Huron Signal, 1848-04-07, Page 21,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. TIIR CANADA COMPANY have for disposal, about 1,600,000 ACRES or LAND dispersed throughout m..et of the Townships is Upper Canada -nearly 300.- 000 Acres are situated is the !faros Trivet, well known as ose of the meet fertile parts of the Province -it bat treb'ed its popula- tion in five years, and now coataisa up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LAND'S ere offered by way of LEAS , far Tea Years, or for Sale, C .2 S H DOWN --the plan . / one-ff1A Cook sad toe &slants M hotel - meats icing dote away with. The Rents payable 1st February each year, are about the interna at Sia Per Cent.upoo the price of the Land. Upoo most of the Lots, when LEAH,ED, NO MONEY 1S REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the uthere, according to locality, ese, two, or three years Reot, must be pool is advance, -but these paymeats tail free the Settler from further calls uaul 2nd, 3rd or 1tb year of his term of Lease. The ngbt to (PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to the Leasee ata 62ed sum named in Lease, and an allowaaee is wade according to aatici- peted payment. Lista of Lade, and day further informs• ties caa be obtained, (by application, if by )otter post -pad) at the Cotrraar'a Omen, Toronto and Godericb ; of R. Beatisa.L, Esq., .4sp4oda, CotMolica District ; Dr. A.a.l.o, Grslpa, or J. C. W. Data, Esq., Stratford, Huron District. Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7 VALUABLE PROPERTY, IN TfIE HURON DISTRICT FOR SALE, ON BMW., Air ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. TfIE following is a brief deseriptioa of a t variety of Valuable property is the ,. shove District, which will be found is every respect well worthy the early in.pectioe of intending Purchaser'. THE SHAKESPEARE INN. This well known and substantial Ina enjoying an excellent central and business position in the prosperous acrd rising Tow. of STRATFORD, is now (oo account of the deceau of the Proprietor) for Sale, asd offers a rare opportunity for the profita- blelnrestment of a small capital. The Terms will he ma's easy fur Payment, and is other respects very reasonable, while every encouragement will ,he given to a imitable Purchaser. If not Sold it will be LET for such a Term of Years as way be agreed on. Th. Buildings are Large and Commodious, and it excellent Repair. - The Stabling is 60 by 40. There is a Amu Garden and Well along with every other regniaite upon the Pjemtse.. VILLAGE LOTS IS STRATFORD. Mao fur Salo a number of Lots or Bodd- ie& Sues favorably situate in the Town of Stratford. On one of these Lots there is already erected a snug LOG HOUSE con- tently a Kitchen, Bee -room sad Sitting Room. MITCHELL k McKILLOP. Likewise, to be Sold a convenient Lot is the Village of Mitchell, in the Township of Logan. Akro ONE HUNDRED ACRES in the Township of McKillop, Laving from 10 to 15 Acres cleared,'5 of wbioh are mew. ly Cleared well Fenced, are ready to be Sown is Wheat the ensuing Spring. This Land is ,n a Capital Situation, on the Mill Road leading to VanF.gmond's Grist awl er Saw Mills, being only /;.miles therefrom, and just the same distance from the nourish- ing Village of Uarpurhey, on the Hums Road, where there is also a Poet Office. MISCELLANEOUS RALE AT STRAT- FORD. In addition to the foregoing there will be deposed of, the following wars( articles : 1 Soap of large Black Hornets with a Set of Double throes* ; 2 flat -rate Wag=on, and a number of Sleighs, Ploughs, Har- rows, C.w., Pigs, be.. with a variety of articles of Household Furniture too borne - tea to wentioe. For further Infor.ratiort apply to Ma. Ionia X. G.o•w`re, Goderieb ; Mu. Moat limits, or Ma. Games Wrctuaals, Strat- ford, or to the und.rwgeed, of whom every particular may be learned. JOHN HiCKS. thou Iwdebted to the &tat. d the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will pleas. Settle the same witbeet delay, trod without extra expenses; and also all those having eq Quer agarset the above (&.tate` are required immediately to pretest the tame for Adjostme.t to Jou Homo, Jd Screed. Mitchell, Marsh 24, 1844. • TO PRI\TER.R. Trips TOUNi RY AND PRINTERS' • BURNISHING WARE HOUSE. aSubscribers have ed a New T r yawed -Feeedry i. -Ito Cis .f -Neer Teck, where they are ready to..pply order .1. my meat, for soy kited of Jeb Fancy Ink, Paper, Chases. Galley.. brew lsetet, tfn.t. Coleus. Rules, Cempa.ing Siam Caere, sod every artists ese.s.ary ler • Priau.g (Mice. The Type. which 'mead le we moulds, illpitem se entirely sew sett ted Matrixes, iib deep meson, •d weekeited w be A strew ed by say, wilt he sold at rem to wet the times. All the type feretsbed he anis -• hard teat" ?rioting Premise furwtrbed, sed also, Steam Regress of the meet approved pat- earM . Composition Rollers east for peelers. gid,t•r. of Newap.pa4 who will hwy ►bre, tires as s.eh type as their • loll. wood 1o, ewer geve the a -bore err mesas' ieeet'tMe le their paper., acid seed their peps•• Metekisr it to the Soliairrrlpee. uoczcaorr k OV&RRND 1b 7•.. fan Sod Naas rat. I ,mews 7J 1017, MIS amour Klan. q 11 q it q tel+ • GODERICI[ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO., IIAVE alwaes oat lead re atoms assort - .,sat of all kinds of feu) and STAPLE DRY G00D8, GROCERIES. Hardware, Boon, Rhos', Crockery, kc., kc., •tea And w their stock to ,elected from the principal waiehou.ee m. New York earl Moat:eel they feel confident that they eaa benumb a superior article fur lees price this tt eat be obtained elaewhere ,a tae liars District, se an all cash traasactiow they More resolved to deal upon the principle of mall profits and exteastve sales. They solicit an euroiaamioa of their ample stack of New Gocds from all intending pur- chaser'. N. B. -All kinds of farm produce taken is exchange for goods, fur which the high= est market price will be allowed. Guderieb, Feb. 3, 1818. to FOR SALE, DY the sub*criber,lthat valuable property situated in the township of Goderich, on Lot 19, alb concession, within Si miles of the town of Goderich ; there is a good Saw Mill omit at d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared It is a sever failing stream w ell adapted for any Maehtsery, such as Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist Mill. N. 8. -Will be sold cheap for cash, or put of themoney may be fur a few year.. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLiGHEY. Goderich, Feb. 18, 1148. 3 HENRY NEWMAN BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patronage el the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, teed trusts, by strict attenuate, to merit s share of their favours. N. B. -Hard Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers on band. Cakes made to order. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1tf TO CAPITALISTS. GInvestments. OOD and safe Instments. Valuable MILL SITES and FARMS for sale On Lake Huron. A pod Mill Privilege on the Lake shore withal ax miles of Goderich, having 36 acres of ;excellent Land, the Mill cos be built on the rock, and within 50 feet of ten feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam cam he made 16 to 18 feet high at a trifling expense and on a Geyer failing.tream,abue- dance of Saw -logs in the riciatt Also, a splendid Mill pia, ego half a Mile up on the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres hof first rate (sod, pleuty of 'Pine and other Saw -logs in the vicinity. AND ALSO -Four of tbe best descrip- tion of FARMS on aid mean the Lake Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuta* property will be so:J low for cash, or half the purchase money may reu:un l r three or (our years on rnortga••e. Appl (if by letter post paid) to Law- rence L*wrason, Esq., London, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the proprietor JOHN IHAWKINS. Port Albert, Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. to H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends rand the public for. the liberal support and distin- guished patronage be has received since the opening of his Establishment in Godencb, and begs te assure them that he will still continue to supply them with the best and cheapest articles in bat her se usual: Ile would direct their attention to hlo.rvaried and eatente.ave importationn, which he is n ow receteisg of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RIES, CROCKERY ted HARDWARE the low priem of which he is certain will speak hr tbes*sedve., and for quality and variety ssaoot he serps d in Western Canada. / ` H. B. O'CONNOR. Goderich, len, 28, 1848. Iti Q Dotter, Wheat, Oat., Barley, Cora, ke., and every description of Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. Cub will be paid for good Grass Heed, Hides and Furs. H. O'CONNOR, & CO., STRATFORD, EG reepectfully to announce to the public at large, that they are now opening out at their store, ttaxt door to Mr. Lerton's, and opposite Mr. Daley's, • sew and Select Steck of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. kc., which having hoes purchased by an experienced buyer, sad for C..$, in the hose and Montreal markets, they are determined to offer at prices tbat will defy Competition. They only requ*.t the favour of • call from intending pur- chaser* to corvine them of this fact. H. O'CONNOR k CO. Stratford, hp. 20, 1848. 1 U NTIOCE. TILE Seb.enber wood sameoeee to thew who are indebted, to him, either by (trots or Book Account, are requested to Call with WILLIAM G. SMITH and set- tle the earns os or before Ibe loth of March stat; and if mid accounts are sol settled by that time, they will be placed in the bawd. of the Cldrk of the Court for collec- tion. Aay person haying any Oahu, or se- culars ageism tie sobeenber, sap; call oe Mr. Wit tam G. Smith for fled settlement al ea Mme. ' OFAIRGE OLIVER. Oderich, Feb., 33, 1848. 4-w3 A. NASWITN, FASHION/LIME TAII.ORe ESPECTPULLY s.Nesbte hie Heeds pad e.d.tianee Platt he e•oeawwse te Sadie ease', ttreseles apparel. r 1M ..1st sppw.ti se* behaess0e style sed es short nese. Aid it ret.rwi,eag OW, te Ow isildistaers.iiGedeneh .ad Os rrented- lag M1gbbourbosd fur the liberal rtssesr- ag weetleho e e see iesek lif a by .irtid.e aya l uYew , coir N wing s ews► e diet 0•4401111k r a. If1 VLECIED rept inmatirriNctm. CAI 4 A miter. LR..T. PaOCaYILLa trows)+O• Sherwood, 0' 1 Serowe -Stott, 1 • Cosrwatt Tows -J. II. Cameron, 0 1 Cart LTos-Malloch, 1 • Du2Dar.--.Cryaler, 0 • 3 1 0 Duosan --J. S. smith, Erse -Jobs Prince H*LTor--J. Weteobatl, 1 Faostsaao-Hear South, 0 Gut/thus-J. S. MiDos.M. 1 Gssaeu,ts---Real Bugra tr. 1 Ifarii.toir LITT-Sil A. Mace* 0 lentos -W. Cay ley, 4 Ha roves_ -Bills Flint, Earl., 1 Har.mraio-D. Tbompses, l YtrosToa--J. A. McDonald, 0 KsrT-M. Cameros, 1 Lasthes--Bell, 1 Liecor..i-W. IL Merritt, 1 Lases k Acereirror-•Syemwr, 0 Lases -Richards, 1 Lennox Town -John Wilms, 0 11rart,ttsrs-W. Not man, 1 Nuoaaa TOWN -W. Dickson. 0 Neurrcaaurs-Meyers, ' 1 NoawL&-H..1. Boulton, 0 Ozro..n -F. 'Luke, 1 Peascorr-Johnson, 3 Prreawo*o'-Jia. hall, 1 Pai.ca Eowasaa-lteveaeo*, - 0 Ruaest.tr-Lyon, 1 Sprees -W. B. Robinson, 0 Sroasour-McLean, 0 Tosowro etre-Hoary Sherwood, t • Wm. Boulton, WasTwoe-re-Dr. smith, 1 W o-McFarkod, 1 %VI -r. to Leo -Webster, 0 Yoga, Int Rtdiag-.1. Prim 1 de teed Riding-Merneoe. 1 do 3rd Ridiag-W. H. Blokes de kb Riding -R. Baldwu, CANADA EAST. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 R. T. B*Lagc asst -A. N. Mori., 1 • Boaava,Tca6-Cuthbert, 1 0 Baatmateros-Dewitt, 1 0 Biltallirapsh-Arnatrosg, 1 0 C -Ur. Dearth ea, 1 0 C 15 Louts Gutllet, 1 0 Deacn.srmi r--I.e.riox, 0 1 Daoaro.e--R. N. Watts, 0 1 Gaerat-Christie, 0. 1 H03Tt"'coon-13avaugau, 1 0 Kasotraaasa-Marques, 1 0 Lae.arat-N. Dumas, 1 0 L'Isi.ET-Fooanier, 1 0 Lora..rga*-Laari*, - 1 0 Mo.TYeas. cvey-B. Homes sad Lafontaine, 2 0. Mo tTaaai. courTr-lob,', 1 0 Misssaqua-W. Badgely, 0 1 Meassmc--D. Daly, 0 1 MoatroaaNCT-J. Caucboa, I 0 NtcuLEr-Dr. Fortier, ( 0 Osrawa-Ega., 1 0 PoaT.ace--Col. Duchesnay, 1 0 Qu.wsccrry-Aylwin and Chabot, $ • do cov r-Cbeaceao, 1 • RooriiL.--Dr. Davigooe, 1 • Ricast,av-W. Nelaoia, 1 0 Rneooser--De. Tache, 1 0 SDI aaaool.E TOwF-Gtag7, 0 1 '"t.xeao„AP C-UNTT S. Brooks, 0 1 Sr. 14 scatcti-L. J. Papteeau. 1 0 STANaTI!•11 Jobe MCConaedi* 0 1 Sa.OB.&T-Laterrtere, 1 0 Siarroa.--L. T. Drummond, 1 0 ST. }Iyacintt--Dr. Bouthruier, 1 0 Tama Rivaaa-Demoulto, 1 0 Two MoONTA,ee-W. SSea11, 1 0 Teaks/roes •-Lsfootai se, 1 0 VAt aoarciL-J. D. Mortge.ess, 1 0 1'Ataaeaw-Lereille, 1 0 VBac*Ras.---J.I.e..li•r I 0 Reformers Elected, 60 Tories, Ia.oeI0 Gad desbttsl, 25 $300 REWARD. ABOY was stoles fres be parents is the village of Napaoock, county of Meter, and estate a New York. oat tti e. lith December, 1841, and has haw tne'ei tete lbs western part of Goads. The Child's nese is ALONZO MAL - ROY, son of the ni.dereigied, is fatty years old in Ione peat, her dark blue eyes, frown hair, and fair complexion, has a abed per- pesdienlar sear air the middle of the fore. head, ninety up rate the hair three earners of an inch Ion:. The said Child has bees. pored by kers atfieted father from that place to Canada, where tbe trace of him era. lest. The boy bas been seen with a man wbo drove a pair of largo bay tioresewe waggon with a long reach, and a painted leather box on three springs, with a hex sitting in the bred ted of the waggon. Aay person who wall procure the child sod deliver lora to say of (bo foflawise persona, or gave ouch iedormauon as will lead to hie recovery, 61411 r.eeire the shove reward. 07'Ple... deliver dm Child or Rive in- ferwal es to G. P. ROOD k CO., RIRA M R. ANDREWS, A. H. STOWELL,, (of the Custom House,) introit ; to Jot's P. Stewart, of the Globe Hotel, Beetle ; or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. Aay person who sad* in restoring the Child to his afflicted parents, will truly serve the cause of humanity. WIC H. McELZOY. Detroit, Feb. 18, IOM. F 0 R Q- x-14;1.;. ET Tea sowtaRi1W4C WHOLESALE IligtAN AN aa»rtroeot of DRY fii000r. WAKE sed CROCKERY, R is Masebeetcr, Bless egbas and aad impel$ she. Montreal, at tbbo. 1tr- r$es. -ALrQr- Hhds. "Martel'." ail 'tHenwery'e" fist quality Breeder Cue" eoperiot P.J. She try Witte, d.. do- Port Winer Barrels, 4 dos. each. "Bartley, ?midst k Co.'s" Peeler, Barrel. Museev.de Seer. do RaAtrd F.eglta► Lost Seger, Chest. of Ilywa Tee, sod Rand.of:iv...run SALT. goderid. Etrti .. B *IiaAOUR 411 , , 1,11 ♦ i C 1. 0,14-, ape t 1 '. sat t Neta MY 1 l0+Y coiURT b. sad a heig a A 6rdtfli► Ay / {N 4t. •It ie ``'• t`I Irrr O.d•A10 w..'1 w► 1.460..440 ,i 1Ia ',fct -11 I-;..; DISTRYPT' t 11NT, VALUABLEF6>! SALE --A FOR CAPITA:JI M. THE *Worker bevieg ere. mced hod- s- a Gederacb--and with the view of carry tag oa his operatic se with mute facili- ty sad sooners, is re west a cask -,fire the idlowieg 'sleeks property for salt, attested is tlegueris0ag tows of Chatham, the District seat fur Kest, for cash only via That advantageously situated property ie Chatham North, coetauiayg FOUR wa- ter Lots-aecerding to the lows plot sur- vey -with a good and .ebotaatial two emery Dwelling Ito*o therms, YNebti te ei- stillest garden, sewer hetes, ice., he., gettable +kir a large family or a pekoe Hotel, a ika►a 40 feet by *4, a.* a large enclosed Bu4da sg wed adapted for dandily or for aerate, being elected on a eubetae- tial wharf, mooring vessels of over 00• Ism hordes. 00 she premises is deo an ..val.able Sprieg, the etedlesciee d its waters are not wrpaaed to the Detract -AL80- Two Building Lots is Chatham North Block G , se11 situated, being opposite the oew Bridge, shortly to be erected. -ALSO- A large two story Frame Home (rooting the Barracks, 40 feet by 26, nearly finished, with half an acre Lot beloogisg. ALSO - SEVENTY -FI VE Acro' of excellent Land situated ou the banks of the River Thanes, Daly three mites below the tows of Chatham. with a dwelling House there - me, about 40 acres cleared, and is a high state of cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be *old o■ reasonable teres for cash down, or ooe-fuurth doss, and the reoarnder in three yearly instalments. Tithe ungwatioa- able. For further particulars esquire of M. k O. Dolmen, Chatham, or to_tbe pre- prietor at Godes,cb. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Ma. 38, 1840. 1 FOREIGN PERIODICALS. RE-PURL/CATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY RCN-LEW, EDt\BCRGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, \V E1)TNIN8TER REVIEW, ad BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. %nig above Periodicals are repriated is New York, immediately oa their ar- rival by the British Steamers, is a beapti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faith('I copses of the origioslo-$lachr serf. Magazine bang an exact fee-mmtleof tate Edinburgh edition. - The wide -spread fame if these splendid Per.edtcafa readers it needless to say ouch Iin. their praise. As literary orgasm, they stand far lo advisee of any works of a si- milar stamp now peblisbed, while tbe poli- tical compleitioa of each a. marked by a dignity, candour, and b,rbarance not often found an works ora fatty cha;dct.-r. • They embrace the view. 04 the shies' great parties in Eeglabd-Whig, Tory, and Rad -cal -Blackwood and the Loadoa ( uarlerly are Tory : the Edlnbe,,[[k lie. eine, Whig ; and the N'eirsinsfer, Radical. The Foreign Qwarteriy is purely literary, beteg devoted prieeipelly to criticisms oa foreign Coetisental Works. The paces of the Re -pasts ire lees thea ole -third of these of the foreign copies, -mid while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the American ver the English reader. TERMS. ?ATata.OT TO .B 000* t:• ADVANCE. Fer say o Ws ousel s bbtuB views, f .000 per a. For For sty three 80 do 7,00 " TosU foot of the Review*.,-. 8.00 " For Blackwood'. lfsgasine.... 3,00 .. Fos Bleekweetsed Ilse 4 R.viewa, 10,00 " CLUBBING. • Four copies of ass, or all of the above works will be sent to one address es pay- ount of the regular subscription for three -- the fo.rtb copy being gate. Q7- Remittances sad communications meet be mode in alt cases without expense lo the publtahere. The former may always be done through a Postmaster, by heeding Lim the artwst to be remitted sekisg kers receipt, sod forwarding it by mail, post- paid the motley may be eacke.d is a iter,post-paid. directed to the publishers. N. or portage os these Periodicals is rodeo.* try the law Poet Office Law to about one-third the former rotes, tasking a very umportant saving in the, expense to mail aubeeiiherm (j'lo all the priaeipsl eitiee and torte throughout the United States to which there is a direet Railroad or Water coal. mustcatimi from the City of New York. these periedi.'le will be delivered 8, .r Postale- LEONARD 13001 1' k.Ce,.. - PaMikers, 112, itidlem-a44iIL q Itebwriber. is Canada may receive t ;iib ap, at the !carnet Ateeri.,. Poet Geduld, de.. flgb 1444. Cermet Lases DerasrrewT,, tiblfitedk SIIM Now* VALI, NOTiC1 le b.vby give., by order a - 4... t w Rxwent fa l `!he Adw.hietrstir .f ent f. Qr0•R, le all persons have roeeir loeat,00. of )sad in *.tens Canada, Wee* /be 1.t tannery, olid ogee te pieties Ionised reeler,. to that date, whelp leant* were net re- 'iWN le the net eidnestewtd land., liable to fore nere, pobfiehed 440 Ap►rf, f03*, Mei rete.' tis e{agra0L or' Air:, legal Peened ddb their iM and t e not their Petrov& intim y.e year, from ibis date, the lead wilt be rousted by Gariv*ep..t to be dtepek.+ of by Sale. SALT ! SALT !'! s"1 IN RARREAA sheep iter e.sksoMpbet- i ale1. prodee., et the tors of P.b. ll, lain. t 1 • s . . . _ I LL pa .11.044;44 if. 1.. PECK, 1+ ~IT 'SR KM' AM* hesisee *Mal L LR pf•er ikee the hands ei the ih¢•itltrtilikort itielleollkse. RAWENRURY, *ask -.11111rnllleirfIII, epi I 1)E •e-, stuesb'J CODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMER0,ENCOURAOE YOUR SOME MARV FACTORIES. TfiR6wk.ebars fed' u Liar. the 1.- t•4 0.0*uattt. et the beers Outset, that .r !eve egsestise, darns NSW 311 - DRY. which eemmesieew sed the realitywith which this week is deer, equals, tey keel ,.4 to weed, as1 coestrts They /Meth r Osage thr.ad..e te the pekhe 1. tell all Geode is their has, as abeam if ata cheaper ; as geed. if Plat Ut- ter. thee they. eau he dewed Weepy ether (*Wry is Ganda se elsewhere. The paueaage they bate loot with durtag the abort time they have been in busiaces here, wansots the shove "tumult, and the take this opportunity of Worming tlrelj fried, and the pebbe that they writ wee sem .sartioa in their power to maee- tau the sher.eter, they trust, they have belly established icer themselves. The will hare es head Tbreahi.g Mins, Saw They sad Grist Mill Castings ; Rr.e- tioa.Water.wbeels, Smut Machines of the latest and mast approved plan, Steam En• gine", sod all kinds of Hollow -ware, such as Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; ala., various trans N Cook- ing and Parker Stoves, ted every descrip- tion of Ploughs, kr., itc. In addition to due, above, they are ready to receive orders for BELLS from Ave to ten buadred pounds weight, and reunited to be well toned. GEORGE MILLER k CO. Goderich, Jemmy le, 1040. 1 v N. 8. in order that the bebertlers may be enabled to daeeherge the purges gives to the above u:rertrseei.et, they most !D- e ist upon prompt pe meate, therefore, of all Notes aad Book Accounts pew div, mese. dime payment is requested. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT 021 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Published every Tsesdap, Thursday aad Saturda r, et the Low Price of TWELVE SiIILLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably in advance. • The Transcript ie printed es a .beet n early as erre as my used is the Provides; and should' aecetrtaacee permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course oC the ensuing aummtr. During the approaching Session of Par- liament the Transcript will contain Reports of the Proceed:nys, sufficiently comprebes- sive to (urni-b Record of all that occurs ie both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A portion etas .pare space will be devoted to the ia- sertioa of miscellaneous matter of an in- teresting, and Literary character, and every thing o[aeitre to morals will be carefully avoided. " We hays eotarnaaeed, mad intaoded to eoatn0e, aeon** of B.osrephieal etketabse Avis Clumber'e Mseellaoy of Useful and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the present season, notice will be takca of the Lectures delivered at the se:cral Literary in.titutwns of this city, • h.:ch we commenced but winter, and which gars general satisfaction. TERMS • OP THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAiL. ftg, The price of Sub.eriptioo of the Mocnine T.Aaacurr, (.hes sent by mail) ie TWELVE SHILLINGS par ES. Puss, payable re adeawes. To fwil,rate ts- muttaac s FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Moathe. TEN SHIL- LiNGS for Teo Months, sad FIVE sHiL- LINGS for Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shalt send three different copier of the Tnnseript enclosed es idle or grew covers ; sad if ae rearttaaee Y mane, the Paper slap, is every ease, be (limos - tinted. A. the paper is give* to .sbetn- bers at the lowest possible pries, all mon. letters oust be post-paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be di- luted from the money seat. O 'The Trnseript is seat to Subscri- ber* is the co.atry twtoe or three times a w eeks at their opuoa. The sJuls of the reading nutter of Thursday aad Saturday's papers being pnt into one •beet -lbw eav- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subsenpt,oe te the both isihe ease. 8ubscrib.rs, ie writing for the Tra..eript, will please .undos whether they ski the tn-weekly or nem, -weekly paper east to tLem. Q 'Newep.per. with whom we 'release will plea., copy this Notice whteh we will be happy to reciprocate is the .ane way. God.neb, March 3, 1840. b PROSPECTUS OF TH1' VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MC AND MRS. MOODIE, Earrings. THE 1diters of the V,cresaa ldauaarts wit Waite all their elects is prods*. a serial ewierwaug, and cheap Prriedr.l, ter th. Camp Sen Peke; whorl' mar .toed .m.e.m-at N boob oaf .ad ys.a•. Sitetstios red Vales, is vase sod mese. Motel Eery, Sworn" el the fi.dawiy, Saay. d_Us.fat lefeci syr,, Ikon". ed roe Slime,, and Weil ..dread troche Som the Masi pOp.ler Whew Maw day, will dorm a►. pave titbit 0.Mries. The t0sarsk eteesidmo that wi.irpami.t .sad n..1 coestry re whew e.rvies Leery sae per at d.,disa.s &We wie.w, will eSeerf rry lead it sepowt to easwsg, their 11111.10ea se/ b..r.esbie w.dergkieg. The low p,iee a when .ie Tariadiimli,1l4 is i4.i.isr tbat every sweet withinditedieleee who aur red, teelfseempeekreesielerie resa.0 Imp...m.a way betel" r (,std prose the we & The Fermata illisestern will ,semis tweets,. kw pure is seda..mMtllioad w..w did epee geed peObreasisilli4sw e Otbi yedr it brat r*Me itV I 1INV 1011/14 tee sober wish Tide Pagp it win he Mesa 11ysddlic -34 '1,, w Flew of ale aa.Mr. few the ease et > WiLSON, i Jerk eke. $40 08M-th. P10 Freer sad soy Pretritrst, r. whew trw went` sect dew eedisssre ea. ilia tw sena .4M_J (p ntysiJ.) Tie tww 4 ts.--c1N1t DOd1.u40 Pitt • PURIFY -TM MOM. vitekrAT'0 V10iTABLi JAM PILLS ARO PIRSIMNIX 11!!'IIM: TUE ugh sed sorbed orkbeity which Owe pr• rsisaat tie- -i-ts MN eh Oeitwl i be sem, tee emir kvari tie merry he roisteredhe aM has roistered the o ed poetise et gaAsg set orgy aeeessaeMy, bat some ,thy d them. Trey are Meow. by Mete trait. ; their good Yorke Leidy for t►em. sed they thrive sot by the faith of the indultam. IN ALL CASES et Asthma, Acute sed Motile Rbeematism, Allaetlose of the Bladder .ed Kidney., Pules Fever. and 3U,.r Complete t.. la the Smith mrd West whets these di. - eases peeved, they w*U be farted tank', his. Piaster., tuner., sed others, who ones ere thea. Mediciaey will weer he without them. Billow Cholic, and Serosa Looaeeese, Biles, Costiveness, Colds sod C'eeghe, Cholla, C..wmpti.s. Used with gees& O ases. s the dse..e.. Chomps II....em, duv era Dyspepsia. with se4 dela these medicines insgimmediately. , y tttwg Eruptions of the 8kla. Erysipelas Ma" tulency. Fever and Agee. For tibe scourge of the western country thew medleis.e .rid he loud • safe, speedy, sad certain ram.- dy. 4/thee m.dieleea eaw the egoism subject to a return of the dl.e a.-11 Yep thew medicines is p.iwasacat. Tithem, he aatiadud, and be CURED. Foulness of Complexion, Gen.ral Debi- lity, Gout, Giddier.., Gravel, Headache', of every kind, inward Fuger, InAamm.tory Rheumatism, hoped Blond, Ja.adie., Low of Appetite, Liver Complatate, L.pro.y, Looseness, Mercerie Di*.ase.. Never faits to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury innately causer thea the most powerful preparation of Sirups. rill*. Night Sweatt, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous C.epli)ia..4 all &meds, O►p.see Af- fections, Paip tau.' et the Heart, Pouter. (. 1sc. PILES. The origual proprietor .f thTho ese medicines was 'cored of Piles of 13 years meadow by the see of these Lfe tieines alone. PAINS f. the bead, side, back, limb., joists said organ.. • dr RHEUMATISM. Thew afflicted with this terrible dunes, will be sure .t relief by tke'Lfe Med,ctai.a. Rash ld Blood • to the Head, &ervy, Saltrb.um, Swellings. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is it. wont dorms, Ulcer", of every desenptios. WORM8, elf all Mork, are eifeetsa117 *epithet. by thee. Ydrerse.. Pars.re will do well to adanisieter these whammy their existence as .Pepto d. R.1iof will he ter - tai.. - THE LIFE PILLS AND PHtaNIZ BITTERS PURIFY TUE BLOOD, earl rhesleeuove all dueaes from the ryrystess. A .isle trial will Maui the LIFE PILLS ..d PI1(ENIY BIITFRS beyond the reach of competition la the estimation .f even patient. The genuine of these medicines ore sew put up to white wrappers and labels, lo- rcther with a pamphlet, called •• Maffat'a Good Samaritan,' containing the directions, Six., se whist' lea drawler of Broadway from, Wall ,treat to oar OIDes, by wh strangers visiting 10. city cos very easily Aad ue. The wrappers ad Samaritaw. are copyrighted, thereto's, theasiwM pr- am them with white rename els he ..sand that they gear ',melee. 1. eereill, mod 4. set hey ibeee with riles' moppets ; bat if you de, he -wooded thee,tb.y .om. duvet from .., or dont leech Ass. Q:7" Prepared sad .old by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 333 Broadway, corner of Antboey stage, New York. Foe .ale by BENJ. PARSONS, Galeria, Jas. 28, 1848. Geis dgent1 GODER1CH CABINET AND CHAiR FACTORY. LATBCHAW k ERRE, Southwest .t., Aga d the Big Chair, beg 'root respectfully to sweet the N►lie general- ly, as mall a. saw *utters c.i*g rots the Huron District, that they will fled 11 te their &dyaatag* to purchase at the .0.,. establisbmeet, u they costing" to woe. teeter' Coked Wats of every deierlptioo, such as 8id.bend., Drawers, Bode. pow awl frey Bedaatds, Centre, Teleesepe, Dining sad Breakfast Tables, itc., kc ., l0 amt purchaser , sad as asap s any ether establishesnt is the Dietriel. They also nunefactu,. Grecian, Facey and Witd.n, Chale In good worbesea 1p - lake manner, sad of the heat a m..'ida.- C..wtry pads.. always takes ie exaswg• for soy el the shove articles t. their Yr, at makes prune. N. B. -L. k E. request all those Ur- dsbt'd to them, after keg credit by teen' or book .eeouet, teee11 *sad sett:e the awe before Ike 1 Sett c4 11ircI, next, K ws they wife M eeA.et.d aft t teeth wta. G.dwrico, Jas. e•, 1841. igarei • a11,.,i IdaN HOi.$AAL* BRUG0t s? ; r M P.01., 011e, V.ee .ie.. ad •r1 M; Impel_ of fism.is. £.gfn4 Iters, article newt fro. Hua 114/404C17:10:111 Warratted Gomorra. No ergs $loan, ary January U. t sat Tern 0 .wi Hew SINK.-T1df •tfflL- LIS per seeem4f pair! gels* te atltr NAmpre, e ?wmre owe tl.s Passe wish the eI fit► amiiel ylwa tiiwidsSZTlti• lase Like yield ie alas earYg ... its ephpet ; 0 ,.r tiM Rd1=1$ •1• on ,, - wv Wet yew 1► arc11211p1 R meati Wseatir.*a .0. knatlee'..ru 4je nail eIP" eeb.wts*a it+r.i w, .. ,u1.., Md41'.' 10114 aseisisoweihnMilM1 i Otis me he... 0,5 ,.mesas, per Isa., 0 1 4 w sass.- . emedli+