HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-24, Page 2HURON S TUBBY. MARCH I' IMtW sLEiCTION ✓. ". n) • tares Godench and Mout:eel. aria paying the postage a ea rain whom commits wen limos o meet tat them seedy a week before they reached aa ! Put we have another, sod to as, • snore .ubstauti.d reason foe not publtahmg tetras, is ty •od expeure of gems' IpMar this, iia *lc!trent'!r asawie ter weekly paNieries. keep es always es eafoirdieltp .lir b, Ips bead. that wares the saw weld M pruned or a shfyb. pebtretio. is pigs - sad tmpe.mblr 1 -alpoillbfor pohaisNag doe tram is Goder.ch ! The wee tsymptom dpI1•b.hyle, " Yea Wye little Eagles► sews-- why dom.( you bars • L.. . Conespoadest ?'• Now, nein-Pew simpli- city. this i• too sod. We we stud nweb-ay, we Sector ourselves prepared fur arra' aytbies Is the shape of home abwrdniee, but we do ac- knowledge that this doer is rather str.g fee Dur tensa A Luoeew Conespoedeat of dm Harm tlioeel ! Joie leek at n-th.uk ef it -meditate o. tat ! Tea, yea -wooden mud .oaoenee will never cease ! Do jest (oppose as ea this remote verge of Ire province• with a circulation of fire or sir bemired, paying einem peeve for • preense le:ter oo every arrival of the Eoglish mail, woes the same coaveyaoce will bring a a copy u( Witmer .ad Smith's European Time., w the Lomdea Examiner. for one-third of the cost, any re of which enemies as much Laden news as our correspondent could cram into a whole doses of Mien, sad d a far mon creditable sod 'axial amaze, than can be obtained from the ge•enlity of private co reepoodeots. It may de well eso•gh for the 'knish Colonist, the Globe, Me Pilot, or such widely circulated pets 1. have Loudon cwrespeedeota They have the means end the patronage eo warrant each cor- reepoedence ; besides they have the respectabili- ty that will enable them remddy to obtain mea of talent and disuoeuon to act is this capacity, sad we are happy in being blest with the benefit of their private con•opo.deace without payiaa for it. But to think of a Loaders mngspo.deal for the humble and obscure Minos Sips!, who is only acgvaioted with the T.lux. Dirks and Harry, of the great Metropolis, would certsiely be 'an ..ggnvation of " fledge 1 •' We do ora know the meaning of this very nfi.ed woid, bet we an like the old ma■ who was asked what he meant by the phrase "abauaet soden," which he used in his daily prayer; lis said he was sun " it meant toe uUiwg, for it was lord by the great Ralph Erskine." We are Pe_ that •• fudge" means something, fr we dare sees it used.uiaglphaolly by great authors However, as oor circulatioo and ruspsdahilitq are daily increasing, there is a probability that we may be compelled to e.uablish • Leaden cones pondence; and as then is neither credit nor profit in haring any dealings with our old friends who are not known to any person beyond the precincts of the dirty, dark lea or alley, io which they reside, -we Have resolved epos " making an arrangement" with s ma of dis- tinction, namely, " Tom More of Flea Street." whose notoriety, founded on his connexion with a speaking Jackdaw, is •Imnst universal and everlasting; for Tom is one of these Wandering Jews that die ! He has been known is Condon -yea, throughout the world for ages, sed he will coauane to be popular and admired for sees yet to come ! The very name 1 each .o illustrious man as Lando° correspondent to the Signal. world. of itself, rendelns independent r e short time. But to be Serious, we mast bowel? imform our readers, that we do most heartily despite blustering ; every thing io the shape of shams and gulling does receive our ungoalited reproba- tion ; and therefore we wish it to be distinctly, understood, that we have not the slightest inten- tion of publishing extras, of employing • Lon- don correspondent, of publishing two editions weekly, nor of refering to whole columns of advertisements from China, Kaferland or Yaokee town• io proof of our extensive circulation. In fact, the opinion which we hold of the iohabi- tante of Huron, se far at we are aequa oted with themconvinces a that such childish trash would only be regarded also many silly attempts to insult their undentaoding ; and therefore we intended, and do not now promise, any such extnvagaoces. We did sot even intend to make oar humble sheet the exclusive vehicle of prliameolry proceedings, which are Area to at (east, three-foortha of our readers u soon u they .re koowo to as, and to many d them much earlier. We will, for the benefit of re country subscribers, give an abstract of the paring polities of the dal ; and the wbetsnce of such speeches as contain the developement Of important political principles, or a expo- sition of any measure which may be inter- esting to the country. But the idea of e.hgbt- ening the people of Goderick wish the proceedings of Parliament, which they bad reed in the Montreal papers a week before bs.d, is only equalled is absurdity by the idea of the '• Loudon correspondent." The use of • country newspaper does not toe- eist so much in telling the people of the oeigh- bourhood what the rem of the world are doing, r in telling the rest of the world whatever winter - eating in its own locality. Its the represe•la- live of its awn coortitseaey ; soda .maty or district wanting a newspaper, is like a e.etite- ency wanting a representative. la short, oar intention wee, and is, to represent the cooditioa and ialerrsl. n( Haven ; and io addition to • condensed summary of Prhaneeal,ry intelli- gence,. to bring before our readers moth ..dal ME.wITAL IMPROVEMENT. The fur tipper ('.us.d.so blender,' (Wert I..ldwin, l'. uerou, Pi oe aoJ Mocks), who are pew b arerek members d the Epson ee 5.. i.e., will vet.,. I,nsonlia sly Se solicit the s;.pe.barrm of their mown -cos eon•nt.encies w ale epp,iotmeuts wtiich they bare accepted. There Ishtar dustier their re -trice hes, and thy -te- rm, Mere a jv.t ss little oeeresily for bespeak - ..g the good -will of the 'lemons Bat is order t. illustrate the .npriocipled duplicity of the dowppoirte4 (ectius, .bo roluaterily acksow• ledged that they were incapable of coadaetieg tete g.rrnrwrsi, we are throw out a few re- aurts is the Coale* they will panne -for ander • the present circumstances they ea. have bat one course whuch or e.nsietent with their policy. - ..Ile new aJ.niniatnlion hare offered no measure mat can be iatr.dueed as the stalking bug -bear. fhe coatemplaled rubbery of King's College, did i.ot take at the la,t0?feoaon ; the religiose prin- ciples of the insulted denom,eslio.s rose up mightily ageiat it, sad hence it dare so: be brought froward again. But something mat be done. It would be Ignoble to give op the ghat without one convulsive atr.ggle. It wosW not 1.e consistent with eke chivalry d Toryiam.- Tb. Tories exist 10 all -countries by Moulting the ■ndentandlogs of the people. They can Sung a any amoral of g.11..bility is the great promiscuous masa, and therefore they tbiuk that they ora, with impunity, offer uy 00111trom, however rnnientic or atwurd. And on the pre- eeirt homier emergency, tl.• ■n:ert.nate, the lien. Leis Joseph Papist -so, must submit to become the raw-hs.d-sad-i sr.dy-l.u.s for the '!'ones of ICE'''. Oxford, and the First and Fourth Ridings of York. They are utterly incapable of nraulacianeg any other knod of eeirrikor or b•gleboe at prevent ; sod therefore we hope that Mr. Papioeas will past take it as easy es possible, ea I the result will be decisive e,ide0ee of two imp nisei fats: first, that the people of Upper Cased* think for themselves. and second, that they are not in aha least afraid of Mr. Papioeau and his 0ide.y-two Resolutions ; their confi- dence in rbeir oro Reprrautatives, and their Lew sad allegiance to the laud of their nativity, are tors well founded to be dimioished by each trifling occurre.ees. Thus, however, will be Ilse Tory alarm at the coming elections. French ministry, French supremacy, French language, en Preach disloyalty or treason, all embodied in the tingle person of Louie Joseph Pspineau ! We wonder if they veld not borrow the "woof - e• shoe," of Lord George Gordon ! The idea of the wooden shoes is decidedly the most sub- lime eeneeptioo iq the whole science of gulling. Jost imegioe Mr. Pulpiness stalking through the coaly of fent dragging a pair of large clutmy ironwood shoes on his feet, and the ex -Solicitor Geueral following in his :rail ever and anon pointing emphatically to the shoes, and exclaim - jog -et" Thera I elector. of Kept ! there is your . doom if yoy, return Malcolm .Cameron ! Such an exhibition would jut be an admirable finale to the comedy of Canadian toryism. The llamdtoa Spectator has already danced olf to the -air d"Shall Britons submit to the thraldom of Gaul," mud be will be'Grllowed by everything Tory that can either crawl or creep 6om the coning of die Ottawa sod 8t. Law- rence to tie mouth of the Meitlud, till at length the dance will exhibit an appearance sufficiently grotesque to rival the graphic descriptios of the witches at "Alloway Kirk." Little blame can be lunched to the final' things to whom nature never entrusted anything in the shape of ideas- tbey are like bays in • crowd, they stoat because mea shout : but it is matter of regret to see men who roan actullrlhink, and write, and reason, becoming leaden .in such contemptible sham - work. Bat the •' light of other days has faded'." Mee hart- ceased to look through the distorted medium of .'arming rumours, or to be ipguenced in their conduct by the doleful predictiaa of the terror -mongers. They look tie facts, and ore ,Got is wertb mon than a whole cut -load of ibis marry b;u.,tcri.g. A FEW AFTER TIIOUGIITfS. DLDICIT.O WIT■ TIII 13T10n D•LICLCT TJ T.a aRI*T POILIC it GKJIK.►L, a•D TO TIM Reit/CM Or Tilt 110A05 Halal. U PARTICULAR. The old Scotch proverb thin " Poke ha'e na a' their wits shoot them lit se time." ha been ver- ified in tae serious onerwon♦ perpetrated by as 11 the first lease of our paper. We dad mentidu ■ few things which we iateuded to do, and a few things which we intended wet to do, but we for- got a great many things belonging to both these lames of things ; and this forget ie beginning to lead oeewo.ally to some nnpleeant occur - noon ; ecur-moms; and as we have as ungosl:fied butting to what ere call the habit of ifiuteriieg, that is, umkiag • great .amber it age 'wellug prom - which eons -tenet tells us we shall 6. able to (.:1111. We sty that we hart so invete- rate disn.ke to this 'overrate habit ; and there• fore, we shall, is this article, sandy m, enders w iib regard to a somber d r ags which we l neer totemir ha. s..4. m (mart. em 4 may b. ...lord M ...wet esaylu.ie In the language of tie old Scotch farmer, who, when Inc herd -My e.mpleined of hod victuals, said. •• Why, villas. 1 heeht [promised] y het few dainties, .ad just as few aball ye get.'• A versh eerie into ear oflie•, and •Repo• hole commoo- 1 tateversaont asks gene importantly. •• Whydodon'tuyou publish an Extra from time to lura•"' Now, sop moral ap.ke-arvn even Comte el p.blimki•.g me earn ! Oar mama, we tbmk, iso pretty strong. It is only now .uh.en►•r. In tows that the .ern .0.14.1 be em- .ryed, and before we a"mid get up a r -1.N ie Ivy,., the raison of the rx•ra son -Id M k.nwa • •.4 lathed .wet from owe end •: G,d.rie' to the oder, W. 'eight triad beadles •1 them to the r,a, try poet taken. bel ..r aMenben would 'on a..,w that we Mei p.blu dh d thew, sod then (.err they wool' jest he all ,ear west ewe had y.a,p,mvl rhes rimier . .ed the people would lir .larged wild 11..i. -s pewee. is feet it mesa A. • erre roiw.tlr hie* i •Riselaia s few d sere „ik...ryta 1 almwen envy tows sad eJ1yp Is - The eehireemeuts et the Wawa wad have Wee perhaps mere meaer•ea art ewe woes. tarn daring the Mr bey )tors, thaw tory were during the precetksg pve m.tswirs.1- Asseb ab. p1ile •why d mend -that in. the randy of its aster sad cepabhws-bas bre prier rush a aepwoedra.rd earwt.ossi ear .N)twgb math elals.ble lafessionise se the wh- jyWhaa bits OMwised by experiment sold eiglasl observatios,-.till, .tordertag .a the most im- powt sad Isar gearally i.azettisg d all suyotr, 1t ie yr • melts of wonder that it um .spin a e.mprwtively hide sUcatw. 11 Iso, hawrere, bora ohm nwarked that there is • and praetors is w la pas, and etredec. ad admin, -se perceive sad he4.saled with the beanies sod sublimates of distant pbe.smesa, while ha overlooks eaurely the copal breams sad sublimates that are smattered es his every- day path. For example, we an filled with ad - annum ea coatemplatieg the rays of lieu orgaaisisg the gorgeous eolosn of the rain- bow, and we feel oarless sad • aimss to know something of their nature ; bat the aichi- lecture and beauty of the modest wild weed Sower afford equal groead of admintios, and we heedlessly tread it reader (not. la like maser we are struck with wonder, a.d amassmrat, sad exultation, when we behold the steamship, the locomotive engine, the magnetic telegraph, a.d the othrgireasaad atmishiog •.liatiew• cava: po.itiooe,lad decompositi.e, effected by chem- ical agencies ; bat although these various 4,,.. diem- Unreatioaa sad appinettiose, bare resulted from something within oarrrelvee which sat be fat mon minable sad mon woaderfel than its pred.ctioss, we scarcely ever Mak of avaltaisg of ieve.tiptiag the eaten or qualities of Ib. remarkable .emetki•g, but rarely .sheat me- i/elves with as occasional exclamation of " Hew wo•derful an the powers d the human Md I " Aad yet the formates of what an here called the wooderful powers of the human tied, le jam as such the resell of physical age•sey sad piy.- ieal eireemetaseea as the magnetic telemapb, et the steamship. And of all the biographies that Aare ever beta published, the biography el • human mid would certainly be the moat Pet- atiag. la seder to be properly .aderstood, we most give a few eaplseatioes: •:i Ent, we de not ,reread to know what mild i.. Gar haps- ledge of its powers or repabil*tss, s pmbmsd frore mouses obeervatio. ; this ohrerM1i.i teaches es that thea capabilities srs dtffrees ie different iaduvidaals,e, u it is vulgarly eapratsd. there ,re. strong minds .ad weak muds. The a certain pontos of ibis difference is attribstable to the amoral organisation of lr brain, or the peculiar quality el the origins mental emeade evident. front the fact that se two harms aids are ever foetid to be exactly alike, nn wheel cultivated and acted qs by the same exmraal circumstances. Bot that thea circuttlatsaoet do exert a great influence is the prodsctieros of this differeace, is "abaadastly obvious hem the universal admiesiea that oar soli. of a .twig or superior miorts 1ved from ter quantity or quality of the idews which it pots forth, sad we is know that all ideas are produced or seggeers by external eircemstawes. It will warmly be sup- posed, eves by the most illiterate, that ale ase wbo had .ever mixed is civilized soeiolla res known anything of modern mechanics, weld invent or 0000(1 ct a steam engine, ser would his incapacity for the achievement rise entirely from the inferiority of his mental rp•is•ti$m; for it may safely be presomed, that even :acne; Watt, with his own mechanical mind, if brought o p ander Indian circumstances, could aver have produced a steam engine. Sack a prolamine e can only result from a combustion of ideas wbizh could not possibly be suggested by Inds circumstances. We hope ws have sow cabled the readerlo comprebe.d diliisetiy our meaniig of the propwitioe that the weaderfal powers of the human stied are produced by physeal agency, ✓ aguely. that these powers mutt from • modem - ti. 1 idea created r suggested by external circumstances. In speaking of the biography ef the human mind, we 50.55 a simple narrative the various circumstances which wggestd the various idea ; the samociation of those ids sod their inAdesee on the general eharetter ef the individual. Every lana has readergoae the operation d this process of iniad-riskiag, ad has received from it • dreier pee.lsrehar•eter. Every one of . are daily experie0eing s emtia- aatiom 1 it is his owo person, sad looking .poo its origia sod progress is infanta. and yet per- haps set sea of as eoald deliver himself of via raiimal idea es the subject. We have baa dwelling in the closets, gazing. the stars, ex- & Mieing the mom, measuring the planets, and ransacking and scrotinizing the arcane of rair- pal nature. and then we marvel tad admire, sod extol the wooderful powers of the hums miad which can accomplish such magnificeet arbin- eneete, but we forget to think hew very few disown minds are possessed of thea capabilities, or how far the production d thea weederfel powers depends upa °Pelves. 'We belie.* honestly that every child esters the world witti- est a prole idea, that its feeble efforts is mere► d its mother's breast or ether weimewee, d0 est e melt from thought but from feriae ; ad that ns Ant aenshmeat eemma.leatee ier hat ides We have fregamily metra an i•tiat rile epos the nurse's lap befre it wow an boor .ld ; bet we sever imagined that ib. smile wee acrd by some pinpag thought paeans mem the sled, segaedd It sorely avai.ary bet agreeable A *r earyra •hese. "err saw, .L fretiras we race onki.gly exhibited a *ream e.mkim Mr, where renege sunnier of she kslmra, q. rug d the lips, *mere, d the wages, (arises sorra of the ems said eye -lido, mad mos a mineral tapeworm el the verse sea pet forth a.eomweiealy and appwriy without pear ; sadist all the movie .ata .a a Jowly bare raw may ee eatliw.ly •eerwsed far without the eappeeltioe of thoughts or ideas. Oar P- eon for seppeeiUg that It receives a ides with its fine ..ririmeet k, that is cases where it be. received first the torwessee which eaten pro- vided few It, w. haw .hared that wore lying . the kepi sorsa es bmaes, h has iaeli.ed la aroma .het eke ogles plass . ..d we mart W hew time rbie magenity is rum the result of i..ieei or anew eg tri is. Dat it is rotten. that i1 erosible ierwor.i.•r se be eamm•siee. td Is the Wad at rho Mei? pried. Irk rehe- ar* sleet be try 515ai1.r7, *Wog to aha soh r ampuls gator .f oho amirial sab•mmpi le vented from furgeuasg its m.ier's breast sample by ata eosstaat famdi•nty with it lee here. thea. that meatal tnpreeeeseat, se nether mea- Ia1 fl Iter* esa.meres ; sad epos the wbr- queaI trimmest and eucamauaces. dspe•d the gondol sad quaere) d Nee•, th. pilau es r so.Yseaa .4 the fors Mmes iniad is a veep iwprtaat degree. We have fonerify retsarhsd. that the venni wguiaura 4i*ra is thlissoee.i i•dri4aals, eerierporuoes or temeiel..s of she bars as baser in row time h others ; this difference is the majority of eine..., proba- bly stisss Chum the law of bendiWy tresomisaita. or ham alma p,c.lisrity is .flee .enolase d thR psrrate (pee especially of iele maths) i hem. the susceptibility of treiru4 iarpleoisr r idea fire a prowler elan 1 oueanmtasata r muck sir.sger in some thee a others. W. Mow that omnis pon.oas of t1s Maio are ap- propriated to the locaten of certain waseeptibili- ties, and that the sirs .red reality d the we de - tortoise' the seutesess and summit of the other; we know that these w.eeptibilitiea an sot the linin nor the ideas, .od farther we know see sea They ctrtute all that now abstractly d that mystarroes thing ea mind. And it is probable tint epee the certain existeoe of these aoarptibilities, Locke as/ .then erected the Pula* of irises' ideas, the erne of which em- irate aaiply in eahalitotisg the cause for the effect, or the power for the net. Bet though it could be demoateated that • child eaten the world with certain ideas or iabereat tbo.ghts, the fact weeW be of little service, as we are all aware that every ides which bis bets practically s.rvieable to ss, was derived from esperieatsl sad obeenatia ; Menton the inheres* ideas n at have expended themselves' wry early as we cm recollect aodnag d either ibs(w sitars or Tis the Hander Seslisd - DOINGS Or TIAs ortamTloN. Her Napery's (101to.. saisority h the Hour y have ales14y gime *tuition of thou i.Wnuus to assay the sew admiaistrslien .. mush ole poeslbss sed to throw e•wytee talked/ M) *bat Hef r in a .rut bl/ bels... Breves) bad tb. nava saw ministry Mee made pblto, when politbos wars proa.ted against the at aM Hen. r. Mhcha kw OAKS, set the Heft. R. Baldwin iae the Fourth Riddiag of York. This course of coducl is as unprecedented as it is u.gpseruus. It shows the length the lot petty will go to sbetruet the intentions, sad thwart ter deeigns of their political op - poseurs, but it will not bring them ooe whit serer the domtred end -namely, the re- assumpIloa of legislative power. These petitions will only bays the effect of creat- ing a hills uncalled for sad unprofitable dis- coeaioe is the Hesse. They will not alter the position.of the •ituag c'eobers, nor add one vote to the auurrical strength of the oppesiuon but they will courier portion of the valuable cable time of. members, and entail u additwoal expense upon the esu* try. it Peter Carroll, after having dunk irate- atiniously out of the House, supp..ecd for a momeat that he could defeat Mr. "hocks is Oxford, why did be sol wait until he could have an opportunity of meeting him at the hustfags. Mr. Hirks' appointment to the offer of laepector General, readers it sere - eery that be should immediately twee before his coaatitueats, and Mr. Carron would thee have had another opportunity of testi. his popularity, But no -this would haves • enure too dignified and honorable for him to pursue. He dare not again present him- self to the iadigmnt and moulted electors of Oxford, hot be has petitioned against the return oI Mr. Macao, on the ground of the insumpesey of his qualification, ad by this Mesas strive to embarrass the Minotry as mush as possible while the matter is being inuugated. Peter's name has now bees len rough before the public, con.eetad with a matter 00 disgracelul ss to be con - demised aver by many of the party to whom be profeseem attachmrt, asd if he bad poseessed a grain of common /core, he weetd sot allow himself to be trade a cat's- paw of to the preeest Posture. We are merry to sea that the member for Hand- les has lent brawl( to the wpport of Petery Whoa. IIB his had experience loosgb is them matters to know that the subject will be dismissed " or both frivol..s and vexatious ;' but probably he wants to give Peter ai,othr hurt is the Beale m public opinion, grid place bin in a stilt darker light before his ceuntrvmen. Mr. Score's petition te still more" frivo- lous" tiro that of Mr. Carroll. After all his boasting, be was shamefully beaten, and we are assured that he has sot even the shadow of an excuse for bringing the matter before the House. But suppose we admit, fur the sake of argument, that on a scrutiny of votes, the elecuoo fur the Fourth Riding would be set aside ; all that Mr. Stobia could gain would bee new election. Bot Yr. Baldwin's appsintmeat roodere a sew etectioa necessary at .11 wrest) therefore Mf. Scobie might bar saved Itim..if the trouble of petitioning and. the House of Assembly the trouble of investigating, by ineeuDg Mr. Baldwin at the hust1oge.- Tbis would have been the more honorable COOPS", bat what have the opposition to do with honor T ,aftw t001s. 501. .Ig .. shit., pab.,.f ef gird policy, but revery a.hj•et esteefited to pramste the imlelleetual and moral prosperity of moo tad whethr nor articles for this p-irpose may be wiente'rselected, we shall steady pruner sad simplicity .t style sad mower, so that all who reed may andretend W. d..st regard ear - melees as wnwng fr say party r musrrry ; sea wish to write (Ion the peeps.. We mut or pleee, err pennon, sot p.re.eap-1505 the pslre.gr e( as nay eabser.bers u win enable ea to live : ted s long es we eau thesis the, withoet 5.y essegreesir 1 pnwe.ple, we are wilbag to re- pi7 see bel.bl. abettors ie a nd•ei.g ter whorl wr e.o.ider the pantie wed. And if we (s4 ie tAmeieing eopp t1. epee Ibppi MPM, we are peeled is ba.ieg hies •ereoesed to tabor ; W whale we ens heed'. • millet sad ebims4 e o h.lsi.e-r led tew/rel. we will sereriedr••e.4 1eve by the..pri.dpe4 pmeur ofg.giyg. No base mar p . _Past. heroes,, is seka.wlsdei g that we me daay rpizei.g the arm strsmr4l reefs of ter p.opit's wWsgales ole s.7pnl so spas ow N. terra.. LITERATURE. Of the semrroa this'sthat morose national reameaa, there is asthipg either so powerfal r pi permmae 1 a Literature. It is a marries -- a writes eslbaimoat of ter satirist raid, sad Muer ts iab.nt, m a Ona udfr•hle tamest, the imperishable erre of the aligio•1. &sides it Utbe dspaitory-the exabaleriag arsenal of all the ether es apowsie of enured gnetwa- The warlike g , the mannan ad cesteis- i'ahe far and iestie5M--aha whirrs sports ..d dynpia she oecles sad prdiatisss, the nationaltity,•odevre air Irgage of the weirs( Hebrews. Greet, and Roo.aa, have an bit periabed from the cart!. Their bunters alas reamias to ten reef their greater= and their glory. Even each will be the doom of the em- pires of ardent uvitiatsa ! A few marries will roll the dart pail of frgetfolxr over the aploadoera d their ravine -their retries - Orr mesons derminios-tbeti opioids► --thee civil policy -their commercial specs/otiose tad their ma.aera, .atoms, asd smuscm.ats, bat their Litaratsri will eiders while the work! stsodeth. It is both the carne ad star of ariliati. and dotioaal grater, and the era - in that would occupy • peomi0int pasties i. the scale of seisms eta osly hope for seeder from the somber sod rarity of her literary re- dactions. The Literature of Carrels, as might ressmohly be expected, is very limited. Tie aeeesdt7 to iaboar for .sterane., 1he want of proper sad equal medium of eomw.iaries- tberearcity of suer -the smattered popnlsties, dud the comparatively hole serial uteree.rr, se.mos to all' new eoenrrirs, dared int Buie oa..aragemeoi to literary eetetprir. It is bee, that poverty cannot ireene the (osetais d grains, ban it drew congeals the chaa..t :hr..gh whish it would Bow. The native oapiratiess d the mead cannot lea blotted oat by diie.tws r adverse circumstances, but they ars hemmed) Merhed is the atmosphere of .olitsde sad .b - merit?, which chino their femme befam they have ripened into effect. Cassia. however, i.. hesha• 10 ries above them wit►ri.g sireerstsa• eee, wed wo have already ..fftciest miasma Pt or remiss the akms.ta of • mtia.d irwatan. Then an sow is the briar saw- n) literary Periodicals. raw of which world be rendered se mesa riartata is the p olio. ti.aa`.d elder sad raze decmiad .amen... 1. particular we world refit is the fast pear, ss aha Literary (larked," as brag the afloat sad the meet widely cirmkted. 'Bee leaner his sow never its erred' year with isomer beauty sad pepetriny. It is pabliebed y Leeell tad Cilium'', Mesesed. aced has may Cmribe- tnrs not ally eleea. Mt rally takerd. The prevent aambr is embellished with a graphic and neatly exempted'sgrarirg ef SL Regis, as Indian village. The literary asaemia are aster WWI a.d varied. "lass Redgrave, a Vtlkg• Story," by Mn. (10.415, M a far as published, a baaufal epecia.s d the Marg imag►satier powers sad chola dates el ter writer. " The Last Sigh of aha Mer," by Arrow L. Mir, is Poetry d• wperiw•kiwi Bet our Wiwi% 1 net 0r jedgeers4 is sseatiase isfreseed by early ar.eatie.5, sad obat is dearest M es Is she promst somber of t1. " Oerksd." is ter Grave deer ass. -lased, sod cull dearly minim- bs.d hired aliNiar Motherwell. Esq., by Edmsed Hoverot, whir w• shall lake tdr liberty el tn.efeneg a the .rause of the sett Sepal We wend seat refer le the '! Victoria Mspaies" as a Carless Periodical. of whirl the aaaawl twat ta be peeved. Mrs. Meed., .der lir mares amass. Mir 0w•ash Bork - red, wee a fd•..nte almost as far bask as we !em slosh buskin that 1 mai% '44110 the ares to Mev' grim lery et ndpsdeg, ►5r artier. is t1. Diagrams sive whims* that her ime _were is jest as y.m& sad a ernes, mod r petrel es .ver. Mr. Meeks pomp* • (air p,.partise of h1. Pat, .ad • mleeb larger + .n of trial gnafitiea chat .tamilai. • shrewd psett.l samara -sew weer. We Iswe Ida e raser sad the herr ge'd'ese of hie Wert.- Wer eart-p. oar gla4 to .adrrnam4 that t1. eiredatia •t the " V ietrit Maguire" is i.srsasiag wad wt do hope that all who .n solicitor far 11. Aosaaisa of • raised Lad venae ear is Canada. ase who we ambitious of s sseesiag res idea of tr.ti.s.1 .anter with ear ..moa .terry will *nand their parrosOgs at swab seri is Literature. saint a ,the £ambria. PodiRTli l 1:147177.4TER FROM *UItoP1. Fran As Itbsliai Qslssips frier _ MS* meat. The Q.miri..rr salted ore the ilth tsrawer weeks sale riles. .k. o. the 1 Oth dmistW sesem aioo 01 phi. Flour has been eery dust etre ser throes} Bose, het without snitch 'a IBhrksts rather gems at the clow. Y1s.u. ✓<7s Ad,. Caw ger.. 11Ir. Wirt. Aa.ric.s. 1101. a gel.. Ceelen dos • Ith a id. Preldf lm ia fair dared, rather improvkit. REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Tho Royal Family lit felr Brit/ f As Corr d. Paris is Mag. T!. >v ili..- al Guards, strongly joined Isy th. People. - Considerable Ion of life. The Patau Royals and fhs Taillierws sacked. 4 Re- public called Jr.i.611 eseuri■ioa.fw..s of mita Pans. People is pamtrerian of Rail. soy Sfatie.s, and hart fors up At Rials - Outage of .Miaisrry in England 'spoiled Th. remota from Paris mate, that Louts Philippe bad abdicated, and that the Royal family had left Paris, and .re Bald to have landed at Duvet Tho Norma] Omni jitter the people o. the 93rd ultimo, and at moire o'clock the Polar Royale was attacked, asd soon fen tato the hands of tbe.peuple. Nim Modred levee are said to bays bra lost. Oen Lamnnciere was seriously, if toot aerially wounded. The Patau Royale was sacked. A Regency, under the Duoboaa of Or., Iran, was proposed. tad rejected. Ths Hoer missed to allow tto family o1 Lwin Philipps to neige the throes. All Pane was Is the trade of the Nauo.at Guards .ad the people. The Tusllri.o sou sacked, sod 11.(uriaurs bussed. The following is the latest :- Prue, Feb. 93.-A Republic has beta proclumod. The Kis` sad family hay* geek to England. The Premium's' Grim- mer WWI proposed and COPfirmed, or fol- lows :- Fres the Meshed Teasrript. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. MONDAY, March 15. The' House was occupied Meanly with roadse kudoer--presentauoa art readies petitio.i heiag disorder of the .seeing. A great somber of polities* were read ad hid os the table -among them the petition against that retro of the bon. Mr. Cayley for. Huron. The petition goriest the return of the hos. Mr. Baldwin for the Fourth Rides; of York was wtthdnwn. • Several boors were occupied in worst itemisers relative to the petition wise the rp10m of the hon. member for Bobe- e ntere, in twas.queses of some informality reopscuog the seal sod sigistore of the Justice of Peace which the rules of the Hoar require should he 'Seed: A opal was sow razed, but it wu eon tried by Mr. Column sad mate other .ambers that the said seal wu not attired when the petition was Brat presented. - The soiree • et objection was Anally post - posed en the motion of Mr. Deurrono, till a Baurs day for further investigation. it was .eperately moved and adopted, that 'the Hoe. Speaker should issue his wartime for writs fora new election of one member for ter City of Quebec, one member for ter City of Montreal, fur Trrebonne, for tie fourth ad had ridings of York. it was they moved by Mr. ?fermate, that the enquiry tato the pritir of Mr. Carroll arsine% the ratan of Mr. Hinck., for the .suety of Orford, be taken op on Wednes- day at four o'clock. This was objected to by Mr. J . 11. Cars. sow, m the gmad that Mr. Hi.eke had M/ entered Into hie recugeisaneee, and could sot waive them, not being a member of the Hoose - The diecusrns was still going on when we west to prow, and promised to occupy a len tiine in totting. The Dew Members of the greatly' Coun- cil were sot present in the House yesterday, is consequence of burg reigned their seats, until re-elected, is i iagndCe' bot they were tr nearly all ewe at drt}srea pends of the evening be6iad the Speaker's chair. A roarer prevails, ad is gemnlly credited, that the parliament wits be pro - =teed is the monies( this week, WAR lima autumn ; but nothing of the .alts was broeebed is the Howe priority, whish hes Misers before it fse every lay d ter weak. ser Th. seiner Ammar 1116 Terms Iso Rhhesw a t1.. )9th ism. 11100 Moa Se l miltea, sad SIM( hair m Igtpp-. i$ +fish they ora aures :.sod the sirs p iol rime ropier 4.117 sips Item re frame dep. • hi. DarrowT-- Pr.sddest of As ComaiL M. Du Laraa'ruio--rlfsider ej Fernier M. Aaa.e-Misuser of Marfa. M. Camenix-olfiwister of Jodie*. G . Boessu--,Visider a War. M. Masts--Afrisiater of Pride Writs. M. Lamm Rotten-MiaoNer • of the Isternor. M. BaTarrorr-JMiai.ser •of Ceerer. hi. Caaro'r-MiaiiI.r of ' mm1..:rao .. ties. M. Gom.cwaox Vaisttr Zf Fdaassw M. Osamu* Paap--Mayer of Polio. Gan. Cov>,rw ei,s-Gswerm► of dlrier.. GSM. De Comair.-Comaaadawi Gras - ref of JYati.al Guards. This ministry was subsequently imtelkd. The mecane of the ex -Camber of Pere have been interdicted: Alt communication with Paris by rail- road or dehgence is suspended: The new Worthy recommend that the people retain their revolutionary attitude. All classes take part in the revoRttios. T1e people ad Guard' sec.p all . the streets • and the Provincial Gov e.r.ss. was ettsblished arid cries " rima les Re - The Arose ria warned through ter streets, sad publicly burned ! Bavaara.-Lola Mortes, Coolies* of Laodsfelt, tine boss drives frost Bavaria by the rodents and people, is spits of the ef- torts of rhe Et.g torrent it. Accounts from Italy state, that the troops have retuned to Naples. Anthony gnoted.. Tbo'Awtnalr troops came tato contact with the students at Padua, aid one hundred persons were killed and wound - Rumors from Rome stalk, that the Pope is rather holding beck is his reforms, sad bad beep deposed. Roueoasn Rgmowarlow or Leap Jame Rus.IL ..-Then aro rumours fa Liver- pool, that Lord Jobs Russell hes resigned his Premiership, hie budget, Hie., blains caused much drs.stidaetios. The deficiency is ter versus teras !.- 900,00.,.11 Lord -John YaesaUa pi.p.ait to Inane.. thi Lever. Tel tel M per tart. for two years.' Wilmer's Timm aye, the Ministry is doomed, sad that they Meehan defeated is sacral aenetle.. The (`. . wars ended, aid the Chiefs having bees taken priraen. - Tbe Roestam have gshed sono wire- taps in Onassis. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. Now Yrs. 7 p. r . The Doebee d'Orlen.s, the Corr i Paris, sad the Dobe ds Names., have hese at the Charier of Deputies and hire bees rejected by the CMrskws, the felt who penetrated ser the , hs Chamher of Deputise hes desl.ni revs( tie p.rwwsoacs, and have refired the fared, of Lear Pbillipps to resiga the Thswe.- T►oro will be g rMt shorts made 1. support the Dreher (Orton.. ,TM idea of a republr is sot erasable to ter passe deputise. M Chamber* near to -day. hot the Pito- lam overpowered the ma yeoeei+ty. T'he King at cos o'eatick left the. Parr of the Tetfleria. escorted by 40 of the cavalry of the N.uowsl Guard sad sorrel regretter of regular rivalry. The earner, went by W Quays as the barriers of Peary. The Mqe iten►.arW- drmw. at noon -day. • . . _ Net s soldier is M be saw. -ilii trops of t-he.lise•ha.a irs+te eiesi •asitbethe. 1'Aa- siosd Guards, sail the Natic.slemards with the people. All forearms bSHp.ea the two aides d 1ths lime la sat .fE . •ASM. B.vrameat w111 be orgasimmi &Ms%Repobbe,prep iib. assail s/ Iii Umbel A prem- at pears Mitsui 11M snort bsee jest p ss*.the ✓ Asir.Minh.. s tetsad the Ilderr".ies byre. Theo len MM." *Oar lea of IA, sad is army heMeggs . r, the troops reflood to set spear 1b VIM ?be sumb.r IOW is said is be sir! eerli rte pWs lly s w sdgbRonk,btsedJ .. P.Ronk, .ad becomes Het 604 be 4'oiilmrimw Tis A. attempt was .oda via the Mtee 6 e► Staled: The Mesta 11111/41411. istrials reediews.. iM Cweet►,.mgl.sa it.Ii.. • (pea. wr b ier 'i 'jog .At: &+ tr kg tial 1111111111111 Two Lamm EttLato ow Tis Ratt.aaaa.-' As the author trail sf res, en T1.sAy resist ase passing from PleabMPg t. Athol, Mass., os the. Vermont •d Massachusetts lir, .d whoa akar the •roswsg, mart • mile sad • half abase is depot is ?ft/bruit, s hers and 11u1 t with tem ladies passel the rsitred, wises the bora became f igbtseed end bashed the sleigh on the trek. by which beth the ladies were throws out fa host of As .arise, ns req, end Morally killer. -- The sogias, ter roe stifle bras was ors to bash, se.eds4 she arrow and the Info was .early stepped when the Aral solar. Irk pre. lite tssg. ee Wise who Are lost tlrlr #,. were Me. odors, M1. of Abashes Willey elf i Isrbbsyip as 4 ber t1.tlgbar, ■neve kw* fekvest, .i Wilt Wei alp l Wee 111111111111 IiTerai bar. e