HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-17, Page 1.EN SHILLINGS " TIIE GREA4TEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GBEATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER." • GODPRICII, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 18-18. rwmt.vr: AND am PEN( E AT THR 111011 OP TOM TRAIL. ST CHARLES DOLSEN, THOMAS MACQUEEN, rums. Erma woke( sea sea Job Printing, in the foehroli sed Fiesta languages, executed with PTO wasJgred east, 1 'vs waadered west, Throve' moey a weary wit? Bet memo OtTet rofgel The lave o' life's yeah' day ! The fire that 's blues on Reltsse 'Pee, May weel be black els Tale Bet Meatier h• awaits the heart Marrs first food lave grows wale. 0 dear, Mt Semi* Ilaniese. Ts Mashie e' byres mare BUD hag their shadaws ewes my path, They tidied my see wi" sant, east tsars. As smosery wainonas up The blithe Wiaks names. 1 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. [CO29111911019 MOD pea aerr.1 We have now followed Bonaparte to the moment of possessing himself of tbe su- preiva power. Those who were serocisied with bun in suir.--ung the governmout on the Directory, essayed to lay restralets el the Fust Consul, who wits to take their place. But he indIgnantlj repelled them. He bold the sword, and with this, not only lotinedated the selfish, hot awed and silenced the petriot.c who saw too plainly, 040 11 could, only be wrestled foes hint by rencw- mg the horrors of the revolution. • .We now prs.ceinl to corisider some of the means by which he consolidated las power, and tamed it into the imperial d gnity. We consider there as much more important illustrations of his character than hie sue - coulee campaigns, to whtch accordingly 'T was thee we lion ilk itlser wee!, °I' OTOS thee we twit did par. Sweet tim•--ead time '. twa Minis at whale, Tent Mires, and bat as heart ! *Twos dies we wit on as laigh biok, Te Mr ilk idler lest ; • mi teen, and looks, and smiles were shed, Remembenel overman.. I weeder, Jeanie, aften yet, When Bitting ma that bink, Cheek teuelaia' cheek, loof locked is loaf, Wiest oar wee heads could think. Wiles Math best doun ower ae braid page, Ttay Ort01 On thy teems, bet My teems was in thee. 0, Mad ye how w• huag ear heeds, How cheeks breat red wi' shame, Wheseer the schale-weaselughie. mid, Ws eleek'd thegither Mune Lod =tied ye o' the Saturdays, (The settute then AWN ar time,) 'Vilma we ran aff to 'peel the braes— broomy braes o' Jam My headline rotted sad resod about,. bly heart flows like a ars, As au by au the theehts rush back 0' seele-time aad o' thee. lichtsome days sad hem Whas hineled hopes around oar hearts Like sitomet blossoms sprang zling spectacle ; but Bonaparte, headieg • edopting. anti sympethising with papule' hurde of spore, compelled to deebt and fear Ind recited superstitious', were able to pre's. these base itestrumeets of Ms reefer, c-atti• them Into the 'mkt, of their institutions. They were were enough to build on a pre - pelted to divide them tato bands, sod to re - ems • deily repest• from eacb, 00 teat by emoting (mitt, and etuJiously to conform to bidancing damn against each piker aud sift- it. Boasperte. m a country ut Infidelity mg their testimony, be Wald gether the ead &timid's, and ,e1.11st 'triable to ICIfiLin truth ; Bonaparte, thus employed,„ is and, - shies bee inipogine. reqhlres, leo greet elevation of thougtt to look down on sects th• &gaiety and degradation which it re- volves, the begtertiog of that actributom Anse her mean. by vi hich the First Cooell protected hos power, can excite Po wonder. That lie thould fitter the press. should subject the journals and more finsititisalt works of literature to jealous sdperintood- epee, these were thiage of course. Frfalt writiog and despelista lie such implacable low, that we hardly thiek of blaming a tyrant for keeping uo terms with the solp,„1. Ile cannot do It. Ile u reason lily we shall give little attention.- i 'loose a volcano for the founijatton o his One of bis firet measures for giving sta- t.tirone Neceseit is lael upon him, unless Inlay to his power, wee certainly a w tic is in. love with Yruirt, fo check- the bold one, and was obviously dictated by his aitu- ation and character. Havieg seized the first dignity in the state by military force, and leaning on a devoted soldiery, he was under no necessity of binding hirese'f to any of the parties which had distracted the coun- try, a vassalage to which his domineering spirit could di have stooped. Polley and bis lore of mastery pointed out to him an iodiseriminate employment of the leading men of all parties ; and not a few of these had-beeume no eelfiah and desperate in the disastrous progrienrof the revolution, that they were ready to- break up old connex- toes, and to divide the spoils ot the Re- public with 'master. Accordingly,he adopt- ed a syrtem of eomprelsonsion and lenity, from wbich even the emgrauta were not excluder!, and had the satisfaction of seeing almost the whole talent which the revolu- tion bad quickened, leagued in the execu- tion of his plans. Under the abie men whom be called to hie aid, the li11800011 *ad the war departrneut, whtch bad fallen tot° a cosifusion that threatened ruin to the state, were soon restored to order, asid means and forces provided for retrieving the recent defeats and disgraces of the French The feeds es to mention another and most importaat and effemeal means by which Napoleon secured and enlarged his power. We refer toile brilliant campaign immediately fullowtng his elevation to the Coagulate, and which restored to Frame tho ascendancy which she had lost during his absence. On he success at this junc- ture his future fortitnes wholly depended. it wag in this campaign that he proved him- miod ye, leve, bow aft -we left The &eyrie' &smog toes, Te ersader by the green bermade, And beer its waters crooa The eissireer leaves liseg hwer our heeds, The .101,001 beret retied 010 feet, Asa des 'towns s' the weed, 'TM *wail WORSIAll Sweet ; Tha during whasslit in the wood. The bars meg te wee', And we with Natures bean is tame, Asd se die knows abase the bars. For hears dregither rat Is die iiknitnesa ie joy, till batik Wi. very 'Wiser gru •y, ay, deer Jessie Monsen, Team triskled dean year cheek, bike dew•besde ea a rose, yet sass Had my power tr. speak That wee a tiros, blessed time, Whoa limits were fresh sad mug, When freely tubed all feeling* forth, I marvel Jeanie Idismiese. Oin 1 hair bees as dim A. Ps huhu. to reel Thee tier es n doss mists 01 ea gin &IT sem bun grew gm I.ve weadered seen, I'm wandered west, %it is my wsederiags, far sr sear, T• sever were forget. The feent Alm first duet free this team —mil *Meek Leper te It ries, Oeser, dear Jessie laiikesa, Sim we lime sisilmed mum I'm mime sm. mar Mee, OOT heard The anon re year twigs* ; issedi beg all wreteliedsess, Asa happy made 1 die, PIT balm p.m beer iiilissamed dsie lad tne L. illammemes and honest expreesion of thought. But t . neceesity is his awn Amite ; and let meanly them 3 ile3ity abhorrence of the Cuncordat I their sublime contemplations—not dream - be that man's portion, who seism a power ! &along the more zealous niernbers of their! iog that an enemy wee lurking. in the which he cannot siistain but by doorning komintinion. Happy would it have been for neighbourhood, the Akers fied directly the mind through •. vast empire, to slavery, ! Napoleon had he left the, Pope and the &its n the precipitous, side of the mountain and gained the fort with the fieetnere of the stag— Thornily ke hewing discharged a pistol at ths dotty form of an Indian, which was_ swiftly approaching to intercept him at the moment of his Itgle. No other injury was received rftlf11 the adventure tl-an an taiimportant fleeh-wound by ono of the young suhalterns ; and as the asaailents did no,t ventere to tonible clown the mountain in imrsilit, the affair ended slatted 03 soon ae hegue—the brush being merely a matter of merriment among their companions, smnewhat at the expend?. of the etat-gmers, during the r..-tmainder of -the everting. Early on the following morning Thorn - sallied forth on a visit to the mete of his eveninz's surprise, by wey of reconnoitring the feuds in the vicinage. The foe,- which had in reality been merely a small ertaggling party of the Irequeda in the service ot the French commander at Ticonderoga, destin- ed upon a predatory expedoion against some border settlement of colonies, had fled leavIng stains of blood Upon their trail, egitsatim vieid as the glowing and sparkling lost in al . lion, and confonitaled. arr souse of the mete navigators relate of *Item selves, '. hy the ardIntot ellen* of cone% ad craned, columns end ,epiree, ra.l.i, from earcoine on the system ohich he 1 etre% ";, ond pieties of Are." berme! as 11 that to, 'night make it a subatanti .1 1/Unt919 1 heiren sere ponetng forth from iie um* of his government. He undoubtedty COD- /1040. Evoy shede of lieht and beauty, gratelated hello -If on the terms which he ard every combination of forma which ,it selected from the Pope, and %bleb bed never seemed rmeeinte l'oreattire heremf to deviee, boas coaceded t • the most powerful mow- were guecessively preeented to the rapt areha ; forgetting that his apparent sue- Oren of the beholders ;—alitl they might cess was the defeat vf hie plane ; fur jest as pettier* here cot -smiled te gime in alum he,eevere.1 the church from the supreme awes -id reltotration upon the gotgeoiti spec - pontiff, er.d placed liimai If eonspiciouely at taeln the hp long night, hal they not bean its 1 ead, he destroyed the only connexion" startled from thew celestial reverie by the which culla rive It infleencei Just so faults meek of a carshine, followad by several pourer over °melon aret cainectenee ceimed. irrogrilar and seattertee, ile.o`ouges of the rend.'r infamous thg 11$11111 of Montes m. 11 lemmas • curse eistrumeto ..f state, , pante dangerous weapon, anil tho nuaine i One inumn ,,4., while 1114 rangers were on- cuoteinned by Vie people, and serving only i of the ehrt:1 End more unwelcome seen,' s'l I dcavretrin; to switch • files repose in a to dctoonsteto 1110 espiring views of ite the eai-sainkwi, or !titan war. word. The temperary encaniprucii:3r Olt Mateo of muter. Accordingly. the French biehups party had 190 wespons bet their eidenams Ike (dsionektacto, in the neig1.6ourhousl of ih general refused to boll their sh,initiee caceetina l'hortoly ke, who wore piatols in the Coo* fells, Thurnilyke met with the fol. under this new host, preferred exile to the I his b'elt. Knowing.nothing uf the mothers lowing iuteresting adteuttire. The ireati- - fi f th b rcb and left behind I of the foe which lial so suidenly disturbed nele having been, posted, •rni every fleece, - eery precaiition taken to guard against a surprise, the captain took the oppuriunity to stroll along the river's briek, gazing with admiration upoo the wild and fresh, '-.- handiwork of Nature, it the edam time that fie kept an eagle -eye on the watch for apy traces of the wily foes of whosn he was in pursuit. Straying farther and yet farther, ho unconsciously, perhape, followed the swift current hurrying oliwatil to leap the pre,eieice at no great designee below, until ho turned the spur of a rocky elevation, which came ibruptly• down nearly to the water, around the bites of which the river took a sudden Mod,*and swept off in • different direction. HO Wig at this moment startled fur an instant, by observing a little Indian boy,. not exceeding eight or ten years of age, on the opposite side uf the stream, amusing himself - by 'skipping ,small fiat stones upon its strrfare. Ilia firet duty was to reconnoitre ; and taking a rapid glance in every direction, he perceived that there was a sins!! Indian lodge on the op- posite side of tlie river some hundred rods below ;—litit. with his glare he could also perceive thit it was only occupied -by a few wcimen and children—the warriors being absent. lie again turned his eye up n the, lineage urchio at his sport. Th'ili little fel- low, nfter:earelting fur, and. finding such small slates as his uny limbs mould 'miter, preparatory to each sueceselve cast of the mope, would retro a few rade back, and then dart forward swiftly to the river's brigk, to givegr:eter iinpulse to the intrude. atinotiphere was situp, but there benne no Dieskait'e •rinv on ice signal defeat at t Ile bad .. not perceived the ranger, who wind. it was legs cutting ana Revere titan isi , p!vt.• by R.r Williem Johniesn's force., and stood watetting his motions ; and becoming tisual at that eeasuntn such high American ; tl.e Muhawks under old llegulrick, litioen , more intent upon lila sport, and loss and ' 'ed ' months betOreb Thernilyke and hie piety 'less cireisinspect as he pursued it, he it discovered klarge Wien, in -a Fitting pos- ters, recliaing against the trunk of a huge hemlock. On approaching the inmate, he NUMB -ER 7 ror to the Indians alovg the wholAinikker. Indeed, oils the relickness of h the fury of hoe onsets, he was called the Waudia kar ka•jon, or, '• Waits Lynx of file Eon Fortunately for hima self, " The Lynx" was obeent in marsuit of a marstolng oarty of the Impost., on the heed.% erre of the Quenektgent, during the Henry be the French and Indians ut der Montealtr, In tim summer of 1757. Ile 'minter in the her Pile maseacre which fol- lowed the capitulaiion of thet Nieces, by the brave hot untiirtunate Monroe -s -a deed, the -reeorif of whtch forum the bloodiest page in the annals of American higtory, av Liu` remembrance of which will RTOT end by tummy; the press, that great organ of truth, into an instrument of public delu- sion and debasement. We pass to another memo of remov- ing ubstructionk to his peer Uhl terror which he spread by his severitiee, just be- fore assuming the imperial power. The murder of the Duke d'Enghien was jitetified by Napoleoe as a method of striking fear into the Bourbons, who, is Le saki, were plotting his death. This may hate bees one motive ; for wo have reasotutc4ink that Le was about that time threatened with assaesinatien. But we believe still more, that he intended to awe into alqui- escence the opposition which he knew weak{ be awakened in mime breasts, Ly the prostration of' the forms of the repubite, asid sell the worthy rival of Hannibal. 'I he energy which coodneted in army with its petal assaseinations of Piehogru and cavalry, artillery, and supplies, acres. the Wright, did create a dread, such as had not 1 latitudes. A heavy y • paths, which only the been felt before ; and whilst on previous oe- the ground to the depth of several feet, the chamois buuter, born and bred amidst cz.sions some faint breathings of liberty , surface of "Mich having been moistenea: by Alps, by untried glaciers and everlasting snows, had trodden, were to be heard in the legislative bodies, I a iceent thaw, had subsequently been so gare the impression, which of all othere 0,01 nue totes, that 01 Carnot, Wag raised strongly incrusted by the frost ps to afford he most desired to spread, of hie superiority , against investing Bonaparte , with the int- secure footing to the huntsman, the moue to nature aa well al In human oproioon. 1 perial crown, and laying France an septa- or the savage prowling upon the war -path. tected victim at hut feet. " The nioeu was urs and yet it was oot ni lit," as Outdo Harold has it ;—for, in Cburch to themselves. By occasionalls recognising aril employing, and insulting and 'degrading the . /Liman WWII; he fastened on, himself the brand of impiety., and awakened a religious hartred which eoutributed Mil measure to hie fall. LAKE ST. SACRAMENT. ST W1L GAM STOPS. Aad many g gloomy tile tradition yet Saves from oblivion of their struggles vain, Their prowess, and. their wronos. It C Sams the open assutnption of the imperia dignity, As one escaped from cruel hands I come, •, 'There were tiniest when Bonaparte doclanu• !ruin hearts that ne'er kaew pity ; dark and Duke d'Enghien. But no other could have anky'lr tel".elf r.tPhan'' bad":1 i;i1: blood' OW 00 MUD 1.1 gosaus gu. originated it. It bears internal marks of Gaon:rue lama its author. The boldness, ems two overpowering rapidity of the crimes point Fr wee early in the evening of a clear unerringly to the soul where it was son- bright night iu December, Wed, that a group by which it was 2le ir that Therndyke s ran. erred • We believe that one groat meow- of yoeng Lacers were stand.ng upon the dom shot had taken effect.- In .followir g mendation of this murder, was, that it would bleak and n:tkeu summit o e strike amazement sad terror into erweece bleuetain, at the distanmo perhaps, of Coco and Eerope, and show that he was prepared or foor furlongs', in a direct linc, from the to shed any blood, and te sweep before hire Bride& garrison ot 'Fort 1.1rilliam Henry, every obstruetion, M his WO to absolute 011 the head -waters of Lake Heorge. pewero. Certaimit is, that tlio open murder albs Duke d'Etighies, and the jestly sug- this trail down the western slope eif the mountain, a few mile, below the largo psol near ire bore, kowe fo this day's, " The Bloody l'onet" (from the Met of its having been the receptacle of the slain et Bares This enterprise was in one view a fearful omen to Europe. It showed a poweroover the minds of his soldiers, the eEfects of which were calculated. The conquest of St. Bernard by a French army was the boast of the nation ; but still more wonderful thing was, the capacity of the general to Mews into that army the intense force, coefidenee, revolution, and patience, by which alone the work could be accomplish- religion in Frame. Out religious prejudt- ed. The victory of Marengo,gained by one ces have no influence on our judgment of of the accidents of war in the moment of 1 this measuie. We make no objections to spparent defeat and ruin, securett to Bona -I it, as the restoration of a worship which on parte the dominion which he coveted. -1 many accounts we condemn. We view it There rem tin for our considered** other means employed by Bonaparte for buildiog up anti establishing his power, of a different character from those we hate mined, and which on this occount we cannot pars with- out notice. One of these was the Concur- dat, which he extorted from lb. Pope, And which professed to re-establish the Catholic FTISCP,, who, in her madness and folly, • plaesidter happiness in conquest, now felt tilt the glory of her arms was safe only in the hands of the Fast Consul : whilst the *eatery, who held the sceptre in their gift, became more thoroughly satiafied, that triumph and epode waited on his standard. Another important and essential meane of securing and building up his power, was the system of espionage, called the Police, which, under the Directory, had received a developetnent worthy of those friends of freedom, but which was destined to be per- fected by the wisdom of Napoleon. It would seem as if despotism, profiting by the experience of ages, had put forth her whole skill and resources is forming the French Police, and bad framed an engine, never to be supaseed, for stifling the faintest breath into of dmaffectioa, and chaining every free thought. This system of espionage (we are proud that we have no English word for the sidereal mochas.) had indeed been used under all tyrannies. &it it waited the craft of FOuche, and the energy of Bona parte, to disclose all its powers. In the language of our author. " it spread through aR tIse ramilleattens of society ;" that every man of the least knportance in the He wan watched at holm as well as abroad, and gareing-house ; and them last-named haunts furmithed mot a few reinisters of the Argne.eyed Police. There was an ear open tBreugb atf France Web the arttlepers of rival, omnipresenee and inviwibleeme, the itenilmbisaffr agency of the Deity. Of all in- s of tyranny, thief. the moat 'cle - 'MIMIC ft chine metal letereentere; fork', *We with misesal jealosimes and fears, aid eshausire of force mid manliness of shoran - Of. WO tiga, 1101VOTOTi 00150 00•110114100 fa !unfit that tylsota are tha prey of dis • tree, se Wel as Hre poopfe trier *had Odly oesele la Oar atm mama bat sea beta mama ever lb. viastisery obi* -vs Wag ralef/Ogall allestrate prow. the: tut ill a married folks faatigisiti1/2" sae malt elle of the Ore ea41 illti aft* ea that, taerliar their toss ma the assaip.s.4 now simply as an instrument of policy, an in this light, it seems to us no proof of the sagacity of Bonaparte. It helps to •confirm in us an impression, whish no other puts of his history give us, that he did nut un- derstand the peculiar character of h e age, and the peculiar aneoriginel policy which it demanded. Fie always used common- place means of power, although the unpre- cedented times in which he lived, required a system which should combine untried re- sources, and touch new !prongs of action.= Because old governments bad found a con- venient prop in religion, Napoleon imagined that it was a necessary appendage and sup- port of his sway, and resolved 'to restore it. But at this moment there were no foonda- tions in France for a religious establieh- mept, which could give strength and a character of sacredness to the supreme power. There was comparatively no faith, no devout feeling, and still more, no super- stition to supply the place of these. l'he time for the reaction of the religious princi- ple had'not yet arrived ; and d more likely means of retarding it could hardly have been devised, thee ane nursing care 01. tended to the church by Bonaparte, the re- cent lluseulmao, the knows despiser of the ancient faitb, who bad no worship at heart bot the worship of himself. Instead of bringing nh�i up to the aid of the stabs, it -was' tmp'de.*t• that Basil • login slilteld touch it, without loosening the faint told whish it yet retained en tbsp.ople. Torre were none so igooraet as to be the dupe of the First Consul in thia particular.— Every man, woman, and child, knew that's wu playing the part of a jiggler. Not one religions asvoeiation could be formed with hie chariest ov Overthrown. It was • lamming proof of 114 soiGsagierating meaty of Benaparse. and of hos oversees of Lb. Ingham principles of homes nater, that he not only lipped to revive and tern to hie aecount the old religion, but imagin- ed that be eosld, if aer-,eseary, have created s new ewe. "tied the Pope neer 'rioted Wove, hs'bbeuId hate bele made for tie eoeesiew," ase -the .pe s4 of NN peptise eibrWa :sus if gelignite@ tapsedeg soli hal. Ms were Mugge to MeU $ ewdar deel,s. Ancient by addition to the peerless qiieen, and the count- less array of eters stiehline her pathway, Point and Ticonderoga attempted to take without stopping to 'aquae whether he was might mit be perilling bis own life to save length ran forward with a stone tou heavy fur laittlItteareas to wield, and in the act of esertirtrlrie utmost force in the cam, loot was found alive, bet weakened by the loss his'bribumse, and phinged headlong into the of blood, and torpid froin cold. Ile wee dark and mpid waters. The little savage humaros4 removed tato the garrieon, and could swim, of course, and Tborndyke could every ,affention pael to his recovery, with , niP0 have matched Leander in this exercise. ouch care andl success. that, during the Perceiveg moreover that the curreot was h the French from Crown too swift and strong for theirs)), to master, and glittetine, in her train, the northern por- Fort 1. lam e ry pe , tioo of the heavens was irradiated by the . nearly, if not quite recovered. The expe- Aurora borealis shooting up from the 11111011 to which we have no& referred was horizon in streams of glory, and stretching well concerted by the French commander. athwart the sky with varied beauty and un- The design of Monte:din was, in the dead wonted magnificence. For the porpose of viewing thie (sublime spectacle eith greater satisfaction, Caplaio Thorndyke and several of Ilia companions :tad left the garrison and climbed to the sem- mit of the mountam, from whore loftier height they could overlook, as it were, the range of hills running off in the direction of Canada, on the notth-weetern side of the lake. Nor was their labour loet. The dis- play of this beautiful phenomenon, the cause of which man'a wisdom has hitherto f mod it impossible to explain, wns on that even- ing pecailiarly grand and imposing --exciting the epeeist! adrurration and wonder even of those who, like our party, were accustomed to therm faiatastic fireworks of the sky. Ai une moment, a wide space of the arc of the northern hemisphere would he illuminated by the rapid 'succession of flashes* of light quicker than th'ii eye can wink, and 'loft and intent as the fleecy moon -lit eland. Theen wore sucee.eded byetniden streams of colour- ed lightearlazing up, and emoting, in diverg. trig tracks, Mr into the empyrean. Teen wonld follow a broad blaze of brighter bursting upwatd as if from a cloud of minute luminous particles. . These flashes would be superseded in turn by histrotin celuenne shooting novord,—otretching and bending like arches two•tbirde seines the starry 10 • 11101140/14 glorpruk radii, rising and following each other in coast less %accession atid playing in every beautifel variety .— Iiert and their bl lace of white and rod light Would ifielD91 ACI -1/%9 911011Ey..9ho09Ing past setreeng acmes of indescribable effalgence of the winter, to cross the lase ova the lee, and by coming sullenly upon the struggling wimpalled, though uselerely, work*, carry them by er.C31.0/17. And it had lege:fed the stream ; and happily succeeded ' re reOC:11 II/Z hint from the cataract over wit:claire meet inevitably have been swept, bed he been borne along many rods farther. The mother bevies moiled licr little truant, while In search of him aroma' upon the river's brink feet in season to witness his peril, ahl-the manner of his rescue. The agony of ono moment was only exceeded by the joy of the next. iler child had been rayed ; but the parties were hostile, and it was • prisoner in the hands of a foe upun whom her people had no clxirn for generosi- doubts, and the airugglest passing in hcr mind. Obeerente al.0 • eines tilt lay (-lose under the bank -at no great dietetic. above, he drew a white ,heedketchnet from hie pocket, and wavIng it in the air, pointed 1,, the bark, an! beckoned her tu come over sod receive her child. Neither distrust nor danger weighed a feather against the natu- ral affection, of the mother. fibs reached the canoe with the fleetness of a (Awn, and paddled it across the stream with the dex- terity of ao Argonaut, where she clasped Mr ehdd in such an embrace as It she•bear might &end to a garnet cub. Bat it wee an alrottonate ORO ; end for brew mimeo elle ternately scolded the title tomtit, covered htm with kisses. -The juven of pinch be wee set eotiecious,oetrest n entire fa tbe-dotittng %Mat es alto. Pm - ',lee! upon rite ranee neek as .1 part of tos huge:. Creel, and expresetng • emir* for it, o helm readily geY6 to Mgt ; rot the fortber grartilleation of the cloth' Oe diseuromhered lite sCh-chwhe the yoonglnifianhe samteatton. Ph 'them prettel,te, mere te.tel is thettesuiras, yet of to tot engeote et tie stream, sad tlie rims rr um' tiom ie "mewl hie esinp-•• utertemg tne lewd the bea•ril he had rut NS arai so hewer: 110011 gO0 SW woo eseemetitty rehemeg the arms, ts r as pear to Meis It had mope el eis one that might grow up and at some future time take hia own scalp, the ranger want forward, and outstripping the current a abort &lance, plunged intrepidly into the torrent •where the ,dusky little hero was statuling the wonted vigilance ot Major Ayres, the Britten commander, hail it not been for an ineldent which few but the lynx - eyed Thor; dyke would hare detected, the enrprise woeld have ham complete. Ma roi-ah.jun, the captive Indian—or, He-tisal goes, to render tee name into a Outflow look from tho top of the ramp ert, a proper 'levee of watchfulnesa ,being observed to ;orient his escape. On one of these oc- ...Isom'', cornier( upon the top of the wall, he was idler:treed by the quick eye of Thorn• dyke' to s'art ineddenly, prick up his ears, And snuff the wind whie:osweet up. the lake., with a distended noctrd. His eye likewise gleamed with eavage hartre. But although the Indian au soddenly checked bia *welling emotione, and recovered his cold dissembl- ing expression of cuantennace, yet the in- dication had been eirelcieut. The igarrison was irotaittly suninioneJ to arms the seeti• nela doubled with the approach uf tariltght, and evetj precaution taken to verde:11'nm lurpriae, and repel an assatitt. Late m the night, with the stilnesa of the fox, a column troop were observed tu epprutch, aril Ai they gained motor upon the fort, they broke into separate divisions OT were begtnnina that mem:Barre, ae though- to make three simultaneous attacks, when a few brisk dis- charge. of artillery, though net truflicieotly well directed to do muck exantion. tohl the enemy tOot their cowmen; bed bac, anticipated• The consequence of 'web au rapid retreat. The French eltealt on was compiled in port of Indians aid as Ma int at the sulleitatim of Toeyegyke he wee limo forms Ay's( away, fm a time, left Wtle resecublisg the reflection oceans or a broad' lyer cutlet° softened at Ito tippler edges, tit II iti bras/icy was mingled end losit lir' tle• deep elate. Suddenly agath Mesh WM. of ethereal Ned *until teems wineardishfoo esyriole of menet*, chatting sub other le lorniemss Mid eau ukase mit*. Winans with lion, degrees of intensity, AO ate* Main satteg the bessens with commode's'', if pos•ihle, -richer eol more Itirketlfhlikai fame, from' fre light slivery to the glerwieg tints of de more 1W,th the deparhore of the venom al toiorangeire ;togwe an! l'utnwasin goorri ass. le OW derwripoor• 4 warfare, his rank in the *melee, vying esen wide Id - til his nem, him thefts, elm ••earee I ter