Huron Signal, 1848-04-14, Page 41,000,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. IN CANADA WEST. TIIE (CANADA COMPANY lave for Is.poeel, about I,LCO.000 ACRES OF LAND ear; erred throwgboet stoat of the Tow.el.ips a Upper Canada-aesuly 800. - (CO Asses are situated in the Herat Traci, well known se oast of its most fertile parts rt the Platter --it hes uet'cd its papula• tion a fire scan, aid now contain* up. saris of 25,('C0 irbabitaats. The I.AKD8 are offered by way cf 1. M 4 8 #, for Tea Intro or Jest Vale, C' d N N DUN' N -lis pica , f c.,- fah Cisi, .ed the ketones is Instal - arots 1.lug? dome awry with. The Rest" payee, let February each year, are sheet the )iterest sit Six Per Cat „epee the price of the Land. Ups west . lilac Late, wars l.l:A.ED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED D(1W N -whilst epos the others, aetare.I to locality, roe, two, N tures years Rest, mast be paid ie shoelace, -bat IS... avast* w ill free the Router frim further cello omni fad, 3rd or 4th year of hp term of Leese. The nett to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD duan the terns..red to the Lames al a fixed .cu xed se. sassed to 1...re, and as alloweece to .ado according to antici- pated payment. Lists of Lade, sad any further informs• ties as be okneed, (be applscatinn, d by Tow poet -peed) a( the Coraravr'sOmuta, sweets and C. erirk ; of R. Btavisa LL, }.q., Asphodel. Colburn Ihetriet ; 1h. ALLas., Crefpl, ..r J. C. W. Date, Eeq., Stretford, Huron Ihstnrt. Godertch, Marche 17, 1848. 7 GODERICH CARRIAGE SHOP. L10 T0o*ss-s7aseT, ons noow MIST 0y A L LE N!8 INN. TIIE Subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Goderich and is vicinity, that be is prepared to execute all orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER k LIGHT WAGGONS, Cutters, Lumber Sleighs, Gigs., Dog Catta, ke., and all other articles in bis line of 51.ises.. N. B. Repairing promptly encoded to. 07- Country Produce takes in part pay. assent. JOHN SAVAGE. Goderich, Feb. 18th, 1848. , 3y BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR HOUSES, CARRIAGES, lee. TIIE Subscriber would intimate to the inhabitants of Godericb and surround- ing c000try, that be im ready to execute all orders for PAINTING, kr., that he may be favoured with • and if employers will fursub material", he engages to work at the ehespest rate, and give more satiefaetion than has heretofore been extended to this section of the country. N. B. All kinds of merchantable Pro- duce taken an err iaupe for work. ED WARD (', WATSON!,1 Goderich, February 11, 1848. 2 BRITISH HOTEL,, G ODER IC [1. L171ItLT LCCVTEn ST Mt. I.IAC aa1TElt*OIT, VIE IE Snbecriben having Leaned tbo above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- pectfully to intimate to their friends and the public in enteral, that they have opened for the ,reception and accommodation of Boarder, and Traveller', where they will be happy to receive those o ho may honour them with their patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the test productions of the ses.on, and to keep their Bir supplied with Wines and Liquors of the best de- eeription, to as to ment the approval of their customers. ,J. K. GOODiNG. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, Jan, 28, 1848. 1,1 N. B. --Excellent Stabling will be afford- ed, std *satins and attentive Groom wilt be always in attendance. NOTICE. ALL patens INDEBTED to the Sab- se►tber, are hereby requested to call and ..tile their ac.oeats by the 90th of Mare% neat, all Aceouals thea unsettled. will positively he placed is the hands of the Clerk of the Court for collection. WALTER SHARP. Goderich, Fd. 15, 1848.- - Sit FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. ►rHE Snbeenber (from, Galt) has lately .L rented the shore wellertabliehed iNN sed HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late necnpant, Mr. JAW Sherresn ; sedbe begs to ver that he Mid endeavour to ere the Public and Tree- -3e- - egers welt seco.msdeted, sod their com- forts attended to. Ile bis rood Stables', and es attentive Hostler. His Isar is well supplied with Wines and f.ignon. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 7.3 FARM FOR SALE. 7 OT Ne, fs, in the 6th eoneessinn, Town - J dip e.f Gode►reh,sh.ut y5 ears. uncle► (once, cod 7 acres view chopped lard, with a NEW LOG BARN k 1111 fa.'O HOtTMF 13.eros of aid land woe pI,mgh d Ian fill, The staid Lot ie novated about 9 mile* from Geisffch„ sod 16 miles fres the flares Read. If. R. C.I•if net es11 .goirrd dors. Apply bathe webrerther, PATRICK LAVAS, Proprietor. , pieirs Hersh 14111 1111*, sari GODERICH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE- T11OMA8 GILMOUR k CO., 1 1 AYE always os hand a theirs aesoet- aiset of all toads of Caney sad STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Ilardwarr, Boots, Shoe*, Crockery, ke•, bac.. ke. And as their stock is selected from the principal outhouses in New York ad Montreal they feel coafdeat that they can lrraa► a superior semis for lean price tbas et can be obtaurd elate here to tae Hero* District, se to all cash trsnsactioes they h ave resolved to deal upon the prtmciple of stall profits and extensor sales. Q They solicit as examimo'ion of their ample cock of New Goods from all 'interim' per- cher/era N. B. -All kinds of fader produce takes is eachasge for geode, for which the high- est market price will be allowed. Goderich, Feb. 1, 1848. *11 FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property rotated in the township of G.dench, os Lot 19, 4th concession, within Sj miles of the tows of Guderieh ; there is a good Saw llitl onit an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It u a never failing stream aril adapted for any Machinery, such as Carding and Fulling Macbusery, Distillery, and Gnat Mill - N. B. -Will be mold cheap for cash, or part of the money may he for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLiGIIEM. Goderich, Feb. 18, 1348. 3 IIINRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patronage of the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, and trusts. by 'Diet attention-, to meat a share of their favours. N. R —Hard &acnit and alt kinds of Crackers oo head. Cakes spade to order. Goderich, Jas. 28, 18.18. l tf TO CAPITALISTS. GOOD and safe Investments. Va'oable MILL SITES and FARMS for sale on Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege os the Lake shore within eta miles of Goderich, hiving 16 acres of excellent Land, the Mill can be built on Unlock, and witbfs 50 feet of ten feet deep water in the lecke; the Mill dam can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a trilling expense action a never failing stream,abun- danee of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Also, a splendid Mill privilege half a mile up nn the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres of first rate land, plenty of Pine and other Saw -Ings in the ete*oity. AND ALSO -Four of the best descrip- tion of FARMS on and Dear the Lake Shore, with improvemebts. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low fur cash, or halt the purchase money may remain for three or four years on mortgage. Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law- rence Laraine, ,Fwq., London, Robert Parke, Eeq., Godeneh, or to the proprietor JOHN IIAWKINS. Port Albert, Godei+eh, Feb. 3, 1848. tf1 TO PRINTERS.: • TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. ✓ HE 8.bsc,ibera hare opened a New A Type Foundry is the City of New Ynrk, where they are ready to supply order" to any extent, fur any kind of Job Fancy Type, ink, Paper, Chases, Galley", Brass Rules, Steel. Column Rule., Composing. Sock., Cue", and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are east in new moulds. from an entirely new nett of Matrixes, with deep taunters, and warranted to he uneurpas,ed by any, will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by nets" hand cant." Printing Presses furnished, and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Companion Rollers cast for printers. Q7 Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times as much type as their bills amount to, may give the a -bore six montbs' insertion In their papers, and trend their papers containing it to the Suh.cnbers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND No 78, Awa Street New Yee:. December 7th 1847. m15 NTIOCE. 1 711E Sob.criberwould announce to those 1 who are indebted to him, either by Note ver Book Account, are requested to call with WII.i.IAM G. SMiTIH and'set- tle the same os or be ore the 20th of March next ; and of said accounts are not .ettled by that 'tame, they will be placed in the heads of the Clerk of the Coort for collee- ti0n. Asy person having any einem., or ac- counts agaiat the subscriber, al: call on Mr. William G. Smith for final settlement of the. game. GEORGE OLIVER. Goderich, Feb., 95, 1848. 4-1,3 ' A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ItESPECTFUULY acgaaiata bis friends and customers U at he costinues to maie men'. weaIiag apparel, is the moot approved and fosh.onahle resodsty on short n otice. And ie returning teke to the inhabitants of Govt./inch sod tsurround- ing neighbourhood, f.r the liberal esennr- agement he has received. hope' by a idni- ty and pancIusbm ty, ,1111 to enta co tano. sere of their 'Dosage. Goderich, F b. 3, 1848. 1f1 GiLBERT PORTE, 1ADiFJ AND GENTLEMEN'S faeh- • inmabte Boot sod Shoe Maker, West Siren, Goderich. March, 141, 1845. hat AI BiON HOUSE, JAMES' Street, ens door west .f the Co..etelet Bask, Qssaflter, by January, 1848. I. ESMOND16. VALUA BLE PRO PER'1' Y, IN THE HURON DIS'l'RIG'T . FOR SALE, ON HIGHLY dDVd11fTIOCOUBTL.Rlrfl, THE follssiag is a betel drerlptioe el a variety of Valuable property i. 15. above District, which will he Iowa is every reelect well seehy the early iapectius til utesdtng P rehasers. THE SIIAKEBPEARE iNN. Tbis well knows and e.Mtaatal Ina sajoyng es 'weeks( central sad ►uasaeN pontos is the prosperous sad rising Tows of STRATFORD, is now (os account of ►e deems* of the Proprietor) fur Sale, sad offers a rare opportuuty foe the proNa- b1e In,eet.ent of a small capital. The Terme sift be made easy fur Psy.eat, and is other respects very rsssoaahle, weak every enkosragement wd1 he g$eea 10 a suitable Purchaser. If not 8014 It will be LET for mach a Term of Year* as may be *freed on. The Buildaogs aro Large and Commodious, sad In eacelkat Rep.,. - The Stabling is 60 by 40. There is a foe Gerdes and Well along with every other requisite upon the Prance. VILLAGE LOTSIN STRATFORD. Also for Hak a nuseher of Lots or Build - Ing Sites favorably situate in the Town of Stratford. On roe of there Lots there is already erected a snug LOG HOUSE con- taining a Kitchen, Beb-room and Sitting Room. - , MITCHELL k McKiLLOP. Likewise to he Sold a convenient Lot its the Village of M tehclt, in the Township of Logan. Also ONE HUNDRED ACRES in the Toonabip of SIcKillop, having from 10 to 15 Acres cleared, 5 of which are sew- lv Cleared well Fenced, are ready to be Sown in AV heal the ensuing Sprang. This Land is in a Capital Situation, qn the Mill Road leading to VanEgmond's Grist sod Saw Mills, beteg only 11 ares therefrom, andst the same Jtetance from the flourish• mg Village of Ilarpurhey, on the Huron Road, where there In also • Post Office. MISCELLANEOUS SALE AT STRAT- FORD le addition to the foregoing there will be disposed of, the following useful articles : 1 Span of large Black llorse., with a Bel of Double Harem.; 4 first-rate Waggonµ and a number of Sleighs, Ploughs, Har- row*, Cows. Piga, kc., with a variety of articles of Household Furniture too nume- rous to mention. For further Information apply to Ma- Jaaru K. Goon,•u, Goderich ; Alas- MAaT ILcas, or Ma. GeoaeII WILLIAMS, Strat- ford, or to the undersigoed, of, whets every particular may be learned. JON HICKS. N. B. -All those Itdebt to the Estate of the late Mr. HICKS o Stratford, ,will please Settle the seine w" hour delay, and without extra expenses; also all those laeug any Claims against the above Estate, are req'ured• imnied.ately to pretreat the same for Adjustment to JuaLI Ilrce., Mitchell. Mitchell, March 44, 18.18. 8 • $t00 REWARD). A BOY was stolen from hie parents in the viCsge of Napanock, county d Ulster, and state of New York, on the 1415 December, 1847, and -has been traced tato the western part o1 Cana.la. The Childs name is ALONZO McEL- ROY, son of the u:.derngned, is foto year's *Adis June next, has dark blue eye., brown hair, and fair romp:rzi ,n. has a sight per- pendicular rear near the middle of the (ore - head, running up into the hair three qurrters of an inch long. The said Child has been pursued Dr his afflicted father from that place to Canada, where the trace of him was inst. The boy has been seen witha man who drove a pair of large bay hones, a waggon with a long reach, and a painted lumber box oo three springs, with a box sitting in the hind end of the waggon. Any person who will procnre the child and deliver him to any of the following parsons, or give Inch information as wilt teed to his recovery, sball receive the above reward. ('Please deliver the Child or give in- formation to G. F. ROOD k CO., I11R AM R. ANDREWS, A. H. STOWELL, (of the Custom House,) Detroit; to John P. Stewart. of the Globe Hotel, Buffalo ; or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. Any person who aids in restoring the Child to his afflicted parent:, will truly serve the Came 0( humanity. WM. H. McELROY. Detroit, Feb. 18, 1848. FOR SALE, ST Tan OUS$CatawS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AN assortment of DR Y GOODS, HA RD - WAKE and CROCKERY, purchased in Manchertce, Birmingham and Liverpool, and imported via. Montreal, at the lowest rates. -A I.80- Hhd.. "Martel," and "Hestte.y'. " first quality Brady, Crum superior Pale Sherry Wise, do. do. Port Wine, Barrels, 4 doz. each, "Barclay, Perkins k Co.'." Porter, Barrels Muacnvedo Sugar. do Refined English Loaf Sugar, eats of Hylton Tea, and rrela of Syracuse FiNE SALT 11. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Goderieb, Feb., 94, 1848. 4w4 H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKER t his (ippon unity of retsrriug t mac., thanks to has friends and the public for the liberal support and thetas. guiehed patrnnierhe'has received since lhe opening of hts Establishment to Goderch, and begs to assure thr•rn that he will still rnnttnue to snpply them with the beet and cheapest srtmdee in his Ione as Dial. I lie would direct their *Dation to hie varied and ertenten.ive i.portauons which 5. u sow reen*vmg of DRY G(KIDN, GRt)CF- R1E."t, CROCKERY aid HARDWARE. the low price. of which be is certain will spat for,thereselvse, and for quality ad ninety ehnool be outstared f. Wester. Canada. H. R. O'CONNOR. Oederteb, Jas. 28, 1848. f tt 07'9wtee, Wheat, (Mt., Barley, Corn, Ilea, .mad every description of Terrier'. Prodsn takes is ereaaa>g-e. Cash will be paid for geed Grass Reed, )lades sod Fen. CHATHAM.. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F O R BALE -A RARE CHANCE FOR CA PITA LISTS. THF. s.benber haeiug commeseed boat - ea Is Godench--and with the view of carrying on los operettas with more Wili- ly and suers es, is u waist of cash -offers the fullowug •slut►le property for sale, t taled is the Iu.rahin'town of Chatham, the District Nat fur Kent, for cash only vis :- That advantageously situated property an Cheatham North. containing FOUR wa- ter louts -according to the toss plot nur- se)—with a gad and aubtsot,a) two story Dwelling Huu.e thereon, Kathie, ail ex- cellent guiles, summer Bowe, $c, kc., imitable fur a large family or a public Hotel, a Barn 40 feet by 24, ad a lugs enclosed Buildtog well adapted fordisidling or for footage, being erected on a subetas- lial wharf, mooring vessels of over 305 Ions hurtle*. Os the premises is also an iavaluable Spring, the excellenttee of its waters are not surpsesed is the District. -ALSO- Two Building Lots in Chatham North Block G , well situated, being opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. -ALSO- A large two story Frame House fronting the Barracks, 40 feet by 116, nearly finished, wish hal( an acre I.,ut belonging. -AI.SO- SEVENTY-FL1'E Acres of excellent Land situated on the banke of the River Thames, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling House there- on, shout 40 acres cleared, aid in ■ high state rf cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be soil on reasonable terns for cash down, or one fourth down, and the remainder ill tbree yearly instalments. Title unquestiun- a*le. For farther particulars esquire of Il. k O. Dulaen, Chatham, of to_tbo pro- prietor at Coden,h, CHARLES DOLSEN. Guderiek, Js.. 28, 184*: 1 FOREIGN PERIODICALS. REPUBLICATION OF TRE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, ss{ BLACKWOOIYS EDIN'G MAGAZINE. THE above Periodicals are reprin\ed in New York, immediately on their ar- rival by the British Steamer*, 11 a beauti- ful clear type, 'os fine white paper, and are faithful copies of the originals -Blackwood, Aksgeant. beteg an exact fac-um11e of the Edinburgh edition. The w/id e-spread fame rf these splendid Periodic, renders it needless to say much an their praise: As literary orRase, they stand fir ill advance of any works of a si- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, condone and forbarance not often found in works of- aparty character. They embrace the views of the three greet parties to Eaglaod-Wh,g, Tory, and Rad•cal-fl1a L- rood not the London Qrurtrr(y are Tory : the F:diaiseh Re ever, Whig ; and the N•esfni.drr, Radreal. The Foreign Qrarter(y is purely literary, being devoted pnnetpally to criticisers os foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -print* aro less thes one-third of those of the foreign copes, avid white they are rgnally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American oyes the English reader, TERMS. rat9rs'T 7r 15 earls IN SIVACCE, For any roe of taw (oar Reviews, 5.1,00 per aa. For nay two do do 5,00 " For any three do do 7.00 " For all four oldie Reviews.... 8.00 " Foe Blactwood's.Mageline.... 3,00 " For Blackwood mad he 4 Reviews, 10,00 CLUBBING. Filer copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subeenptioe for three - the fourth copy being gratis. (1:7' Remittances and commaniealioes most be made in all eases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking hie receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the pnblisbera. N• B. -The postage os there Periodicals is reduced by the late Poet Office Law to about one-third the former rtes, making e very important saving an the expsos* to tail .ubicnbere. Jin all the principal cities and towns tkrougboot the United States to which there is a direct Railroad or Water corn- monicatton from etre City of New York, these periodicals will be delivered free of Pea tate • LEONARD SCOTT k Co., Peel kers, 112, Follow-st., N. 01,71' Sehecnbers in Canada may receive their numbers at the nearest American Pat Offices. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 Caws Leen Der.*TtaatrT, .Noetreal, i0t4 Morrie 1844. NOTICE is hereby gives, by order of Hs Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council, to all areas who have received locations of lead is Western Canada, since the 1st January, 1839, and also to parties located presrous to that date, whose locations were not in- cluded in taw fret of nnpatented lards, !table to 1B►Ibit4*2, petitioned 4/1 of April, 189e that unless the claimants or their legal representatives eetahb1h their claims and take out their Patents within /maw yeses from tits date, the land will be reserved by Government to be disported of by Sete. SALT ! SALT ! ! IN BARRELlk cheap for cash or arket- able produce, at Doi 14'n,-. of T. GiLMOUR le O. Feb. 11, 1848. NOTICE. ALi. parties'.debted to L. PRCR,Ilk /civ FRUiT TREES. either by Note or Reek Aeenest. alas coaled ieaassd1 1.4y, an be pia •ed is the bands of the Clerk of the Dimas Cent fee allocate. 1. RATTENIURY, .Igts.. Gsieneh, Jae. fR 1848. GODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMENIX,EN000RAGE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. THE Btdeeriber. beg to isfr.rm the is- babrusta of the Huron District, that they have is full operatics, their NEW FOUNDRY, which for Mote and the facility with which the work b dose, equals, they fed proud to aesaert, any country feoadry in Canada. They IwtSer pledge themeelvea to the pobltc to all all Goods to these 1lse. as cheap, (out cheaper ; as good, if not bet- ter, ibis they can be obtained from any other foundry re Canada or clNwhe's. The patronage they have met w sib during the abort time they have been in business here, wettable the above statement, and they take this opportunity of informing 'bear friends and the public that they will ea every exertion in their power to main - tate the character, they teat, they hare fully established for themselves. They will have on bard Threshing Mills, Saw Mill and Grist Mill Casting, ; Re ac- tion Water -wheels, Smut Machines of the latest and most approved plan, Steam K.- ginrs, and all Lode of Hollow -ware, such es Bake Kettle", Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; also, various sizes of Couk- iog and Parlour Stoves, and every descrip- tion of Ploughs, kc., kc. In addition to the above, they are ready so receive orders for BEI.L2 from five to tea hundred pounds weight, and warranted to be well toned. GEORGE MiLLER k CO. Goderich, Januaay 28, 1848.- N. 848. -N. B. in order that the subserihere may be enabled to discharge the pledges given tt the above advertisement, they mast in- sist upon prompt payments, therefore, of all Notes and Book Accounts now dor. ma- chete payment is requested. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT ase COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Published every Tuesday, Ther,day and Saturday, at the Lew Price of TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably in advance. The Transcript is prated on a sheet nearly as large is any used In the Provioce; soil should circumstances permit, it sill be still further enlarged is the course of the ensuing .ummer- During the approaching Session of Par- liament the Traoscnpt will contain Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen- sive to furnish Record of all that occurs in both I egislative Bodies. As it Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support /1/ 014 character. A portion of its spare space will be devoted to the in-, arttoo of: miscellaneous matter of an to- . teresting and Literary character, and every thing offensive to morsla`'ttt be carefully avoi.ted. We have commenced, and intended to enatinme, a send el Biographical Sketches 1 from Clamber'• Miscellany of U.eful and EAtertaitnog Tracts and oilier Works ; end.. daring the present .easan, notice wolf be taken of the Lecturer delivered at the several Literary lnetatutlooe of this eity, which pre commenced last winter, and i wheel) pee general satisfaction. TERMS OF TIIE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. 1:1:7' The price of Sebet•nption of the MoyywxaL Taae,cin'r. (when sent by ttn11) te TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num. payable .n advance. To faci4ute re matteaee. FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will tray for. Faheen Month.. TEN 8H11e- LiNGS foe Teo Months; and FIVESHIL- LINGB for Five Month.. When the psrlod of .aboeription re nearly reprised, we .hall seed three different copies of the Transcript enclosed in ales or green cover. ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper sba11, in every case, be discon- tinued. As the paper moven to subscri- bers at the lower( possible price, ell money) lettere mast be post paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be de - dotted from the money eat. Qf2•Tbe Traaucript is sent to Subaeri- bers in the country twice or three times a week, at their option. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's papers being at into one sheet -thus esv- ing the &describers ooe-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the same. Sebacnbers, to writing for the Transcript, will please action whether they wish the tri -weekly or semi-weekly paper sent; to ate.. 07•Newspapen with whom we exchange will please copy this Notice which we will be happy to reciprocate in t5e sane way. Goderich, March 3, 1848. 8 PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. A.'ID MRS. MOODIE. Emaeaa THE Editor* of the VICTORIA Maeaeux Mtn dna all their talons to medal a *lrfel ratenaia.sg, tad cheap Periodical, for the Cala- dint People ; which ay tared amasemest u both old gad ywq. Sketches sad Tales, is verse and prose, Ment Eery, Statistics *f the Cobey, Scrapol( Useful infermm.tioa, Reviews of sew Worts, mad well mitered articles from the most popular satbers of the dry, sill farm the pagan of the Magava.. The Editors feel roafidnt that the iadrp , sad none moony to whams larvae *key gra pad to dedicate their til>ats, w,tl cheerf.liy teed is 'apport to rreeento their ardeoes tad Amaral.. aadertski.g. The 1.. pies at which the Periodical is placed, as .o ceder that every prowl with.. *lie Celery who ea read, d Wasters for moral sad -caul napoeeseet may beeeewe a inscriber ad patm et the wark. The Veceee.0 M.ostm'a grill cretaol twenty - fair peat i. eaeh Haber passed *NIP app, sad apes rad paper: sad wall (eral at the std *f the year a neat Vsleaaer, of 188 pain. to- g ether with Title Page god lades. 1* will be ia.ed Meet*, eets.eiai.g es the Fire of Glepr.bw, bans the sir a( JOSEPH W1LIO111, pb.t-streey SsO►vil.- vis hb- hem and ode Preeriet ,. re wawa all tiers tar the Magami.., rad Mtn to the Eames.... he aaiwrd. (pct -paid.) The sense d seb- .eipeio.-Alfie DOLLAR PER ANNUM- isemiok e se tepid w .ideas.. Gmrkrhh, Mmol" NMI s PURIFY rl'H1 BLOOD). MOPPAT'8 VEGETABLE LIFE PILL! AND PHEQNIX BITTERS. 913158 8 high and emend.abbsit whit, thew pro -......i wdtl:w. 5.....- gaiced for their isvuisbls etieeey u W the Anemia which they prates to mare, has re.dered the weal practice 04 poi.g not only r 'Necessary, het wwoniy d the.. They are haws by their Iroise ; their good works testify for them, *ad thtgy theme let by the faith of the crsdulos.. 1N ALI. CABER of Asthma, Acute .d Chronic Rheumatism, AIeetsoas et the Bladder sad Kldasys, Bilious revers LRM Liver Comts lea t►s 8outplasah an.d West where Rha Ere - saes prevail, they will be fwad invades - lite. Planters, farmers, ad others, she once use three Medicines, will nem he without these. &Hous Cbolie, and Serous Lonesome, Biles, Costiveness, Colds turd Coeghs, Chore, Cuwumpuo.. Used with peat success to ibis disease. Corrupt Hn.or. Dropsies, Dv"pepsia. Nopersoa with this distressing dtsease,should delay using thaw medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, Hs. tulency. Fever sad Agus. For this sco..ge d the wee' ern country thees a.die*.os wet be found a safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other modicums leave the tryst= subject to a return of the diseeme-e saw by these methenes is per.aseet. Try them, be satie4ed, and be CURED. Foulness of Complealea, General Deli - lily, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, H..d..hes, of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, impure Blood, 3..dice, Las of Appetite, Liver Complains, Leprosy, Looseness, Mercurial Diseases. Never fres to eradicate entirely' all the effects of Mercury infinitely 'goner ties veIblelaSanas.most powerful preparation of Saa. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of CI kinds, Orgasm Af- fections, Palpitation of the heart, Painter's Cholic, PILES. The original proprietor .f obese medicines was cured of Wise -of 35 years atsadang try the use of these 144. Medicines atone. PAiNS in the head, side, back, heals, joints and organ.. RHEUMATISM. Thosi afflicted with this terrible disease, all be sure of rola by the Lit. Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Storey, Sattrheam, Swelling.. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its wont forms, Ulcer., of every description. %VORMS, of all kends, are effeetsally expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well tr. administer them * 5.aev., theta existence u suspected. Relief will be se - tam. THE LiFE PiLLS AND PII(ENTR BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, sad tbua'remove all duesse from the system. A aryl* trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHG NIX BITTFRB beyood the reach of competition in the estimate* of every patie.t- - The genuine of these medici.ee are tow pit op in white wrappers and labels, te- lather with a pamphlet, called " Marat's Good Samaritan," cuetalniag tb.directions, kc., on which is a drawing of Broodway from Wall street to oar Ogee, by wH strangers visiting the city cera very wily Gad us. The wrappers end Sasearitase are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure ttcm with white wrappers can be assured that they are gesurne. Be careful, and do not boy those with yellers wrappers ; but if you do, be *stinted that they tome direct from ue, or dos; leech them. Q7 Prepared sad std by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFYAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Asibooy street, New York. For sale by BEND. PARSONS,- , sole erg nit. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1846. • 1 - GODERICH CABINET AND CHAIR FACTORY. LATSCHAW k EBBE, Soothe -eft at., Sign of the. Big Chair, beg most respectfully to segosint the public general- ly, as well as new settlers coming tato t5. Huron Distract, that they will find it to their advantage to purchase at the aloes establishment, as they continuo to mese_ facture Calmat Ware of every deeeription, such as Sideboardµ Drawers, Sofas, plais and fancy Bedsteads, Centra, Telescope, Dints( and Breakfast Tata, kc., 4(te-, kc., to suit purchasers, sad* cheap assay other eslablsbmest is the Dstnet. They also maasafactere Gneiss, Posey and Wtad)snr Chain is good weekieasehip- like manner, and of the bast materials, - Country produce always (alms is excise. for soy of the above articles is their Mee, at market pricer. N. B. -L. k E. request all thesis lo• debted to them, after long credit by sots or book account, to call and wide the sacs before the 15th of March next, or other- wise they will be collected after that dale web Coots. Calends, Jas. 28, 1843. 1 C JOHN WINER, - WHOLESALE DRUGGIST; duke ie Paiute, Oil., Ver tush., and crises; Importer of Genuine English Chemicals. Every article asst from this E.tablahes.N Warranted Grrsin.. No. 8, Stunt's Block, King Street, Hamilton. January 9t. 1848. 1 Tamm or yrs Firma Soma,. -TEN elffiL. LINOS per violent it paid srrietty is adesase, If Twurs aero Sia Pasco silk tics espntise d the rear. No pater dweo.'i.eed moil arrears nes pad ,p, saki. tbo pablisber t►esh,' it his avow. rap to da se. Aar ted.vid sl is the isometry br.asiag 8s• ireawbia OW max sab.eriber..ball Teiin s seeeeth espy grabs f7 An Miters addrr.*d is she taw mast be power they trig ret be bakes est d Me pest rens ow aovsa.cwre. 81* liege sod seder, fres teer,Mes••••LI • S FieA sebeepewt Moan 0. •....... ito Tea herr sad wort. Gres ne*rtise, .... 5 3 •j• Ewa s.bagae.t i.er►t ... 5 5 I Over ,ea line., fres invade.. pew Ike, 4 5 Emma moseges.t Is.Ttios, per lite+ • 1 i! A-.itfsel Mown to *set rebs erne ijrlle the yet.