HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-31, Page 4AN EPITAPH. roe rut seaoa srs•L- Dew Teetsyouth who sell did Ion W hied, Pm is his heart anld (oaken did dwell, !le so0YLI for frieudsbip, het he did wt fad - For •oridupspors•d hum, wry, they knew • sol wall. Jerehanee Lis naiad ass mo.Wed am as theirs', And with hie thoughts they dud sot sympaihmie, rut oft souse Isseiea, sod still stranger cued, %Yoshi io his boost pesaivety arise. He lured to ',soder, at soft sveaispide, Along some ,olitary tad mo odic path, tVhere be slight mark a otarmeriag streambi glide, /tad event the bumble viokt's bailey breath. - There he scold mese on things which are apart 'From iho.rat. d bray, earth -donee map--- Oo Nauru'. secrets --sod ib' Almighty art -IViuch dol coacaive the glewi.g, woodman plats. Arid elate ever fell epos bid tool Like swc et forgiveness oar s Weser.* ear, Aad eft s tear tdowa his eherk world roll e• Whet soot• bane melody he chanted to hear. Foe he bed early kelt hit moire shorr To seek a here is • lar We.tera dims, Aad thoaghta el Scotia to be bosom bore The tweets, of all ,neneries--by►aod's time ! His seal was oesahive--aa6i to striae le the rate beetle el the groopiag world, Aad, like am saves bee dnvu from the hive- Wrotp sad costaneely es hisbe•d were katl'd. • Bet there was so.gk: of sabre or rewrap Is the remote,* corner of his beset. He sesen'd the griefs, he dreamt sot 10 avenge, Sere het by limas those who throw the dart, Tee heed aid died he, young, yet old is teat ; N. tablet as hie grave *iamb cooed tad mart', Bet se • rad, sure caned, hie {tint prayer laeiw the passers sigh, '• garters p.m r' K. PENSEAG80. Gederieb, 46t1i Morel, 1840. Causeso Amcnoxa..-!low many 'shoe ebrequet d affeettoo? They are attached strongly to these who return them cold words, indifferent looks sled evea avoid their presence. A word that ought sot other- wise be noticed often sinks deeply roto the bears o1 ons wb;se I le a bound up in another. Where an object to cherished, each mottos is watched Wath wlieitude, sad a smile gives exquisite pie, ours, while a frown Imodm a dagger to tbt ,cart. Then u no greater oto than to crush those warm effactions gushes( freely from a geoet00e heart. It dries up the fuuataia of the soul -fades the smile a the cheek, and cast a shadow over every night tad glo- rious proopect. Draw sear to the heart that loves you, return the favors received, and if you cannot love in return, bee careful not to More, or break it by • careless word -an uskiad expression or ae air of iodd- ,lerence.. PROCESS OF COINL`lG GOLD. The proves of casing. gold is ve accurately, yet succinctly described in recent letter to the Boston Post. We co dense the description so follows : The miners have to grind the gold roc fine--keep*ng it wet constantly, and as becomes bee, it is washed off. They have bard kind of atop for grinding. They the roux quicksilver with it, and that collie the gold dust. It ie wasbed out, dried, roes through some kind of natio, process rhe gotddust is then usually sold to t superintendent of the mint. To fiod th value each parcel has to be aaseyd. Th assaying se the moat curious and acientt6 of all the business in the mint. The melt ere take the gold dust, melt it, and cast i into bars, when it is weighed accurately s a piece is cut or for the'aseayer. He tak it. melts it with testes its weight is oilve In connection with leveed tames its weigh of Ind. -It ie melted in some small cu mule of boot -ashes, which absorb all t lead, when • larger part of the silver is ex *reeled by aeother process, and the aaaopl is thea rolled out to a thin shaving, cal up and put in a sort of glass phial called waitress m tress along with swine nitric acid. The matrasses are put un a furnace, and the .cies boiled sometime, poured o8, a sew supply put is, and boiled again. This u dobetimes, several ts.a, till the acid has ex- tracted all the silver and other mineral •ubstaocos, leaning the sample pure gold.- The sample a then weighed, and by the diSereece bet ween the weight before assay- ing and after, the tr.• value is formed.- The gold after it has been &swayed, es melted and rrloed, and being mixed with due proporteoe of alloy (egtyl parts rat enter aid topper) is drawn Into loop arms, IS Alpe not unlike an morn hoop for casks ; the rend pieces are out out with a sort of punch eeeb piece weighed and brought to the nght else by a 81., ef too heavy, whets it se mill- • I, or the edge edge meed and put into a semen - rag preen w nce it comes forth a perfect re ewe, hearing the esdoomaest of " U S." ry a o- k It a 0 is a0d • be e e ed es pe he ed glass a • Fresno* 400 P.0Tles.--There are i the United Suter from tee to fifteen thou sand person connected with the press, com peen, editors, reporters, printers, pressmen and dertl.. As s class, 1My are coque tionable that boat educated, moat talented, moot energetic, the most original, the moot patriotic part of the popularsos. Of thea number, probably a thousand or filen hundred /shoed the invading army, and awtoted rnmeri.11y ie scheming the sanded victor).* 'bat have •.tomshed themselves and lb. world. From the moment they estered Herten, till lhe preened taunt, limy have foaebt sad printed as they west aloe,. At every halting pla��dd every tows they raptured they star women an 111 the penes t moment ;here ars !many a dense Anglo-Arencen newspapers muted aril rirrufeted re the enemy's country. Theme -ornate, though seal/ le um.', are well got "p, and dup'ay enneiderable totem and s »lily. They cannot lad in wokisg s 'nisi tbnsg* in the mind* of the people ; •,J in the eve*t of its beeriness amasses, le persssenU7 occupy the whole of Memo, wilt exert -me en Important iniue•re in the preeereatioe of orator and smut Ti,. pun 1s sftege her a new elenisst 1s the pee see/whop of tree, and the troops of Amenea bete t l e borer of being the first to in tr.,dsp it.-.4iurr•ianr Paper. n 4arsas-.A large day. As game as - reseed. sad Oasis at Ner7t 14 ( be dw tem r'empr.b.Vt Wauiw--." Yeasg wefts would you have wnokloe w your fees T " Not for he acid ".you ray. Thee cone Bet- ties, . Rise at early dawn, take the base sweep tbe door, make the beds, an get breakfset yourself. such ewpleyfest, with o cheer - tui heart, will keep you flim growing prematurely old, an having yo.r fate land with wrtakles and mewls. Meas 011, A Xsava.-Foetid enn for cbit- Jree devotes as rely a kis heart, butt . guileb.s one. A dune alwsys detest* cb*ldree ; their i.soeat looks ad epee brows .peak daggers to him ; he seas kb ewe villa's, retested from their eosa.- oeCe as from a neurro5 Always 'nark the man wbe avvtds childfda. A GOOD RVAaoa.--" Btll," said Bob, "eh) le tbot fro called a weeping willow r 'Cause se of the sneaklog dratted things grew sear our school -hoose, and supplied the master with the sticks that did all the boys' licking," "• I have very little respect for the ties of the world," ss the chap sold whoa the rope was put around hu tech. Women are sooner angry thea sere, the sick than tie bealiby, and old men than 10011 tete. q Sq q GODERICH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. TiHOMAS GiLMOUR k CO., %.1 AVE always os hand a choice assort - meat of all kinds of msec, ted STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIEb. Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, kc., ke., ke. And ss their stock is selected from the principal warehouse. in New York tail Montreal the,- feel confident that they can furnish 1 superior article for lace price than it can bo obtained elsewhere in tae Huroe District, am in all cash transaction they have resolved to deal upon the erlDeiple of .mall profits and extensive .ales. They albeit an exat»Da11on of their ample stock of New Goods from all intending par. chasers. N. B.-AII kinds of farm produce taken to exchange for goods, for which the high- est market price will be allowed. Guderich, Feb. 3, 1848. to FOR SALE, BY the aubecriber,that valuable property situated in the township of Godertch, on Lot 19, 4th concession, within Sp fries of the town of Guderich ; there is a good Saw Mill mut as d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. Itis a never failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, such a. Carding and Fulling Machinery, Disullery, and Grist Mill. N. B. -Will be sold chop for cash, or pert of the money may lie for a few year.. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLJGHEM. Gioderich, Feb. 18, 1148. 3 HENRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patronage of the tnhab,tanta of Godench and its vicinity, and ttisre. by strict attentwL, 10 merit a ,hare of their favours. N. B. -Yard Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers os hand. Cake. trade to one,. Godertch, Jan. 28, 1848. 1tf TO CAPITALISTS. GOOD pod safe investments, Valuable MILL SITES and FARMS for sale on Lake Huron. A good MITI Privilege o0 the Lake shore within six miles of Goderieb, having 36 acro of excellent Land, the MiU can he built on the rock,,and within 50 feet of tee feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can be made 16 to 18 feet high at • trifling expense and on a never failing streaa,abuo- dance of Saw -logs in the viclDitrr Mee, a .pleedid Mill' privilege half a mile op on the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres of first rate land, plenty of Piot) and other Sawlogs in the vteinity- AND ALSO -Four of the beat descrip- tion of FARMS on and near the Lake Shore, with' improvements. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low for cash, or half the purchase money may remain fot three or four years ea mortgage. 'Aitpty (if by letter post paid) to Law- rence Lawnsoal, Esq., London, Robert Parke, Esq., Godeneh, or to tb. proprietor JOHN HAWKINS. Port Albert, Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. to H. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of returning his •iocere thanks to hit frie0ds mad the public for the liberal support sed dtstro- geiehed patronage he has received since the opening of his Eetablirhme*t in Goderieb, and begs to enure than that he will still continue to supply them with the belt and cheapest arteries in bar hoe as noel. Ile would direct their attention to hie varied and e*tenteneve importation wbkb bat aow receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RiES, CROCKERY a.d HARDWARE, the low price, of whieb be is certain will speak for themselves, and for gnbtity tied variety cannot be cornmeal in Western Canada. H. B. O'CONNOR. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 111 07' Butter, Wheat, Oats, Berk), Cons, kc., and every dean/woe of Farmers Produce taken to exchange. Cash will be paid for good Gran Seed, Hides and Fere. H. O'CONNOR, & CO, STRATFOR D, asses* reepeetfully asses* to the public at large, t►,t they are mow ones, oat at their stets., art deer tes Mr, (w.s u'a, tad sprat* M►. IDabv's a sew •ni Select Steed of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Its., .tideb been, bees nankeen! byas sperleseell berm as/ Cash, in thHome imtr m. g, e they are dst.rnrised t. oke► et pies 'bet wld'h.1r eenapetitr...TM�sNm re stnl ..et the tenser of a Ball hempet- cheese to eseetsce *bars of this AM, .11. O'CONNOR, M CO. Stratford, Is. IIA, INC MEMBERS ELECTED FOR THR PRESFNT PROV1I1C&AL PARLIAMENT•• CANADA WEST. R. T. r oc7vrtut (Taws)13. 8beewe•1, 0 1 Btrowe--Scott, 1 • Coaar*ALL T0,,0 --J. 11. Cements, 0 1 1 0 • 1 1 • I I 0 • 1 0 I 0 • • 1 I 0 1 0 O a 11- 0 1 • -1 0 • 1 0 0 I 0 O 1 1 0 • 1 1 0 1 • 1 0 • 0 I 1 • 1 • Caa*Toe-Matlocb, DVgae--Crysler, Dtns•r--J. 8. Smith, Eseas--Jobs Pince HAL -row -J. Weteakall, F*otsTss•o--Hoary Smith, Gatineau -J. 8. McDonald. tiaitema .-Recd Bunitt, H•rfLrow crre---84 A. Macealio Ilya/in--W. City ley, Hasruto.--Blit that, H•Latr•io--D. Tboetpao., lit..stun-J. A. McDaniel, Earer-M. Cameros, L•naas--Bell, .. LusooLn--W. H. Merritt, Lenox k Ausrserort--Synnedi Lssoa-R shards, LASSOS TOMn--Juba Wilson, Mrast.ssas-W. Meioses, Nt rows -W. Dickson N oarruutas to a e--J/ey era, Noarou•-1r. J. Bolton, Oxroas-F. Hicks, Paa.COTT-JObseoe, Psra.oao'-Jas. Hall, Pargcrt Eiw•$*- Stereseos, RoenLL-Lyes, dtrcos-W. B. Rebiswa, SroaOOKT-Melee*, Tosaaro air-Heery Sherwood, Wm. Boulta, Wa:rrrwoe s -Dr. Smith, Wrtttago-McParland, Weraaiou-Webster, Yeas, lot Riding -J. Price, do tad Riding-Morrt.oa. do 3rd Riding -W. H. Blake, do 4th Rtdiog-R, Baldwin, CANADA EAST. Ba*Laciasas-A. N. Morin, Bo N A vs.rvas-Cuthbert, Bs•On•asuis--Dewitt, Ilsarat n-Artn•trusg, Caseate -Dr. Beaubie*, C iia --Louis Gulllet, DoacensTsa-Lenieux, Daorroro--R. N. Watts, GAsr s---Cbri.tie, Hove:neoon-Savaugau, K• eoua•ala-Marque., • 2 1 0 1 0 O 1 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 R. T. 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 l 1 0 je 20 1 1 Lstemrn-N. Dumas, 1 L'1stee-Fouuier, 1 �r LoTss'sas-Lauri O, . I MO•irsle&L curry -B. Homes *pd Lafontaine, 3 Mo'raeAL COCove--Jobin, • 1 Minugvot-W. Badgely, 0 Maeo.nc-D. Daly, 0 Mogrsoatticr-J. Caucbon, 1 Nicol.&T-Dr. Fortier,,1 Orr• w A-Egan,1 Poorgsor-Col. Duchesnay, 1 QosaoC ctrT-Aylwin and Chabot, e do coorre-Cbeaveao, 1 Rouv,LLi-Dr. Davignon, 1 Rtcanu*0 -W. Nelson, 1 Rtrotrstu-Dr. Tache, 1 SH.anoola Tow.--Gugy, 0 Sussaoois conger -8. Brooks, 0 ST. Manna -L. J. Papinesu. 1 S•raat rrrtn-lobs McConnell, 0 A•QOR.r•T-IAlenlere, 1 SOErmao-L. T. Drummond, 1 Sr. 'freely -co -Dr. Buuthilleer, i Tames Reyeas-Demoulin, 1 Twb Mouxr•eus-W. Scott, 1 Tsaaseosos-Lsloetaiae, 1 V•aanaivtr.-J. D. Mongolia's, 1 Y•Musa-Leveelle, 1 Venom asa-J. Leslie, 1 Reformers Elected, 69 ione!<'Ltitoefish and doubtful, t5 CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE :ZEAL ESTATE P O 0 BALE -A RARR CHANCR FOR CAPITALISTS. ►THtl E taedber havues g e.mased bri- sewe is Oo ench--ad with the view of esnytag es his s,arrtiese with mere fs0ili- t asd says, le is wast of eta►--elbee the Iullowiag vak alb property ter wls, situated i. the ••.rie13isg tows of Chatham, the Dietrtct net fur Kest, for cash only vie:- That dnatagenaly eltuatd property 1e Chatham Nati), coalminiag FOUR wa- ter Lots- accordieg t. the Iowa plot sur- vey -with • good and n*bstaatial two story Dwelling Hoo,. theme. Michell, ea ex- cellent grate, mitosis, boas.., ke., ke., 'unable for o large family or a public Hotel, a Bare 40 feet by t4, wed a largo enclosed Builtitog weft Waned for di.tiUiag or for storage, being erected oe a .ub.taa- tial wharf, mooring veseele of over 300 teas boning. O. the premise is also as Ie►elsable Spring, the •xcelbsci•s of fts waters are sot surpassed is tbe District. -ALs0- Two Building Let. i. Chatham North Block G , well sitwatod, briag opposite the sew Bridge, shortly to be erected. -A L80 -- A large tan story Frans House fronting the Barracks. 40 feet by 20, scally 8aia6., with hall ea acre Lot beloogisg. -A L S 0 - SEVENTY -FIVE Acres of excellent Lasd situated on the banks of the River Thames, sly three sits below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling Hous tbere- on, about 40 aero cleared, and is a high state cf tultieatios. All, or pert, of the above property will be sold ea r.enoeabte tense for ca.b dow., •r oee-fourth down, and the resaiader is ,tree yearly instalments. Title oDqueatios- able. For further parties/ere enquire d M. k 0. Dolaen, Chatham', or to the pro- prietor et Goderieb. CHARLES DOLBEN, Gudeticb, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 FOREIGN PERIODICALS. RE -PUBLICATION OF THE O LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, 0 EDINBURGH REVIEW, O FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, 0 WESTMINSTER REVIEW, wad 0 BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. 0rrl1E above Periodicals are reprinted in 0 New York, immediately ea their ar- t rival by the Bntub Stesusa', to a beauti- ful clear type, on fin white paper, and are 0 faithful copes of the originals--Blautwood 0 Magazine bee an s 0 Edinburgh ediuoo, exact -simile of the O The wide -spread fame of -these splendid • Periodicals Menden it needless to say much 0 in their praise. As literary organa, they 0 stand far in advance of any works of a m- 0 oiler stamp now pubtisbed, while the poli- o Heel complexion of each is marked by a 1 dignity, candour, and forbaraece not often found w works of a rorty character. O They embrace tbe views of the three 1 0 ieaf- reat parties tnlf. and the Ton, and R sarterl e. Leaden 0 Q y are Tory :the Ediwbrt.k RRe- 0 new, Wb'; ; and the Westminster, Radial. O The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary, O Ming devoted pn•ciptlly to criticisms on. O (oreiga Continental Works. O The prices of the Re-pri.ta ars lees them O 060.tbird of those of the foreign copies, sad 0 while they aro equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the Americas over the English reader. $300 REWARD. A BOY was stolen from hie parents411 se the village .f Nsp•nock, county of Uliter, tad brats of New York. on the 14th December, 1847, nod has bete traced into the tweeters part of Cased*. TM Child's bane is ALONZO McEL- ROY, aon of the u:,dereigaed, is foer'ye*rs ofd in June Beet, has dark blue eyes, brows hair, and fair complexion, baa a alight per- pendicular scar Dear the middle of the fore- head, running op into the hair three garners of au inch long. The staid Child has been pursued by his "Meted father from 'bat place to Canada, where the trace of hio was lost. The boy has been seen with a man who drove a pair of large lay borne, a waggon wit,' • lose reach, en a peiat.d lumber box on three .pringe, with a box sitting in the bind ead orthe waggoa. Any person w13e will proton the child and deliver him to any of the following persons, or give such t0/ormation as will ked to his recovery, shall receive the above reward. (U'Ptea.e deliver the ^bill or give ',- formation to G. F. ROOD k CO., HIRA M R. ANDREWS, A. H. STOWELL, (of the Custom House,) Detroit ; to Jobe P. 8tewan, of the Globe Hotel, Beale ; or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. Amy person who aide is Motorise the Child to hie al8icted parents, will truly serve the cast of humanity. WM. II. McELROY. Detroit, Feb. 18, 1848. FOR SALE, sr 178 .DaeC•Iagan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A N aa•ortmwt of DRY GOODS, HARD- 11.- WANE tad CROCKERY, purchased is Msnebeeter, Sirmi.gbc. sad Liverpool, .sal imported via. Mo.tseai, at the lowest rates. - .4 I. II O si- Hhde. "Martel'." s0/ "Howse,'." Int gn13ty Bendy, Cases aspens Pak Sherry Wier de, de. Part WI.., tiat Pewee B rv01., 4 dem. enol, " Bai k Ce,'." Porter, 8arrefs M.eeensle Seger. de Retain, EagliA leaf, , Cheats of Firms To, sal Barrels of A Molt SALT. ■ B. *EYIIOUR flu CO- Oedstimh, Poi. s, *041. Aro h.1 OTIC 0. yTNIX .set Sone of the First TiVi 11 BION COURT SO be held of t►. (pre1 mK el Godwin, SATURDAY the fret A. F. MORGAN, Chart Para ari God ettk, Teti, 92, 1046. w Glsur8 TERMS. r•TURST TO rag MADE M ADVARen, F, any *Jeep( the leer Reviews, $3,00 per as Fra •ry two d. de Far any three de ds 7,00 " reran four of the Reviews.... 8,00 " For Bbekwes4•e Magniine. , .. 3,00 o Fer Blactsweed and rhe 4 Reviews, 10,00 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be meet to one Warne on m- amma of the molar oubeenptios for three- -the fourth copy beteg gratis. 7` Remoteness an eemtmnakatie.n must be made is all casae without espouse to the publishers. The farmer may always be done through a Postmaster, h heading bine the amount to be remitted takes( hie receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid Itero► the matey may be .0elo.sd' is a , poet -paid, directed to the publishes. N. B.-Tbe postage os these Periodicals is reduced by the late Poet 061. Yaw to shoot on. -third tbe former rats, sakitig a very Important serine to the e*pouae to sash saes Sera. 1710 all the piscipel eitin sad town throe4bout tie United States to which then is a direct Railroad or Water cos. mesieatios from the City of New York, theme periodicale_will be delivered free of ;mance. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., P.ilikers1 lilt, Felten -se., N. Q?' Subscribers in Camila may mein their number. at the sweat Anshan Poet Oflfees. Goderieh, Jas. 28, 1848. 1 CROWN LAND Dap•ern,r, Maelreml, 104* Marc*, 1846. NOTICE is beroby gives, by order of Nie Ereelbsey tie Administrator of the Goverment h C..seif, to all persons who ben method loeatrous of laud h Waiters Cansdy sib the 1n Juoary, 1839, ..4 saes to parties belted previous to that dank wham location were not 11- ebded in the Net of sepatested lards, haste to Arfsiter., punish./ ab of April. tbn0, that nuns time el/negate or th.i, legal represe�tatirs establsah their Shins and ►.b *art Meir Teles a witiia Tru ham this date, the had will be resume s y °warm est to be dispmed of by Sale. SALT 1 SALT ! ! 10 DARR1EL8k ekes far ash er 'peedges, et the t. OIi loos rk as Paha MO. NOTION. ALL patties indebted le 1. MCI. N FRUiT TREES, either by Nage air Beek Access, sales embed ke played w the Made ef the Clerk ett the DI.i.ies Comet f e esllesgm__ I. RATT1INE JgT, Agfsrit GeVlek Jan, 119, IOW 1 bardeekky t1 ibed It rya GODERICN FOUNDRY. FARMERS, RP00URA OE TOUR HOME MANDFACTORIRS. OUL mA•re beg to bhp es the *- MNtasta of tabs, sterno Damns, filet they Owe it RaI operatitta, their NEW IFMNDRY. skirt ler ceaseless sad the Iheility with which the week M flans mann they del eanmtf7 , M jead U Nwwtr r4 They teethe, Osage timeebnm te the psNM tie sell all Gelds is their lire. se cheap, if sot cheaper ; N geed if seC bet- ter, than they es b• 'Mined hem salt other kesdr, is Cesda es eissehere. The massage they Mw lost with denies the short time *bey hes been is hostess Me, sensate *be ahem .atemast, and the take this opportunity of ShawntheirShawn friends sea the pblt that they will use every esertis is their power 10 mara- ud* the character, they tract, they have filly eeta►4sbod ger themselves. They will leave oe ad Tirse►isg Mills, Slew Ibe 111 sad Grit Mill (8.a . ; Re -se - ties Wats-wheels, Scut Maebtsaa el the Ism aad stat approved plan, Stem En. tits, gad all kinds of Holbw-were, - each ea Dake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tee Kettles Sugar Kettle* ; alae, varies idea of Coedi- ts( aad Parlour stoves, sod every dasesip. tits of Ploughs, kc.. Imc. le addition to Ibis above, they are ted, te receive orders fife BELLS frets five to tes hedged seeds beigbt, asd warranted to be well feud. GEORGE MILLER It CO, Goderieb, Jaaoaay 19, I818. 17 N. B. In ender that the sebaeribm mei be enabled to disebarge the pledgee gine is the *bon advertiesmest, tbey -mast is. eat epee prompt pay.eet., *enders, .tall Ness and Beek Anstalt* sow am imme- diate paymsst is reg.eeted. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT ASO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Published every YbradTiaras ay, Tiars cad S. er.+al..A at the Lw Priv TWELVE SHLI 1.INseem, par eem, pay skis invariably in ahem.Tram-rimTTram-rimie prised. se a sheet n early N large se say seed la the Proses Bbeirearutasees permit, it well .till further .elargod ie the pares of massing soma.,. 8e Dense the approochisg esiou of Pa Oases basthe Transcript will cense Report of the Proceedings, auNcienaly eo.prs sive to tarnish Record of all that occurs both Legislative Bodies. the a Family Newspaper, • Trassc will support iia old character. A porti thenof its sparthenwill be devoted to the se motion of miaeellaneau matter of an is testing sad Literary character, arid e thio` otreaties lo metals will be careful] avoided. We have eestmeseed, sod intended t continue, a aeries of Ilsegrspbiul Bketc from Cb•m►ere 3inely.7 .{ U.ef l Entsrtaishg Tweets another Werke deri.g the menet eeseeeinn e snwall be take. at the Lemons 1.he ed w several Linsey lsetitetke.o i thin city wsa which we mameed loft *4.11,, which gave gemsral .uitieties. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT B! MAI L. cry- The pries of Subeenpuon of the k1OgraaA4 ?ia*.eain Wagrrr, (whet by sail) r TWELVE SHILLINGS per se - um. payable in adverse. Te (•edetate re 'same FIFTEEN SHiLLINGS will pay for Farina N..the. TEN 8014 INGS for T. Menthe, and FIVR 83114 .1008 for Five Menthe. Wise the *nod of rubegiption is nearly expend. we • nod ed three chairmen espies of the raseeript sDdod eis Me er gnus ,s ; ted if so teme. ma itta.is ds, the aper abeil, is every cries, es, be dimes - sued. A. the paper is ito seescri. re at the lowest matins price, sill ma...y th tiers meet be pest-pgsd; sad ikon aided Dot, . semis el postage will he de- ducted from the weds, set. be the r- • bes- 1* rips oa very 7 0 nae* and • 1)2' The Tnaseript do set te 8dsai- hers is the coustry twice or thee tils a week, at their nits*. TM .idly of the readier Metter el Monday sir S•terday'a papers beteg put into one sbe•t-. 3., sse- tng the Sebe rib.en ole-tbird postage, the primed sebscripties tdtbe both i1 the ane. Subscribers, is w»tis, for the Transcript, will please memtiea whether they wish the tri -weekly er perm -weekly psirer Beet to them. (PNew.papere with whom we sensor wilt pleas copy this Notice which we wilt be happy to reciprocate in the wase wet Goderieb, Merck 1, 1848. t3 PROSPECTUS OP THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE, MR. AND MRs. MOODIE, Lynas, THE Mows of the Vie eau Meath= will a d,0.O ell *Mir edam is endues a awfd eateetanag, ed sheep Pendiael, ler the Coo Da. Pm*: *hied my acrd nm.ssas.0t beth .t4 cud yeast. !ketches std Tales. . verse ad press. Meed bray, leatiKiee of the Celny, 8enpe et Verde! !adenomas'', Reviews .f sew W.rkn, and well .lees enfsies 6.. de treat pep'er seases of the day, we hes the pegs .f the i/at ism. 11 The Eimgafeelee.dset abet sheindrp.ad.br sad ray ..b.007 se whoa ..vim they se mud se anises their sirs win mheerfair W ise creat as esseemag.Mir aelemo►end 0 _ IJ. veder••bi.g. The Is. p4.. et want the Pwi.fed i. pissed is is .dr► that why perms wields the Celmy Ste se need. e nd damns fee tweed mad swam' is isesser .af boons a mbem.�bw and paw a the wet The Verreszi L_ bLe gra~NMawe.q- her pees is seal .esseer priesel me saw tym w ed epee Pad leper; end wti lie . the esd of eke year • mess Velse se. r 11111 saes sr - Esher Esker erith Time ears V She It win be Weed tlseshly, eseres deg se she Mae of • newri s., M tic eine ofMUM, romwomosso.Pa- JeO�Pi now etre nth s"h m's_, se � eam& ate Msged s, ..d hem in the Rank rami be *Wens& (free'w•) The urea ef nitb' egab6r-0RR DOLLAR P00 *RM Seesilelle hi pail de admit Or11iMr`IONS 1, y0. se PURIFY THE BLOOD. NONFAT'• VsasrARLS Lin PiLLN ACID PMIaNI>t •TPERA. Firms MO sed esvled e.iebrn) weals Agee prairessast Medicines . U ems orb** 7Podes to eJON their bv4we4tmey a W re.desed the seen pretties pulls' *e1t ts'seeellier M/ sewonhythe cf ase heewm by their finite ; their geed weds l.etit l4 them, .ed tiny Owls en by the bath et the eryuteee. IN ALL CABER of Asthma, Aur t. std Meek tb.smettsm, Awcttoes of the 111Wsr sad Kidneys, ;knees Peters and Lss the &es i1►and Was wbm• Mena dts- seaes they will be tread emits - Ole. Piasters, hem,., teal otters, who ogee nae these M.dicies i *ill never ire ',fest them. Dales Chalk, Swan Cesih•ssae, Colds and Coughs, s, Melte, Cewmmptio.. Used with great sneers is this disease. Corrupt Humors, �Dj . Noprrsos with than Msmeiia�ifyy dNay using rtes* diene sit F+mNc of the Shia. Erysipelas, Fla- Weary. sad Ages. Fee this scourge of the serest essetey those tsedie*.es will M feeds sats, speedy, tad semis reme- dy- Other maadicis.e less tie eyries se►j•ct tea mere of the disease- cure by _ these ..ditioee i' peressest. Try ta6sd, s he CURED. Footless Debi- lity, Gist, Giddt.esoft, °metet,,n Heal ebee sissy hid, toward Favor, (m4.mator, Itheenthees.1 m. need. J.aadiss Looe of Appetite, Liver Cevennes, Leprosy, 1.0.sssm, Mercerfsl Diemen. Never fab to ersdieas entirely all the effects of Mercury io6oitely safer the the soot powerful peepsrauoa of Sergipe - Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- von Complain of ►'1 lune, Organic Af- fection, Palpitatios of the Heart, Pa*.tnr'• Chdre, P11.E8. The original proprietor of *se seedicinm war cured of Piles of 35 roan seeding by the use of these Life tr *eines Nona, PAiN• is the head, side, bark. Umbo, joints tad orris. RHEUMATISM, Thos &dieted with this wenn* donee, will be sure of relict by the Life Medseine.. Rush of Blood to the (lead, Scurvy, &Whence, Swellings. - Scrofula, or Xiag'a Evil, is its *era forms. Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all km.ds, are effectually expels by these Medians. Pante wit! do well toadm,.ister them whenever their existence is suepeoted. Reref will be cer- tain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PIitENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and . tee remove all disease from the systems. A sink mai will place the LIFEsystems. PILLS aatd PHtENIX BITTFRS beyond the reach of co.petitrom is tb estimation of *vtry pti.wr- Thn (e*ni51 of these medicines are now put up to whet* wrapper' aid labels, to -- ember with a p•mpklet, called " Moffat', Good Samaritan," ce stasning the direction, kc., es which is • drawing of Broadway Som Wall street to our Once, by whic stranger, visiting the city can very easily fied a ns Tb* wrappers and Samaritans therefore, thaws who pro- cure them with weft* wrappers can be amered that they an gnome. Be careful, and ed not bey tient with yellow wrapper. ; bot d yes de, he satisfied that they e.m. 4arest from es, or dem teen them. t Prepared an sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 133 Broadway, cornier of Anthony street, New York. Fra gale by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole age*,, G.d.rieh. Jas- s•, 1.48. 1 GODERICH 'CABINET AND CHAiR FACTORY. LATBCHAW k ERBF, Southwest .t., Sega of the Big Cbair, beg most respsetfeU� to acquaint the public teaeni- N anal N sew settler& coming into the eras Diptrict, that they will lied it to their dvsst•10 to parsbase at the anis artabliehnes, se last WareofNeto w mane, rel ascription, each as 8id.bosrdn, Drawers, Sofhs, pial* AnAmy Bet tseady Centre, Telescope, Dina, Beit Brushfset Tables, rte„ kc., kc ,other establishment the District. sap N any The ales srtreter• Greeks Facey .d Wada., m*sChain m goad werkmao.bip- lik• maser, ..d of the best wettings. - Country produce always takes In exchange for any of the above articles . is their lies, .t gasket price.. N. B. -L. k E regnant all am in- debted to them, after long credit by note er book .scoot, to .011 end mettle the same before the 16413 of March nest, or other. tries they will be collected after that date wilt Costs. . Goderieb, Jae. 28,1841, 111 1011/4 WINER, W HOLESAUL 3)0(790131?; d.OM. i• Feint, Oils, Yank*** seal Mess importer of (iesmies &O3.13 Chatai.ad& leery article cwt from this Retablab..st W.enemed Geseisc. No. R Bras% Sleek ILmg 81,4,11541 se. Jane, St. 1848. 1 INIUMftwomrsamsaneammameammaggiot Toa se rum Hcaer leeeas,-TEN •IiQ.- LINOS per sem if paid Me* be eireeo.. er Tweets age fes Twee *114 ti. sepi.eiee 1Ny..r. peter miwwtieeed emit arrears see PM feau . •► de prib ii.r thinks it his idea- tpm.I �ae hi *4* ielbslisal Ames w m.. tT Alf Loam eibeisei se the Fire mem be ppest est , o dm, sib amt be ease eater tilt vsmer w assure s ie, Se . Iles is tL ..1 lbs 16110411114 weds 1.i.s.,..• mloonies.6n Ower we ysasBatt1 000.r 400. ▪ oggMu` iC Veer