HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-04-21, Page 114!"' t,y.
i -ern" -'r e a4. • i s*a. e
or it gggggeNp soL+vrtJ teinh $I , < +
. aub.tl *rpt ,.etre.) s l as see mews it r.. r i
.vii fru. .dvira.i i ens;! ao. a .aur• It .
1 ."het
Sir•:i11,t .11'a.r. w•'e .. , ..'r rese
heele & res theilluto I l rest.
•e•.wa as'..nie...dw•aM
1 ,ate ► 1'a1•.I s ., w 3 1 !.
~"!= DEBTS.
. mei ad relit.;
TIN etll LI
t •
hc futon Monate
so ~rum ass sum $ HA 11L.L• DD .f. .*
►ggagmmT elleash •art—
QNLAS 11 MM QI1tLl31.amd .14 titi• , A1I tie
11 0 girl.
a era caner.
1 Aiwa, wham booed with my fellow • ley,
Clem b1 • es name tripe's side 1 key ;
Bel es es mem an .int iheek'd tp pride.
Tia a m. some is esee•aw re ( tried ;
"Priebe, peer sonnei. ken hrae+irti tench ms
Iyer memo Isms, sad et • &tamee est."
•• Yris morel :" wish a beegluy some ere{M,
•• bend loom of seri, 1 .mess shy mode said
Mess bash ere mem is Demh'. mseidermg
TOO is oy s•evmss•eaar. sod mar is skims.••
tem me masa mama..
The whip pan ((wirer hes eddied away ;
Use hems bet. exhaled Gem tet tersh,
Ad the gay teal Wire. that hap m each spray,
Piedra it .Md is their mirth.
A timely gees mend. the fewest •icer,
And wild lam mated the lee ;
11er an roily and and I weeder Were,
Yee /ties. radon or ems me.
The mersieg I gadred a beech of b ,t,s.se
Amid earl her it with • sigh,
ilst Ir soy. -a► ! was it my brut but to tear
Famish it with sews is her eye.
Abided I wired. with sharp agony torn
Thee Magbdy, meted t be ;
Oh 1 elk est of Ras* se a heart ',forlorn,
Ise lama smiles set epos me. -
6eietish, LIM April. 1818.
New yea rte I ba.e sot 'tested
Or ezaggeratad, by land oe yea.
Si. all Iter Meru .eatiered o'er therm
Pau Vaa Diessss's Load uta Retidmllf/OM
Who all slave traders are wrefy chased
AM iter the sem, when they may he seam.
neat lie GeV of Persia to Cape Hors,
Their Flogs meet yield lo ear Bauer Qom.
Shy di eeprds every ether muco,
Or dl oymbeaed Mum they .said raise ;
She he soakage as the hesibes ages :
She's usages thea !Uptake, foe ,bs else the
S. 1 reseed ebertlydne se yu bier,
la 8t James' Park, that lovely grata,
When there she sits as brightas Venom ;
She is the star d Essope—the Burma Quaxs.
I am tusuq for a.deriekiag
To have the face for to give her praise ;
It takes all the poets fist me reigned sieve
T. do ber retie. is time sad place.
How royal Millirem she will canoe me,
Aad east no hews ea each • broad.
Te have elm aswrssee se undertake it,
Te vindicate kw our Stumm Qozza.
May dee preside over all the region
'From the nems sea to the Baltic Sea,
Over Clues, ladies., Tacka, Jews, sad heath-
Assuager the sadism' she may bear the *any.
Ally kir YAW 'tead sp to the besmears;
With tie highest angels may she •e neva ;
That the Gad of glory, likewise Prises Albert,
May Meg remain with err BIUTDIE gnus.
Fres hie Loei.bip i do claim
Some saes due to the Poet's fume :
Let it, thea, be great it amass,
He'll take it. am! to. Bled witiall.
Yam tet Ottawa Alvettioer. •
Tb. fsllewag revere we eaheotiiasiagty pro -
weans tet poem of the N. **teeth Celery. To
the Met verr ws panicolarly direct the attention
of the Gemmel Gessnl. Mr. Qoiel.y s em-
pkv ally the pastiest " Darien" Bard. with
abase writlsg we Mn the boomer of beteg
' tritium!: gad we *Oak the least Lord £tgta
am de, is • ism' the author with ifm dignities
ed otinel.o stn d the Poet lata retteehip d all
the serenity " bee the Wall ol'Cb.w to Capes -
and Orphans is Chief to " Cheese.
imimme Tunbs, J.wsaad Ifwthma—Eo. O. A.
Volume IT WU.LLam w0Na•T, ea TIM LITZ naa-
TIT M Tia es1•1•St.
Yoe Du:s barb! rat's experieeeed writers,
Yee are Mein.' fee se ked year aid
To praise • mourn that acme eta era!,
Te isderaa. it, I am mach afraid
The the great gem Hein, sou mese meld
Meal, •
Or Cleopatra, wb.a is her beieg,
Or Bsafesa, likewise Berskebi,
Neer weld compare to our Sarni Qum.
Jade. Caesar, se Alexaseet,
For IP glmptre, they could trot vie,
Or Griotioe, is en hrapkdsur,
When ib. great usurper they eeemd it My ;
The Carthapea es. they seer add equal,
Or Busse Titati ea lie Avulse Greta ;
'',Or M greet Se4pie, wets defeating Dido,
Neer cera eraomed sash Ates es err Denim
Sae laws, they wpm ; some vas equal ;
The ...wed headset tempt she der defy
Ser areal jaw-megrm a she hes emancipated
And 11ibr sed, e'er the British Ides.
ea Matt an resod yea, her vast dee ami es.
nem psM ea per (We he p he eeen)t
The mersieg sem. when it is.s sissy
It.r•tigtgslova trOlk mllamTmsQa m.
let rrli/rmf
UNPIN batmen «poi
0111141* welt& tAs mrOSMlrroadit
Mares mil debut to Ctipea rims.
7VRll4._ kinsman*.
>tiq .dins ai. w in eemtperesm
JReibietlPtwmob they W a spree t
1Mire i *Inds. w *sir tied miistsse.
!lifilooliot abboorti wish es, Illemrsm Quitter-
Helps Repekimms, lett's mew of kw days,
Nor1 'tP b)Ng moi beast of emir weals .
,teat army at the Reveled's,
,triell p prep duty .pboM tet some .
+ wick bet be tet battle,
ropes ltgstiems it will be seem
It was anciently "apposed that all created
things confuted of but four eleme•ts—
earth, fire, water, and aur ; but this idea has'
load "tote been abandoned. Earth is a
composiuoD of various .ubstaoces, as will
be afterwards explained ; fire is merely a
manifestation of extreme heat ; water is
composed of two gases im chemical union ;
and air is also a eouipouod of aariuus gams
ln, ...,el.,.heed m diffurd\t tropostaoos.— me le be 644 01 9• e
Item mind her jest bin a glob
.&6 bums Q esia.
Idoolr t(sw vows she Ong= t
bo ss ted brining aims Mknws.
m the C.Imiio.
• > nd foto obi *Mai atria.
wimp iiaM-%Isj w14 one b* sand.
111011110111101Mitebe toll the Onto;
bow —•
rdr 1re... e •
moephere u thin, and occupies a much lar-
ger spare. The explains why tbe this air
ea htgb grounds is ... 45gly colder them om
low auwuoas. Aloft, the ear u MI warm
u it is below, but there is 14.. of tt ; the
particles are sore widely asunder. and the
produces the effect of a greater c.•Idomrs.—
Properly .peaking, the cold io high saute
"teas arses frum the want of . r, Wiese
tine from the air itself.
* ere
Mr. Justice Colbridge on Drunken-
ness.—During the recent gaol delivery fur
Yorkshire, two young men were convicted
of highway robbery. They received excel
lent characters from several witnesses, and
on the eight of the robbery it appeared that
they, as also the prosecutor, were In • stair
of intoxication. The jury fused them boib
guilty, but recommeded them to gamey 00
seaman of their previous good character,
and because they, as well as the prosecutor
were all drunk at the tune. He Lordship,
adresupg the prisoners, said, " The jury, on
account of your previous good characters,
sod because all the parties were drieik a'
the time, have recommended you to mercy.
must say that the 6nt ground M as ex-
ceedingly good one ; but I think if the jury
bad cuosidered the mischief and crime that
result in this country, u well as in every
other part of England, from the use of
liquor in exee.r, they would hardly hate
considered that u ay extesuatiom of yes{
offeece. True, you would nut perhaps bate
committed this offeece if you were sot in
liquor, but if a mu will commit crime when
drunk, he should take cars mot 10 get drunk..
1 venture to say that, in much more than
half the offences which bate been brought
before the assize, liquor hal bad .omething
do to with. Liquor hes either beeu the
temptation beforebaed to robbery, to get
sometbiag to purchase it, or et s the provo-
cation under the ioflue.co of liquor that
causes them to quarrel, and perha4ps commit
murder ; or it u liquor upon whieb tie
fruits obtained by robbery are generally
spent ; and it'seems to me that, but for the
cases where offences are bought on by the
excessive use of imtoxtcaung liquors, the
courts of justice might be nearly shut up. -
1 am sure that a great deal more than half
the time of criminal courts is taken up in
cowequ.ence of offences what have some-
thing to do with liquor. The first recom-
mendation of the jury I .hall take into con-
sideration, but the second I cannot. . The
laws o. obs country do not allow drunken
1'WELVG A\D erA Ila i
AT Tttrl *MD Of Tase mart.
Instead of oily four, it ie caw mint"med nom of any °Rene . 'f'he old law said the
that there are at least f1117.100 'mels or ;f a man ktllet another when drunk,he should
elemeetary bodies en mature, Damely, six be hung when sober. It must nut be fur a
gases or aerial fluids ; forty-two metals ; moment heard that intoxication is to be any -
and viz bodies of no paiiicular class, the
names of which are carbon, boron, phospho
rus, sulphur, silicon, and iodine. All ob-
thine like an excuse for crime."
The British Banner reworks on the
above, tbat-e* Justice Coleridge has
From tie Newcastle lamer.
Vii .PasseD.eT., Dmlccsou, 8rosr•stas
Awa Mar emu or mut A&macULTwmaa Se.
9.7,10, Tttaoueruv- Wa.Tsaw C*a•aq
r. tk.ny advantages have been produced,—
Ueu sties for promoting science and hiera-
tic*, tuts and sittns in gement. Foremost
*meet thew Assuctauuoa ..ay he cfasaee
those fur.lbe support e( aeufac;urea oaf
Now, as .11 are more Of less intimately
concerned is the benefits, and dependent on
the skill of the tillers of the soil, it behoves
ell to aid and aeon is all measures cake -
laird to beoe&t t►a eommssity at large. It
i., id.d, isseeraute on all who ham a
spark of peirotues, es combine with such
bodies u are formed for carrying out to the
utmost the whale available resources of the
country, and the genius and abibile. of its
po uletiun.
In proportion as we ns raise amongst
ourselves ease necessaries which all de-
mand,and thew supplies which tbe more
wealthy require, in such ptopurtein will be
our true happiness and icdepeadeaace.
Wealth, is whatever •nape, must in
Canada, as an agricultural country. spring
from the sue, •nJ proceed from the skill
and industry of the farmer ; and to encour-
age that indurtry and develops that skill,
such Societies u "The Provincial Agricul-
tural Aasociauon" are formed, and in the
be e6ta arming from such in•i tuuusi,
every class court participate—arttsa0, me-
chanic, manufacturer, and merchant.
Experience has so fully proved that with-
out unity of purpose no community eau ex-
pect to accomplish any great ubject, 11)11 11
would seem a work of supererogation to
dwell upon that topic.
FrJlrl small beginnings, within the term
of about twenty years, a partial and imper-
fect organtzatioo bas indeed been going. on
in isolated situations within the Province ;
and although some local benefit has been Mary —" This letter wipe writers u the
derived, still it a evident, without • comb!- elascotan league, in letter much Ohs to
nation and centralization of our energies, oo the Greeks letters, very faint writhes to
lasting goof 10 the Province at large t.ead paper, 01tb • breeds wale b.agt.g et tet
be lu.•ked fur. I sena., sealed in paper upon wane. Thee
The means for such an 00100 have n0wel'sl• area much bice the breed meal° of INg-
been afforded by the Act passed for the in- land, hatiog on the one aide the image of
corporation of the Provincial Association ; I d 'era ars Iorse6'aek ia ceitplels hareems
and a grant of five thousand pounds per I fagkliag wills n dragon."
annum has been made to aid to the forms
Museum cities uf •very early date re-
con and examinee of District, C••unty, and putt the figure of • horseman sp*ertag
'Township Societies ; but no money bas, u & drag..n ; use p•riicolarly, of Machu&
ret, been appropriated for lbs support of 1 A` Jr surly year before appeare ob.ai ,te v struck ucs of
this In.titutim.
It remains, therefore, for you. Gentlemen, 1:.s-urdet of the garteitn England• irons
and indeed theeeeele of tee popieeeee (reel Iles petiol, 0°meruu Ruarian cum. ant
all are interested,) to say w.hetircr yen wet succesa.ea distinguishes by the saute
apply part of yonr means, either public or emb:ctn. Venous nutims bate been pet
einem.. re the ...ewer .d r►,.. ease. me. forth cunce:tan, b ori le u the o
Agricultural Society, and thereby piece it 0.1 but 11 seen■ proea rle "beat e• meemeeea
a fair basil —or wbetber, by wteeeeeteg recut ed the u:.age of St. George met the
At a meeting of the Directors of the
'Provincial Agricultural Association, lately
bald a1 Toronto, as extract from the pro-
ings of wmieb is hereto appended,* ye*
I observe that amongst other things, the
siJeet i• directed to address the Agricul-
torers throughout the Promote in behalf of
tie Assucialion.
You are aware that sn Act incorporating
tits lo.titu'ion has been recently passed,
that under its provisions, two Exhibi-
tions have been bell,—one in Toronto ie
October 1346, and the secood in Hamilton,
in October last. 1t s aloe decided that the
se xi Exhibitios shall be held in Cuboorg,
is the Newcutite District, on the first
'Kneads!, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri-
dley in October next.
The Pre,o ams awarded at the two for-
mer Exhibitions, amounted to about twelve
beaded puundr ; of this sum, nearly three
hundred pounds remain yet unpaid. The
amount required for Premieres at the next
Imbibition, will fall little short of neves
hundred pomade.
Thus, Gentlemen, you will see that near-
* one thousand pounds will be required fur
the above purpose, and fur rico the Proven•
tial Association are wholly dependent upon
you. ,
An application will be made at the next
Session of the Legislature for a grant hoe
the public funds in aid of ibis important In-
stitution, awl it is confidently dlpected to
be succesdul. But it must be clearly. uo-
derstood that so part u( this can be gut for
ibis year's operations ; and under these cir-
cumstances, the Society must, u on form-
er occasions, appeal to you for the contri-
bution of a num equal to the amount of Pre-
miums to be awarded at the next Eabibi-
It is proper that you should be informed
that, in future, all sums of stoney, voted or
otherwise, raised fir this object by the seve-
ral Agrtcu@oral Societies throughout the
Province, thee) be applied solely to the pay -
opera of Preu,iums ; and that the local ex-
penses, fur enclosures, erections of betide
loge, aril other necessary preparations,
shall be borne by the inhabitants of.the
locality in N hick ,the Exhibition fur the time
►neat ant,_,a
$•. •s elle cum -
mentioned purpose, which well not be leis
than el50, to be raised by subacripttons is
the vicinity of Cobuerg, I ate authur;sed W
state that the several Agriculture! Soca-
tea in the Ctdhurne and Newcastle D.e-
troets have appropriated nearly £250 to -
reit recogoi'ablo, by our senses, animate meted as became a British Judge, a true wards the Premiums.
and inanimate, are cumpuseekof mete more (rend of he country, and of mankind.— Placed. are I have•the honour 10 te, at the
of these fifty-four substances. halter, how- Well had it been had all Judges and Stage- head of this Insulation, which meet, if pru-
ever, lila .ret been, and is now, undergoing tretea'acted with like, integrity, and on the I perly supported, command a0 influence. upon
perpetual decompositions and recuuibina- seine principles ! The rebuke thus admin- the destinies of Canada bereni that of any
bops, sono of which take place upon an ex-
temps, scale, as part of the regular runc-
tinea and operations of nature, while others
are effected by the iogeoutty of mean, to
serve the purposes of lou ordiaay econo n7.
The constant forming of new soil out o1
rocks ; the growth and decay of vegetable
and animal bodies, and the resolving of their
decayed substances into those elements or
combinations which Bene for tbe nourish -
meet of new bode • ; the process of dvepo-
ration and recoodeossuoD, formi•g ram and
snow—are but a few of the changes which
testier a perpetually uodergoiog.
The changes which take place io the form
and character of bodies are effected by cer-
tain principles of chemical and mechanical
action, wbkb it is unnecee.ary bere to par-
ticularise, and also fiche the toluenes of
beat and moisture. In as far u the natural
operations of the vegetable world are con-
cerned, the prime immediate ageota are at-
mospheric air, heat and light,aod of thew we
propose to offer a short explanation. The
atmosphere, as is generally know°, is an In-
visible aenfurm fluid, which wraps the whole
earth round to es elevation d about laity -
five miles above the highest moeataiw.—
TAM great ocean of air, u we may calf it,
is far from being of • uniform deosey
ckr ugbout ate masa. At led near the level
.f the era it is must deem, In cooerqueeee
of lice pressure above. As we 'mend
saoustaaes, or ie 107 oilier way pe..trate
upwards, the air become, gradually less
dense ; and so thin is it at the \eight of
three matte, aa for tnet•mee oo the emoted
of Mont Blase, cruel the Alps, that breath-
's( s thine performed with eons bicwlty.
Rey.od thie hooded beighy ltie desmty of
the air 000111 es to d •n,ieish ; aced at the
skeawtoe of abuot forty-five mdse it is be-
Isved to terminate. Se nesse are lite
lower is proportion to the higher regime,
that one -ball of the &,tire bed, of air is be-
low • Might of three muses, the other hall
befog expeeded tato a vebuw&f upwards of
ferry mediae.
This. remarkable diieremee de the d.neiy
of the sir at different heights II. particularly
worthy of mu attetati.e ; feel* the capacity
u the atmosphere for recent and eeetais-
hag haat from the a.e's repudiations oe this
meelienty b 8. .wsdities. Its well ksews
dist the sir is mesh merman( on Few thio
'610 tete& ; bat d I perhaps sot ss
gesmaitp ..dosed that this armee from
tlkrJ rune_ of deo rty is the air at the
ewe plates. Y we fah. a pound weight of
air agar ibis tea's land, and snot leer I posed
•e gkt ata spot a mile Ahem the eta, we
chem Nd that end posed metres peemmolp
the sea* y of best ; bet is tet ease
of that tgbsm mot the sea, the air will Asst
wars, rood N the sem of the other, tet air
w48 Orel mut. lids asses • eoetradientee,
yd It M a teeth. A meed weight of au,
Wpm sear the sea, is t u oubotaseu
sod gam tate a vely steal) belt ;
hot tbst tabs from a high port of the *4.
istered to the Jnry will not be lost upon other Association, it would indeed be -sur-
them ; and it demands the consideratie.n pnsing,.r1 on that account alone, 1 should
and remembrance of every man In England not feel a great anxiety and lively interest
liable to serve in that capacity" in the success of our infant society. But
A Neste Ezasrt .—The body of Chris- rbeing a prac'ical farmer myself, and haviug
spent nearly haus century amidst the prac-
bans formerly known as the " f.•berty-st, • tical operation. as sell are oto ,thereto of
Presbyterian Church o(T oy, N. 'Y., Agriculture, in a part, of Iler Majesty's
unantmously passed the f.•Ilowing reaolu- i Atlee ins which stands unsurpassed tor
tinea, on Sunday evening, 5th March :— i s ret, zeal, and industry in the cause if
Waterects,SectariantsmresatvariancewithlIo.bandry, I canrutstry intlyexpre-s to
is t spirit and the defter of the Gospel -and 1 yea, the deep solicitude with which i regard
it the foundation of all ecclesiastical op- the dawn of a scientific system, which her
wars,presume lad it is • most prolific source of 1 done so much for the Farmers of the Brlttsh
wars, and slavery, and 10507 other oppress- isles.
ions that afflict the world—therefore R.• Amidst the various Associations formed
se r ed, That the members of Cheat's body, on every band fur the ourporo of fostering
heretofore denominated "The l . 1.". -at. and protecting the arts, sciences, and the
Presbyterian Church of Truy, N. 1'." do numerous learned professions, it would in -
hereby solemnly repudiate all Sectarianism'
deed be strange, as it would 1. disreputable
to the people of this Province, If the Asso-
ciation, calculated as It is to supper" and
aseer.ly regretting before God and 'man,
that we ever gave co,otoeance to that
destructive device of Satan. encourage that great class of the cuniment-
Resolved, That we shall hereafter be ty to whore all others must look for lb.
knowh as " The Church in Liberty -.i.— .apply of food, should be permitted W Ian•
Troy, N. Y." •sJ that we shall acknowledge
no ether treed than the Bible. and mo other
Head that God tad his `Sun lases Christ.
Resolved, That God has but one Church
os the Earth, and that is composed of all
e ach u live thein, and keep His cone
mandrneata ; and that these, in their Church
relation* are equal rights and liberty.
Bigned by HaeaT H. Gansu.
A Bre or Horoua-- The following ex-
tract from the report of • committee on
Hop, read before an Agricultural Society
"down east," contains mare excellent bits.
Some fobs accuse pigs of being filthy em
then Imbue, and aegligewt is their peritoneal
appearance. But whether food is beet ea-
ten off the ground, or frum Clean plate., is
it memo to robe, merely a !tatter of taste and
coevenbence, ahead which pigs and men may
honestly duffer. They oogtt, then, to be
Judged Mentality. At nay rate, pegs are
net filthy eeougb a chew tobacco, Dor to
poises their math by drunken' whiskey.
And to their p4reonal appearance, you don't
catch a pig laying the dandy, nor the
females among them picking their way op
!hie muddy tillage, after • rats, in kid slip-
Notwithstanding their heleredox'otiose,
bots bat....e excellent traits of eharae-
ter. if tyre Mamma to wallow a little
deeper is some ss1r.ble thus bit fellows,
ad se earns, of and memo in poesssion
of mom of thio sect; than his beet/wee, he
sever aessin & as were rmpnrtseee on that
.eeo..1 ; neither ars bre bretbree .Nord
ennegh se worship him foe it. Ther m
geatlldea emomo to be. she sou • hog f 11
he its they teem him a. each.
Arid w • beg bas mores of his own,
he sever pets es arrteeratk sirs, nor claims
say partxular aspect na aeeoowl of his
ford,. eoe*eciloer : and yet come Heti
have daaeemded Rem eery %moat families.
guise fur want of pecuoiary sureeoauce.
it has been cbaged, and 1 fear with too
much truth, upon Agriculturist., that ITN
provements to husbaadry encounter great
difficulties, if not duce' opposition, from
those whose interest et is to support them,
and therefore work their way very slowly ;
whereas innovations and improvements
made a the mechanic and mannfacturiog
departments are seised upon and turned
to advantage is room as proinslgated. The
reason of this a obvious. Manufacturers.
mechanics, 'mercantile toe., led various
other chrome, are generally resideete of;
and euegregated ie, tet towns and villages,
and hese intercourse and interchange ofsen-
tismets, by reamer of greater facilities than
the fanner., from their isolated position, cam
ever possess. We mist therefore, if err
would improve our condition., either physi-
cally, morally, or mentally, remove the ob-
stacles by increased exertion, and determtau
tomtits and make common taws" with our
b ethren all ever the wortd, in placing ori
profession epos a sca.ulk foundation, by
which, with far lea labour and toil, we may
expect to reap advantages whieb every
otber effort ad exertion in the power of
man will fail to secompli.h.
From such enutderetiosa have arises
thus numerous public Societies from which
Ws iateeded to gi's nor sondem tie tearvel-
lo.s seseaeo ea which tie whole lase rveles
ceressserse .f et. 0egrp'a day see laded : hit
es eaassiaiag aur cabinet .f .ariesitiw, we ad
we are amt it peseeneree via geed venial of the
Legend, nod tberrfore, we witty fest sate that it
elates to ibe mer class of works of facies, e.
Blot Beer* .ad leek ale Qui kirer,betdme.h
green antiquity. It ea e w.aderfd army of
somebody whom ime reeuen hes milled Si.
George. lghiiag lad ktlbag • creel Diego.. lad
email mesa the Prioress of Sykae 1 - Berns
wows of tbo vagueaese and insanity of the
uedii .a may be gkaaod Isom the fullowisg arti-
cle.—Ea. 11. 8.
Thor* are some cireumatances in the
history of Russia which abate err preten-
rioss to our celebrated saint. In that
country 1e a much revered. His figure
occurs i* ell the churches, represented an
usual, ceding on a horse, ud pioret*g a
dragon with ►•s lance. This device also
forme Sip►of the auto 0( the Russian
severeiy's, and is on ieveral of the eulas.—
Certaio E.aggliab betonans have conjectured
that Iraq Vaasdsviteh 11., being p need
with the garter by queen Ettaabetb, assumed
the G. urge and the dragoo fns hu ams and
ordered it to be stamped apes the curtest
mosey, Bus it does not appose that the tzar
was created a knight of the garter ; and it is
certain that the sovereigns o,f Muecow tree
the device before they had the least con-
nection with England. In Ilackluyr, vol. i.
p. WS, Chanceier, the first Eaglet:m an who
dircuvere4 Russia, sneaks of • despatch .est
m 155.1, fr..m Iva. Vasstlevuch to gime
• Nose free. Means..Cemesitte. Mmrei.$:
R.asMsd. That a. setwal te the several Agn•
eelr seal Seeitn.a of Waimea Caa.da b. draws
ap sod 'imbued. army the soommty af.re-
twwd said vagoreee woos oe tet pan of the
f i.de.f Agpiett(tatre. Maostiseter.a. !c- 4
theleohost the Retinae, ssp.etally fns Lilo per -
Wile Sr seeaiaieg shin esasc.auw ; and Mai
Thiene Pap and Henry Ream Lagos d Ce-
b.nrt, be • Coma hems se awry ibis 1s.olstiem
4ata abet.
your aid at this critical juncture of its has -')dragon either from the Greeks 0, trete obs
b b
tory, you will rule the prospects now open- ' Tartars, by barb of w om a was much
inn• before you. revered ; by the firmer as a chri.tiaa saint
and martyr, sod by the letter as a prophet
or a Jetty. We know from Watery, that
in the fourth or fieb century he was notice
worshipped musings' the tintakr ; sod teat
afterwards the crusaders, during their ant
expedition into the Iluly Land, found many
temple* erected is hie honour. 'Tito leu..
* lana, tleretore, who were converted to
chreusoity be the Greeks, certainty mart
Sach a result I cannot by potsibitity an-
ticipate, ami in the fullest cosadenee of
your Beeper', commit the interests of ab
Io'ututi,m to your 'leaping.
1 have the lieneur to be, Gentlerue0,
Your very obeeteiit acrlfa0t,
President of tie l'roriacial .Ig:icalrural
Association, C. IV.
• have received at ifs same time • ergs
catalog:a of saints which made an s.eeauat
POPULATION 0? 11} GRAVi. hart of the Greek wurttbtp,and there est he
no reason to elegise that 8t. George war
From the extensive calculation, it seems l omitted.
the number of human bitten since the birth In a villa of prince Dulgoeucke es*f
of Chrtit to this erne, is aeuet thirty-two Moscow, is an old basso -relieve of tit.
thousand mllliumr ; and after deeeetiog tete George and the drages, (oared ler a rules.*
prereml ruppured yvpnlauun of the world• j church at &uteruses, is the Crimea; it bed
(960,000,000,) leaver the number of thirty ; a Greek inscription alines' erased, but th*
une thuu.auJ and forty tu.liions that have words AI1JO TEUPIUO, or St. ('surge,
gone down to the grave ; giving death and I and the date 1330, were still lube. A. u
the grave the victory over the Irving to the appear. from the he.io-relieve that ee wan
member of there, thotisani ani eighty worrhippse lathe Crimea au sear the court
millions. Of the nunabet in tate grave, 4 of Russia when the greet dukes re.pled at
about. tiiuf, his Introduction into that country ie
6.600,040,000 hire died by Oar. rarely aecuuutitd for.
7,9:0,000,000 by famine and peitilcnce. St.tl, u u very hkrly lbat the Russians
500,000.000 by martrydow. ;ecciteJ from the Tartan the image 01 a
SIi0.000.000 be itox;catIog drink.
13,000,000,000 natural or, Otherwise.
Taus it will be seen that war and strong
drink have rent nearly one third el the
human race to a premature grate.
The calculation upon "bid subject might
be extended to an almost iuJefinue length,
and pedals*, too, with propriety, if thought
are mediiauuo would dwell upon them, and
deduct the monis from each and erery
avenue. Fur instance, if aromg dnmk has , and Rosman characters on the other ; area
now hadits 5;0,000,000 u( rile imp, how there is rule preserved in the cabinet of kit.
many more must it have before the moderate
drinker will ley Mu sbuuW.r to the pledge
of reform ; Suppose but thirty days oI
intense agony and misery to be the lot of revere, a 'Tartar iaecripuus.
each, what ia the amount in the aggregate ; The •tory of •cruet or a deity emanate
• dragon, was know• all over obs rasa ;
among tie -Mahometas, a person es1led
Gerg•e 0, George, soder a similar figure,
cru smith retered as a prophet ; aoJ .e.n der
emblems have been eiseuvered among easy
barbarous nations of the east. W bother
&bete nations tote it from the Greeks, se
the latter iron Tem, cannot be aeeertaried ;
for of the real exeteuce et mods • perms a.
St. George, no positive proofa have ever
been advanced.
But whether the Ruesses derived 8t.
George (runt the Greek. or ibe 'Parini., it
minim th t bis figure was adoeted as
ibe arcai of the gram) deers, and twat t w
emblem of tet went sed the dngus, bas
been uniformly repre.eoted os the roamers
of the Kussin cotes.
With respect to tie •rus, Ilerberstcs,
in he are count of he eed.sasy &o Mriaww
in 1316. under Vessel bvaaevitch,law twee
a woods■ print of that lemic, M Mer ban•
tem of *tech are engraved her sneer iw-
presenting a naked man en brreheei, pee*.
nog a very of with !us lance. The eipo-.tnall
fi are in ibis detu-. has a Tartar e1" *ps
1korance, and res so roarer and nude, tett
et peens to harp: been JerneJ frees a peel,*
In a far mune uneiubswl .tate of ease,
than tbu Greeks : 0,1.1 to the., that leen
Greeks always reemsestmeree ()c.+',a fla,l
IV •100001,
horseman spearing a eerpsst, as represented
upon their most aneten1 ewes, and a Lech
formed a part of the great dahe's arms, te.
wards the begintagof the sasteeale een-
' tury . The !tureens had Dose beim* they
*ere conquered by the Tartars ; and mins
after they *ere trough' under the Testae
yoke, they serve k money. The ileac
:fustian eons bear a Tartar iDecnpttuo,
afterwards, with 'l'artar lettere w one sore,
Petersburgh, • piece of money, eshibisg a
horseman piercing a drivel, w,ila tam same
of 'be grnt duke in kt Iselin, and ea rhe
Supp.. it required no more than, any bash -
els of grain distilled to make a man a dread -
ani how lung wood it left famiabing
Europe ; nay, even the teatimes of barrels
u( Meir.
Suppose, again, that each drunkard loses
or wattles only leo year. of hu bre, at
three shillings per day, how many .0111
globes of g•ild of the size of our earn,
would it ($853 040,000,000) perihelia ;—
Make your vein caleulati..ne, set only ap-
es Guise seppo..d cases, but any utbera u(
which the moire' a susceptible, and the
result will astonish you, mol perhaps lead
In a somewhat different course in life.—
The estimates are many of them below
the reabty.—.Ncrekrets ledger.
A Seamen, Facr.—•Over Barest, at die
Temperance m eating is Vanua! 11a11, Beaton
os T .clay ev*oug last, stated that the
report of the Committee •ppotated to in -
more to regard to the Wootton the Common-
wealth showed that there won front .1200 to
130e of that uaf.rtunate class, and airs the
a•toandusg hat that 1100 to 1100 u( ;bem
wore burn of drtaken parents
The total pepe'abee of Ilass.ltoe Is as-
certained by tie census takes in 1818, lei he
w ,
'sneer+.^ ... -