Huron Signal, 1848-04-07, Page 1iis'rtfll__` era cissa alar .
v.* •,o
4$011, ,gra .: , t
• ,ire.
TEM 11111LLINGtl
Bo Aovat cs.
AT rue ams ur Tuft Tana.
the iluran Signal,
re snared are rostra* area/ stent
Yum •QOama, eooeafl�l.
STAY kid• d Bask end Jeb Protons. is the
tli,sgtssb and Frwsb ia•g•Dps. eareated with
*wee= sad ltepatch.
hem A• Bible Cbrisdea
Wbst a wield Ode* sweasam
Then is ma the ;ems
That manor to es kindly
Whirs weary sad low ;
Eawewthsd with the le•rel.
Whet net could we Sod,
U Iwo aever dirtied w
With words that are hied?
The Beating (Amalie.
Wbn semis( is bright.
May WI ea the spirit
Like dmppieg. e( light.
For 0. they are pleasant -
The hywus d the birds
Det serer. so sever,
De sweet as ktad words.
Posit is the shadow
Of twilight's sheet warts,
And dreamed shoat septa
Aad ono that they stag.
By fsey combined.
Bat 0, hew molt sweets
Am words that are kiad-
O thee, who an favoured
With fortes* sad (roredc,
==- centaur cep Of gtadeem
Ne bitter dtep bleed' ;
Wherever the tempter
1. apre•6ag hie win,
Remember, I chew thee, .
Thy broiler is there ;
Aed all degraded.
Aad wd'.1 ase bead,
Tiley yet may's' redeem hien
With welyda that an kind,
A•grr verde are lightly spoken
L a rash cad tbeagbaleas hear.
Bry►teet lisks Olds are Stokes
By their deep iaeidione power ;
Heves inspired by warmest hiding.
Neer before by eager carted,
Oft ire rest pest banns bsahage .
By sugfe &airy wad.
Pesten-deeps deers aid seenw.
Bitter psiuw-deeps are they.
Weui%.g for the tossing morn
Beddow m,m•eies d t.Jay.
Angry words, 0 lel this over
Teem dis singes unbridled sip I
luny the it's hem impulse eves
(leek them ors Any soil the Sp.
Lem is meek we pan sod hay.
Friendship is memo* he
TO a tN.meeeli reckless folly
Thee m ds ki. and ear.
Amos wesds ase lightly spoke%
Lnm et th.yhu..e tasbfy sti edi
Blighter Irks d hie are beam
aark..oy weal
1. 111.steseuaf.
"lag Mite OlthiaworY psetth wives., >A
- _+_`_►cores her mar r rem,
• Ivireesee.ef 1 lieu•. pry demi, i
pawfrd ewes bnimder,
is bigbmed tieid she Milieu ars s-
irs wwiegrews, with freer/ bass*,
Aalf►ese she are bases dray,
IllsPiewsimais theta& et dash.
•• ;eta nest • Mil posed sow
liamAirminftaiiPPQ_ *di*
mittfleeimd hp •r Is .
&Ave seine --.bis ea hies+
jtgsped, with finebeed Sale rte clay
M'lM lm Berl Ms's 1"-...b family amljtl,
les li. Sr** saw i
AM olio iciest
: N • t sri eI id
101110111•16auliumsoildasillnii• one.
•0t &'l dse•ot
sun emalldisplippOpilllotealisilnieb ',ego
• , sash midollow •ekiewe
r art ,
... `,t v •••B
Irma the New ,jerk Sprouse.
lf we had waited to read tbe speech, be-
fore ghat it into the bead• of the process,
probably we should ha* concluded to wart
a little long r the revised copy which r
aoeed t ppeu next week ; for it has
evidently boo reported in haste, led tbem
are some few passage• of which we can
make no very clear sense, while to others,
more numerous, we canted but suspect that
there bee been eliatuo or change of erdrde
to dtsadeaatage. NevenbsLrse it is a grew,
a rateable, a timely speech, brtogtog for-
ward, most impressively, some considera-
tions which the people ought to ponder
We choose, at orient, instead of of-
fering any farther remarks of leer own, to
place before our readers the cab isld ex-
tract from a /otter written in Washington,
the night before last, by a very totelltgeat
and worthy gentleman, a citizen of one 01
the Western States. He says -
"I have been all the morning in the
Senate Chamber. The speaker was Doak'
Webster -the subject was the war, its in:
ceptoo, lis property, its results, pretest
aid prospective. For nearly three hours
Lstentug hu.dreda stood enchained, and
diktat and beauty sat apelebound by the
magic of that noble and imposing eloquence.'
About eighteen years ago, when quite a
young man, it was m good forts ne to bear
his reply to Senator Ilfayne on Foot's cele-
brated resolutions ; it made a deep impres-
Moo on me ; and to -day that saute elo-
quence, undimmed and uoctouded, came to
my ear in all icy freshness, fervor, truth and
power. There he stood, as be has stood
for more than a quarter of a century, re-
minding one of a time honoured fountain-
• little darker for age bet pounng forth that
IMMN pure, bright, sparkling 'Croton' which
refreshed um in youth awl invigorates res in
manhood -the good old conslilatioael fern -
from which only gushes living water.
This last gush is one of its brightest -drink
of it when it reachesou, and be thaakful
that mach **served for ns. Gal bless old
Daniel ! say I, aid Heaven protect our be-
loved country."
Mr. Pasatnaxr :-O. Friday a hill permed
the Senate for the raising of tan regiments
of new troops for the farther prosecution of
the war avocet Mexico ; and wie have been
informed that the measure to shortly to bei
followed, is this branch of the Legislate',
by a bill t .time twenty regiaruu of volun-
teers for the saw service. I was desirous,
on Friday, to express any opiuioo
agaiast tl,e supposed oecespIty which Ieade
to their enactment, and against the general
polley which they are apparently designed
to promote. Circumstances personal to
myself, but beyond my control, compelled
ase to forego on that day the execuuoo of
this design. The bill sow before the Senate
1a a steutiro for raising money to meet the
expenses of the Government, and to provide
the means as well for other things ea Sha
pay and support of these thirty regiments.
Sir, the scenes through which we have
--11111r ,ammemaimar
Oae sora think, ter, that the •rdteary
ours* of proceeding was loch ib• wavier ;
hat to ••eegoel•te, heti estereeerae, tease t..
iagtst by •.lhurJ agents,
ad thee to seinen M ensagesseet to the
O r antb
sereeetty, M wart) w
those eg (a
re restorable. world lie Weare ib MOOcirc meld
treble etbel pressihwa It strikes
w Us • cures we hew adopted Ir
• s -us greeteeque,, So fu ae 1 kaww,
t is unprecedented a the bialury of diplo-,
eta .l
tic tato-corms. .earoed geetleaaee on
he Boor of the &este, to de.'eod
sod teethes* the course, tray, na theft ex-
i* reading, ►e fey examples -I
• ow of use.Sar; we are n by solitary
• wer, rt New easso and . Celiforua,
ouotna bel.ogtag hitherto to the Vaned
of Mei•co. W are Informed by
he President that it r hie purpose to retail,
bogie -to consider them se territories fit to
attached,be attached, d to be attached, la these
Uatd Seta ef America : amid the sMLtery
permitee. sad demgee sew blurs the
Semite are wteadse ed to *terthis clam of
the Executive of the Urted States. We
posed, and passing here, are various. For
a fortaight the world .opposes es to have
Iota accepted with the ratiieauos d a
treaty of peace, std Ibat wales tease
"The wield lest eat" -
seta of peace-4i.pes of peace -may, strong
assurances of peace, and immediate peace,
hare been uttered to console us and to
cheer us. Ii, has been over and over again
stated that we have ratified a treaty -of
emir* a treaty of peace -+ed, as the come
try hair hers led to suppose, Not of serer -
tale, end empty, and ilelnslw peeee bet
real, greu(yuwg spa eudurmg pence --a pinna
t►kt shall alauacb the wounds of war, ;tor-
rent the farther efivaioo of blood, cut off
these enormous expenses, sod return our
friends, and our brothers and our children -
If they be yet livieg-from a land of Waugh -
ter and a lead of cult more dermal dawns -
dee by chaste, to nor 1Leeides wed oar
arms. Hardly hare these balcyos Nude
cooed upon our au unlet, in resumed public
session, ere are summoned to fresh warlike
operations -w the creation of a new araty
of thirty thousand mea for the farther prose -
cotton of tie war --to cart' tier power, fp
the tasgnage ef tile Premolar, dill more
reedy into the vital pate of ear e.amv,
and to prone been, 1y the power of the
sword, the claims that. are •crust upon
against s (allele, prost*ts--.i had almost
said an lg•oble felt 111 may judge by the
opinion of honourable member from
Michigan, mother speeches delivered ii this
chamber, there has beta a time from the
ettmsascwtret of the wae, whew it has
boss e. s.sly pure/ epos e•, net oily to
maislaie, bet tore/ease ear esi(itery moue
-.apt oil, W misuses thews:. bakes pests
11 with more rim thea at tba peet Lum-
en,what does all this mese 1�wTrey, sib, I
belt, ifs It renamed, then Hist the era so
hem* or pewee alma we waft ware wt
Msfplese op a bit d paper staled, er secret
tseetp, sad *triad it 1 Howe e - yet
ere.yhtAent es Um stasrre, eni1.el.♦acal-
4tlhigit bid ibterumed 1 I unship
s/ tat iLesil t •feint atoal cea .e(.
fidadd ii t�ittha idridp et Ws
*the edsalrearee etr ethic 1a tee -
1►•rltsb►hese she eheriebeivArrearest of
allow vallspmla.t bra. Sit el the eeejeat
antise deeply i.Mreatag. 1 diall.:4/71ljtgg `hW
pct. I ss against tie creation of o ase
oaten. Ad this, sir, a sot a matter of
etat,mee.lity, which 1 am to parade before
tions meeting., or before u.y constituents
nr.,iome. It is with tree no matter of de-
cameters*, regret ur expressed repugnance.
It 1p wetter of fier+ uschen eaLla pisr
tsyteld to no force of circwnetances that
base socerreJ, w that I may consider like-
ly to coeur ; and therefore, I ray, sir, that
if 1 am a.ked to -day, whether for the sake
of peace l s ill take a treaty that bring, two
mew states tato the Union on Its Southern
beesdary, l say no, threnody no !,and 1
wish every man in the United States te us:
deertaedthat to be my judgment and my
p1 have said on the Southern boundary,
because there the precept proposition taker
i* locality. 1 woul.l say the satyr of the
Western, the Northern, the Eastern, or ley
other boundary. d would resist to -day,
apd, * the end, her. and everywhere,, any
psppaeition to add any. foreign territory, on
tbs.Suuth or \Vest, North or Fast, to the
stags of this UR MO as they are noW conrla-
tepd and bold together under the consent-
er* to compel Mexico to agree that that put tire. I do pot want the colonies of Erg -
of bet dominions called New Mexico, and lased on the North ; l as little desire the
that other part called California, shall oe Mexican population po the South. 1 resist
celled to es. We are now is poeeees.oe et sad reject •11, and all with equal revolution;
these terntone., It is out sad she i. to be •N therefore I ray that if the quesuun it
compelled to yield the nue. Tibet le the pet to me to d -y whether I will take peace
precise objsct of ibis new army of 30,000 is the present state of the country-dis-
mea. It a tb is%ontical object, sir, so my tared as it la-ia the oxiseacy of chic
judgment, for sbstb the war wad origtaaily wee, odious as it ie -in circumstances so
eomincnced_for .bice it bar been hitherto afbetive lis the community, and so d.rturb-
prosecutod, sod in furtherance of which !bid ,trig to tbe tweezers of throe whom I reure-
treaty is to be used but *sone of the mums seat, es those which now surround us -I
le beteg ab,te1 the general resod ; that say still that if the question was put to the
geweral result depending, after clic spots whether I will bate peace, with new state-.'
other superior powers, sed Ib &es -seemly of 1 sty no -mo --au : • • • •
.n►sittaag to any terms wlucb we prescribe
to fallen-telleo-fallen Mee.* !
o . . o 0
But, Sir, in any . i.w of this csee--n ley
view of the proper policy of the goers -
meat, accorthreg to any ai • epproasl,mos
and judeinciit, where as the necessity of
this auguie•t.•wn of regiments of the *ye, Mr. Cobden from many discordant economy "possible to bo effected in the ea-
tery force of the country ? I hold is my gwrtors. It is not the Protectionist penditure upua n•ltunal uefcace by the
hand a note -I suppose duh taateally correct dsraid or ultra -Protectionist Post that adoption of thug preactple 1. International
sof the present military flues of the Usf- akin assails him now. The Tiara allows cum:cros, &pinata taus the lust iniportutt
lei States. I wilt not void fur its enure este nipping gales of sarcotic criticism to of its benefit•.
aseeraey ; bat I belie* it le wbtaetratty bade epos' hint, end the Ckro.irlc visit. Piac.ples of lees universal application
weeritifret 'H
g so ere are sem twenty- hit with the full- weight of its anger. Oust of coo,* determine the immediate
Ave espeeete of r tseepf.•d ranee• **What les Mr. Cobden done 1 In the practical !revues pfwhether there exit at
Prom the Examiner. •
A storm of oblosluy has been blowing in
could have wished that, is this 'are eta eh,
he had abstalsed from some rereetree tin.
much Itmned by Ms •pwa perste* sad to.,
little tuleraie of ether, All soldiers sed
sailor., new, even •11 Mpteurrist., ere nor
advocates u( the mevluhig system, : and on
the other bead, bow r.a•y of our attempt.
to subject the gdser•ke.e.le of foreign Waifs
to ec,useecenee re a policy deemed ..rbeer-
rient to mere intereres, and bow
many of rhe wars in which Ikea* attempts
have tasul.od sib bale bren prompted by
the ebWt-righted .e16.hne•e of the mer-
chant and osssfacterer ! But to
;stand aloof from lir. Cob:ea...mply On the
grounds( civ, real Ma cum' to pat of bis
phra.euiugy. or eves because we May deco,
his p, reeptws ut as te.p e1aa,pttrutb untamed
and de/coloured by as'lidatisturs of eiror,
would be to prim, limese eaof cur common
advereaee. ti • lee set disposed to think
that the hope. and riches 01 'beat and
grealeet muds elf the peat aid prsaem cen-
tury •sehurd tliewselves altoptber to a
mere Utopias fallacy; is lu..k..g forward to
a time whelp the ngne .,f emery to
adauiater its internal &Reim free tram the
intervention of foreign powers shout) be
untsereallr iecogazd and acted upon. Nor
lee we dwssclined to belieire that the pru-
gress of tree and .mre.tnet,d %rima among
all•0.1100. *41 materially accelerate the
chanes of that era ; leyi perhaps by the
promotion of brotherly feelings aniw,g the
parties who enpp Ia it, thio by We crea-
tion, to every regrua, of large material in-
teresu w►ie► ban everything to low lnl
authing to Maio by war. Apart from inci-
dental and not very important expressions,
we uoJcratand due to be the view pro-
pounded by Mr: Cebdea : sad to hi. accom-
panying proposituro, that It is the duty u(
every publ.c writer or speaker who enter-
tains the same view to le* an opportunity
of reeusuling public uptaioe to it, se can
hate no hesttauuo In aseeatilg. -.Such are
the only trans by which it eau uttimaiely
be rendered the practical rule of cooduct
(ur Datums. We wort frankly aM I that the
arms, witch, ff full woo:d gig u• a force matter 0i for•, en policy, he has preacted
of 23,90i0 rank mid fisc, and, melbas a fi
cors, thirty tboesand and odd men. These, i
leftb the excepting of ma or weer` Aspired
sees, are now all without tbe hare of the
Baited Slates, to hid esemee it Illez:co, or
w the ruts •i Mumma. Tb w rsgmwsae
P re nut lues- Caesaltaea and tie climate
have wily reduced these auwbers. it the
recruiting 'truce would now yield tee
thousand men, it would sot more than fill
up rtess regiments, so as to give the field
officers their full command. • • • But
Goa. Scott report., as I ncderstand, that in
February there were meaty ibeesad regi- !
far treopa,aader ►le sem sad and es reef..
What do we propose to do, then, with
those thirty regiments that we design to
pour tato Mimeo 1 Are we •gang to cut
the throe* of the Mexicans I Are we go-
crew to pfupge the sword deeper and deeper
into the vital par* •of Mexico ? What do
we propose to dot Sir, 1 see no object, .
are and yet we apressed sad to adept'
this provost*. n its fell We lee reg►-
mem* of regelsre,•sed twisty 141regrmew•ef'
volunteers 1 W. are 4, sad the public
to is told, and the pub is believes, (hat we
are ea the verge of a safe sad heeeerabhi
Every era looks t in tin more -
mg, for mit
tidhege of •safikmmd peace. et us-'
Armed hopes ef pare. N. e.•hen It fewo
W .dmmiNnties. sad every ergew of the
i4twsMretI0e. tress Dae 1a Ileasebshe ; sad
yet the warlike opstatwms,--the tntnieg
of additreal *spears- the lenpooitlus of
P ew chargee epee lbe trssoury, are pressed I
ben as if peace wu au is all our tbo!•gbta,1
at least net IS asy of oar.ipectatloss.
New, Sir, i propose to bold some plate
talk t .dry ; led I say that, according to
my best judk.oest ad apprehension of mat-
ters, the mare object of twos bilk'. pal run.
graui.aties of frtemds.-
tw .cry ...sere for tea adest.onal regr-
own* crests four et ifs b.dsed olaoere,
colooela sad mishap res, sad sbt dime may.
for wt,om I have sone respect, het than
there come palmotere•-co.t►acloge-per-
sons engaged 1n the • transport aervaee--
emmrnlewrte'-eves down to the .mien d i4
rem* sense- p.n$e w110 bundle the p.bltc
wea.y wtthoet fanog the fee t nae and •Y,
1M tree deeoedante. 11 sot the tree repre-
sntativetb of Corporal Nyea, who said
" Fir 1 Ira wtb be
Uoso rrwilap. aid profits weal seems 1"
th., iuuu,. nt any reasonable groom]. for
the doctrine of nun-interrentiun the creed largely augmenting our arul.imrnte. %Ve
Of Waa s ngtun and Franklin ; the doetriDel have to ark outeelvca whether there is any
aroclaimed by emery enlightened Liberal of
Europe before the Duke of Bru.awicbsa
mnifesto unsettled ilio minds of ms* mad
meat the scum of the French revolutions
ewtbisg to the f -. C bike b
rut ace. r. a ha
ibM red
a@ Mbar prffit liilisby tib is OW Woe
aueOKMu ftse'b d a tbtoy'tfAlelpend,--
M allkeei t Sub 00W4141ad w, ts,td
Win Amour tau sibs *mid lite ere
delivered hitaaelf of this abstract opini
and in eddiuun his ridienld the irratiooa platin„ our•elrer 1a apur.uon to re: tit 11 uooa to such of your readers as ere wt eon -
panic which cane eo Inuodly to have teewoe's it comer,, than by *emote addition to vieetri that a deep drain alter rata will res
national resources, ata period of nstoo•I ,ser outlay upem deete, ensums, aid for- nous*, loan a .b.liuw ape. lit. No drain
pressure, equloJered upon augmented uew
- trc.eer ? And if the former of these quite- dI rue except the air follow the water,
t eles and useless fortification'. I wins Id answered in the tie ative the latter
There has been a r.evcln effort os the negative, whether the erain be deep ur .hallow. ed.
Pe g in ;be affnnurve, we hate soil to dotor-
put of Mr. Cobden s critics to Malt 4P- { ase whethut tl.r aeasua of aaere.aule cm.
(herr will be a (pucker csrculrtwa of the
Y I ler w and !ruin Use sheauw drain ttra au
Sir, 1 hope, *Mho** «woepeet to these ap-
pltean* and omit-anta. and, the* p4e0e..
W NW of them porter reedy to fight, sed
*Mile .41 .ai petnote psi .4U •M• Ithi,
bet walhag to 1.. paid --i b.p.-withost
disrespect to Amy of these, occordmid to
their rack and atauoe, sad merits, that chill
may all be disappointed. I hnpe, lir, as
fie weather corn fwd the ss•sets
ilvrseasti they will tib Ib whrlf Red it
their interest 4e sem tMwn kle ort. of
Nes. sl,. .wrings in the are. and trio
slam doelleetiow
• lumbpw
ort .. Ors. im .t►
eerwMe pl
employment. They hive eV
the bidalleorithee to the
• e
iteas., v11ry`Mb,
tidskillalikiestviset aid di/rMelfa iaa
all easy bs S smI51.i- iesik ,t'A -
Bol,, flit. prtfea=rel emmesste ! Tice
feellusefeil 0=4"111111r
.allo peoriem
the Hailed Mtaaseri l oti.MMtMfa.Meflari/..
I�/ at et
audJ ho
Iio'x b•w
thing is the peseta aspect of foreign adore
to rooster' an uofore-ecu sod over,heirmeg.
attack upon thew Islands prubrble, or even
possible ? We base to cuusider, suppuriog
the apprehended •track is out to be wisle-
diate, whether there is any other way of
NUMBF.1L 10.
1 ms of guveraweut, the ar.s.y were dsrtri-
buted unit a view iodefence al.•ac, Ile num-
bers might purely be made mole deev!ee`lyl
available. And re with aim ? .t•y.--
permaneat eta.' blockade of %Western
Afrit•a were abai.d,.n.d as u.tlea., and if we
were to cea-e rending ships lo this Tawe to
enable the Queen to baot.b to. Attica our
own especial friends, we might, with the
.atlas 'lumber of teasels in commission as at
present, better occupy every post req ii ed
for the protsrct.on of nor trade and territory.
Many rate prima foie argusests to al",n•
duce bus been &tomes i, to entitle these
suggestions to gray consideration.
As to the inability of the people of this
eountry wheal. at present arty mew burdens
,et tee,itao,e, that nude nu de -
menet ration.
hrilfed Wheat rere.a Broadeart - (Sec
p. 44, col. r.) -flits requires explanation.
1 am not an advocate li-r Wheat,
.ever baring sown •0y u1 my life till thte -
autumn, and that by the reeumnlend•tton of
aa excellent strong land fernier, who 'titre
the straw will not en down so .soon es •
J►Illel. hlnst of my Wheat is pleated 6y
Newberry's and by hand dtbb'es, at from
1 bushel au 6 pecks per acre. The cause of
this efrh•nd rema.k crone from my 'taunt
.1 11,e Jicu.stun un thick and thin sowing
at Northampton, that although the iota
.eeslug did not look so .atrstactunly to the
eye (and that 1 thought was one reason
why so many farmers continued to sew au
much •clod), during three parts of the time
it wee on the 'land, 1 bad almost always•
found it best et bar.e.t. 1 then proceeded
to Nate that 1 had now growing 90 acres
of Turnip Barley. one-third of which was
dibbled with 1 bushel per acre, one-third
drilled with 2 bushels do.; one-third sown
broadcast with 91 bushels per acre. That
I wok the seven judger of implements, who
were staying with rue, over this piece, moil
asked thein caretullr to examine the field,
and loges ole their opinion which part war
bele. 'Pbe:r unaulmoue reply wae, that the
nibbled was the healthiest crop, the drilled
snarly ar muck* •u, but more lodged, and
the broadcaet was the D,eetit sad most profit-
mble crop. Mr. Ilillyerd then observed that
Ilapias aurprwed that soy one no thew days
rbou.d row Barley (or awe„J acct sot sure
ellen) brosskart; the reply that
cause to tidy -".•ori „t that uouieut war the
one your eureeapuodeut •• W." attributer
to am. 1 -ictal uhserae that some of 11.e
•!taw of the dibbled barley was nearly S
feet high. -W. Skase, .Vortbsimptoa, Am-
mar, t3.'
Direr Daar'ina-I offer these ob•erva-
cent the epeoch ie wade at the late an- b*rrae•suea 'through wlifcb we lee etill
cheater free -trade meet. Ile drew with , parsing uagbt a..1 in itself tie be a cuoclu-
evideet can a broad and distinct hue of de- .,vo argues cul tigaiast any such pnwot w-
marceuon between the course be wear re-
solved to pursee on the general question of
&tusk ii*rveation in foreign politics, and
that which he recommended with respect
to the special question of an immediate Le -
crew* of our armamcata. On the fi:et of
the first of these gneatioos be (raptly ad-
mitted his belie( that he wu in a minority ;
sad that therefore It became hire to aaeurae
the position of a mia.ionary in bis attempts
to gate •scepluce for his opinions.
"You cannot have any material reductio.
in roar • maoaentc, until a great change
shall have taken place in the public feeling
atlas country with regard to oar forwgo
p•lice. The Englirb people must Ant
ab•.dos the notion that they are to regu-
late the again of tbe whoa* world. 1 womb
to do no ispastic* to the Minister that
meatanwa our armaments, nor do I b(awm
bins for it now ; all i wish is to invoke pub -
lie opinion epos tbe folly of conducting tier
foreign policy as it has been coaducted in
tames past, mod this I wall de on all ocm-
0e the second gnestioc he took np very
Aimeei gerund. aid claimed the 'Immediate
.*-•.station of all who bead him, sod Of
the pos.ral public r
u But the question is not whether w.
shall dismantle our fleets : that, is not the
question. it is -will yam breve 111 ',crease
in your army and nary v When 1 admit
that public opinidn le not with me to 1M
*tent that 1 would tarry nut my views fur
a redeetn+n of our •r•inameets, 1, at the ranee
wwiba 5.1 deputA Ise prwf.eee ul cutueal•
sg n m+intain, .,.+perk` iw the .anew R1J- a is big of Ynrk.birv, cpeabtslr ler Ioeee-Aire. � eau erg-'•- 1V ♦ sLiuN IutY!<lwq.r.,b9 Wlebl atyaLite low • Woeryg, ` lino
"peeking- for T nminn, epwking for Fd►.- ;bey, mai.ta•o d ea Seal • scat+, that to lbs eb•ritl Lave iieeu io the ogee. Anre%r,
tote ant! for tan.gow, that U is rah inn the eve•,ty( twee they cowl* b. expanded with a geed trade, peryuiva1y burut up kir
le mess d'e• tet et any rich teak by 1115 1501 'sweet, wbicti provoked alt
i•mesduy seed lam* w W .ympuee 10 be bis a uplo}err to lean hoe. Anetbr,, •
Astatine' et easy grams at .re.eet. hey.1 «tib a tut•retire hotness, lust his lute by
taw laf[ mar• a.e wigs, j...1 edeplus smists a d4/ ir'al *ter, thing but be
1164"0110 ep,eub.eusis. w the Frier.' Cos
am- su.ea■. Author, *he .l.auay followed
t s
ems ate ea inc A..rrroton eeder , r.m.10 h:. Ir.Je, 4. fulluwad hie b.,tlle.-
any senor our et booth's arams.t 14+11 Apulibonfiree, woe was benre •. um
J e.1.nt to
country fens prreb.bk lbs. Use) bre
as• Ps his work, rrre.l by perpetual m .l.aiem.ata
fes your. 1e l,i.e.i do.cratnoe. Nut.dest• iv... thele
;erres breetkieg taus allowed .e, thou. leek by o.. rte i1.,t• by saagwta* speaiWiusa,
fere. It .y b wroth wb•M so ingas►.y in ey tsvrun t w•.4,,/„4,1 ora, and h ee-
se/wewse t. 'OM gwrielrre et m+Mio*essy. Duelled roes. A mew mover lee geed leek
',herb. by try re-an.eetemeee .1 air timid wlrehae • toad a,ww 1 tree knew ra sop
and she femur .ur aslienal dal.•.ee• ea sy ,.,inti bur.wertu"r. pgiJPUI we u, saeeeel
int be Mute eliewectly pru,e wet fav Vosio of boa *wmd+gsy rad .artetly M•.ere, who
►l a I tt.erea8 of cud We •r.ptamed ue sial •w a. A pima eb.r*eww,
ea civ t we th,«.dbt UT. t,•tlbd.. good habit. std .run e,4e.try, art, respng-
vcty sereetwarei item• part of bin . Wb ; *UM to les sower, N bat ... Ai lees tut
but time vbp eerie* of air sere} samba leu ,t.e4 ever dM•.t Lt. (til when 1 ors a
rolerci eell ter ear wee, wwwawte *7 true- saotehbomat.w. or.. ping ,sot al • arsesis mete
is ts• t•••••••4 with -em b•.ir eawl,.ysN
trim pe sheaf, eke rep Witte hat itodbengeond
Me snit,, bowline m d Peeve intrihr ries
P+b i«obi-.Ir► sMno w all WS el
.k.leww. .i «. -•
�•r .V.r, I1r N. W.
crease of our mimed eipead.ture 1
1Veth respect to the &et of these qe es-
lions, it at to be kept ra owed, as we bay
pointed out very recently, that ro the sews(
organisation of Europe a utero buccaonser-
ing ievaei05 of our dull ie redly a preposte-
rous chimaera. Tb* hitt' slates an middle -
age Italy indulged te 4e.ultury tolarwitumg
amsautls sod reprw.alr sr the spleen of the
moment suggested ; but the tendency of
moiler. Europe to aggregate Itself wow a
kw large states has put se clad to this cue -
dilate let ,!furs. Aoy cluck by France or
Kessa upon great Wiliam will be fur the
attainment of a greet and permanent ad-
vau*p and the preparatluas for it must b
0o a corresponding rile, rsq,lring loogtb
of owe fur thew eompleeuus. We bay
dtpluro•te envoys at every klieropeaa court;
we have consue in all their par*; we have
traders anal warmth cu•toaualiy passing and
re -pawing, and winghog with ail claraw 01
eucety ; we hate teelcuaala curreepuedieg
..reservedly Li lib mica other 00 Gael/
movement that rimy affect Le op.tauos• of
Gzci.aege, sr 'hi pace tied supply of asy
toe.uwdity. The worktags or the greet
European .orporNtoe are Imeble to all. It
se itterly nrp*..i4te that a. tarsiea
(inset ¢.recon -such se the great were of
lee wort( would iM4srtake•-c be pre-
pared .d matured elU.out our rec+itsag
ample (wrewaraeg la lite to .be prepared
tier et. We Mvi repeetoely declared tial.
where there id pn•tel nieuiiv•e.•cye w.
and Iru/n the Jeep dralu. 31 That the soli
wall retain mare moistens throughout la
prupurwuo to the depth of the drain. 4d.
That the more q,ocaiy the air circulates is
the soli to and Irina the drain, the sooner
the mueiturs w evaporated ur allowed lis
escape. Now it Id obvious that the cuw-
parauvely dried gull above the shallow drain,
though law In bulk, will velure snare rate
to wet It, W as to give led• res eases* lure
the the than we alre.Jy cuwpuatt*ly
%meet or worst soil Mauve lbs Jiro till or
Fops; the coil allure the shallow drab we
shall call a little dry impingo, (*Turnoff lout e
to saturate IL teen lire met abo,e ibo
Jeep dram ur large mutat sponge does, tele,
'bees ubeervallu s. 1 trim' no 011e le tu-
lure wail deny that a deep elan, rues sconce
alter rams the, a shallow taw, eznspl they
prove .Y our aatwlicuuo (hat it Is out only
mono eras eaahle bet comet. 1. eeeeia-
aun, 1 would ubserre that I .m ftraid a
living i, future from the bare Omitting and
eretug of i ng:w.b awl will shortly w uu-
hauws, nom that iwevitabl• looms will suc-
ceed • euousuutce 01 the system. Uur
rod .111 have to be worked et a dms,,er
level, aid the shafts comet be gunk by puler
t'uulera.-G. 1L 14.
Goon aao Dan f.ucec.-i may here, ad
wed as anywhere, impart the .o.:ret se1 a let
Is celled geed and bed feat. There are
Mae who .uppo.wg leruv,dertce to bay .0
implacable spite rias -t them, bomoan, to
the poverty of h salt ads, tee w.r
furtune. at their lives, Luck ter ever ran
a4a.uat them, sod tor others. eine, wilts •
good, 4.41 h1. luck .a lue mar,
to ,icon 10 Stir engmesuat
tate of air
els yejts. And if that ptsbhc opinion is
retresmed Arrivep,.hlic meeunge like rhe
• t ve no eearnsation to earns that •
1a Picea to the preee of the erommy
m osintrd 11• dnttee on tbt. gorieere-
i May if public opinion os this guest NM hi
e*pre•dnd fe p•lbhc nw.v,teg1 before the
mai sites a* ht en is the !louse of 4 base will be eo in awe Ie ser
Age far the *aka of 41r. Collies, • he is
wa•mpereet to 4dmd hireeil, mid se -
maple eppeouriuse sof 4ay.•g ..b h.1 to
it•lebp pelapgal triers sed the
beesieteree* of the maims, moral andsl►/re-
we desire to make plate the deities the
fir, Threteishicetertilirisoure are
4=1111,111eilliases del ret is rerpor of
1ilire WOO s pseetf -
eel gw•ti"e tip • cls ad.trs. tae.dn:e( it to iia Iogllsrwie a/sy w• *sot a
cube,} =Uri
'tnOrset• ;Jumble arDutmeat •..alga. 11, fneipgi ••t
eM/iphipiessigyha•vag nn• oat1 el •1 9srmaa�weom�yeI.S ily gestured
twa�er s Ireland to toffee the eefl•ett'ort( rent• Tft b s , 1r of bi W Witetaik Mira/ •'os
, p,,,. r. rs'r •
ge ealtodle tit very (Fa( ars