HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-17, Page 3— N Dses a, , .f a aerie= Meader is MA1t e Z T B • FARM FOR SALE
(tree the Orilla Coiswlta• ;he iaat•a!sllf rr+ othe tlip. thieve to 441•••••••••E NEW ►tlest I.xr,..40FTICIAL) ■l;o The rite sfbar,swIadeR►id+dgeneIj OT lie.!i,isthe 8thteseessina,Tew°-
Darseentees+, I la 14«a►. Ityy seem+ wpm wM•ek 1, Crwrr° L■°de see rid - kM faces hole rwnrd far s twmbsr of weeds- iJ ayp d UwisrwA, frost 111 acne n.Arr
is Eseeleescy m tares i,ka"J lea slake re, K'e are wry dot it. DN it fealty Neu howl • 1s Now Yest sd Liverped nwrketa the few- b.te. lad 7 aerma waw c►oppsi lead. wit► a
gou.1 teehvg. .,Muir Ari, hewever, oak* awyl* ikKy w dewesrmada. NEW ld)(d DAttN Ik UW CL'Q HOUSE,
ivies appeietmeste :- reparative at OW fest ossmieaee.11.cV1 of NN IoW was plwgbtd last (ell.
ss. /,. 41. LI/esviN. te e, a meow *ewe ePan - - Frsm W ilrwer and Dm;li's IGeopeas Ti.Tmes, esW Lot b situated a►uut t mdo hem
Wive Colored, for the province d (noels.
INFANTICIDE. - HORRIBLE DEfRA• oe ksts 111t paw as Wbw4 Tle+r• Yaoi A•gems;: Gdsrseh, lar' I u.iba from the Ilsrw
V ITT • N ether N Ihe aiieesss N Ihe IA•etPerdto•
deo to he Attorney Oenrral, for this part d ' het. The •an/atwe .: lbs Corp •ter
f'ro.ises fsrpwrly Lower Canada. A `tri named AN Criw was ureeleri uI. fill. B. CASH w.:1 ell r'erred dune to T
L Uwe s D. Std. sad , o d • member Aar d this City ss Monday se lust, b 001 extend* ys. then u ■limited i' N• sed Moe -
Amy to the rr, PATRICK LAYAN, r1,HDeE s s D+uauubscriher respectfully
asd i s 1 IE ply t AwastE that has R was established
bees felt In
n ee l CowU, sad oleo liksrsta►y Aim lowed
etheu pollee es. Ththaw k. W° 1i to Proprietor. tined el Caada• luwd clssesatuehs. The Biel► who market far Isla.; Niece .mey;.g P vieioHy, that he to prepared to emote .p the periodical Literature of Canada. Oe
to bo •'111 r d N ikasNtoo fes sawnl years, he- xis per bbl ; awl MNiltra it w wM le fie- la Goderid, N. INA 1848. orders ter the ape band, a ma)urtty of the weekly
H. Rain( Dsldwa4 resided asddspl ih t►t CARRIAGES, BUGGIES LCMBER 4 the tree
devoted,am their exclusive linen -
1 ,
Tomato lir LJ . 9D*. .. Wb. i, film wJ to 99s *Ion c the politics of air exclusive
a law n-
Executive Ceased d the Province of Canada, same swrcisab awl dN°•Warb+sud that her p t >t per beak • , FARMFOR SALE.
Attorney, General for that pert of the Pro- autumn of 18Mt,doeibtleetl kauwa to her (*derieh-east 90a, ►s+LIGIIT W AGI;UKld, Religion and kt.ldrwl topics, and on the
:e formerly knows u Upper Canada. condition shoold becomethe o her wt* 10J to 1,, pork 19e 6d to 17s id Homey Cutter, Comber Sleighs, (lige, Dos Carta, other, one "magazine" poured out eta
17r Hoa, F. !darts, to be • member d :be trisad°' Bio waaderei juju r bbl. woe ; bite beta lad trent, Jas : bey 'T'14P S°bscriber offers for sale Lot No. Me., and all other articles w bee line of
w 1 morality °tures on the sn°d,t°e°h•r•table,
Dior.cr, a far as Tud..ik, s b, where she le potetaea la 3d to laid Per nae is the ec•rnIb C.ateeu.n of the tameness. sod vtslly uuprutant subject of Cahiwl te,
r eine Coined, and inspector General of was •lteRJud by Dr. Chalk, slid ;ate birth leas the. Township of Colborne, \Noel Dwiriu°' N. B. Rc •inn om ( attended to.
,hc Acmrot°, for the Previewed bmnCanada. to male twine. The huopitaute inhabitants bei. There te on the prem;see • °mall Log Barn, P RIM Pty ,\grueulture.
io be •member Country Prwloem taken in part pry- Auhuuge it is iutporsible to treat of ph -
MI }dos- The. C. Airrie of the county maoifeeted much in lerost in with IS urea under good cultivation, and Inert,
JOHN 8A l'A(il he gees ug without, in wore ssdar, writing
the Executive fr Cooped of Croda, and Suliei• the (stout the uufurtuute sol, awl sup Led NOTICE. well (need. The Land is of excellrot Godericb,Feb. 181h 1848. J
quality, and within 6 miles of the Town u( y puhucr, yet the FAH Ait:K hu nut meJ-
Geaenl fur that pert of the Province,• flatfeet her
ovently with 11,0 vtsduag her during leer confins of e- mHE Comoro■ School Trustem a/ the V ch, containing 100 acres. --- died with ' pulled aur will it 'mealier leer
[,ower Canada. Y ' 1 Diatfict, are requested to meet at eke TERMS of Sale will be made known by BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR 'crupuluusly acvi l to tn• its objects aro
Tks Hes, ARON Liebe, to be a member of the inept. A subeeription was alto made inthe intcrcrnnp;, the useful, the necessary.
ive°tire Gaud, and President d the Execs- her behalf amen t' ilia congregation of the Common School House in Geduld*, on applying l0 %VuIlism Koberlaon, l sy., Can HOUSES, CARRIAGES, km. the
agriculture is the useful,
interest nece s uy.
F rco church is that geiXhborbwd. About Saturday, the 9Sth March, •t 1! u cluck, for ails Cuuipsuy'* O b e, Gudench, or to the l't i anco to the people of Canada, so i• it
s Conseil of lhli'ronoee of G°Dada' a month afterward, she Irft the premises in the purpose o( taking into consideration the subscriber.THE Subscriber would intimate to the
to be • member of temporary - reason of the District moneys nut havin1 ulhabttant* of l;udert• h and surround- awarded the to first place and the chief afters
TAe flea- R. E. Caren,which she had found a arm nr bonze, g DAVID SMITH. two in the columns u( the Fernier. F•mu-
teearive Ceased, sed to be Speaker of the with the children and two bund'es i0 her been paid to the School 'Teacher■ for last Goderieh, Much 1st, 1848. 6tt ing country, that be is ready to execute all
q year, order* for PAINTING, tau., list he may 1 "dun, acolwreguiauoor,EJu.uun,
:giantism Cooped of Canada. arms. Three quarters of a mile distant (loderiei, Much 17, 1848. 7Legislative eu•ctmenlr, au,' all questions
TM Hes. Jamas lienees Price, to be a mem .be called into a house, without the children ._ $300 REWARD. ba (xvougfd with ; sal d employers will bearing on Rho in Commercial regal pursuits 4 aI the
bb f ul•matenals, be engages to work at the country come, under impartial par its of he
r d the Executive 11.e Council, and Commissioner the lamoment,11 but os tance tthe fwlot meted iwal dry c she CUT NAILS. A BOY was stolen from his ptroota in cheapest rate, °rad give marc s ore *1uirs ewe.
Crows Lands, for the Province of Carmelo. was seen by other people acquainted with Short notices of useful books litc•; e
The Hon. L N. t'1gw, to be ■ member of the her, who observed Inst she was entirely the village of Napanock, county of than bas heretofore been extended to this selections, entertaining, uwtructiro and
ceeouvs Caned, and Receiver General of the alone Suip;uon being excited search was 41 -CASKS CUT NAILS, assorted sit- Ulster, and btate of New York, on the aect;o0 of the country. moral ;the improvementsandJucoceri. in
venue( Cued.. made for the infants, but without success. es, for sale by the Subscriber', whole- 14th 1ecctrber, 1847, and has been traced N. B. All kinds of merchantable Pro- Science and the useful arty ; a dials fur the
mar -
The floe E P. Tec4., to be • member d Qts The whole affair was shrouded in my- sale asst retail. into the western part of Caned•, duce taken In exchange
ARDrC Cr . ATSON. silica and the Senear for bo boys ;the Tie CAdd'r same is ALONZO McEL- kite at home and abroad, with the genera
itecati.e Council, std Chief C C.nndauoec of matter and
diil Tbureday, when tle more washeard .halk, the Goderieh, Mlurch 17, B. SEYMOURj4.it 7w4 ROY, son of the oi.der■igned, is four years Goderieh, February 11, 1848. 3 news of the Jay, complete the hill of fere to
Odic Works for the Province of Canada. Warden of the Iluron District, who war -- old id June 0ext, ha dark blue eyes, brown which we invite the 4.. of every
Tie Het. M. Cameron, to be • member of the the girl's medical attendant,aceom °led L ASTRAY. hair, and fair complexion, has a slight per. BRITISH HOTEL (sooty, i0 every 4.0toattentionn and town/hip of
peodieular scar near the middle of the tore- i
:xautire Ceased, and Anivast Coniwissioter • constable, arrived in this City, •t0 search of Canada.
f Peblic Works for the Province of Canada. her. She was created during the evening, ,A ME into the sodwuro of the snbseri• he d, running up into the hair three qurrter° (i O D E$ IC H. Thu first volume Las mot with' urtex-
It is vee a les seder*tood, that the office of and taken before George H, Armstrong, l i her, oo the Garbe Lot, Maitland Road,
I of an inch lung. The said Child has been LareLv t cNryan IIT Ya. MAC uirtNst ter, specie,' favour from the public and the
E -q -when a0 examination took place, butpursued by his Meted father from that press. The eacotuuwr of tho latter, au
esheitor Gewenl West, will be offered to Mr. .4.001 the 13th of September 1aet, a RED lace to Canada, when the trace of him liberally bestowed, would have consoled the
:. H. Blake-■ distinguishedhis
member of the uPoD As transaction.Theis Th. girlhwas, howl HEIFER, with white race and legs, rising vas Int. The boy has been seen with a THE Subscribers having -Leased Rho above y
could Editor
on2old.•d,.wad they pot received encourage-
, tow fur the benefit d his health.
and yesterday cderday morni g she was removed Spectator.oto prove property, pay rieifer , and take her malong pa tfull to intimate to their (Wends and meet. But the intestines' support of the
awn, otberwl.e N.J linter will he cold to
waggon with • reach and t doted P Y
sslumber box on three springs, with +box the public io ge°er•l, that they have opened (italic has been such as to warrant w, we
the lluro0 District. -Hess defray expenses, at lording to Statute madef for the ecce awn and accommalatiu° of P
— in such ease sod p'o,ided. sitting in the hind endo the waggon. P think in been in the publication.
gTUT►oan.-It appears ram • notice '° cur Any person who will procure the child Boarders •ix! Traveller►, whets they will
g Pu
le of From the Bathurst Corner. 3 \CUB WILLSON. g be ha to receive three who may honour The second volume will be superior to
d.erusiag colrmts that the good DeOPand deliver him to anyof tbo following happy the Ent in ,even) Lola . More time will
Goderieh. March 15, *848. 7w3 none, or give such information as will them with their patronage. it will always P°
11tnlssd ars immense.
to tical Branch Agri -
pebe hair stud to furnish the Table with an given to H by the Editors, and a number of
,pine al loci eswrynsw Their premium
.4 ge- —' ---- -- lead to his_ ree9very, shall receive the above y moos of the hi lied ualtfl. ttdoms have
reward. ample portion of the best productions of Pe C q
:ottani r a good will sward •premum of Eve Every day furnisher fresh proofs of the the season, and to keep their Bar supplied promised their uoutaoce tee eorresp0. .
►card fur ■ Stallion, to be retained is the efficacy of this powerful . 1 h ewri iD al- VALUABLE FARM LOTS -PleaK deliver the Child or give in -A number will be sent e a speceep d any
lev;atidg human suffering. ..The writer was roe labs formation to G. F. ROOD It CO., HIROM with Wines and Liquors of the best do- nen rc cerin it byleiter (or uIn to any
oeigblwarhood for the se•aon, and emeriti the ani- yesterday present roil assisted a very se• IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY : R. ANDREWS, A. H. STV WELL, (of sariptivn, eo as to merit the nppioval of q
mal meet the eosin approbation of the Judges Detroit': to John P. choir customers. Postage eau All orders should be seat
vera surgical operation, where its powers LOUR Lots on the First Concession of the Custom House,) J K GOODING, in byat 1st, or least or January, should
do e s rat
Rod ve puede°, the pt.SgL wills i be adainly were tion the removal
tested. The Uodench, fronting Lake Huron con- Stewart, of the Globe Hotel, Buffalo ; or to )OHM LANCASTER. may know r lelarge an edition to print. -
as ten i.,u bye. This is society,
a • from 14.n (tee removal of g large of about
s ' George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. The snow bowol large
il diefur the obpr Nos,
youngRaining 82, TJ, 87 and 58 acres res g Goderich, Jan 28,1848. Itf
}' ; Anyrun who aids in restoring the Child
liberal sea to be gives by •branch society, asst from the neck of a nus war ° performed Rifat Two of theca Lots have consider- Pe , B. uactiv lent attentive
will o afford- exh:.lasted nor edition of the 1st volume
it Mows that bei leading mend Strsteurd are twenty-four years of age,) Pe -. P to his afflicted rents, will truly serve the g some aux since, and to prevent such an oc-
b Dr. G. Russell of this place. able improvements, and one of them atom- cause of icted pt ed, seed.- active and atteduve Groom will
swan d the tact that the prosperity d agrleal- iece Chloroform, poured upon a t.10 d medtoua Two Story Log House, with Gat- humanity. M. H. MCELROY- be always in attendance• curranceu again, wit hope our Agents and all
tare is the paramount interest d that xenon d pisco o[ floe sponge, rrss applied closely den and Orchard. Likewise SIX LOTS others will send Inward their orders with-
Feb.18, 1848. out delay - Subscription SI in advance,
the corsetry, and this mach d that prosperity over the patient'• mouth and nose for about on the Second Concession, containing 80 Detroit, 'Toronto, Nov., 1847, ' 5
two mtoutea befure, and two minutes after acres each, two of them partially improved. NOTICE .
depends upon a0 improved breed of farm stock. FOR SALE,
commencing the operation, which occupied These Lots are situated on the Bayfield
aetMr Thee.
(tura 01 ford isa;maies ; Pe ' y Read, from six to eight mil. south of the ALL persons INDEBTED to the Sub.
hat Mr. Thos Douglass, tete of Galt, *OR SC- sweaty-orM minutes is all. The patient la flourishing Town of Goderieh ; the land is IT Tea rvhacaihaas. scriber, are hereby requested to call
epics the Farmers• Ion, and n pupated to mire, traytotly soli, not + qu:ver of a muscle be- WHOLESALE AND )RETAIL, and settle their accounts by the 90th of
seer to the necessities and comforts d the way- fraying the least sense of pain ; indeed, 10 set the hest quaky, and well watered, and
AN worriment d DRY GOODS, HARD -
r3, -WA
RD- March next, all Accounts then unsettled,
alta annce, ever limb might have been
front [.ors command • besuti(al view of
riot, ,ubhe. Mr. DNgINs is, we understated
ampuuted without his knowing anything of the Lake. WARRE ted CROCKERY, purchued in will positively he placed in the hands of the MR • MARLTO
• Scotch Borderer. and it may seely he tin it. Another remarkable feature, which1 For particulars apply (if by letter post .Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, Clerk of the Court for collection.
armed •beast d*seendsst elf the DsStglss d have never seen seeiioned ie any publish- paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderieh. and imported via. Montreal, at the lowest WALTER SHARP.
Chevy Chseei and t "shiveln mf imBsriera ed account, is. that the patient was quite March 17, 4848. 1 7tf rotes.
Godericb, Feb. 15, 1848._. _ Id
sensible of anything that war laid, and -A I. 5 0 -
answer, although is ether • dreamy PRIZE. FOR STALLION. Hbds• "Martel's" and "Heoneeey's " A. NASMYTH,
WHERE 19 THE MALI, 1 manner, any question asked, although per- gel quality Brandy,
We knew an old mea who Riled to drive mals featly r thio to pain.: Cues superior Pale Bherry Wine, FASHIONABLE TAILOR,
Although I have often seen accounts of THE STRATFORD [Branch] AGRI. do, do. port Wlne, RESPEC CFULLY acquaints his friends
with so old horse late the village ;n which we its-ssurprising effects In operations perform- CULTURAL SOCI Y, will this $aro. 4 ons. each, " nerclay, Perki." pod customers that be continues to
resided in Scotland : we see woes, however, he ed at a distance, yet this I believe, is the year, on the second Tuesday in April next, k Co.'s" Ponder, make men's wearing apparel, in the most
did sot drive them, be drew thew, w,. As sheer. Bet instance where its virtues have been offer for a STALLION a Penmen of £5, 'sls Muscovado Supr. approved and (s .ring le apparel,
and on short
walked the fell length of • long halter ie ed- .tested in this District, but judging from its and if to the satisfaction of the Judges and do Refined English Loaf Sugar, notice. And in returning thanks to the
vaoce d the horse, and with both heeds babied beneficial rewlts oo this oming g, 1 have Comm£12 10 tom, the Peke will M increased 10 Chests of Hymen Tea, 'and inhabitants of Goderieh and the surround -
hu beck trudged along still minis' at the end of 1,1110 doubt of its sae becoming general in £19 il).. Barrels of Syracuse FiNE SALT. ing neighbourhood, for the liberal e0cour-
tbe rope as d he istewdsd w tray the poor surround -
difficult eases -the next opportunity of sea- For pat'tieJ. E see heed hill*. M. B. SEYMUUA be CO. agement be bai-roceived, hopes by assidsi-
mg it. 1 will endeavour to give you aclear- J. E. LINTON, Secretary. (xoder ch, Feb., 24, 1848. 4w4 ty and punctuality, still to mens t eontiiiu•
emaciated animal. Oa *se oeesswa • iwlmch;r er desertpuoo of its effects. Stratford. Much let. 1848. - 7w4ince of their patromege. STRACHAN & LIZAR.S,
thous Int slipped the halter off the head of the , Your Obert sent., G:' STALLIONS. Goderieh, Feb. 3, 1848. to
horse and tied • piece of coal is it. Jsmie war Colton Place, March 8, 1848. FARMERS' INN, BARRiSTEIiS and Attorney at Law,
one of those happy mortals that sever look back- IRON . iJ Solicitors i° Chancery, Cosveysnoere,
wards, and accordingly be entered :the. village REMITTANCES RECEIVED. 8 T R A T F O R D, V ►riE]E HURON DISTRICT AGRICUL- Notary Public."
draggi•g the kilter, end perhaps' tiro puede BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. 11 TURAL SOCIETY, will award the TETE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a Goderieh, Lake Huron, Canada West.
For the Signal -from W.B. Rickards, M. P. following PREMIUMS, vie :- 1 loge quantity of almwt every descrip- Joan STaaatAN,
weight of cul with jou u mere dignity sed P , Brockville , Judge MaIbeh sed R. Lees. THE Subscriber (from G■It) bas lately £12 10 for the best,'and £7 10 for the tion of Iloop and Bar Iron, which will he Daum. Ilona 1J.AR+,
composure •s though he had been weight.
dragging the Perth ; and Alexander McCsaeesiie, N. 1 rented the above well eat°blished INN second best STALLION "hewn on the sold on the moat reasonable terms, Godericb, Jao. 118, 1848. Bml
old horse leaded with tea bradred weight. The Esq., gad HOTEL in the WNt cad of Stratford, Market Square, on Saturday, the 8th day T. GILMOUR it CO.
carrier d the Easton' bail N Tuesday was not Sherbrooke. from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. of April next. Feb. 11, 1848.
exactly so wkw•rd•loeking u Jamie dragging the John Sherman ; and he begs to say that be The Director, have the power to with- NOT 1 C E
homeless halter. He arrived at Godericb with O l t D, will endeavour to see the Public and Tray- hold either or both of the Premiums, should TOBACCO.
the horses and the w•ggoo, and we believe the In the Talbot District. on Thursday the 24th tellers well accommodated, and their com- the Horses shewn, in their opinion, be,un- HE next Sittings of the First DTVI•
forts attended to. He hu Recd Stabling, worthy. A N extensive stock which will be sold 1 SIGN COURT will be hell at the
leather hap. bot he forgot the Mail ! ! Aad d February 1848, Harman, wife of lcvtWo and an attentive Hostler. Ills Bar it well The Horses most cane in the District I cheap for cath. Goal of Goderieh, SATURDAY the first
the Hen d the long day and short joer•ey a- Story, aged 74 years, supplied with Brines and liquors. for tie seawo. T. GILMOUR be CO. of April next.
rived from Leaden sometime 'before daylightos - R. CUNINGHAME, Goderich, Feb. 11, 1848. 9 A. F. MORGAN,
Wednesday ! mo that we have lisle difficulty u TO PRINTERS. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Secretary. C!•rk First Division Court.
.eleciiog sews for our present issue. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 'lam Godericb, March 3, 1848. S SATINETTS GoJeilch, Feb., 25, 1848. - 4wa
The Fastem Mail war ferw•rded by special A COMPOSITOR wanted, one that has lied D. WATSON, OF ..new Textorss ted Pasterns for
aonvey.ueee, earl rescbed ss abet mid-day N A roete experience m Book work, will find EDUCATION. tr'ee'susoaTextures he sold for the .1. (3 "T E \Y A R T,
Tkarsdsy miscast employment •t this office, by they BARRISTER AND A'rroaNEYATLAw, very lowest remunerating profits. ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER at
•ppliea1100 MR. AND MRS. NAIRN'S SCHOOL, T. GILMOUR, tat CO. Lew, Solicitor hi Chancery, Convey -
Sewn. Orme, tsoua•roa IN CRApertav,.ateiaorTCTe live. derieb, freta. est, 1848. 2 aeerr, bee•, Office West. Street.
LITERATURE March 17, 1848, s For, English., R'ritiw6, 9ritAssdfe, OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARE. - Goderieh, March 1st, 1848. by
__ _ - ---- Geography asst Mdory. G O D E R I C H.
W. have received the wood number d the iT le the desire of the Teachers to givo Feb.,1848. iy NOTICE , ]NFORMAT{ON WANTIW
Amerind $ Fdwceai*w, tart u it contains little 1 Heir pupils a good English Education,
FAA 3i asst to impart to them a much i°torm°tio° TO ALL WHOM iT MAY CONCERN. "F WILf,iA\f IIEWB, aged if, whom
mora thea a emunu■uos of remarks upon the GILBERT TORTE, v
machinery d the School Bill, earl •promised ] ir Op,000 ACRES OF LAND a possible• bihor diel last Snmhser at Grosse
The exercises which they give in Writing T ADEES AND GENTLEMEN'S fwb- THE subscriber intending to leave Code- Isle 'The boy missed bis wether at Mon -
more iatemting. subjects in the text °ember, ft FOR SALE IN to Diction, necessarily lead to the compos- lI- ionable Boot and Shoe Maker, West rich, tales the o rtu ty of return-
eturn- ural in August tut. She i. now et great
affords little room for remark. We ■►e Plknow- CANADA WEST'. ing of Letters on business, and other met- Street, Goderieh. ing his grateful acknowledgment" to his agony n Aum him, and will he thankful for
however, to w e that the Editor has menden -tar°, f Lettecorrectly and grammatically. March, 1st, 1848. bub agmernua, honest and punctual customer information. Direct lis Margaret Hear,
ledged the sbieg i ,r mo y, and
for the liberal patronage which they have care i atio Daly, Esq„ Sargaret Heron
HE CANADA COMPANY have (or The Girls write their copies soil exerei- extended towards him dorm( his residence doing a they should
Incttheir money, asst propenes THE
abort 1,600,000 ACRES OF see in • separate apartment from the Boys, A 1,B I 0 N HOU 8 E ,this place ; while at the same time he District. - -
that mhoold hold half -yearly Leetarae in LAND ilispned tbrosghout most of the under the immediate superintendence of
JAMES' Street, one door west of the wishes tintimate that a much Qct uutn•
each Township. Wonder if he took the hint Townships to Upper Omuta --pearly 600.- Yrs. Nairn, J Commercial Baok, Hamilton, by h i iNrORMATiON WANTED
January, ti48. I. ESMUNDE, her of his customers have very far
km this third umber d the Huron Signal? 000 Acres are situated i° the Boron Tract, A class Inc Sewing will be op-ed P° y from prertraf ;sad the.. he requests in ! OF JOHN MORIAR1 i . who telt Ire -
well known as one of the most fertile parte 15th March from 3 Ill 4 o'clock.
friendly manner to call upon hind at theft land is Aped. 1843, seeompaa►d by
We also ackNwMdn the receipt d the New- of the Province -it hu trebled its popula- Terms ppesr Quarter 10s. his brother and utter, std arrived •t Quebec
reale Fsrwe, a mesthl masati°e, devoted tion in fire ear and now contains up- Ju.ior Clw7s.6d. - JOH N J. E. L1 NTON, earliest conventeace and settle their im-
y years, Sewing " 2".6. extra. R o T T a T r m ■ h t c, count*, as the nature of hie engagement' in June. They suboequestly proceeded to
exelasively to Agriesltarsl iat*ee4.. Ria pub- wards of 90,000 iohre olts. fit, uiros that all his bourses" in this District
Toronto in September Ginger ing ; *thee
limbed y H. Awes R°etas, et the office d the The LANDS ere offered by way of Mr, Nitro', Glace for French will meet, Queen's BCylt/i, s all he felly arranged befoan the first of that period John Moriarty hes savor been
Coheer Bear, and edited byThomas Pap.A LEA 8 E, . for Tes Year*, or for from and after 3rd April next, at 6 O'clock April, 1848, at which date all unsettled se- heard of. Itis ',opposed he went to the
aie b hearer d it eoua;u more Pr•eilnl ia. Hole, C A $ H D 0 1Y-tAe plan of in the eveoia , on Yottdgh Tuesdays, AND CONVEYANCER, counts will be banded over to an Attorney
Slates. Any infurnaauoi Ripecung min,
g ose f;/IA Cask, awl the Wanes is /ental- Thoradays and Fridays. STRATFOil .
atm foe the farmer ilio eat readily be ra*wb ►e( dors away soil . Terms two dollars a quarter. _ for eotiectiomi. tddrrssed to hie• sister, M Mesta°•
obtained elsewMn u the same number oipie,THOMAS \VATKiNS. TT, Post Office, Tkerskill, Canada Wert,
t6s sash tThe Rests payable 1st Feb/vary each There is a private. ass for Latin and WAGGONS AND SLEEGIIS. Gadetich )as. 98, 1818. 1 if will be thankfully teemed.
Ow "lain t in gen 'no pries . year, Dee about the interest et Six Per Geometry Rosi 7 till f Me evening, which •• r- ' Januar y0, 1848. 2
1 a 14. per thee. it r ehtttlsd to the Via- Gat.spoe the prim M the IAad. urea most may be joined by any wbo is ready to 110.7 EAST STREET, - -- l
lad indult the reach d soup b4. ail.* Lou, whs. LEASED, NO MONEY oammatu Sanest. IIARLT orrosrca TIM rpa1RTTI*lAR E.C. w 'A T S O N
I8 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst epos the Oailselsh, March 10, 1841. 8 FameN 0 T I C T. E.
We iikewiN nears out beet ticks foe the others, according to locality, 004 (w4 or THE Subscriber* begs leave to deform PAINTER AND GLAZIER, _
I.iiera►y Gsrlted," frees Montreal was ham tires yeah Rest, most w paid ip dva.es, T N B A T R E . THE
friesdo and the peblie at large, that PAPER !SANGER, +•c• 40. rills is Subscriber week'sneewses to dress
g eoveai the pewmie• d it, bet certain air- -hot these myosins wilt free the Settler he is sew prepared to receive order" for G O D E R 1 C H . 1 who are indebted to bun, either tar
pneleisd abs esisywwt, We „ frau farther dab until SAM w 4th year pHs Attttaisees set tidaeieb will have the LUMBER OR LiGHT WAGGONS, Note or Book Account, an ted N
rase the t]m,Mpd" earl the March somber d d ►i" Will sf Leasee. bosehrd phrforyriing tie play of "A which shall be mt0nfaetured of the bed - cell with WILLIAM G. SMITH mil set -
right to PURCHASE the FREE- t New wt NOld Debts." and the farce materiels, and by experienced workmen. CROCKERY• tie thiamine ea or be ore thefatb of Manch
tie " Vtetovr Magas,N ' 1■ Ni este. 1 pay
OLD at aag the an n i. is Le as the of a Lena a Lever, on 1 bsrsday and Harrows and Drags made to order ;
at a lied stem named is Leave, Rod 1>d Ll, triads of Percolate std Stoneware next ; and if thee estounta are set Ntt
Z Friday *molar the 11Jrd and 24th inst., at Plough Castings W° A at nduesd prices. by by that time, they will be /heed is the
W w;a sheeipt d the turtle ssiais(swef the an snowman Y wade amortise to ptMi• the Drttis► °tel. ALEXANDER MELVIN. T. GILMOUR It CO. bawls of tie Cloth of the Cenobite eellee-
•' Wafters 40 eke, y T. B. pastel peruse t. Qdorish, Mardi 10, 11148. 8 (weeteh, Feb. 9, 1848. !t( Tai. 11 1818 stun
French. rd A. Comm,Caner, Lemke, C. W. Ale Lista d Leda, missy ietith« la11eemt- ' -. --- --_-
Any peeve he,ias hay eiaisse. « so-
Ie t oidium • id tummies sews mil wr.t- 1ieh w be °Naiad, 1► Wiles.ines if IT DIV. COURT BLANKS, count" apm*t the aolise►tbw, erAi ed► w.
ao sstist.. N Ii.. T.ed. d whish it a as lease pi at the e eOsra°ea, D R . IIA tat I L T O N, TEAS, 7'EAA. Mr. William G. Smith for 8hsd oeltlowree{,
mowed sod agtparealy se state dveeus: Tie
Termite d R. Rrv°aLy R U D Q a • .W, RzNTL) e. a w vby
Me . e► F all qualities and al vtrimis rims, d the cares.
Ep, .fl isdet. Cofheree Di.ufet ; Dr. 01' T e T 1 s ■ t, tar sale tee t►e Il/rttwa W see. O T. GILMOUR. is CO. fi60RCR OLIVER.
preoral aumMv b greatly iesteased is sies shit AWse,t N J. C. W • Dear, N
P"aeam aMyelhiwamem respestrb4app5Naas. Qgrs{j Meewe Dtetelet• G O D E R I C H .
shag hr fesk. Feb. I I, 1a4R. Goderieh, Feb., f., Me.
Ns, it reseed• Qe+.gM Merck l'/, MN8. 1 Fe►., 104+8. > Ohievbcb, Jen. fi, 1848. 1
• ALLEN'S 1 N N.
A Family Joersel of Amierttasr-teteseel Im
provesseat-Literatsre--8ctewce- liewertl le-
u4ligehce-peblished every Sataiday. u R
Brower A Co..'Esubltahslewt, Torootw red
is view offered at the exceedug low price d
ONE DOLLAR per year
N has the honour to se-
nounce to the inhabitants of Stratford
and its neighbourhood, that with the assist-
ance of Amateurs from Goderieh, Strat-
ford ri.1 Wilmot, he will, on Tbnrselay and
Friday evening' the 18th and 17th inst.,
five Semser-from Sbt:kspear's Celebrated
Tragedy" of RICHARD Ill. and HAML-
TE1', after which, a Scene from the
Laughable Farce of FORTU N ES FROL-
IC, and to conclude with the entertaining
Corgedv of the RIVALS.
efieDouro open at half past six -per-
formance to commence at 60,50 precisely.
Bps. 2s. 6d., Pit 1*. 3d.
Goderieh, March 10, 1848. 6