HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-04-21, Page 410.1 1,E00,000 ACRES OF LAND TOR SALP. IN CANADA WEST. 'j'UE CANADA COMPANY hate for 1 dispersal, about 1,800,000 ACRES OP LAND eislereeJ throughout stoat of the Toaeeh►pe le Upper Cauadu-gnarly 6t0.- OCO Acres are situated la Ibe /hires Tract, well kruwn as one of 114 Mott fertile parts of the Pro%ince-.t bas treb:ed its popula- tion it Ste year, and now co•tuos up- wards ul 90,000 tohabttaotr. The LANDS ere oSeted by way if LEASE, for Teo leers, or _ler V.t1., C .B B fl D (1 W plan ..e/fth (iai, wad Ike bafoacs la InMal- a tears kiss does *way will. The Erste pyshle 1st February web year, ere •buil the Ietete.t at til Per Ceet.npon the price of the Laud. Upon must of the Lair, wits LEAKED, NO MONEY IS REQUIRED DOW N-wbast rpo* the others, actordiog to locality, car, two, or three yeses (teat, must be paid in advance, -het these payments sill free the Settler from further calls amid 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of his term of Lease. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to the Lessee at a fixed sum named to hearer and au allowance is made according to aotict- p.teal payment. Lists of lands, and any further informa- tics can be obtained, (by appttcetion, if by letter poet•pud) at the Cotilli• y'a O►ncas, Toros(. ar:d Coderii4 ; of R. BraOeaLL, Esq., .9spl.udel, Colborne Distract ; Dr. Atone, Gor/p4, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., 1'ttrurfurd, horns District. Guderich, March 17, (848.. 7 ' e' • CODER/CH CARRIAIGE SHOP. Li.WT1OV•1FoT*SET, 030 moa Warr Oa ALLEN'S 18N. ri'HE Subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Goderkh and is vicinity, that be is prepared to execute all order, for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER k LiGHT WAGOONB, Cetera, Lumber Sleighs, Grp, Dog Chita, Ilse., arid all other articles in his line of business. N. B. Repairing promptly attended to. Q.' Country Pruduce taken in part pay. men t• JOHN SAVAGE. Goderieb, Feb. 18th, 1848. 3y BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR HOUSES, CARRIAGES, lac. THE Snbecriber would intimate to the inhabitants of Goderirh and snrroond- isg reentry, that be is ready to execute all orders for PAINTING, kc., that he may be favoured with ; and if employers will fu►.ish materials, be engages to work at the cheapest rate, and give more satisfaction than has heretofore beea extended to this section of the country. N. B. All kinds of merchantable Pro- d.°, taken in exchange for work. EDWARD C. WATSON. Codeines, February 11, 1848. BRITISH HOTEL, GODERICH. LAT$Lr 4CCOPIIO IT NI. MAC.aaj7/1adiT, THE 8ubscnben bavi,1Llasejiho above SUPERIOR HOTEL, bene Jq»: res- pectfully to istitaate to their friend. -Wed the public is ge.eral, that they have opened for the reception , and accommodation of Boarders and Travellers, where they will be happyoto receive thee. whe may honour them with their patronage. 11 will always be their surely to fereish the Table with an simple portion of the best productions of the season, sed to keep their Bar supplied with Wines and Liq.ore of the best de- scription, so as to went the approial of their customers. ,J. K. GOODING, JOHN LANCASTER. Godericb, Jen, 111, 1648. 11 N. Il;.-EseelleeiStabiieg will be afford- ed, and an active and attentive Oroom will he always in attendance. NOTICE. ALL • peraE o.. INDBTED to the Sub- scriber, we hereby requested to cell and settle their accounts by the 20th of Womb next, all Accounts then unsettled, will positively he placed in the bands of the Clerk of the Court for collection, WALTER SHARP. Goderieb, Feb. lb, 1848. 311 FARMERS' INN, STItA1'P0RD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. /r/IE Sub.enber (from Galt) has lately 1 rented the shove welleetabluhed INN sad HOTEL i. the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and let. occupant, Mr. Jobe 13bercnam ; ail he begs to say that be will endeavour to see the Public and Tree. eller. well accommodated, sod their corn forte 'weeded to. i1. has good Stabile', god lib attentive Hostler. Hie Bar is well .applied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS DOC/GLASS. Mtr.I old, March 1, 1148. 703 FARM FOR SALE. r OTiVo. 9f1, in the g�tk eorseeeeioe,'ibw/ w ehlp of God'rich, about 9b teres oedei sad 7 scree new chopped land, with a NSW LOG BARN k DWELT; MOUSE 1D sew of emit lend wee plo.gb.d feet call. 'I b. •gid 1.•t t. retested sheet 9 nide. from (i.daetehi, lied 11 miles from the Hero. 11..•01. s. G/3H wet.l(ep,iredd vpa. Apply tithe sebsenher. PATRICK LAVAN, Proprietor. O'dlfs►bA, .Nair► (01k 1848. 31g qqq GoDERIC11 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOKE. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO., I1 AVE always ea bead a choice assort - meet of ail kiwis of teary sod STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, Boole, Show, Crockery, lee., kc„ kc. And as their stock ie selected from the principal warehouse. ie New York said Meatiest they fc.l confident that they taw furnish a superior article for Ices pries thea t elm bo obis -mad elsewhere in las Huron District, as to all, cask treasactioaa they hair' resolved to deal epos the priaeiple of *natal profits and ezi t:mite melee. They solicit an examiaaiion u( there ample stock of New Goods from all intending per - chaser.. - N . B. -All kinds of farm produce taken i■ eschaege for goods, f. r which the high- est market price w•dl be allowed. Guderich, Feb. 3, 1818. lf1 FOR SALE, BY the sukscriber, that t-aluab!e properly Situated in the toanabip of Godericle On Lot 19, 4th concession, within 5l miles of.the town of Goderich ; there as a good Saw 51,11 snit an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It is a tenet failing aurae) well ,looted for any Machinery, such aa Carting and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Gn.t NM. N. B. -Will be sold cheap for caab, or part of the mortify may he fora few years. Applyto the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Godeneh, Feb. i8, 1848. 3 IIENRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE end PASTRY BAKER, respectful) reheats the patronage of the inhabitants of Gode .eh and as v:ctaty, and trusts, by atrtet attentive, to merit a share of their favour.. N. IL -Hard Biscuit and all ki.de of Crackers on hand. Cakei mode to order. Gudeticb, Jas-. 28, 1848. ltf TO CAPITALISTS. GOOD and a1. Investments. Valuable MiLL SITES and FARMS for sale on Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege on the Labe shore within six miles r,f Godericb, baring 16 acres of excellent Land, the (dill can be built on the rock, and within 50 feet of ten feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a triflog expense and on a never failing stream,abuo- dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Also, a splendid 51,11 privilege half a mile up on the Eigh'ren mile River which is navigable to the Lake, baring 45 aeres of first rate land, plenty of Pine and other Saw -logs is the vicinity. AND ALSO -Four of the best deterip- lioo of FARMS on and sear the Lake Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low for cash, or ball the purchase money may remain for three or four years oo mortgage. Apply (if by letter poet paid) to Law- rence Lawraeon, Esq., Legdoe, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor JOHN HAWKINS. Port Albert. Godericb, Feb. 3. 1845. tf1 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply order. to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Cases, and every article seeessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are east in new moulds, from- an entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be unsurpassed by any, will be sold at prices to gait the times. All the type furnished by o. is " hand cast." Printing Presses furnished, and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Composition Rollers eat for printer.. 07" Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times as much type as their bills amount to, may give the a -bore six meetb.' insertion in their p.Pere, and .end their papers containing it to the Subscriber., COCKCROFT k OVERF,ND No 78, Ann Street New York. December 7th 1847. m15 NOTICE. THE Subscriber would announce to those who are indebted to him, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call with WILLIAM G. SMITII and set- tle the same on or be ore the 20th of March next ; and if said accounts are not settled by that time, they will be placed to the hands of the Clerk of the Court for collec- tion. Any person having any claims, or ac- count' against the eobeeriber, wit, call on Mr. William G. Smith for final settlement of the same. GEORGE OLIVER. Goderieh, Feb., 9b, 1848. 4-w9 A_ NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY sognunts hie friends end customers that he continues to make men's wearing apparel, to the most approved and fsehtonable style and on short notice. And or' returning thanks to the iohebttenls of Goderich and the surround- ing neighbourhood, 1••r the liberal amour - agement he has received, hopes by &wide). ty and punctuality, mill to mens a contuse - store of their pattnnsge. Goderich, Feb.. 3, 184. ill GILBERT FORTE, ADZES AND GENTIAN N'S then - 1 -4 ,sable Boot W Shoe Mabee, West Street, Ger/with. Merida gat, 1841. Mie J. ALBION HOUSE, • TAMES' Street. one door west the Commercial Saab, Haestliww, by J.troery, 1348. 1. ESNOYDE. VALUA ARM LOT'S tree /AL. 1IV THE HURON TRACT, KAiIELY POUR Lots oa the Fist QNatesies e1 ▪ Oodcricb, freeing, Like Hers., aee- aiaeg 89, 71, /7!, sad erj Scene respe- ts.ely. Two of these -Lets helm smoke- able tmprovemeet, lad ego of them a csw- modloem Two Story Log Hose, with Clar- ets ami Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS ow the Sewed Coseees(pa, costateieg 50 acres etch, two of thea partially lmppro.ed. These Iota are sweated on the Bayfield Road, from WI to eight motes south of the 8ourubieg Town of Ooderteb ; the land w of the beat quality, and well watered, sad the front Lots comasaed • beautifal new of the Lake. For pertihlara applyif by letter pest pard), lo JOHN CARK, Cuisines, Marti 17, 1843. Ill FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. APART or portion of BLOCK G. is the lowsssip of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Hume District, coaaote, TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF 1.AND, with 25 acres cleared and to good order ; fences is repair. There is a good Frame Home (Cottage style], upon the premises, 35 by 99 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each 90 feet long, with a Log Farm House to tolerable repatr.- There am three running streams of water through the Lot ; two of which ate in the rleatrng, and a brat rale Well in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but tri mile. from Gudench, the District tows. 0?"' This desirable property will be sold ata reasonable pr.ce. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACIIAN k LIZARS, Soltcitorer West -etre t. Godericb, Marek 1t9, 1818. 7tf NOTICE. ALL'persone indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or B. ok account,,a►e requested to make payment on or before the lint of May text ; after that date all de• meads, r_matning unsettled, Mull positively be handed over to an Attorney for immedi- ate collection. DAViD MIUNRO. Goderich, March 23, 1848. 1tt ASTRAY., CAME into the enclosure of the anbeeri- trer, on the Glebe Lot, Maitland Road, about the 13th of September last, a RED HEIFER, with white face and lege, rung 9 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her . way, otherwise said Heifer will be sold to defray expense., according to Statute trade le .ucb'case and provided. JACOB VILLSON. Godericb. March 13, 1841. 7w3 $800 REWARD. A BOY wu"atolep from his parents in the village of Napenock, county of Ulster, and Mate of New York, on the 14th December, 1847, and has been traced into the western pert of Cemda. The Child's Dame is ALONZO McEL- ROY, son of the to.dersttned, is four years e1d in Julie cert, has dark bine eyes, brown hair, and fair complexion, has a dight per- pendicular scar near the middle of the fore- head, runnug up Into the hair three qurrtera of an inch long. The said Child has been pursued by bis .meted father from that place to Canada, where the trace of him was lost. The boy has bees seen with a man who drove a par of large My horses, a waggon with a long reach, and a painted lumber box on three springs, with a box sitting in the hied eqd of the waggon. Any person who will procure the child and deliver him to any of tho following pemoos, or give fuels information as will lead to his recovery, shall receive the above reward ft Plea.e deliver the Child or give in- formation to G. F.°ROOD lc CO., HIRAM R. ANDREWS, A. H. STOWELL, (of the Custom House,)"Detroit ; to John P. Stewart, of the Globe Hotel, Buffalo ; or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada 1V. Any person wbo aide in restoring the Child to his afflicted parents, will truly serve the cause of humanity. WM. If. McELROY. Detroit, Feb. 18, 1848, FOR SALE, PT Tin ao..Qt.laa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AN assortment of DRY GOODS, H A R D- W A rt E and CROCKERY, purchased in Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, and imported via. Montreal, at the lowest rates. -AI.90- Hhd.. "Martel's" and "Heosesay's first quality Brandy, Cases superior Pale Sherry Wine, do. do. Port Wine, Barrels, 4 dos. each, " Botchy, Perkin. k Co.'s" Porter, Barrels Mrscovado Sugar. do Refined English (.oaf Sugar, Chests of Dyson Tea, and Barrels of Syracuse FINE SALT. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Godericb, Feb., 24, 1848. 4w4 11.11 O'CONNOR, 1341'OKTER, WEST STREET. rhAKF4 this opportunity of retuning hie .iwcere thanks to his traen.ls and the public for the liberal ,upport and distin- guished patrnn•ge he has received since the opening of Me Estabh.hment to G ,demes, antYL.ge to *emirs thein that he will strf) continue to supply them with the b -,t sod cheape.t articles to his line ae uwnl• 11e world direct their sitentron to Art varied end ettentenene iwtpnrtattooe which be ie now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, (1LOCKF,RY sod ILARDWARII, the low,pncee Of which ire is certain wolf speak for themselves, end /or quality ami 'ninety cannot be surmised In Wsetsea Cased.. 41. A, O'CONNOR. God.rich, Jan. t8, 1848. . itt Gje Better, WbPbt, (hits, Barley, Cora, kc., and every lmenpt►ee of Farmer's Produce takes in escheats. Ca.h will he paid for good Gra., Seal, Hide sad Pere. CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KIN?. YALUAI LI RI&AL FATATS T Olt SALE -A RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. 'PO saeeiber Msrst bevies eeeaced hest- 'tdtress is Oadedeb with the view of earliest ea his o erview, with snore lscili- iy acd aueo.ss, le is west of cask -can the following valuable property fee sale, situated is the8.e,,*hiag tees of Chatham, the Dmtrret seat fur Kest, for cash *sly •ix That advantageously outvoted property In Chatham Notts, cestaia►ag POUR we. ter Luts-according to the town plot aer- mey--with a good aid substantial two story Dwelling Howe thereon, Itirtisa, se ea- celkot garden, mtmtwer heuse, 44., its, suitable for a large family or a peMtc Hotel, a Barn 40 feet by 14, and a lugs enclosed Building well adapud fordistallisg or for storage, being erected oa • substan- tial wharf, mooring vessels of over 300 tone berths,. (/o the premises Is also an invaluable Spnny, the excellencies of its waters are not surpassed in the District. -ALS0- Two Building Lots in Chatham Ninth Block G , well .ousted, being oppo.ite the new Bridge, shortly to lie erected. -ALSO- A Targe two story Frame Rause (rooting `the Barrack", 40 feet by 16, nearly finished, with half an acre Lot belonging. -AI.80- SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent Ind situated on the Lanka of oho River Thames, only three miles below the tows of Chatham, w nth a dwelling House there- on, about 40 acres cleared, awl in a high state el cultivation. All, or part, of the abpve property will be sold on reaaneable terms fbr call down, or one-fourth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments, Title unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. & 0. Dineen, Chatham, or to -the pro- prietor at Goderich. CHARLES DOLSEN. Guderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 • FOREIGN : PERIODICALS REPUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN - QUARTERI.Y REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, earl BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. 'I'IIE above Periodicals are reprinted ie New York, immediately oo their ar- rival by the British Steamers, to a beauti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful copses of the origioals-Blackie ores Magazine being an exact far-simileof the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame of these splendid Periodicals renders it needless to say much in their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a si- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each as marked b • dignity,eaodour, d forbarance not ofteo found m works of a rty character. They embrace he views of the three great parties in ngland-Whig, Ton, and Rad.cal-Blas and the London Quarterly are Tor ; the Edinbegk Ri- viera, Whig ; and t N'estmisster, Radical. The Foreign Qua ell,y is purely literary, being devoted prts malty to criticisms on foreign Continent Works. The prices of the a -pries are lee, thea one-third of those o the foreign copies, aid while they are aqua y well got up, they afford all that *thaw ge to the American over the English TE S, N PATewIZR TO an WIDE L\ AD•Altea. Fee any mud' the foot Reviews, 83.00 per aa. For aay two de ds 5,00 For airy three do do 7,00 '• For d1 fuer of the Reviews.... 8,00 •• For Blackwood', Magazi.e.... 3,00 •• For Blackwood sod the 4 Reviews, 10,00 " CLUBBING:- Foal copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscnption fur three - the fourth copy being gratis. 1:17 Remittances and communications must be made in all cases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking 6ss receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, poet -paid, directed to the publisher.. N. B. -The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the late Post Mice Law to about one-third the former rates, making a eery important saving in the expense to mail s bseeibers. io all the principal cities ami towns tbroughoet the United States to which there as a direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the Coy of New York, these "periodicals will be delivered free of postage. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., Publishers, 112, Fo/(oi-,t., N. 07- Subscriber. in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest American Post Offices. Goderich, Jan. 18, 1848. 1 Caown Le eo'DI rAaTaRST, .Ventres(, wag .MereA, 1848. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of obs Excellency the Administrator of t'..e Government in Connell, to a!l persons who have reeeteed locations of land in 'Western Canada, since, the tot Janney, (832, and also to parties located pr.vtons to that date, whose location, were not te- chided M the list of unpsrettfed hands, liable to ortestar., pobli.hed 411* of At. AWL th t sal..e the chtmante or tlegal re starves establish their Slams and tae out their Patents withre hes pore from this eat', the land will be resumed by Government to be di.poted of by Sale. SALT ! SALT ! ! IN RA ELS, cheep for earth or market- able produce, at the Store of T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 184e. NOTICE. ALL potties indebted to L. PECX, fm PRU/T TREER, either by Nate or Snob Amorist. Melese settled kneseiietely, will be pla-ed is the bawds of the Cheek elf the D1vis,,. Conrt for collected,. i. RAIL ENBURY, Agee. Godgtrkh, Joe.* 1848. 1 GODERICH FOUNDRY. TARML..RB.ENCOURAas twos. HOME MANU►ACTOJIJE/. THE Sebewllrspi bog to Whom the habits**. 4 the Hoses Ntetricf. i they hate . 011. epsrsaw, *heir l FOUNDRY, whish fpr eoawareace orad the mdse) with whish the work to hew, resat► they feel /tits{ to ssseeet. nag macaw, les.idry in Qass*, They farther pledge aheinrelae to the public to sell all Geode is their hi.e as cheep if sot cheep"; as good, tl set hot- ter, thee they oat be .btalaed heat Say other foundry t. Casale or elsewhere. The patronage they hate suet with dories 11ra short twee they here hese to busters herr, wsnante tit above atatemeat, and they take the opportenfly of ►a(orm►ns their friends sad the public that they will sae every ':inion a their power tit main- tain the chewier, they %ra.t, they bars fully established fur themselves. They will have on band Threshing Mille, Saw Mill and Grist Mill Casting.; Reac- tion Water -wheels, Steel Machines of the latest and most approved plan, Steam Ea - genes, and all kinds of Hotfow-ware, such as Belie Kettle', Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; also, various sines of Cork- ing and Parlour ✓,toyer, and every descrip- tion of Plough', kc., &c. In addition to the above, they w ready to receive order. for BELLS from fire to tea hundred pounds weight, and warranted to be well toned. GEORGE MILLER k CO. Galericb, Jinuaay 28, 1848. ly N. B. la order that the subscribers may be,enabled to discharge the pledges given in the above advertisement, they mast in- sist upon prompt payments, therefore, ofall Notes and Book Account* now due, imme- diate payment is rsqueated. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT A3. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Publiebed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at the Low Price of TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably in ',Nance. The Traeecrlpt a printed on a sheet nearly as large w soy used Ill the Proriaee; and should circumstances permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course of the sowing summer. During the approacbieg Session of Par- liament the Tra.scnpt will contain Reports of the Proem -deeps, .u®cteotly comprebea- sire to furv.i,b Record of all that occurs io both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript well support Its old character. A portion of its spare space will be devoted to the ha- eeruon of miscellaneous matter of as in- teresting and Literary character, and every tbiag offensive to morals will be carefully avoided. We have commenced, aid intended to enetinoe, a series of I1,ogrephical Sketches from Chambers Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tract. and other Works ; and during the present seaman, notice will be taken of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary Ia.tttotions of this ay, which we commenced last winter, and width gave general satisfaction. TERMtOF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. (J[7" The price of Subscription of the Mo.TsuAL Taawsoacrr, (when sent` by ail) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an. Dalt* payable in advance. To facilitate re mettaseee FiFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN 81111.- LINGS for Ten Months, aced FIVE SHIL- LINGS for Fi,. Heaths. Whets the petted of sobseriptioa is nearly expired, we .hltt seed three deferent eerier* d the Traescnpt sedated in Nis or great covers ; sed if oo remittaaeeis made, the Paper shall, in every case, he discoa- tieued. As the paper is given to subscri- ber. at the lowest possible price, all money letters most be post pard ; and theme whieb are not, the amount of postage wait de- ducted from the money sett. Q "The Transcript is sent to Subscri- bers to tbe•co0.try twice or three mines a week, at there option. The whole of the reading muter of Tbur,day sod Saturday's papers being put into one sheet -thus sav- ing the &describers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the came. Subscribers, in writing for the Transcript, will plana mention whether they wish the tri -weekly or semi-weekly paper sent to hem. (1 Newspapers with whom we exchange will please copy this Notice which we will be (tippy to reciprocate in the same way. Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5 PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, F.*sroes. THF Miters of the Vic -rests 'diarist's will devote all their talents to produce a earful entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana- dian People; which -may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches aid Tales, in verse aid prose, Moral Ewer, statistics/(the Colony, Serape .f Useful information, Reviews of sew Work,, soil well selected creel's flea 'be most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Megariee. The Editors feel ereflde.tthat theiedepeadeat sod ribs* eoostry to whose service they are prod to dedicate their tateats, will cheerfully teed its ripped to enererage their trireme mad Memorable ■ndenakieg. The low pun et which the Periodical is pissed, is is twofer that every person within the Conley who ens reed, std nfazwua for moral and mental improvenseet they beeome a wtb.eriber a.d paints el the troth. The Vtcrnw,. Miasmic will rowans tweely- (o.r page. is cask mamba ori•l's( or' sew type, sod epos good pope►; and will (arta at the ted of the years seat Volans", of 988 para, re - tether with Tide Mae mid leder. lewill b. leased M.athly, eamateeie( se tit Firer el September, here the ofF,.r el J(1d1i,PN WILSON, 11seroism.t, itell.51.-,3. Peke limber sad ..k Pierfee a, M wh.es alt seenetw the Magmiee, asci hereto w die Editors, meat hs sddresent (pase.py,) The tonne of stib- seript.os=ONE DOLLAR FEB. ANN M- inentLife r k pelt r eilemees Garrick 118,44 2w. rvitira' O ae. dries hist LIR PILL. An tr 1 .1!I♦*SMZ E11'1TiI. , wee : ►i tebbrt '.t tN�ktnee Mid 11jG� t11M►1ta.iltiNke stimny,tlr'tlr1 a has readsauli p1-" tit���f� ant eats issasaisimigla 5' Mtn 't4 ii. their geed works leanly gthem sad tisk thrive IN met Loy the f the credulous. •y te Outwit;Elewa Asthma, t of sten efsm, Aflbetioea of sig .b Bladder old 1(01..., /Idiom Yawls and ••1 Liver Ceapiaist.. it la the South sad West white thee. 4,.• , i. eases prevail, they will he !sued iftendar• .., ble, Plaster*. farmers, *ad ot3gpy once use the*' Madictaee, wtil without them. Bilious Choke, sod Berear ti.-. tet Biles, Costiveness, Colds see elsos3.Ir30. Chole, Coswmptiee. Used withreel .1r euccees a this sluts/.. Coerupa Haaaow, Drupe►'', Dyspepsia. No perms meth tkie dis tress tag thaea*e,should delay baste these mediusea immediately. Eruptions of the Skis. Erysipelas, TIM tuleney. Fever sad Ague. For this mange of the western reewtry these seedi*ia . wife be Weed a este, epeeiy, sad e.rtim mow dy. Other esedactaes leave the eyMita subject to a return of the disease --e este by these medicines is permaaeDt. Try them, be s•tt.6ed, and be CURED. Fuutoees of Complezio., Newel Debi- lity, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Heedmeb.e, of every kind, Inward Fever, lebmmatery Rheumatism, lmpn Basad, Jesedieey Lae of Appetite. Liver Cempist.ts, Leprosy, Leeman', Mercurial Diseases. Never faits to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infnitety sooner thea the moat powerful prrparatioa of linfalpee nlla. Night Sweats, Nemo' Debility, Ner- vous Complains of nal kiwis, Orgaiei. Af- fections, Palpttatioa of the Heart, Painter'. Cbolee . PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Pelee of 13 years standing by the we of these Lde Medicine. elem. PAINS in the bead, side, back, ttmby joints *ed amass. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with this ternble disease, will be sun of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Heed, Seerey, Saltrbeerm, Swede ere. Scrohaks, or K'.g's Evtl, to its went forme, Ulcers, of every dwnptao.. WORMS, of all kinds, are effectual) ezpetted by these Medictaee. Paresis will do well to administer them wherever their existence is suspected. Relief will be air- men. - THE LIFE PILLS AND 'HCENiX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, staid thus remove WWI (home Aram the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PH� NIX BITTFRp b.1o1l the reach of competittoo in the *enmities of ever? patient. The genuine of these medicisee ars new put up in white wrapper. and labels, to- gether with a pamphlet, called "MaAbt'. Good Samaritan," containing thedir.ctfoss, lee., os which h a drawing of Broedwn from Walt street to sur OISu., by w3ie� .traegers wising( tit city sea very seedy fad as. The wrappers .ad Samaritan, are copyrighted, therefore, those wbo pro- cure them with whits wrappers caw 1. assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yells*, wrappers ; but 1f you de, be satisfied that they cmee direct from we, er dont toted thee. Q7' Prepared and mid by DR. WiLLIAM B. YOPP'AT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony stir./, New York. For ale by BEND. PARSONS, • Sale Areal. Godericb, Jan. 28, 1848, 1 GODERICH CABINET AND CHAIR FACTORY. LATSCHAW k EBBE, Soothweet et., Sign of the Big Chair, beg moil respectfully to acquaint the public general- ly, as well as mew settlers coming Into the Huron District, that they will fled it to then, advantage to purchase at the above establishment, as they continue to Crane_ facture.Cabtoet Ware of every description, such se Sideboards, Drawers, Sofas, plain aid fancy Bedsteads, Centre, Telescope, Dining and Breakfast Tables, ke., ke.s kc., to suit purchasers, arid as cheap am ant other eetablisboaeat is the District. They also manufacture Grecian, Franey and Wiadsnr Chaim in good workmanship - like manner, and of the best mNsrtde.-- Coestry produce always takes in sachemge for any of the above articles in their lige, at market prices. N. B. -L. k E. request all them le- debted to than. slier long credit by sate or book account, to call and settle the sane before the 15th of March text, or other- wise they will be collected after that iasis wt•h Coote. Guderieb, Jas. 98,1/141. 111 •e �4 r WHOLESALE DRUGGIST •, sisal* in Paint.,0,1., Vareishee.ad colour; imparter of tirades Sagaish Clfesisiw Every article seat from the E.tablielsnetk Warranted Genuine. No. 3, lisp saws Block, Kir{ Street, Heleds.a, lassery 13. 1848. 1 ; JOHN WINER Tress eve raw Hones Ares LINOS per *seem if paid .^ALy^�T 21EM er 'remelt ego Bel Pira w�'tw el the year.,• -di L S I se paper diessat.talS ' attmmlt paid tip. tains thep.iiiohoo t1Y.b____ tt# tags t• Ale sib Aa� iealivid.al n (3. ee.s ego.�is far 4. sebeeribrre, s asveeNlimas II? All�jssw aldreme d to the Ethan sew b. Pest Paid. et they will M4 lta t./fed est of the Nei elle.. beer err A.vnsterees , ,1 SitBou...a., bur )orris;.:.:- End aabtalysa.st TVs w i.arghiYn,... * i... •5 . Re ..d ender, O Maiweism.... • 8 Each seb.rearer rdse r:. • .. 4 Owl see Ikea bet twmdstire, p0 r.i►r toga -elm 5•$-t 1. Obis wit A th. 1.at.