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NOTE Palm MltlB -- 1)--
?erases, deer Lady, emu !roe wrote
Yoshida rhoaght and les. deeogeed
That thietbri.e•welcomt hole sore.
FhouW cast a shadow o'er my misd-
Ah ' •o. yon coal) sot -wosW out try
fu cwt ase one regretful sigh.
list whirs 1 saw ale well -k sows heed,
And trsc'd the lively friesdehip he,
That sparkled forth ss 1'-11, se Mond,
My wandering thoughts toted after thee
Aol ell the gI.ont of parting p.m,
Like ghostly dreams, returned apo.
1 felt thy gentle fingers press
A farewell which thou could'st not speak,
1 sew thy amides ienders..s
Bring tear•drups o'er they bloormeg check,
Ad though the mediate world reprove,
1 kww chase tears sere tears .f -late.
Yes, love !-forgive the word -nor deem,
1 nae it i• its vulgar seen,
Expressive of that giddy dream
That wraps young hearts is food shapes..,
A.d sakes them hope from Hymen's ties
A Wiwi which kw can realise.
No, thia. is not that selfish low,
That io the future seeks reward,
It breathes a parity above
The common kelingt.of regard -
To me, at lent, it echo'd then -
Tbe love which angels bear to men.
The wand wysjrisadd:p-bot, alas
Cold deeds are bellow 'd by this name,
Tea, beanies" deeds that often pass
O'er bononr's brow the blush erotism",
Bet w cold act nor thought supine
Deals is Mat.1bears of thine.
Perhaps we never more may meet.
Bat still within this anxious mind
Thy much lord form --thy friendship sweet.
A brother's residence shall find,
Aad if my payer could give thee bliss
1111 pray in deep devotedness.
Adieu, dear girl -a fond farewell,
But, so ! 1 will sot breathe it now,
Why prematurely ring the knell
T. wri011 grief's furrows on my brew
Perbaps 1 dea.m'J-or did lorget
The hope that I will meet thee yet.
Goderich,14th March, 1848.
PROS "Tex wa*ata."-1T MIN eaLT.
cal! oe hers for a convincing retiree My
sewed cornea, 3 fees tiled, wasp he saw
my Seaartp t• the sewspapees, • cute to
awe for bey htsaaett ts.wtsg that I would
estara:ly be on the side of fleverssaest, WSIOLEHALR AND RIIICPAiL STORE.
and orating t',al the once of distributor o1
"tempo se ow dewily omission tetie tweet. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO.,
So o just came into my head in the tack d LI AVE always ow head a choice aasoll-
owe to mak* a pleasant r.•jwnder to soy [ ,,,ent of l loads of fancy and
turd ; aa4 atcordtwgly 1 was se good tie sty STAP DRY 6001)B, GROCERIE,B,
woos.; and to make the matter .. eery as S Cir )(' kc.,
peeubi., I WW hlu,, tie my )terular manner, Hard 41004 fresh y.
whoa 1 called, that l was cuwo for the opo• lac ke.
as Meek i! selected from the
'mete/ rimed.
1 could sea that he was a little mere prtnelpal ',alehouses in New York and
starched in 1.1. office than in the lobby ; but Montreal they feel conidsat that they' can
1 was detertuised to be troubled with le f.,rntsh a superior article for lees price then
diffidence, and said, "My lord, you'll find it can bo obtaineti elsewhere lo Pee lluruo
Me a yuan epee to cosvictIon--a very small Ut.tnct, a. in .I1 cash transactions they
restos will satisfy me at this tune ; butt, to hate re.ulveJ te deal upon the principle of
be plats with your loid.bsp, 1 must have • Knell profits and extensive sales. They
reason, -not that 1 say the Government is solicit an examination of tbeir ample stoc
far wrong, but I have an taclmauuo to of New Goode from all intending put.,
think that the Opposition is almost io the chasers.
right." And tlieu 1 stated to his lordship, N. 13.-.A11 kinds of farm produce taken
in • genteel manner, what James GIN had In exchange for good's, for wbich the high•
said to me, -adding, "It's but • small place, est market price.will be allowed• (ft
and maybe your lordehop would think me Go*erlch, Feb. 3, 1848.
more dtscrecl if 1 would Ile by for some-
. long better ; bot 1 wish to eooyince hie
Majusty'e Government that I'm a moderate
man, rid it loyal inclination."
His lordship replied, "'That he had every
inclination to serve an mdepeneent member,
CuAI'Txa 1'1.
Having thus explained my popular elec-
tion for the well-known ancient borough of
Frailtown, as the member for which I made
niy appearance among the knights and bur-
gesses in Parliament assembled, I will now
proceed to relate what next came to pass.
1t will be seen that l took my seat In the
middle of the session, which many of my
Indian friends thought was • couple trick,
because the event at •the time made no
noise ; whereas, if 1 bad waited for the
general election, tbat ill•tongued tinkter.
the daily press, would hare been peeking
at my tail maybe, as I was going in, duly
'PILE Bobsedbbtwould announce to these
1 who are indebted to him, either by
Note or Batik Account, are requested to
but the King's government could not be I call with WILLIAM lis SMITH and set -
carried on
t patronage ; be was, how- ale the "ams on or. bo ere the !0th of March
ever, well disposed to oblige me." next ; and if said accounts are not settled
" my lord," said 1, "if 1 was seeking • by that time, they will be placed ler the
favour for , 1 would not ask for such hands of the Clerk of the Court fur cullcc-
a paltry plaatace as this ; but I'm a man that ileo. .
Any person having any dame, or ac-
counts against the eubecriber, will call on
air. tV iltiam G. Smith fur final settlement
of the same.
Goderich, Feb., 25, 1849. 4-w3
wants nothing ; only at would be a sort tat
satisfaction to oblige this very meftoriou.
roan, Mr. filed."
We had then some further talk ; and l.e
gave mea promise, that it the place was nut
given away, my friend should have It.
"Fru very much obliged to yon, my lord,
fur this earnest of your gouda., ill to me ;
and really, my lord, had I tbuught oou wore
so well teemed, I woold have Iuo.od for
a more convincing reason :" at which he
langbed, and to we parted. But, two days
after, when the vacancy was declared, be
said to me, with a sly go, " That 1 vas a
cd d
BY the subscriber, that valuable property
situated in the township of Gudcrith,
nn Lot 10, 4th concession, within 51 miles
of the town of Goderich ; there is a good
Saw Still on it and 80 acres of land, 20
man eery hard to be
"r t" subcriber baviug commenced best-
." nese is Gederseh-and with the view of
earryieg oo lits operatiooe with more facili-
ty and euocces, is is want of (ash -01n
the fellow, tag valuable property taw sale,
resemble' to the 3uerield ton et Cbatbasi,
the Distrtct scat fur Kwest, fur cash valy
via :-
That advantageously situated property
is Chatham North. containing FOUR wa-
ter Lots -according to the town plot .or -
sty -with a good and substantial two story
Dwelling Iluirie thereon, Kttchce, as ex-
cellent gimlet), summer house, !`c , bee.,
notable fur a large family or a public
Hotel, a Barn 40' feet by 24, and a large
encl,ecd Building well adapted fur distilling
or for storage, being erected on a substau-
tiaharf, mooring vessels of over 300
tons burthen. On the premises Is also an
invaluable Sprin?, tho excellencies of Its
waters are nut surprised in the District.
Two Building Lots in Chatham North
Mak G , well situated, being opposite the
new Bridge, shortly to be erected.
A large tvto story Frame house fronting
the Barracks, 40 feet by Ori, nearly fioi.byd,
with half an acre Lot belonging.
enmvatu an .te acres cleared. It is a never failioa stream
qutred y lord,"
o d," quo'l o , I di well ado ted for as Machinery, such as
" boy ed in
" I did not hope to Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery,
he taunted tat this •moaner for applying to and Griot h1i!I.
N. B. -Will bo "old cheap for cash, or
pert of the money may he fur a few years.
Apply to the proprietor.
G odkicb, Feb. 18, 1848. 3
your lordship to serve an honest man with
such • bit trifling post."
" Trifling 1" he exclaimed ; " it is • thou-
sand a -year at least !"
" Well, my lord, if it be, Mr. Gled is as
well worthy of it as another ; I want noth-
ing myself ; but if your lordship thinks that
the Government is to be @creed by over-
valuing small famous, my course in Parlia-
ment is very clear."
His lordship upon this was of a lo'kl.cr
nature than I could Date expected, and
therefore i reined myself in to moderation ;
for i naw I had gottoo an advantage, and in
more ways than one. Thie was the case
for in my Indian ignoraoce i tioiti;;ht a Jm-
tributor of stamps was eo:ne beggarly con-
cern of a hundred a -gear, but a thousand
was really past hope ; it war, however, not
judicious to thunk so before my lot d.
The object and intent in the formation of
Agricultural Societies, is to'compess and
effect measures unattainable by lirdlviduatm
or smaller bodies ; such as the importing of
articles of every description gnarl and
beneficial to Agriculturists et large, re- , ,
elected, among the rest of the clanjamfrct re-
quiring funds not generally at the dtiposal TO CAPITALISTS.
THOSE indebted to the SubscrIffet are
requested to meke immediate pay-
ment, or else their notes and accounts . will
be put into rho hand of an attorney (move!:
Goderich, Feb. 18th, 1848. 31f
reopectfully solicits the patronage of
the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity,
and trusts, by Strict atlentiOL, to merit a
share of their favours.
N. B. -Hard Biscuit and all kinds of
Crackers on hand. Cakes made to order.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 t(
No sooner bad i, as it was •toted in the
of individuals to.cullect and diasemiaate
n ewspapers, taken the oaths and my seat
than I lifted my eyes and looked about me
and the first and foremost revolution that
1 came to, was, not to take a part at firs
in the debates. I was above the vain pre
tenaio0 of making speeches ; I knew that a
wholesome member of Parliament was not
talkative, but attended to solid business
I was also convinced, that unlere I put •
good pries on my commodity, there would
he no disposition to deal fairly by me. Ac
cuttingly, I resolved for the first week not
to take my mat in any particular part of
Dm Hoes*, bot to shift from side to side
with the speakers on the gnestion, as if to
/tear them better ; and this i managed in so
discreet a manner, that 1 observed by the
Friday night, whew there was a gnat @piers,
that the ministers, from the treasury bencb,
pursued me with their eyes to fascinate me,
woedering, no doubt, with what side I
wemld rota -hot I voted with neither.-
either—That some 'vetting, mon than one of my
Mende Inquired of Bos what i tbooght of the
giestioe. By obit 1 could gimes that my
cotdeet was • matter of speculation ; so i
said to thew that; a really, much was to be
said on both sides ; but 1 had made up my
Wed wet to vote the ewe way or the otber
until i get • consenting reason •"
Tbie was thought • Road joke, tied so it
was circulated through the (louse, inannech
se that, when we broke up at seven o'clock
nos the Saturday a*erwisg, one of the innate -
tame • youag soft-headed lad, took hold of
are by the army in the lobby, sod inquired,
in • petted anew, if i bad got • coovin-
cieg resume. i gave him thereupon a nod
ad • wish, and said, " Not yet ; but i ex
tented sea moon, when i would do myself
the knower eif tattle( upon him ;" which lie
was very well plot nttd to hear, and shook their obtaining from their native soil all the
she y the heat with a cordiality by tom I necessaries fur their comfort and happiness.
etwoe wits he wished me good night,- The Agriculturist the present time,
trseti " as he said, "that we should M'
stands in a widely different poeltion from
that of diest progenitor, when in the
days rR }intoes innocence it only de-
volved upon him, as a siturce of healthful
reereatien, in his paradisaic .tate, to " dress
and keep" the well stored and ever -teeming
garden of Eden ; for on the Iapee of his
obedience, a new injunction au laid upon
him, to " till" the ground. Recreative
pleasure was exchanged for arduous toil,
and craving nocesetty demanded unceasing
exerrions. Spontaneous 1lenty hired into
.early supply, and this only to te procured
by constant and careful anrdafty.
Tho Agricultural Sociebee of Great
Mitten hate greatly contributed to the
advancement of book thenrettcll and prac-
tical Agriculture. and have the support of
the highest and the most enlightened men
in the kingdom, receiving the eanohnn and
asastanco of the I.egi.lature, and the
patronage of Royalty ; ani the prudence
and wisdom of granter atieh seaport to
Agriculture and all oil dpnnefs, has never
been c•Ilsd a quest toe ly rbcs whose
opinion is worthy of regard.-.Xrir ed&
A lung legged Yankee, on - yiailing a
menagerie, sudd.nty came no the ekph.nt
wh.renp'n ha luras. to toe keeper, and
wird with surprise.: •' Thunder and Iighl-
nln' ! mister, what donne! critter have yon
got here, with a tail on both ends r
all such information as shaft be acquired by OOD ;nil safe investments, Valuable
" the few" for the benefit of all ; -to foster G MILL SITES sod FARMS for sale
and encourage all laudable endeavour", and on Lakelioron. •
check and denounce all errors of practice A good Mill Privilege on the Lake shore
and theory ; to incite to industry.and skill, within six miles of Goderich, having 36
by the award of premiums for the best I etre. of excellent Land, the Mill can be
measures and operations, or for the exhibition built on the rock, and- within 50 feet of ten
of mechanical ingenuity in all matters con- feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam
netted with Agriculture ; to create a spirit can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a trifling
of generous rivalry and emulation, and expense and on a never failing stream,abun-
stimulate to increased exertions both of in- dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity.
tellect and manual performance in the tillage also, a splendid Mill privilege half a
of the soil, and the practice and manaa- mile up on the Eighteen mile River which
ement of Agriculture in general ; so (hat an ie navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres
amount and better description of the 0e- ofirat rate land, plenty of Pim and other
eetearie• of life fur the community, may Saw -logs in the vicinity.
result from their labour and inquiries, and AND ALSO -Four of the beat descrip-
by a combination of talent and knowledge, tion of FARMS on and near the Lake
and an union of purport., to adopt such Shore, with improvements.
measures as shall bring before the public, The above well selected and very valuable
and place in its true potties, the paramount property will be sold low for cash, or hall
importance of Agriculture, and Its claim to the purchase money may remain for three
the support of every class of the cum- or four years on mortgage.
manity. - Apply (if by letter post paid) to Law -
Such being the object of these instituations renco Levenson, Esq., London, Robert
it must be evident to every unprejudiced Parke, E.q., Goderich, or to the proprietor
mind that they have a legitimate right to JOHN HAWKiNS.
universal support. Food 1e the first want Port Albert,Goderich, Feb.,3, 1848. lel
of man, and the necessity for its production
is p e-emioent and irresistible; luxuries
may be diepen.ed with ; but life -supporting
nutriment must be supplied, and for Ant, in
its moot compact form, and most beneficial
state, the whole must look to the Agri-
Agriculture is an art of such importance
to mankind, that their very existence,
especially in a .tate of society, depends upon
it. The strength of nations is in proportion
to their skilful cultivation of the soil. And
their independence is best promoted and
secured, and their patriotism animated, by
SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excel'ent
Land situated nit the banks of the River
Thames, only three miles below the town
of Cbetlum, with a dwelling Moore there-
on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high
. tate of cultivation.
All, or part, of tho above property will
be sold on reasonable terms for cash down,
or one-fourth down, and the remainder in
three yearly instatments. Title unquestion-
able. For further particulars enquire of
M. to 0. Dulsen, Chatham, or to the pro-
prietor at Goderich.
Guderieh, Jan. 98, 1848. 1
r1 11E Subscribers beg to deform the ia-
1 Labisasto r.( the Homo District, that
they Nm ie full operetta), their NEW
FOUNDRY, which (or convenience and
the facility with which the work is dune,
equate, they feel proud to season, soy
country foudry In Canada.
•They furtber pledge themselves to the
Wilk to sell all Goods In tbar line, as
cheap, it not cheaper ; as good, if not bet-
ter, than they can be obtained from any
other foundry to Canada or elsewhere.
The patronage they hare met with during
the "bort time they have been in business
here, warrants the above statement, and
they take this opportunity of informing
their friends and the public that they will
nee every exertion in their power to main-
tain the character, they Most, they have
fully established for lbemle lve".
They will have on hand Threshing Mills,
Saw Milt and Grist hill Castings ; Reac-
tion Water -wheels, Smut Machines of the
latest and most approved plan, Steam En-
gines, and all kinds of hollow -ware, each
as Bake Kettle,, Bellow Pot", Tea Keltlee,
Sugar Kettles ; deo, various sizes of Cook-
ing and Parlour Store", and every descrip-
tion of Ploughs, k., bra.
In addition to the above, they are ready
to reccite orders for BELLS from five to
ten hundred pounds weight, and warranted
to be well tuned.
Goderich, Jaouaay 29, 1818. 1y
w oos be better acquainted." "It will not
he my fault," quo' 1, " if we are not."
With that we parted ; and i could see
be lis rye fe my neck that hethelight, with
the light heed of youth, that he had made
• edam' emgnem by hiscoedewcension.
Now, this small matter regnires an ezpla
mews, for the benefit of other new mem
bens. If a man bus all hie eyes about him
be will wenn discern that a ministry, if i
hes three or foo" decent, quid-farrent men
is for *helmet put composed of juveniles
-.estate 'preetiees-the '3prouta and off-
shenia of the powerful famtlie.. With
thew lies the means of eonrtliating mem-
bers ; for the weightier metal of the minis.
bent is employed in public affairs, and to the
"seekers is 'odds' the dietnhulinn of the
i•etreuagat,-for a Rend reason, it enables
thea to melee friends and a p.117 by the
Wma shat they 'none, ie the course of aa-
ttieaa te ieberit the upp.r AAieee.
W wet Urea long in IM Ileum till 1
pine iced this ; aad as my ohject in bele, at
Ahs "'pewee of ged.g therewetn sae to mol'
p'N•r 1•.e myself, 1 was not dispte.o-d a'
elle seta d 5.4111', evekhlf tip to r.•. ; and
a Mm enilsswty emu found. 11.61 the tree
vary al Karweo/ rMrnmiwy redeem-. with
renewerssed, M slffy a ret the eppee heed
pi thin saw* fry.
/ as thin strewn., there wee a pure
amt army fur try re elms -fly ny ing 1 would
H. 13. O'CONNOR,
TAKES this opportunity of retyrning his
AL sincere thanks to his friends and the
public for the liberal support and distin-
guished patronage he has received since the
opening of his Establishment in Goderich,
and begs to assure them that he will still
continue to supply them with the best and
cheapest articles in his line as usual. 11e
would direct their attention to his varied
and eztentensivo importations which he to
now receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE-
the low price. of which he is certain will
speak for them"elves, and for quality and
variety cannot be surpassed in Western
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848.
Butter, Wheat, Oat., Barley, Corn,
kc., and every description of Farmer's
Produce taken in exchange. Cash will be
paid for good Grass Seed, Hides and Fara.
BEGri►pe,tfnlly t atntlonnee to the
militia at urge, t they are new
opening out at their et re next door to Mr.
Lentoo's, aad opposite Mr. Daley's, a new
and Select Stock of DRY GO O IIS ,
GROCERIES, Sac., ahieh having been
purchased by an experienced ►oyer, and for
Cash, in the Home and Montreal markets,
they aril determine; to offer at prices that
will defy competition. They only request
the favour of a call from intending pur-
chasers to convince thew .1 chi. fart.
11. O'CONNOR k CIa.
Stratford, Jan. 28, 1848. 1t1
-IjARRiSTBRB, Mterwyy Soti.itefe j0
LP Cbaacory,
CHATHAM, G. W. (}utipriiab, Jan. iib, 1848. 1
THE above Periodicals are reprinted de
New York, immediately on their ar-
rival by the British Steamer", to a beauti-
ful clear type, on fins white paper, and are
faithful &pied of the originate -Blackwood"
Magazine being ass enact fee -simile of the
Edinburgh edition.
- The wide -spread fame r.f these splendid
Periudicalf renders it needless to say much
in their praise. As literary organs, they
stand far to advance of any works of a si-
milar stamp now published, while the poli-
tical complexion of each is marked by a
dignity, candour, and forbarance not often
found in works ofa party character.
They embrace the view" of the three
great parties in England -Whig, Tory,
and• Radseal-Blackwood ad the London
Quarterly are Tory ; the Edinbugl Re-
view, Whig ; and the Westminster, Radical..
The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary,
being devoted prsscipelly to criticisms iso
foreign Continental Works.
The prices of the Re -prints are less than
one-third of those of the foreign copies, and
while they are equally well got up, they
afford all that advantage to the American
over the English reader.
?ATarlr:.T To BE r*DR 1N ADVANCE.
For any oue of the four Reviews, 113,00 per an.
For any two do do 5,00 "
Fur any three do do 7,00 "
For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 "
For Blackwood's Magazine..... 3,00 "
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews.10,00 '•
N. B. In order that the subscribers may
be enabled to discharge, the pledgee given
in the above advertisement, they must in -
mat upon prompt payment", therefore, ofall
Notes and Book Accounts now due, imrae-
diate payment is requested.
Four copies of any or all of the above
works will be sent to one address on pay-
ment of the regular subscription for three -
the fourth copy being gratis.
Remittances and communications
must be made in all cases without expense
to the publishers. The former may always
be done through a Postmaster, by bending
him the amount to be remitted taking his
receipt, end forwarding it by mail, post-
paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a
letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers.
N. B. -The postage on these Periodicals
is reduced by the late l'ost Office law to
about one-third the former rates, making ,a
very important soviet in the expense to
mail subset ibers.
(7'in all tis principal cities and towns
throughout the United States to which
there is a direct Reared or Water com-
munlcetton from the City of New York,
these periodicals will be delivered free of
Pub1i kers, 112, Foltoa-sl., N. 1'
Suiscribers in Canada may receive
their numbers at the surest Amerman Post
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1
THEhigh sad envied celebrity which
these pres.iaast Medicine Mea ae-
geired for their iota:table "Spey in all
the diseases which they profess to lett,
has 'widowed lbs usual practice of pallieg
set only uuseceesary, bet wwworthy of
livers. They are knows by their fruits ;
their good works totally fee then, and they
tbriN aslby ID. Wtb of the creddoss.
1N ALL CA5SIb of Aet#rew, Acute and
Chrome Rheumatism, Affections u( the
Bladder sod Kidney', Blftuue Fevers aad
Liner COniylanta.
la the South ass l \Vest *bore thole drs-
eavcs prevail, they will be found'evalue-
ble. Flusters, tannery, and album, who
once use these Medmcinee, will never Le
witbout them.
Bilious Cholic, and Serous Imoseucse,
Biles, Costiveness, Cultist and Coughs,
Cholic, Cuneumption. Used with great
success in this disease. Corrupt Humor",
Dropsies, Dyspepsia. No person with thgi
distressing Music, should delay using these
medicines immediately.
Eruptions of the Skta. Erysipelas, Flair
Fever and Ague. For this scourge of
the wes'ern country these medicines wilt
be found a safe, speedy, and certain reme-
dy. Other medicines leave the "totem
subject to a return of the domain -a more
by these medicines is permanent. Try
them, be satisfied, and be CURED.
Foulness of Complexion, General Debt"
lily, Gout, Gtddinees, Gravel, Headaches,
of every kind, toward Feyer, inflammatory
Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss
of Appetite, Lifer Complaint., Leprosy,
Loosen.., Mercurial Masses.
Never fads to eradicate entirely all the
effects of Mercury iutintlety sourer than
the most powerful preparation of Sarsape.
Night Sweat', Nervous Debility, Ner-
vous Complains of a'1 kinds, O►game Af-
fections, Palpitation of the 'kart, -Painter's
Y11F:3The origimal proprietor of
there med,icines was cured of Piles of 35
years standing ley IDs use of these Life
Medicines alone.
PAINS in the head, side, back, limbo.
joints and orlon.
RHEUMATISM. Those aflLcted with
this terrible disease, will be sure of relief
by the Lifeialedicines.
Rush of Blued to the Head, Scanty,
Saltrheum, Swellings.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its worst
forme, Ulcers, of every description. -
WOItMS, of all kinds, are effectual,
expelled by these Medicines. Parents will
do well to administer them wheoever their
existence is suspected. Relief will be c.
IS Published erery Tuesday, Tkwrsday
and Saturday, at he Low Price of
TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay-
able intariably in advance.
The Transcript ie printed on a sheet
nearly as large as any used fu the I'rovince;
and should circumstances permit, 11 will be
still further enlarged in the course of the
ensuing summer.
During the approaching Session of Par-
liament the Transcript will contain Reports
of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen-
sive to furnish Record of all that odors in
both Legislative Bodies. _ y
As a Family Newspaper, the Transerf-pt
will support its old character. A portion
arts spare apnce will be devoted to the in-
sertion of miscellaneous natter of an in-
teresting and Literary character, and every
thing offensive to morals will be carefully
We have commenced, and inttepdvd to
centilitre, a series of Biographical Sketches
from Chamber's Miscellany of Useful and
Entertaining Tract. and other Woiks ; and
during the present season, notice will be
taken of the Lectures delivered at the
several Literary Institutions of this city,
which we commenced last winter, and
which gave general satisfaction.
("The price of Subscription of the
MO.T/RAL Taa e.cairr. (when sent by
mail) it TWEL1i,E SHILLINGS per an-
num, payable in advance. To faeitltq4t4 es•
mittances FIFTEEN SHILLIPR)S will
pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SHiL-
LINGS for Ten Months, and FIVE SHIL-
LINGS for Five Months. When the
period of subseription te surly'=ptrad, we
shall send three different copies of the
Transcript enclosed in Uwe or green
cover.: and if no ;remittance is made, the
Paper shall, in every case, be discon-
tinued. As the paper is given to subscri-
bers at the lowest possible price, all money
letters must be post -pard ; and those which
are not, the amount of postage will be de-
ducted from the money sent.
Q7"The Transcript is sent to Subscri-
bers in the country twice or three times a
week, at their option. The,twbole of the
reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's
papers being put into one .keel -thus sav-
ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the
price of subscription to the both fs the name.
Subscribers, in writing for the Transcript,
will pleas mention whether they wish the
tri -weekly or semi -weakly paper sent to
Glows 1.avn Drtr*arisgnr,
Montreal, 10th March, 1848.
NOTICE in hereby given, by order of
His Excellency the Admint.trator of
t :e Goverannnt in Council, to all persons
who have received locations of land in
Western Canada, since the 1st January,
1832, and also to parties located previous
to that date, whose Incatione were not in-
cluded in the list of unpatented lands, liable
to fbrfeiture, ptibli.hed 44 of April, 1889,
that nudes' the claimants or their legal
representatives establish their claims and
take nut their P.,ient. within Itro years
from this date, the land will be resumed by
Government le be ds"pooed of by Sale.
'O t
IN BARRELS,'tteap for each et rMrItet-
sbte produce, at the Stereo(
Feb. 11, 1848.
J,1,1,parties indebted to 1.. PECK, for
FRUIT TREES, either by Note or
Rook Account, ilea noted immediately,
well be pie •ed In Mn heeds of the Clerk of
the Duman Court lot oolk/etins.
('Nsw.papers with whom we exchange
will please copy this Notice which we will
be happy to reciprocate in the same way.
Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5
THE Editors of the Vicomte Meoaysa will
devote all tbeir talents to produce a useful
entertaining, aad cheap Periodical, for the Cana-
dian People ; which may afford amusement to
both old and young. Sketches sod Tales,
in verse and prose, Moral nosy, S1st,.Iieo of the
Colony, Scraps of Useful ioformatioe, 8eviews
of new Wotkr, and well selected articles from
the moat popular authors of the day, will form the
pages oldie Magaaiae.
The Editors feel confides t'kat the idep.ndest
and riming country to whore service they are
proud to dedicate their talcum, will rheeefully
laud its support to encourage their ardsons and
honourable ondertakisg. The low poem at
which the Periodical is placed, is is seder that
every person withia the Colony who neo nod,
and duties for ,real sad masted irspaeveveret
may bream* • sobarriber and panne dike week.
The Vicunas M.o.tr.s will cocain tweety-
four pages i• each aamber prated ss Sew type,
and upon good paper ; and will form at do sod
of the year a seat Volume., of 989 page., to-
gether with Title Page sod Index. •
1t will be hosed Meethly, eoarne.ci.g oa the
Fant of September, frog the ofF.. of JOSEPH
WILSON. Fret -street, Belleviil.-etbs Pi-
Ire►►r and eels Ptepei.tee, to where all eau' he
the Magafi.e1 ad lettere to tis FAite a, moat
M edile.,.d, (peet.psad.) The term. of .ab.
ismrieMv Y le paid is adesses
Goderich, Marsh 3, 1848. i .
thus removes!' disease from the system.
A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS
and Pll(ENIX BITTERS beyond the
reach •if competition in the estimation of
every patient.
The gewuioe of these medicines are sow
put up in white wrappers and labels, to-
gether with a pamphlet, called "Maffat's
Good Samaritan," containing the directions,
kc., on wbich is a dowing of Broadway
from NVall street to our.QtBee, by watch
strangers visiting the city sae very eeeil7
find us. The wrappers and Samaritans
aro copyrighted, therefore, those who pro-
cure them .Nth white wrappers can be
assured that they are genuine. Be careful,
and do not buy those with yellow wrappers t
but if you do, be satisfied that they conte
direct from ns, or dont touch them.
7 Prepared and sold by
3Sa Broadway, corner of Anthony street,
New York. For sale by
Sole Agate.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1
jAATSCHAW k ERGE, Southwest et.,
Sign of the Big Chair, beg most
respectfully t -o acquaint the public general-
ly, as well as new settlers coming into Use
Huron District, that they will find it to
their advantage to purchase at the above
eatablt.hment, as they continue to manu-
facture Cabinet Ware of every description,
such as Sideboards, Drawers, Sofas, plain
and fancy Bedsteads, Centre, Telescope,
Dining and Breakfast Tables, lee., Sec.,
kc., to suit purchaacrs, and as cheap as aoy
other establishment in the District.
They also maaufsetare Grecian, Fancy
and Windsor Ciminero good workmanship -
manner, and of the beat materials, -
Country produeo always taken in exchange
for an, of the above articles in their has,
at market prices.
N. B. -L. k E. request all those in-
debted to them, after long credit by note
or book ace m int, to call and settle the same
before the 15th of March next, or other-
wise they will be collected after that date
wi•h Costa.
Gedericb, Jas. 98, 1843. 1 U
is Paiute, Oils, Varnishes and galore;
Importer of Weenies Dagliak (el..iicals.
Every article sent from this Establishment
Warranted Genuine. No. 8, Stinson'a
Block, Kieg Street, Ilamflton.
January 20. 1848. 1
Tense ov ewe Helms Romero -TEN AAfjS'
LINOS per seem if pard ewieey in atlq$lw' '
or Twat.va 1110 Sex Ponce with the expired*.
of dm year.
No paper dieeoetiawed until ernes we
peel tip, wakes the publisher thinks it his Wyss -
tags to do en
Amy iedtvideel is ire esteem beeewieg ter'
"possible for eta sebemtben, stall resters •
•eventh eopy grste-
ET AII letters addressed te the Editae mast M
post paid. Of they win met M talo eel sf the
poet Wee.
Teem ne anvesieuroa,
Six !lues tial ander, first )Wftise..... tri 8 0
Asch .enasgsr•tfeisrAms..... A 0 11
'Pea lime aid seder. hew Msertiee0 8 4
Each isusttes. ell 10
Over ten lines, Mit ige.suett. per lie. 0 0 4
Fa . obpmspriaodnst a setise, per time
A ..iseaf df•a.amf a HIIM tp a "
Au low e""es>w' .• t