HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-31, Page 2a-. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCII 31, 1615. Iffy se •►.race of the Edam e • 411.4 to the 1 .tMeatMaity of derl)iwtriet sill, w. tart, *pul"gise for the limited paru,.11 of rational tatter in the pr• sent amber. -_ -- - gCT For the is1,nsation of ole cattier who t., broke every thing, re may enmities that 4 the article sanded "A Few After-Thor(bn," to owe tut •,.sober, was written std piojt •:.J cor,.daf •t I14.1 24 hours before any tote1- eieruce or the Fre.,. b Rcrulat.00 reached Gode- o n% ; nod no thanes dM klsdsmsa of the •• Writers Cuiadro," w• were to premier of that iutellige..ce took* or fuurieeu hours be6ws it sou ko"wo by the arrival d the asters mail, we MJ o,.puttunity 01 grouting mor vaeity by the paid cauoo of w •• Extra" had we felt s d1.p. se4. POLITICS r OIt THE PEOPLE -NU. O. •• .a•seaaa see ■an." This is o■e of the malt.teda o ( some whose beauty aid take/Val pastime summand salvers& eppeut.sua; sad whac4, as it were, force* its adupawn 14955 Beery wiles 5uf.rttsan melisr- rtwtos d bogie reader" them tat.117 ase.pable of appreciating its value, or el isaidonsionte its require set We ham nest kw p who told • 1e:re elevated estates.4 Iaeuaa "atom, to the agree',. Ma .aisles h 10 (sat we bis ides been buaoored with sock epithets as " Euths- .ire," " Utopias," •• Die.my philalbroput," de.; sad sou mm admit what we ars, at owes, • little sundae e• Ih. *abject of beim im- moveability. Stall, oar otrservsatus of mankind have beets seficieutly exteoan sad dupSwoo- ■ n, to make s aware that there are aofavoun- We rwligur.twas of brain is emir iodividwls of on race, and that rieW0ortefo or wutthle.oese of mud u secewrUy e**4ibited thtosgh der evil fwomuons Bat were we commanded to bring forward ear stroogst proof u behalf of oar opiate* that manned 10 geaewl are mule r- elined to virtue than to ace, we wild jest point to the cadoct of dr depraved and vieioes- The mast heartless silliest that disgrace' the tames form wood recoil, tremblingly, Grim ,uheriag his villas oto 550iry to its ewe o.• tine deformity. H. tams that the mord repro - banes d miekiod wield is an imam carom inligmat evanesce a seek a mideioes out- rage ; sad therefore he "broads the denim ugli- ness of his iattonuao. seder the hallowing is. solaceof sora popular virtue, old accomplides his tension* 90rposes through the ■.awapectin3 simplicity of his fellow crestSrse; W4411 eve& ander the scorned same d "gollability," L stills beestifel fst.re is the Iasis character, and proves that aakiad de pat modest.* is the virtaoa&'professio n and iatestioaa of each other. Were it otherwise them wood save be se sod of all society. The lament sad most in- veterate debemehes that speeds 4e tauteace as a seldom to the lowest Baruse s, 4..e .ot at- tempt to justify "pint-dei.kisg y his own mo- dest. He knows that society rebels spinet each iaig5it7 ; ad therefore we bad hien taking shelter bellied the ecripteral sgame5u of those wbo are celled Itis moderato-driakia.g.Monluts. The iadividwl who engages is baseness, with the enemies of ebegtiog ad swindling 4s fel- Iow err.terea, does not come forward publicly .ad declare his totetiio0 ; be knows that aa - tied love haat) and partrper and commend .t ; and be unites hinted' to sonar respectable eagreptioo .1 worshipers and noes. the lovely similitide of piety as • medium for gntifyiag Itis rapacious warhorse. In like maooer the seedy political adreotorer, who contrives to live by gt.Usg, is gate eo0•eioer7 that nature has ant (west him either tblent.".dispositions to do good ; but he knows that were be to tell_ the world so, he would either haven work or stave, seal therefore, he encases himself in the very heart's cow of Borne bard, •mbiguos 5r ■de- 6able word, like Co..rvwtism or Loyalty, - from which he occasionally squeezes forth his narrow bed, like the mod -turtle peeping from its shell, splutters out " Measures Lot Meg 1" or sure other of the equitable maxima c mottoes which have been adopted by the•gre*t •&d good .poo tome momentous occasions. But if you demand what •1 mea•are•" he alludes to, the 1edit Loam it ini1..0117 drawn back into the iso. penetrable encrustment of Coneervotiem, and te- t)I-afro• which :a Donde' Ibe Inters idea of Pate. Add all hottest as admit that se this ea the oily prtuelp!, of Oureremesl ,Melo has obtained the Deise maedis, t1 era, seercomi- ly, be the may ate which ons pr.mete homes happ.ttess; and ther.fors they Wheys 81st whether • man u black .e wilts, whether he is rich or pow, whether he is Jew, Calan & se Prweeteint, so bag as he eonti.ars to sapid - eine the common Medan el s boaotifsl ['mol- dier., •o Mg et he obey* t►r laws of tis Istrs- uy and like hu Minto-citiasse ...ui-Mres the support sod maiatsisaace of twos laws ; lea au hug is he bonomly retitled N as deal participMa is the beatfits sew'iy (trees send Methods". ods". As this description, however, may be emssidrr- ed to. poral, w 'roll give aa illustrawm d 004 inmates of the pnac,pl. of 344044 e. Or is other weeds we shill give a definition s( the appalling word Radicalism as used in Cassels It meet" a steady deeerenisatios to oppose the i.teleraal yrsssy .f ems religiose seat over soother. It refers absolutely to degrade Chruu.aiy by perverting it to the widely pr- oms of • 'State s.oaGas. It peremptorily de- clares that the teeipls of piety shall emir be desecrated by being ..ed . a meppisp•r•se to the Mair d political dsspotam And *rumen these dreaded calamities, it nwlves that the proceed..( the Clergy Reserves ad the reve- ■.ee of Llog's College shall be applied se mod for the benefit d the ledeprdest se of the Episcopalism sad .f the Quaker as el the Cath- olic. The, them is Candid Radiselissa- And if sy peas wan jest give as mad, r- 1.41i(obk b.riprioe of Co.sorvoti.m, w. am perhaps be peeped to joie issue u napsiy the menu d aha rstpsetivs yawns Had J. McDosad's Usiveusuy Bill embodied seri pna- eipko then was sot • Radical is the Home *.e is tee Proems bat mold have Meted from the bottom .f hie sdul, sad at the top of 4s voice , J(emare net Mee r' " CHANGE SWEEPETII OVER ALL " A itisiirnble. saio.at of feeerteh fenne■m- ties sad ellfnveeesce Mimesis taken place is the e3met. of Preach democrscs. and as used, the waivers' specific a( M.1J-ldti4L has hey" impli- ed is ties distort. Dr. &ingrado apposed teat ►lsedi■g sad driskieg hot water was an infallt- Ne remedy for all physical maladies ; ad the Preset' their that ►fedi■& ad herein/ will ,arctally con, all diseases is the body politic We admire the curare sad promptitude with which they accomplish their revolutions, bet cerruly. we detest the bleeding and horsing; they an altogether soperdoous, anal indicate a spirit of deatructiveaess entirely at variance with the disposlt.00s which might to character- ise • people prepared for the enjoyment of polit- ical freedom. The present moverest r tntive of ten Import's' facts, whish have been 6equeeily bresghl befoge the splice of the civil mien of mankind, sod which still germ to be disepded, The Ent is, that then is a princi- ple of resistance .. hostas etre that can oply , 10lenie injury sad opprea ins toes certain extent; the seemed 1., that where the W s( dr people are in a auto of absolute ig■tas■ee, the animal pr.periues minium the esee■desey, and this , "merit of resistance is manifested is deeds of vio- lence and creetry' , hence the n..essiy of edu- cating the mwltitnde, •Ent the iohebitasts of Prim, if educated, could have accomplished their revolrtioa with retool soccer., iltdepeDJeuIy the destruction of life or property, a.,.0 (=en- suess will ever dire to trample on the liberties of as i.reaigsot people. However, It mat be ad- mitted that if- the means by which Luo Philippe obtained the Crows were justiftabte, the mean: by which he has lust it, are equally so. In fact, we are not certain but all the crow01 sow worn in 1 *rope were given either to 11011 present poe- ereon or to their progeuitors by revolutionary mob*, aod are secure and stab.• just so long as the -gnod will and good wishes of the great mul- titude are in favour of the respective monarchs. and no Ione r. We w7 the ure.ut French n- ruluuoo is a great dot. ifluseratite of ..,great principle in human nature ; and it u really sick- ens( stead of re(enog 10, or talking of emedswrts. K to me the tttaatrous omens* with wkiah gnaws and Dibbles at the private character of the Tory press to eauruiuiog the public on this Mei, who would consider their boas d*.gr•ced .bjret. Their resoaog is just egged to point b kicking the filthy thin( out of their way.- tog 004 the •bsurdn7 0( the hg*.ming u .144k103g I Nuw we are fully aware that this ►and of child - the Cathedral. A Revolouoa ban oeearred i "h Aids 4"11216g. ■lists (roar a tool Prase ; it Inns byea prdreed by • certain pro- deiciesey of principle which, in its tors, arises from as unfortunate (Diana of brain, lynch the individual did not make and cannot alter. - But the fact of a man being born an idiot, is no arg.04enl why be should be allowed to maltreat his neighbours with tmpanity. The idiot is a object of compassion, ba the public safety readers hem also an object of judluoos restnlst. The inheritor d unprincipled dopliciy n likewise an object of pity ; bet his peculiar deiciescy being Eat moor Jangerou to society than that of the Biot, renders him doubly an "blocs of nightie cogausaeo-' The foregoing remarks are there- (ur* not offered, so much„with a view to the Improvement d the wretched delle grin as to the protection of the 'Geary. We bops these are very few mea i■ Hams so purely simple as to be doped or led merely by a thread -bare or backseyed phrase like " Conservatism" oe •' Loyalty ;" still we are prod is believing that Were are wee ramose "mtr.t1. some fond, eot- bdi.g beings, who measure the honesty of others by their ows, .■d we weld scorn to rob Urs of this angelic sbaracreristie ; bet at Me came lira we -would wttb them to display the dignity e(thetr oaten by demanding a restos. Wbes they an asked to vote for a good Caservative or to eopport Conservatism, there is nothing sitter mean or soreaonable is sa4■g promptly what it mesas. %V1 .re •ware that there are erne living 011 the angle word Conservatism, who could not iItatcb as idea to it slt►o.gh they were to be rewarded wi.h an empire. Eves the Moodiest Gazette pre •• sgi,k-iso-tAa-stit.d- Bse" a ea explanation bat realty ws do Dot prairie,' that it is say isprovemest spm tbe original: the mere difficulty d getting om's tune shoot It is • *meg grimmest .gust its dreadful and bloo4i struggle, and lbs crown - tog of the Caw D'Paris King, with a Muter greeted by Om silted puwera. " disarm has for 'owe limo bees pre- patrla8 for the dawn of kepubhcat1mw in France. Bite has sow 130,000 Ates in the field, well drilled and equipped. Rain has also a veal easy .(,a, and is asgfyus to give It easployl.eet. Pr./info gement este the ds.th o1 *be Duke e' Srwsowick. 1.gtand aline, of ell the allied powers, is Dot prepared for war. But she has the bsssaudetsaw-+ssnq, aW will &drape it with a Iavld band." THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 1T • COtsv0001JT• Eaglaod has uo money to .d with a " lavish hand," sod should her rulers, which we do sot believe, he iodised to joie (should such • embalm mks pl■oe), with Austria, Ari- sta mad Pimsaa, 1* the 401st .ttemp1 40 (urce Ilio of that form of Government, this or that retail', es wins epee the Fseneh-thee, ia1eed, may we Imes saes to tremble tie our own u. ennui's A• not an rappnpriats .4ludes to oar se• marks, we give the following proportion ger the impemahmeet■f the Fre.eb bflrutry, ab.oitsd by 33 of the Depet4ea of the opppo.tuer :- IMPEACHMENT OF THE MINISTRY. At hie meeting el the Clamber e( Depw tits os the t19ad, the Depuue• of the Op - poetises. to the number of 83, •ulwiltaf the following proportion :- Wo pope.) to plass the Minister u as- eweuun as guilty. I. Of laving betrayed abeeed tie Issas sad the utere0u of Fit ace. 2. 04 harts( falsified the principle• el the cussIlIetwD, violated the guarantee* el liberty, sad attacked the rights of the peo- ple- e Proses is anis involved in all the hires ie- eideaul to Revdrtios, .d the want of • settled Gov,r.mest. It does at.ateeiah as that loans are bellies forward to the poaib4ity of 1 war ariaiIg at of it bums Great Sinai* and France, Mens( Mere them the result of tee fire, the great Re,olutioo is that eoestry. Bet Mee •m somewbst changed, and we treat that is all Liberal Governments, the rulers of the people have come to a mor. perfect ■oder'toodi0( of the stun and object of Goreramrest; .Dad that they, u wails their over whom they rale, re- conise the principle which is every 4y mare strongly developing itself. That -Governments were made for the people not the people for Gov- ernments. We an not among those who eaten:as the slightest fear of any war takise plass be- tween Great Britain and Frame eossegseei rpm the Revolution- Few will be food to Jo- ked, in a free trendy, the conduct .t Louis Phillipps is his Government. The tenor and ultimate aim of all his ectio01 has bees to stresgtbes his own position sad that of his fami- ly, without reference to the interests of these over whom. ad by whose voice be was called In reign. Ile Yeer s to hare forgotten the =in- ner .,t his ascent to the Throne ; to have over- make a few remark's as to the duties or the looked .lthogether the causes that led to lila els• officers above referred to. eation. history, the history of his own time, baa read its lesson is 1.tu, &ad to aro Scriptural phase, be seems to be one of thole " WU have eyes, but they see not 1 ears bave they, Mt they beer not." Himself sad Family appear to ham bees all is all to him, and to have oesspid ell his energies ; *ad we mut do him t! -e credit to my that he has up to this tiro hem sea sec- cesdrl in his efforts for their advancement; but the happioes of the people ever whom he raid seems sever to have tresbied 4m. gibes he built the lortif{pti.0 real Paris, with aha is - teatime of strpgt esi*g but position sad with a view to overawe 114. 154, pepsins by wham voice he at os the Theme, he sever allowed the berdea is the shape of taumtres imposed fir Mir coaatraetios to weigh with his, Whirs be married his sem to • daughter of Sp.ie be sever allowed his albanee with Bntsis to tumble him. Whethe sided with Almeria .d other posers against liberty, jest .en5(I*( q is Italy, he serer *hewed tet he eoesidned tM mislead Ia6Kn65 such • pointy sight eafnise with reference to the interest d Fraser, and ib• I- nseam rhe was morally entitled to iu her tress - intim with the 8athen 61011*wssaa, of Europe. W• have ark me 01,01.00 of his ma - airship of the puss sad hie preveatia by illegal deereN of the eapreasiee .( public opieies.- Enough we emotive has bees dvaseed is this short sketch of his public acts, to justify the 'French people is the coarse they have parsed, end all we hope is that they may ceodsct their (ware arrangements' wilb the moderation they displayed in eighteen hundred and thirty, arias nothing whether the Government they determine se is Monarchies' or Republicss, .long as it has the interest ed the welfare of the people at heart. At the mow time we eossider it m im- probable that a Republican form of Government may be adopted, the people disgusted 5t the Re- gan sas*er iso which they have been deceived by those whom they have raised to power sad eoutitrted their mien may desire to keep with - tie their ewe groom the eppeistssm" of **heal of the tfeve+.4.M: and Serellt 4' hush('♦• htedisry Manby, a7 elect • foe. of Gee- er.msst somewhat similar te that e( the Uiled States All this sea ply be Palettes, ear weed we have made .ss mesons or referred . with mattes ealrt It dame a eppertr.ity el rspnsieg .11 tie, Meld to somewhat in mimeo wit► that seas of Torr enstempo- raries. We opera believe that England will do eiberwi.. thou ,ears seetrel. She teamed s mem lessee, ed bar potpie are effenag km .t now, by bre int d emeo is the R..olstta of 1749 ; stray willies* added te her debt is se tnIi.g bead by way of merit, to keep ie pra■d : sad we sins dess.al is ts-a• fees the (`,.bar(► f4ar ad Whom skim" the o•a view el aura. es the fellewiag t - u If a RepsbIieas Goeeresso.t be se- ta►ti0'•d, it will, like thin last. be begun is the spirit e( neidelity, eat may i. deb ' ciple existing is ..tare,-IDd though all the Tome sad whip and Radicals through all the mime d the mu,d wen to write sal rents .grim i1, the eve ..we sod the pri.eiple That prodoeed it, Will ' t remota great facts. A ass►-revslstim i• :111416 paced spm aha tiros et Bettina, aha D.Ichnean, Willisr aha Third Ilio Heirs is emerpmec• d *.I. ble good eosdect here bees allowed we Meerp7 the throe is eomparatve poor. Tie preset cecinas, is not osis tolelaled-she it positively befoecd-ed so lug as she sad hat Mir, tea- time re, ibere will b5 no revelsticS is Briui■ . far u the emcees d the MoweAy is ea- eersed ; bat 11 mod his vane to chimed or deny the feet, that the some power which expend the family of Stewart from the British throne, has just as energetic a existence u homes some as it bad i5 16911. la 1830. the people of Franca drove a 4d of half madam from the throne, and Luis Phlllippe was proclaimed King, studs; • shower of pew - i53-seooes. loots Phillippe, ad his Pbiloaph- ie.l fried Oiliest, who had seen m4.b-revol utoss, ■d who .s4ally knew mach of bean nature, owes in its =wit to.fanshle 4,114 (4 •.tinn5,111 their ksowedgead experience •1 defsoee, and kept emr.schiegioeb by iscb.pos the popular liber- ties, till t1 18441 they armed the sans pnociple that threw the pawing -sunt• an 18 0;sal theism ma et* shoaled fin the Citizen King" lighted him oat of the regal city with the flames of his tows Arose- But what had become of Guinea Philosophy T The nen who wrote the History of Civilisation, so( traced the progress of liberty. drmeeraey through all Its cire0itu5 wtaduni 1s ii possible that such a ma wmild risk 4a are sod fate of France a a the childish NeOtime .i • 4.44(4seo00 b71'*r pippee Mee/ We co/tlady detest the/kind 1s( silly uon.oe as ane\ r Giant , but the way to suppress it, i5 r Imam the people, and ileo they will be • s perceive the nbardity themselves. Bet wide their ligament.* 'able* them to receive ensoneoe51 from this .rt .f metra, Gama . 1455441 bnv. ►5... that they have • prefect nghe to j.eap ur 0ss*0. w Mit' sued apse Mc heeds, se pot iter heels is their seeks, or le assess sty p.t1re1, w 5tnldes which 'whim 5e Mei ass 5ogte'L )let 1t was met a .ser w pomy•,eel dace, mw • emery drum, that tl,• rept. of Paris wished to Mee. it w • reform dm5ef--w democratic 611 -sad a14eealsre the Orta. Gover.meat puttered . danteetie bottle ! Per risme ! P0. Lore name ( Wino bee beim as ere.tf.f life; it pet sestde as of dee old 4171.-- 4' The Niel el Frew and al: lois imp, Married Sp • sleep, sleep hill, sed Mat Teaa'J.wad, sad jet tea1.►'d dotes■pi. !" Par Look Pbilkppe ! wareb5dy will ems wins sir M..ursses et reel bk. *oder the sotto 51 a TM :.a• 5f ifs BSarbee.." 3. Of having by • systematic corruption, attempted to substitute, for the free ex- pression of public opinion, the calculatiod of private interest, .ad thus perverted the repre1e0tauve (*versant. 4. Of having 14*40eked for ministerial purposes a public office*, as well as in all the prerogau,a and prnile(5• of power. S. For baring, a the Na intermit, wasted the finances of the state, and thus compromised the force* and the grandeur of the kingdom. 6. Uf Mviiig violently despoiled the citi- zens of E right whereat to every free coi- sutuuos, and the exercise of which had born guaranteed to them by the Charter, by the laws, and by former precedents. 7. Of Minns, is 6ne, by a policy overtly Counter-revoluuo.•ry, placed in quorum all the cotqumta of our two revolutions, end thriihe the country talo a profound agitation. [Hers follow the .1(0.1ures, M. Wilton Barret at'the hod.] M. Genocide submitted in his own a propootuon of aecusauon again& mutster, conceived in these terms : Whereas the Minister, by hes, re(usbl to primal a project of law for electoral reform, ha occasioned lfoubie*, I pupae to put in accusation the President of the Council and Ito coll•argues. Sene.d,-•' Thede are ass' se lobed as these who wee't see." Noe, I hope dist Mt. David Smith, the Mattel 8arveyor, will thio 7151 tilts 1848, 5 less". from the aadeiehed. aid es' cemtarooed Jobe of soulract work ill 1847. - It i.. Dail tbiog to we is s7 case where as e pproprtattoo of money has been made by the Uutrtet C inell be reads or Widpe. oeg4eted by the Cantina's, --end who, to sore them' *elves. threw the blase am the Serrey5- 1 wool) goodly expect, that teem the satiety . leewu by Mr. Smith on may 1eea.rus5,.See the grants of mosey laid out -when the .0,o.t4 is such, as athunaes him to interfere --that is the eget potties of the Disuict, he wiU have as eye to the eoetracts being expedited without delay. -Vide sostncts on roads to 81. Marys, Blushed ed Bridge at Jacob Ea*.t'e, in Dowser, de. As we ..pact to see Mr. Smith shortly, he wind be doing the inhabitants of the District, who travel the main road to hamburg, Terrie's Mills, kc., • particular brew, if h. woaW Mardi, ex5miao the ante of the road opposite Jobs Yaky's, below Mr. Sebastian Fryfogle's It ie • weeder why a pabl.e road so lately ea- strueted at the rip.... of the District, shad have bees allowed to be i.,..d•sed and island by tee mum of a 4m erected by Jobe Yaky, of Swab Euthope. To attester of Mr. Fry- feglt, Coseclttor 6. South E iliaps, may be draws to the panicelar part alluded a ; .1d 1 Messy u Mr. Yaky is the me -ie -law d Mr. F., the latter may penman him Set to Jos rue rod ally beget. It ie a shams to ere sed a ham• faced deatnstiea of a pallia rods that sour belied - While Mo Smith ie ar the east sed e( the District, he wield Ise is the way of his duty if he would- ilk. • survey of des red to eke north is this tot ship, from Ball's Gelber, as far as aha 11th CSSeentea: The has of road led', u [ seppose he knows, to the back eeulemeal et Norah Easibopk, Sad to the thickly tattled tows - ship of Wellesly. Expecttsg to trouble you upi0, sad wishing 700 every aecess.- I am,AC., - me the TO Tai SETTEE spite amass 5013*. Pear OWr.a, Oedeeiiit, Nth March, 184..1 Sts, -While I freely Mad you Editorial right In portal. to prune sed dies web articles u are abamtted foe pabl,ealioo; let, with all delerem. 1 abseil, that then are casee whereto the exaoi. of Ih1 mivtks. becomes tosses*; sad t14.t, 11 skied .ss tog♦ mads W 7i la "Observer's" leder u last Slgs*I, ea I love a shrewd a.picNo that there wen , that was ems of than ; he, I wind dials' Prsea tsags'ec- carti. ageism any tadt0idoal, might to p be- fore the world ,a the wthe(sphy of the writer, otherwise it become you .ccerties Tested of loot Correopoodemt's, io as mutt se your alter.- tio*s give greater or 1e. ;moist to 40.1(11414 - 11 •'Observer" had good num sf compla.Dt against me for neglect of duty, why did he Dot mail himself of Mr. Frees** pumice is tows, and complain to him ; (tor, he ..ould out bat bo swan that Mr. F. was hero, sed ever reedy to coned Lbwwe.; bat no, he bad not ',efficient manliness to do so openly, Dor 'efficient casco of complaint to bear him oat if he had, sad chose rather to waned toe as far se ha mold i5 the dark. I readily admit that I do soatimes leave my Mice, eves u " cares hags;" bet 1 desliactly duly that I do w sitters 14eq.e.tly, of for seek k.gtk 0( Use, se te isesso de sr g(r' Wises ee " poetry fake" or •• townseep11 ;" noise seek ea, l \e seer dsoreoM, err edtilaally ee the look oo greed greeo) cs ompktisr attack, to mischief sweep' their 'mini- boom Now, Bir, I could *sonny same an Ob- server o1 tbu1ort-whether be in yo.r •' Obsn- er" is best kaows te bim.elf.--whe, idea he Moneta soy see .t the Post Office doer, ashes it • point u p and haring= them, with wit volubility, (ad an atter sontempt for Lied - ley Murray) m the crying sin of the Post- master ; and who, Dot may meads hetes yens. *nivel here, eolaoteered the loan of use penny - e's saaMM 11adsess--to a dank moa, to re- lieve a letter of what somas which he (observer) ksew to be u the Office ; ad accompanied the Ira with the iq%.readese that. Post Offices oeght to be open .t at hum "•s raze arts t. ra STAVES 4" *sal with the *hits to so tad knack said be got in, albeit it was that past "Office M urs ;" and unhappily the poor a0 was not in a 10044,wo to diserlmi.ate between had kaook- ing and brcakiog down the door ; which lack of know ledge, or este.il of whiskey and sound fneiSty Dirks cost blot somewhere about Ifs• I spurn, Sar, st such bypoeriey es meetly 59- pwxis the latter part of "Obert"'," letter. where he in.1Duates that he .dopttd this mode of re -calling me back to my day, as more fneedly than a direct appeal to the Deputy Postmaster General, or to *be Post Office Surveyor. The, truth es, ih. Pdksr %•s lest Err the sob purpose of a0noyimg my fjmily, while theklder-knew that I was Meat, .*d wejre I wart. The Lama was written while Mr. Freer was herr, with • MAUL iote.tia to Mime ars I am, Sir, Tar very ob'tsee'r, THOMAS KTDD, Postmaster. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. - DISTRICT SURVEYOR. To Tall [DMA of Tia Gash 111011•4 Noays Emmet, 26th March, 1848. Sin, -Please allow me, through the arms o f year tale Mimi, (which I its glad to notice 'is well circulated in our tad of the District). t0 aw e ms n.. Still. ftrw tnrTiiwledge ef.W stetil Dab- bers Totyi5m for i, last thirty years, we thick 11•t some of its Bias are able to explain the media( al C.oserwatisen. looted w5 believe mold .ld oink* pretty sear the mark aroilese. bet we we aware yrs s wget eo tasks bur aver freebie ; bone. m we shall rasher ate • low of the episia0 .ad principles deemy Mee ',e .he . the epeepolicy of ser Cardia C.S.rw•- time As all an►,ed hems to cense MMai the world sided. and all egsally helpless. As the sly et'.rle1 .f power, or •0prrmm17 *lush ra Itete beo.ws epos ••• Infiniti 1455 i over *1. mewsmews10.4.47 in r apenw 4v.lop.AeMt el Maio. As ttthese.pes trior braise *u t eerie - ravel, (null to au &.lsoother eas sooer d familiesieshe mw innerly hereditary is the families t. .w they ars nue. As we •4e elle bewith the same mato Muses only be supplied by to sumom A moaha Mftaiegs of health 141 Overeat u st5(do ars drtritemed title.' regard to Memo, mak or wealth, sod s the '.is main, aid the .tad blurs.eate a blurs. d ate Arson. in0m eept1.17 es all ; it is me pereed that the tiro pee prim - rape d aha mi Caster's G.verasat is Isperel•- Fant,-llow mines it that the S.peri0tesdest of Education, Mr. J.hi Bissell, dm not either reside is Gederich, or keep an office open Mars, for the bese61 of the various iedi.id•als who have 10 receive the apportioemal• of mosey &l- ittered. alts. Ake. T 1 Amar ataxy cases of to- 1rhilsu of this District, who, after haters travelled between 40 .ad SO miles to see the 8.periat.sde.t, were oNtpd to take to the " telt shoat' .t Godenet: sad trot some on or eight miles towards Hayfield, to the " pertly pwtlet51a'S" hover, before they Bald get their Mei■m completed- Apia, settlers geia3 to Gaderidt, sad beteg deputed by sots teacher or minden' to calla sad see Mr. Signed rela- tive se some afkir as to schools, de., lea fiadiag that the 8•p.notesdeat resided so many miles oat of tows, and Aso lee 4.414.,'. Menem ha ors to es Last, -bare bees obligeJ to leave tow• without getti0g their Mims with him completed. Now, if the District of Iluro• is to matinee to pay £ 100 per sauna (lately it w £130,) to Mr. Big,al,-which is no mai sem for the aperiaeodeney of • few .hook, and the 'portions' sod dividing of • few hoo- ded posede of goverment ar-d District School 40051.70 ; 1 ay, if this excessive stray is to be paid, why do the Wades tied Conseil of tbe Dieuier, mot insist ca his havieg s office is Iowa regularly attemded. It an be oe hardship 10 Mr. Gigged, comparatively : for there are District drums gaits a• 'repeatable, '*d as tol- meted as be u, who havoc 081051 is tone, ad with whom there is so difficulty either is 6di.g or tns.atim( business with them. lacked, it may be said is troth, that then an few Districts is Cads West where, to simple from •dta- (5510 visiting tows, having bseimdi toile with, the difereat view, such .lability end pod - mature i0 shows, as is u the Pe141is Ales le Goderiel. 1 have lined it said, that a retweneweess by way d esmglsiit is w be Sat . Dr. apostle, tbe Cbis( 1q•riautedest d Edseaies at Te- mirk,a dile sal deet .14." Merril to. A Wm- ' gmitilis Weeded wait/ i hem's. Anti' •/h8n Whirther tbe Mee will embe•es the vidieies d the 8tilm55,-wit tf • paper report of rub sited *reties add di the •ee- sises.-a exp ttuew d die dei•i•wsy et (sirs - sties •(.d.d to Tivwea, old .here,-iade- qwy eif 145 sods d the .ammit*tio.s of the Tes■bws,--atenib.s a gamed .sp epe.l7,- delmy is penes rabid mseys.--litiMIil7 •f Dissent 8ep.rianrdese to report the erste et kw seeaats to the Ceased,-lisenry ger i5hesei5- step, k:., -whether o.4 resonatnnd wit apply 11 al, e s easy, el ansa alters, i Bled am at peerrst ay. Perhaps at the meetly I see tdeertiesd in year paper, gar the 9511 inama4 .methis( may boo. Ms dear. The settee d that s.eti.g shows that some inenlmnq *diem i• Mr 1ig..3".' sssigrmsei of the shoot moseys. Dowdy he bee net begs the sense ef deprivi.g the Teadirive of aha Sibeob i. Ibis bet is polities ; It will be early m la Distviet, of their jest rleimn. fs mmsf7' est ensu : 1t will rid le tbe sed • 11 t of 1"""N""N wilt mist bees mental M d le lid Melt asks 114 the der society tety final remelt mei he aha minimallyily 'o tsp Model /tai-.edwee did in DIP a atnet her all the powers .3 Europe, a' seise Tows, l Mpg will set pegs 1ml.4d l I eTAV1SH- ✓ o raiz Barrett ee reit imam is/Sm.. Gorman', Much 28, 1838. Sia, -i observe the sereaau of the Ge.crr- meat busily .gaged is ta4■g .p the Ceases -- IL 1. of the inmost impone•ce to all Her Majes- ty's subjects that this be, correctly done ; Dot merely that the precise amarum 0f'the population of the. Colones may be channel, knows, to- gether with tbe cireumstaaee%.go ad origin. Jae. of each individual. It is also deemed of importaaee that the numbers beloogleg io the different Religious Denominations be a,eertaised. The inforatia in these particular*, derived from the census, eomitete data for the guidance both of legislators and tho.i,br whom they legis - lane, is the discharge of their respective duties. Bat if from inattention or design, a ayoItm bl taking mach moans be adopted, which gives no- des promiaxe to one alass of subjects over soother. keeping that otter is the shade, or which leads to . Isles retora,-bow ism mob data give saber .tidaetiom to the govertment er eoesdesce to the people 1 The 'UMW Presbyteries Chinch repudiates all state favouritism, and maintains that each religious body should support its own ordinan- ces : •0etther does she desire a relative promi• pence among the Religious Denominations in dm Provisos which does wt belong to her, - but she feels wroegsd when not placed aide by side with those with stow she has • right to MEd. Caa it he said, moreover, (hat the above sad C►ssch will be placed in her proper pow - Moo amiss the *Aber Presytmis bodies by the perm yews, wises then is no separate column for her members is the schedules finished by the government, whet they mast take their place mug those .ilei oeetioos whose 1011, it wooW 0ee011. ars too ted.oa . as0tion There is • distiect piens fee the Church of 9eotlud. sed another for dm Free Church, and is this right ; and on former occasions there we a separate column for the Secession Church. Why nit that now, when the Relief and Seces- sion Churches 14..e become the United Presby- teries Church. she bas become unworthy 0( distinct plate 1 15 It a mistake or design ?- Perhaps, Sir, yoe can emlightea the public os this subject. I rearm the may course ler the members of the United Presbyteries Churh, sad those who bed her wimples, *ow to follow, is, to have their ernes marked in the cdema assigned to "Other Presbyteries Bodin," by the osiers who will call es ibem in tekieg up the census, and report the sesber of aheir'families to the Elden of the Merest Priebytena Church, that them may ►s forwarded to the Goveromeot by the proper authorities, ad there stew ib. another of ;he " Otter Presyteriaas" who ha - bag to the Usitd Presbyteries Climb. I am, Bir, Your obedient Servant, A UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. l•"0"64•0••el 4 b 6. d is in ssb•••e \s the E 8Ta•Tre*D Bsames.-Ws are iaftamed that the job of vesting a sew Bridp at Stratford wason the 27th (natant, coetected fee by Mr. tines N-oor.•, Jour., an eou terpr.ng resident of Strati rJ, for the sum of 1:195. We have seen the Speca6eanee ss s al PIdraws out by Mr. D. Smith the District 8.neyor, sad they exhib- it great eased .meeha.iesl s411 is their pee.unitise. Thep pet Brans m is ip a et mismis- sesstate, ad ma it u s weeder that sorten001 midgets have set takes place ere this. W. ■n informed that Mr. J. W. Vi,ia■, came sigh loosia3 bis horses and wag(. manse rise es the bridge is • dark eight. We wish Mr. Woods every 5011111 SCHOOL MEETING. Q 111014111101111/11., moa T At a Meeting d the Scheel Trustees of Solidd 8r & mta..4 the Destnet, held at tM Hope Scheel Hoe la Godeneb, es the 9566 Kirsh. 180,-.1111r. Joe■ Sinew wan elected Chairman, ▪ d Mr. D. Warm, Secretary. Chem:a 441* e1je Tye Cks.,0 sal L14 e} he the fiery pewee's whisk it will awake. l•"0"64•0••d the Mum", whem it ws moved by Mr. W384.. Wailes, .ed seeosded by Mr. 1.45 Reach, Reedeed, That a aes.rtal be pteemied to the Chief Bapsriatedsst d CS.... 8ebds, sad • anther. the District Ceased, osmplaioia( of the se -payment el the mem raised by ter foe the Comma 8e14.o1 Teachers of this District, sed the edam is ithiiek the fled hs bees Moved by Mr. lobe 13 NII. 1St Meow. D. Maws; Shaw, Ws'Isee sad RSA, be e esm- mrtte . drift said petition. -Can sd- Movd by Mr. D. Watson, seconded by Mr. Jos Rind, That a letter be writes se the Denny Sapseistedat .b., oonapleiniog el the non•peymwt of the Diarist 8ads1 Mos sed the st iei.ry 1W the C.rses 8.6.04 T.. 5eve -Carried. Mr. /6.w tee lift the Chair, and Mr. Rin\ Ws•Mid it A vie ef thesis wee thea moved ger aha Cheiseans IOW MAW, Chnirmea, D WATSON. /neer4. Ropra*iao (Township of F,llan.o)-Ws invite the attendee of Oar readers 10 Ibe Weer - firmest in this 47'0 paper, by Mr. George Leveap of Fellartoe. Our Commend 504 writes :-" Mr. Leverrp is well knows is this " neighbourhood as as enterprioi&( settler. ' He " lou been several yen in the .ivy The in- " portant article of IIB.,, tbe esltivetiea .d " manufacture of which has bees me often sed se prominently brought before the Retie* of Ca- " ethane by Mr. Edmondson of the ealitiswbr, " Toronto, sad other --Mr. Leversp grows " es his owe farm ie Frllartoe, prepares it foe ".se, and from that hemp he hes predated ea " article of Rope which be my safely 5empete " with any manufactory is Cased•• I am not " aware whether the eterprta of Mr. Lore,- " age has been emitted by Mr. loses, aha Com- " indium of the Canada Cempmy, bet en- " racily the oddities town home as.frtl.ree deserves mice, sad 1 will lel obliged If year " mice of Mr. Limner, may likes a 1.r- " respodding belies is the isbsbit*ta of this " tbrivieg District." PROROGATION OP PARLIAMENT. Mo renzat., 23rd Manch, 1648. This 4y at 3 o'clock P. M., His Ex.11ooey the Goverse Ge.w.l pee..dr4 is mate se the Cbos►er e( the L.psl**ive Cessal, is the Par - basest building.. The meshes of to Legidati . Ceased be des assembled, His 4erllsnoy sora peens& ie rewesa-od th.etMmisse d the Lap.htiy A• m,yWy, w►ieh bees hale/ preaeet. the fef swAg Rills were mewed to, id Hee Mmr.ty'e ser, by His Ea.ltreey the Gev.is•r Grassi, visi- As Aet to Beaks better prowlei.se foo Emigrants aid for defr•ylS( *spews sf, supporting indigent Emigrants, aid et forwarding them to dint Alae* of deoUnauos ad to armed the Att thereto metio.ed. Ate Aet to resets doubts se to the ties from which the provimioes of the Aet re - volatile the summoned of Jaren is Lowes Canada, were intended to lays fere. and *1.14, An Aet to incorporate, at the city e( K..(atow, a Gen Light Codepany. As Act to u)srperats tbe Tomato Atheneum. An Aet to authorise the Rest. sad Merck W.rdees of St. Pour. Aero\. Lesko, to tell a part .f the OM es *sods sea. 411401.As Ast Is mit Ihresenrit esslsio mew nnieted w the We Cu..i of mop Bosh 1a i ever Qegai. As AIN M ineelipelltS11 fieISOM Cass, is de CPAS.