Huron Signal, 1848-04-14, Page 2CORRESPONDENCE. TO Toa pRew en TWO Rea! e.t►t. Ouorsats, April 11. lee. Das Baa, -Tae will insets oblige ass by gwag eremite to lee enclosed The ishabi- tats d th. Getty ought to Lave as opports- siy s8.rd.d them of kaowtag the user ie Thick the *eta d their Repreaestslives are .p- preeiated at Hoare ; it se seethe Lapptw that any setae is taken ►y j.aroalius la Bruin el the sob d pabl.e eves a this courtly, Chet whea tech to the ewe, be tt for Kls geed lir bed, (hal in lana instance), sees noticed ahe.lJ V trails as peek w possible. Bente ether" so opiates Is rimmed is Bntais with reference to the agora of the, ceeatry, it oy fairly be eee- etdrred as ..linty ..►nosed by party kehog. • thing a meat desired bet es &rides to be with with. I trust the hereafter we shall sot be told that wpm the poseesoi.aa d power by socti gratlernea as M. Gyky sed his attempts de - Veda the re...tesu of the eeesexi.a helweca the blether annul aid the Cotes,. 1 costa. Dear Be, Years only, JOHN GALT. penes of the table, therefore, es* hustled ,.rood. to Glasgow I c..ussen ea Laic teth- ered and tee metal, in Muulrcal. There alter, and j tat exactly when t:.e uniatualed tespurter rue=lues that addut••o is done, and be charge is t • eowimesce•, another officer begins I.i. ca culatioos. Tee ohjrct of the. second accountata a to turn .terheg tow remarry• Ile is appointed by leu te du that terry th.og shah Nu Robrt I'..'el a► hors -aerie, to drprerrate the coin of this realm. That depreciation most enteral sagely operates agu.ut the usercbast, who foes nra that each seccea•ise t.ruceee only Jigs ter' her and deeper into his locket. - rhe tra.mu'atoo of sterl •g into currency is effected by counting each sovereign as at tie nlue of els. 4.1., and thus the original £100, ley the atJ of the intervening, £10, become, for taxing purposes, £133 lti'. 8.1., and thereupon the per cents. ad rutoree To ea Mhaiiasu if its C.ts 1g of Heuer: - Gc rt.asn.,-The Nall of excessive loyalty raised by Mr. Coyly earl bis triads, sad the efforts male by hive ted theta to throw a slight apse the loyalty of his opponents, most be flesh a the recollection of many in this C..enry.- MKh was said ea the ba.egs and at public meetings by Mr. Cayky himself, against the advent d the Liberal party to power. Yes will recollect that he toad you 'bet should they (the Liberal.) weeded, they would place Upper Can- ada et the f et of a Lower Canals* or French Comdata pony, and that their nweesr,b would have • te.desey to sever the enneµioo rarities hetwers the Mother Country and the Colo.y.- As • art -off to these 6rghta d fesay with which he sod his friends were Petard to faster you at the time of the election, (ler that they ate so ignorant as to believe the nonstop. they then pave ■tteranee to, 1 do not credit), 1 have much pleasure 1n laying before you the remarks of an ■ Me Mutual published io Scotland of bin, Mr. Cayky's own pet measure -the Caton. Bill -for which be coosidesed himself as most entitled to eonsideratiow. i extract alp the .petitim of the merchant., manufacturers, ship - mothers, and t other aubabitant. of Gasgew, to the right Hoe. Earl Grey the Culooial Minister. I am proud to ay that those who were opposed to Mr. Cayley oq that occ sloe, are fully home out by the opinion :herein expressed, wen obey stigmatized that measure as the most anti-British that had ever been .abmfited by alp govererneat -be it Cosoerrsivee(do seahing), or Liberal (Radical) -for the cooitentioa of the Legisla- ture d • Briti.h Colony -even any legislature d the late colonies now composing the United States. 1 propose in a furore communication to revise the Act ascii, and to point ow to this comms- sity that their interests as agriculturists have n ever.bees allowed to weigh with ibeir rrpretrs- (ntive what be eooeseted this anti-British, anti- Agneelteral, anti - Commercial, anti- Liberal mestere. Gentlemen, your obedient oevvaot. JOHN GALT. tiegfn. Generally speaking, *ben the Ii'gi.lature of Canada, in their is I.d•.m, propose to 1a7 iso the tae by tenth modes on a single arti- cle, they fairly express that intention thus : "Cloyed sugar (10 per cent. ad valorem) and per cent., 15s. 3J.; Bastard, per cwt., land 1:10 for every 1:I0e value,) Its.:" bet 0o other occasions they • e t. -.s explicit, as in tire ease of "toes,' which, under the bead of fruit, are meelioa.d se chargeable with a Jetty of Id. per Ib.-" nuts of all lauds, the ib., Id." And again, berries. suis, vegeta- bles, and wood. used in dyetsg, are under the oar per cent. ad valorem head." Toe protective nature of the tariff is es - 'tatted at every step. Thus iron, pig, bar, rod, and scrap is under the one per cent. .cal, along with noel in bar, but axes and •cethes are to be charged twelve sod a -las per cent.; the difference being levied for the orotectiun of sundry brackomnhs in the I'rosince, who coeld not probably make a loot scythe under pen,Ity el having to work a bad one for the harvest. The merrily of the protective duties, in some tn.1aneee, exhibits • deterrmnauoo to tester native tiulustry, Title remarkable is free -trade eotumuntty. Hides are admit- ted "free;" tanned gnat -skies are charged re per doses ; lameskins 2a. 6.: tali skins id. per Ib.; kip -skins, W. per Ib.; hareems, teatber, 1I1., and soils leather C. per Ib.; and all other leather, led. per Ib. The pro- tection to the tanner •mJ curr lir is the du- ns levied on the respective arlie les we have mentt.•oed ; and three Julie. are levied dish the view of enabling that clam of tradesmen ra Canada to produce what may oe fairly described as red sponger, cut to dwelt, which they are &ensiled to call leather. The boot and shoe makers are de- puted of any ground of complaint, in this instance, although their customers are in a different position. %V ometis boots and shots, which tie purchased by exporters tri lbueouulry (or, on .n average, 40s. per is expended in the Government and defense doxro, are charged fir. ti 1. per dowers of du of that Colony, nur goads shall be ednet:ed y, equivalent to le or 17 per cent. Gide on les. favourable tern* than those of the betels and shoe.. under serail taches in United Stales manufacturer, who contibutee lecgtb, charged here to eke exporter, on as suthlag to that aspen average ef, probably, 30e. per dozen, are by unfair eowpeanrre_. - taxed at the rate of Se. 6.1. or Sid. per cent. ly todrime the British merchant and menu - Why the girt*' boon are more tacrwnbl] lecturer out of that Colonial market. een.idcred'tban the women'• shoes remains For torte re►aosm, as well as for the to be.xplained by souse "Montn•al Manu- maintenance of the "British connection" facturer." Childreti.and intents' buotsand in America, your tuemoruliats pray that shoes are treated to the per cestage of { when said Act stall come rounder your Lord- woeo's the tax betel/.1 t ft., 6d•.,Per 1 stop'. consideration, at may not receive the dosed of pairs : and, as the average cost will consent of the Crown. not he over 15s., the tax ro egua. to 16e per cent. ad ralerea. $Solei -bunts are to pay s duty of 9e per pair, but men's boots they greatly is price. Wetlmgtoi s fore:- 7Jyy? without opposition. The Reformers hate now port may he bad, we undersand, for 14e., j`as serried the suffrages and coaGfence of the united and 11.0 tax on them *thus equal l0 14 to Province without a struggle. which shows that 15 per cent., ad 0aloarm ; but Clarence. if To can he bought for expert at 75- G., and sToryism is not esaetly deed it is, eke the they arc charged at the rate of 86 end some _ -- grnrrahty.of evil -doers, mowing wiser towards tract ons per cant. Boys' be waive 1s. per • its knee- and. The " British Canadian"is Fair, or 20 per cent. ad eaferem. Vtf sup- mxioesly recommrrkling an organization of the pose men's .hoes 71d..10 ls. 411. It,. than rkeleton remains d the political molter, ad boots, and bo;'. shoes 4d., giving them a ♦T THE PROPOSED CANADIAN TARIFF. From the North British UaJy Wail, Feb. 5, 1318. The gentlemen of Manchester shnnl! hare been served with a copy each of " the table of Customs dotter, under the Act 10 are :1 Victoria, chap. 31 and 33, for repealing and- ti consolidating the present duces of Custom. in the Province of Canada, and for other purposes therein tnenueffect oned, to take et on the 5th January, 1848." The docu- ment, of which w. copy eseolominous ti- tle, would have been evidence that, •ender our exsg ieg system, free trade is makin crab -eke prngress. The Cabalism Legisla- tors are i:.geswuu in the construction of tarifftithe-- The, and also 10 the adoption of tie.- The description quoted by us of this docu- ment is, however, deficient in important respect,. The Act repeals duties, for the purpose of re -imposing them with Interco', simple and compound. It enn.obdaer du- ties and thereby increases their weight.- This characteristic js not cataltorred fo the descriptive title ; and if that had been read at the Manchester benq•iee, the reporters would have whispered to eacb other that thaw are genie, better io Canada. The replesentumvrs of the Parttime* do not merely Wrath," bot also prophesy. They intimate the comm se free ef this Act on Vie 5th of January apt. We rather think that the erect del ace then tome in force, never and probably will be in operatiem without revisal and reco,,s deration. The t le per cent.. we find cotton, linen, woollen, Carad*n Legislature onuated to take any land tank manufacturer, an 1 hardware. The account of 's the golden link," welch the late ; greatest portion of the Canadian i nports 81,.U'Conoetf alway need to the perora iaretherefore debited 7 per cent „ but uoJer lion of his repeal speeches-'• the golden ' such c rcienst.inees that the amount is link of the Crows." They had net apps• rently coaeidered the canoeist ,of the crown ne e s an obselete form. They em to have dreamed that they were the Hoose of Com- mons, mil that their stoppage of the sup- plies would oblige the Crowe to aorta mosey ea He jewels to the Tower, or come to tee .u. la all thew as.omptione the Canadian Represesta'tess were mistakes. 1Ve have the utmost respect for Other acts end sta- tute, .o long as they continue to be deus- ruub•d by ratiosal cbaraeteristics ; but, in this Instance, the common serewdoess a<ribed to the west has deserted them, sad expected the crooked way n which they un- deset free -trade. - T tate of (:odom duties i. reurelt protective. The duties aro evidently ail; ter mach d•oiee•f for revenue as for protec toes. Tbe promotion of home mtnnfac- tures is the object pursued from A to Z and Ilse. In *eery .less. R•w ma'erisls taxed topercent. ad onionsth • eteept in e rise of Coteau! prod•rets. The variation of the dotes is from one to twenty per cent. ed referent, be' necas.ionally the tax to likena by weight, menote, or number, and s.ane- tirwee both ek'nwve ste are cnbined. (a older pronely tee rowpreh.'nf the to ea of Aram. ft will be eeereary 10 under et ilii Gpwed's see and went. Ole of the 1 hates les" ss t . tun:rem the invade* of 1 g sods * per toe,. f..r f8e porpoise of tat j V- ' 'lib imparter May protect that be s.Mly pall the ewe ebar,sd, boo' the Cgs 'sae H •um O:1 mere a M. ton per cent. uader •'v ',ammo or meeting freight andehsrgm e_rerrtell.me w Leib •r the eonnorid l;ee be IV fern roti H•uiei fur. n4 Fess, >h '111.1 g .I4 realehl . rwi8. pm h.b to -morrow. Th. re tie be su aside th.t prlrttues ago sal it will be auuteruu.ty e►goed here ; and ate presume lot the evil sill he clucked ; but Ibe attempt ua] show the error of (here .bis luagtae that any policy edupted here will scare free - trade. which make. ao prei10100 ler ito tib aersance elite* here, w lieu ewe our own l.04001cs euJ.avour to lex our production*. To the Iligkt Ilosovrelfe Earl Grey, Sec retury of Stage for ti. Colonies, the Ageatural of the oader.iened Afrrrhaa/s, .Ia*af"uc4..era, 58.purairs, and ether inhabitants of Gdar4ar: IIUm0LT StutwaTs4- That your memorialists are interested io the nrattefactvnng prosperity of the United Kto dour, and is the exsurd ut cuwooud-ues to the Colonies. Tbat the Pluvlscial Government of Cana- da, in their last themes, passed a0 set, rix.: "Tee 10 and II V.e., chap. 31 and 171, for repealing and consolidating the present Duties to Customs is the Procter. til Cara - da, and fur other purposes tbereto mention- ed, to take effect on the 5th January, leek" but sow awaiting the Royal Sanctum. ut Your ewuri.li.ts .•bserse with regret tied alar tea formidable auguseatatto. of Import Duties OR Brut -b products a.dMU.M• ufectures, proposed by that Act, its specified in the " Table of Customs Duller," peel -Me ed by her Majesty's Pastels to Canada. Teat while the Motber C000try admits the staple products of Canada, either duty free, or at dyla ereeing duties, t hal Cutesy proposes to levy duties on Bntisb meaufec- turer, varying true 5 to 30 per cadre ad valorem ; and that the average rata of said duties te equieeleot to lie per cent, the complex character and outaeruus different rates a the "table," reakring ao baael es- timate unattaioabk. • That the other great Colonies in lire East and West Indies wind Auatra!a, have hitherto stemmed low duties, aging about three an : a half per cent. - That the Act complained of proposes to place the Mother Country to a far more un favourable pooittoo than the very Colonies tinder her dominion, sanely, "the other American North Aerican Colonies," the na- tive produce and m tnufictures of witch are proposed to be adulated to Canada ,free et duty, provided said Colonies shall receive Canadian produce and manufactures on the ranee terms. That the said Colonial Act proposes to place the Mother Country in a more un- favourable position than the United States d America, in so far as ii reread. 'be differ - eerie! dual -•s hitherto maintained in layout of Bnti.b man.ifactures. Weehall deem aa hardship if, as Briti„h •uteectr, palms taxes, of which a portion and who may thee, enabled ultimate- Ada,p that mammy prepared for political free - Jon. W• bare as apiasm, sod ii would be *Scat lie door it. that isklboe gee aloes is tapable d ro overtonisg the mom immunisesp demotion an nthat flier bad'aisks*.; abeteI,.re we bolo." all rt •leoee is jot so muck easieeme *Me red; awl the people weither employ it M ole trate 11, see 1eftriest a abs accessary *motet d taat:tgeace ; hence there is • probsb,fty that the r attempts ste- mma, national revulatioo wilste- mma, leprodocuec d only partial bese6ts.- Frogs ick reports it almost looks as if a pre- coaeerted scheme for a ',motheaten.mm moteemt toward* republieasi,tn, had bees catered tato by all the asthma of Europe. They harp m..ed •1 the setae intent. as d by • pre,uous sjatemar- ie anasmm geeet, and the aeaer or character of th the theme, is e d+Qcomet-teercacomet-teeis very mach alike. Bet we du think that the move - meat u boompremature,. Prussia and soaothers of the Gerson States are, perhaps, the only poe- tises of }:trope where there is sufficient freUi- -p rpremiss e. it the masses. to pmise eves tbepeoba- ble secetss d the jest and upright principles of Gail Go,erimeot. And aa Germany ba se name is the world, are what arises from her Buw rstomad her pauper aobiltty, there isa peofobduy aim if the hide peuy municipalities. tete mach she is divided, were united nada same form of popular Guem:neat, a soil and es- ergy might be breathed into her which would estate tier to a place i■ the history of aaliooal enterprise ; sad thereby relieve Europe from the hordes of • nation of educated beggars. Two thousand people are aberth id to have bemassacred is 1)ubiin ! We hope it u not tree. If it u, it is certainly • fair beginoug of the war d ester - enemies, to which that unfortunate country in appeleady doomed ; but we are afraid that such molting bulebery of homaa beteg* .n4 be re- garded a oho signal of universal revelation. -- The Preoiscial Parliament sends prorogued wettedto thwetted of Mee. and ►Iahough it apreya- leatly apposed that it will not them meet for the dispatch of bsaoes•,•we tbiuk itis both prohibit tr mad desirable that it may.. Some slight ahem - eons are likely to take place in the Cabimet which may ocea.ion a little delay; but ti regards the preparation of treasures, we think there is not a man in the new ministry who has mot, long Weer, fimilianeed himself with the nature arid measuretendeoeies of every measure of importance thatLegisla- tion., is either likely or necessary to be brought for- ward in the present stage of Canadian Legis - tion. We entertain the highest opinion not only of their good ioteutioos and political iolegrity, but also of their wisdom, judgement, and ability ts io colonial etatesnehip. • They are at green half -fledged aspirants for political distinction.- They are men of experience; men who have made the 'object d Canada's prosperity the study of bout the portion of their tires: who have endured with patience. and unfliochieg Grimness the good end esti report., the reverser rad vx.wtmdes d political life ; mos who have made Canada their coentry. sod made her what she is. They are capable of defog much -much is expected from moo, and as good things cannot come too oo, m we lope they will avoid all nsnecesry delay.- I1'ith the exception of Oxford,we belly, the re- elections are oter ; we,bave not beard from Kent, but there can be hide doubt that the Hon. Malcolm Cameron was returned on Woodsy HURON -SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APR11. 14, 134e. THE: 31U1'EHF.N . we would jolt as anxiously direct puhlie atten- p f 8.1. boot the manufactures of this Country, and bas times 'emend to publish the opleloo, that a smelling 9 rr(ercntis o ogee- s. too to the current report from heeled as the Paper is •n attic!. of some importance is W. here Ioag eaterutucd, ad elan solse- 1'c rnp° � s Ilio donee nenee of factional bees largely exported to the Ninth Anter*- tether coque metaod of settling the oatiosal 11e' era Culontee. 4Tbe scale of duties to be screams of Eiirope was fast approaching. •d trnpneed under the new Act must be ad- weetd probably be adopted daring the lifetime of verse to that/late. The duty oe elders. gas pretest geserat.oa. And we tear the beer or wrapping 'Meer is 2e. 9.1. per cwt.; lie prow wreck. A Glow whish .hull death the relate p, after de ronin o the .expo duty of tiny d ager -which will establish a reign of Ill. per Ib., retornlog on ail sported . pa- pers at the Custom -house, 93 per cwt., attd hved.rn ora rod d erten for coming geaentioses. the tax is thus very nearly 18 per cent.- We dread the leve. We think the popalar at- op printing paper the tax is 5s. per cwt.; tack epos the hoary citadel of eorr.ptioo is but, Be ter prices ea: ] laegety with the qua- lity, the ditty i• r. it so easily ateraged- npon • very common crudity, after deduc- tion of excise duty, it would be 9 per coat.; on venting, the rale of duty is 10s, per premature. Indeed, if only apart of the cur- test rumours can be credited, the proof is al -1 .resin.; rad will be remembered and respected ready cocels...ye that the science of evil goy- long after Colouel Prince and the small Caoadaa transept is doomed 10 go backwards. So long , Ilion, oa whneb h,, fp loaded, ham orgasa- We know little of Colonel Prince, but from his unmanly conduct toward. Mr. Brown of the Globe, we 'leek "geodeman" is..the last epithet is the English language which *heald be offered hie. We do kaow .ometl.ieg of Mr. Brown, asci we feel little hewtatioe in asserting that he has done more for Caada's welfare thea 'Use - teen twentieths of all the pliant Colo.el. ie the cwt., and ate printing and writing pope►. tun •m such rues u Leedom Glasgow, ted F.din- perished from the memories of men. The Tory very much into each other. there will be bergb tan predate webs which, in de6enee d pre in general has nobly condemned the Col.'s some difficulty in dptieguirhing the two the civil, nuliery and constabulary authorities, ineolemee and enwerdiee ; even the '• British assoc.. The dif.:rence 1n price of writing ad the good feeling and intelligence of the Caesdiso" refuses to justify bim. papers, from the coarse poet used in some tbir.kiag aril respectable portion of the impala- - school to Vie l eghes( port, is 100 per cent.: ion can sinash windows arid nob jeweller's but on a ter] common qu3hty Viet tax .m.ps is broad daylight, under the mine ofpul.u- will beegn•I l0 10 per cent. rad dice feeuou, e u eau, vain to attempt the Among the list of art:elos to be charged establrohmeat d civil hbeny. It 1s tree, that such flagrant emerges are only perpetrated by a few of the comn,u blacksoarda that disgrace every coy -the eery filth and oQ.coorisgs tithe crowd. Bot at the same tune, whea a tarp really 10 per cent. Tte scale of dolma is desire body of comes, can congregate ad Lace adopted by Culnmsts indebted to this conn - al inseparable belwark around the apnee.pled try for all that they p.r . Their land and eharaeteriess vegabowdo .scld,ng, ;whops orisfeally,end very re•etatly, was almost literally gtfte I by the Crown. The hill in •em'ent.onally, tae ettevkrenee of the eeeeti- whrcb gbe] a•remb!ed was paid for from ivied *Mimeo.* till the wretches have eseees- the imperial Treasury. For the mads, end plsbed their destructive purposes. It f.eishes bride*, and canals tbrnog!t a bleb their pro- a powerful argument stalest the ehpbdiIy d duce is tnnsm :lei to the port of shipment. that people to the blessing of political kaoline e have pamJA inn•,. era c part o t we are so frtewde to physical pari hmeet, bot we throaty think that is such desperate ammo sesame it would be bet a alight viebetimi d the pnweiples of justice mid hu humanity to k.ork eo doers the first sendrel who Mould attempt the *arseum of private property. It is • mater el w •s eoegoesee whetter he aeeomplished his mirage with Mooted " Dews with tbe 'malt" se " Dews with the tressere." 1s either eats he is meetly a state epos oar setters and a wares ad iveped,n-a1 to the progress d liberty. Aeii ilia jies as mach the d.y and the iseti ng d hermit every e.tiae., as it p d re tmeia the swos.ouls- e s► the pool policeman, to restroae.8 items cities and to drug the 'Meisel is d ou)wriest ase p.ahnteet. These 0,81nges go forth to the world end are received ss rM kaa giu'e tepee- sebaster,err aetive or doe the istelligee, and the mermendreprepairmen.. 'be eemwt1sft7 fa which lathe seem. anheath d heathe eer.ae.ily woesteem, p sassrwo.aly proa0ed ongesltled a for the est m, anas d GO - worthy d tie loaner d seY•gneee.mewl ; 1.'. bo - . they Inset, i. tants Mini ini orti ether, mak* rompram.oa Ger ny tr the ptopeeney tted. W hese..► a therm, theme predate three ems- temps - temp mato, or nwl► n eierly Meek their at- tempts a ester. wilbem wanes Fir the ieter- kresee d cwetahs ary power, then, eat mal all RC -MANLY Cosnccr.-The learned and gentlemanly " English gentleman," taking adsantage of the peculiar privileges esjoyed by Members of Parliament, made a cow- ardly and di.prseeful attack upon Mr. Brown, of the (Stele, daring the debate on the Oxford Election. 1f Col. Prince fascia.. that hie present attachment to the Coneervatiteo, wit' prevent the press of that party from vindicating their order, or if he thief' that se insult offered to .a political opponent, on secouet of hie connec- tion with tea prem., will be quietly passed over, be will End bitneelf a moeh me - taken as neon the oeea0t0n when he es- deavoured to retabltsb personal popularity, and a character for bravery, upon the ex - w d bl f their cotton of a few defeoeeleoa prisoners which evil, and Dearly all of their mmhtary, outlay is charged on the taxes of Britain. Aad yet this magnificent 0010.7, as it bas beim called-'tuateng to the general earelesinesa exh,Stted for the details of e•.mme-cial laws, while enj •yiog the benefits of alum- 4this eoeaswswiswrron for sit law pro duels with nur market., exeolrlang timber,. on which Iirge d1.rn.iaatieg duties hire been tetetishnl in its favour -prop .ars to levy a swerwing tax coo our .anefecleree- nut se muck for revenge, which it does not regime, am 1 .r prefer ilea Iia 11. .t erefee- t,tree! TF, -re are theses' other particular. on 11t• table of duller which we shalt melee. It Gams altogether Noe of the warnings, now toe enmmae, that oar celestial system re elided ; nni'.., ie.M.ed, the farce is closed in this e..,rntry, and a father swede of dealing beettabbshed het .eon ors dwpeodenrtes and Its people. The ex. -entre hive hesitated to meth seam se art al opted raden'ly with the view Adisco•rraging oar manufhetures. reel) Wee sot yet adopted the mew creed of Canto, And eatletvoureI to lisut the ion era the traffic between our porta mod the eulnet0s. The rihje 1 meanwhile wail be brought before the t.rionl perdue ieturested here fn tbnn,-ieratien of the tariff. A enpv of a pet:trio against It. prnyl*tuns las Wee .!.rwa to us, ♦iiic\ we- shall peb were captured by bearer mea.-ilamiltoa Spectal.r. Coto,ret Puncs.-We bate hitherto refratsed from cnmiweeting nn tae otrange and enwernwtable eond•.ct of this un- principled Iooeefe h who .tyles htmeelf as English Gentleman ; but we caseot let this opportunity pap or deciariog our disgust et the eewatdty-nay rums.ly manner in which he took "cession to attack the private character of Mr. Brown in the House of Assembly, where be well knew Mr. Brown had no chance of defending himself. 1n the capacity of Eloise- of the Toroten Melee worriment say that we altogether like Mr, Beene; neverthelem, even thongh he be u opponent, he is entitled to respect, and for (tea. Ponce to a.1rt that he i. the " Editor of • hbellew and scandeloes paper" is ss onmtttgata,I falsehood, moreover the term " roree and vagabnne," thew. what sort of a so English Gentleman" he most be whit coned utter it. Birch non a Pose* are met In represent tiny ennstilo.ney, sad thei sliden who would tend him to Parliament earleraly rare hole for either prieeiple or usshee.s : he ought to he hooted from the h.Minge whenever he pupate himself, for be is a line i bel ea soy r.epeetaba ca- etittrMey.-.Brantford Cosier. TO TM arer0 OR TIM tear arosaa- Lrwamee Us►sca, Ge..essm, April 148, 18* Sts -Having bees hdeerid Ilett ss some has bees rade epee mm as Sepernmea,est of Edecaton Lw the Herm Dataset, a year pipe o f blot week. I beg kr treble free rtab their kw her., w tb+ Abet . that I lie prepared sed maims to mower ay attack the hen hem made epee m►, as a path. senaat, and that 1 i oeld ham deer de is yeas odium d tate week. it t had W so spprtwity sd mom the ■tach, bel s.fartaesuly 1 trowel too each le the ►ud- n u a(persssel kiessie sad to themes. Editor el,, that Jesn•I, se laser.► Bre with the paper abet► 1 Wort see yet seen. 1 shall certainly waver the stack. whirs I em dosis • copy et year Mal pblic•tw. 1 here the ho.out le be, Sir, aver main abide seri, JOHN BIONALL. S. C S. Hetes Dianeal We bite se be ehe.it■ble, sed therefore we are willing to sappiest that Mr. B'gmll did sot ave the Signal of the 31st Marco. We are mere inclined to this apporsuas from online cortr►- "moliv. ciresmetsoces wnh.n oar k..wledge ; the first is, that se the Arm Mee el the Hens Signal, we seat copies to all whew mw or mei- deem we were aeaaaist.d with. releeetiag that e ach as were int iodised se pausal* es, wield , fray w by retrsag the paper. Oat of see howled ad eigbteea eerie. dirnle,ed is the town of Guderieh, tis ase , and: ileo of thelte rejected half deers hiss the fullewiag isocMptioe-" Rwmara, 1. lbee•u.." Now,. we do ma Lew bow nosey J. Bit/nal' may be io and mooed Goderieb, bet ramie .tis that the District Septum testiest ddscatas declares tact he did sot rearst the first member d the Sigpal, and coneeler himself slighted by the stgket We forbear to give farther corroborative circum- stances, as we deem this single one militarist to e_stsbli►h at least the possibility that Mr. ILgenit d.1 not receive or eyes see tie Sigsald the 31st . 1t. ; mid we woold have eoetested esrselves by merelj stating the teen, that at the time we mailed our inoe of that date, we pee into Mr. Kydd'• own hand • copy addressed. '1: obs Big - sell. Esq.," which Mr. lEydd declares be gave to Mr. Ragweed boy on the first opportaity. Bet Mr Bissell bis not ceotes:ed himself with merely inerna"cg to us that we baJ .egleeted to send him • Copy of the Signal aeceedint to promise, be has pobl.sbed • letter in the Hone Gazette, welch seems &steodnl either ass patlfc impe*ch.neat d oar veracity. or as ea teneme- tion that we were afraid of iseanisg bis die - pleasure. With regard go beisg afraid, ave may jest state, that is the opt4avowal or deeeaey of troth, we have never lemma roil sever will know tear; rad as to tear veracity to such mat- ters it is perhaps equal to that .1 lir. Bigea11.- We f.161kd oar promise, bat we had mot the mightn't i.elimties to cheer Mr. Rival.). hi* loaf lonely or thirty mile. down the Loaders mod, it order to sceoem*date h.m with a perusal of the S.gml. His note a dated. „ Edeanas Office Godeneb," and Mr. McTaetai's better requires w ober answer teas • beer uummtios of the whereiskrists of that Office. ' BUILDING SOCIETIES -NO. 1. d ssrprw. that mimosa somewhat s.gsuated with this desr.paos til Beildug Asetet.ss, ad .herr peered adore, but aoacgruated with the warkieg decade el time, thee* view the pretest mimes with sesp.efon. Meese, sae neem of luheweraaese at tits sinew l/ft, Retld..g Bmsreties as offered to aka pelt - fes to Carlile, sad spinally protected by Am N Pkaiiaeeat, ere d a very difforsat ebrsaer.- They are rrtttMubsd " for the purpose e( nesse "• by email periodical .utweripu.m a lead M " most. the members thereof to ab,.*s .ale - cumbered freehold lir ksse►tld properly." - Tina limes of settee ars 4elked is By•Laws made y the abankiiden shemeeivee i ted Ike "periodical s.b.cnpsiess" eawot be diverted hese the peirpeee specified by the Statute, that a, the ammo' off of old iscambraaees es pre - perry, (thereby giving more time sail aa easier made of doing w to the borrower, than sea be hoped foe is ay traaretiee with • private iadi- 'idaal),-the parches d property. or the bsfld- ts( on, and iaaprever*t d what may be •lresdy possessed by the shareholder. Aay breach at thaw roles mast be guarded &piss by the beard of Directors --appointed y the members -or the tro.seetioas sof the seeiasy may all seder eke action of thither, awed she Prortace, and be meshed ie total nu. Be., 8ir, it appears to me glial the Buten a se ether, asd the cods Mastitis ef :he moiety se eased sod ample fa its details, ab.s it sea scarcely be costa ved peasible se saes a body of directors, so etterly .oaegwiated with ordinary Moises priaaples. u to &seer ay risk ea skis pent ; as 1 shall at a furore pe. id esdeaveor te r) roe norms or Tae wase. ssw•a. Geosalcw, t l to Aped, 148. • Sea, -:.thing but my sincere ewvic me that the establishment of • Ifedd•og Society in th.s Dutnet woulJ be of .se;leolable beseht to .11• .parties residing is It, ad more especially to those wbe may become sham -hoiden : sad eke the hope the: 1 tray be able to rearm, the doebes of some ponies int yet satisfied .s to their be- .evole.t character -sod thereby idr-e Oben to become members--eoeld have -overcome e-7 reluctance, to pet myself before the pate through the medium of the Prem ; eves at Oke w afettatioe of some hook wheelie take • wane interest in the prosperity el Gurlene sad the District generally , as well as is the seam of the Society ; ad the more especially as i feel my owe iasbiliy w deputies te tie embitter .- Auld farther, that i toy very probably pet forth stat tie.ts net se cersdr clear .d correct to *shape exposure, ad perhaps ridicule, from par- ties better acgsaioted than 1 am with the worki.g details d such aeocfatous. 1 however, have the double conssktioa-eves is meth a cam - that m7 motive is pare. asd that ahead • discus - cies arise out deg IKobr.uew, it will mus se - questionably result in the formation of a Boddie, Society ; for, they have oely ro be well ammo to be approved of rad supported. With these few remarks arid your appration •and primaries, i shall submit to the pubise throagi your eol.maa, 077 news sad epitome ee this i.terestiog rod important es►yeet ; timely premiaiog, that 1 will int ester ise a contro- versy, either on the pri.eiple of thew Sedalia., or as to particulars d merugemewt, with say easeayeses writer who may wish to attack me er my statements. For, 1 Lave only one *beset is rime, via : the pnepenty d this the hems d o ur tdoptioe; ad 11 sbosld be is error, of differ in epi.iou with say the equally einem as my- self, 1 will either argee it est is an good feeling. hue to (see, se .01 at all. Fires thee --as to their engin asd i•teeti. B.ildieg Bonnnie. w the priweiple sew adept - ed is Canada, were uv..ted Of I may is the ezpreesie.) sad feet set is peroei.e *hent 311 years apo, is some of the pp10 1 m eeactsr- l.g districts i. Eagtaad. They have beam gore attended with almost hendable retests, sad e ach are the beelinee offered by them ....eia- rioee, le the iddelnses peer one. et ethers of Gssitd .0eamee, te better their eamdieiee y mall 'snags, that mem peewee wet wades that period rimae Fen very Imoble eirememssa.ees se idepeede.ee. seri eves .peke.. ; pi.eipafy by their eouuoise with them : individeels, who euM .ever hese hoped tee mesh iep...d hetess, frees se smell bsgioisgs, 1a my ether wary. " Bsildia, Rashes." were hemmer homed se a vary dill e.t pries** a seem pane of Seethed. Their .lest wee by periodical sob- senptises to raise a feed far the pmrebsu d grwmad, to bald base., rad A.m, M w4 Of net thr e as •pp.n.sity sfferl. ft will Oahe we- dered at by thy iso who wt/ &satin the meta.,, that swath • seams wee iu8 .e$ es mesa Mame- led. y spseerl.tw, mind soh .ttpom ho ease - agonise. se to hes.e st Item mpuileble, War eta* i.pactisda,-sad that they shield sae- e memily 6R M the Brewed Net win t his tttw., prove. I am, Bir, Year most obed't TIIOMAS [TDD. THE LOST CHiLD. lie our last we coped from the Bugato " C om- rretal Advertiser," apar.greph ,otiihatiag flat the child, Eloozo McElroy, who was sena time Moe stolen from the .il*ge of Napeseek, mea- ty of Ulster, State of New York, bad bete forted is Cauda. We are sorry to think that the isti- autioe is fake. We have since received a put - ed eommenicatios from Windsor . e..taiai.g some particulars of the fruitless search of the father for his lost sou and offering a reward .f $800 for the recovery of the chill. The last trace obtu.ed by the unforesate as was at Duff's Tavmn, sear Brantford, where dor Lead - lady told bim that she had athirst the child rad put him to bed, es the eight ie which the thief with the weeps staid at her hoose ; and that ea the fallewiag morning the foie with the mules child weal westward, and at the distance of meaty roam is that directors all information and all true of the thief cease. Then is, how- ever, • along presemptio0 that the ebild is some- where in the meaty of ileroa-rad certainly any person possessing the memos kefiap of humanity who knows aythi.g d the child's present residence, ad wi10 May chance to the this melee will feel happy io beteg able to re- lieve w mach home agony by havl.g the child restored to his afflicted parents. informatics will be willlagty received by any Jamie. of the Peace 015115. nearest Newvpaper C,fbce. The reward is 500 dollars by Oover•te Yoag pf New Yorb State and 300 dollars by the father d tee cbi41. Roar, teem 8T•TtroaD To Gate. -We refer oar readers to • ape of tie Petitfoo to the Leta - !store oe ter sbret. A eorregendeet from. Stratford of the 10th writes u follows :-" The bad mate oftbe roods, at cereus sewer of the year, should iadan every ewdest is Ibm llama Text Meng .oawios to travel the mats lied of commsalptioe to the markets below, to acetest h.aoetf in the improvement of the road. Thu .amt be accomplished withaet a proper spplt- estioa to Parliament --.d the Board of Works could int devote either matey or aurone& to • rod .(mete ieportaaee. The gather thee Litt to defray the exps.se d bringing the ssbyect be - ton she Hoare of Assrmbiy, les with Mr. Alex, B. On, of Stratford. Bat tiara is greet apathy is the matter, int ealy at the Wester* ponies .f the District, bat to some retests i. the Esetets. These km, complain that though copies of the Petite.° bide been forwrded to several pans to the West, ad to sederltk, yet then u De &e- enant of thea Wises persona ef respectability ad mama as the •css.ty promise to uterw. themselves, earl aegleet their peemiee, a bed 's- ample is given to ethers. The istestian mf she Petiliseera . wee to Bales the Impr.mmeat M the east rd, -they are axiom te axles% it M Gedencb. Bat a beginning neat be mai.. I some times Mak that the mind eh. Id be &Sawed te get weer than it Maass te armee the stseaMa d the ramie's Whoa • kw rake ell as WM. ti Red an noon masses e.Mlaaloble sem far outlay, besides time sprat. The pb1e aheeN ma forget Chet it W bees owls' M tines few that • door. W hes p.biiafy aps.assd ho this i.- pr.v.ee.t,-nape *at member, the foremost is Mr. A. B. On, ..snored by the .eigiestr d der scheme, Mr. Akx•der Miarbm8. Aromas Fres sow Snayvwa•-O• M tnsni.g ef Wdse.dsy, the bah nee-. As Shea- t, of Michael O'Baia. S.- 81. eaeeemise S. Bergh Reseheps. with all ie oeelawat ed peevi- seas, dels4. db., was berated tit the mead. O'Brian W ems se a seighbesn• bone a as .mired, sad whoa be retuned the heaps wee is fames. The fteipmsey of its ought as pet .utters se their geesd,, as mast hew ars battled hem nivel ..ser.. The as; w BaYisma seas pita a l8. Nes- het Seeress Suwiy, the flab hem, whets .i[ . sale ..nest wen eabibNgd• The lee poen- a em wee •worded se Mr. lame Ratsselley e ' • Techer math, teed • M ..s.d re Mr. 1. Met ' s Millet whew.eede.tisu.ssm.seared �Ta_ 14. •e Rotss.►*y'. seem, knee was eatitM seemed pat*, wash was weed se. The 'edges wire R. Sleds rw.R, A. Imre mid R- Oib.sa Sammy Maya. T .'chat The tin. -ase e1 Seheeem, EMMA d Te - See, be. Jlen emend she her, seise ea (hot egaries el the seams. M. is hoed Mit Pork, nese. tad rrah. We what her • leer woo pmpsress voyage. I[7 Tb.... ]norma Camera a. Ibmm . mem' ee rditar fir let Cow, 4 niter adobes. -u '- --1Lrm.. alae*