Huron Signal, 1848-04-14, Page 11
:t)c 4uron Signal,
all ,*oras a+a r•aL!•m :vast rsamaT
/aa,IT•aQOAss, 000&&1A.
STANkinds e( Beak and Jeb Pri o& la dm
Eagivels W French teageape, enessied
seamen sod thip•tch.
Tram the Pilot -
A warm, we might almost say. a0gry,
debate took place .. Toesday eve'mg, os
Mr. Dnimened's mottos fur receiving the
sport of t1. Committee of the W hole os
Supply. On that oeeatime Mr. Drummond
teetered int• a Mie( statetewMM of the finan-
cial position of lb. Province, winner in
111. slightest degree attacking the Ad-
mi•tratme which Inas lately goes out of
office. Mr. Cayley succeeded Mr. Dram•
(mood, and spoke w!tb great warmth, at -
tackle: the inspector Geoerars report,
which ass copied in our last. in most un-
measured terme. Ile called It a balm and
costempuble attaek on the bate Ado sistra-
tioo, and emdeivoured u every way to its
power to damage tie present Ministry,
who were not is their places to defend
themselves. Such warmth wu retire!,
out of place, especially as sot the s!lgheat
provoceios had been Riven for it. The
report of tie Isepecter Geoenl is e state-
ment of feels. There is no blame throws
os any ; bet when Mr. Coyle; is a for-
mer debei6 most indiscreetly referred to tee
flourishing state of ibs finances, it became
absolutely necessary for the present inspec-
tor General to chew to Parliament the trite
poett.on of the public afore. We have to
deal with a idea statement of feats. -
Now. though Mr. Cayley seemed a great
deal of warmth -and apars.Uy from the
cheers of Mr. Sherwood. Mr. Cameron.
and others, who understood nothingat all
of the subject. quite satisfied is- owe
frinde-we.Wall be able to show to every
man who understands Agrees, that ie did
net import the report of the la.p.ctor
Gossett in the slaglteet degree.
last .s mend ear readers d the mature
of tilt report. It was a decumbent scene
ponying and explanatory of as account cur -
real, skewing tie state of She cotsolidatsd
revenue fund on the 31st January last. -
This account may be compared to the profit
and loss account of a merchant. All the
traa.actio.a of the year sew brought soder
It, sad the ought to show the avu-
labiw tarns of the Proviriee. But it most
set be forgotten that all Parliamentary ap-.
proprietress aro charged upon the consoli-
dated 50.0000 fund, and that it frequently
Asuman that the esmm voted for the service
ydiaras ewe a� sow ba f wit the
t are
named epee the
fad, and must he paid rhea denandod.-
A slatom'sY therefore of the &Neal Wage'
at the credit of the consolidated food, with.
mit any reference to the Iabtlities, world
est Afford to Pertinent sed the public that
satisfactory information which the Iospee-
torlis.etal ought to communicate. Mr.
Carley net only neglected ow former eesa-
sioM to gin such inforreatio., hot it may
he dembeed whether ace stem took the trou-
ble to esamiw the real state of pablie
Whim. Tho co..olidatd reverie fwd ap-
peats by the account furnished and by tba
Meks of the Provi.a to have £t011.811 1 4
to its erdtt, sad this might jntif r
Mr. Coyley's &natation b the
Det the peewee le.peotor General has call-
ed sinews to the fact that this halation is
liable for charged .pop it by
law to £60,080 over sad above the satire
bs1.aee'tk.s leaving the fund largely' in
debt ea the 31st January last, instead of be -
10( i. evdit. Has Mr. Cayleydiepeted
a adegi. Agee f lie melted fee nen ie 4.-
tsid.1 the imaw swtituuag the charges
released le by *ho iaopoobr G...e*1, gad
he Rae promptly furnished with them.-
1:w kit u. follow biro is his remarks.
Int charge is £$3,000, "priscipitly
far l elle weeks, appropriated by Par(ta•
mals it 1816, ISA sof 1847, bet .et yet
/e Ebb bands l6e ; Saes Mr. Cey-
gimebtted whether the Trion woald be
waned able year. Ewa were he certain
i• this, which we believe he is sot, the ap-
prepwtion is engine wses obviously
charged epos the cossolidatedrevan fund
of homer year. 57) tie lets Ministry, ad he paid. They are a mortgage os ter
fwd. fel. The ewe of £3t,1N 5 9, "ex-
pstadsd dwi.g rho net year without the
sethesity of M.rYsmc.t,
a la this toss the
sneer hos hen wt.eUy paid. IS newt
he abetted against the lead end it has
.itelheg :re l bee lir. Ca tsy
esftg.o0 bane paid it. Mr. ey-
toek Aria at the worn " witboot the
y d ►tlamme oet,a if they bad
holm hpipw.oU.Ny ; hit 'web an
asantima x.14. abused. It. blame wee
alepsid se 'hitt Mieleary Irmelering
tNO.speaddesa *hon was se eavilliag at
tbarkileBg, a1Me•gh some of them were
ve•j er5e N 1pitietws-(for iatalce, the
npsllit►m ea s ser wise to the Old
news, which e.gbt to hove
hoe. delated ee alheetted to Parke
meet Ikon wee . simple
semisweet of Ann le show that this LW -
MI 5 f rainy ben p be *Barged ire the
:Tairatrdijeme Ibe rasNi5lu5, Tin Mr. Caar
ley WM. mad met.Ile alma
&Wile alba ti epg jot .
�I�m• 5 501 Mks f Wet yet the
Mea1ho•ds *nasi bin, .rho nowt meat a
p ted5.W gel;gaibbiaag, Els of Armee,
i -_I Ma. Tke Sited item ttoeavi4i
bet sot yet charged. Now, on toe point
beth Honor. Cayley aed Caaairo■ talked
a great deal, asked bow the Inspector
General knew that it would sot be paid by
the Imperial Governeteat, ace. Etc. lir.
Cayley and Me corkages have expended
dense last year, in road Igen, ere lino.
gratio* ed gsaraattee, 1150,000. Of this,
the Imperial Government have paid sheet
£60,000, exclusive of a large mot pad
tbroegh the Commissariat. About tie, -
0110 has berg eotteetd by the tax, sed about
taken is yet dee, sac of staedter
debts, whack the parties are clamorous for.
Now, if tke Imperial Oover.meat should
pay of tbi'balp.ce £60,000, we think that
the Province will have no great cause to
complete. The Inspector General, it will
be observed, says nothing positively os the
subject. He fears that to the exist of
£90,000 we shall be called ea to eoetrIbu12,
amid from first to last it baa bees nederstoed
in alt the Promisees that some pontos of
the expe.diture would have to be borne by
the people of thee Provinces. So mach
of ,this head. 415 • The balance due to the
Imperial Goverment of £24,000, welch is
urgently demanded. Is this debt denied t
AT Tea nab Of Tee rasa.
about £130,000 --all for permanent works,
-was charged upon the consolidated rev. -
nue fund ; and it will be found that during
the last three years, a sum of not less than
£300,000 has been rbuged on the same
fund for works principally of a permaseat
We bave already referred to the eaters
et the " eessolidated revenue fuer" ac-
cent ; but, as every person acquainted with
busmen will understand, that account doss
ant chew the whole state of ocr public
affairs, any more than the profit and loss
account of a bank or a merchant.
The Province has the manageeneRt of a
vast number of special funds, end has like
wife uedertahee the Construction of various
public works by means of luaus which do
set appear in the consolidated fund ; sod
further, there are balances always due to
and by the Province- Let u0 now glance
at the actual position of affairs on the 31st
Jauary last, a esplatoed by Mr. Drum-
smosd. To save trouble, we speak of round
The balance of the Consolidated
Fund was £100,000
There was the credit of the Isom
Quite the eo•trary ; but Mr. Caykt; es- Account, a,'ptieable for works.. 36,000 to screen himself from the re- There was at t' -e credit of the •a -
mooch of having ceatracted it. Who, we nous special funds not Invested 57,000
ask, blamed him or any one elf. 1 The There were unpaid warrants
debt doubtless is a rust one, sod must be afloat
paid. All that the Inspector General said A loan from a bank
was that it is a charge against the eonsoli- And balssce due the Back of
dated fund, which M r. Coyle; ought to have England of and taken into aecuost. 3th, and
featly. The appropriations of former S ears
for Lower Canada sellout moseyis this
denied ? No ! But Mr. Cayley Bays It
will sot be wanted this year. Ilow does
ibis make matters better ? it must be
paid Jt u a charge node ley act of Par-
liament on the eousulidated rued, and may
be caned for at any time. The .oeeaoer u
is paid the bettor. But Mr. Cay1e! 'wee to
total error in aynae that the laspects*
General proposed to won debentures to pay `wit"
thea school motley. Nothing of the kind There 1a due by the Merchants,
was eoetemplated. The debentures, as on hoods for Customs and
may be sees by the message of the Gower. Timber Duties, say - £i30,000
nor Genera!, by the resolutions of the The *deuce oe account of Em -
Howe, •o1 by the printed tells -all relish ignition 65,000
.Yr. C.ydey mg4i to have read -ars mere- As- advance as account of the
11 lm sustain credit with regard to the pub- Seigniory of Lauson 5,000
1.e works. An advance on aeeoast of Indio -
And oow for a few remarks o0 that soh- passable services for the Go.-
jeet. Mr. Cayley endeavoured, as the ersnaent, and which forams the
Herald baa dose, to throw all the blares for second item a the Inspector
these penis weetks as the ;ImFesten s- O..araf • Memsraedeen, tr -
Baldwin Admisistratioa. It a patty note- chargeable against the Coneoli-
nous that the appropriations were dated Fund- 22,000
made by the Draper -Daly Administration of Balaces due b; varrons Poibin
1841, and that Sir. and Mr. l.a- Accountants, Collectors, 6:.c•. 1.000
Fdata.e'o friends (be sot being in Parlia• And Cash to the chest 6.000
most) voted against rho Government pro-
position. But Mr.-Cayley ad Ma (none £32-1,000
are sot very senp.lose in their sasertiosa.
This, however, is the fact. But, nye Mr.
Gyle;, the present 'disasters, whoa lest in
office, saactio.e4 the change to the Wel-
land Casal works and adopted the Lake
Erie level. To this we reply :-They are
afeays ready to assume the responsibility
of having se acted. They took the best
advice within their reach ; and if the esti-
mates were.rro•eooe, they certainly are
sot to be blamed. We ask, Was not the
change then made an advantageous one 1 -
Does..; practical man deny it? But Mr.
Carley must Dot get off in this maneer.-
It is not the completion of old works that
Ens caned all this embarrassment, hot the
commencement of sew one before the old
were iuehed. Aad this Mr. Cayley ad lis
colleagt a bave4ow to a great extent.
Had no sew works been commenced, the
ProPaece might have completed the old
mics. Again, we deny that there was any
.arwit7 for going os at precast with the
Welland Canal works ; and we say em-
phatically, that to eater We esatr.cls fur
abort £100,000 over and above the parlla-
menury sppropnatlons, and for £270,000
over Lod above the loan contracted, was-
te the state of the mosey market, wheel
ha* existed for some time past --aa get of
sheer inanity. Mr. Roberson and Mr.
Gytl, holiness Oban, hare brought the
G,iwer•meat of the Priorities tato disgrace
by their system of awing certificates to
contractors, payable three months after
date, without any prospect of being better
bable to pay at the end of ttime. All the
he nks would tell the same dory sheet teen
certificates, which Mr. Holmes very pro-
perly endeavoured to put • stop to some
twomare ago. Well would it have hese
for the Province had he succeeded. The
works on the Wella.d might and ought to
have been entwined .alit a lean could have
been negotiated. in referent( to the doe -
credit brought o. the Goversmest by the
issue of eertaieatee, we cannot omit'otae-
ing the oofwtunate position .i our affairs
at the Beak of Eegla.d. Whatever sxpla-
nattoa Mit. Cajl.T alai make, It cameo( be
doubted Qat the teuseaclioie wl(8 tbat tits
stitution have been eesdueted with • culpa-
ble loo.eeen, and that even sow it is drs-
eult to undermost/ preeieely the pse.tion of
the public aoewet with the Book. At ail
sewn the Inter of the Cashier seine proof
p•altiw that tssawtaetioe pomade at that
i.euteties, and that they were net prope-
l; advised with sur consulted o• • enjoin el
t We 5..e • h.w*wweis to my, F. eseeleswo.. o• the ea►jmes
of Mr. DS.lsmeetre ontomest, *bleb wme,
IP. think, eaiWatie etphse, osd which
a swethea Me. arts gross
bleeder" se . Aes•sler. Ho hes .U..pted
to Barry w large works set of the anent
rete0M--11 wares .1 weeseMttt which le
Wood en the rhea of it. Let me We an re-
news. Oer remora work k the Welland
(.omni i reed we hew 4 en -
• Ion• ten -
seen se peeon se I`T' - gam..,
ds�f • siskesg fed t het
k..sts.11g threw, , to sae Jam, na feu
,, i'Irzada s,t.."'1." ",«°'
From this it appears that op to the
January last, notwithstanding the great
difficulties about the works, there was
really a surplus of £30,000 applicable to
throe works, and theta was also £37,000
due to the special funds ; to shwa, E231.11410
has to be accounted for, and • reference to
its position will explain the 6•aoc.l dIi-
It will nines from the fowegersg state-
ment, that if the Immigrbat advisee and
the merchants' bonds were all collected,
there would be an available balance at the
moment at the credit of the Consolidated
Fund of £100.000
Lew the uoprorded items 31,000
which £78,000 would he subject to the
chargee specified in the Inspector General's
Memorandum, which, if paid, would bring
that fund £50,000 t. debt. But as the
balance at the eredat of the Loan Aecouat
for public works has been used up acne the
31st January, and w there s no immediate I
prospect of obtaining a loan, Mr. Carley
having failed to raise one while in office.,
the Inspector General was justified tri la-
ir:bating existing embarrassments to the
increasing demands for the public works
bevieg bees made to a very large amount,
which its almost tmposaible to get rid of.
The foregoing is a true statemeat of our
fiscal affairs. 1t would have been made
without imputing blame to any one, al-
though certain Mr. Cayley *hewed himself
very little of • 6.aacier in allowing no
less an aoonat than £300,000, (p round
figures.) Meseta& in permanent works, to
be charged oe the consolidated revenue
find, without referee« to pnor charges on
that feed, 5; which unease he has placed It
ie debt. If Mr. Cayley has been censured,
be has himself to WIMP, for making an us -
warrantable attack cm the present ln.pec-
ter General when that geetleesan was dm-
pooed to treat hue with livery tosa1de111-
(*00, and had actually requested Mr. Dram -
mond wt to attribute any blares to his pre-
decessor, bet simply to state facts. A.
impartial plisse will mow decide who a to
blame foe the dueosaoe which has Iak..
aT w. wast.
A tioeatry clown, whew modifies yids
Made him gsite weary alias life.
As saes at Cbueh be Meet sat,
Devoutly fesobli•g with ►r hat,
Ali earessg is his been the bear
Aed party that had 'envie thele bans:
'Rrm•d by the teat, that chased to los :
" T*. op year Crow sad fellow mr-"
Thorne moa aeriaasly attended.
TIPSpeacer W his aero traded
His mind thee by ewvtettea sag.
Like light'erg frets his seri he rpraag,
And threw lib W.,1 epos back,
As pedlars do • heavy pet !
sate of her ibmt'niag sed her Scatting.
He -thriftier church bis btudea Maliag-
aeruwk the para in the read. .
Aad does. before hook threw his lead.
Tb. wagrrgatwa was asass'd,
Whilst every rye upon brae gaa'd.
Spencer cried : '• Stu yon re sorely wild,
Or Immo has your bran'd ;
Or way this uproar. fellow, wy'
Kew yaw ost'iis the Sabbath -day !"
" Dr.shl-ea, sed p1.... yea -drunk I'. sot;
Het ware ;ser Rev'weee hu feget
Ysg;Teat, seat sow, whteiTOlM]tgrre,
Was : ' Take year Crow and follow me.'
Ter a NT Cams --a Jana prevetw :
la truth, she is toy ealy enrol."
as as enemy as cemented, the hearse( all so-
ciety, e( all civilts,ttoa aad virtue ; fur the
beau of there is the good -will due to every
IodiviJual of the species, as being a pert of
owr,cltes. The sword, and that ileac, eats
lusnndcr the bund of runrabguias*y which
unties man to man. lienee the morsl.ty of
peaceful times s three ly opposite to the
maxtrna of war. The fundamental rule of
the first is to Jo good ; of the latter to
ioflct Injuries. The former teaches lien
to love their enemies ; the latter, to make
themselves terrible etcn to strangers.-
Tbe rules of morality will not miler is to
promote the d t interests by mkt hood ;
the maxima of war applaud it when employ-
ed in the destruction of others.'
Let us put war and Chnstamity aide 5;
side, and see how far they asree. Chrts-
%unity safes teen ; war destroys them -
Cbnrtlasuy elerises men, war debases and
degrades them.;ty purifies men :
war corrupts and defiles them. Christianity
blesses men ; war curses them. God say..
thou shalt not kill ; war says, thou shalt
kill. God says, blessed are the peace -makers
war says., Mused aro war -makers. God
say., lute your enemies ; war says, hate
them. God says, furOite men their tees -
pa -nes ; war says, forgite them sol. -God
enjutss forgiveness, and forbids revenge :
slide war .corns the former, and commands
the latter. God says, resist not evil ; war
says, you may and must resist evil. ('.,,d
sa)s, if any moo smite thee on one cheek
turn to.hnu the other also: war saes, turn
owl the other check, but knock the smiter
down. Guil..*p, bless *Anse who curse
d : bless and curse not ; war sacs, curve
those who curse you ; curse, and Alcan Tint
God says, pray for those who despttefully
gee you ; wptosys, pray alraiwst them ped
seeleehaNdestructron. God ieeeli, see that
none render evil for evil unto any man ; war
say., beet/. to render evil for evil unto all
that thyro you. God says, overcome .011
with good ; war say., overcome evil web
evil. God says, If thine enemy hunger.
feed him ; if he thirst, give titin drink ; war
ST" 40.5 G. wurTrlta.
"It hath beese as it were especially rendered
eau sane, old made Vase and legible to my so-
der•seadyege, that • great worsh•pp is gang ea
smug thyep of God -"-Graff. -
The Ocean looketb sp to Hearer
As '(wen • living thing,
The hobnp d Its waves 1. gives
la eeaarle•s worshipping.'
They kneel epee the Sepia( egad,
An Mede the Isaias Woe.,
Jirleriselifel and tireless band,
The Priesthood of the See
They pear the glitterieg treuere. out
N' in the deep hive birth,
And chant shot awful hymn' about
The watching hills of earth.
The green earth weds its ioeense up
From every mwatai• guise,
From every dower and dewy tap
That greeteth the aosbiae.
The mists are lifted from the rills
Like the white wing of prayer,
They leas above the ancient hill*
As doing homage there.
Meeforest tops are lowly cut
O'er breezy hill and glee,
As if a prayerful sant pus'd
Oa Notate u ea men.
The clouds weep o'er the Galles world,
E'ee as repeatast le.e ;
Ere to the blued benne aa(erl'-d,
They fade is light above.
The sky is u a temple's arch,
The Isles and wavy air
Is glorifies with the pint -march
Of aeeaiesprs of prayer.
The gentle mow, the kindling sea,
The many stars are given,
As shrines to ban earth's ineesee on -
The after -fire. of Heaves !
duction, rather thus as increase of the
ea:sting so-called `Peace Establishments' of
this coots; wouli be calculated to promote
the eennnuance of prier, and that the
exarepleof ouch reduction would Aare the
beet arable effect on the disposes nu and
policy of the other powers sed nations .4
Europe. Your petitioners thereforeeeresa-
tir pray 7001 bonnerable Howse sot to
sanction any increase of the naval sad
military expenditure of too country, but to
take measures for a large and early retresch-
mest thereof."-.lgrico/tare Gazette.
Ten NOW Aacuata.or o, CatT1tantnT.-
Dr. $uutner, on whom *h. diatinguiabed
udlce late'; fid by Dr. Ilnwlev ha haw
conferred, was born In 1780. gad is er*-
seoue0tly now in his 68th year. He eau
educated, we bel•ere, at Eton, and brume,
:n due course, a Fellow of ding's College,
Cambridge ; and aub'equently • Prebendary
of D'trham. Ile w•as rased to the bench u
the year 182S. on the promotion of Dr.
Blomfield to the see of Londnb, and has
remained ftishnp of Chester for nearly 10
rears. When we state that the 1
value of that see is 3150/., and that it bee
Ince, untfl the erection of the ba►npne of
Manchester, the largest and most laborious
y. Engla•,d, comprehending more than two
millions of anni', w•e need add nothing to
prove that theulman who could properly
discharge the burdensome dunce of such a
poet must be held to be Burly entitled, i.
his 68th year to the honourable advaoceme.t
and comparative ease of Canterbury.
The Bishop of Chester has consecrated,
we believe, law hooded and thirty-three
new churches in the 20 years of his
episcopacy,; and a great number of there
ow-btheir erection to lila own zealous ex-
ertions:. And yet this laborious prelate has
found time to produce, not merely armor
volumes, or many of moderate merit ;- he
is the moot copious tad usef"I writer that
the English prelacy has seen during the last
cent qty..9 tolical PrroaSiag Con-
sidered is in the eighth edition ; his Eri1- -
u;r, .if you do supply Tour enemies with seers of Ck, isliaaity in theme firth ; hie Prins
Lad and clothing, wets •hall be shot as a Fog; till one Creation, is two vols. 8.0.,
traitor. God ays, do good unto ail mob ; in the ifth his 8r►mmv vie Christie•
war tea;., do w mock evil is
you can to , paiSA uod Character, in the eighth. Has
your enemies -God sass, to all men, love writings term fosrtees 8,o. vuleme., and
one another ; ,ear says, hate end kill one all of gh1m have been frequently reprinted.
abother. God says, they that take the We repeat, therefore, that the Premier
hes had a fine opportunity of discharging 4
great duty to the Church ; and he lou
promptly and wisely availed himself of it.
The rua.00rs most prevalent with re-
ference to the see of Chester, now about to
be vacated, point to Dr. Graham Master of
Christ's College, Cambridge ; to Dr. Wbe-
110:on', shall perish by the sword ; tummy.,
they that take th t sword shill be eared by
the sword. God says, blessed is be that
trustetb to the Lord ; war says, cursed d
such 0 man, and blessed is he who trnst-
eth is swords and guns. God sates, beat
your swords into ploughshares, your spears
into pruning -books, and learn wkr (immure : well Maetcr of Trinity College • and to
war says,.make swords and .pears still, and Dr. Waddington, the Dean of Durham. -
continue to learn war. Belts !Weekly afesseager••.
A meeting very numerou.Iy) Wended,
was held at the pubic room, Brtdgcwater,
on the 13th ult,, it hen. epetition to,, Parlia-
ment was b large mai onty, after some atuendeients had bee■ made.-
pnying (5.1 no tecreade4rtight be made in rife most important of thea amendments
t:.e annual grants of money fur warl,ke were the substitution of the word. " Sover-
purpos-a. The petition (orther stated that etgn of the Roman State.," for"Su,ereiga
the petitioners deprecated even the agitation Pnntt(," and one moved by the Bari of
of the question, atilt. was calculated to Eglinton, 1. reference to a tepreee.tati.e
of the Roman Court to this country, that
'web should be a permit " not
in holy orders in the Church of Rome, nor a
Jesuit or member of any other religiose
order, commuotty, or society of the Cb.rch
of Rome, bound by monastic r religious
rows." After am animated debate, the
amendment wu curial by 37 to 61, the
Duke of Wellington voting is the swsonty.
It w however, very p.ubab!e, that this
Hp ofthe report,ba, slots intention will Interior
their pocket votes into see. ,
In the Douse of Come:ens Lord J. 11.. -
sell made his financial statement, wises,
like the prophet's roll, wee "6111 o1 witzer.-
tog, lamentations. sad wm." k is M-
neeribrary for us to -gives 5.mmarl of a
speech which will ba universally r••di sed
.0 which, we venture to say, but eve ver-
dict will be pros000eed, and that a verdict
of ungual fed condo.nsation. Anther
fact is equally certain, the speech .1 lest
night has irrevocably sealed the Lei the
mias.lry, sad is that, and is that may, there
ts ground of hope.
We may safely presume warriors to
understood the nature and pnec.ples of their
own profession. Napoleoil, in • temporary
fit of candor, denounced war as " the trade
barbarians,' and be excluded priests from
Lis armies, because he held the maxim. the
averse the etas, Letter the soldier. %Vellrog-
too bimeelf oneseclared in the Houma of
Lord., that men hie kart wiry aafises about
relief -km, have ono Msioess t. he *obi ire ..-
Two British offacers were one. earth nerd for
refusing, on a eosin' .121,0•, to j'hn to what
they coescientiossly deemed idolatrousDaeaw. - w.
A gentlean describing tee worship ; a•d the king, is coofirrntng the
absurdity d • man's dancing the Polka. .ente0ce, tial. " 1f religious pnnciples
appropriately raid,' that 11 anfolumd as if were •flowed to be urged by individual
ra mended Il•d a bole a act. pee( and eoga n a plea for disobedience of order.,
was furtively•rorfeg to 1335. an15th- duotphws of the arm; would m.taln an
tag lows the logo( his troweers." inj'1ry which might be dangerous to the
A lady pulled • grey hair out of her head, sate.
a friend who was stand'.g by remarked, Well, the., die. the 0eoenbte miwio0ar;
that foe every one pulled out 10 would WI" nay " Either nor rel'gtos I. • 1.51.,
emgae a
or the
to its femoral. l don't ears rejoinedre n unanswerableargusw 111.
of ledy how tamely its fuaral be attodd, against war, and the professing of arms."-
s the asouroer.locos irested-ia Mask. Wi'h equal truthJJe
'h dee. reiny Taylor •vee.
" If wren wool obey Christ'. doctrine.
A shopkeeper it for hie virtue, .5- they world never war one egaisst seethe:
tai.wd the name of the " Little Reseal." for. as conrery a enmity es to mercy.
A smarm asked ins why Ibis •ppella- tyranny to charity, se is war and bloodshed
woo lied Iso given to him. To dome- to the m.eknees and gentleness of the
gran! me from the rest of nay trade,' gmotb Cbrt Siam religion."
be, " who are all great rascal.." " War, says Rob.rt doll," a the (midis'
As iris►denial having a small pie- anent of etm•.s. .enm off fie .ef..
Sn mf ttnraii►r. 1* ion usilbiraRrelean fhww •
taro new several gentteoen desired to Tstapmsam aat'w•L n0Twm or
see it at the ensu. nee. " Faith, gentle vter.e. L is a ryaress of .hid .1...i
surto," said bo. "if you a11 go is it will fsared.l.d, easy"'.. siihieh siewrfr
sot hold you."
" Genies will always work its way
thtwweh," as the poet said velem he saw a
helm he the elbow of hie coat.
Ie the House of Lori., te. MU fop
establishing Diplomatic Relatioite with tete
Court of Rome went through committee,
excite obsereat.o 1 and dtstreet &iwoag con-
tinental govenmeata, and to kid& a spirit
of animu..ty and war with actions between
whom there is now a good underNaed-
ing; A public meeting of the inhabitants
of Shef.'Id took place on the 9715 ult, is
the Fiend's Meeting -bourse, to that tofu,
on the subject of the national defences. -
About 1000 persons s -ere present. E. Sin th,
Esq., took the chair, and the Rev. Mr.
Stannum, Mr. Jackson, Rev. C. Ler . Mr.
E. Burrit', R:v. T. ilorrbeld, and other
speakers addressed the meeting in opposition
to a47 increase of the supplies t'ur warlike
purppee*. An address to the inhabitants
gf Strasburg, in France, in favour of peace-
fut principle., was then moved and carried
unanimously. -.A public meeting of the
inhabitants of Darlington was held on the
t61h ult., when resolution opposed to the
increase of the army wero unanimously
adopted. Their spirit and tenor may be
gathered from the fullowfmg, which was
be third resolution
• " Tbat this meeting, believing that the
-maintenance of war establishments is op-
posed to the leaching of Chrietianity, Inds
to retied the progress of the people in
civilisation and liberty, and is calculated
more than all other causes to .rate strife
and bloodshed throughout the world, to
decidedly of opinion that all warlike sa-
tabbahments should be abandoned and a
system of internal meal arbitration establish-
A petition to the eine effect was ad.'ptod
sad is to be forwarded to Mr. Cobden for
pre.entat og to Parlament.-Obeelar reo-
°lemma, with a peuuof>were a•lopted 00
the tet mot. at I.eiewt.r, when Mt. Ebbe
Beret 2.ifdrea.eJ *hi Meeting al great
length. -At a very crowded public meeting
of the inhabitants of Preston, held le the
,Temperance -hall, oe the 27th, the following
petition to the Horne of (ummuns was
.w.ineiouell ad rated
"Yonr petit.oners etre heard with al-
tonishment and reg -et, that it is wended to
rereaw the primmest enorimmila *open 11 lure oI
OW country in the army, navy, and ordnance
eeprtme'te; and this after 311 years of a
general poen with till the powers til E'rope,
and the recent assurance in the •peeeh
from the throne of the eeetmo.d amicable
d.spo.ittee of those powers towards Great
Brttatn.-Your petitioners believe that the
beet means of preserving int ,heal
peace I. to enables ow fnreig-n p.4-ey .ni
the rm•,ntry .on joss, t'h,te.iin. an.l paeifi.-
pr.netpl.m, L, anise'• the utmn.t free.l.on
ail lbs piers an iadadsJ.-W bawsver row of romm*rc .t intercourse, and to ab.*a.n
dere Annan eaters weans or roepeel3$0 tern intereseddlag with the emeralds Of
whatever engages love or ee*AJe.ce, 1. dn..eetie sews of lithe* 11.1.05.- Yner
marrt4td et ite Ihriw. 11 rear.,•., we far petttineere farther believe that i large n -
Mac■ • JoyruL Nolan .-A female
member of Dr. 8'e ehoreb having safely
permed through her atseteetth areot.ebe-
nenther, butane sent the following note
to the .sv D .-to be read before the ewgre-
g at nom.
" Mrs. A. having been safely delivered
of her ntnete.enth child, she, with bee
husband, wenn reten hearty and.efng.ed
thanks to find for Otte prat lane,, sad
humbly tisk for a co.auseseee o/ Itis Mw -
Inco. s a (,rivet Gnat...-Tbs.s le a
place in New Haepehire when they sever
hareany old .tilde Whirs a gtri reecho,
r.rrnt7•nine, abed Isth
still es e adder of
esporiltios, this young lellowt pleb to-
gether and draw lots for her. rows who
aaetpe pay • bows to the oa- wine gilts hm.-
There's ga1llantry for you.
CN'T t'p9RetTa.n irvoieWe ethanol semi'
derst.nd la, er it is thatat led
-t.". to ria up aM'leenobits is
the'r noun 1.oraes�ar• a►Ie to i.s.rtwu
the s'rongat mem Is a hall room r"P sr
plws0anenos of nature of .bleb or roe repeal, of gdirtog a. elploomme.
What y'"ong girl ever refu.ed • hoedowns
,parser at b s'clurb in tM'nursing. w the
score of beiag " for-enot ! .'
" Wake up, hgri, *ad pay ire yews leaf-
ier," said the Deserts, as a. 'edged a sleepy
stnsgsr witb the ai.mtdbw•iae lea.