HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-31, Page 3VALUy1WIA PROPERTY, EDUCATION. PROSPECTUS Ae Act to .wend the A `ottdDrl regulatid ng the shipping of Seams', (sen payable moiler the said Act • Am Act to amuses and aw*,d the Act for inspection of Flour and weal and to be proved by the isepettur'e. A. Aot to amend the Act to incorporate the toms of Dueler. Aa Act to Incorporate the W, ateru Tele- graph Coaarpaay. An Act to pruv.de fur the iaspectiux of Bo; ter In Quebec and Montreal. An Act to appeal the Act therein men - tweed, aril to make Letter provt.fuca fur the cowtruatiue of the Aprons of Dates epos the River Mara. An Act to iscorporats the C..wuuleri Gass Comp•uy of Toronto. An Act to amend the laws relating to the incorporation of the City of Moat real An Act to continue for a limited time the several Acts and Conungeociee thereto mentioned, and for other purpoece. An Act to grant a certain num to her Majesty for defraying certain ezpeoees of the Civil Government, for the year 18.18. An Act for raising, on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue fund, a sum required for the public service. ' Afar which Hie Excellesey the Gwen« Oeesral was pleased to close the first Sesaioo el the 9rd Proviaoid Parliament with the following SPEECH : NeLegislation m. Gentlemen of Lsgislatss Council, end Gentlemen of the Hams of Assembly. I have reason to believe that I shall beat eoseolt the public interest, and your eon- vewtence, by bringing the present Session to a close, with a view to the result of the resumption of our joint labours at an early period. In pareoaece of my dee...ared intentions, 1 have taken measures for tbe prnmntiof of a sew Administration, and am enabled to apprase you that the arran emn eets ece.sary for that purpose are competed. I trust that the measures which have been adopted by the Provincial and Imperial PartIameets, for preventing tbe recurrence of the calamities by .which last year's emigration to the Province was attended, may effect the objects they are designed to .accomplish. Geatleasea of the Legislative .4weslbly : S7 We oro rd.btsd a Me tits. Wiener for Leeds fog Parliamentary papers. REMITTANCES (RECEIVED. Fut the Signal -from Dr. Rowel, Mr. J. Age Gelman!, Mr. Ramie* Leveler and Mx. Mersa Comm, Careltes Piaci. - I thank you ie Her Majesty's name, for she manner in which you have granted the .applies stitch ire required fur the Public a• race. . llon. Geatkwen of the Legtslotire Council, .and Gentlemen of the Hoses of Assemn6ly: Your attention will necessarily be dir- ected, after the recess, to various measures fur developing the recourees of the Province and promoting the social well beteg of its lnhabatantee. , It to my sincere desire to co-operate with you for the a'tainment of these important objects, and to abet by all means in my power your endeavours to establarh and in- crease the happiness and contentment of Her elajeatys subjects in Canada. The Hoc. the Sleeker of the Legislative Council, then declared that i1 was the pleasure of His Excellency th.: Governor General, that Parliament do stand prorogued till Tuesday the t2od May next. Tin LAWS eIrCoCamitna%T or Qo•ci- inT.-A ease esu beard the other day befere the master of the Rollo, euriouaty iUrretraUw el the deterest stela of medical law ie this country. A Mr. Freeman, s chemist, who, like all other chemists or persona to thtskingdom. agallowed to con- coct w!. ttcvor yo.i..,ns they pl.•..c fur the cure ui daeease., aa) to sett them, provided they pay for a government stamp, puts together certain ingredaee tit is the form of Ville. He cello these consumptive pill.; and to order to ensure more extetslve nutter and ale, he uses the none of Sir James Clark, who is well known for the attention he has paid to the study of conseunptioo, and issues advertisements called his " Sir James Clark's Consumptive 'Pill's," thus leadaag the public to suppose that the pills were made from a prescription of this gentleman. He goes even further than this, and gulls the public into the belief that special favour bad been shown to ham in this instance ; and 'mists his advertisement, " By her Majes- ty's permission." Now if this man were dispensing some harmless sweetmeat, or some kind of farinaceous food, Sir Joules Clark Deeded not, perhaps, to have com- plained ; but, from an examination of the pills, it appears that antimony and mercury were contained in them, which are known to be specially injurious in some forms of tbe diseases in which they are recommended by the advertiser. Of thin tom of his name, then, we think that Sir James Clark has a perfect right to complain ; and against such an use of it, in the name of justice, every honest man must protest. The public purchase these palls ora the faith of the ad- vertisement, as the result of Sir James Clark's experience in /'Rs. iseases for which they are sold, and; !w ing themselves made worse by thine they would have their confidence diminished an the skill of the, supposed prescriber. He is, therefore, direct- ly injured by the sale of those pills. Yet tbe law of the country has no resource for him, and he ii told by the Master of lbs Rolls that " it was one of the taxes im- periled on eminent men to have their Dames thus mads use of." -Daily News: °1'O PRINTERS. A CO31POSITOR wanted, one that hes W surae etperieuae es took wort, will Ind oeseteut empluymeut et 11.. aim, by early appltestiuo. tlusur 211e.Ae Omen, March 11, 1848, S NEW STORE. S1'RA'1'F0itD. BY WM. 11. HINE. MILE Subscriber begs leave to intimate that he has opened a STORE at the emit end of Stratford, with general assort- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, lac. And he hopes for a share of ibe patron- age of bar neighbours and the public: 11. sells cheap for Cosa or Pradeee. W M. U. HINE. StratfurJ, March 44, 1848. 9 Om • ROPEMAKING, BY GEORGE LEVERSAGE. FULLARTON. THE Sehecrlber of Lot No. 4, Cocemioa 9th, Fullartoo, .anufscturee ROPES of all slams, made from Hemp grows by him- self. He has sold large goantiues, of various sizes, in Stratford and neighbour- hood ; and he invitee the attention of the Public, as he can safely warrant all the different Ueda made by him. From • Bed Cord to a Cable he will be enabled to furnish, when the Improvement ondhie work. are completed, by the addition of the new machinery he will soon have erected. GEORGE LEVERSAGE. Fullartoe, March 28, 1848. 911 Refere•eea-M . A. F. &tickle and Thos. M . Daly, Stratford. U UTSTAN DING- DEBTS. STRATFORD. TIIE Subscriber will be obliged to enter those to arrear to him, with the Clerk of the Court, if not immediately settled,. A. F. MICKLE. Stratford, Match 27, 1848. 9t1 FOR SALE. A LOT of Laud, situated on the Bay - 1 -1 field road, five miles and a half from Goderich-will-be sold cheap. Terms of payment to suit purchasers. L. ALVORD, Goderieb, March 48,1848. 9tf FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. W TIM 112, AND MRS. NAiRN'S SCHOOL, HURON DISTRICT rev CagGah, Writing. Arith.ctie, TOR BALE. Gwgropey aad Niadory. Duthie LT /DVd!ITAGLOUR TERNS. IT is the Severe of the Teachers to Bite 1 their pupils a gsoJ English E,lucauon, T1HE following is a brief description of a variety et Valuable property is the above Distract, whir% will be (oared t every respect well worthy the early inspects.* of 'steadir•g Purchasers. TUE SHAKESPEARE INN. This well known and subthsms' les enjoying an excellent crewel aad hue/atom po.uton is the preepsiromi Bad mews Toll. of STRATFOMM, a wow (M automat of the deeraao of die Proprietor) ler Sale, and offers a rare opportunity for the profita- ble Iove.tmtnt of a entail espied. Th. Terns will be mat easy fur Payment, and in otber respects very reasonable, whale every socuuragerueot will 8. gives to • suitable Purchaser. 1f sot Sold it will be LET for such a Teem of Years as may be agreed on. The Buildings aro Large sod Commodious, acid en excellent Ropstr.- Tbe Stablia is 60 by 40. There is a tee Garden and Welt along with every other requisite upon the Presumes. VILLAGE LOTS IN STRATFORD. Also for Sale a numbs. of Lets or MS* ing Sites favorably situate in the Tows of Stratford. On one of Wets Lots there is already'ttreeled a snug LOG HOUSE cos - tenting a Kitchen, Beb-room and Staiag Room. APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Divi - moo, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 75 acres cleared and in good order ; fences in repair. Then is a good Frame House (Cottage style], upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Baro 50 by 35, aad Two Frame Sh ds, each 30 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.- There ue three running streams of water through the Lot ; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar if the frame house. Wood upon the land, • hietly hard timber. Said farm is eitualed butt Ye miles from Goderich, the District town. V' This desirable property will be sold ate reasonable price. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACHAN k LiZARS. Solicitors, West -street. Goderich, March 13, 1848. 7tf It is now Monti -the veal concert of the swamps sad marshes has eommeseed. The ill - wheat is looking rather blanched, kat set se bad as might be expected from seek a remarkable winter. We saw general ploughs at wort yes- tssdsy is the T.wsships of Millet sad °oderieh, sod we ere • ieiwmed that Sense -wheat has bees _mere *wise the pummel week. KT We me weals d ea insignia dist a t1•eet- isg of the Massi.8 Tempuesae fllssiety will be held is the IMabdim Papal se Tweeds? mesas( the 4th April, at half pent seven reeleak. When the Rev. M►. r7serhse, mid ethers, are ageewd to Lector,. sed to impart to tbcut as much tafurmatlon u emus**. The exercises which they comae Writing to Dictrw, necessarily lead to the comp* ing of Letters on bonne*, and other mat ten, correctly sad grammatically. The Girls write their copies and exerci- ses is a separau apartment from the Boys, osier the imat•dats .upermteuieoce el ./n. Nesta. A claw for Seeing will he opened upon 1618 March 1 3 till 4 o'clock. Tense per Quarter JOs. Jumur Class 7s. 6d. Sewing " 2..6. eatra. Mr. Nsirn's Class for French will meet, from and after 3rd April nett, at 6 o'clock to the ettenaeg, o0 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Terms two dollars a quarter. There is a private Class fur Latin and Geometry from 7 till 9 in the evening, which may be plead by nay owe who is ready to commence Sall .s1. Goderich, !dwelt 10,134S. 6 MITCHELL k McKILLOP. Likewise to be Sold • c.eveaseet Lot in the Village of Mitchell, in the Township of Logan. Also ONE HUNDRED ACRES to the Township of McKlfnp. basing fro. 10 to 15 Acres cleared. 5 of which are Devi- Iy Cleared well Fenced, are ready to be Sows in Wheat 'the ensuing Spring. This Land is in a Capital Sutuauoe, on the Mit Road !stadia/ to VanF.gmond's Grist •s1 Saw Mille, being only 11 meets therefrom, and just the same distance from the llour•eb• ing Village of lfarpurhey, oe the Nuro• Road, where there is also a Post Office. MISCELLANEOUS SALE AT STRAT- FORD. In addition to the foregoing there will be disposed of. the following emofst articles : 1 Sian of large Black Horses, with a Set of Double ltacoes& ; t first-rate Waggons, and a number of Sleighs. Ploughs, Hai - rows, Cows, Pigs, ire., elth • sanely of articles of household Furniture too nume- rous to mention. Fur further Information apply to Ma. J•arsa K. GOODING, Goderch ; Mia. MaaT Micas, or MR. :3aoses WiLUAry Strat- ford, or to the underswgsed. of wh, m every particular may be learned. JOHN HICKS. N. B. -All those Indebted to, the Estate. of the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will please Settle the same without delay, -and without extra expenses; and ■Ino all those having any Claims aren't the above Estate, are required tmn.ed ately to present the same fur Adjustment to Rote Mats, Mitchell. Mitchell, March 14, 1848. 8 NOTICE. AL , persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Book account, are regnested to make payment on or before the first of May next ; after that date all de- mands, rimaining unsettled, will positively be banded over to an Attorney for immedi- ate collection. DAVID MUNRO. Goderich, March 23, 1848. stf ►tsirti)r. At Misdeed, en t8. 95th instant, Mea 1)wgless, roamers 1n, cif a thee. to this hew., ea **Seth tat, Mas. R. L9'. Colb.en Heed, of a flee. 1DltD, At hie mike* is Must Easwhsps, (sear ffltntbrd, t es the lith Met, Coati Camillus, 6'm Oneseek. Seethed. A geed settler and all i •e ,a.Uve was. At Drw.ie, es the serwleg .t dm 99th isms., doss short illness. lemma Misuses, See. The dremmeed wee takes i11 en Mw w w itiellaimere ti.. sf the beer,lml sod thea%, «ieserdrbyy 7*w asseed prosteesse, all preyed Me dial ashab lefad emes-(0mt s w Mtrni illfs 4 HURO.Y DISTRICT BUILDING :SOCIETY. A MEETING of the subscribero tthe rill above Society wll be holden at the British Hotel on Tuesday, the 4t8 day of April next, at 7 o'clock, P. M., to take into consideration the propriety of now carrying out the measures originally eohtemplated for its establishment,-wben the attendance of all persons interested in the subject is specially requested. WM. BENNETT RICH, DANIEL LiZ.1RS, ROSS ROBERTSON, JASPER K. GOODING, THOMAS KYDD, Goderich, March 43, 1348. 8w4 NOTICE. rirNIE Common School Trustees of the 1 Dietriet, Inc requested to meet at the Common School Howie in Godencb, on 8aterday, the 95th March, at le o'clock, for the purpose of take * into consideration the remora .f the Dtstraet moneys not hating bees pad to the School Teachers for last year. Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7 CUT NAILS. --10 CASKS CUT NAILS, assorted ejz- es, for sale by the Subscribers, vhole- sale and retail. - M. B. SEYMOUR re CO. Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7w4 , ASTRAY. CAME into the enclorttre'of the subscri- ber, on the Glebe Lot, Maitland Road, about the 15th of September last, a RED HEIFER, wit!? white face and lege, t *tang 2 you. old. The owner is req' prove- propeity, pa? charges, and take ber away, otherwise said heifer will be sold to defray expenses, according to Statute made an such cue and provided. JACOB WILLSON. Goderich. Marsh 15, 1848. 7w3 VALU_ABLEF ARM LOTS GODER1011 CARRIAGE SHOP. LIOUT000.a-srsnee. ora 11001a *1.17 er ALLEN'S INN. rl'HF: Subscriber respectfully estimate. to (THE FARMER was rstabh.hed to.up- the inhabitants of Gwlernh sad its j ply a want that has lung been felt to vicinity, that he is prepared to annum• all the periodical Literature of Canada. Ow orders for the one band, a majority of the weekly CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER is Pubhcauuns devoted their 11• lustve aueo- nJue to the politics of "parry," • law lo Religion and kilo/red topics. •oil on the other. one "magazine" poured out its monthly adores on the gun*, ineahauatabte, business. monthly bialy ifojeurtaLt subject of Cauadinn co.N. B. Repairing promptly attended tn. 1griculturr. Co.•try !'rull••cu la:en inyard pay• Although it is impossible to treat of pub- lic que.uoe without, in some sense, writing poh;n., yet the FARMER ha. out 11eJ with •patties ni r will it hereatter lees .cr+puluusly atoi.l 'bum• -1ts objects ale sir inn mi.Co%D °Loin u► lee CANADA FARMER. - A Family J I of Aer velaure-la angel IW- piessWnl-Lrteratars-ne'icaeF Comers] la- , telheeace-pull,ahrd every tlatorday, at K. Brewer d6 Co.'s Eetablrhaieut, Twe Iia, and ie now offered at the raceedieg low pries d ONE DOLLAR per year. LIGHT WAGGONS, (utters, Lumber Sleighs, G g., Dog farts. kc , and all other articles in bis line ul meet. JOIIN BAVAt.F» Goderich, Feb. 18th, 1648. 37 BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR HOUSES, C.1RitIAGlr'".1, $oc. the tutercring, the useful, the accessary. As 'emelt).* is the 'unrest of first In- TIIE Subscriber woo:IJ intimate to the' p'rtance to the people of Canada, ao is it 1 iubabitanto of Gude*. h Ind igrround- awarded the 'first place and the chief atten- ing country, that he to ready to execute all twit in the columns of the Farmer. Emi- orJers fur PAINTING, Lc., that be may granum, Commercial regutatwoe,EJueation, be favoureu with; and it employers will Legislative enactment., and.atl questions furnish materials, he engages to work at the bearing on the industrial pursuit• of the cheapest rale, and give more satisfaction than has heretofore bees Wended to Om section of the enunl,y. N. B. All kinds of merchantable Pro- duce taken in exchange for work. EDWARD C. WATSON. Goderich, February 11, 154$. • 2 10. 8AL0 IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY : VOUR Lots aro the Fust Concession of a`- Gudercb, fronting Lake Huron, con- taining 83, '72, 673. and 58i acres respec- tively. Two of these Lots have consider- able Improvements, and one at them aeom- modious Two Story.Lng House, with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS TO PRINTERS. on the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of there partially improved. Tbeee Lots are situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the tonrishiug Town of Goderich ; the land is THE Subscribers have opened a New of the best quality, and well watered, and Type Foundry is the City of New the front Lots command n beautifal view of York, wtlers they are ready to supply orders the Lake. to any extent. fee any lead of Job Famey For particulars apply (if by letter post Type, ink, Paper; Chase', Galleys, Bram paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich.. Rules, Steel. Column Rubs, Co.poeurg March 17, 1848. 71.1 Sacks, Case., and every article nieceseuy for a Printing Office. The Type, witch are cart in new mouths, from an entirely new sett of Matn*es, with deep counters, tied warranted to be unsurpassed by any. well be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furatabd by u. i. hand cast." Printing Presses furnished, and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Composition Rollers eat for printers. (17 Editors d Newspapers who will buy three Gees es mach type as their bills amount to, may give the a-bose eta mo•the' insertion in their papns, and seed their papers Coataw* r It to the 8.bechhers. COCKCROFT le OVERF.ND No 78, Ann Sir -Xws York. December 71b 1817..\ ml6 TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' • 'FURNISHING WARI;•HOUS8. CLOVER SEED, L'OR Sale by the subscriber at 7I peace 1' per pound. it MODERWELL. Goderich, March 24, 1848. 618 SALE QF LUMBER. TO be sold by Public Atietion, on Mon- day lb. THiRD DAY of April next, at Disney's Saw Mill, township of Gods - 1106 -- _• .. 30,000 114ZET GOOD HEMLOCK LUMBER.. TRRMf3•-moi lay cash ; weer it 10., 9 months. i edereed Nota will be requir- ed J. K. GOODING, A.cuo..er. Goderich, Mare►'94th, 1943. std E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, P/PLR RANGER. 4e- 4s. GOD 1 K 1 C 11. CROCKERY. ALi. bind. of Porcelain .' w d Stemware at redeesd prices, by T. GILMOUR 1. CO. Peb. 11, 1848. ALBiON I1OU8E, JAMItiF Street, «s deer wool .1 1b. Cegwereal Bask, Hawiltoe, by J.s,.y, 1348. I. ESMOND& 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR BALE IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for derpo.al, .boot 1,600.000 ACRES OF LAND disesteem! tbresgbo•t suet of the Townships le Upper C.. da-.arly 600.- 100 Acres are .hosted a Ow Hares Tract, well known as o.. of the most fertile parte of the Prostaee-it b.g treb'ed to pop.la- lion in 8ve years, and now contains up- wards of 40,000 inhabitants. The LANDS .n offered by way e LEASE , f••' Ten Te.rw .r for Sale, CASH DOWX-ibe pl.wrf em flh Csik. sed lar best nee u hisf.)- steera beta, dews .wry awfb. PRIZE FOR STALLION. rrIIE STRATFORD [Branch] AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY, will this year, on the second Tuewfsy in April next, offer for a STALLION a Penmen of £5, sed if to the atistaction of the Judges and Committee, the Prise will be increased to £13 10s. For particulars pee hand bills. J. E. LiNTON, Secretary. Stratford, March 1st. 1848. 7w4 FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMk6 DOUGLASS. STALLJONS. HF IiURON DISTRICT AGRICUL- 1 TURAL SOCIETY, will award the following PREMIUMS, viz ;- £12 10 for the beat, and E7 10 for the second best STALLION shown on the Market :'quare, on- Saturday, the 8th day of April next. The Directors have the power to with- hold either or both u( the Pr41uwms, should the4lorses shown, in their opinion, be un- worthy. • The Horses most serge in the District for the season. R. CUNiNGIIAME. Secretary. Goderich, March 3, fade. . 5 'l'HE Subscriber ( own Galt) has lately 11 rested the above II established iNN and HOTEL in the Wes end of Stratford, from the proprietor and to occupant, Mr. Joh' Sherman ; and he begs to ay that be will endeavour to see tbe Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. He hu good Stabliog, zed an attentive Hostler. His Bar is well supplied with Wines and Liquors, THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March I, 1848. 7m3 country come under Impartial reviews. - Strut nuti.es of useful books. ke.; literary selection!, entertaining, instructive end , moral ; the Improvements and diveoseriee Suence and the useful arts; a doh fur the ladies *ad the Scraps for the boys ; the mar- kt.* at home and abroad, with the general mews of the day, complete the bill of fare to which we invite the attention of every laMily, in every town. and township of Canada. . Tho first volume 1 as met with entx- epeched favour from the public and the press. The enentituma of the latter, so liberally bestowed, would have conauled the Editors with the !relief that thar labours merited, bad they not received encourage. meet. But rho rn'aetanival support of the public has been such as to warrant 0r, we think In continuing the publication.- The ublication.The second volume will be -superior to the firat in several p0101.. Moro time wall given to 11 by the Lditorr, and a -number of persons of the highest qualifications bars promised their atulatance as correct ondeote. A number will be sent as a speciurin to any one requtris it by letter (or otherwise) Postage paid. A11 orders should be sent to by let, or least. 5th January, so that we BRITISH''HOTEL, may know bow 1-rge an ediuon to print. - G O D E R I C II . The unezepecteu demand for the back Nos. exle.usted our whiten of the 1st volume LATBLT 4CL'UPIED DT MR. IasAC RAI TEInear, route Unto since, and to prevent such an oe- currance again, wl'bope our Agents and all mH r E Subscribers having Leased rho above others will send inward their orders with- -• 'SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave res- out delay. Subscription Sl in advance. pectfuily to intimate to their friends and Toronto, Nov., 1811. u 6 the public in general, that they have opened for the reception and accommodation or S'I'RACHA.N & LIZARS, Boarder. and Traveller•, where they will be happy to receuve those who may honour them with their patronage. It will always be their study to fujni.h the Table with an ample portion of the best productions of the season, and to keep their Bar supplied with Wines and Liquors of the best de- scription, so as to meet the approval of J. K. GOODI1 G, NOTICE, their customers. JOHN LANCASTER. , Goderich, Jen, 4i, 1848. ttf ►oot11E .ub.criber intending to leave Gode- N. B.-ExcellentStabiing will bo a!T+rd- 1 rich, tales this oplpo> rtunttc of ,olurn- rd, and an active. and either° Grown will ing hu gratefulsoacknowledgments to his be always iD attendance. numerous, honest and punctual customers for the liberal patronage which they have NOTICE.' extended towards him during his residence in thus place ; while at the same time be wishes to intonate that a much larger num- ALL persons 1NDBBTEDIo the Sub- ber of hie customers have been very far scriber, are hereby'regwsted to call from pseclral ; and these he requests is a and settle their accounts by the 40th of frlenuly manner to call upon him at their March text, all Accounts then unsettled, earliest convenience and settle their ae- will.positively be placed an the Mods of the counts, as the .ature of has engagements Clerk of the Court for collection. requires that all les bulkiness to this D atruet WALTER SHARP. shall be fully arranged before the first of Goderich, Feb. 15, 13 8. itf LApn!, 1848, at which date aN unsettled ac- counts will be handed over to an Attorney A. NASMYTH, fur collection. THOMAS .WATKiNS. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Gederid',Jan. 98, 1848. 1 tf J3ARRiSTERS and Attornies at Law, " Solicitors to Chancery, Conveyancers, Notary Public. Gudertch, -Lake Iluron, Canada West. Jou% STRACHAN, DANIEL HOItn [mums. Goderich, Jan. 28, 11148. 6.1 FARM FOR SALE. LOT Ne. 29, in the 9th concession, Town- ship of Goderich, about 25 acres under teat.. and 7 scree new chopped end, with a NEW LOG BARN k DWEL:G HOUSE, 16 acres of said land was ploughed last fall. The said Lot Is situated about 9 miles from Godencb, aid 1 j wiles from the Iluron Read. The Renta payable 1st February tech N. B. CA.7H not ollrgriced down. year, are about the Interest at Se Per Apply to the subscriber, Ces1.upne the prise of the laud. Upon meet PATRICK LAVAN, ?Low Lots, wives J.E.6.YED, NO MONEY Proprietor. 113 R19Q0I1140i'DOlW.i :ne!-!lraria - Qeieelmk.Xenia 10th 1848. others, according to locality, este, two. sir three years Rest, .rot be paid in advisee*, -bet these peyssste will free dm Settler from further calls soul fad, 101 w 418 year .f hie term of Lase. The right to PURCHASE the FRES- HOLD RETHOLD dunsg the term, is secured to the Leases at • feed sem sass.d is loose, and in allowasee r mode eg to sauce Petrol earnest. Lists et I.ssds. aad say hither sfenwa- tiss ems be obtained. (by spptse.taos. ,1 57 leiter poet -pond at the Gvawi s Ounces. TerrsM Bedasdorired R. Bases Le. Coo.. Disuses ; Dr. AaNs ss, O er J. C. W. Di LT, EMI-, air f• lIlene Distract. GsdSMab. Marsh 17, 190. 7 HARRISON t r'LRAIif, BARRIATIGUI, Atteewge, Selleitee• is Crtaw►y, It.., CHAT -SAM, Ot W. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. RESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends IRON . and customers Vat he continues to /MIF. SUBSCRIBERS beer. on hand a lasgr quantity of almost ererif descrip- tion 'of Iloup and Bar Iron, which will be sold on the most reasonable tern*. make men'a wcarlog apparel, to the most approved and fashionable city le and on short notice. And in returning thanks to the inhabitants -of Goderich and the surround- ing neighbourhood, fair the Iiheral encour- T. (i1LMOIJR it CO. agement he has received, hopes by assidui- ty and punctuality, still to merits continu- ance of their patresage. Goderieh, Feb. 3, .1848, to GiLBERT PO►RTE, IADIES AND GP.NTLF.MF.N'S Ash - , iouble Boot sod Shoe Maker, West Street, Godencb. March, 1.t, 1848. 6.a FARM FOR SALE. 'TIIE Subscriber offers for ale hot No. 1 one is the seventh Cnnee4tion of the Tr/warship of Colborne, %Vest Divioinn. Tisane son the premises a small Leg Ban, with 15 acres under Qmal cultivation, and wall f*seed. The Land ia of excellent r, d within 6 miles of the Towi of ean8, motioning 100 acres. rums of P.I. will be made known by applying to Will.... Robotism", FAN.. Can .d. Company's Office, Goderieb, or to the oobcriber. DAVID SMITH. Gderieb, March 1st, 18e8. 6tf DR, ,HAMILTON, 8 /RITZ O wwst greeny', O O D i R I C H. Feb., i848. b THEATRE. rr11E Amateurs of Gedorich will have the honour cf performing the play of " A New way to pay Old Debts," and the farce of a Loan of a Lover, on Thnraday and Friday evenings rho 93rd and 14th Inst., et the British Hotel. Guderich, March 10, 11148. 6 JOHN J. E. LiNTON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Omtanis.•vnter Queen's Ikncb, AND CONVEYANCER, i orreORB1C:-. Feb. 11, 1848. TOBACCO. extensi.e stock which will be sold % N cheap fur cash. T. GILMOUR Is CO. Goderich, Feb. 11, 1848. 2 SATINETTS OF various Textures and Patents for men's eloetbing, will be sold for the very lowest remunaraung profits. T. GiLMOUR, A CO. Goderich, Feb. I I, 1848. 9 J. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER at Law, 8olfsitor i. Chaseery, Coatny- eneer, 8s.., Office West Street. Goderich, Marta let, 1868. Sy NTIOCE._ rPIiE Subscriber would anemone to tbnse 1 who are t•Jebted to Ino, e:thcr by Note or Book Aceoent, are requested to call with WILLIAM G. SMITH mad set- tle the same oa or be ore Ilse 4018 of March neer; end tf said aeewht1 see eat earrted - - _ "" by that time, they will he place.) re the WAGGON AND SLEiGHS. hands of the Clerk of the Court lor collet• NO. 7 EAST S'I'IEET, tion. muerte OPPOOITIn ' ewe rasa •Traliraf Ant person having My eI. u.w', sir se- muerte craracn. counts against the snbserrber, wl, call un 'TIDE Subscribrra begs leave to inform Mf• 11'rlhmm G. Metals for teal wtltcmcot 1 of the sante. his friends earl the blue at large, 'Ono GEORGE OLIVER. be is none prepared to errewte orders for I3oalorlch, Feb , f5, 1848. 4-03 LUMBEIt OR 1.161 WAGGONS. ... _ which shall be mannfaetnred of the best D. WATSON, materials, and by experiential workmen. Or I farrow* and Drags made to order ; Plough Canting+ Woed,.,t. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Grelerieh, Feb. 9, 1848: la DIV. COUitT BLANKS, RINTEDmeaimperial grrali'yof •per, Pe sale at the Hem$igaal ()is.. sheq'for Catch. BARRISTER AND Ai'T(MNFY AT 1.%9Y, son.ICIToa n utevirar, assescreet, kc. OFFICE IN TME MARKET E(tARC, GODEIttC0. Fac, 1345. 3y T1 1,, TiAS. - OF .11 gna'itlea essay A venom peirew, Ay I T air his