeere.--.
lbw swore it owes • teak tahaae vapour,
.N the east Its goes 1 bet wbee a clewed
.meads shill, it cotes a repos of cold,
mat teesegeently ben .oedeised, 1 s
preerrtaled se e .bower .f tale. Hews,
the did headier rily°s--
WI..Ib.rime pglas
Tb.yl .wad devs wooer le tan • mill.
Thus" tea *semaphore at obs groat Bold i■
eked lbs vaned pie sero. of Bloods,
reMbe e, meteors, sod other appearswew la
IM eby, are exhibited. As reapers lb*
oloeemew of Itgbt melt, the astep►we atom ee,eghst vita lie follow -.tester,'.
tete • mast kaperteet part. IlVesme.d nit, 't*1. teed .eek cher some day* seise lie bei.
fie ripe of Sieies ave M.+eeieeM Mho- rest ef W Ot.44a er Nei be feel de .056-
_____________ Nh se • erg bet sib epee bis abode. pits lo obs
to be the ShIhdeth of Peacc.—Spiced of
Lord Palmer to, in the House of Coaeuaouu.
upon Polaud at a moment's notice.
D*.ega arraxrrno TER ion EARLS 1 At London ora the 15th, Console sold at 818
DErgwrnese or one M.gTIL Facui.nge . and Paris, on the 24th, transactions on the
Bourse were heavy. Amount of proleste't
b'llaio the Bank of France stated to be 2,
700.000 France'.
Admiral Baudin has decli.ed receiving
5000 fes. salary, as member of the bureau
of longitude.
and undue employment of the brain, in- ! Holster] has donated 16,000 hires to the
6ama.aon of the hemispherical ganglion, or Provisional Government.
Largs numbers of German and Belguos
are leaving Pus for hoiue.
Arrest. have been made for destroying
lhsturbance. at Agen mppresseJ by the
National Guards and people.
Jerome Baonaparte has joined the Natioo-
al Gvards me a private.
The Provisional Guverdment is .doptisg
meseures that cheek the commercial Crate.
Deville gave bis opsioo of the boy. ebarrct- Four hurdrsd Poles have (ur1o*4 • Cwn-
er, s1 the gam'° tune cautioning the lather pane to return to Pulaad.
of the dangerous course be was pursuing. M. Thiers has declared for the Republic
and accepted the no.nloai un for the com-
ing election.
The in*uirrettiuo is general throughout
the Lombardo Nenitian kingdom.
Milani* in the hands of sate people.
The King has granted all the demands N
the people.
The F.Inseror of Russia ie said to be gre/t-
ly excited in consequence of events in
France. Great activity prevails iu the war
deper went, and, the army of 1.
directed to hold itself in readiness to march
IS CrtLD•mi.=Civic can be Do douut that
many achiral has been sacrificed in early
youth to the pride of parents, who, dehgbt
ed with the intellectual activity int their
children, have striven to make them prodigies
of Wartime. But to them carer of early
of the lining me,ubrane of the ventricles.
with soro•m etfu.r.o, has usually been the
cause of a fatal moue or u( a subsequent
mental iDIbect.ity.—'Che late Mr. Wyllie
related to ns an mternling ease of oho -
kind. An extremely itute.lugent boy, of
about twelve years of age, was brougo.t to
hem for phrenological eaaoitnatu,o by a
parent sub a was very proud of the iooel-
Iectilsl endowuscnts of hie•child• Mr.
But (whet'. reply war," Al.that other buys
coosiderel labour sad bard study are mere
child's play to bum : that bid studios cquld
net be herung horn, he enjoyed them so
much." Again Mr. Devito eoJeavore1 to
otos t • child, but the tether would not
attend to tea wooing. Two yews Irom that
nine the father %ell. calved on Mr. Deb IRs,
and In reply to his eogaurnlral after hie child,
tbe father burst Into tears—Mm child was me
dtmt.—Stel/y ere tie Broom.
A srarNauov1 masa•.—Mrs. Jameson.
i1 her reals( Meanie( and gwsipoirig book.
The Jesuits leave for Walla.
Revolution in Pulsed confirmed.
Naw.rarsam.—A Western New York
paper publishes the report of a lecture
dehvered, in Vial section, which gives a
very intore.tIng history of the
prose. We make a few eztracts.
Tom first printed newspaper was p blahe d
recalls to nor recollection • story to the in England, or 1144, called '•'l'he bnglt►h
Baros defin+nmo'e taem..irs, wnrh snows Meteor', msyna al by her M•'d 1'not-
to what a riditeleus extent human crud.,. .t.- Tow payer wee nut respite, ay publish -
hi'y wu11 eo'eetrmas go. T•v eneedow t.
of a Frescb advestster, who was meaty -
ad 1510 the first ermine of Para as a su-
pereatural beteg. Ila wa. said to pos-
ttest tea eloxir of lila. and tie weedf••nog
Jew was apparently a youth to bee to
punt Of longevity. fa the Iowa N lea
Mareehel de Monopole he non sr Mwa
to the herpo'eh •rd, soul physd .a prate «
musts of seldom and seirpa.seteg beauty.
All trimmed whether it was his sere
entnpolIi'ue or where It tae to he fuee4t
To wticb lie replied, wuh a perselve air—
' The last tame 1 heard it was wham Aiex-
sueder the Great metered Babylon.'
No Rit.a,wtw.--A .e.sf the E,sereld Isle
nomms` a eonnfryman whom lice was not
ps►Hct1y remembered, after whiting him,
,start cordially, inquired his sews
e Walsh," was tae aariwes.
« W" l.h, W eft," maim der l'ai'ty, « are
ye zest from Dates f I bee. two Bold
meads Stere .f that acme—arse ember M
Nen jeer meter f'•
The Brat periedieal newspaper publtatled
at Frankfort Greasily, in 1655.
In 1e:4, the " Pabhe tntellige.esr ar.J
Londos Gazette" was aslabbeh•d. goon
uteresrde v*ne,m p; ere hM " their eft -
tram*. and exile" n Lowden, ■mn11 «limn
were " The Scots Dove,' •• The Parlimner. I.
Klta,' • The 8veret Owl." Ise., ire.
TM Spectator" was tee best per& y
literary periodical. it appeared u 1 71 :.—
Ib's pubticatwn, as le k*uws, owes Ili
irniwnrtatS t• Addmoe.
" The Tat ler," enedneted by Re .Richard
Steele ib.wgb psWls►ed a short time pre -
r., we• got etrtu•Ively) literary.
The " Clotted Stairs Uamtte" of Phila-
delphia. was /he •icusl organ of President
Wsshaegtea'• ediiuutnito.o.
8asentr..—T1s lest monstrosity psrp-
treaved by the patsy papers, te a story ..f
• sort is Vermont, se lot, tintatria sus•
reeeetly billed by tie .hada. hem( arm